Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1920, Page 9, Image 9
i - - REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. ST. LOUIS FLAT This well lorttcd Bt. lauls fltt. tint floor apartment having I roomi ano seeondi floor s rooms; on block from r: In maii rrstdeurs se(lon; nil rood rns good rondltlnn; annual Income ll.OsO. Trio 01,000; u for par ticular. D. V.Sholes Co., V REALTORS , ieug. 46. 01S-1T City National Bk. Bids. - FOR SALE -., Farnam Street Lease Morroom located between ' 20th and 24thMt.. on tha north, alda of Farnam. , i nn b und for auto salesroom with large aervlue room and entrance In rear, faveil alley, For farther Information, GEORGE & COMPANY, RKALTORS. , 3U JtBankBIljt; Tyler 80il. ilANSCOM PARK HKAUTY! A lovely house nf ruems. noma food heavyt oak, excellent srrangement with uIm vestibule and big fireplace; bqtlt-ln book,rae and lovoljr det Klaborate lighting fixtures and a flna basement with laundry and every convenience. Big three car garage wltb iement drive. Big lot facea eaat on paved street Just two blocks frcra park and one-half block to cur. i'rli-e la 17.500; II. too cash. Shoperf & Co., Ki-Hlne Ulilg. Pougla 4!2. FOR SALK. Three-story brick building, fulr cor. ner lot In wholesale dsJlrlcl. Possession If wanted. DUMONT & CO. ' IK Keollr.a Plrtg, .Phono Doug. .000. INCOME FOR LAND. We have 11 bouses listed la Omaha. Owner wants land. & B. A- R. K. MONTGOMERY. Ill City National. HEAT. ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR TRADE. ' MODk'KN S0-ROOM HOTEL. . 'Located In east central Nebraska. In a good, llvs town of TOO population. The unly hotel la town. What fcavs vouT Address M. A. Larson, Central -City. Nob. j ' Council Bluffs. WRI.L-IMPROVED 18 acres. 7-room house, 2 good barns, 1 chocken bouses, 2 caves, ' good well, fruit. Close to Council Bluffs. 12 acres under cultivation. Price 1 500 -Inhnnv Devlin. X10 JN. ZillU HI. DOUKia 111! I ACRK3 In Council Bluffs. One mil; from Omaha car Una. IHch, well-drained and level. Can be bought for 11.400. Termn. '4 eush; balajice to suit buyer. McOee EBAL ESTATE CO., 101 PearfSt. Qnuncll Bluffa. Ia. Sou!h Sidey iOR SALK V.v room house, all modem, 4301 So. 21st Bt. Call So. 1435. Dundee. ! We apeclalis In Dundee homes, C. B. STUHT CQ.. 111-14 City National. Pouglaa t7T. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. FIRST $10,000 TAKES IT Crag stucco seven-room home with double garage in Dundee and priced to sell; enough said. Let us show you. Call PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 537 Omaha National BanWtdg., D1781. I FOR RENT SUBURBAN. Six-Room Residence in '" Dundee An extra good up-to-the-minute . home that cannot be dupli cated within $2,000 of its present price; close to school and ar line; east front lot; large living room across front, fit I with fireplace, bookcases, etc.; oak finish; 3 bed- '". rooms, ample closet space in each; enameled finish; tile bath; latest of fixtures; tile floor in kitchen; butler's pantry, enamel finish; ce ment basement; furnace, coal gm, etc; immediate possession. For terms, etC;, call Doug. 4911 days, or Tyler 5167 evenings and Sun day; ask for Mr. Spence. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West "CAN YOU BEAT IT? Just north of FarnaLi street on 30th, we have a fiat of four apart-i ments, each having five rooms -bringing in rental of $2,040 a year; brick construction,, all oak mter ' ior, separate basement and furna ce..; always in demand. Price $16, 000 for quick sale. Call Investment department - " , . PAXNE INVESTMENT v ... COMPANY, REALTORS, 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg. , '' 111781. x 3421 DAVENPORT ST. -$4,750 . 6 rooms, modern, coiner, pav , ing paid; a garage to accommo " rlate two cqrs. Arrange with us for inspection. x .GLOVER & SPAIN, ; - . REALTORS, 9 V Doug. 2850. ' 918-20 City 'National. CLAIR MONT BUNGALOW. - Immediate possession, large rooms, oak finish, fully modern lOvf" r pair; auout i. w. v "" DJdAllA Kv. Kstate and Investments. . t T UTTTT tTTTTTTT T J. J. iVIUU V ' en Brai'dHs Theat.' ' ' Doug. . We bsve cash buyera for Weat Farnam and Dundee homes. 'Phono Douglas 6074 and ws will call arfd Inspect yonr property, enuier vr Omaha Real Estate and mveaimeow r JOHN T. BOHAN, !1 Paxlon Blk. 