r M V THE LAND VALUES IN STATE INCREASE IN THE LAST YEAR Agriculture Department Shows Improved Farm Lands Are $30 an Acre Higher? On Average. Lincoln, Neb., March II. There na been an unusually large increase in land values in Nebraska, accord ing to a joint report issued here to day by the United States bureau of crop estimates and the state depart ment of agriculture. , The average price per acre of all farm lands with improvements is $135, as compared to $105 last year, " the report says, while the average for all unimproved lands is $110, against $V0 a year ago. The report, issued in connection with a sum mary giving the amount 6f grain stocks on Nebraska farms on March 1, is as follows: "There has been an unusually large increase in land value's throughout the state. "The average prices of different classes of land are as follows: Poor plow Jands $85, as compared to $o7 a year ago; good plow lands $150, against $115 . last year; all plow lands $125, compared to $95 a year ago. The averacre orice ner acre of all farm lands with improvements is $135 per acre, as compared to $10i last year. The average price per acre of all farm lands without im provements is $110, as against $90 a year ago. ( "While these values nay seem quite low to owners of eastern land, it must be remembered that these figure, represent average values for the state, of which 26 per cent is sand hill country." 3,000 Preachers Pledge Co-Operation in Drive To Raise Huge Amount BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1920. BRINGING UP FATHER- Sea Jiggs and Maggie la Full Pag of Color in The Sunday B. Drawn for The Bee by McManus . - Copyright. 1920 international Now Service Or 0LLY-HERC CONE-, . vVl. - r m I HOPE. WE J - OfyroCLCAjs ANOOUST raSSfcP XI4-WAr1.. ILL U L-j here ,r l Q J vfrl orninJ ? ow" t THAT MOtjT HAVE. BEEN A SHOVEL SHE VAJ eCATiN" .with:; vr, - a-j ft Market, Financial and Industrial News of the Dy live Stock Chicago Tribune-Omaha Hee leaved Wire. V Chicago, March h At the final conference Thursday of the 3,000 Illinois pastors of all protestant de nominations, engaged in the Inter church World movement, pledges were given thaf .every minister would co-operate in the great cam paign to raise a budget of $336,777, 757 a year for a period of five years to finance the Interchurch move ment, the object of which is to reconstruct the world morally and religiously. - The biij financial drive from April 25 to May 2 means the raising of $1,683,888,785 by more than 30 Protostant denominations. Dr. Wil liam P., Merrill of New York de clared the movement was the great est opportunity that has ever come to the churph, appealing, as it does, to the faith and spiritual power of all denominations." Refore adjourning the Chicago conference adopted a resolution urging tnat tramers ot the Illinois constitution., insert a, paragraph re quiring the reading of the Bible in public schools. Chinese Release Missionary. Cincinnati, O., March 11. Rev. Dr. A. L. Shelton, missionary of the Disciples of Christ church, held cap tive by Chinese bandits, has been released, according to information received by the Foreign Christian Missionary society of the Disciples Church of Christ here. Dr. Shelton, who had been for many years a mis sionary in China, was captured by bandits in southern China while pre paring to come to this country. Liberty Bond Price. Now Tork:, March 11. Prices of liberty bonda at 11:30 a. m. today were: Ss. 96.16; flrxt it. 90.60; second 4s, 89.(2; first 11.20; second 414s. S.8; third 4i. (3.1ft; fourth 4t, 90 10; victory 3is, 17.38; victory K. 7.3. Price of Liberty bond at. 8.55 p. m. today were: 34. 96.1.: first 4s, 90.50; second 4s. 89,60; first 4 'is. 1 00; second 11.80: third 4. 95.06; fourth 4 Vis, 90.10; Victory 3t. 7.3: Victory 4s. 97.38. Omaha Live Stock. Omaha, Neb., March 11. TiaccIntsMier: Cattle. Hon. Sheen. urflilal -Monday .... 7,621 8.728 8,030 Official Tuesday ... 7,895 17,601 14,170 i;rrir'iai wennesaay. d,3y 14.094 8.304 Kotlniate Thursday. 4.600 11.000 6. 60A Four days this wk.2li.493 49.313 -35.894 Same days last wk.16,971 36,480 26,638 came nays s WK aKO.Zf.0Ul 43,389 40.117 hama days 1 wk aito. 23,779 44,117 40,187 oamo days yr ago..J0.454 (8.331 28,812 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours ending at 8 o'clock p. m., aiarcn ii, ivu: RECEIPTS CARS. Horses and Cattle Hogs Sliuep Mules Missouri Pacific .. 3 Union Pacific .... 63 C. i . W., east., 16 C. & N. W., west.. 26 C, St. P., M. & O. 21 C., H. & Q., east. . 4 C, H. Q , west. . S9 O..' It. I. &. P., east 13 C. R. I. & P., west 6 Illinois Central . . 