Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 09, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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    THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAKUtt 3, ltfau.
Efef "Dinderine" savtf and
glorify your hair,
In a few moments you can trans
form your plain, dull, flat hair. You
can have it abundant, soft, glossy
and full of life. Just get at any drug
or toilet counter a small ,bottle of
"Dandcrine" for a few cents. Then
moisten a soft cloth with the Dan
tierine and draw this through your
hair taking one small strand at a
time. Instantly, yes, immediately,
you haVe doubled the beauty of your
hair. It will he a mass so soft,
lustrous, fluffy and so easy to do up.
All dust, dirt and excessive oil is
Let Danderine put more life, color,
vigor and brightness in your hair.
This stimulating tonic will freshen
youf scalp, check dandruff and fall
ing hair, and help your hair to grow
long, thick, strong and beautiful.
Not A Biennis
mars the perfect
appearance of her com
plexion. Permanent
and tcmoorarv skin
troubles are effectively
rnncealed. Reduce Un
natural rnlnr and corrects
fereasy skins, Highly antiseptic,
used with Mneticiai results as
a curative agent for 70 years.
Try This If You
. Have Dandruff
There is one surd way that never
fails to remove dandruff completely
, and that is to dissolve it This de
stroys it entirely. To do this, just
get about four ounces of plain, or
dinary liquid arvon; apply it at
night when retiring; use enough to
moisten the scalp and rub it in gen
tly with the finger tips.
ju j tuvi 11111 uivov a .a, aivv iia
your dandruff will be gone, and
three or four more applications will
completely dissolve and entirely de
stroy every single sign and trace of
it, no matter how much dandruff
you may have
You will find, too, that all itch
ing and digging of the scalp will
stop instantly, and your hair will
be fluffy, lustrous, glossy, silky and
soft, and look and feel a hundred
times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It is inexpensive and
four ounces is all you , will need.
This simple remedy has' never been
known to fail. 7
VUere Is only one medicine that
really stands out pre-eminent as a
medicine for curable ailments of the
kidneys, -liver and bladder. -y
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands
the highest for the reason that It
has proven to- be Just the remedy
needed in thousands upon thousands
si distressing . cases. Swamp-Root
makes friends quickly because its
mild and -immediate effect is soon
realized in most cases. It is a gentle,
healing vegetable compound.
Start treatment at once. Sold at
all drugr sores in bottles of two
sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to test
this great preparation send ten cents
to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton,
N. -Y., for a sample bottle. When
writing be sure and mention the
Omaha Kee.
A maris as old as hia organs, he i
w Ke oat eriemrnnei nr1 hwjlthv at 1
mu . w f v j
0 as at 35 if he aids his organs in
performing their functions. Keep
-it ran . mtm mnran health1' with
rae) trorld'a standard remedy fot kidney,
. bladdat and ori acid troubles
iocs 1696 ; comets disorders ; stfannlatec ,
-hal organ An druggist, thro) aUaeja,
k tWVBas.GoU MU1 a mar last
' ; : H re Want Ads Are Best Business J
Booster, J
Supporters of Brick Surface
Start Litigation Con
tractor Hopes to Col
lect. Damages.
The Douglas county commission
ers and the Allied Contractors, Inc.,
were stopped bv order of District
Judge Sears yesterday morning from
proceeding to lay any of the 12
miles of "Warrenite bitulithic" pav
ing, tne contract tor which was
signed and bond annroved last Sat
urday afternoon by four of the
county commissioners.
This is the entrance of the paving
fight into the courts. Since com
missioners gave the contract for the
"bitulithic" paving to the Allied
Contractors. Inc., two weeks ago, a
citizens' committee has been fight
ing to have it rescinded. A big
meeting Saturday was unproductive
of results and now the courts are
Jamin B. Root, head of the live
stock commission firm of J. B. Root
& Co., South Side, is the citizen,
elector and taxpayer named as
plaintiff in the petition. 'John P.
Breen, his attorney, filed it Judge
Sears issued the restraining order a
few minutes later and set next Fri
day morning to hear arguments on
the petition for a temporary injunc
tion. The bond put tip was $250
under the restraining order.
"Keep Track of Damages."
The bitulithic contract, thus
stopped, involves $550,055.
"What are you going to do now?"
John W. Towle, president of the
Allied Contractors. Inc., was asked
after the restraining order was is
sued. "Just keep track of our damages,"
he replied, smilingly.