'Pbons Tyler 4l. For good homes on good termaT 4 20 Bee Bid g. Tyler 48S. ilFl FRANKLIN, 4-room boose. I lotsi fine for garden: 1200 cash, SIS per mo. uretgn, pub , pee mux-, uv. 1. B. KOB1NSON. Real Estate and Invesl 7- ments. 44 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 0t7 "NorthT HOUSESF0R SALE EASY TERMS O .e 8 -room close In modern, except neat, sj.bvv. - . ' Ons 8 -room close In, modern, bot wa. hut. tt-ssa. Ons S-rooa near Fontenells park, bot water heat, corner lot, sbads and fruit trees, 13.600. One 4-room near Fontenells park, . . . . .4 .Ail S. S. & R. E. Montgomery Dohglas H13. Walnut 2136. MILLER PARK-. BUNGALOW BRAND NEW JUST FINISHED PIts exceptionally large rooms and batb alt on one floor; choice oak finish; flf..l... .11 th. hull. In futDFM! stucco w'itli textile shingle roof; garage; iady for occuoancy. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 450 Be Building. Tyler 4. ALL. modeVn. t rooms, south-front. blocks to -24th street ear line. Pries, . t4.: 1700 cash. May take uttls Sms. For oslored. Ftt . appointment aU webstsr . V ' BRINGING UP WHOV I A ' II J VHOW HIM IN . VMO t I j MR OuAN I 1 F (V I TELL HIM TO ' " l f " r ALy, " REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. 1 North. . WORTH WHfLE BARGAINS - 6-room oak finish bungalow; east front: one block ta Florence boulevard; corner lot, with Improvements paid; large garage; would cost 17,000 or more to duplicate. or sale now for 5,800. Call us for appointment. V t'n Miami ., just west of Florence ' k.,,l.,,..J. w. -n n,Sl., - . u nionern noma (an en one floor), with fine largo' lot: good garage, etc.. for only 14,200; owner leaving city; this home has beautiful new lighting fix tures, newest style bath tub, best of furnace. It was remodeled for a per manent, comfortable close in home, less man one year ago. we win arrange ap pointment to suit your convenience. For a long time you may have wanted a place to live and 'an opportunity to raise fruit, keep a cow and lota of chickens. We have It on Laurel Ave.; sic rooms, nine lots, 100 milt trees, U acre In strawberries, shrubbery, rosea, everything to make an Ideal borne. Price now 1 4.000. Owner leaves for farm. This will require prompt action. ' All modern but heat, i rooms, only 2 blocks to Ames car line; pre-war price of 12,500. Call today for terms. Seven rooms In Collier place, near public and parochial acbools, churches, iar line, etc. This dandy home for. Itf.SOI. Prompt action nraexsary. V-A-C-A-N-T. Wove right In: five-room all modern oak-finish bungalow In Florence for only 12,760; one block to car; this one will be sold at once; first come, first served. Phone 'us for,' appointment. Knr your convenience call Sunday and evenings: Mr. Clary, Colfux 1243; Mr. AVee'h. Colfax 9&0. R. F. CLARY CO., 24(14-0 Ames Ave. Colax 175. CHOICE CORNER LOT SEMI-BUNGALOW Six aood rooms and batb. oak finish, right up to date In every respect, gas. age, apienaia value lor le.uuu. un ener man Ave. car line. - OSBORNE REALTY CO. 430 Bee Bldg. Tvler 4. One of ,the best St. Louis flats in the city located at 3322 and 24 Sher man avenue; has five good sized rooms downstairs, six upstairs; all modern and up to the minute; on comer lot 50x424 with double garage; both streets paved, paving paid. Ready rental property bring ing in $1,080 a year. Owner de sires to sell and has reduced price to $9,000. 'Call Investment depart ment PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, - 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg. ' i DlSl.v - CATHEDRAL ,. ? DISTRICT ' S-room modern house, with or with out furniture; near car line and 4 blocks from 8t. Cecellas cathedral A good home and fine location. Imme diate possession. Inquire of owner, 4170 Cass St. ' A FEW homes and lots for sale in Park wood Addition; a safe place for Invest ment. Norrls & Norrls. Doug. 4270. Mitchell Investment Co. Twenty-fourth and Ames, l'hone Col fax 217. Offers personal and experienced aery Ice In the management of property. either as rental or sales agents WAVERLT PARR Practically new S- room bungalow In first class condition, on paved street, with garage and drive way. 13.700 cash to handle. Located at 314S N. 47th Ave. ALL mod. S-r. bungalow, east front, cor, lot, close to, car line ana school; ready to move in. 15,000 11.600 cash. D. 1734, days; col.'iaai. ntgnts. BbXutTfUL 5-r. mod. bungalow; now vacant; near car; enop. a,Z6U; terms. Douglas 1734 days. X CAN YOU BelAT THIB? 4-story frame. 