V 16 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 13r 1920. WANT AD RATES (Cash wllh order.) t4o oar word,.... .on da to per word..,, a per word.... 7o pet" word , . , . o per word. ... ...two consecutive any ...three ronsecutlvs daya ...lour consecutive day ....five consecutive daya zvc per wora. ..seven consecutive aavi and on cent per word (or each additional Insertion. 1 No ads taken for less than a total of 71c. v CHARGE. 1(0 par Una.. ona dav 20 per Una..'...,., .two consecutive dayi e per line threa conaecuttva dayi 11a per line aeven conaecuttva dayi 1.40 per Una...... thirty conaecuttva dayi - Card of thanks and funeral notlcaa 12c Bar una each day. Theaa ratea apply either to the Dally or Sunday Bee. All advertleements appear in both morning and evening dally papers xor me ona cnargo. Contract Kates on Annllcntlon. For convenience of advertisers, want da will be accepted at th following; of flcea: MAIN OFFICE Bee Building Amoi Office 4410 North 20th Ht Park Office 2616 Leavenworth St 'fouth Bide 8318 N St, Walnut Office 81 North 40th St Co. Bluffs Office 16 Scott fit. - THE BEE will not be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion oi an advertisement ordered fur mora than oue win. i FnONE TYLER lOOO. J-TtnlBK Editions 12:00 M, . Tiermoir Editions 10:30 P. M. Sunday Editions P. M. Satutday. DEATH & FUNERAL NOTICES. -MASONIC FUNERAL. Died. March 13, 1020. Brother John F. Blair. 210 Douglas St. Member Capltot lodee No. 1 Funeral acrvlraa at the Muaonlo tem ple, Sunday, March la, at 2 p. in. Mem here of Capitol lodite are requested to meet at 1:30. Member of sister lodges and sojourning brethren Invited. B. u. Robertson, W. M. -H EL.PH Hnacoe C7. aired 48 year months, 1 daya. Funeral services will ba held from Stack & Falconers Pr. lore, lid and Farnam. Sunday at i o'clock. Interment will be Bjt Chicago. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON rS' 1814 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. A j Henderson. Hit Fa mam. Douglaa 1248, JOHN BATH. 18th and Farnam. D. 8000 FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER, i "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS. . PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE." Thirty-third and Farnam. Harney 84, FRED E. FERO, ' FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Lady Attendant. fSd atnd Cuming fits. Phone Douglaa 77. Auto ambulance. NEW LOCATION CROSBY'S NEW FUNERAL HOMH, 2018 WIRT ST. Away from noise of busy streets, i PHONE WEBSTER 47. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertaker) and Embalmers. -hone- H. 265. Office 2611 Farnam. HIJLSE & RIEPEN, Pioneer Funeral DlTecters. TM South 16th St.' Doug. H6. TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND KMBALMERS. Telephone Doug. 714. 2216 Cuming St. DUFFY Sj JOHNSON, Undertakers, 717 s. i6th. Tyler i67. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE largest display of monuments In the United States. FRANK SVOHODA, 1215 8. 13th. Phone Douglaa 1876-6216. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. , Birth Pierca and TreVa Walsh, 4138 M, dot;' Cfctstav and DorottoiF-wahn, T Conth Twentieth, boy , George and Georgia Peterson, !460 South Twentieth, girl! Wal ter and Clara Sobeyk, 3201 South Thirtieth, boy: Nick and Mary Daaeiiewies, 4S02 South Fortieth, boy; Oeorge and Alice sTlewlt, 823 South Fiftieth, boy; Ira and Daisy Pease, 622. South Eighteenth, girl; James and Gladys Loomie, 6610 Emmet, girl; Oeorge and Ctu-lsttna. Herner, 2812 North Fifteenth, girl; Chaajoa and Hazel Sauford, Forty-Sixth, and N, girl; Ralph and EmlU Barker, 8626 South Thirty-second, girlj D, J. and Mary Craven, 4012 Hamilton, girl; Isador and Clara Levlne, 10 North Twenty-fourth,, boy; William Vnd Elsie Brown, 4332 Vinton, girl; John and Alice Gale, 0632 North Thirty-fourth, boy; Richard and Mary Anderson, 1710 .; Davenport, girl. i Deatha Joseph Frank Macbacek, ' 40, 2816 D; Amos Joseph Sinnott, 36. 1233 . South Fourteenth; Jaoub Hodeoek, 80, ,3741 Drexel; Richard Mack, 8 months, 4201 South Twenty-seventh; Vernon La von Shine, Infant, 2723 Corby; Ruby B. ' Lang, 33, 4300 Corby; Hugo William Wightman, 46, Scottsbluffs, Neb.; Anna . Irene Bierley, 4, 2606 South Thirty-eighth. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The. following persons were Issued per mits to wed: v. Nam and Address: Age Bmil Armbrust, Omaha, Neb 23 Minnie Avsry, Omaha, Neb. .23 - Thomas Oropeza. Omaha, Nab. .-... ...27 Maria Padalla, Omaha, Neb .......21 Alflo Cortesl, Omaha, Neb ,.v......23 Marietta, Allcata, Omaha, Neb...... 19 8am Pigeon, Omaha, Neb. . . . . . .,..,,..26 Virginia 'Newman, Omaha, Neb 2 Glenn K. Lewellyn, Nebraska City. .....22 Freda X. Butterbaugh, Nebraska City.. 24 Douglas C. Isitt, Omaha, Neb.... 1 24 Alma Frances Wilson, Dea Moines, la.. 23 Robert L. Williams, Sioux City, la 34 Mildred Irfing, Sioux City, la , 23 ; ', BUILDING PERMITS. Bonson and Carmlchael, dwellings, $8,000 each at 614 South Flfty-eventh street - and 6623 Emll a tree t; J. W. and L. H. Hill, Sixteenth and Howard streets, fire .escape, $2,700; Ramm and Mawe, 6124 Izard street, dwelling, $18,000; Armour ' Co.i Thirteenth and Jonee streets, al terations. $10.0$; city Trust company, - frame and stucco dwellings, 317 and 314 South Forte-ninth i street, S07 South Fiftieth etreet, $6,000 each,-. B. F. Grant, - 4828, 4624 and 4632 Amea avenue, frame and stucco dwellings, $4,000 each; T. H. Collins, 463C and 4640 Ames avenue, frame - and stucco dwellings, $4.000. LOST FOUND-lREWARDS. .WILL the party who called Douglas 1796 In regard to lost string of pearls, please . call Douglas 4294, between 12 and f p. i, r m., ask for millinery department. Mrs. ft. W. Chambers can Identify; reward. . OR ARTICLES LOST on street ears tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re j store lost ' articles to rightful owners. ' OMAHA. COUNCHU BLUFFS ST. RY. CO. fSOS'r Hudson Sealekln belt. Please phone Douglas toil, or return to 1120 W, O. W. Bldg. Reward. H10 MARTI CO.. 11 26 W. O. W. Bldg. toST Small gold wrist watch without bracelet or ribbon, between 133 N. .32d Ave. and 660 8. 