V Lincoln Bureau S: Bee COMMISSIONER OF LANDS MADE ELECTIVE OFFICE Action' Taken oh Executive y.M by Constitutional Con . ! vention Hope to Finish ! Work This Week. A. Barrowa, Correspondent- - ; Lincoln, Neb., March 13. (Spe-cial.-The constitution! convention ' took a recess Saturday until next Monday at 1 o'clock when it ii hoped that the members will be able to fin ish things up by the end of the week. I Saturday merning the executive bill canie back long enough to rein atate the land commissioner as one of the elective state officers. 1 Proposal 319, which gave the leg islature the power to petition the governor to call special sessions of the legislature, was killed. Passed to Third Reading. l: The following proposals ware passed to third reading and ' float passage: 1 ; ' 'No. 821 Providing for jury -verdict in tvll caaci by a five-sixth vote. ' No. 33Declars the ElKlIsh language . to be the oclal lanKuace of the state for He!al records, "ana the common - scnooi branches shall be taught in said lan ' uage In public, private, denominational ana parochial schools. No. 108 Signatures to petitions to Inl tlate a law to be 7 per cent of the voters t the hint general election; to Initiate a constitutional amendment 10 por cent, and . to refer a law passed by the legislature 6 ' Tier cant. Only the title of bill being- re ferred, to be printed on the petitions for signatures. i No. 314 Legislature .of 1921 shall divide the stale into representative and senatorial districts, one representative ana one sen ator to each district, on basis of federal census, statei not to be redlstrloted oftenor ' than every 10 years. '., Limit- Xefftelatlva. No. S15 House of representatives to lontaln not more than 100 'members and senate nor mora than CO, sessions to be .blennluL. ' ..... . No. 311 Raises pay or legislators from ' SHOO Ut S0 for session. No. 318 Bills before legislature to be . real liy title first two times and 'la full ' on Third Wains. , , No. 78 Member of legislature shall not be appointed to civil office durtng term for which elected. No. 71 Legislature shall not grant ex tra) compensation to any publlo officer after 'services have been rendered, nor to con tractor after contract Is entered Into, nor '- e ball any public officer, including officers , whnn compensation is fixed by the leglsla- i ture be increased or diminished during his '.term of office. -. . , No. :t:so Minerals, salt springs, coal or ' oil nn land belonging to state shall never h alienated, but provisions may be made , by luw for lonsinsver developing the same, No. 317 In jiassage? of bills through letrifliirure.'. concurrence "5n "amendments of oinx'slto house, and adoption of confer ence committee reports, requires the same ; number to vote for It as does the original .bill. . .., ' .''' " ' ; High Court Objects n $10,000 Award for i ; Breach of Promise i .; -r- '' i Lincoln, Match; ,13. (Special.) ;From a judgment awarded Mabel ii Rich of $10,000 in the: district court of -fierce county, against John M. , Fulton, on a breach of promise suit, - the supreme court takes exception ,ahd sends the case back for another .ifial. . The case is one in which the plaint "SflE alleged "deceit resulting m de .bauchery," humiliation and Joss of husband. The plaintiff alleges that . the defendant represented ', to her ' ' that her husband was dead when he "'really did not know whether he was ijdead or not ; .'. ' ' : The defendant was 56 veais of age 'tad the plaintiff 44. She had two (Children and1 worked (occasionally at the farm home of the defendant In doing the house work. Illicit as-f tociations began and the defendant juras induced to bring action for di vorce from her husband, which was ; dismissed 29 months later. V i The high court holds that a mar riage contract entered into 'within five years from the time that either the husband or wife shall have-ab sented themselves is void as against public policy, unless such absent wile or husband was dead or di vorced. ' Eight filings Made to Get Names on Ballot in Primary Election Lincoln, March 13. (Special.) Ihe following filings were received at the office of the .secretary of state:. ,-'';.! G. -M. Hitchcock fo the demo cratic nomination for the presi dency. . Willis G. ""Spare atvrt Tsni.. If Fitzgerald of Omaha for district judge in thV Omaha district. James T. Begley for judge of the Second district. v. , Merton Young of Pickrell for re publican nomination for representa tive, Thirty-fourth district. ,- . . Thomas Hill of Beatrice for re publican nomination for state sen ate in the Fourteenth, district David C Patterson of Omaha for democratic nomination for congress Second district A Ward M. Randol of Waynt for representative in the Twentieth dis trict. .Mr. Randol is a republican and a returned soldier. interesting Pcstoffice ' Fight Expected in Lincoln