9 Chi. Gt. West 3 3 80 7 44 15 21 Total receipts .203 150 23 4 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle Hogs Sheep 673 1.962 741 1,?12 Co, .1,823 844 Morris 4 Co.... Swift & Co Cudahy Packing Armour & Co... Schwartz & Co.. J. W. Murphy Morrell 15 Lincoln Packing Co... 93 So. Omaha Pack. Co.. II HlKglns Packing Co.. 61 John Roth & Sons 33 Mayerowich 4 Vail.... 23 aiaaaherg 6 P. O'Dea 3 Wilson & Co 134 F. P. Lewis 60 Huntzlnger & Oliver.. 17 J. B. Root & Co 45 J. H. Bulla 6 Roeenstoi-k Bros. .... 57 F. O. Kellogg 144 Ellis & Co ! Sullt-van Bros IS A. Rolhechlld - 28 Mo.-Kan. C. & C. Co. . 152 F.. Q. Christie 98 Banner Bros. . . . , 4.. . . , 2 John Harvey 330 Jensen & I.undgren.. 46 Pen 11 Is & Francis..... 118 Cheek & Krebs 134 Omaha Packing Co.... 11 2.041 2,808 1,000 1,507 2.184 668 1,680 641 Other Buyers 1,469 2.001 Total 7,051 11,602 RansM City Produce. ' Kansaa City, Mo March 11. Butter Creamery, So higher; firsts, 62c; seconds, I'jr; packing, unchanged. Eggs Current receipts, 15e lower per case, 112.10: firsts, 1 cent lower, 42c. Poultry Hens, lo higher; 35c; others unchanged. Chicago Produce. Chicago, March 11. Butter Higher; creamery, C2$68ttc, Egga Lower; receipts, 12,42! cases; firsts, 4!Hc; ordinary firsts. 36042c; at mark, easel Included. 4l42Vic. Poultry Alive, unchanged. No. New York Coffee. Vw Tork. March 11. Coffee Rio 7. lSUc. Futures Steady; March 14.47c; July, 14 66c. 3 London Honey. London. March 11. Bar Silver 69,d per ounce: money, 3U "per cent; discount rates, short bills, 6 11-16 per cent. Three month bills, t 11-166514 per cent. Bar Silver. New Tork. March 11. Bar Stiver 31.21. Mexican Dollars 92 c. 6.731 Cattle Arrivals of cattle show a fall ing off today with estimates calling for 4,600" head. Total for the four days is 25,400 head, or 9,000 larger than for the xame period a week ago, but 5,000 lees than for the same four days a year ago. LitftilweiKht steers, and yearlings sold about steady, while the beavtes were weak to 10c to 15o lower. For the four days prices are generally weak to 25c lower. Cow stuff sold very close to steady, al though trail" was slow and some sales looked a little lower. As compared with last week's close the market is weak to ISc to 25c lower. Stockers and feeders were steady and are unchanged for the week. Quotations on Cattle Good to choice beeves. l3.00(ft,14.5; fair to good beeves, 811.5013.00: common to fair beeves, $10.00 (311.50; good to choice yearlings, 812.00 13.25; fair to good yearlings, 810.0012.00; common to fair yearlings, 89.00W10.00; choice to prime heifers, $10.004ll.T6; good to choice heifers, I9-0010.00; good to choice cows, 8ip.60T2.75: fair to good cows. S7.O04f9.0O; common to fair cows, $4.Off7.00; choice to prime feeders. 310.50 4l 12.00; good to choice feeders, $9.75ft 10.60: medium tp good feeders, $8.509.76; common to fair feeders, 37.508.50; good to choice stockers, $9.6010.50; fair to good blockers, 37.759.00; common to fair grades, $U.00f 7.75: stock heifers. 35.50 8.00: stock, cows, $6.0007.50; stock calves, 86.0fl(ij10.00; vaal calves. $9.60016.75; bulls, stags, etc., S5.fl010.0. BKEK STEERS. N'o. Av. Pr. No. 26 8l9 $11 25 23 New York financial News By NEW YORK TIMES. Chicago Tribune-Omaha, Bee Leased Wire. New York, March 11. Conflicting forces were at work in stocks throughout today's session realizing sales on a large scale beieng quite evident in some quarters at the same time that special issues were bid upward. In the first hour the mar ket was strong with the exception of some of the rails whose rise of Tues day and Wednesday had evidently been mainly the result of buying for a quick profit. It was in this period that the foreign exchanges bulged sharply, sterling gaining 6 cents to the pound over the preceding day's final quotation and as the sentiment al relation between the improvement of exchange rates and the stock mar ket has been pronounced it was like ly sterling's upturn influenced the further advance of industrial shares this morning. Cotton, too, gained ground, with a later reaction and grain prices moved forward in the Chicago market. Before noon tHe exchanges declined in a sudden movement and at the same time irregularity became pronounced in stocks. In final dealings a number of specialities and motor company shares were 2 to 6 points above Wednesday's last oitotatlons. while a softening tendency was described oy omer aepanmenta. Credit Conditions Strengthen. What the day's movements in' the stock and foreign exchange markets reflected more than anything else was speculation that had not become altogether convinced that higher levels were to be reached and maintained In the Immediate future. The discussion of gold Imports with their con sequent effects upon banking reserves, the growth of favorable