28th St. Thursday a. m. Call Hartley 1728. Reward. fcosT A Boston ' bulldog, brlndle and white, has clipped ears and a brass- mounted collar. Call D. 8889. Reward. ItOST Small, black, seal f aiding bill purse, containing $6. Finder call Wal- ' "" 400- Reward. ToUND A bunch of keys. Owner can have same by calling at Bee oftice and : paying for ad. LOST Cameo brooch downtown district auto week. Finder call Walnut 2167. ItewarJ. . i . eOST Whlt French poodle, answers to came of "Bud." Douglas 0366. Reward. foUND Lady's cameo ring. , Call Web- V ster 6283. FOUND Auto mlt Call Harney HQS PERSONAL. ' THE SALVATION Army Industrial home aoliuts your old clothing, furniture, magazines. Wo collect. We distribute. ' Phone Doug, 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, , 1110-1111-1114 Dodge, street. V PATIENTS to cat for. in my home. Electric Bath and Massage. . Webster 29U. ANNOUNCEMENTS. SHELL'S MENTHOL OINTMENT can be purchased at Rlalto Drug Store,' 16th and Douglas Sts.. Omaha. Neb. ? We buy combings and cut hair; also make switches from combings; all work guar anteed. The Erickson Hair Shop, 2201 Chicago Ave., Minneapolis, Mian. Accordion Pleating:. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, aU sixes and styles; hemstitching, plcot, edging,, eye- let cut work, button holes, pennants. . Hemstitch inc. pleating, buttons. O; V. Van A mam Pleating- Co., 413-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. 2101. ,Baggage and Express. ' , Mid-West Transfer Co., Express sod baggage, furniture mar ine, country hauling. Tyler 3760. 412 outs, lttn St, i ANNOUNCEMENTS. Baggage and Express. Hartung's Transfer Co., 1211 HOWARII ST. TYLER 1076. Trucks, any sue, leased or your haul ing rnn'rscted by nmir, nay or year. "The Only Way" X Omt'ta Transfer tjo Brms and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 7h and Martha Sta,, Omaha. Net). Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings. Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burforrt. 620 Paxton Blk. D. 1208. Clothing and Furs. KCLL dress euita for rent. 10 N. 16th SI John FH'imnn. Phone 3128. - Conrractrg. CARPEM'ERl.Nd. repalriug. remodeling done. I. J. Krlckuon. Call Walnut 1637. CARPENTER work, all klmla, contract or Hour. KKtimacs rurnisnea. ryier Dancing Academies. VTT PTTP3' hool for Dancing. 2424 JXXZjLrr 1 IN .Tj Samara. D. 786,0. Class at 8: danclne at P. m., Monday, Thurs day, Satindav; private iessons any time. Dentists. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bid Detectives. PHIL. WINCKLER, ail branches evidence aecured ln all cnses Harney 6708. JAMES ALLEN, 313 Neville Blk. EvP- lnnce eecurod in an caws, i yie r Dressmaking. FANCY bead work. Mrs. S. Bailey. Douglas 2r., Hours 1 to S. DRESSMAKING and alteration; work guaranteed. Vvphster tsbt. PLAIN SEWING; all kinds; men's shirts specialty. Douglas 4J4. DRESSMAKING and alteration; work guaranteed. Tyler. 37. DRESSMAKING done reasonably. Walnut FOR dainty tiny tots clothes, call Har ney aim,, DRESSMAKING and altering done. Doug las 764.1. . J Electrical Utilities. VACUITM cleaners, delivered, called for, DUC Oily, HCUUlll . iranri n.w v,.,,, Call Webster 1657 from 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ELECTRIC heaters, $,10.60; vacuum clean ers, Ji.ov; aiuitt .v;r.u,iiK iiicvi-itwiD l.a I ley- vvnaon mecrric to., j.t'M rarnaiu. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner, tl day de- RENT Hoover and other electric vacuum sweepers, delivered. Vv abater 4 -'Bj; ELECTRIC vacuum cleaner for rent. Call Douglas 6718. I Garages. REDI-MADE GARAGES, wooTTor ateel. Send for circular. Kem-Maue .Mousing Red 3657. Gas Stoves Connected. UNO ANDT. The gas man. House piping, stoves .connected, light transfering. Walnut 2008. - . GAS atoves connected, $2.0(1; repaired and repainted. All kinds gat work. . Ajuick service. Harney 1610. GAS stoves connocteil. $2.00., Tyler 4430. Hats Blocked. HATS! HATS! Hats cleaned and blocked. Paxton Parlor. 1607H FARNAM. 1 HATS cleaned, reblocked. ladies' straw i hats specialty. Mualua urus., 1U2U Jlar- Hauling. ASH HAULING wanted. Call for Hlldreth, Tyler 2278; Interior Varnishing. INTERIOR varnishing, enameling floors refinlfthed, waxed, wall paper cleaned. Walnut 4R21. Jewelry. Til A MHTSinQ We pay the best price Ul AlVl-UiN 1JO With privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO.. 402 N. 16th St. Doug. 6049. XV. C. FLATAU. Towulrv Kutnhllilhed 1S92. Sixth Floor. Securities BjdK. Kodak Finishing and Enlarging. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. .The ensign. wo.,, lovi Howard St. Osteopath. . DR. MABEL WESSON. - I1L Bairil Bid., 17th and Douglas. T. 2960. H. 4741. . Painting and Paperhanging. PAPERHANOINQ, painting; estimates free; that cost, nothing and may save you money. Tyler 2765. PAPERHANOlNll, quick service', lowest prices, new stock paper. Haney3S14. PAINTING, papering, free estimates. Call mornings or evenings. Harney6740. PAINTING, paperhanging and decorating; work guarantees, vv rosier juji. PAINTING, painted walls washed wall paper cleaned. Webster 1166. PAINTING, paporharutlng and paper l 1 T,.rlna KVO'i pXlNTING and paperhanging; first-class work. Douglas 75 1 3, PAINTING, paperhanging and plastering. Phone Walnut 4567. t PAPERHANGING, quick service, lowest pricee, new stock paper. Harney S814. PAPERHANGING and painting by con tract. Tyler 4870. PAINTINQ and wallpaper cleaning. Tyler 4277. PAPERHANGING, , $G room and up, in cluding paper and work. Walnut 4S98. PAINTING and paperhanging; estimates free ; wo rfc guaranteed. Do u g. 85 G 1 Patent Attorneys. STCRGES & STURGES, registered patent attorneys. Tatents obtained in U. S. and foreign countries. 330 BeeBldg. Patents. WE PATENT your .invention aud sell A to manufacturers who1 need It. Interna tlpnal Patent Co.. 682 Brandels. Omaha. J Perscriotions. ALPE.N KRAUTER blood remedy. Fisher, agent. Douglaa 6778. Mrs. Roofing. PROPERTY OWNERS - ' GET OUR FIGURES. Our rovfs are our proofs. All work guaranteed. NORTHWEST READY ROOFING CO. 802 So. 31st. Harney 2574. Rug Weaving. T WEAVIN'O; ajl rugs remade. Tyler 1432. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 12th Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needles and parts. MICKELS' ' 16th and Harney. Douglas 1973 Stationery. OMAHA STATIONERY CO., 307-9 S. 17th. Tailors. s Ml REISER, 306 South 18th. Doug. 1187. Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque cos tumes for amateur theatricals and par ties for rent at T. Lleben & Son, Omaha. Towel Supples. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 628. Watch Repairing. Watch Repairing Main spring. $1.50; cleaning. $1.50; jewels, $1 to $1.50; watch crystals, 25c AU work guaranteed. . THE W. C. FLATATJ STORE, Room 601 Securities Bldg. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglaa Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. FOR 'SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. BEST BARGAINS IN OMAHA. Solid oak Jacobean William and Mary f-plece dining room suite valued at $276 to go at $175. The autte consists of ( chalrs, leather seated; an extension ta ble and a very roomy buffet. Other suites In same style. A William and Mara walnut, $290 value, at $197.60. A William and Mary, In mahogany. $400 value, at $240. STATS FURNITURE COMPANY, . .Corner 14th and Dodge Streeta, Opposite U. P. Headquarters, Omaha. $25,000 stock of furniture to be sold; 300 i stoves of ell kinds, rugs, linoleum, phos ' egraphe, dufolds, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, dressers, chiffon iers, beds, springs, mattresses, trunks, suitcases, bedding, linen, etc. Open till p. m. Credit If you wish. 1839-47 N. 24th St Web. 1607. FOR SALE Electrio heater. Majestic, used 2 days; will sacrifice. Apt. K., Howard Apte., Twenty-first snd How- ' ard. , . FOR' SALE MISCELANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. HAVING SOLD my house, will sell at private sale elegant mahogany bedroom , set, upholstered davenport with chairs, mahogany bookcase, oriental rugs and other household furniture. 403 S. 28th Ave. FOR ALK-7-On Iron and oord; will ror $i.o: good condition. Apt. Jv., Howard Apis,. Twenty-first and How ard. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over in Dew ticks at half the price of new Pert?, 1507 Cuming St Douglaa 2467, We sell new and near-new furniture, stovea and rugs at lowest prices; cash prepayments. Amer. Furn. Co.. 606 N. 16. AUCTION AUCTION . Extra hlKh grade and staple furniture, rugs, talking machine and furnishings of several good homes in my Auction House, Southeast corner 18th anal Webster Sts., Saturday, March 13th; starts at 1 , p m. sharp. This ts a bigVsale of extra good fur niture, Including 2 Vlctrolas, mahogany and American walnut finish, and records; 1 very expensive parlor suite, with ve lirar upholstering; beautiful pictures and drapes; bookcase and books, writing desk and chairs, severs mahogany and oak library tables, 1 very expensive waxed oak dining room set, with 64 inch table and t chairs and beautiful buffet to match; 3 good fumed oak din ing room , sets, complete; 1 Standard music box (Reglnlu), cost new $700 dol lars; 7 very expensive, nearly new Wil ton velvet rugs, size 0x12, and several small Wilton rugs; 9 good axmlnstcr and body brussels yfugs, 9x12, and sev eral smaller ones; 1 guod incubator and! brooder; several extra good brass beds, complete with matresses and springs; 1 very expensive American walnut bod room suite, with beautiful bed, best sprinjr and nearly new matress; very expensive dresser, . dressing table and chiffonier, like new, in Queen Ann style; several good VernlH Martin and Simons beds, complete; 1 high poster mahogany bedroom suite; tee boxes; 1 National cash register; 1 large sized bath tub. this is one of the beHt tubs made; 1 shower buth, with marble walls; 1 elec tric bath cabinet and 1 aulphur bath cabinet; 1 large.hot water tank; 3 gas ranges; kitchen cabinets; linens; dishes; cooking utensils; garden and laundry tools and hundreds of articles too nu merous to mention. JAMES L. DO WD, Auctioneer. If you have anything to sell call DuukIbs "2t5, Tyler 0C6, or lJouglas 8878. FOR SALE I buffet, 1 library table, 1 oak rocker, and sanitary couch. Colfax J 369. , Pianoes and Musical Instruments, j A. HOSPE CO. Everything In art and muslo Pianos for rent. $4.00 per month. DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions, re pairing. I'lione Harney 296 1. Geo. A. Smith. 2761 Davenport St. PIANO at a bargain. Harney, 2074. UPRIGHT piano, little used, excellent con dition. Walnut 3722. Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy sell and make desks, safes, show Supply Co., 11th and Douglas. Doug. 2724. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND 1 ADDING MACHINES ' ALL- MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine Kuaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. uoug, 4121. I Mill) farnam. WE buy, sell and exchange all makes of typewriters. Write for list. Midland Of five Supply Co., 1404 Dodge. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months lor lli.uo. Oliver Agency, 19us Furnam St Citx I CORONA Typewriter for sale cheap. Box A-3, Bee. Lumber and Building Materials. TRY H. M. KEVAN. 644 SOUTH S0TH ST. Miscellaneous. SHOW PROPERTY , FOR SALE. Small1 Shetland pony, harness, rubber tired buggy, sleigh and bells, violin and case, banjo and case, western movie pic tures, song slide sets, Binall and large lenses, samrator to burn with gas,, tape worms and secrets, tent, 16x16, good as new, with fly, never opened all at bargain. (Buggy arrives Saturday). Call at 2618 Burt St. for particulars. Harney 5633. O M AHVPrL LO W CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, summer an dw itUe r sides. 19 0 7C i ( m in g. D. 2467. ELECTRIC washing machine, $75, Stand ard make. Why pay fancy retail prices? Phone Doucjas 4423. SPECTACLES and eyeglasses for young . and old, $1.25, to $5; special sale. Room 601, Securities Bldg. ' FOR SALE Two-room house, to be moved. . Avery Station, Fort Crook boulevard. ' ' DRY kindling wood. ACME BOX CO. H arneyl 837. ' KINDLING ' deliverd, $3.60 per load. Webster 459. : TWO pair ai my officers JJUtteej; Doug las 2256. ' ( WANTED TO BUY. LIBERTY BONDS High prices for certain issues this week. We will help you make your income tax return, strictly confidential. SECURITY INVEST- , MENT CO., " Tyler 273C 63j) Securities Bldg. WANTED TO BUY ESTABLISHED BUSINESS that can can clear about $500 per month besides the running expense. , State full particulars and price. Information con fidential. Address A. Davis, 3429 Web ster St. WE BUY baled waste paper, old maga zines and newspapers. State quantity you . have on hand. Write or phone for ' prices. Omaha Paper Stock Co., 15th and Marcy. Douglas 15 9. "i , LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. MACK'S BOND HOUSE. 1421 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone' Tyler 3644. ; DESKS DESKS'DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146 Liberty Bonds Bought 610 World-Herald Bldg. WILL buy second ' hand clothing, shoes and furniture. Tyler 2598. A. Zavett, 1 705 North 16th St. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. THE BEE wH publish free a situation wanted ad unHer this classification for soldiers and sailors and marines who will show their, discharge papers at our office In the lobby of The Bee building, Seventeenth and aFrnam. A .YOUNG man .just discharged from aviation service tdeslrea work in garage or driving car; capable of doing repair ins. Address A-65, Omaha Bee, YOUNG- MAN Single, age 28, desires po sition in general store; S years exper ience In groceries, furnishing goods and shoes; capable buyer ,and good refer . ences furnished. Open for position April 1 Address Y-1008, Bee. f ITUATION WANTED Man wants work by i hour or week, window washing. nouse cleaning, etc. oall Webster 3143, WORK WANTED. , Experienced office, window and gen ,e ral ho u so cl ea ner. Doug. 9426. EXPERIENCED "house hotel cleaner wants day work or permanent place. Miller, Douglaa 9426. BOY, 19, wants work on farm for summer. Walnut 2589. COLORED man wants wall paper and carpet cleaning.- Webster 2524. ASHES hauled and grading dene, fax 4171. Col- WHITE man wants window washing and house-cleaning. Tyler 4277. ASHES and refuse hauled. Walnut 3515. Female. LADY evith 6-year-old daughter wants permanent home: have furniture for 6 rooms; would consider position as house keeper where she could have full charge. wainuc 344 EXPERIENCED stenographer accustomed to heavy dictation, desires position; neat typist. Phone South 3543. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. 'Watch the Doapestlo column of Th Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't mlss them. COMMON SEWING .AND OTHER WORK, WALNUT 2811. ' Laundry and Day Work. SILK BUNDLE AND FAMILY WASHING. WALNUT 4744 BEFORE 9 A. M. OR AFTER 2:30 P. M. EXPERIENCED colored dressmaker wants sewing by the day, 60c an hour. Web ster 1042. EXPERIENCED hand laundry wants bun dles of all kinds, lace curtains and fancy ciothes. Webster 1975. 1 POSITION by experienced colored man as chauffeur; private or track driver. Webster 6693. LAUNDRY, ironing, day work. expe rienced. References. South 4461 SITUATIONS WANTED Laundry and Day .Work. ANY . kind of bundle washing. Men's bundle a specialty. Webster 394$. FAMILY and bundle washing; called for and delivered. Walnut 1214. EXPERIENCED laundress and ironer; reference. South 4461. i DAY work, colored woman. Webster 3467, Annie. DAY WORK Experienced colored lady. Webster 2838. , BUNDLE washing and , lace curtains, Webster 1727. . IRONING and daywork; experienced, fouth 2015. DAY WORK, cleaning, good worker. Web ster 47111. LAUNDRY work, day wok; references. IIOUKIHS EiAYWOHK. colored lady. Webster 1226 LAUNDRY WORK, white woman. Tyler BUNDLE washing; experienced laundress. Webster 35!. LAUNDRY work, cleaning, 40c hour. Web ster tu:;i. DAYWORK Reliable Douslas 6037. colored woman. BUNDLE washing neatly done. Webster 137 i. DAYWORK, reliable colored lady. Web ster 3254 after 0 p. m. DAYWORK wanted. Harney C000. DAY work Kliperlenccdi lady. Web. 2524. LA UN DRY work wanted. Webster 4393. DAY WORK wanted. Call Webster 3407" WANTED laundry work. Webster 44. WANTED Bundle washing. Webster 2238. CLEAN I N G an d dustl l ig. Dou g las 6950, DAYWORK, colored lady. Webster 6201. DAY WORK, colored woman. Tyler 897. LIGHT bundle washing. Webster 2221 BUNDLE washing. Webiter 1379. DAY WORK wanted. Webster 4066. COLORED laundress. Webster ' 3101. CLEANING and .ironing. Webster 1888. DAYWORK wanted. Webster 6744. ROUGH dry bundle washing. Webster 6466. LIGHT bundle washing. Harney 6161. DAYWORK and cleaning. Webster 8682. Male and Female. i MUSICIANS. Lady pianist and man drummer want position with juzt. dance orchestra. Double on sax. Both experienced in dance work. Drawer B, Whiting, la. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. HEAD bookkeeper, manufacturing firm, $200; accountant, automobile firm, $225; stenographer, railroad .official, some traveling, $126;. bookkeeper and assist ant to office manager, to develop into ' executive position, $126. ' WESTERN 'REFERENCE k. BOND ASS'N. 736 First National Bank Bldg. RETAIL credit man, $300; bookkeeper, $150; general office man, $125.$160; ac countant, corporation exp., $200; office clerk, good penman, $100-$110; ledger clerk, good future, $90-$100. -WATTS REEKRENCE COMPANY, 11 38 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED V, ide-a-wake editor, $2,000.00 guaranteed advertising already signed up for the right man. For further par ticular. write I. A. Peterson, Treas. Big Springs Com. Club, Big Springs, Neu, BOOKKEEPER and general clerk, $125 $135; voucher clerk, packing house exp., J l2,'.-$ir,u; clerk and typist, $100; ship plgn clerk, $75-$90. , THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. SA LESBIAN, neat appealing, good record; must havo car; city work. Commercial Realty Co.. 1516 City Nat. Bank. WANTED Bookkeeper In retail lumber yard; married man preferred. Write Box 97. Red Oak. la, WANTEI A competent and experienced drug clerk. St. Joseph Drug Co., St. Joseph. Mo. STENOGRAPHER wanted. Apply Brandels BUIg. 722 , Professions and. Trades. WANTED Experienced tailor for women's alteration room. Best of salary paid. Apply Supt. balcony. BURGESS-NASH. Wt NT ED AT ONCE ' ONE 1 ...COLO ONE FLUTE ' ONE E FLAT CLARINET ONE Bb Bb BASS. Commercial club will furnish positions for above musicians. Can use a barber musician at once. Write H. P. Sutton, McCook, Neb. 1 WANTSd An all 'round sheet metal worker especially familiar with tank work; permanent position and good pay to party who is quick and economical in the work and agreeable; open shop. Coast Culvert , & Flume company, Port land, Ore.1. BRICK masons required for work at Caa per, Wyo. Rate $10 per day, eight hours. Steady work. Apply Midwest Refining Co., Casper, or W. A. Mortimer, M Ui west R e f i ning Co . . D e nver, Colo. WANTED Hatter for men's and women's hats; high salary and commission to hustler; get In touch with us at once if you can qualify. My Valet, Inc., 310 East 4th St.. Waterloo, la. W'ANTED at once, .a general blacksmith! or norsesnoet ; win pay better than $6 per nay; steady work to a good man; or will hire a man with a few years' experience. Come at once. John Scan- Ion, Fort Dodge, la. WANTED First class druggist. Good position for competent man. Apply to Air. Sherman, Sherman & McCon- nell Dru5 Co., General Office 2d floor, 39th and Farnam Sts. BIG demand for barbers, complete course in few weeks. Call, write or phone for catalog. Douglas 7777. Moler Barber College, 110 South 14th St. Established ' 1893. WANTED Coat, vest and pants maker.' Dresher Bros., 2217 Farnam.. 