TW are thouikte taat mm tram the ul pin. I asmatlmaa think there never blow aa fad Tha Roaa aa wkara aoma buried Caaaar bld That every Hyacinth tha g.nUn waara Dropt la har lap from aoma onca level head. , Ontar Kaavyaaa. Amt thoufkU is tn. newer Mil carMi AM tka thoughta that ara alova with the aceat at tht ' and aa eld aa tha world. Walter Foe. 1.0 i ) 1 1 ADVKBTISKMiyr CHILDLESS fi Please Read This Letter And See What Normal Health WiU Do For You. 4' trfutcaster, Pa. "I wtasweak and run down, bad pains in my bead, back ana Btomacn an the time, and bearing down pains. Inadfased Lydia E. Ptrtk-: ham's Vegetable Compound and it helped me, so my mother got me to try it again, and I am now feeling better than I have for years. We were married six- teea years and had no children, but rtww we have a fine big boy and we ' always call him our 'Pinkham boy The doctor was afraid of my case as ; I was 41 years old when the boy was horn, but I came through all right .You can use this as a testimonial if you wish and I will certainly write to any one who writes to me about it" Mrn Margaret G. avercamp, 629 Howard Avenue, Lancaster, Pa. If you have the slightest doubt that "Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Com pound will help you, write to Lydia E. .Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass., for advice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by i a woman and held in strict confidence. -... -, , T SL: CriS aw f I ! " -"Dim terrible Ear NeiMf hare utovtxrf." is wttat leUer after latter la aarluc You remember mat ; auni ti ku i:. Traataanu fur Head J. to Oman iwt ncaaera. Man? people took ad antaf of that off". bm UwiBwliri lturiftr .its' Bar. Head NWaesl what a picture or aurrermi tuesa emrda brlns to mind. Bat If jou have Head Noises n ar the one to appreciate tha bleascd relief in tha ward "Mr Head Noiaea hara-stopped"-and ikeae are (he words which tha mail brings Hj eciallat mule's efrice. tha loyand sraMiHls '6t 'many pearl who haw XutA tha Sprout Method haa been ao great that tola Introductory offer la mada again. 4-Day Treatments, Free i This meana that to ahow you. rlrtt In Tour own fbona tha many advantaaea of tola Method, you I aaa have a four-day treatment. Free, by Ju wrtuni for tai Think what tt would wean to no longer I auffer with theae roaring noiaea tha hltlln the aacaolni steam-tlia hum of t.te-n buzjlne 1 all tha weary catalog of sounds. Prips, too. k mm heart 1 bealnniBg to fall, out whether it haj f or not. yon know- In your heart of hearta mat it iaM.r o and the tolcg of aelenoa warn you In un MatakaUa tarns. If you hare Bead Noise, aooner far-latar. you may be deaf. I Hero IB your opportunity.' Bend for one of theae Ifxa Treatroenta and aaa the Method whlob. has troubles. " Just drop SrnaHat Bproule's orftc a note or poat-oard glrlng your full nam and ad- Thla offer and to Is for TOP. Perhaps you bars tried, other thing snd become ditoouraged. Per tiape sou are esreleealy neglecting your caa from day to day thinking It will got well of itself. Mat fret this small effort. Send for one of theae Fr treatments. It won't eoat you, a penny. 8m this new treatment and tha method which has rid psny, many people of Head Noiaea. - Wrifa today for free Bead Noiaea Treatment. , EAR SPECIALIST SPROULE 192 Trad Building-, .Boston, Mail, ADVERTISEMENT f DECKLED GIRLS Try This to' Make Freckle , Fade Away -dust apply a little KIntho Beauty Cream wrary night and mornini with the finger tis.; After a few regular applications with this fragrant beauty eream watch tha fraaUca gradually fade away. Cfrta who believed, their freckles would aever gor away have been utterly amased after uaing Kintho Beauty Cream aa the remarkable difference it-jmade. r Thia Is YOUR chance to get rid of those dbflaTVrtaaT freckles. When -your friends ssk yn what made your complexion so clear tall them Kintho Beauty Cream did Ifc. .v-. ' " Kintho has been used for 15" years to re