12 rooms, all modern, on car line; 14,600, 11,600 cash. 3494 Amu Av.e. tiee owner. FOR- 3ALE South-facing lot, 60x120 to alley, on Corby St.; second lot east irora 20th St.; a bargain for cash. 'Address N. J. Hoff. 1817 Crilcsgo St. 7-ROOM home- for 13,000, at 3626 N. 28th Ave. writs u. A. uianason, iiei tinger. TJ. T. t YOUNG DOHERTY. TtKAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 322 BRANDEIS THEATER, 1), 1751. STRICTLY-MODERN, 8-room home, hot- water heat, pries 16,000.; small payments. Call Tyler 2724 or, Webster 4150. MINNB.LU8A homes and lota offer tbs best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. FOR quick results list with Benjamin & FrannenDerg. oa cee mag. tougias m. FOUR KOOM8. with 2 acres, a bargain. s Tyler 2724 or Webster 4150. CHOICB 61room bungalow. 40x33, all Dunlin leatures, aouoie garago, targe BEN807 A MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Naff. South. SAVE ON RENT 1 6xtraf well built, frame duplex six room each side, all modern, well located? priced to sell; a l?ood in vestment and home besides; lo cated at 901 ai1d903 k Bancroft street- on comer ' lot; close to school and car; 10 minutes from the heart of the city; reasinable cash payment will handle this. May we show you. Call Investment department v PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg. , D1781. CLASSY DUPLEX If you want something classy in a duplex where you can have a real home and investment combined, we hive it for you. Five rooms with breakfast room and sleeping porch on' each side' with all built in features, leaving nothing to be desired at 2831 and 33 South 32d avenue. Shown by appointment only. Call Investment department PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 532 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 1 SIX ROOMS Closs to Ranarom park,-on -west side; lot 60x140 and lot alone worth 13.000; dandy shade, shrubbery ami a splendid looatlon; bouse) not nef, but In good location: bouse not new. but in. good condition. A snap at 13,700; on easy terms, t SIXrROOM -MQDERN. i And less than two years old: oak . finish; near Hanscom park and a, bar gain at I6.5.0O for' a lew days only." CONBQY & .GREEN, Tyler 4177. ' Doug. SMI. ' Was. 111. FATHER League Meeting March 12. Paris, March 8. A formal call has been issued by the allied su preme council for an ex(raordi. ...-y meeting of the executive council of the league of nations to be held at Paris March 12, when the question of sendint a"h investigating co wt tee wider the control ot-the league will be considered. Today's Calendar of Sports. Racings Winter meeting of Coba-Amer-lcan'Jockey club, at Havana. Winter meet Ins) 'of Business Men's Racing Assn., at New Orleans. Boxing: Harry (ireb ts. Clay Turner, IS ronnds, at Akron, O.t Eddie Nhevlin v. Nate Segal, 12 rounds, at Boston. jUeorge Chip vs. Ed Trembtoy, 11 rounds, at Lewis ton, Me. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. 'Mr. South Omaha Man ' Dandv six-room seml-bungalew, sun ' room, built-in-features; oak finish; cholco cast front; sJiout two years old; price roduc-d to 15,600 less than it would cost for house alone. Owner leav ing city; quick possession. ' , OSBORNE REALTY CO. 4j0 Be Building. Tylor 496. A REAL BARGAIN! ' This Is ait Ideal modern home, having I large, well lighted rooms, oak finish throughout, full cement basement, large lot, garage, close to school and car line, excellent location, Price, r, 3 5 0. Very reasonable toTms. H. AV. VOLLAND. Doug. r,8B. 403 Bee Bldg. Res. W. 253. FOR 8ALE-4Real bargain: two large tour- Toom houses, gas, electric lights, etc.; large lots; located at 20U and 2013 Oak St. For quick sale, l,801Keach, if sold together 33,600; half cash will handle. Tyler 1110 or Iouglas 7786 A- BARGAIN. Four-room house on Icasnd ground , for sale cheap; price $660 cash or 3700 . on payments; house in good condition, electric light; good - place for rais ing chickens. See or