sentiment about con ditions in Europe as the spring months approach and an optimistic feeling over the railroad outlook have had much to do with the forward price movements in various markets. The net advance of more than 60 cents in sterling quotations from the minimum level of February, has evi dently resulted In part from a revulsion of speculative endeavor, due to a realisa tion on both sides of the water that the decline hud gone further than the under lying European financial situation war ranted. Whether the altered outlook has been discounted by the exchanges remains to be seen. It Is yet to be established that the British and French governments intend 10 semi realty targe amounts of gold, at iPBhi oerore tne due date -ul the Anglo ranch loan drawn near. The Tine of stocks lu the last 19 days, allowing for a round lot of short coverings, has occurred roln- cuicni witn tne tnouirht that credit condi tions are gradually strengthening, vet such improvements remains to l t bank stBtements and until this event Is iiaieui mere will hardly l room for lHrge scale speculative activity in storks. The "dips" which have occurred In stocks aftr forward swings In the last fort night show that traders are not taking undue chances with paper profits. Hank of England fiold Gains. The Bank of England In today's report showed a gain of nearly $12,000,000 In gold at tho par of the sovereign and the rauo or reserve to liability gained in the week approxmlately 2i per cent to 21.62 per cent. Thus, the bank's accumulation of tha metal showed forth additional proof of its ability to add lo Its holdings from week to week. The orice of auld on the London market declined 4 shillings pence from Wednesday s quotation and silver also moved off sharply. Sterling exchange at New York, following Us early rise, fell back under substantial offerings to a point 3 cents under the preceding afternoon's closing quotations. , Domestic monetary conditions were un changed, call money being freely offered at 7 per cent, with very few offerings of time funds. Except for a perceptible diminution of business in the latter deal ings, the break in exchange exerted no very pronounced effect on quoted values. Reaction of 2 to 6 points were largely re gained at the finish, although profit-taking was evident. Sales were 1.435,000 shares. Trading In bonds was liirht, but the tone, epecially of speculative rails, was strong. Liberty issues eased with firm ness among Internationals. Sale par value) were $10,755,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. Omaha Grain more higher, largely from $14.2514.60 With a top Of 314.80. ilemun.I wom nnH and trade active on this kind. The market was very dull on heavy hogs and prices largely 2,'c lower than yesterdav. mostly from' $13.5014.00 with a few above. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 28. .347 70 $13 00 66. .310 ... $13 65 69. .384 ... 13 70 68. .295 ... 1375 6S..278 ... 13 85 67. .262 ... 13 90 77. .263 80 14 00 62. .248 ... 14 30 66. .270 ... 14 S 70. .243 ... 14 40 80. .203 ... 14 60 60. .176 ... 14 65 79. .220 40 14 60 30. .211 ... 14 65 78. .232 ... 14 70 85. .228 ... 14 75 80. .210 ... 14 80 It.. 21.. 25.. 23.. 21.. 1.. 13.. 12.. 6.. 9.. 49.. ..1116 ..1016 . . 984 . . 963 ..12T9 11 65 14 00 13 25 12 60 13 00 20. 25. 17. Av. Pr. . 801 $11 80 .1167 It 75 973 .1225 .1045 12 10 12 10 12 66 STEERS AND HEIFERS. . 443 10 60 23...... 601 14 624 35 864 6 803 11 80 23 138 12 10 10 30 11 26 11 76 790 11 00 640 11 50 721 11 85 851 11 85 90t 13 30 , COWS. 11 810 8 25 5.. 13 1128 9 85 12. T HEIFERS. 9 S91 9 60 8.. 15 941 10 75 37.. 11 863 11 55 BULLS. 1 970 . 7 25 1.. 1 920 7 74 .. 1......1670 00 1.. CALVES. 1...... 450 S 25 , . S-. 2 255 10 00 2.. 4...... 400 ' 12 60 4.. 1 220 14 00 3.. K.. 152 15 23 3.. STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. . 5 t?2 00 ( 480 10 HI 10 00 Hobs Receipts of hoge continue- fairly liberal, estimate! calling for 158 loads or around 11,000 head. There were, two dis tinct market today, light and butcher weights selling a big 1525c and possibly ...1280 ...1220 896 709 .1270 .1335 .1290 . 400 . 145 . 240 , 290 206 75 10 10 10 00 11 50 T 40 8 60 10 00 . 15 12 00 13 00 16 00 15 50 9 60 Subscription Rates to The Omaha Bee By Mail Outside of Omaha Morning or Evening Edition Iowa and Nebraska: Daily and Sunday, one year...' Daily without Sunday, one year, Sunday only, one yer , South Dakota, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri Daily and Sunday, one year v . . Daily without Sunday, one year Sunday only, one year Outside Above States: ,- Daily and Sunday, one year $9.00 Daily without Sunday, one year 6.00 Sunday only, one year. 3.00 la Omaha anel Co. Bluff by carrier, 15c per week, $7.80 per year CLIP THIS COUPON AND USE IT FOR NEW OR RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS The Omaha Bee, Omaha, Neb. s Enclosed find f for which send me The Omaha Bee (Daily and Sunday) for one full year. .