Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 08, 1920, Page 4, Image 4
The Omaha Bee DAILY (MORNING)-EVENING SUNDAY TUB U fUWOSHINQ COMPANY, proprietor KTLjKOI B. TJPDIKE. PRESIDENT MEMBERS OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 1 Tee limltM af which The Bee Is member, to tlssrntr eaUtled the ua tor publication of all am diiiuhi aiaitlea t It er mot oUiarwlM emliMd In this nnt. and alas ton! am iwiiiim aerats. AU tlfuU ef publwaUoa of our BUI iionw an else iwsnea BEE TELEPHONES Tyler 1000 Par Night ami Sunday Servlca Calli HNnrtal Aepartsimt ClroaUUoa Dprtmn Trlsf 1000L .... Tjl 100ML AdnrUtiuf Imuuimit - - -- - - - - Tl 10041. or nets or ine. bee . (aaa Offloa, Baa Bmkuna. i;ik end raroam. Brine OMoaii Jtta (lit Worth Mtk I Park J01J lmn worth lessen III Military An. South Bid 331S X Sr. Council HnSl II Scott Su I Walnut tit North 401 Out-ai.Towm Offlaaei . Xaw Teak Mia 1M riftli in I Washlnstoa Ull O St. CaloifS BUs r Bide. I Undola ' 1420 H. Bu FEBRUARY CIRCULATION i Daily 65,305 Sunday 65,057 Aterere circulation for to month tubagrilMd and anon to by I. B. Baiaa. Circulation afaosnr. I Subscribers leaving tha city should hava The Baa mailed JSS i You should know that In Nebraska 83 per cent of the cor porations show net incomes, and in the rest of the United States only 66 per cent show net incomes. Lttt call for income tax returnsi Bernstorff thinks the world is bankrupt His is. J r I t Season on highjackers ooencd some time t . . - . ... J ago, but no report ot a real bag has yet come in. How do you suppose the groundhog is standing this spell of weather? I Omaha republican women have organized under capable leadership. Watch them get i busy. I , ' . y Weather conditions are blamed for slow i start in spring trade, but .no blizzard can last I forever. ' Governor Smith tells the world fair what he t thinks of Editor Hearst, but wait till you hear f the come-back. $ Sale of the Hog Island yard is now prq l posed. It will end a glorious and scandalous incident of the war. I "Herb" Hoover is not only coy, but em- phatic about it If he is nominated it will be by selective draft process. -i j Toledo hits the census ball with an increase i of 41 per cent in population, but Omaha will v top this by several points. i Experts agree that thesNebraska farmer has tlie chance ef his life to make money this year. 1 Here's hoping he doesn't muff it - 1 "White House officials" think the president i will remain firm on his treaty stand. Why not give him .a chance to speak for himself? Colonel Roosevelt left a rather snug estate, ;: most of it earned by his pen. And those who 1 have read his books agree it was well earned. The government is moving to conserve a " supply of fuel oil for its vessels. Some Omaha householders would like to be permitted to take similar steps. '. ' ' The cotton picker who danced., his way out of jail over In Chicago has nothing on the boot , legger who swept his way out of jail in Omaha xew cays tgo. t , . The Dutch decline to deliver William Hohen zollern to be tried, bat promise to keep him harmless They may be helping the Allies out of s deep hole at that Luther Burbank imitated Thomas A. Edison by working on his seventy-first birthday. As a nutter of fact, that is the only form of recrea tion those old guys know. In view of the shortage of gasoline, The Bee again respectfully suggests that alcohol forms an excellent source of power when used in internal combustion engines. ; ' ; Mexico Is going to put a ban on export of hides to the United States, to induce permis sion to buy arms and ammunition here again, "perhaps. The deal is too raw. -. Oklahoma's right to tax the incomes of non resident oil barons is upheld by the supreme court, and now we may hear less of the mil lionaires who own wells down that way. ' A Michigan woman complains of conditions the eountry and warns us that the empty farm house is a menace." Agreed, but "how are yon going to keep them down on the farm?" Mr. Bryan is carefully planting tacks and roken glass and other nice things along the x track Senator Hitchcock expects to follow from Nebraska to San Francisco. Those democrats ;do love one another! PURCHASING THE GAS PLANT. , Two points in connection with the purchase of the gas plant should be kept clearly in mind: The city is not obligated to purchase the exist ing plant at the appraised price, nor is the gas company . under any obligation to accept the price. EitkxY may reject the appraisement and the other may, if