11 -ILWAY mail clerks wanted. Com mence $110 month. Sample cxamina- ,. tlon questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 228 C, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED First-class woodworkers to work on truck wheels only. Apply at once. Truck and Tractor Corpora tion, 1310 Jackson. PRINTER . wonted; permanent, situation open; good working conditions; town of 6.0UO population. Daily Leader, Madison, S. D. WANTED Registered druggist; refer ences required. Harley Drug Co., 1101 St., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Cabinet makers and finishers, Parlephone Co., 1902-4 So. Fourth St., St. Joseph, Mo. WANTED At once ladles' tailor, dress maker or helper! good wages. B. Frei berg, 2003 North 20th. Web. 2856. FIRST-CLAS3 bushelman wanted; steady ' position, good pay. Apply J. H. Green Co,, loth and Howard. WANTED Tinner and plumber combined, married man' preferred. Box S7, Paw nee City, Ne1. ' WANTED Nonunion wiremen; steady em ployment. American Electrio Co., St. Joseph, Mo. WANTED An experienced shoemaker; good pay and reasonable hours. Cincln- natl Shoo Storey Lincoln, Neb. GENERAL blacksmith. 1021 M St. Steady Job, good wages. Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Hatter, to reblock felt and Panamas. Dresher Bros., 3217 Farnam. WANTED Young man, to learn trade. omana Printing Co., J3U1 rarnam st. aha BUSHELMAN Wanted Aply Dresher Bros., 2217 Farnam. WANTED Experienced feeder. 416 So. 14th. i Gorden press Salesmen and Soiidvors WANTED AN EXPERIENCED BOHE MIAN SALESMAN. FOR THE MEN'S CLOTHING DEPT. . ADDRESS BOX X1. OMAHA BEE. BRANDEIS STORES , nant capable shade men for drapery dept.; good pay and steady position. APPLY SUPT. OFFICE. BALCONY. M AGENTS can easily make $100 or more weekly selling our "OUIJA" boards di rect to ho&ies. Everybody bnys. Price $1.60 each. Sire 15x22 Inches. Price to agents $10 dozen or $110 gross. To Becure prompt shipment full amount must be sent with order. No boa-d sold on credit or shipped C. O. D. nr at least 90 days. Order st once, nrtce may advance any day. OuIJa iBourd Company. Dept. 68, 1400 Broadway, New York. ... AN sjl-rnund hole! porter wanted at Hotel Howard, 10th and Howard Sts, . HELP WANTED-MALE Salesmen and Canvassers, STOCK SALESMEN SELLING GUARANTEED; t PER CENT, PARTICIPATING OMAHA BANK BUILDING PREFERRED STOCK: ' DIRECT BANK CONNECTIONS. R. H. SNYDER. ROOM t, WEAD BUILDINO. $800 to $1,000 dally made by new aalea men of old firm of high repute, just opening; ortaoo oxtices nere. jso slock for sale. The amateur or has-been need not apply. We remunerate liberal enougn to interest aalesmen of olaas, I'nona lutes, pougiass bizu. SALESMAN Used to approaching edu cated people; to. oall onx physicians, etc. long established trade; guaranteed In come; permanent: best reierences quired; state age, experience. P. O. Box 121, I'lillatlelphla, fa, STOCK SALESMAN WANTED. To sell stock in a three million dollar corporation. Heal salesmen take notice, Good commission; good leads; every as slstance to the salesmen, given. Addreas y-ioil omana Bee. SALESMEN We want a few more young men to join our ciun in sclent ino sales manshlp. Complete framing $25: Dosl tlons furnished free. Box Y-96S Bee. Hotels akid Restaurants. RELIABLE handy man to clean wall paper, woodwork and make himself gen rally useful. Good pay if you mean busl ness. Apply El Heudor, Apt. Hotel, 18th ana uoage, employes' entrance. Boys. WANTED MESSENGER BOT. (APPLY MR. QUINLAN CUDAHT PKO. CO., SO. SIDB. BOY WANTED To learn sign painting would like to see parents. H. C. Boder, 1-1 - XJUUSW PC. Miscellaneous. MEN to drive tax-icabs; we teach you to umv, anu pay wnne learning; our rnen earn from $4 to $8 daily; $50 cash bond rwiuireu. umana xaxicaD co.,, 2673 narney t. WANTED Good, husky man In dye nouse; steady job; no experience neces. ery. i hp j-anmrium, 1D1I Jones PC POSITIONS, locations, etc,, for doctors. enusis, druggists, veterinarians, nurses r-. v. ivniesr.. ai nee mag., umana, WANTED A man to help work In green bouse. Henderson, the florist, 25th and W BIS. WANTED Man and boy. for llsht factory work. Apply at once. P. Skinner Co, WANTED Competent houseman. Apply 209 south 33d Ave. Harney 20. HEJtP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. TWO good stenographers; prefer girls witn some experience, but capable be ginners will do. M. E. SMITH & CO., 9th and Farnam. STENO., a good, A-l girl with experi ence, $25 per week; typist, uptown of. flee, $22 per week; clerk, must be ex periencedr $80 to start: file clerk, no ex perience necessary, $60; clerk for small office, $70. . EMPLOYERS' REFERENCE CO., 24 Bee Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and -clerk, secretary, $135-$160; stenographer and bookkeeper, small office, $100-$125; bookkeeper, $100; stenographers, $126-$110-$100-$90 $85-$75. - WATTS REFERENCE COMA NY. 1138 First National Bank Bldg. STENOGRAPHER, railroad office, up town. 11151 stenoeranner. small insur ance office, $76 to $85; general office assistant, $75; bookkeeper anrt stenog mnher. small office. $85 to $100, WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. 736 First National nann mag. OFFICE clerk, credit dept., $80; office clerk, some filing, $70; ornce ciera, no A-nerience necessary. $65. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 917-18 w. u. vv. JBlUg. TYPIST AT ONCE Wanted Girl about 20 years of age living at home. Steady position. Also girl for clerical work. See Mr. Gordon, 308 Baird Bldg., 17tn ana jjougias. GIRL WANTED For general office work. , SMITH-LOCKWOOD MFG. CO., 2323 S. 13th. Phone Doug. 6351. GENERAL office clerk, $86-$90; billing clerks, $90-$96; Elliott Fisher operator, $90-$100. THB- MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED Competent, experienced stenog rapher and dictaphone operator. Good wages. Douglas oi CASHIER WANTED Good wages. New Life Cafe, 1615 Farnam GIRL for check stand. King Joy Cafe, 1416 Farnam. WANTED girl In office. 2217 Farnam. Dresher Bros., Professions and Trades." GIRLS Did you ever stop to consider what an important position a long distance tele, phone operator holds? She Is the con necting Unit between the business men of Omaha and those of other large cities and the completion of many big business deals depend largely 'upon the speed and accuracy of her work. We still have some of these fascinating positions left.' You will receive a substan. tlal salary snd rapid advancement to executive positions Is assured the girl with ability. You may file your application with Miss Bell, 318 New Telephone Building. THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH ,CO. YOUNG LADIES ,'4 DO YOU WANT a PERMANENT POSITION f . 