$7.00 . 6.00 , 2.50 $7.80 6.00 2.50 Name..... ,....... Street or R. P. D. No., .......... Town. State. V...... Personal checks accepted. Sheen and Lambs The decreased run of sheep and lambs was attended by a fairly active-demand lor light lumbs with a dull inquiry lor lnbetween and heavv grades. Light lambs ruled generally steady while others were slow to lower. Leavenworth Mexicans topped at $19.25. with the bulk of the good lambs moving from $18.60 ana retter. r at sneep were, scarce, a few decent ewes selling at $18.60. There was no'ntng doing In th feeder trade, owing to meager supplies ana Slack demand. Oood fleshy feeders would likely call around $17.00 with shearing lambs quotable up to 91 t .BIT, Quotations on sheen: Lamhs. good to oaoiee. iis.B0f 19.25: iambs, fair to good, $17.7618.25; shearing lambs, $16J6iRI 17.65; feeding lambs. $15.0016.76; cull lambs. 13.r.0frl6.00; yearlings, $16.00 17.25; wethers, $13.254fl4.50; ewes, good to choirs. S13.0014.00: "ewes, fair to good. $12.26913.00; lamby ewes. $9.00 14.00; ewo culls and canners, $7.509.50. FAT LAMBS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 86 fed... 63 $17 85 225 fed... 92 $18 00 usiiea... 68 19 26 170 culls., 60 15 75 Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, March' 11. Cattle Receipts, 14,000 head; estimated tomorrow. 6,000 head; market slow; beef steers, medium and heavyweight, choice and prime, 313.7515.50; medium and good, $11.656 13.75; common, $9.7511.6S; light, good and choice, 412.5015.00: common and medium, $9.6012.60; butcher cattle, heifers, t7.3513.60; cows, 37.10 13.25: canners and cutters, $4.767.00; veal calves, $16.00017 00; feeder steers, $8.7-5 12.00; stocker steers, $7.5011.00. Hogs Receipts, 82.000 head; estimated tomorrow, 22,000 head: market: heavy, steady to 16e lower, others strong to 16c higher; bulk, 314.15 1 5.60 top, $15.75; heavy, $13.75fD14.85: medium, $14.50 15.60; light, . S15.2015.75; light light, $14.261916.50: heavy packing sows, smooth, $12.75 13.86; packing sows, rough. $12.0012.66; pigs, $13.26 14.50. Slveep and Lambs Receipts, 12,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 7,000 head; market unsettled: lambs, 84 pounds down, $17.25 19.90; culls and common, $14.00817.00: ewes, medium, good and choice, Ml.00Jil4.60; culls and common, $6.0010.75. Chicago Grain Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas, City, llo March 11. Cattle Receipts, 3.000 head; market steady to 26c lower; heavy beef steers, choice and prime, $13.60014.85; medium and good, $12. OO 13.60; common. $10.26 11.90; light weight, good and choice, 912.00013.90: common and medium, $9.00611.90; butcher cattle, heifers, $7.26013.26; cows. $7.00 011.76: canners and cutters, $4.2507.00: veal calves, $13.76015.60; feeder steer, $8,650 I J. 60! itocxer steers, si.uuraii.su. Hon Receipts. 6.000 head: market steady to 26e lower; bulk. $13. 90915 on; heavy, $13.60914.26; medium, $14,250 15J0: racking sows, si2.uiit)ii2.YB; pigs, $12.00016.60. Bheen and Lambs Receipts, 8,500 head; market steady to 16 lower; lambs, $16,500 19 00: eulls and common. $12.00016.40: yearling wethers, $16.00 17.26; ewes. $11.26 V14.0B; cull ana common, sd.sdcjii-uv; breeding ewes, $9.60015.00; feeder lambs, $14.76018.76. eioax City Live Stock. Sioux City, la.. March 11. Cattle Receipts, 1.600 head; market steady to weak; beef steers, choice fed. $12,000 14.(0; short fed, $19.00011.(0; beef cows, 17.0008.00; fat cows and heifers, $8,000 11.(0: canners. $4.0006.00; feeders, $9.00 11.80: stockers, $7.00010.00; feeding cow and heifers, $5.(009.00; veal calves, $8.00018.00; common calves. $6.(009.(0. Hogs Receipts, 8.000 bead; market, IS 025o higher; light, $14.40014.80; mixed, $14.00014.(0; heavy, tli.350U.25; bulk, $13.7614.76. Sheep and Lambe Receipts, 600 bead; market steady. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph. Ho.. March 11. Cattle Re ceipts, 1,800 head; market steady; steers, 99.(0014.(0; cowa and heifers, $4.(00 )2.00; naive, $6.(0013.(0. Hogs Recelnti. 3.(00 head: market 10c to 15o higher; bulk. $14.10014.80. snseo and Lamb Receipts, 4.&u neaa: market steady to weak; Iambs, $18,000 is.uu; ewes, n.uin.ou. . Minneapolis Grata. Minneapolis. Utnn., March 11. Fjour Unchanged. Barley $1.1(01.(8. Rye No. 1, (XdOlO. Bran 847.00. Corn $1.(101.(1. Oats 16 0884. e. Flax (.Q60(.16. Sc. LooU Grain. St Louis, Mo, March 11. Corn May, L 01(0 : Joly. $1.4$ . Oats Mar, 8(o naked. - New Yerk Sugar. Nw Tork. March 11. Sugar Raw. firm; centrifugal. 