it so elects, appeal to the courts to enforce the award If the city rejects the award and undertakes to begin de novo, it. is within" the range of pos sibilities that th'e company will start suit - Sev eral years will probably be required to deter mine the issue, with the possibility of the city being-finally required to accept the plant at the pne fixed by the appraisers. While this is- go jng on, the citizens will get no relief in the mat ter of cost of gas for domestic use, no better ments will be added to the plant, and no im provements in service may be looked for. Liti gation also is costly. As The Bee has several times stated, the price fixed by the board is higher than the city offered, and less than the company asked; it is also less than a similar plant can be constructed for, and more than the scrap or junk value to the company of its property. Whether it will be necessary to immediately spend a million dollars to change the process by which gas is made is open to question The present system is furnishing service of a satisfactory qaality, and has been profitable to its .owners. The citizens voted to buy the gas plant not a law suit The company is entitled to a square deal A competent boar' has examined fcprts, heard arguments, and" made its award. It is within the power of the city commission to ac cept the award, as the company has signified its willingness to, or to reject it and open the way to" further delay, probably vexatious and costly, in the acquisition of the plant The wise way seems open; will the commis sioners follow it? 1 1 Mahogany and How It Qro'ws ' , To Lady Nancy Astor is given credit for pidong Sir Auckland Geddes for the place of .British ambassador at Washington. Folks in ' aer native land will restrain themselves till they lave given her choice the "once over." ' A Wet Spot, Geographically speaking, there is still "a Mace on the corner." It is a diminutive islet ind its name is BiminL Nearest of the Ba hamas, it lies only 45 miles- off the coast of Florida. Because Of Bimini and similar isles in the same locality, the winter resort of Miami has come to bexalled. the "port.of .missing men," for nearly every day some vessel weighs anchor -there, bound for onef those. islands. If the weather is good in about three, or at the most hTC nours later, aepenainff on ine spcea 01 mc . . 1 ! C t a1 -1 V . A . aV. At IJtaai) (Alts MlSaaaa "f imvh w a.u British government . pier. AIso some, of the thirstiest or the hastiest fly over. The Aero Limited. Inc, which is conducting a passenger service-in Miami, has' established what is .called tht Highball Express, by which route the trip takes only about 40 minutes no longer than from. New York city hall to the Bronx by sub way. There are two- islands, North Bimini and South Bimini.. The natives are nearly all blacks and are gathered. into two small, settlements. jMicetown and Bafleytown, whose combined populations numbef about 1,000. Aside from the fact that a man may buy a drink six days a week without risking a jal sentence, there is the added attraction of winter fishing. New . Who Runs the Government? When the president handed Mr. Lansing his walking papers, one of the pretexts was that the secretary of state had sought to formulate a policy to bind the executive and without con sulting him. Whether this be true or not the supporters of the president have found great consolation in this display of independence. We wonder how they will dispose df certain things that are now being brought to light. John Bar ton Payne took tea with Mrs. Wilson and she asked him would he like to be secretary of the interior.- He would, and got the job. Admiral Benson took tea with the president's wife and emerged with a reappointment to the shipping board. Foreign diplomats complain that the irritating incident of gossip which, marred the short stay of Lord Grey as British ambassador was given its greatest effect because Mrs. Wil son' would not be mollified or appeased by the emphatic and authoritative denial presented at the White House. Then we have the incident of a letter written by Senator Hitchcock to the president asking for an audience for Senator Simmons on a matter of highest importance, delayed for several days by Secretary Tumulty, who finally delivered it to the president after the fact that it had been written became gen erally known in Washington. The, part played by Dr. Grayson in connection with the cabinet conferences during the president's illness has been a source