asev atvbborn, blotchy freckles. Any wall-atoeked drug or department store can apply you. Thoe. F. Odey, Free, y lwMmm i i A REAL PAINT TEST "How long wiU it wear what protection am I aura of gat. .v liBf for my anon)?" Too answer to this will aoWo your paint problem. That' why FULLERTON PAINT is made to ' giro S year of service. It stands tha teat because It goes' - farther, lasts longer, and looks better. And ovary claim is j ', baaked by S-year written insurance policy. k-Tone 'The Deautif ul" Flat Wall Finish Wash It, scrub li, treat it rough, ' ToaHl find that Silk-Tone ia tha stuff That stands the wear makea home eomplet,' j ' The rich, doll finish aaa't be beat. . r PreTanta all rrm from tttin in, ' And makaa tha sarfaea -tough as sin: Protects the walls, reflect the light, , . It won't rdb off it stays on tiiht - ' - . - ... -.!--' N - -. fraaewa yonr health, adds to your pleasure, ?.,I te traaaera; Boa it, try rt, se it now, - ' ' Vr,, Come and let aa ahow you how. ' Distributed and Retailed by MULLIN PAINT CO 313 Sos Fonrtaanth Sk Ratailad by AM NEWMAN, 1804 Faraam St. SOCIETY OMAHANS are much interest ed in the appearance of the Marmein sisters at the Or pheum this week. These actresses have visited here on a number of occasions with their aunt, Mrs. C. F. McGrew. Their mother and lit tle sister, Phyllis, are traveling with them. The most unusual fact about their entire act is that the costumes and scenery for the dances are de signed by themselves, and the ar rangement of steps is entirely their ays Miss Irene Marmein, "We have trained ourselves to be imagi native. We see rhythm and poetry in things most commonplace. Teaching folk dances to young American children will do much to itirlrn in them a sense of beautv which is strangely lacking in this country. Dancing trains tne mina as well as the body." Little Phyllis, who has seen danc ing all her life, is talented in this line, but her ambition is to be a singer. While her, older sisters were discussing the benefits of dancing Monday afternoon she was busily experimenting with tne makeup. She tried the different shades of rouge and lip stick, and when fin ished demanded the approval of Miriam Marmein. Shaking her long golden curls as she studied herself in the mirror, she said, "Goody, it's a lot better tpdav. Then I can eat supper in the Wg "dining room at the hotel to night, can't I, mother?" The re quest being granted, her joy knew no boands and she twirled and whirled on her toes, imitating the dance steps of her sister. Will Cressy of Cressy and Dayne, also' at the Orpheum, is planning to give a special performance Saturday morning for a number of orphaned children. When the Marmein sis ,ters heard of this they- volunteered to help, and will give a new Blue bird dance which they are origi nating. "Oh, no, we never have done it, but we completed our cos tumes a few days ago and we have the general iaea in mind. Of course, we "will have to work to complete the number for. Saturday, but we shall like to do it," they said m one breath. . '; Merry Makers' Club. The Merry Makers' Dancing club will entertain at a dancing party Wednesday . evening at Ben Hur dancing academy. ' - ' Card Party. Degree cf Honor lodge, No. 193, will give a card party at .2:30 p. m. ,r..i f . fAA CAIIiMve' lmll. Twenty-fourth and M streets'. Ten - -it 1. . prrees wm pg b'yc1' Farewell Parties, i . . t VJ T Phillin.q. who is Visit- eVl Ja Via J . 