apply In hoiue, 1907 S. gth St.. Omaha. Miscellaneous. HOME FOR LAItGE FAMILY AT MODERATE PRICE. Nine rooms and sleeping, porch located on lot 50x150 in good sub stantial residence district where prices ' are not inflated; living room; dining room and kitchen and library on first floor; five bed rooms and sleeping porch on sec ond floor; full cemented basement with hot water treating plant; oak floors downstairs, maple floors up . stairs. A home you will be proud to own;; modern in every respect. Let us show you this. Call In vestment department. , PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, y REALTORS, 537 Omaha National Bank Bldg. D1781. BRAND NEW 6-room, two-story house on ex cellent corner in Montclair addi tion. Firs floor has large living room with fireplace and bookcas es; paneled dining room and well arranged white, enamel kitchen. Second floor has three fine corner bedrooms and bath; oak floors; oak and enamel finish; tastily dec orated. A real classy place and excelhnt value at $9,500. " Call Mr. ' 1 con uciiavrii, "amui Jjuu, veiling?,, Tl.t.i I'm 1. J I FIVE ROOMS ' EAST FRONT STRICTLY MODERN Newly paperfdnd painted in side and out. Five nice' rooms and bath on one floor. . Built-in bookcases. Full cemented base ment with good furnace, drain, etc. Level lot. Pracucally new. $500 cash required and balance -monthly. Call Wal. 5373, Sunday. Douglas 741 week days. Ask for Mr. Grant. SEMI-BUNGALOW BARGAIN Brand 'new, clastical stucco; five fine rooms; three on first floor; two bsdrooms and bath on second floor; oak floors; oak and enamel finish. Wili be complete in every detail. ' Fine location, on paved street. ii Montclair; paving paid. A nifty place and a snip at $7,000. Shown bv . appointment. Call Walnut 1580. evenings. ' ONLY ' $500 CASH, 5 Rooms--Strictly .Modern In a refined- neighborhood of home owners is a delightful five room home. It is all on one floor, has oak floors built-in bookcases, full cemented basement. Dandy level lot. Not far from car. See this today. Phony Mr. Carse at Douglas 1412 days or Harney iibt) evenings. ' LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS BUNGALOW PRICE ONLY $5,500 Five rooms snd bath, ail on ons floor; bookcases, buffet. Trench doors to sun room; all built-in features In kitchen; full basement, floored attlo; nicely deco rated; uwner In California; possession Anrtl 1. is nflA cash to handle. OSBORNE REALTY CO. 480 Bee-'Bulldlng. Tyler 4.' HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. Owner Leaving City. . : 4.I60. A dandy (-room, strictly modern . heme; oak finish, full cement basement, large lot, only block to car line. Terms, , r H. W. VOLLAND. Doug;. 685. 40S Bee Bldg. Res. BT. 262t. . Ws Have Property for Rent or Bale, AMERICAN SECURITY CO. N. W, Cor 18th snd Dodge. Peuy. I"1t T3TtLrVT"TI JR, rf Real eststs jjAAkxvi A A u wv. .ens, rents and Insures 260 Bee ptdg. Pousles 183. 4 and 6-room houses on easy terms. for colored A. J. Davis. Wl ebster lis. HAVE a few bargains In S and s-roem hones, call Doug. UTa lor particulars, THE BEE: OMAHA, "TUESDAY, MARCH 9, 1920. Sn Pag FIGHT FANS SAY SCRAP WAS FAKE ; GET MONEY BACK Schmarderer-Sudenberg JJout Is Unsatisfactory; Claim i Faker Said He Was Sudenberg. The following story to The Bee from a correspondent in O'Neill, Neb., was received Monday: . O'Neill, Neb.. March 8. (Spe cial.) A fake fight here Satufday night nearly caused a riot when t'e spectators began jto realize they were beinp: swindled out of their money. The whole affair following a sintilar wrestling event two Weeks ago, has put a damper on 'both boxing and wrestling in Holt county for some time to come. Botli the, wrestle and the fight .were given under the Auspices of the American; Legion local post and Promoter-Mike Kirwin, both ' innocent of the sustitutions worked off on them , until the events 7vere called. The Ameri can Legion looal post announces that it is through lending its JianflT to so-called athletic events un less they are gotten up and par ticipate in by members of the legion. ' Schmarderer Is Champ. 