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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1920)
IK M K WILSON OPPOSED to co:.ipaor,nsE If J TREATY FIGHT In' Letter to Senator Hitch cock President Restates His Position in Support of -t Article 10. , (CaatiaiM Trm lint rage.) tamed or whaever duties it uiidip took under the treaty would have to tfe fulfilled by its usual and estab ' lished constitutional methods of ac tion. - ; Indifferently .Listened to. Once or twice in meetingsof the Conference when a treaty was under consideration- "reservations' were nude by the representatives of in dividual powers, and these "reser vations" wejre invariably received in the way ia'which men who have met for business and not for talk always receive acts of scrupulous superero- ' gation listened to .with indifferent silence, as such men listen to what is a matter of course and was not necessary to say. t There can be no. objection to ex plaining again what our constitution., a! method is, and that our congress alone can declare war or determine the causes or occasions for war, and that it alone can authorize the use of armed forces of the Unitd,States on land, or on the sea. But to make such a declaration would certainly ' be a work of supererogation, x "I am sorry to say reservations that have come under my notice ate almost without exception, not itV terpretattons of the articles to which it is proposed to attach them, but in . effect virtual nullifications of thoAs ' articles. Any reservation which seeks to de prive the league of nations of the force of article ten, cuts at the very heart and life of the covenant itself. "Any league of nations which docs not guarantee as a matter ot incon testable right the political inde pendence and integrity of each of its members might be hardly more than a futile scrap of paper, a ineffective in operation as the agreement be tween Belgium and Germany, which the Germans violated in 1914 Arti cle represents the renunciation by Great Britain and Japan, which be fore the war had Begun to find io ' many interests in common in. the Pacific; by France; by Italy by all the great fighting powers of the world of the old pretensions bf po litical conquest and territorial agv grandizetnent. It is a, new doctrine in the4world's affairs and must be recognized or there is no secure basis for the peace which the world so longingly desires and so desperate- - ly' ;needs; If article 1 X '4s not adopted and acted upon, theAgovern meqrts which reject it will, F think, be fcuilty of bad faith tV their peo ple whom they induced to make the infinite sacrifices of the war by-ihe pledge that they would be fighting to redeem the world from the oW 'order of force and aggression. They AOVERTIttRMKNT MAKING At (Mealtime Means Good Appetite, Good Dig : finnd f!ker and Stuart' -Dvnnaiit ' v :X -.. 1 1 Tablets.'. ; ;, . , Do You Use Them? To sit back after a good meal and know there is not going to be sour risings, gas, drowsiness and ' discomfort is the logical result of v using Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets immediately after eating. Most peo t pie Relieve they can trace each at tack pf indigestion to,the something they ate and tan still "taste." And it surprises them, invariably, to note how. quickly relief comes after using one or two of these tablets. Whether ' it is highly seasoned food, rich pastry, the. heavy hearty foods or some one particular offender the re lief V comet just the same. Those who are susceptible to attacks of indigestion-or dyspepsia should try Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets as they . supply the stomach with an alkaline ' effect just as it does naturally when it t working in a perfectly healthy condition. A. glance around the table will likely indicate one or- more who DOCTOR ADVISED CIIANGEOF CLIMATE Rua Down and Lungs' Hurt V Stayed Home and Gained 22 Pound. "In Nvmbcr. 1911, ) had a .vtre cold and la fripp, which left me with a bad couch.. Mr lung and shoulder blade, hurt'.o I couldn't ileep and I finally had : to eivo up ny job and waa ordered, to ehanra ellmet. - In April, 1912, r befci takina Milk. Smaliion. - On itha seeoi bottl I could m chance. My appetite waa better and I commenced to gain traagta and weight How. (August 2, -i ' 111) I have used it bottles, hare in ' ctoaeed IS pounds In weight and believe I aw permanently cured. W. F. Hour. laad. Boate s. Wolf Citr. Texas. - MP. Bonrlsnd wee fortunate in com mencing to use Milks Emulsion when he ' did. A run-down system invites di.esse. . Muk Emulsion costs notntnc to try. , Milk Emulsion is a pleasant, nutri tive food and a corrective medicine. It re stores healthy, natural bowel action, do- ins away wna au need oi pin. and nhrsiea. It promotes appetite and Quick br puts the digestive organs in shape to aoahaUate foods. As builder of flesh and atreasTth, Milks Emulsion is strong v ly recommended to those whom sickness weakened, ana la a -powerful aid la tfeas and repairing the effect of eraatta bU and diseases. Chronia stomach trap.- eonstipatieay are promptly re- lie red . usually in oae Thai la the only a lally an oae oay. the only aolld em a). ion made. ana so peaa tattle tnas It is eaten with a spoon like Ice cream. - Truly wonderful , for weak, sickly children. No matter now nmi your ease, yea are urged to try Mills revision, undo this guarantee Take stal bottles home with you, us it according to direc tions and if ax satisfied with the results. . your money win bo promptly refunded. Prise and tlM Per bottle. The Milks Cmulato Co, TerreSBaate, Ind. Sold by oxueTgisui etstj ejaeia. will be acting also" in bad faith to the opinion of the world at large to which they appealed tor support m a concerted stand against the aggres sions and pretentions ol Uermany, If we were to reject article X or so to weaken it as to take its, full force out of it, it would mark us as desiring to return to thy old world of jealous rivalry and- misunder standings from wbich our gallant soldiers nave rescues us, anaywouia leave us without any vision or new conception of justice and peace. We would have learned no lesson from the war, but gained only the regret that it had involved us in its mael strom of suffering. . If America has awakened, as the rest of the worlo has, to the. risioa of a new day la Which the mistakes of the pst are to be corrected, it wifj welcome the opportunity to share' the responsi bilities of article X. Constitutes Renunciation. ' "It must not be forgotten senator, that this article constitutes a renun ciation of wrong ambition on the part of powerful nations with whom we were associated in the war. It is by no means certain that without this article any. such renunciation will taCe place. Militaristic ambi tions and imperialistic policies are by no means dead even in the coun sels of the nations whom we most trust and with whom we most desire to be, associated in the tasks of peace Throughout the sessions of the conference in rans, it was evi dent that a militaristic party, under the most influential leadership, was seeking io gain ascciwancy in counsels of France. Tney were de feated then, but are in control now. The chief arguments ' advanced in Paris in support of the Italian claims on the Adriatic were strategic ar guments, that is to say, military ar-v guments, which had at their back the thought of naval supremacy in- that sea. ror my own .pan, i am as intolerant ot imperialistic- ae- signs on the part of other nations as I was of such designs on the part of Germany. , r- Choice Between Two Ideals.' The choice is between two ideals: On the one hand, the ideal of dem ocracy1 which represents the rights of iree peoples everywhere to gov ern themselves and on the other hand, the ideal of imperialism which seeks to dominate by force and un just power, an ideal which is by no means dead and which is earnestly held in many quarters still. Every imperialistic influence in Europe was hostile to the embodiment of article ten in the covenant and its defeat now would mark complete consummation of their efforts to nullify the treaty. I hold the doc trine of article ten to be the essence of Americanism. We cannot repu diate it or weaken it without repu tffaringvour own principles. The imperialist wants no league of nations, but, if in response to the universal cry of the masses everywhere, there is to be one he is interested to secure one suited to his own purposes, one that will per mit him to continue, the historic game of pawn ar4 peoples the jug gling of , provinces, the old balance of power, and the inevitable wars attendant upon these things. The reservation proposed would perpetn-J . . . 1 , , I . T aie me om oraer. uocs anyone really want to see the old game ADVKBTI8EMKKT MERRY estion, If Not. Wkv? plainly look as it they anticipa afed the dyspeptics mournful assem blage of distresses shortly after the meal is finished. Many a bon vivant, however, has learned how to leave the table in a happy frame of mind by the use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets immediately after eating. And whether it was rich soup, pas try, cheese or dishes usually rated as "heavy," these tablets contain in gredients that digest food, assist the stomach in the work of digestion and supply the alkaline effect that the stomach requires. Thus before you conjure up the troubles that ordinarily would follow eating some iavonte dish, try this plan of avoid ance. Or. if the' trouble is already doing its worst get a SO cent box of StuartVDyspepsia. Tablets of any druggists- ana note now gently and smoothly your stomach settles down to good behavior. .. .We Grab the "Sting" Out of High Clothes Costs' Roots and Alt, Just pick up U phone call Tyler 345 and say. to us: "Dresher, I am willing to have you Clean and Press and Remodel all of my, Spring garments. I am going to cut down those tremendous clothes expenses. Send your man soon." , . ; DRESHER BROTHERS DYERS CLEANERS 2211-17 Faim Street Baby Shonned Decansc of Eczema! JohaU.SbMitiac, HI blaia St, Laacaitsr, Obse, writes: My babp paw caaraclafls sPPaMCasP erBciraa which coveracrkia kce sad head. VWten to cur home would skua mycfaildbecaaee bekmked so tarribm, 1 procured a bet Ue a D. D.D. Inaa la aMyahtiaMBWberwMcursa." Taosnaade of tetters from gratafe! assri of P. D.D. prove Its weaaVrfU resaiis la healing torturing afcia disease. The very trst applica tiaa alUys the itching aad burning. Why net try bottle at one aad be eeariacedt Tear sasyback ff the tnt bottle does not brine relief. ate aad tl- Try P.P. P. Soap, taut JU).rQ).IEI. ft aenaaa 4k MTfsaaoa Onw Stamw. played agaiu? Can anyone really venture to take part in reviving the old order? The enemies of a league of nations have by aytfry true in stinct centered their efforts against article ten, for it is undoubtedly the foundation of the whole structure. It is the, bulwark, and the only bul wark of the rising democMcy-of die world against the forces of imper ialism and reaction. . All Way or Not at AIL Either we should enter the league fearlessly. acceDtine the responsibil ity and not fearing the role of lead ership which we now enjoy, con tributing our. efforts toward estab lishing a just and permanent peace, or we should retire as gracetuiiy as possible from the great -concert of cowers br which the world was saved. For my part, I am not willing to trust to the council of diplomats the working out of anv salvation of the world from which it has silf- . .. . . lerea. r I believe that when, the full sigr nificance of this great question nas been generally comprehended, ob stacles will seem insignificant be fore the opportunity, a great and glorious opportunity to contribute our overwhelming moral and mater ial force to the establishment ot an international regime in which our own ideals and right may be made to prevail and the nations of the world be allowed a peaceful de velopment under conditions of order and safety hitherto impossible. Reservation's, Nullify. I need not say tha't I have given a great deal of thought to the whole matter of reservations proposed in connection , with the ratification of the treaty, and particularly that por tion of the treaty which contains the covenant or the league of nations, and I have been struck by the fact that practically every so-called res ervation i was in effect a rather sweoing" nullification of the terms 1 of the treaty. I hear of reserva tionists and mild reservationists, but I cannot understand , the difference between a nullifier and a mild nulli fier. Our responsibility as a nation in this turning point is an over whelming one, and if-1 had the op portumty I would beg everyone concerned to consider the matter in the light of. wjat it is possible to accomplish for humanity ' rather than in the light of special national interests. If I have-' been truly informed concerning the desire ot some oi 1 . a j ( voiir colleaeues to' know my views I would be very glad if you should show this letter to them. Cordially and sincerely yours, WOODROW WILSON. Wilson Puts Quietus - On Get-Together Plans (Continued From First Page.) one in which he attacks France." A X 1IC lCpUUlll.(kU 1IH.I.WIIVIIOI1W hailed the president's letter with de- ngnr. President stands rat. "As I understand it," said Senator Borah of Idaho, "the president Stands pa,t. The letter seems to me to be a very proneunced statement in favor of his position that he will reject the treaty it it is changed in any respect. He even rejects mild reservations. The president makes the issue a league or no league which is in the form I would like it. Senator' McCormick of Illinois said: "The president is logical. He joins the issue upon straight ratifica tion withiut any reservations which reserve. He Stands by his Jackson Day letter and plainly characterizes the mud reservationists as mud nullifies.'- I hope we may have done with the refinement ot verbal dis. tinctions and go to a vote." The "mild" reservationists resent ed their characterization by the pres. ident as "mild nullifiers" and Sena tor Kellogg or Minnesota, one ot their spokesmen, declared . that he would never vote for such a propo. sition as article 10. "I do not believe the people of this country desire to be bound to maintain the political independence of every country. in the world or to furnish the men and -money to do so," he said. - Senate Moves Quickly. Limiting debate by consent, the senate moved swiftly today to re duce its fight over the peajb treaty to basic issues. - ' Four more republican reserva tions were readopted, two without change, while negotiations for a compromise on article ten were pressed toward a conclusion, ap parently unaffected by the renewed declaration of Wilson againsf any material weakening 4f the treaty's provisions V In the senate the. last of the 14 republican reservations except those, relating to. article ten and 'league voting power were swept out of the way and debate pi the voting power provision begun." The four adopted related to armaments, the economic boycott, alien property and the la bor section, the latter being brought I . ..II ,t : . t . . t .1 -1. i - : . . r- io a ruij ca.ii wiuiuui ucuaic. Ure Agrees to Hold JJp His Gas Ordinance ; ' (Continued From First Page.) x city elected to accept the appraisal, then the gas company would pay its own. costs of the condemnation. Two Cases; Pending. Considerable speculation has been indulged in as to the status of the case when the city' rejects tl ap praisal. The commissioners have asserted that the gas company holds no franchise and has had none since December 20J(918. . '-There are pending in the United States district court two cases which have been held in abeyance until the disposition of the condemnation proceedings. -One case relates to the city's ouster proceedings, instituted at th time of the expiration of the franchise, December 20, 1918. , . The company obtained a tempor ary injunction, which restrains the cuy uniu me case nas Deen neara. Trie company-claims it holds a fran chise under a grant- given by the city to the Omaha Gas Manufac turing company, January 22, 1868, when Charles H. Brown was mayor. The company further claims that the action of the city council on December 20, 1893, did not consti tute a franchase grant, but was mere ly arate regulation whicfi expired December1 20, 1918. The other case pending in federal court refers to th $1 gas ordinance which was enacted during the 'Dahuiiaa administration. The Omaha Gas company will re sist any effort on the part of the city to proceed on the basis that the comjiajjy dc not bold i franchjse. f HEL BEE: Instructor at - When Pershing Led Cadets ' Advodates His Nomination . , t Famous General Embodies All That Voters of United V States Jow Demand in Their president Broad Vision, Firm Determination and Compelling Personality." Lincoln, Neb., March 8.--II. H. Wilson, widely known Nebraska lawyer and member of the law firm of Burkett. Wilson & Brown of this city, has issued a letteV advocating the nomination of Gen, John J. Pershing by the national republican convention. Mr. Wilson was an instructor of law at the University of Nebraska when General Pershing;, . then com- manaani at mar institution, was taking the law course there. He knows General Pershing well, ad mires him greatly, and believes he is thoroughly equipped by natural en dowment, Dy trainme and ' oy ex perience top the presidency. Jn'tiis letter Mr. Wilson sas: ' , "In the earlier davs of the reoub lie the president of the United States was regarded principally as the chief executive of the nation. I he last, few decades have wit nessed a radical change in our con ceptions of the duty of a president. The constitution originally contem- .I.. i . . i .1. . , , uuiixu mat mc president snouia trom time to time give the conirress information on 'the state of the union and recommend for its con sideration such measures as he should judge necessary and ex pedient. 1 , . Chief Legislative Factor. "To this function tf .giving infor mation and recommending meas ures the constitution also'adds the tunction of approving ors vetoing measures passed by the congress. In our later development the people have learned to look primarily to the president as the chief factor in national legislation. While the con gressmen are -elected by districts and the senators by states, the president is elected by the nation, and all parts of the country feel that they have had a greater and more direct influence in the election of the president than in the .choice of either the senate or the house. This doubtless accounts for the modem tendency of the people to look to the president -for the enactment of laws as welt as for their execution. This added duty of the president re quires the exercise of greater power and demands peculiar qualifications. "The people of America now de mand in a" president broad vision, clear thinking, firm determination and a compelling personality. The ideal president is one capable of de vising ways and means to carry out me will of the people: capable of estimating men at theifctrue worth, surrounding- himself, by those who are capable of giving the. best sup port, and possessing such a com pelling, personality as to lead others to accept his point of view. , P'oved Himself Capable. "General Pershing has-had an ex tensive and varied career, and has proved himself capable and worthy in every situation in which he has been placed. The organization of a great army on foreign soil, more than 3,000 miles from its base of supply, was a task no other general has ever been called upon to ner form. The organization, enuioment and . pnysical maintenance of the American army under these circum stances was clearly the largest busi ness enterprise that Ameria has ever entered upon. -No American aren eral ever was criven so extensive au thority or evcrcised powers so varied and extensive. The supreme success cf this, the greatest of America's business enterprises, is now known to all the world. "In the progress of the war Gen eral Pershing was called upon to meet and solve some of the most difficult and embarrassing diplomatic questions America has ever had to face. While America lagged far be- hand in the production of aircraft, ft -is noteworthy that General Per shing by iis diplomacy assembled at. St. Mihie! the greatest air force ever assembled on the face of the earth under1 a single command. At, a time when 60 per cent of our men were going overseas in English ships, England and France both de manded that enly infantry and ma- me gunners should be transported. and these to renew the 'wasting ranks of bur allies; and this plan was in the war council approved by the premiers and commanders of all the allies. In tace ot this unanimous military and civil opinion of our al lies General Pershing announced the formation of the American army and, frankly told the council tjiat it wonld be an American army that would win the war. To stand sin gle-handed and alone for the organic ration of an independent American army, against the combined judg ment of, the premiers and all ine other commanders,-at a time when 60rper cent of- that army must be transported m vessels other than American, required moral- courage of the highest type. To bring the others to his viewpoint i a meas-yl ure cf the -compelling power of his personality. Wisdom of Decisions. "None would jiow be more ready to approve the wisdom of that de cision tharf those who there so bit terly opposed, it. It was General Pershing who first urged the neces sity of a unified military command, jisumiAfttj i I . if . - I J II J I'll SI I - I top. OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH 91020. Nebraska ' and again later it was General Pershing who first urged -the neces sity of unity behind the lines in the purchase and disposition of -stopr plies. ' In both these respects he brought others to his viewpoint and proved the wisdom of his decision. "Of his success as a military com mander one need hardly speak, as it is now a part of the worlds his tory. It was, however, he who sensed the change that was ap proaching from a war of position to a war of movement, and it was he who directed' the training of the American forces for a warfare of movement, that movement to be an offensive one. How thoroughly he succeeded in imparting his- own en thusiasm to his vast army: how completely he imbued their minds with his tvHI to win,' is measured by the fact that while your armies lost but about 3,500 prisoners, they toblc more than 6J.000." Best Business Man. "This is possible only to an armv loyal to. their leader and imbued with his willr The great accomplish ments of the American army in the field was possible only because their commander had the bower of ac curately estimating the availablity of his subordinates ' and surrounded himself with the best the American army could supply. "I am, therefore, for General Per shing for president. First; because he is clearly America's most success ful business man, having successfully developed and conducted America's reatest business enterprise. Second: - am for. him because he has shown nis ability to bring other great men to. his own viewpoint when a great crisis was impending and has displayed in many difficult situations the highest qualities of diplomacy. Third: I am for him because it would be valuable to have, as commander- in-chief of the American army and navy,. One who Knows what an fcrmy means and, who could be trusted to preserve American rights on land and sea. In my opinion General Pershing at this moment- possesses more of the qualities that make a great president and has had greater experience in the exercise of these great qualities than any other living American. The best is none too good when we come to choose a president i pf O.OOO.OOO1 people." Wlbur L. Burgess of' Burgess-Granden Co. Retires Temporarily Wilbur L. Burgess, identified for 13 years as the head of the Burgess- Granden Co.. yesterday announced that he has disposed of his interests and will retire temporarily. Charles A. Granden will remain with the company as president. J. L. Archer, R. J. Pugsley and B. A. Cooper of Omaha will be actively interested in the new organization. -. Mr. Burgess began his business career as an office boy for Welshans & McEwan, plumbers, in 1889. Mr. Granden has been with the company of which he is now the head, since 1886. "This is my first rest for 28 years," Mr. Burgess said. "I am going away tor a- while, but expect to make my home in mOaha. During my presi dency of this company the business has grown from a volume of $25,000 to $5U,UO0 a year. I will stay with the company for a few months to dispose of some pending business." Principles of Taxation Discussed at Chamber G. F. Baxter, president of the Thomas Kilpatrick Co., discussed the principles and purposes of taxation at a meeting of the good fellowship committee of the Chamber of Com merce at "that body's weekly lunch eon yesterday. Mr. JBaxter also ex plained the nature of the single tax movement. L. H. Matson of the Corn Exchange National bank won the committee's attendance prize for the meeting, whfch was tvhfive-gal-lon cans of motor oil. It. E. Davis to Talk R. E. Davis of the O'Brien-Davis- Coad Co. will soeak on "Sale of Service at the meeting of the Mo tor Maintenance association Wed nesday evening at the Chamber of Commerce. Thursday evening, D. C. Buell will show four xeels of pic tures 'and deliver"a lecture.; i (Quality First) Thislltrfninn Wardrobe Trunk it $75.00 1$ i Saving ojtt Here is a genuine bargajai. If you expect to buy a trunk this year, you cannot afford to miss' this opportunity. ;-(. . ' This is an extra large modal .of the finest constmctioS'wTlh all the. long edges reinforced. It ha extra deep bat box, bandy laundry bag, shoe box, tbe best of hangers and the famous Hartmann cushion Handsomely 'lined and equipped nardwgre. SPECIAL "NO WARDROBE TRUNK ( .-- Good Luggage . Only. Freling & ltOJ fargam FORTUNE ALREADY FOUND IN ESTATE OF LATE ECCENTRIC Administrator Finds Omaha Re cluse Had $75,000--Safety Box Yet Unopened. Seventy-five thousand dollars' in cash and valuable securities has al ready been discovered in the estate of the late Andrew J. Seaman, aged Omaha eccentric who died 10 days ago. . 1 s ' T. H.v Weirich, superintendent of the Omaha Welfare board, who was appointed administrator, has dis covered this amount in building and loan associations, and in bank stocks and money on deposit in banks. He is waiting for a dpulicate Yale key to arrive from the factory to open the safety deposit box of Mr. Seaman in the State Bank of Omaha. In this, it is expected, the bulk of the estate will be found. Estimates ofs what, may be iii the box run to It was tound that Mr, seaman had several thousand dollars in every building add loan association in the city, He had money on deposit in the State Bank bf Omaha. At the treasurer's office in Wahoo nearly $500 in cash is on deposit to his credit from payment of tax redemp tions. 1 , Mr. Seaman lived 'in a wretched room where he slept on bare planks arid he spent less than 15 cents a day for food. , Mrs. Harriett Wolf of Los Angeles, Cal., sister of .Mr, Seaman, is expected in Omaha today. She has telegraphed that nothing be done until jier arrival. , Aviator Parson Ordered - To Visit the Police Judge A. G. Nielson, aviator parson of Council Bluffs, was ordered to ap pear in Central police court today on a charge ot reckless driving. A warrant for his arrest was sworn 75 - i living. ADVERTISEMENT Dorothy Dalton's Beauty Chat Mies Dorothy Dslton, th actreis famous the world over for her beautiful complexion. mys : "Any girl or woman can nave Dean, tiful complexion and smooth unwrinkled skin like mine U they will follow my ad vk and use DlVwUlo, a simple toilet prep aration. I use it because it imparts in stant beauty, is easy to apply, absolutely harmless and has a marvelous effect upon the skin. One application proves it" Be sure to read Miss Dalton's interesting story of how to quickly acquire a.Deauti ful complexion, soon to appear in this paper. In the meantime get Dernillo at any toilet counter and try it toaay; you will be delightfully surprised. Least $13.50 ' with the best of locks and AT, $75 - LIKE A HARTMANN." ' Stcinle 14 Tears In Omaha -7" St. out by Lewis Gobola. Thirteenth and Pierce streets. Police have no further, details. Motorcycle Policeman ' Emery served the warrant on the aviator parson at Thirty-ninth and Leaven worth streets. "Being as you're a minister, an aviator and a good fellow I'll take your word that you'll appear in po lice court, Tuesday morning," the policeman told Mr. Nielsen when the aviator showed a dislike to be ing arrested on Sunday. Changes In Personnel Of Illinois Central In Omaha Announced Announcement was made Mondav from the general offices of the Illinois Central railroad of the ap pointment of C. Haydock, formerly general passenger agent at San l'rancisco. to the nost of division freight agent in the Omaha office. Mr. Haydock assunfes his, new du ties at once with offices at 313 Gtv National Bank building.' S. North who served as district freight agent for the road under federal-control, will become district passeneer agent, and A. O. Storm. chief clerk iu the office of the di vision freight agent, is promoted to traveling freight and passenger agent "Reorganization of the offices here since the return of the roads to provate ownership has not yet been completed," stated Mr. Hed dock today. "But we are now actively soliciting business and an ticipate no difficulty in the change, with the possible exception slight shortage of cars, of Near East Relief Fund Latest returns for Near East re lief are as follows: - - Previously reported 127,752.82 Burgess-Naah Co 260.(10 220.00 Hm-genn-Nasli Employes Dfeslier Ilros Max I. Walker Dry Cleaning Co. Ths Panlorium Mary R. Hundley ,. C. f Helfn K E. B. Shlvely 60.00 60.60 25.00 6.00 .65 1.00 Total . . S28.iS0.17 n gp i'itHU. "The more simple, the style, with greater luster does , beauty appear" LORD HALIFAX o select clothes on a basis of cheapness alone Us an erirdr that - cheats one of fully half the joy of Sadly enough, it is the pit in which a great many good resolutions are trapped , - ' Fewer clothes and better. No matter, what pnee limitations, "dignity and good taste may be h?.d if one is discreet in shopping. tfiomborbeld: & COMPANY NOTICE Owing to the large number 'of in quiries received from people in this lo cality regarding DEER LAKE, MIN NESOTA, v MR. P. H. HANSEN OF THORPE BROS, is in OMAHA this week-to give all those interested any and all information possible.- You will be surprised when you see $he splendid photographs , Mr. Hansen has of Deer Lake. You will incur absolutely no ob ligation. Please phone MR. HANSEN, Room 710 Hotel Fontenelle, Tuesday or Wednesday pf this week, and he will be gjad tovmake an appointment with you for any time this' week, day or evening. THORPE MINNEAPOLIS J. OMAHA OFFICIAL SCORES DROPPING v BONUS PAYMENT Says That Change Will Force Resignations From 1 ,500 Lo- cat Federal Employes. E. I. Horn, United States quarter master depot employe here; and sec retary of the Omaha Association of Federal employes, yesterday scdrcd action last week of the lower house of Congress in eliminating from trie legislative appropriation bill the $240 bonus for federal employes, which has been in effect since last July. - Abolishing of the bonus would force many of Ihe 1,500 Omaha fed eral employes to resign and seek other jobs, he declared. Officials of the National Federa tion of Federal Employes are start ing nation-wide agitation, he stated, to influence action of the senate in retaining thebonus in 1920 appro priatioM. . " "T'..e Hat bonus of $240 a year waS being paid," he said, "to all classes of feaeral wwrkerr, excepting post office employes. Laborers, stenog raphers, clerks and all other lower salaried employes were getting it. -If the bonus is take away, salaries of many of them will drop as low as $70 a month, which, under present conditions, is obviously insufficient fpr living expenses." L. B, Dyhrberg, president of thr Omaha Postal Clerks' local. No. 134, said postal employes probably would rsupport other federal workers in their demand the bonus be retained Congressional action go far has not affected the average bonus of $130 a yearteing paid postal workers. Policeman Discharged Policeman T. G. McFaddcn war discharged from the police force by Chief of Police Eberstein vesterdav. "Incompetency" was the reason v given by the police chief for his ac- " tion. McFadden has a habit of be ing tardy in responding for dutv. the chief said. ""ti.. rt""",tlr,rttt""t o v a r a 6 1 BROS. m If i