Lincoln, March 13. (Special.) The death of Postmaster Sam Hud son of Lincoln, will, bring I out a fight for the appointment which may cut some figure in the cominir elec- tion according to pojjticians here. " " cauy uiiuersiooa mat saru Whiting, who organized the "Bryan Home Guards" in one of the memorable battles put up for Wil liam J. Bryan for the presidency, and a candidate'before for the post office appointment, Inay again en ter the race. The appointment will come under civil service regulations and this may cause some trouble to some of the faithful who may look with longing eyes toward the $5,000 job. Reciprocal Demurrage Law Is Unconstitutional Lincoln, March 13. fSoecial.1 The supreme court h61ds in an ap peal from Douglas . county on the validity of the' reciprocal demurrage act by the Chicago, Burlington and yuincy Kailroad company in a case brought by the Sunderland Brothers company of Qmaha that "where a statute makes makes a railroad com pany liable for$l per day 'per car in forwarding, giving notice or de livery, and in addition thereto, imr posing liability for actual damages caused by such delay, by jiecessary implication, it is in violation of sec tion 21, article 1 of the constitution." Circus Not Allowed in Lincoln Before State Fair Lincoln. Neb.. March 13. (Soe- cial Telegram.) The-.city commis sion 1ere looked with favor on a request of E. L. Danielson, sec retary of the board of state fair managers, who asked that no circus or similar organization be granted Heense to show in Lincoln during the two weeks previous to the State fair. ' r ' - :r. Changes Made in Heads . Of State Institutions Lincoln. March 13. (Special.) Miaa Lena E. Ward, who for 13 years nas been superintendent of the girl's industrial home at Milford. has been appointed superintendent of the Girls' Industrial school at Ge neva to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mrs. Treat. Miss M. E. Meyer, who has been bookkeeper at the Milford institution for the same number of years, has been made superintendent of the Milford home. . ' DeWitt Farmers Plan to Build Big Stock Pavilion Beatrice, Neb., March 13. (Spe cial.) The farmers and- stock raisers of the Devitt vicinity have decided, to build- a large stock pavilion. A committee s been appointed to secure estimates on the proposed tructure. No Accident Week Unlucky ' For Jjncoln Car Company Lincoln, Neb., March 13. (Spe cial.) "No accident wcel?" has been flnlucky for the traction company here. A traction automobile truck and a Butternut Bread wagon crashed a Eleventh and Washing ton streets at 8:30' a. rh. -Saturday. The wagon was badly damaged. George Ellis, driver, narrowly es caped injury.. The traction company suffered a smiliar collision with one of its trucks Friday. Lone Thief Makes Haul In . Lincoln Fraternity House Lincoln, Neb., March"! 13. (Spe cial.) A lone thief made a neat haul at the Delta Phi fraternity house here last night. Funds be longing to the fraternity, amount ing to $250, were stolen from M. E, Bek. A scarf pin valued at $125 and $35 in cash was taken from H. D Matthews, and another diamond pin valued at $35 stolen. The total loss aggregated nearly $500. v Give to Hospital Fund Lincoln, Neb., March 13. (Spe cial.) Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Jeary gave $1,000 to the city hospital fund today. The ttal now raised nears S100.000, and thecity has voted $100,000 in bonds. ' ' Ask Kinkaid to Aid in Getting War Trophy from France to Burwell Washington, March 13. (Special Telegram.) "Uncle Mose", Kinkaid, who has all sorts of requests for as sistance was called upon recently to enlist the War xdepartment's 'help in transporting a German canrion from France to, Burwell, Neb., which1 has been presented by the French gov ernment to Maj. L. B. Fenner of that town in appreciation of the latter's meritouous work in behalf of French prisoners returning from Germany." Major Fenner, whp held-a om mission n the army, was also a deputy commissioner of- the Red Cross in Europe, spending six months of his European service, in the Balkan states,' -! Shortly after the return of Major Fenner tg Burwell he received a lct- ee from the I'rencu government. stating that the secreWTy of state for France had placed at his disposal a 105 German cannon, which is an ex ceedingly large gun, weighing about 9,000 pounds. This trophy will be delivered at shipside by the French government but how to get it across the sea is a serious question. Con gressman -Kinkaid took the matter up vwith the War department and was advised that if the French "gov ernment will deliver the trophy to the joint transportation office at Ant werp, charges paid, arrangements will be made for shipment on a United States shipping board vessel, frpm Antwerp to New York. This is the second request the War department has had since the ter mination of the war to aid in the transportation of a cannon captured from the Germans to the United States, the first request coming from Los Angeles,. : Bee Want Ars Are Best Business Boosters. 