11.08c; fine granulated. 14.00 016. 00c s . Snot Cotton. . New Tork, March 11. Cottoa-Cpot, ttady. 41.0 . By CHARLES D. MICHAELS. Chicago Tribune-Omaha, Jlee Leased Wire. Chicago, March 11. The advance in May corn to $1.50 today that many have expected for more than a week became a reality. The price did not hold, yet closing trades were at net gains of J-ll?ic for the dif ferent futures, March being the weakest. Oats gained liC and dye, which led the advance from ths start, was up ljc and barle-y lc. Kansas City corn futures were stronger than Chicago. Corn prices are now at a level where traders say there is a more oven fight for operators on both sides of the market. Cash prices have worked nearer to futures and the bull has less advantage over the short seller. No. 3 mixed corn sold at a discount under March for the first time this season and No. 4 yellow, at St. Louis, dropped to under May price there. Arrivals at Chicago and St. Louis show an increase over last week and cash markets are not showing the strength they have of late, which encourages the short seller. Country roads are breaking up In Illinois and Iowa and the movement from the interior must come from the country elevators from now on. As to holdings in these elevators re ports vary. Somo claim that they ara large and others only fair. Attention is called by an oat trader to the fact that May Is only o higher now than when corn was 16 cents lower than at present. This is attributed to selling by longs and by houses who have canceled sales to the east and had May bought against it. Bullish Sentiment in Corn. Bullish sentiment predominated In corn, but a big fight was on and the market's action in conseauence whb rinHfloriiv ratic.3 July and September sold at new high fflgures on the crop, while May was up to around the outside price early in August On every upturn above $1.49 for May, long corn came out in volume, and to a lesser extent in the more deferred de liveries. At the last March was (1.62H; May, $1.48; July, $1.42 and September. $1.39. Wet weather prevailed over the corn , country roads Have broken up. feterllng exchange advanced sharply early and then declined as rapidly as It had gone up, helping to make a eharp break at one time. Messages from Iowa points ln d.?,ta. more Plentiful supply of cars, while In Illinois the situation was very bad. In both states farmers are unable to deliver to interior elevators. Prospects of one of the worst crop scares In winter wheat In recent years la a market factor in corn, es is the heavy demand for rye and wheat Horn abroad. Receipts of corn were limited, 103 cars with sample values unchanged to mc higher. Kastern demand alow, with one car sold to the east. Africa was in the market and bought 10,000 bushels Kaffir corn and mllo maize. Trading in futures of corn will be resumed In Liver pool March 16. Hard Winter Wheat Kales. Exporters bouifhf 230 OOli l,.h.i. t... winter wheat at Chicago, but had to ad-?'-1"2ca. p.rlc- 4Jc ome elllne at the last at 32.70 trat- "Vuw Vrl. f..- . shipment. Durum was in demand at n. iuth. Winter wheat on track 2ifflio hi.h. Heavy and ntrsistpnt Hptitnir nt v.,'. cash .and commission houses took the bull edge off the market. Local traders bought on the strength in corn, but had to unload ltter. The close was slightly above the low point. May 8388,c fnd vU,T J60- Sentiment was slightly less bullish. , Export business Is being dorie in volume in rye. a cargo was sold for shipment at the orenlng of nnvirAtinn itn w.h. nesday. Seaboard bids were 15c to 15c over May, the latter for iriiarantMH prompt shipment Barley advanced 2o to So with light offerings and good demand.- New Tork reported 100.000 bushels sold for export, while New California grain, June ship ment, sold at $1.80 f. o. b. New Tork, By TJpdlke Grain Co.. D. 1627. March 11. Omaha Grain. Omaha, March 11, 1920. Receipts of grain showed a slight Im provement over the very light run the past few day. Wheat had a fairly ready sale at prices about unchanged. Corn ranged 1 to 2 cents higher, considerable going at the extreme advance. Oat were unchanged to hk cent up, the bulk 4 cent higher. ' Rye was up i cent and barley un changed. Caih sale today were: Wheat No. 8 hard: 2 cars. $2.61; cars, $2.60. No. 3 hard: 1 car, $2.50: 1 car. $2.48; 1 car, $3.47; 4 cars, $2.45; 1 cars, $2.4u (smutty). No. 4 hard: 1 car, $2.42: 1 car. $2.40; 1 car, $2.36 (smutty, yellow); 1 car, $2.38; 1 car, $2.37 (smut ty); 1 car, $2.34 (smutty). No. ( hard: 1 car, $2.85 (2.9 per cent mahogany). Sample hard: 1 car, $8.26 (yellow); 1 car. $2.22; 1 cur, $2.22 (musty); 1 car, $2.12 (4 per cent mahogany), 19 per cent mois ture. N6. 