1 No profession today offers better op portunities for good salaries and steady employment than local or long distance telephone work, v Thai work la fascinating, pleasant, healthful surroundings, annual vaca tions with full pay, sick and accident benefits without cost to employes. No experience necessary, substantial weekly par while In training. Rapid advancement, y Parents Invited to investigate w6rk- lng conaitlons. Apply to a T. LAMBERT, $13 New Telephone Building. 19th and Douglas Streets. EXPERIENCED torelady for women's fur- iti-iiwia, 004,. nw n-ir ma wora ana ante to nanoie neip. Tne Pantorium. LADY masseuse wanted at once, Ty. 4316 HELP. WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. SEAMSTRESS, WANTED Highest wages; ateady employment, Dresher Bros., 2217 yarn am. iRESSR WANTfcD Beat wages. Dresher B roe., 2317 Farnam. Saleswomen and Solicitors. BRANDEIS STORES. CAN USE ABOUT 60 SHORT-HOUR (13 TO 6) SALESWOMEN FOR DIF FERENT DEPARTMENTS. THIS WILL ENABLE THOSE WHO HAVE HOUSE HOLD DUTIES, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE OPPORTUNITY AND MAKE , EXTRA (PIN MONEY) IN ADDITION TO FAIR SALARY Foil THIS SKIIV ICE. WE WILL ADD A PERCENT AGE ON SALES WHICH OUGHT' TO MAKE THE REMUNERATION PAR TICULARLY ATTRACTIVE. APPLY GEN. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, i 4TH FLOOR. WANTED Experienced lnladles for various depts. Apply, Supt., Balcony, ' Brandels. 'J' i WANTED EXPERIENCED SALES LADIES FOR COATS, SUITS AND DRESS DEPARTMENTS; GOOD SALARIES: STEADY POSITIONS. AP PLY AT ONCE. OR KIN BROS., CONANT HOTEL BLDG, 16TH. WOMEN canvassers wanted. Pleasant out side work.- Hours 9 to 3:30. Good wages. See Mr. Bennett, Swift & Co., 13th and Leavenworth Sts. WE can use several ladles in our furnish ing room; 8 hours; good working condi tions; no experience necessary. Ask for Mr. Ferval. The Pantorium. BARCLEY corsets, complete line; silk and knitted underwear; guaranteed hosiery, Salesladies make $5.00 day and, up. Walnut 2813. Household and Domestic. WANTED Housekeeper, at once; modern 6-room house, conveniently arranged; a children. 12. 10 and 8. well disciplined plain cooking. Residence 3604 S. 23d St. Phone South 3846. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and general housework, except laundry and heavy sweoplng. Family of two .adults. Mrs. John G. Woodward, 610 Oakland avenue. Council Bluffs. Ia. WANTED F-XPERIENCED WHITE, COOK. MRS. W. D. IIOSFOI.D. 37TII ST. HAR. 87. WANTED Capable housekeeper; good wages and permanent position lor rtgnt party; call or write to Livingston Room lng House, Cozard, Neh. WANTED A white cook'; no Washing. References required- Mrs. 1. y.. John son, 105 So. 49th. Walnut 354.. WANTE1J By a refined young farmer, a housekeeper; state wages, Auuress Route 1, Box 43, Blair, Neb. WANTED at Once Good, while girl ti assist witn nouseworK. ino wasning or cooking. Douglas 623: WANTED White girl for geueral house work. Phone Mrs. Charles McMartln, Walnut 1464. WANTED A competent white maid for general house work; Mrs. Ralph Peters, Harney 206. W'ANTED--Competent white girl for gen eral housework. Mrs. W. 1. Shearer, 2309 So. S3d St. Harney 2420. WANTED) A competent girl for cooking ana general nouse work. Apply -vt South 32d Ave Harnoy 206. FOR LAUNDRESSES, DAY WOMEN, ETC. LOOK IN THE SITUATION COL UMN OF THE BEE. WANTED White girl to assist with housework; no laundry. Harney 388. 3325 Woolworth Ave. CHAS. L. FISH, piano tuner, violin and piano teacher. Colfax 4907. COMPETENT maid for general house work; no laundry. .127 North 40th St. Call Harney 387. EXPERIENCED white second maid. Ref. erences. Mrs. W. J. Hynes. Harney 4760. WHITE cook wanted; no washing; good wages. Walnut 864. GIRL for housework, Benson. 3115 No, 68th St. Walnut 3469. Hotels and Restaurants. GIRLS for counter and steam table. With or without experience. Qulckserv Cafe, 16th and Harney. WANTED Good cook and dish washer for hotel. Address U. A. Page, Herndon, Kansas. WANTED Good all-round cook. J. D. Herrick, Ravenna, Neb. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, Special rates and inducements. Miscellaneous.- GIRLS WANTED OW i'OR STEADY WORK i( In various departments of the . Snow Whltfc Bakery. Good pay to good work ers. Must be 16 years of age or over. Apply at once to Supt. Costello. ITEN BISCUIT CO. SNOW WHITE BAKERIES Capitol Ave. 12th to 13th streets. Office entrance middle of block. THE BIG SISTERS will help any girl or woman needing assistance during tne present emergency. Telephone Harney 6734 day or evening, or Tyler 1138 in the evening GIRLS wanted for dipping Bon Bona and oiner work,, good wagos, steady work for Industrious workers. Sweetland uanay Co., 1517 Burt St. YOUNG lady to assist foreman In routing- aepanment. permanent. The Pantor ium. EXPERIENCED bindery girls wanted. omana Printing Co., 1301 yarnam St. WANTED Graduate masseuse. 318 Neville Blk. JANITRESS wanted. Apply Dresher Bros. 2217 Farnam. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write ni)3 podge Bt. Trl-Clty Barber College. EXPERIENCED caretaker and wife: per manent position ror right party. Apply oaiuniRjr ooiween 9 and 3 ' at 604 So. S7th St. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete courses, In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, railroad and wlrfng telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large Il lustrated catalogue. Address BOYLES COLLEGE, , i Boyles Building. Omnha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. uouglas 5890. WILL TAKE private pupils, evenings, In History, English, Mathematics, Latin. Call Colfax 1006 during day. BUSINESS CHANCES. OUR business la to buy and sell your busi ness. yuicK Service selling Experts, ui Brown Bldg. WANTED A live man, or men, who have some capital to take the license for the sale and manufacture of Autosafe's, in Omaha and trib. territory The Autosafe la a portable, reinforced concrete, fire proof garage, selling fully 60 per cent less .than any other similarly constructed garage, for which there la a very large demand. The proposition meana more profits than you can sppreciate. Can prove better than 80 per cent. For inter view address Omaha Bee. Box A-72. 