1 r " - " ing Lt. and Mrs. W. L; Phillips at Fort Crook was honoree at a bridge party given Monday by Mrs. John Morris at the post. m Mrs. P. F. Peterson entertained eight guests at a bridge luncheon at the Omaha club Tuesday in honor of Mrs. Phillips, who leaves Friday fpr' the south. Theater Party. nttpnrlimr theOroheum included Messrs. and Mesdames U. B. Wetherell, L. E. Rice, Sam Komorski. Harry Gas- ser, ,VV. Bergman, k. wmiams, Patrick Cleary and Mr.U. Ander son. ' ' -. j Fort Crook Affair. , The officers of Fort Crook will entertain at a formal dancing party at the Officers' club at the post Fri day evening. ' . Music Department Music department of the Omaha Woman's club will meet Wednes day at 2 p. m. in the Y. W. C. A. for chorus rehearsal. Meeting of :he executive committee will follow at 3:30. Mrs. W. E. Shafer, -leader. Omaha W. C. T. U. Omaha W. C. T. U. will meet Wednesday at 2 p. m. in the Y. W. C.A. Dr. Jennie Callfas will give a report of the Chicago convention. Mrs. F B. Towle will talk I on "Civio Affairs. The public inyited to attend. Dr. Crothera to Lecture. Dr. Samuel McChord Crothers of Cambridge,, Mass., will talk on "The Perils of the Literate" Wednesday evening at 8:15 at the First Uni tarian church, Thirty-first and Har ney streets. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ) Lenten Visitor i , . . 1 . U.lfl I 11 .111 Among thd Lenten v.sitors is Miss Nellie' Sonin of Kansas City. She is the guest of her brother, J. E. Sonin, and Mrs. 'Sonin. Before re siding in Kansas City, Miss Sonin made her home in Fremont. A num ber of informal affairs will be, given in her honor. Personals Miss 'Helen Bradley, daughter of W: W. Bradley 6f Omaha, has been chosen captain of the 1922 basket ball team at Mount Holyoke Col- lege, South Hadley, Mass. Ernest Willis of Dorchester is spending a few days in the city. Mrs. T. C. Minshall and son 'of Logan, la., will arrive in Omaha. Friday for a brief visit with Mrs. Walter Rouse. Charles, H. Sevick, who recently underwent an operation at the Wise Memorial hospital, is. convalescing , Miss Bernice Barrett df Norfolk, Neb., spent 5unday in Omaha. Mrs. M. M. Shoults and Mrs? A. Van Gundy of Shenandoah, la., Spent Monday in Omaha. They were enroute home from Ethen,' S. D. Mrs. Gundy was the guest here of her daughter, Mrs. fearl bimp- Mrs. R. G. Wenthrope and daugh ter, Vivian, of New York City, who have teen visiting. Mrs. R. W. Cow ell at the Blackstone,- will return home Wednesday:- . , A son, Charles Woodworth, was born Friday at the Methodist hos pital to Mr. and Mrs. George Kiewit , Train School Mothers. Mrs. L. P. Rasmussen will enter tain the Train Schol Mothers' club Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock at her home, 2214 South Sixth street, Mrs. F. A. Derek, assistant hostess. It Will be of the The Home of Pleasant-Dealings Your main idea in buying a sewing machine would be to please yourself but when you buy the WHITE . you will do more than please yourself you will have an added attraction in your home. Your friends, relatives and neighbors will demon strate by their enthusiasm what good judgment you have shown in buying THE WHITE. MICKEL'S , .. , Douglas 1973 ; " s : 15th and Harney MR. GROCER: v We Have Created .Anchor Nut have You www re trhor OLEOMARGARINE ' , , DUtrituted by Fairmont Creamery Co. CLUBDOM ARE women going to be broad ' or narrow as they grow in political life? Will they allow party affiliation to influence them in their study clubs' and similar non political organizations?, An answer comes from the political and 'social science department of the Omaha Woman's club in its refusal Mon day afternoon at the regular session of that body, in the Y. W. C A. to accept the resignation of MrsHVJ. Bailey as department leader. w "Yotir department leader should be non-partisan!" said Mrs. Bailey, "and as I an now publicly identified with the democratic party I feel it my duty. to resign." . Her resignation was not accepted. It was pointed out that henceforth all the members would be par tisan and it was the consensus of ' opinion that identification' with eith er party should in no way affect the 'political and social science . depart ment as far as its object and aims were concerned. - -; A plea was made by Dr. Jennie Callfas, for women to register in the ' democratic party for the purpose of getting dry representatives on the national committee, j i wouia aa vise the women who haven't regis tcred