'T ' V Doubt Arises Over Scheduled Opening of " ' : Omaha Air Mail Indications were yesterday that W. J. McCandless, direttor of the Omaha-Chicago aerial mail service, would not be able to carry ouiThis promise to start operation of the service Monday, March 15. No word has been received from hinr here since he went east two weeks ago with the announced pur pose of rushing completion of re building of eight War department planes, which were to be put into serviceimmediately on the Oqiaha Chicago aerial route. , " , Fostmaster C. E. .Fanning was dubious yesterday over prospects of the service opening Monday. He thought Director McCaudless prob ably had encountered unforeseen dif ficulties and would find it necessary to postpone ihaueuratins regular daily service. 11. E. Smith, chief mechanic for the Omaha air mail station, said Saturday it was possible emergency-4 planes at Chicago might be pressed info, service for trips between Oma-' ha-and Chicago, until the planes as signed to this division could arrivt from New York City and Cleveland, where they are being prepared for mail x service. He had no definite information to that effect, however. . , . West Point Awards Contract For $450,000 High School West Point, Neb., March 13. (Special.) Contracts were awarded to Henry Olson & Sons of Davi ' d'tv for the construction of the new $430,000 high school building here. The building will be completed and ready for occupancy in 1921. Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. . ( iiniiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiNiiiiiii itiiiitiiniiiiyiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniuiiiiiii TYLER 3000,",",",",",","," IIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIItlllllltnilUIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIHtt SIXTEENTH AND HOWARD STREETS SPRING IS COMING Your children need the refining influence of music in the home. Do not neglect this side of their education. ' - - , BUY YOUR PIANO BEFORE APRIL 1ST and Save $75 to $150, i Our necessity to sell more than a score of fine Pianos below the market price is your gain. WE MENTION A FEW New $375 n:WsL Upright Grand, dJOQC , Pay $10 DlSbOp Oak Caa . .-..J. y-fiJO Monthly Ued risJ Upright Graiid, COOC Pay $10 $425 LlarenaOTl Mahogany Ca ..... DO Monthly Used Ca : ft. CI 1. Upright Grand, QOC Pay $10 $475 tflury X tldlKOskCe . M Used CJLnwm Unright Grand. $550 iJtUUUaUU Mahogany Cat onthly Used $350 A uPri1,t Cpmm, AriOn, bonisa Casa . , PsVS' $125: Used $650. Monthly Pay $8 ; Monthly $435 Monthly 1920 Aeolian $695 Pay $20 Monthly UA JJvff Upright Grand, naauOril Mahogany Casa. Also Ask to, Sea tha Player Piano, at V.. J...... vSj Remembar, we guarantee the "Aeolian" It will ontplayland oatwear any player plana of equal price, and we will take yotur eld plane in aa part payment. V y Balance on eaay wrm. v or wrnt 1807 Farnam QMAHA, NEB. Refrigeration By, the HERRICK is the most scientific and per-, feet system of keeping food pure and palatable known. In stead of the stagnant air, of the old ice chqst a continual - cir culation of f resh, ice-cold air cools everything ia a Herrick, leaving the original flavors not mixing them and leaving everything perfectly dry even such things as salt or sugar. The Herrick is at the same time most economical, very easily cteaned and so honestly constructed that long-time service is assured. Residence models are priced as follows, arranged for out side icing to special order: 60-lb. Odorless, White Spruce - lined, each . ., $40.00 60-lb. White Enamer lined, at $47.00 75-lb. Odorless , White. Spruce lined $45.p0 75-lb. White Enamel lined, at ..V., $54.00' 10tf-lb. Odorless White Spruce lined, each $59.00 100-lbL White Enamel alined, at ......... $68.00 ,115-lb. :White Enamel lined, -r at $83.00 130-lb. Odorless White. Spruce lined, at 'Vi';- $65.00 Outside cases of solid oak,s finished golden. Other fin ishes to special order. ' Announcing the Arrival of a Very Valuable Shipment of Hand Loomed Ofiental Rugs THESE rugs were Selected by us from a large importation lately 'arrived in this country, that Had previously been warehoused at the Various ports of embarka tion since. the beginning of the European war. We consider thatswe are. exceeding ly fortunate, in securing so excellent n assortment, seeing that Orientals are so scarce and Hard to procure. The collection. include?: f , Mahals, Anatolians, Ispahans, Kermanskahs, Royal Sanies, - I - Araks, Chinese and many others. The sizes vary fronfthe small gem-like table mat to the large carpet size. t Omahans are especially urged to make their selec tion from this assortment as, early as possible in order that