2 northern spring: 1 car. $2.78 (dark). No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $2.40. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 43.87. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $2.34. Corn No 3 white: 1 car. $1.60. No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.474: 1 car. 91.47. No. 6 white: 3 enra, $1.45; 3 car, $1.44. No. 8 white: 1 car, $1.41. No. 4 yellow: 2 cars, $1.47. no. 5 yellow: 3 cars, No. 6 yellow 1 cars, $1.43; 1 car-, No. 4 mtxd: 2 cars, $1.45 (near white) 1 car, $1.45; 6 cars, $1.44. No. ( mixed: 2 cars, $1 43; 2 cars, $1.42. Oats No. 3 white: 8 cars, 17V4c. Rye No. 2: 1 car, $1.67. No. 1: 4 cars, $1.66. No 4: 1 car, $1.65. Barley Rejected: 3-6 car, $1.17. Sam ple: 1 car, $L33. , OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts- Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago Wheat 29 24 7 Corn .'41 43 33 New York Quotations ' Short Term Notes $1.45. $1.42. 15 15 29 .3 2 8 2 4 Today Wk. Ago Tr. Ago 26 46 29 1 1 38 13 13 ARKETS. Corn Oats 1 66 35 18 2' lo:t 65 Oats Rye Barley .... Shipments- Wheat Corn Oats Rye Barley RECEIPTS .IN OTHKR Wheat Chtfago Kansas City 69 St. Louis 4 J Minneapolis 200 Duluth 10 Winnipeg 62 OMAHA GRAIN INSPECTION. The number of cars of grain of the several grades inspected "in" here dur- Inir the n&st 24 hours follows: W7heat No. 2 nam, l car: iso. i nara, i car? Kn. a nara. i car: sample nara. i car: No. 4-mixed. 2 cars; No. 4 durum, 1 car. Total, 7 cars. Corn No. 3 white. 1 car: no. 4 wnite, 2 cars; No. 5 white. 6 cars; No. 4 yellow, 4 cars; No. 5 yellow, ( cars; NO. 3 mixed, 1 car; No. 4 mixed, 4 cars; No. ( mixed, 4 -cars. Total. 26 cars. Oats No. 3 white, 18 car: no. wnite, 1 car; sample white. 1 car. Total. 15 car. PRIMART RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Today Tear Ago Wheat 520,000 Corn 686.000 Oats 490,000 Shipments Wheat ... 353.000 Corn 422.00 Oats (50,000 Number ot sales and rang? of price of tho leading stocks. ' . Sale. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar. . . 800 844 844 (44 Am. Can 19,100 474 464 464 Am. C. F 3.000 1414 1; 1404 Am. . ti L. pfd.. 3,000 107 1164 1064 Am. Loco... 12,300 101'i 99H 100 Am. S. A R 1,600 132 130 131 Am. Sum Tob... 800 91; 9QV& 90Vi Am. Tel. & Tel... 2,200 1004 99 1004 Am. Z, L. S... 600 204 l"i 1 94 Anaconda Cop.... 7,700 60 69 60 Atchison 3,600 88 1 S514 85 A. O. ft W. L B. 8. 3,700 159 4 157 159 Baldwin Loco 59,500 122 1194 1204 R ft 0 9,1110 3 87 334 Beth. Steel "B".. 29, 000 95 4 ! K 92 4 P. & S. Cop 3,000 28 27 27 4 Cal. Pet... 4,500 38 864 374 Canadian Pacific. 1,400 W 126't, 1264 antral i, earner. .1.70" 5K fan X8 ,15.300 , 1,200 (6,600 600 1,000 22,500 59. 424 91 39 354 41 6S 40 4 90 38 34 404 914 !26 454 6 3 U 144 S'i 404 90 384 ii 40 914 228 4 454 68 - 144 dies Ohio. C, M. ft St. P. C N. W C. R. I. ft P.. Tjhlno Copper.. Colo. F. ft I... Corn Products Crucible Steel.... 9,400 2324 Cuba Cane Sugar. 3,300 464 IJ1RI. sec. UOr.... 1,8(111 Eil 3.700 154 Cle'ntral Electrlo .. 900 1664 1674 1684 Qt-neral Motor ..36,000 330 312 3234 Ut. Nor. pta 3,600 61 80 Ot. Nor. ore ctf. 1,600 39 4 38 Illinois Central .. 600 934 93 Insp. Cop 3,500 66 66 4 Int. if. M. pfd.... 4,700 93 91 Int. Nickel 7,600 22 22 int. Paper 16.400 .82 814 K. C. Southern... 900 18 174 Kennecott Cop... (.600 814 "4 107 1,800 108 ..21.600 191 186 800 4.700 3,(00 800 600 451,000 469.000 473,000 S!6,0fll 276,000 494,000 Art Open! Corn Men. May July Sept Rye May Jul Oat May July Pork May July Lard May July Rib Rib July 1.54 1.48 1.42 1.38 1-73 1.70 .84 .764 35.60 135.60 21.87 22.20 18.37 18.88 High. 1.(44 1.50 1.43 1.39 1.75 1.70 .84 .76 35.80 35.(0 21.(5 22.6r 18.7! 19.23 Low. IClose lYest'dy 1.62 1.474 1.41 1.37 1.72 1.68 .82 .75 35.60 3S.60 21.(2 22.16 ' 18.8T 18.86 1.524 1.49 1.43 1.39 1734 1.68 .83 . .76 35.80 35.50 21.8$" " 22.21 18.(0 19.07 1.51 1.47 141 1.37 1.71 1.87 4 .83 .76 35.60 36.25 21.(0 22.10 18.78 18.87 Grain Trade Notes. Weekly Kansas weather and crop report aays: It was a very unfavorable week, for wheat wits already suffering on ac count of droughty conditions when the week began and was damaged by the cold winds. The snow was light and was blown and offered very little protection. There was some complaint of damage from soil blowing away In the western counties, but this, seems to have occurred only on tho more sandy ground. It is too early to ascertain Just what damage to wheat, a a good rain or heavy snow might revive It wonderfully, but present indications are that In a large number of counties in tha southern half from 10 to (0 per cent of It will be abandoned. The north ern half Is generally in better shape, but its condition is