to do sd at once," said Dr. Callfas. "If you wish to put the "dry amendment in the constitution and keep it there, join the demo cratic party and help elect Mrs. E. B. Towle. It is not too late for those who have already registered republican, and are not very strong in their convictions, to change to the democratic party." v "I do not agree with Dr. Callfas," said Mrs. Mary I. Creigh. If you have party convictions stick to them and don't let your first po litical move be a lie." . , Judge "Joseph Gray, who gave a talk on "Municipal Ownership," said in part: The government of this country, founded on the old constitution, protects the right of the individual and stands for in dependent ownership of property. State government and municipal ownership are against these princi ples. Socialism will destroy in dividuality and private ownership." The department .commeftced the study of Mrs.1 Wheeler's handbook for Nebraska' citizens. Points in the new constitution were also brought up for discussion. Mrs. N, IC Syke was leader for' the day. 1 Alpha Phi. , Alpha Phi sorority vwill meet Wednesday" at the home of Miss Katherine 'Sturtevant, 1319 , Thirty fifth streit Frances Willard W. C. T. U. The Frances Willard chapter of the.W. C. T. U. will meet Wednes day at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs T. R. Ward, 2121 Wirt street. Mrs. C. E. Hancock, evangelistic super intendent, wiil have charge of the program. P. E. O. Chapter B. S. Chapter B. S. of the P. E. O. met Monday at the home of Mrs. J. S. Wood arid elected the following of ficers.: Mrs. Elizabeth Tracy, presi dent; Mrs. W. A. Wilcox, vice presi dent; Mrs. J. S. Wood, recording secretary; Mrs.' A. W. Francis, cor responding secretary;! Mrs. R. C. Person, treasurer; Mrs. R. A. Ralph, chaplain, and Mrs. D. M. Wycoff, guard. Delegates from Chapter B. S. who will attend the P. E. O. con vention at Fairmont in June are: Mesdames Elizabeth Tracy and M. H. Tvson: alternates. Mesdames J. T. Packard and A. W. Francis. the Talk Town JUst Right a Demand for , ' Margarine mtw w)nv Supply? My HEART and My HUSBAND By ADELE GARRISON How Harriet Braithwaite Saved the ' Situation. Dr. Braithwaite, bluff, genial, un suspecting, advanced toward Jack as his wife took Katherine into her embrace, and held out his hand in cordial greeting. ; "It's mighty good to see yoii again, Bickett'v -he said heartily. "How are you? You're looking a lit tle more fit than when I saw you lat," It was not till he had finished speaking that he looked fully at Jack. . His eyes were unconsciously watching the pretty picture stately Harriet Braithwaite made with the slender graceful figure of Katherine enfolded in her arms. I saw him start slightly as he at last met Jack's eyes smoldering with anger, anfl his own eyes narrowed as if he were studying out the reason - for . the younger man's strange action. . Jack stood as motionless as if he had been tarven from stone until the physician- had finished speaking, and he ignored : completely Dr. BraithwaiteTs outstretched hand. The experienced professional . man op posite him, however, was so used to humoring - invalids and adapting himself to them that he dropped with such adroitness the hand he had held out that no one but a very close observer would have noticed Jack had refused the advance. H understand you're going west," Dr. ' Braithwaite went on with the evident desire of tapering off the conversation. "The change ought to do you a great deal of good." , In Icy Anger.1 He Jurned away carelessly as he spoke. L wondered if he sawvJack's fingers clenched into his palms and realized as I,didhow my brother cousin was battling with the insane desire to drive one of those clenched fists into the elder man s face. In my childhood and early girlhood I had two or three tithes witnessed an explosion of the temper Jack usually kept under iron control. It was an exhibition I had no desire to wit ness again. As my thoughts