14.000 STOCK for sule. General store In good, livo twon on U. P. railroad. GoonV niondern atore building, best lo cation in town and best building. Rent, 875 per month Including shelving an.d fixtures. Stock consists of groceries, dry goods, men's and Indies' furnishings and shoes, ft good general line. Been run for 20 years by same man,' he now wishes to retire; hat best trade In town. Address, Bsx 145, Kearney, Neb, .BUSINESSCHNCES. TWO good paying picture shows'tor sain at a real bargain If tnkrn at onca. One In a town of 3.000, the other In a town of 6,000; no competition; good, live Mis souri towns. You buy ttvuu direct from vwM-vi no egnius. -Aoiiresa ,1. J. M --,i-SlL'in?i..KanK"a lt. Mo. POR RENT BlaeksTultir shop, "now do. lng flrut class business; electrically equipped; or will pnv $6.60 or better per day to a guod, stoadv man. Come at once. John Scanlon, Fort Dodge, la. GOOD BRICK HOTEL FOR SALE Fully furnished; Nebraska town; splen did trade; cheap for cash. W. M. Mo Cammon, 705 Metropolitan Bank Bldg., Mlnneapolia.Mliin. . FOR SALE A bargain i-titken at iince". Baltimore cafe. First class condition, doing good business. Harry Whitfulo, Fremont, Neb. GOOD OPENING for furniture and under taking; also meat ninrket In good cen tral Iowa towns of 1,600. Address Y-1012, Omaha Bee. Rooming Houses For Sale. FOR ROOMING house bargains, close In and money-makers, Johnny Devlin, 210 N. 25th. Phone Douglas 7172. ROOMS FO R RENT. Furnished Rooms. NICE ROOM IND'!'NDEBf HOMiFfoR TWO GENTLEMEN OR EMPLOYED COUPLE,; WHO WILL APPRECIATE GOOD HOME SURROUNDINGS. CAN ARRANGE FOR MHAL8 IF DESIRED. VAJ1,NU'4840, UNTIL 4:30. i PHONE THE WANT AfT5!PARTMSNT TYLER J0O0, AND ASK ' ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS. CLAIRMON'f l.W, 17TH AND JACK SON STS. Rooms for permanent and transient guests; special weekly rates. Douglas 2735. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. Pleasant souiliMmt room; modern; pri vate home; block to car. Harney 7116. WEST FOR NAM DISTRICT. ATTRACTIVE Room, REFINED GEN TLEMAN. REFERENCES. HARNEY J2U17. PLEASaKT front room, strictly modern home, good location for employed couple or 2 girls. Walnut 2445. NICELY furnished room, strictly modern, over 'robin's drug store; third floor; out- S1U0 exposure. South. 737. 2618 Harney St. Nicely furnished front sleeping room; nice bath. Harney (1749. 255G HARNEY Pleasant front room, walking distance. Douglas 1367. WE will rent our pleasant spare room to one or two persona. Colfnx 1701. A SOUTH room, modern homo; breakfast optional. Webster 1644. FOR COLORED Furnished rooms; sonahle. Harney 7145. MOliEIIN warm room on car line; $4 per weeK. ei-ster -41&. MODERN furnished rooms, ler 517". close in. Ty. MODERN furnished rooms, South 2S68. 4720 So. 25th. Housekeeping Rooms. i'415 CAPITOL AVE Two warm, deslr able front rooms, running water, bath floor. Yv alking distance. .iViui H'.k.n housekeeping room; OA'ery- thing furnlsh-d; Vj block to car. Web ster 4971. TWO housekeeping rooms, first floor prl vato enlntnoe. Harney 4 1 9 MODERN furnished rooms for light housekeeping, 1424 N. 39th street. Board and Rooms. TABLE HOARDERS, HOME COOKING: 3 MEALS; $7 WEEK. 23D AND O ST SOUTH 3539. ROOMS with board. Merriam Hotel. Apartments. EL-BKUDOR APARTMK"Nf67 18TJI AND DODGE STS. Two and three-room apartments nonv pieteiy furnished. Hotei service. Tyler 41' fill. HYLAND APARTMENT. 3 rooms, all modern, everything fur nished. 1101 North 18th St., Webster SOB. I Unfurnished Rooms.. CPSTAIR8 for rent; 3 rooms, hall bath; modern; garage If desired, quire 6910 Leavenworth end In- FOUR unfurnished rooms, all modern. 2155 Farnam. FOR RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT 1S15 JACKSON ST. LARGE. EX CEPTIONALLY FINE PARLOR ROOM. STEAM HEAT. SUITABLE FOR TWO GENTLEMEN OR COUPLE EM PLOYED. DOWNTOWN LOCATION. .TYLER 3473. MAN AND GIRL of hoard. Tyler 3760. 7 want place to Furnished Rooms. FOR RENT 5 rooms, all. modern, with furniture, for sale; no children; refer . enoos required. 4339 Marcy St. Douglas Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Realtors. Tyler 729. FOR RENTAPTS. AND FLATS. Furnished. FOR RENT 6-room flat, partly modern fine location. Will rent for $18 per , Month to party buying furniture. House lurntsnea complete. 1 ms is a bargain. Telephone Harney 3304. WILL sublease our 6-room apartment to one purchasing furniture. Rent'fiO.OO and location most desirable.. Phone Harney 4568. FOR RENT. 4-room apt., close in. Will turn over lease to party buying furniture. Call Tyler 4869. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments & Houses YOUNG couple want to rent modern house of 4 to 6 rooms, bv April 1. Ad dress Box A-99. Omaha Bee. WANTED Two or three unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping, by busi ness woman. Phone Colfax 4741. Or ad dress T27, Omaha Bee. FOR RENT Business Property. Garage and Barns. REDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or ateel. Send for circular. Redl-Made Housing Co.. 2211 Howard. Red 8657. GARAGE, $6 ney 6388. month. 3136 Mason. Har- MOVING AND STORAGE. "FIDELITY van CO. ' STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. , FREE RENTAL SERVICE. ' COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. ICth and Jackson Sts. Douglas 288. . Globe Van, Transfer . and Storage Co. For real service in hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Douglas. 4338. Auto or wagon service. ' MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE, FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 8H6 South 16th. Doug. 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned bv H. R. llmrj,. Tyler 4e. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimale your moving, packing and atoragc. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908. HORSES AND VEHICLES. 1,200 Sets Farm Harness $69 per set: 600 curled hair leather col lars, $4.50 each; J00 U. S. leather col lars, $5.50 each; 300 draft horse leather collars, $0.50 each; the best 1-Inch halters. $1 45 each; 8,000 sweat pads, 36c each; U. S. stable blankets, $4 each; U. S. curry comhs, 3 for $1; driving wh'ips S for 60c; first-class hamo-straps. $3 90 a dozen. Farmers take advantage of these low prices. No dealer in Ne braska can compete with these prices. Send money order or draft . with all enters. References; Any bank of Omaha, Price lint free. -vflDWEST HARNESS CO., 700 North J 6th street. Desk No. 4. SALE "ON HOR8E COLLARS. We have over 1,000 horse collars on hand that were bought bofore the pres ent high rricrs. We are selling a regu lar $5 collar for $3.60, a good $7.60 col lar for $r,, a:i f foliar for $6. Our best keavy dray collars 18-ln. draft curled hair foce that sells regular for $10 or $11 for $8. 1 ALFRED CORNISH & CO, ;, 1219 Farnam. ttt, . ' j I!0-SES ANDVEHICES. TWO foams" snd harness for sale. 937" Nor 27th St., Harney S736. SEVEN shoats and sow, cheap. Webster 6160. TURKU head of young homes. Colfaa 1000. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. SINGLE comb Black Minorca eggs ror hatching. Thn kind you like. Colfax 728, 3 4 4 0Sn hler St. . WHITE "i-EGlftiRN nod Barred Rucks hatching eggs.' Bramble, Walnut 4:',92. SNOW "White Rock Cockerels, also eggs for hatching. Walnut 288. ''SURE" egg producer, lice killer. 918 No. 16!h St. Phone Tyler 4964. Bl'FP Orpington eggs, $1.60-$;i. D. 4611. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE. HAVE BoUGHTNEW TRUCKS. Wl-f OF FER FOR HALE AT UKASOVA ttl.K PRICES, AND WILL GIVE TERMS IF REQUIRED. ONE 3-TON KELLY PUMP TRUCK, WOODS HOIST. ONE t-TON DORR1S DUMP TRUCK, WOODS HOIST. ONE 2-TON JEFFRY QUAD TKUCKt STAKE BODY. ONE 2-TON AUTOCAR. PHONE TYLER 1419. 210! LEAVENWORTH ft V, STEVENS-DURYEA COUPE Four-Passenger This in an elpRnnt town car. ' All th nO('et?HUiy appointments and in excollfut runiiinu .condition. Tiros prnctlcRtly lew. Phono, Hurney BOB. RENT A NEW FORD! DRIVE IT YOURSELF 12 CENTS PER MILE, OAS AND INSURANCE EXTRA. OUR CARS ARE COM PORTA BLY HEATED FOR WIN TER SERVICE. DR1VE-1T-YOURSELF-COMPANY, FORMERLY FORD LIVERY CO. 1314 HOWARD ST. DOUG. 3621 SEVEN-PASSENGER. 8-cyllnder, model 51, purchased My, 1916; excellent con dition, just overhauled , n. painted, with nr. top and cord tlrea. Will sell for $1,750 cash. This car now sells for $4,176. Call at 1016 Omaha Nat, Bank Bldg, BARGAIN LIST. 1916 Paige, four, $1S5. 1917 Allen touring, $325. 1917 Maxwell, $100. 1914 Ford. $185. Twenty-five others. Trawver Auto Co., 1910 Farnam. MfTcTi ELL "4" TOURING' 1914 model, fine condition, tires al most new, $400 cash; no trade. Phone 831 Co. Bluffs. 500 No. 86th. UUICK, 4-cyl., model 31, good shape, $126; also Stevens Duryea Limousine, 6-cyl., $400; Chambers O'Ncll, 2106 Leaven worth St. Tyler 1419. 1919 FORD SEDAN, Five t'-s demountable rims Docker wheel lock; henter; double radius rods, shock absorbers, $750. Call Baratow, Tyler 4"7. RELIABLE automobile achool; best elec trical and self-starter course; free 'cata log. Come and inspect it. Day school year 'round. Night school opens April 1. National Automobile School, 2814 North 20tn Omaha. You Cannot Afford to overlook this bargain. Bulck Light Six, used oaly a few weeks. For ap pointment cal'. Tyler 4072. - SOME bargains in used Ford cars. Mo Cnffrey Mplor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, '15th and .Jackson, Douglas 3600. KEYSTONE MOTORS CO. 2203 Farnam St. Douglas 2181. STANDARD .WINTON Eight - Big USED cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 2563 Far-am St. Doug. H7I. WE HAVE 60 good used cars to select from. All prices. MEEKS AUTO CO.. 202 Farnam. ALLEN TOURING. A-l condition; must sell within next few days. Douglas 7629 WANTED For spot cash. 100 used cars; vutck action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co., 20D9 Farnam St. Doug. 6035. THE DIXIE FLYEB. W. B. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY, 2620 Farnam St. I FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNTS. ' Look for the red seal on wlnahfeld. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 2033 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. REDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or ateel. Send for circular Redl-Made Housing Co.. 2311 Howard. Red 8667. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO 2300 Farnam St BEST VALUES IN USED CARS. TRAWVER AUTO CO. 1910 FARNAM. REDI-MADE garages, wood or steel. Send for circular. Redl-Made Housing Co., .2211 Howard. Red 3657. TWO-TON truck, nearly new, equipped with dump body,, closed cab, reasonable. Tyler, 678. i - 1919 FORD sedan, with starter, demount- able rims. Douglas 2256. TWO Ford trucks, good as new; bargains. 183 7 Vinton. Doug. 9149. GOOD USED CARS.' GUY L. SMITH. Auto Livery and Garages. TRUCKS for hire, vice. Tyler 1076. all sizes, reliable aer- Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured in Omaha, 24-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. C(T.. 1819 Cum lng St., . Tyler 917. AUTOMOBILE painting. First class work. Douglas 7613. 124 So. 24th St., rear. Tires and Supplies, NEW TIRES, STRICTLY FIRST. 30x3 $ 8.75 32x3ft $15.60 30x3 $11.90 34x4 $20.60 DEALERS AND AGENTS WANTED. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 N. ICth. ' Doug. 3830. USED TIRES DIRT CHEAP. 30x3. $4.00; 3013',-, $5.00. All sizes in proportion. Look over our rebuilts. Open Suhdays. Tyler 2'JSb. 908 N. 16th St. ' Keystone Tiro Shop. NEW REPUBLIC TIRES CHEAP. 3(1x3 F1SK $12.96 I 34x4 $!.9S a.. A at I Ic.J ,1W .., I -VAT. ...... -.I." KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 1722 CUM I Ml. AUTO electrical repairs; service station for Hayfleld carburetor and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards, 2616 N. 19: Accessories. VULCANIZERS and tire shop equipment for sale. 1620 Capitol Ave. Tyler mm. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORC YCLHb Bargains In used machines, victor a Boos, the motorcycle man, 87th and Leavenworth Sts. FARM LANDS. Colorado Lands. ,. "BEST LANDS" ' T bought right and will sell you ab solutely right, any part of 7,000 acres of the best wheat and corn land in east Colorado. Wrlto for facts, now. See our crops. Investigate. K. T. Cline, Owner, Brandon. Colo. LAND m prospective oil dome, Irrigated alfalfa, (three crops yearly corn ana grain farms, government project. Pricet $10 to $75 per acre. Hencniana im proved farms, prices $10 to $30 per acre. Write for price lists ' end descriptltf. niatter. T. J. Larson. Malta, Monlans. LAND "SEEKERS. " v Those that want to buy farms r. rnnches, both dry and Irrigated lauds, also city property, call or write f'r lists of same. W. L. Irwin, 1410 Stout St.. Denver, Colo. Missouri Lands. . SPRING CHEEK FA RM 1o" "acres'; plenty of Improvements; " fruit: corn maiio 40 bushels per acre; running water; $2,800; easy teams. B-594. Moun tain View. Mo. North Missouri farm lands, $r,o to $150 acre. O. P. Stebblna, 1610 Chicago. Minnesota Lands. CORN LAND. 40, 80 or 160 acres; good heavy soil; well settled part of Todd county, Minne sota; good roads, schools and churches. Will produce good corn, oats, clover, po tatoes, etc. Price $16 to $22.50 per acre. Terms. $2 an sere cash; balance. $1 an acre a year; 6. 000 acres to select from, SCHWAB BROS.. . 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. 0 DOUGLAS county farms for sale; write for our list Central Minnesota Laos , Co., Alexandria, Minn. 4 Nebraska Lands. J FOUR SECTIONS, seven miles from town, Sheridan county; three deeded; one school lease; good Improvements; $1$ per acre for deeded land; $1,000 fot lease. A fine proposition worth more money. A, A. PAXililAN. 101 Xarhach block; I t 4 1 1 1