"We have already spent $60,000
for equipment to do this bitulithic
job," he continued. "We have
closed contracts for the cement and
other materials, all since the con
tract was given us. And the people
who hold up the work by means of
injunction will have to stand re
sponsible for our losses.
"The brick trust is behind all this
thing. The committee doesn't
know that but ft is the truth."
Eight Typewritten Pages.
The petition for injunction con
sists of eight typewritten pages and,
after reciting the history of the
$3,000,000 paving bond 'issue in
Douglas county, asks that the
county board be enjoined from
carrying out the provisions of the
bitulithic contract and from paying
out any money thereon; also that the
Allied Contractors, Inc., be enjoined
from proceeding with the work, for
the following reasons:
1. That the specifications filed in
the office of the county surveyor and
to which prospective contractors
were referred in making bids, speci
fied "Warrenite bitulithic paving on
concrete foundation." The .specifica
tion of "Warrenite" was destructive
of competition, says the petition, be
cause it barred all forms of as
phaltic mixture, except this so-called
patented preparation controlled ex
clusively by Warren Brothers. This
constituted a fraud upon the electors
and taxpayers, it is alleged.
2. That in the specifications,
"maximum prices" were given for
various kinds 'of paving and that
$4.35 was named as the maximum
for Warrenite bitulithic, and $4.50
for brick. This was interpreted by
some bidders to mean that no bids
could be received higher than those
prices. It is alleged that $4.35 "al
lows a very great if not enormous
?rofit" for bitulithic paving, while
4.50 would permit little if any profit
for brick. The bitulithic contract
involved in the suit is at $4.35 a
square yard.
3. That the printed bid turned in
by the Allied Contractors, Inc., for
Weak, Thin, Nervous
People Should Take
What it U And How It increases Weight,
Strength and Nerve-Force.
Judjlnt from the VxnintleM preparation! and
treatment! which an continually being adver
tised for the purpoae of making thin people tleshr,
developing ansa and neck, and replacing ugly hol
lows and angles by the eoft curved lines of health
and beauty, there are evidently thousands of man
and women who keenly feel their exoesstve thinnest.
Thinness and weakness are often due to starved
nerves. Our Indies need more phosphate than Is
contained In modem foods. Physicians claim
there is nothing that will sutvply this deficiency so
weU as the organlo phosphate known among drug
gists as bitro-phosphate, which Is Inexpensive and
is sold by most air druggist under a guarantee of
satisfaction or money back.
By feeding the nerves directly and by supplying
the body cells with the necessary phosphorlo food
elements, Mtro-phosphate should soon produce
welcome tranaformatlon In the aivearance; the In
crease In weight frequently being astonishing.
Increase In weight also carries with it a general
Improvement In tha health. Nervousness, sleepless
ness and lack of energy, which nearly always ao
eompany excessive thinness, should soon disappear,
dull eyee brighten and pale cheeks glow with the
bloom of perfect health.
CAUTION : Wnlle Bitro-Phosphate Is nnsur
pasted for. the relief of nervousness; general de
bility, etc.. those taking It who do not desire to
put on flesh should use extra care In avoiding fat
producing foods.
us tamoa OIL of kohein, roilow direc
tion of Korein system therewith: broome
slender, healthier, attractive, efficient: LIVE
LONGERI Sold by busy druggists, including:
Beatoa's Drug Co., Msrrlrt's, Unltt-Docekal.
Rlnale-Fox Drug, Je Zuchek. Adssis Halelrt
Drag Ce asd by druggists everywhere who will
supply you with genuine Oil, OF KOREIN.
Apply Zemo, Clean, Penetrat
ing, Antiseptic Liquid
It is unnecessary for you to suffer
with eczema, blotches, ringworm rashes
and similar (kin troubles. Zemo,
obtained at any drug storr foi 33c or
$1-00 for extra large bottle, and prompt
ly applied will usually give instant relief
from itching torture It cleanses, and
soothes the skin and heals quickly and
effectively most skin diseases.
Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating,
disappearing liquid and is soothing to
the most delicate skin. It is not (greasy,
is easily applied and costs Uttle Get
it todav and sav all further distress. '
. Tbe E. W. Koe toasYciaadaO.
Brief City News
Have Root Print It Beacon Press.
Lighting Fixtures, Burgess-aranden.
Uray to Xcw York C. R. Cray,
president of the Union Pacific rail
road, left for New York Sunday on
railroad business.
Seeks Eight Steiios T. IT.
Welrich, superintendent of the
Board of Public Welfare, stated that
his women's free employment bu
reau has calls for tight stenograph
ers. On Trial for Attack Frank Cen-
toamore was placed .on trial before
a jury in District Judge xroup's court
Monday for an attack alleged to have
been committed against Camilla
Nasiza, 14 years old, on September
25, 1919.
Two Connies Wed Rev. Charles
W. Savidga married two couples Sat
urday evenlner. They were Miss Des-
sie M. Dow and Roy M. Uarrop and
Miss Mary Liycan Keea or .none-
steel, 8. V., and Carlos B.. Reed
of Avoca, la.
Butler Has His War RepavliiK of
Sixteenth street, from Douglas street
to victor avenue, was given favor
able consideration by the city coun
cil committee of the whole Monday.
Proceedings on this Improvement
district were threatened with delay
when Commissioner , Butler Inter
posed. Commissioner Towl of the
department of public Improvements
said he doubted whether this street
could be repaved this year under
the most favorable conditions. City
Engineer Bruce stated that it would
cost only 500 to repair this .pave
ment bitulithic paving is interlined with
the words" "will use due diligence"
to complete the work by December
1, and that the contract is void for
this reason.
4. That the county commissioners
signed an instrument and pledge be
fore the bond election that they
would use the money for nothing
but brick paving.
Look at tongue! Remove poi
sons from stomach, liver
and bowels.
Accept "California" Syrup of
Figs only look for the name Cali
fornia on the package, then you
are sure your child is having' the
best and most harmless laxative or
physic for the' little stomach, liver
and bowels. Children love its de
licious fruity taste. Full directions
for child's dose on each bottle. Give
it without fear.
Mother! You must say "Califor
It is not necessary to shampoo
your hair so frequently if it is en
tirely and properly cleansed each
time by the use of a really good
shampoo. The easiest to use and
quickest' drying shampoo that we
can recommend to our readers is
one that brings out all the natural
beauty of the hair and may be en
joyed at very little expense, by dis
solving a teaspoonful of canthrox,
Which can be obtained from any
druggist's, in a cup of hot water.
This makes a full cup of shampoo
liquid, enough so it is easy to apply
it to all the hair instead of just to
the top of the head. This, when
rubbed into the scalp and on every
strand of hair, chemically dissolves
all impurities. It is very soothing
and cooling in its action as well as
beneficial to both scalp and hair.
After rinsing out the lather so cre
ated you will find the scalp is fresh,
clean and free from dandruff, while
the hair dries quickly and evenly,
developing a bright luster and a soft
fluffiness that makes it seem very
Kidneys Cause Hysteria
Some folks overwork; some over
eat; some over drink, and many do
all these things and neg'lect the ex
cretory organs. Nervousness ensues.
Constipation sometimes, but most
often the delicate function of the
kidneys become disordered, followed
soon by congestion. Then headache,
neuralgia, rheumatic- pain, headache,
and lumbago set in. Frequent urina
tion sometimes beyond control. The
voided liquid being dark and foetid
odor, and its passage followed by
burning, smarting spasms of pain,
even hysteria being often the result
the greatest of all kidney medicines,
is taken to regulate, allay and neu
tralize the irritation of the organs.
Sold by all druggsts.
Tired Nerves?
Relax a while
is always soothing. '
Get a tube. Most
- drug stores have It
tsn, Leealag m Co M. ft
Woman Pours Kerosene
On Clothes and Lights
Them to Take Own Life
The charred body of Mrs. Claus
Hauschild, 58 years old, was found
leaning against a tree in the front
yard of the Home a mile and a half
east of Papillon late Sunday by the
little daughter, who had been sent in
search' of her mother by her father.
Indications pointed to suicide,
neighbors stated, and the belief that
the mother had deliberately satu
rated her clothing -with kerosene and
lighted it. The clothing was prac
tically burned from the body, the
hair had been burned off, and the
upper part of the body terribly dis
figured. Neighbors stated that Mrs. Haus
child had been acting "queerly" for
the last two weeks. She is sur
vived by her husband, five daugh
ters and four sons.
If You've
Airy Doutts
as to -whether coffee
is a friend to your
nerves, drink two
or three cupfuls at
bedtime and think
about it, during the
wakeful night.
Youl also think of
Special Tuesday
Tuesday we will place
on sale in our Down
stairs Store men's cloth
ing section 300 pairs of
splendid quality khaki
pants in sizes 31 to 42.
These are exceptional
values at the low price
of $1.98.
Downstair Storo
Mother Thanks Father John's
Medicine For Good Health
It Has Given to Her Chil
dren. "It was Father John's Medicine
that kept my little girl alive," said
Mrs. L. M. Wray, of Brooklyn, N.
Y., in a recent letter. "When Lowel
la was a year old she had a dread
ful cold which left her with asthma
and bronchitis which no doctor
seemed able to relieve. After I be
gan giving her Father John's Medi
cine I could see a great change in
her and how much better she sleeps
at night now. I will never be without
it as long as there are children in
the family. You may print this if
you care to do so for every word is
the truth. . Both my children are
much improved since I gave them
Father John's Medicine and I have
all the faith in the world in the
medicine." (Signed) Mrs. L. M.
Wray, .187' Prospect St, Brooklyn,
N. Y.
No safer family medicine can be
found than Father John's Medicine
because it is guaranteed free from
alcohol or dangerous drugs and is
all pure, wholesome nourishment. It
has had more than sixty years of
success for colds, coughs and as a
Dressmakers Should
Satin Charmewe, $5J0
40-inch Satin Charmeuse, in
navy blue and black, for skirts
and dresses. Specially priced,
$S.SO yard.
Figured Foulard, $3.95
40-inch Foulard Silk in smart
designs and colorings. Spe
cial, $3.95.
Printed Radium, $4.50
40-inch Printed Radium, all
pure silk, in unusual designs
and colorings, at $4.50.
Crepe de Chine, $3J95
' Crepe de Chine Silk Shirting,
white ground with pretty col
ored stripe. Specially priced,
at $3.95.
Choose from among these
Handsome Wool Materials
Many new wool fabrics are ready for you a de
lightful and satisfying assemblage in weaves, textures
and colorings.
Suede Cloth, $70 Yard
New Suede Cloth in a complete line of the wanted
shades for Spring, 54 inches wide, $7.50 yard.
Jersey Cloth, $335 Yard
Jersey Cloth in all the new shades for dresses, 54
Inches, $3.95 yard.
Scotch Mixtures, $6J95
Scotch Mixtures for suits and coats, very good col
orings, 66 inches wide, $6.95 yard.
Main Floor '
Notions and Dressmaking Supplies
White Cotton Tape, 3-yard White Bias Tape, best lawn,
bolts 5c 6-yard bolts 25c
Inside Skirt Belting, black or Belding's 100-yard Spool Silk,
white, yard ilOe all colors, spool 14c
Elastic Web, black or white, Slip-on Dress Shields, pair 39c
Vl and -inch, yard ...5c Jersey Covered Bust Forms,
Fancy Wash Trimming Braids, each $1.95
3-yard bolts 5c Large size Velvet Grip Hose
Hat Wire, black or white, Supporters, black or white,
bolt 10e pair 29c
Lingerie Tape, 5-yard bolts, Dr. Parker's Waists for boys
pink, blue, white, bolt . .8e or girls, 2 to 14 yrs., ea..39e
Exceptional Values in
DRUGS--Very Special
Soap, Two for 15c
Burgess-Nash Toilet and Bath
Soap, glycerine, olive, rose, violet
and sandalwood odors, at one-half
price or two cakes for 15e.
, Sponges,' 12 H
Bath Sponges, bleached, large
size, 12Hc each.
Hand Brushes, 39c
Imported, with hand-drawn bris
tles and long handles. Very special
at 39c.
Soap 10c
Spanish Castile Soap, 10c a bar.
- Downstairs Storo 1
Good quality of Butcher
" Linon Cloths, size 45x50. An
excellent value at $1.00.
Bedspreads $3.95
Scalloped Crochet Bed
Spreads, suitable for full
size bed, cut corners, Mar
seilles design, $3.95 each. '
Downstairs Storo ' '
Needs During Our
Spring Sewing Week
AN EVENT planned to anticipate the needs of the hun
dreds of women who start their Spring sewing during
March. Then it also finds hundreds of other women eager
to lay in supplies for Summer sewing, while such low prices
are quoted. Save yourself the necessity of paying more by
taking advantage of these special prices which prevail this
week. . . .
We Have For
Season s
These are the days when careful selections of new silks may be
made. You'll find many charming surprises here in weaves, textures
and colorings.
Crepe de Chine, $2.29
All pure Silk Crepe De Chine
in a large assortment of col
ors, including flesh and white.
Sale price, (2.29.
Special Value
36-inch Fancy Stripe Taf
feta. . w sp.d
, .