flashed back for an instant to those long ago years I remembered another thing, that these infrequent rages of Jack's were usually about imaginary grievances, such as obsessed him to-J. day, and that he would herOcally re press his temper many times when there was real reason1 for an ex plosion of it. '. .. J ' 'V Katherine! ' Jack's tone was so . low that I standing nearest him could' scarcely, hear it. It was almost af whisper, yet so icily angry that I shivered with apprehension. But his ' wife heard the first inflection, disengaged herself from Harriet Braithwaite's embrace, and 'came toward him, to all outward appearance as calm as i if she were just taking up her po sition by the bedside of a patient 1 wondered whimsically if her mar riage to this moody cousin of mine, worn with wounds and illness, had riot developed into a nurse-and- patient relation, only -made a thou I VM. Thor Washer $125 With Wringer A. B. C. Washer Swing Wringer. Operates in any petition desired. , Phone Famam at sand times more difficult because of the binding marriage tie. ' "Yes, dear. What is it?" Her voice held the same low, rich, beautifully modulated intonations that had attracted me long ago to Katherine. I wondered angrily how Jack could withstand its sweetness, and I could have beaten him, ill as he undeniably was, for the cold wrath in his eyes as he looked at her. " ' "la That Case" "If you have quite finished your reminiscences," the words came slowly, icily, and I knew that he was repressing the desire to blaze forth alfr manner of angry insulting, words, "perhaps you will explain to our friends that we have only stop ped over between trains, and in order to get the next one back we. can only stay a few minutes," She started violently, and I saw a swift little tremor of humiliation and dismay pass over her face. I knew that they had planned to stay for several days, knew that this sud den decision of Jack's, born of his temper and jealousy, was as much a blow to her as if he had actually struck her. ' But she rallied her self-possession gamely, opened her lips in what I have no doubt was acquiescence cleverly worded to shield her hus band as much as possible, when there came an interruption as unex pected as it was welcome. With the stately grace that makes her always the very picture of the traditional grande dame, Harriet Braithwaite came up to Jack, inter posing herself so skilfully between Katherine and himself that he had no chance to do anything save give her his undivided attention. "In that case," she said smoothly, "I must hasten to say to you some thing that cannot be delaved. Will you please come with me?" ' She laid her fingers upon his arm, took him down the steps and into the garden path before he knew fairly what he was doing. (Continued Tomorrow.) ' Hadassah Society. Hadassah society will hold a spe cial meeting Wednesday at 2:30 p. t. at the Lyric building, Nineteenth ?nd Fsrnam streets. ' ADVERTISEMENT Blood-Iron Phosphate For Weak, Thin Folks Weak. thin, nervous Deonle' almoat - i invariably owe their condition to lack of phosphate in the nerve and Jaok of iron in the blood. One of the surest, quickest and tafest ways in which to make up the deficiency is to take with each' meal a five-grain tablet of digestible phosphate and iron known among drug gists here as Blood-Iron Phosphate; be cause it supplies iron to the blood as well as phosphate to the nervous system. People who have tried it say that one five-grain taBlet taken with each meal quickly restores depleted nervous energy, enriches the blood, increases strength, vitality and endurance, and those who aw too thin usually put on pounds of solid stay-there flesh in a short time. In asmuch as Sherman McCnnnnll ant all other druggists are authorized to sell Blood Iron Phosphate ander a guarantee of satisfaction or money back, every thin. weaK, nervous or anemic man or woman should give it a trial wihout delay. Important Blood-Iron Phosphate is sold only in original packa(ee containing enough for three weeks' treatment, at SI .50 per package only SO cents a week. nn n Dmg. -macnine this is the second time in three months that OPPORTUNITY Is Knocking at Your Door and for 10 days (March 11th to 20th) it will continue to knock with this year' values at last year's prices. s Why Wash Longer by Old Methods when you can own one of these two splendid home labor savers at the above prices? A small down payment, balance in equal monthly pay ments, places an Electric Washer in your home immediately5. .' ; , ' . v..