they may secure the color schemes they most desire and that harmonize with, their rooms. Special appointments 'for private showings can be made over the tele phone.. Our Rug Experts will j be glad to Tender every assistance, to .prospective . buyers in the; spirit ;pf service.. ; , : A rfative Weaver 1 8 Always In Attendance 1 o- r r ... : : ,. . . ;. ml k04 wm M Usm v -T-hicklyOverstuffed Davenport r AS ILLUSTRATED IN BLUE OR ' MULBERRY FIGURED VELOUR Exactly as illustrated a loose spring cushion type of excep-, tiojial merit. The outside back is covered, as are the backs-of all O. & W. Davenports, permitting use in' the center'of the room or in front of a fireplace. ' , , $19500 : "ROCKER OR CHAIR Tb MATCH $110.00 v Our Own Make- It would be impassible to buy, handle and sell overstuffed furniture, or."" for thfy matter, most anything without acquiring preferences, a knowledge of what is best and a Vide sympathy with prejudices and preferences of cus tomers. Now, that's lust how this house happens to be manufacturing hun dreds of pieces of luxurious . furniture jn their own factory. ALL YOUR little likes and dislikes and all OUR experiences have been catalogued, classed and reassembled for the purpose of creating overstuffed furniture people like and that will give them satisfaction. Frames, spring constructions, -upholstering felts,, covering fabrics, styles, shapes or designs methods of upholstering, even sewing, edging and finishing all have been considered in the -production . of great comfortable pieces that will make you want -them ever so much. U-tJ 1 tmSmm Phonographsx Differ V Until the coming of the Brunswick each phonograph had its chief attrac tions. None had them all. Some folks said all phonographs were alike all good.. And that rec ords depended upon luck for helr tone. But the Brunswick has gained Us nation-wide fame by combining all tha better features and discarding the troublesome. . And so it is called "All Phonographs in One." The new Brunswick Method of Re production sets higher standards. PmiiP It. Tin H dart on n by means of our FREE TRIAL PLAN. Phone Tyler 8000 for details. The maehlne illustrated ! shown In mahogany, equipped with the new Ultona arm. . ' Prices from $115.00 One of many smart Library . Tables Exceedingly Smart Queen Anne Suite just arrived and shown in American Wnit and Mahogany. A " careful examination of this suite, of the choice stock, the depend able construction, the 'exquisite design, the detail, the finish, will explain why this suite is priced a little higher than a score of other worthy dining se'ts to be seen on our floors, and withal, it will not takf you long to render1 a verdict of good value when you have considered the quality of this offering. Prices as follows: A New Shipment of McDougall Kitchen Cabinets " Just Arrived a Score of Truly Wonderful Models Into McDoHgall CSbines are built all of the really useful I eonVenient features of the day. They are cabinets made to s serve you steadfastly, to save you toil and hours. , With most families but one kitchen cabinet is bought over a period i of many years. It is the more important, therefore, that you select McDCfUGALL. You are certain, then, to have the best ihe market affords. McDOUGALLS with their mortised joints, steel corner braces and strong frames never can get loose and wobble, never can rattle and creak. Their high gloss spar varnish finish will withstand the heat and steam of kitchen usage the washingsJtitchen things are subjected to. - -)'' " -' V. ... - ' . - 72-inch, 6-leg Buffet, as illustrated 66-inch, 4-leg .Buffet, same type Round or Oblong Extension Tables to match China Closet to match , Serving Table to match S195.00 ..S158.00 $95 to $145.00 .8139.00 ...$89.00 Miite Porcelain Top Table $1350 Sanitary and wholesome looking; just the right size for the average kitchen and fitted with convenient cutlery drawer beneath the porcelain tqjL Under parts are white enam eled. Size 26x40. Price Slip Seat Dining Chairs to match, as illustrated below, ea., $29.50 Arm Chairs, each ......... .. ..'.$35.00, Queen Arine Library Table This tabla ift-mahogany, with 26x48-inch top. will bear the closest scrutiny as Teeards '-design; construction and finish.- Price, $470. English Brown Mahogany - , Chairs and Rockers With Cane Panelled Seats and Backs No less than 25 different patterns, including the on illustrated as well as wing effects. The periods rep resented are Adam. Queen Anne, Italian Eenaissance, Empire and. Colonial. . ,f . X ' .., $24.50, $27.5Q, $29.00, $31.50 1llilill!illlllllllllllilHIIIIIIII.IUIIIllll;llllllUII-lilll.lllllUllir!l!IIHIIIIIillllllilllllllllllllll.lIIIU tiiliiiiiliiliiiuiuiiiliiiniiiliiiiiluliiliiliiiiiiiiiuiii miui uiiiiiiitiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiuiiLiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiii I