Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 14, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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7 A
Mrs. Ryan's H. C. L War Of
fice Fluted First Day With
' r Kicks Sent In by
i Consumers.
Mr. C. G. Kyan. federal fair price
commissioner for Nebraska, here for
a campaign against high prices in
Omaha, continued to be swamped
late yesterday with complaints of
profiteering received from consum
ers here. Not the least of these
were vigorous often bitter
charges of profiteering in rental
prices. '
More than 200 complaints dealing
' wiili t alleged txtortionate rental
figures were received'by Mrs. Ryan
at the Federal .'building yesterday.
These have come in by. mail and
The investigation of alleged
profiteering in rental properties is
not directly a part of, Mrs. Ryan's
campaign to lower the cost of living.
Every complaint, however, under
thiV subject will be-, carefully in
vestigated. These complaints will
be turned over by Mrs. Ryan to the
Omaha Real Estate hoard. ' '''
Leo Bozell, secretary of the real
estate board, and I. Shuler, presi
dent, indicated yesterday that no ef
fort would be spared in investigat
ing every bona fide complaint of
rent profiteering.
Col. H. W. George, Civil
War Veteran, , Favors
Candidacy of Pershing
Col, H. W. George, will known
Nebraska war veteran, is in favor
of the nomination of General Per
shing by the national republican
convention next June.'
"I have known General Pershing
since he came as military instructor
to the .University . . of Nebraska,"
said Colonel George. "General. Per
shing is a clean-cut American a
distinguished soldier, organizer and
strategist. He not only surprised
his own countrymen, but set a pace
for the world with his ability, his
clear judgment, his planning and ex
ecution. . "It was he who brought the
world's war to a close at least a
year sooner than was expected. He
returned to us, made a report to
our government, gave our boys the
credit of it all, and did not even
merttion himself in the entire report.
He is a man of honesty and com
petency in governmental affairs.
"Business will be restored by his
great organizing abilities; law and
order will prevail; the constitution
of the United States will be adhered
to strictly in the interests of the
people, and not the classes. If he
is elected to the presidency, his or
ganizing ability will bring order and
. prosperity to our whole country."
Indians and 'Lemon
Extract Mix; Three
In Jail as Result
From a window of the Rex hotel,,
Sixteenth and California streets,'
George Phillips, Winnebagq Indian,
saw his wife, 'Bad Eye," leave the
place with 'Jefferson Wolf of Walt
hiil. Neb., yesterday afternoon.
George called police.
Police investigated and found six
bottles of lemon extract in a bu
reau in George's room, 1
"Yah, he left 'cm here for me an'
' then took 'Bad Eye,'" George cried.
"Um-m-m-m, but 1 ketch 'em." ' .
The deserted husband is crippled
with; rheumatism and asked the po
lice to take him to the , Webster
street depot to possibly locate, "Bad
Eye" and "Wolf."
Police found them together with
a suit case filled with lemon extract.
Five minutes later, the iiames Jef
ferson Wolf and a companion, Ar
thur Brown, appeared on the blot
ter at Central police station oppo
site charges of illegal possession of
Phillips was booked with drunk
enness. .. , . ,' ,
Wolf and Phillips were placed in
&epa'rete cells. . Phillips' .' wife was
taen in charge by, relatives. ,
, Boy Scout Drive Here
For Budget of $35,000
Declared Unsuccessful
The local Boy 'Scout 'drive for
$35,000 for the 1920 budget, which
' has been boosted by the Rotary club,
has not been successful so far, ac
cording to Executive G. .M. Hoyt.
Only $10,000 has been raised to
date. ' t- :.' ; -
"We have tried the mail system
this time," said Mr. Hoyt yesterday.
"Starting next week we shall at
tempt the personal campaign."
, 1 The money is to be used for local
purposes only. None of it will go
to national headquarters. Camp Gif-
ford is the big item in the budget.
The camp is the playground and
also the workshop of Omaha scouts.
Harry A. Abbott, manager of the
American Radiator company, is
chairman of the campaign. W.E.
Rhoades is treasurer.
OmaHa Women Who Bake Own
Bread Increase in Number
Since grocers began selling flour
at wholesale prices 'the; number of
housewives who bake their own
bread, has Increased 25 per cent,
Ernest Buffet, president of the Oma
ha Retail Grocers' association, an
nounced yesterday.
Mr. Buffet declared that the gro
cers wjll co-operate to their fullest
extent with the work of the federal
fair price commission. They pro
pose, he explained, to follow their
own system and plans, jn reducing
prices, however. t ; . !f
J. J. Cameron, secretary of the as
sociation, declared that since the
campaign against prices began last
Wednesday, fee has been busy ex
plaining to women that' the differ
'. ence in prices quoted, on .flour .is
caused - by . some grocers selling at
that price two weeks ago, and some
at present wholesale figures.