- .1 f f ' - Don't let this opportunity pass think it pver your next washday will certainly convince you of the advisability of having one. ; " . ' 'M Stop the rub-ruh-rub the wring-wring-wring; these Electric Washers will do the work for you and do it more economically. One to Two Hours-and Three Cents worth of electricity will do the largest wash, and when it's over and on the line you'll not feel the least bit tired. Every known electrical appliance of merit for the home can be had at the Electric Shop Retail. ' - y To conserve your health and strength have an Electric Washer, Vacuum Cleaner and a Portable Sewing Machine. tt 1 O C vlOO Tyler 3100 or South 3 and"a representative will call at your home. Nebratska)S Power YOURELECTRICw Fifteenth SERVICE COMPANY Municipal Handbook. Mrs. H. J. Bailey, leader of the political and social science depart ment of the Omaha Woman's club has compiled and issued a 10-page handbook entitled "Information Pertaining to the Government of the City of Omaha." Five sections cover the following topics respec tively, the council, legal department, board of public welfare, metropoli tan water district, and the board of education. Supplemental paragraphs of information relating to registra tion and voting, are given.. Each section is followed by a set of ques tions. ' Many women have been waiting eagerly for weeks for this handbook to aid them in their knowledge and study of the municipal government of Omaha. Mastery of the 10 pages in this little book will give a strong basic knowledge of the subject. Combined with Mrs. H, H. Wheel er's book on citizenship, Nebraska women do not lack concise, clear and accurate information on their state vand metropolitan city. Miss Mary Marston left Sunday for Minneapolis, Chicago and Kan sas City. . ' aibs New Ribbon Ties New Street Pumps , New Dress Oxfords New Lo-Heel Oxfords i ,..,...,. That of far the utmost in style) and at tha same tima afford a . moat decided economy. $5.95 to $1145 ShoeMarket 320 $0. 16th St. S No Charges No Deliveriea No Discounts - a 'aaa" a?" 23I4.M. St ADVERTISEMENT WILL RADIUM AT LAST OPEN THE DOOR OF THE, GREAT UNKNOWN? If you are sick and want to Get Wet and Keep Well, write for literature that tells How and Why thia almost unknowi and wonderful new element bring relief to so many aufferers from Rheumatiam. Sciatic. Gout, Neuritis, Neuralgia. Ner voua Prostration, High Blood Preaaun and dlseaaes of the Stomach, Heart Lungs, I.iver, Kidneys and other ailments You wear this Radio-Active Solar Pad daj and night, receiving the Radio-Aettve Rayi continuously into your system, causing a healthy circulation, overcoming sluggiah neaa, throwing off impuritiea and reator ing the tissue and nerves to a normal condition and the next thing yon know you are getting well. Sold on a teat proposition. Yon are thoroughly satisfied it Is helping you be fore the appliance is yours. . Nouring to do but wear it. No trouble or expense, and the most wonderful fact about tha appliance is that it i sold so reasonably that it ia within the reach of all. both rich and poor. No matter how bad your ailment, or bow long standing, we will be pleased to have you try it at our risk. For full Infor mation write today not tomorrow. Radium Appliance Co., J1S1 Bradbury Bldg, Los Angeles. Calif.. "Values A.B.C. $135 Go. So. Side , AT ALL GROCERS 5 1 I t 1