36-inch Fancy Plaid Silk,
36-inch Figured Foulard
Mina Taylor Dresses
Tuesday- -
In the Downstairs Store
The ever-popular House Dresses,
which are made of the best quality
Ginghams and Percales, trimmed
vith self materials, ruffled or
strictly tailored. They come in dark
Dr light colors, and are priced at
$2.95, $3.95 and $4.95.
Aprons, $IJ95
Mina Taylor Aprons of good
quality. Percale, square or V neck,
belted and pockets, choice at $1.95.
House Dresses, $2:95
Special for Tuesday, is a selection
of Dark Blue Percale House
Dresses in small sizes, choice $2.95.
Downstairs Storo
New Pumps and Oxfords
NEVER have we been able to offer a wider variety of
smart, stylish footwear, and to think that the price is so
low is almost unbelievable. To describe them here would be
impossible, you must see them yourself to appreciate them,
and we cordially invite you to inspect our Spring display in
the Downstairs Store.
Four Spring Sewing
Silk Poplin, $1.69
In old rose, Jap blue, wistaria,
tvhite or black, 36' inches wide.
Special at $1.69 yard.
Wool Goods, $1.49
54-inch Grey Novelty Checked
Wool Goods, very special, $1.49
yard. .
Secure Their Sewing
Your Selection
Tricolette, $60
36 inches wide, in all the
wanted plain shades, for dresses
and blouses. Specially priced,
in Silks at $1.95
32-inch All-Silk Pongee,
. , . ,. , .
40-inch Silk Poplin, plain
40-inch Georgette Crepe,
flesh and white.
1 A variety of dainty colors in
The New Cotton Fabrics
More beautiful than ever. To look at this selec
tion is to see visions of lovely frocks made up exactly as
you would have them.
Dress Gingham, 75c Yard
, New Dress Gingham in pretty, plaids, 82 Inches
wide, 75c yard. , - j
Imported Gingham, $1.00
Imported Dress Gingham, in a large assortment of
plaids and checks, in beautiful colorings, 32 inches wide,
, Voiles, 98c
40-inch Voiles in a large assortment of pretty pat
terns for Summer dresses, light and dark grounds, 98c
, moia
Yards of Beautiful New Laces
Val Laces
Just received a wonderful assortment of Calais Val Laees
and insertions to match.
Very special offerings of French Val Laces and Inser
tions. Specials 12c a yard or $1.35 a bolt, 12 yards to a bolt.
Laces and Nets
New line of Gold and Silver lace from 3 to 6 inches.
Exquisite Gold and Silver nets, 18 to 36 inches wide, plain
and fancy mesh. '
the Downstairs Store
New Spring Suits
Very Moderately Priced From
$29.50 to $39.50
These garments were carefully
selected, and we feel sure that they
will meet the demands of the most
critical in style, material and work
manship. The material is good quality
serge, and there is such a variety of
styles that you will be certain to
find the very model most becoming
to your individual type. A new point
is the quite elaborate use of braid
ing ; collars are in roll shape or
strictly tailored.
Downstairs Storo
Poplar Cloth, 67c
A full lfne of colors to se
lect from, 36 inches" wide, 67c
a yard.
Silks, $U5
Plain colored silk, including
taffeta.' and satin messaline,
36 inches wide, $1.95 yard.
Storo i
Satin Stripe Poplin
Skirting, $20
36-inch Satin Stripe Poplin,
in navy, plum, black, Copen
hagen, silver gray and old rose.
Special -price, $2.50.
Silk Shirting, $2J35
,Stripe Silk Shirting in a
large assortment of pretty col
ored stripes. Sale price, $2.35.
Silk Poplin, $1.69
36-inch Silk Poplin in Jap
blue, old rose, plum, white, and
black. Specially priced, $1.69.
Satin Messaline, $2.75
36-inch Satin Messaline In
full range of light and dark
shades. Specially priced, $2.75.
rioor , ,,,(,; r
Another assortment of wonder
ful Blouse values are to be offered
to you Tuesday at this very low
price. Georgette, Crepe de Chine,'
Taffeta and Pongee are the mate
rials used. All the new styles are
represented, as well as the popular
tailored effects. Choice at $2.15
' Some slightly imperfect
Downstairs Storo
Rag Rugs $1.39
Plain colors, extra fine
quality, new rags, large
range of colors, size 27x54
laches. Choice, $1.39.
Carpet Samples
Made into throw rugs, at
one-half the price of a reg
ular rug, size 27x54. Spe
cial, $7.75. ..' - ' .
Downstairs Storo