1 The event Saturday night was advertised as a 10-round fight be tween Andy Schmarderer of Louisville, Neb., who claims t6 have been champion of some kind in- the Missouri river navy during the war, and Johnny Sudenberg, a fighter of some note. Schmarderer canie here Thurs day.. Saturday afternoon, a slight, pile, anaemic youth, claiming he was Sudenberg, arrived with an other of his kind who claimed to be his manager. - "Sudenberg"' failed to recog nize a former O'Neill sportsman tinder whose management the real Sudenberg had. formerly fought. Another split-eared youth who claimed to be Kid Graves; sport ing editor of The Omaha Bee, showed up with an Indian trailer to referee the bout. When .time came the fighters tried to 'hold up the crowd by a demand -foi more money, there being $250 in the house. Many ticket-holders demanded their money back and getting it left the building. Those who remained took up a small collection for which the pugilists feebly boxed eight rounds to a draw. At'that, the consumptive youth far outpointed the snagboat cham pion. Sudenberg Is Well. ' The slight, pale, aneamic con sumptive youth" who boxed Schmarderer was really Johnny Sudenberg. ' .. "1 was there all right," latrghed Johnny, Monday when questioned in Omaha. When 1 got there Satur dayit was 12 below zero and the snow was three feet deep. Saturday night there wasn't a corporal's guard at the fight and as we had agreed to box on a percentage it looked pretty slim for us. We found there was $96 in the bo office to split between the promoter, the fighters and pay the expenses. - , "We took up a 1 collection and made the pot $135, but figuted we couldn't battle for that so we just boxed B rounds. Sudenberg denied that he felt ill in O'Neill. He also denied that he is, a consumptive. "I never felt better irt my life," he said, throwing out his chest and thumping it. He looked much the same as the two-fisted, hard-hitter that boxed at Fort Omaha under Sudenberg's name two weeks ago. Kid Graves is not sporting ed itor of The Bee. Grand Islcind Girls Accept ChcJlenge of , Hastings Basketeers v The Sunday Bee printed the claim or Hastings Business College Girls' basket ball team thattnfy Were champions,-.. " v The following letter to the Sports Editor -of The Bee was delivered Monday: Grand Island, March 6. Sports Editor, Omaha Bee: We, the girls basket ball team of Grand Island Business college, feel that ,the girls' basket ball team of Hastings Business college- have taken in too. much territory in claiming the state championship. We hsreby accept their chal lenge for a game to be played in Grand Island, . Friday , night, . March 12. Yours respectfully, LULU PAULSON, Capt, Marsani to $ed Sox. Boston, Mass., March 8. The return to organized base ball of Ar mando Marsans, Cuban outfielder, formerly with the" Cincinnati Na tionals and New York Americans, is announced from the spring training camp of the Boston Ameticans at Hot Springs,' Ark. Marsans, signed a contract with the Red Sox agent at Havana, it was stated. The ar rangement by whiclf the local club obtained Marsans' . services - from New York was not made public, ' Jiff and Maggi la Full-, f Cetera in Tke Sunday Bh. NEXT WICHITA SAN ANTONIO, Texas, March 8. Three years ago Wichita Falls wa only a wider spot in the road. The depot was only a couple of loose ties in the track. The main industry was loafing. If a guy got ambitious he would go to a biggertown where there was more loafingVto do. Wichita had pjenty, of desert, and Bill McGeehan chirps- Wichita could have traded Sahara eight grains of sand to one. The last time the Giants made that town, it looked like a barroom on Broadway now looks. The deserted Village was a nest of red ants compared to Wichita. There never was any falls there, but maijy a guy took a nasty tumble. -v , " , One day a hoop-legged cowboy killed a rattlesnake to drink the poison. Thai's the kind of souses they went tin down in Texas after Bill Bryan decided that grape juice was a man's drink. This lad made a pillow out of a mad porcupine and, went to sleep. During the night the porky lit out from, under, and the cowboy's royal skull nested in the Wichita sand. When he woke up he discovered that his pillow was flatwhecled off with his wallet, but that he had been slipped an oil shampoo during the night. :- Naturally he investigated and discovered that he had been wasting a lot of Rood snores on' a miserable little oil well worth about as much as the Atlantic cable wrapped in thousand dollar bills. This was Wichita's UCUUl. XMUW IUC 13 UUUg Willi a lavaiuci Ul Ull mat. UV1I I ctu stop for breakfast. . . When Waco slipped out of the Texas league," Wichita bought the franchise up, bones and all. They're building a base ball park that will cost more than all the mistakes Congress made in the war. Not that Wichita cares about base ball much. They're more interested jn the new radiator cap of the 1927 Rools-Royce and whether Crown Prince Cnarles will give Zizi the gate. But being as how they started out. to collect, a base ball team, the dukes of Wichita threw the throttle off and jammed up the safety valve. , . - The grandstand is built out of turquoise. Not cooking turq.oise, but the best eatingind. It will hold 60 times more people than will ever see ft. The turnstiles are three speeds forward and one reverse. The diamond is spangled with grass grown from hand-picked seed. All the grass seed is perfectly matched in color and shape. The bases are three times further apart than any bases in any league. They don't like foul balls in Wichita, so the foul lines are painted outside the park. The outfielders are furnished with motorcycle? and have bellhops to chase( grounders for 'em. The club house is. the-darb. Four kinds of run ning water. All the hower baths are oil.' Instead of handing out rain checks, they hand out oil checks. This is because an oil well is liable to bust out in the middle of the diamond and clog up the bases. Gasoline is free. You can drink all you can carry. ' . . Anybody worth less than a million is sent to the poor house on suspi cion. A Wichita pitcher learned how to throw the famous petroleum ball, or tnree-m-one. its greased on plate so slippery that the batter swings and once on the bench. , The Giants play Wichita in three nish. We'll let you know just how Bobby Jones Declines ' To Go to England for" Match With Champions Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire. New York, March 8. Bobby Jones', Atlanta's sterling little golf player, who was runner-up in the last national amateur championship, has declined the honor of going to'and as a member of an Ameri can team to compete against the) British cracks in the amateur cham pionship tournament of the British Isles. Jones was one of five selected. The others were S. Davidson Her ron, Oakmong Country club cham pion, and "Chick" Evans, Francis Ouimet and Robert Gardner. Champion Hcrron has also de clined the honor, but Ouimet, Evans and Gardner, it is believed will make the trip, if the United States "Golf association goes through with its in tention of sending a team across the water. ' Cupid Lands ; Haymaker' On Carpentier That Makes Him Take Count ('Paris. March 8. Georees Caroen- Aier, heavyweight boxing champion of Europe, was married to Made;-) moselle Oeorgette Laurentia blsasse at the city hall today. Thenre- hgious ceremqny will be celebrated at a Pans church tomorrow. The civil marriage occurred some hours before the time originally set, in order to avoid the crowds. .The bride said after the ceremony that she did not like boxing and would not watch her husband fight for the championship. Francois Descamps, Carpentier's manager, had previously announced that her opposition would cause the match with Jack Dempseyto be Carpen tier's final fight. ' From the Camps? 11 J Jackonsville," Fla., March 8. Though satisfied with his playing material, Manager. Huggins, admit ted as the second week of training began today, that he has a problem, to solve in deciding on ms lineup. San Antonio, Tex., March 8. Tha Giants began their second week oU stirinc frainincr Mnnrtav with morn- I I- i-" ailU lliuuwu otsaiviJB uHlfcv chill weather. i Jacksonville. Fla.. March 8. Burs leigh Grimes, Zack Wheat and Hi Myers, were sttff missing when tnc Dodgers resumed practice Monday. Dallas, Tex., March 8. After en countering excellent weather up to Monday and having a wealth of ma terial with which to work. Manager Rickey-firmly believes the Cardinals Jfi amh -a ' will trip ia'to St. Louis in April asl"11 real "pennant contenders. 'V CM FALLS tne inside edges ana flows up to the at it three times, twice at the plate . A weeks, which sounds Eleanor Glvn- big leaguers act in a bigger leaarue. Commerce High WiD Have Track Team This v Year for First Time This year for the first'time in the history of the High School of Com merce a track team will represent the school. The team will be under the supervision of Burrell -Evans, coach of the 1919 basket ball team, runners-up in the state tournament Plans are beingx made for the team. The first calf will be issued soon. Representatives of local high schools, at a meeting several weeks ago, decided to have an interschbl astic track meet to determine which school shall represent Omaha in the state track tournament which -will be held in the latter part of April. With the Bowlers. WESTERN I'MON IABAOCK. Traffic. Osn. Hsnsger. Sarney 491Dlestel 45S Donnelly ., .... 4SSBlandln , S84 . 375 . 41 . 514 . 54 .2201 . 549 . 453 ..454 . 50 . 64 Lnyon . . Hoeg .. ,. Halght .. . 471 Norlsy 651 Ingram 495 West Handicap . . . Totals i . Plant. watt .. McNamara. . . Hall Ambrose ' . , . Totals . . . ... City Snpt. Srhellberg . . . Nerness . , . . 4 , Hortaw .. Benjamin . . . Nelson , Handicap . , . Totals Auditor. Vorwold Thrane Haebtek .. ... Stewert .... . Askelof , Handicap ., !48 . 432 . 490 . 4St ..110 . 680 .. SI .'awJi . 377 . 52 . 543 .430 Winn JTotals .. ....2614 Construction. t,amb , . . 55T Kugler .. ...... 517 Tolllver .. 484 Lanyon ,. .... S8 . 6.46 401 Totals , -J684I Totals . .3444 .. 323 314 ... 36 ... 370 .. 360 Ladies. Commercial. Sanger Ostler Scharr ,. Sehsllberg .. .. Nerness . . , , , , Handicap .. ... , v Plant. 2$l!Wandell .. 304i8elander 82liMurphy .. .-. S2iR1s 276iBrltton ....... 421 . i. t Totals .. ..,.1440 Totals AU Stan. .1444 . 373 . 811 . 351 . SIS . 337 45 Carson arame. 2;!Ask1bf .-. ... 30S West 8401 Bradley 4U:Long .. 367!WatV , . IHanlcap M. Meyers Vlstngton Tangs ., , C Meyer Totals . ..l0t Totals tNfON PACIFIC LEAGUE. ...1473 ' Omaha Shops, Far steeorda. Btorrs bo Ratchford .. .. (it uiu i.. 668 Bauers 634 Hansen . , .... 630 Shaw .. x 4( McAulllff 585 Pursehesi ,, .16? Garnandt V ... 607) Peffer 416 Handicap 34 3(88 412 648 483 467 tit Totals 28f! Totals :. ... Die. Engineers. Neb. 1M. iDjnDw oauinanung .- nowier , fautnuigren DCBriue 38il UUIIU , . , r ...X i Wilson 44311 Bartlet ..' . ) Tlllson ! . . ..... 443i McQuade .". I 'JOTB1B .1233 Totals ...:.. Sup. ( Traas, tT(nrlli . je His. Accounts.' Wenke 508' Hlslop ..... 4Z stins .. .K.... 640 New Ashtpn .. Kent . . Handicap Totals . 631 ivnoti' as) Stafford 401 Xlilson S 3468 I 503 604 4831 Totals Passenger Novak .. A . . .3620 Octl. Val. Krellm . Wright . Dept. 601 400 480 Barnes Wife.. 453 601 Ollllgan,.., ... 430 n.anaa Totals sa .! Totals M ....Hot I Drawn for The Bee by McManui Copyright, 1020 International News Servios CENTRAL WILL CLOSE SEASON NEXT SATURDAY Fast St. Joe High School Five TpMeef Mulligan's Men; ' 'Last Game for Several y ' Omaha Players. Central High school basket bajl squad will finish the, 1920 season Satudray night at Y. M. C. A. when the Purple and White will play the St. Joseph High school cagers. The Missourians defeated the lo cals at St. Je-seph earlier in the sea son, and Mulligan's crew is out for revenge. It will be the last game under the Purple and White ban ner for many Central players. Capt. Art Logan, Ivan Robertson, Her man Swoboda, Arthur Burnham, Leonard Mangold, William Camp bell and Lynton Ayers will not be hack next basket ball season. Leo Konecky and Ray Clement will be he only members of this squad who will return. Both are forwards. Art Burnham, who has been play ing forward, will be unable to plaW Saturday night. He was operated upon last week. His place has been filled by Konecky, whose work Was good in the tournament. A preliminary game will be played, but the participants have riot been picked. Racing Association Increases Pursesr In RunnW Events i r Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire, Ntw York, March 8. Richard T. Wilson', president of. the Saratoga association, announced that there would be a material increase in the value of moh of the important stakes to be run during the meeting at Saratoga in August.' It is also planned to increase the value of overnight events ff th- attendance warrants it. , ? L i!x ? tnc. btst j s , r j Lhave been increased, m value and Six of the best of the stake races five tof these by charrgmz from guaranteed to added money. A new stake, to be known as the Ex pectation, for maiden 3-year-olds at $3,000 has, been added to the list. . I he staices anected by tne in crease follow: . The Saratoga handicap, changed from $7,000 guarantee t $3,000 added. ... The Champlain handicap, changed from $3,500 guaranteed to $2,000 added. , The Merchants' and Citizens' handicap, changed from $3,500 guaranteed to $3,000 added. The Delaware handicap, changed ffrom $3,500 guarantee to $2,000 added. i The Miller (formerly the Ken ner), changed from $1,500 guaran teed to $2,500 added. 1 The Saranaca handicap, changed from $3,000 guaranteed, to $2,500 added. AMUSEMENTS. TWO SHOWS IN. ONE S LAYMAN'S ALI ARABS Arabian Whirlwinds COFFMAN A CARROLL C "The Portsr's Troublss" ' Comedy Blstkfscs Laugh JOHN CEIGER Violinist LA CRACIOSA Visions of Fairy land Photoplay Attraction Was. Fox Presents Petty Hyland in Black Shadows" Martin John sea " Feature Path Weekly TONIGHT AT B:za AND WED., THURS. -Trs A BIBO 0 A SHOW" CtWiA4m' Mu'lc, ComadT St" Sanderson CAmfioRN w;THE CANAt?YWM "nous Beauty Chorn-.Bosdst Istm!-" Tickets 11.00. tiM, 32.00. 82,60 sss $3.00 ' Fssr Pert Stsrtlsi Fridsy, Marek 13 THE SMARTER SET Is the Seatstlssal Hsilsal ConsOy "THE CHILDREN OF THE SUN" OMAHA'S FUN CENTER" Vags 25-50.7SC II Dally Mst. ll-ZS-SOe The " Isvlsclble. Trlssishaat CetaMsa "Hip! Hip! Hooray !M Tss Shew Besstltsi Uttlt MssMt,' Plttee. Melee MoClsls. Braag seo orsSsetlea tkrestnest. nslatlert. Ossetssl Bessty Caere ea tear. , LADIES DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS Sat. slat. A Weak: Freak Flasey A "Bsttsslasa," 4- Dallv L Evnlu Matinee i 2;ia ssl s.,- mawfvit4 WILL M. CRESSV A BLAHCHI DIVNC! NAT NAZARRO, Jr.: MARMEIN BlSTERB A OAVID SCHOpLIR: WILL sj. CRESS V Ssetlslt aerssrO A Bsrly: Pletrej Fear Read Is n; Teslet si the Day; KIsstrssM. ,-. bib a .a a m u TNISSIt 1 SIXTH TEAM IS NEEDED IN CITY AMATEUR LEAGUE . Only Five Teams Given Franchises Joe Moran to l Line One Up by ? Friday Night. Five tenuis, Union Outtittiiiy company, Kiggs Uptwal company y. Bowen rurniture company, McCat j frey Motor' company and Union Stock Yards, were granted' fran chises in the city Class A league for; the season of 1920 at the meeting held last night in the city hall. It was suggested to Close the league with five clubs, each team , having an off Sunday, but by a vote of 1 the managers decided to wait until Friday night to see whether another team could not be obtained to take the sixth franchise. Joe Moran, who managed the Bowen team the first part of last season, and led the Murphy-Did-Its to the championship of Class B sev eral seasons ago, applied for a fran chise. Moran has a fast team-lined, up and has several backers in view. He is, however, not certain until Fri day whether ho can secure the back ing for his team, so it waS decided to give him the opportunity. Frank Jacobs was re-elected president of the league for the fifth , consecutive season. Sunday, April 18, was set as -the opening date of the league. By unanimous vote it was decided to put up a $25 forfeit per team, the winning team takings the entire purse. Wednesday night the managers of the Commercial league will meet to make final plans for the season. - Postpone Murphy Suit. Chicago, March' 8. Illness of the judge Monday caused postponement of the suit , for an injunction brought by Charles W. Murphy tt prevent National league clubs froin playing games with he Chicago National until his damage" suit against the club is settled. Although papers were (served on the tlub own ers during the annual meeting, they -were not prevented from issuing the 1920 schedule. : PHOTO-PLATS. PREXENTING Worlds Best PfiotopnHi. (BlonckSwet Woman yJ-LTLTL-. I si 2; Now Playinfe Mauric Tourneur'g l Grant Feminine Epic WOMAN J Enchanting! f Reverent! Today to Wednesday Katherine . . MacDonald 1 in "The Turning Point" CONWAY TEARLE In a Hitst Comedy i "She Uvet'and Lies" Farnass at 4tb WM. RUSSELL '- Tha Valley of Tomorraw ThrilUaf WeetensL-t-i- Bryea mil Ul 1 1 M l a'uh A a Norma Talmadge i