' Usfetlnc FUtore Puryeaa Graa
' '. Adw. .,.'...-., ,
"-'- " . . '. ':'', - V.
' f t. V: : " ' ; ' :x ." i.
Louis W. Setz, Omaha
Lawyer, Tells Why He
Favors Gen. Pershing
. !
Louis YV. Setz, Omaha lawyer
with offices at 1610-1614 Keeline
building, and- an "ex-service man,
says that he is for General Persh
ing's nomination and election.
, In' a letter to the Nebraska Sol
diers! and Sailors' Pershing club he
says: "I am for Pershing for presi
dent. If there is any such thing, he
is surely a representative American.
We have had enough of the dreamer
type of executive and are more than
ready for the efficient, common
sense type that General Pershing's
whole record shows clearly that he
would be.
"If Pershing is nominated I be
lieve he would win in a walk. To
talk about the ex-service men not
voting for an ex-soldier for presi
dent is as much as to say tliat they
are disloyal to their memories of
service and to their hopes for
proper relief measures. You know,
and every ex-service man knows,
that no one knows better the hor
rors of war and hates war more
than a man like General Pershing
Omaha Produce Men Plan '
To Open Fruit Exchange
Plans for the establishment of a
fruit and vegetable exchange, which
dealers declare will make Omaha one
of the leading distributing points in
the fruit trade.'are being worked out
by a cqmmittee of local commission
men. t N
According to H. J. Schifl'crle, of
Zipfel-Schitterle company, such an
exchange will protect the fruit and
vegetable prodacers and will increase
market facilities for Omaha mm-
mission firms.
The plan has been endorsed by
Lee Stuhr. secretary nf the Nchras.
ka department of agriculture.
Old Resident of Omaha Dies;
Masons to Conduct Funeral
John T. Blair, one of the oldest
residents of Omaha, died Friday aft
ernoon at his home at 2106 Douglas
street. Mr. Blair was employed in
the Bureau of Animal 'Industry of
the federal government at the local
packing houses for more than 25
years. He was a member of Cap
ital lodge, No. 3, A. F. and A. M..
for over 50 years. The lodge will
have charge of his funeral, which
will be held Sunday afternoon at 2
from the Masonic temple.
Bee Want Ads Are Best Business
Pilcer to Build Dance
Palace as Gaby. Memorial
Paris, March 13. Harry Pilcer,
former dancing partner of Gaby
Deslys, announced today that he in
tends to devoie the legacy be
queathed to him by his lost friend
to the construction of a mammoth
dance palace as a memorial to her.
James E, Enewold Dies.
James E. Enewold of Omaha died
Saturday afternoon at the age of
72 years.' Funeral services .will be
held at 2 o'clock this afternoon at
Dodders' chapel.- Interment will be
in Forest Lawn cemetery.
Attention, Sheet Music Customers
A pur records were destroyed by fire, we would like (
to have our customers who have music ordered with us
call in at our store at 114 South' 15th street, at we are
receiving music daily and no doubt we have your mu
sic for you. Kindly call at our present location or '
phone Douglas 1623.
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Con piny
' 114 South 15th Street
This Great Store Hums Like
a Beehive
It is the value-giving center of Omaha. Like1 a huge
magnet, it draws thrifty! thousands from the four
corners of the city because It is pur policy to sell
quality merchandise at the lowest possible price. '
we own
' . r v '
, HOWARD ST.. BETWEEN, 15a 18''
A Message for Newcomers
to Omaha
You are especially Invited to nee what "The Fast
est Growing Store in the Middle West" can do to help
you economize on homefuinishings.
We are experts in making homes more cozy and
homelike. v
What Bowen's Creed of Service aiid Value-Giving Really Means
"To build a business that will never know completion but that will advance
continually to meet advancing conditions
"To develop stocks and service to a notable degree
"To create a personality thaCioill be known for its strength and friendliness
"To arrange and co-ordinate activities to the end of winning confidence by
meriting it
"To Strive always to secure the satisfaction of every customer
"This is the airri of Bo wen's that is being impressed more and more indelibly
as the days go by upon the character of the business itself
Size Poster Beds
More beautiful beds are difficult to find.
. Poster beds have character and indivi
quality, they take one back to the olden days
when every well furnished home contained
at least one Poster bed.
These beds are made in brown mahogany,
superbly finished. Like the illustration and
in twin size only. .-,,"
Not sold separately. "
Bowen's Value-Giving Price,
at, eack
Our Drapery Salon Maintains All That Is "Voue"
Trained Interior Decorators Can Skillfully Work Ont All Your Decorating Problems
New Spring Carriages
This Lloyd Loom Woven Carriage is un.
breakable and well finished; proof against
weather. ;
Has adjustable hood; lined with Bedford
' Strongly made, resilient springs, reversible
gear, full tubular handles. Your choice of
Ivory, brown or gray, tOQ 7C
-at, each O
Lloyd Strollers Loom woven, , in choice
colors, fitted with leather
cloth hood
Bowen's to
Solve Your
, Window
Allow us to give
practical . advice
and assistance in
working ont har
monious plans for
wall and window
treatment suited
to any specific
character of room
along with its
present or con
templated f u r
nishings. The
great importance
of pleasing dis
play effects finds
a right solution,
as often, perhaps,
in efficient exe.
cution of detail
work, as in cor
; rect design and
color harmony.
$17.85 L
Excellent Quality - Tape Edge
Marquisette, highly mercerized
thread, ahsolutely without siz
ing; 36 inches wide,
at, per yard
Tapestry Couch Covers, in dark
rich foliage designs, size 60x108
Inches and most beautiful for
your couch
at each
Imported Swiss Lace Panelling,
embroidered designs mounted on '
fine double thread bobbinet 9
to 12 inches wide, at per strip
, '1.70'n'12-
Ruffled Grenadine Curtains, fine
dots and very dainty; cream
white only, 2 Inch OC
ruffles, per pair.... P
Allow us to show you oiir quality of shades, and give you
our estimates. ,
and New
Ideas at
Late arrivals in
damasks and sat
ins, and the new
velvets and bro
cades In Italian
pinks, make up
the wondrous dis
play in overdrape
materials and fur
niture coverings,
now to be seen in
our Display Salon
Happily, the
prices of pleasing
fabrics at Bow.
en's are by no
means high, and
you may save by,
having p r e t ty
cretonnes for cur
tains instead of
something more
Choice Selections in Reed
These reed rockers in ivory finish and
beautiful cretonne covering are very hand
some. Very appropriate for the sun room, bed
room or living rpom.
The removable cushion and the back are'
both covered with rich cretonne.
There are coil springs In the seat, which
makes them very comfortable.
Bowen's Value-Giving Price
of rocker illustrated
Other reed rockers,
upholstered, at
Simmons Cribs for Baby
These cribs are safe for baby; the ends
and sides are high. Fitted with good
springs, guaranteed not to sag.
Your choice of white or fc1 O Cfi
VernlB Martin finish, at . . , . P 1 OU
Bowen's Value-Giving prices on other Sim
mon's cribs in mahogany finish
18.75, '27.50, $29.75
Simmons Cribs are the best. .
Quality Expressed in Bowen Duofolds
Duofolds are very useful as well as good looking.
In small homes they are particularly essential; they do away with or.
bed room. ' V.
During the day a duofojd is a beautiful piece of furniture, used as a diva;
By night it is used as a full sized bed; convenient and comfortable.
In fumed and golden oak they are priced at '.-.' '
$55.00, $62.50, $68.75, $72.50, $78.50
Library Tables of Refinement and Beauty
A large assortment of library tables is awaiting you here.
Tables in all sizes, styles and finishes. A library table adds greatly to the
furnishing of your home, and at Bowen's you can secure one at a most rea
sonable price. . .
Bowen's tables are of guaranteed' quality, they are made to give years of
satisfactory service. Fumed and golden oak tables at
$12.50. $16.75, $19.50, $23.75, $29.50, $37.50
Comfort and Happiness Through Bowen's
t TV' ' 1".
, Lrooa furniture
. High quality and artistic design have always been the standard of our merchandise ;
and our living room furniture is no exception to the rule. We vouch for the excellency of
Ihese goods inside as well as out. t '
Massive Overstuffed Davenport luxurious- Beautifully. Upholstered Tapestry Rocker,
y upholstered in excellent quality tap- the coldrs and pattern of tapestry are very
estry; broad, soft arms; spring filled 'cush- desirable; rocker is rigidly coustructed
ions and spring back at Bow- ti fip An at Bowen's Value-Giving $OA7?
en's Value-Giving Sale :V. .... ID J , Sale Price OV
Mahogany and Cane Davenport; in rich Velour; a beautiful Tan and Blue stripe of excel
lent quality ; cane back and ends at Bowen's 1 1 750 .
ings for
. .. ,i
Whether your
requirements are
the" furnishings
complete for a
home, or if a sin
gle piece of furaL.
ture is wanted
Bowen's is ' the
logical place to
make your pur
chase. You are guar
anteed Quality
ssj Value-Giving Price ..... ,
Refined Dining Room Suite in Louis
XVI Design
Beautifully made in genuine walnut and attractively decorated. Each piece priced
as follows : -. -
The, large'Buffet $164.60 The 54-inch Table ....... .$115.00 '
Blue Leather Chairs 28.50 China Cabinet 110.00
Dining Pieces in Jacobean Oak
- i
A finish that is-enduring as well as good in appearance. '
Jacobean Extension Table Jacobean Buff et, Neat De- Jacobean China Cabinet-'
'48-Inch Top sign and . With Mirror Extra Large Size
$58.75 $61.50 $47.50
' , .1'
5 ' '