precarious. Northwestern gram dealers' report shows 43.7S3.000 bushels oats inspected to date, 1,764,000 bushels In store at country points, 11.514,00 bushel in farmers' hands, 8.800,000 bushel and to come for ward about 12,000.900. Stocks at terminal elevator Saturday night were (,000,000 bushels. Foreign demand for ry continues very active. Bids of 1( cents over May track, Baltlmqre, made in the west for prompt Khlpmehts. A large business has been put through in all positions already, but de tails are lacking. Holland buyers are for Germany. A New Tork message says they have cleaned up all the rye exporters had bought and not shipped and must now get the rest of their orders from western markets. The International Institute of Agri culture reports winter wheat acreage for 1920 showing an Increase in France and British India and a decrease in Spain and Roumanla in camparison with 1(1. The acreage this year and percentage of last year's acreage follow: Spain, 9.(11,000 acres, or 91.6 per cent of last year; France, 11.369,000 acres, or 103.6 per cent; Roumanla, 1,321,000 acres, or 44.5 per cent; British India, 27,439,000 acres, or 116.2 per cent. ' E ansae City Grain. Kansas City, Marcn 11. Corn May, (1.48; July, $1.41 0 1.41 M; September. $1.36. LIBERTY BONDS We purchase Liberty Bonds and Victory Notes at prevail ins market price less a reason able handling charge. United States Trust Co. Affiliated with The United State Nat. Bank, 1612 Farnam St., Omaha. 23 4 48 304 66 4 15 26 774 39 4 99 834 46 1 35 974 434 304 69 19 85 234 47 29 63 15 25 76 394 98 814 45 35 95 43 30 58 19 83 80 38 93 66 914 224 814 174 314 107 1874 23 47 29 4 66 164 26 76 394 98 824 46 354 L. ft Nash. Mex. Petroleum Miami Copper Midvale Steel Mo. Pacific ., Mont. Power . Nevada Copper Nat. Lead N. T. Central 9,000 N. T N. H. ft H. 33,700 Nor. ft Western . . 500 N. faclflo 3.000 Ohio C 9,300 Pacific Mall .... 600 P. A. Petroleum. 35.600 Pennsylvania . .. 6,300 43 4 43 43 P. ft W. Va 600 304 30 30, Pittsburgh coal . ZOO 59 58 58 Ray Cons. Cooper 2.100 194 194 194 Reading 59.200 85 83 83 Royal D 22,000 103 99 100 K. 1. ft Steel ...28,809 17 954 96 S. O. ft Refining .39,300 44 4 41 43 4 S. Pacific J7.000 101 100 100U S. Railway 4,700 26 25 26 Sutd. Corp 66,800 99 95 97 Texas Co 22,800 213 194 197 Tobacco Products. 7.800 70 68 6H Union Paclfio ... 3,700 125 124 124U Unoted Cigar 8... 16,100 77 76 75 V. S. I. Alcohol. .21. 100 94 86 91 U. S. Steel 67,600 101 994 9 TJ. S. Steel pfd .. 1.200 118 1134 113 Utah Copper .... 2,700 76 75 764 Wct Electrlo .. 7,500 63 53 63 Willys-Overland ..10,200 28 25 28 Bond List. I. C. ref. 4s Quotations furnished by Peters Trust Company. Bid. Asked." Amer. T. & T. (a, 1924 94 94 do 1926 974 84 Amer Tobacco 7s, 1922 1004 101 4 do 1923 101 .01 Anaconda Cop. 6s, 1929 94 93 Anglo French Ext. 6s, 1920... 97 97 15-16 Ar. ft Co. Con. Deb. 6s, 1920. 99 . 99 . 99 . 99 . 99 . 99 . 99 . 95 . 93 .100 .100 . 98 .100 .101 .100 . 92 4 100 100 1004 100 100 1004 100 96 93 1004 1004 9.1 101 102 101 92 Chicago Potatoes, Chicago. March 11. Potatoes Steadv; J?c--'?'.l0 car": Northern whites sacked, $5.2o5.35; ditto! bulk, $3.35i&6.60; Idaho russets; 35.66&6.80. ' do 1921 do 1022 , do 1923 , do 1924 Beth. Steel Co. 7s, 19C2., do 1923 , British 6 4 s, 1921 C. B. ft Q. 4s, 1921 , Cudahy Pack. Co. 7s. 1923., Lehigh Valley 6s, 18C3 Liggett ft Myers 6s. 1(21... Proctor ft Gamble 7s, 1922.. do 1H2.1 T'nlon Phc. 6s. 1928 Wilson Conv. 6s. 1928 IT s 1. r- innu do coupon ..100 4 u. s. 48, reg..i06 U. S. cv. 4s, c.106 Pan. 3s. reg.. 88 do coupon . . 88 A. T.T. cv. 61, 98 A. -French 6s .. 97 A. ft Co. 44. 82 Atch." gen. 4s. . 78 B. ft O. c. 44s. 64 B. Steel ref. 5s. 84 C. Ieath. 5s.... 36 724 f. M. Ma, 6s... 89 4 K. C. S. ref. 6s. 69 4 L. & N. un. 4s. 814 M. K.&T. 1st 4s 67 4 M. Pac. gen. 4s. 67 M. Power 6s.. 85 4 N. T. C. deb. 6s 92 4 N. Pacific 4s... 75 N. Paciflo Ss... 63 O. S. L. ref. 4s 814 P. T. ft T. 6s.. 85 Pa. con. 4... 90 4 C. Pacific 1st.. 72 4IPa. gen. 6s C. ft O. cv. 6s. 80 CB.4Q. joint 4s 92 CM.ftS.P.c.44. 72 C,Jt.I.s-p.rer.4s. 67 C. Cop. col. t. 6s 794 C. of Paris 6s. 90 C. ft 6. ref. 4a 72 D. &R. O. con. 4s 64 D. of C. 6s, '31 tr Erie gen. 4s.. 454 a. Elec. 5s.. 86 Gt. N. 1st 44s 81 89 Reading gen. 4s. 79 4 St.L.ftS.F.adj.6s. 65 S. Paciflo cv. 58.103 4 S. Ry. 6s 5 T. Co. cv. 6s.. .103VI T. ft P. 1st ..814 U. P. 4s 82 UK.O.B.I.64s,,37 87 u. s. kud. bs. . . 844 U. 8. Steel (s .. 96 waoasn 1st ... 89 Bid. We Offer GERMAN CITY BONDS Berlin 4s Hamburg 4s Hamburg 4s Leipzig 4y2 ' Leipzig 5s Coblenz 4s Munich 4s Bremen 4s , Mannheim 4s Essen ' 4s Cologne 4s Frankfort 4s Full Details OB Ratquest Farson, Son & Co. Members New York Stock Exchange 115 Broadway, New York New York Money. New Tork, March 11, Mercantile Pa- pr Vnchatiffed. Sterling sixty-day bllla, $3.73; commer otal to ily bills on banks, (3.73; cnmmer clal 60-duy hills, $1,714; demand, $3.76; cables. $3.76. Franca remand, 13.82; cables, 13.80. Belgian Francs Demand, 12.72; cablet, 12.70. (Judders Demand. 3$c; catfle. 84 4 C Lire Demand, 17.40: rabies, 17.40. Murks Demand, 1.63c; cabins, 164n. Bonds Government, Irregular: railroad, strong. Time Loans Strong; (0 days, 0 days and six months. 84 per cent. Call Money Steady; high, 7; low, 7; ruling rate, 7; closing bid, 64; offered at T; last loan, 7; bank acceptances, 8. New York Cotton. Tork, March 11. Cotton closed at a net advance ot ( to 10 New steady pnlnls. Farm Mortgage Bonds fjionoaonoaoaoooaon $ cat uo ID o ;d o D a o D o D o D o a o D o D o For fifty-nine years In- II vestors in the farm mortgages o . of the United States Trust Company, and its affiliated institution, have not suffered the loss of a single dollar in principal or interest. We have an extensive list of high class farm mortgages and farm mortgage bonds in .i.HnMin.im.. A4 ciaa egfin U $1,000 and over. 0 Detailed circular upon . request. 0 O D 0 D o United Statet Trust Co. Affiliated with United States National Bank D o n o a o a o a o- D o a o 3 D o D 1612 Farnam, Omaha, Neb. D BioaoaoooaosaoaocaoS No Margins to Put Up You have no idea, until you get yWr copy ot our 'EXCHANGE CIRCULAR' free, 'bow many people ar seizing the opportunity tor 0)IG PROFITS 0uyingOptions For 3, 6 or 9 i..onths on German Marks French Francs Italian Lire $ 40 Buy Option on 10,0001 $ 85 Buys Option en 28,000 I UrlBlr $160 Buy Option en 80,000 f Mirk. $300 Buys Optien on 100,000 I Fortunes may be made in a -day.' One A. E. F. veteran just cleared 960,000. A 2-cent rise en 100,000 Marks, Franc or Lire may earn you $2,000. No mar gins to put up. Your optien covers everything. Write for the special edi tion (limited), just out, of our EXCHANGE CIRCULAR (B 160) FREE Tell th whole atorv. Cemelete. We would advise you to act immedi ately, as we will issue only a limited number of these options. Mail vour remittance for as large an option as you can airord. ... Bourse Security Co. Foreign Bonds . Foreign Exchange Harris Trust BIdg., Chicago, III. awitiniianaitiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuinii Owned and recommended hj Home Builders, Inc. llllllll8l!IIIIIIBII8llll!ll!ll8llllllllllllll8lllieillllllllllBII8lllllllllll8l!lll8IIBiriua Cotton Futures. New Tork, March 11. Cotton futures opened firm. March, 39.64; May, 36.35; July, 28.80; Ootober, 31.45; December, Cotton futuses' closed steady: March 89.60c: May, 36.83c; July, 33.77c; Octo ber, ai.ooc; uecemoer, 30.60s. UPDDKLZ W Specialize in the Careful Handling of Orders of Grain and Provisions for Future Delivery in All Important Markets We Are Members of Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce St. Louis Merchants Exchange Kansas City Board of Trade Sioux City Board of Trad Omaha Grain Exchange WOprate Offices at: Omaha, Neb. Sioux City, la. Lincoln, Neb. Atlantic, la. Hastings, Neb. Hamburg, la. Holdrege, Neb. . Des $inea, la. Geneva, Neb. Milwaukee, Wis. .v Chicago. III. a fcd all of these offices are con nected with each other by private wires. We Solicit Your Patronage. THE UPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY Grain Exeb-fe Building. Omaha, Neb. P. S. Cash Consignments Solicited. I 1 Have You a Building Problem? So, Ut Us Work With You to Its Proper Solution HOME BUILDERS SERVICE METHODS for. tha eon. of all kind of buudinfs solves most building strnction problemi. See Coastructioa Department, HOME BUILDERS Incorporated W. BOYD JONES, Mgr. N. y.'Cvr. 18th and Dodge Street, Omaha. . - 'Authorized Capital $tJ00,000. If Desired, Wo Fiaaace Building When CenstrucUd by Us. First Mortgage Bonds You Can Safely Lay Away - Security Earnings T e r m s Maturity Tax-Free Tenants These bonds are - secured by property, centrally lo cated in the business sec tion of Omaha, costing over $150,000.90 The net earnings are over two .-times the annual in terest on the mortgage. These bonds are sold in denominations of $250, $500, $1,000 up to $5,000 convertible after pne year at option of holder. Certain of these bonds ma ture in 1923 and others yearly up to 1927. TJiese bonds are tax-free in Nebraska. The owners of the property pay the taxes. The owners will occupy this new property built to meet the growing needs of an old established business. Inquiries From Investors Are Invited Ask for Description Circular B-B American Security Co. Dodge and 18th Omaha !8..t..fcie..i.,8. 8:i8i.t..8,,l..8:.8.i8.il.Ji;tii8hi!8. 8ii8!liit ili.l;.8i!8UlHfiiti X I.iBii8..8u8i