of much comment. All these things, taken together, justify the inquiry as to who is running the government? Grand Opera In Chicago. Grand opera is for music-loving millionaires id pay for. The Chicago Opera company has just concluded a season of five weeks in New York at a loss to its owners of $150,000. The company will pay t a loss on the entire season of 15 weeks, which approximates $300,000. But that is not unusual . For years rich men in Chicago have met losses of $200,000 or more a season. "Why do they do it?" To promote taste for the best music; to keep Chicago in the operatic musical world; to gratify their own desire to hear over and over again the master pieces of musical art rendered by artists, and to give the public opportunity to revel in the pleasures of harmonies. Some years ago at a popular Chicago res taurant a gentleman laid down his napkin, stepped over to another table, talked to a gen tleman there two minutes,' and returned to his own meaL "I just got his pledge to put up $10, 000 a year for five years for grand opera," he said. : That is the way opera is made possible for Chicago and why it is now assured for the nerft two years.1 An Omaha Forward Impulse. Spring is almost here, and with it is com ing realization of a great many,projects that have been worked out during the last few months. The building campaign will be espe cially active, unless unforeseen contingencies arise. Already the work under way is sufficient to make what would have been looked upon as a genuine building boom a few years ago. Activity in Other lines is quite as vigorous. A great many new industries have been set up here since last summer, and these are now on the market pushing for trade, and adding to the prestige of the city as an industrial and commercial point All of these things com bine to encourage the citizens in their efforts at betterment Some further co-ordination in local plans might not be amiss, as the bringing together of a number of now independent agen cies, all looking in the same general direction, but acting individually. The Chamber of Com merce may well take the lead in this, settling on a definite program to unite all energies. Everybody is willing, and now is a time to set about to accomplish something for the good of all. United effort will do wonders. Interest and Waares. In his little book, "RebuildingEurope," Newell Dwight Hillis devotes a chapter to liupreme court of the United States, born Why Our Citizens Should Love Their Coun try." Among other potent reasons he advances a comparison between interest rates and wages 50 years ago and today. In 1870 the interest rate in he west was 12 per cent; today it is 6, a decrease of 50 per cent. On the other hand, the wages of working men have increased during the same period from $1 a day to $3, $4 and $5 an increase of from 300 to 500 per cent -. Obviously the possession of "money to lend" has ' become less profitable and labor more profitable. ' The trend should be eminently sat isfactory to labor. ' " From the Music Trade Review. There is no such thins: as a forest of ma hogany, the wood that has been of so much im portance in the making of certain musical in struments. I tit pine tree loves us own wua and never thrives better than when planted by nature or by man one tree next to the other, over mile after mile of plain or mountain. Utner trees are touna in groves or ciumps, seeming to form little settlements within the woods. The mahogany tlee, however, lives by and for itself alone. It stands solitary of its species, surrounded by the smaller trees and dense undergrowth of the tropical forest rear ing its bead high above all. It is a giant among even the giants of a tropical forest If towers sometimes to a height of one hundred feet The trunk is often 50 feet in length and 12 feet in diameter, and it divides into huge arms and throws its shade over a vast extent of surface The precise period of growth is 'not accurately known, but when large it changes little during the life of a man, the time of its arriving at ma turity being estimated at 200 years. Two trees to the acre form a liberal estimate for mahogany ''finds." More frequently, per haps, only one tree will be found over a larger stretch of territory, and one instance is on rec ord where a company, after getting a concession to cut the timber within an area of 40 square miles, found only 60 trees, an average of less than one tree to 400 acres. Elevation, too, is an important factor in the tree's value. It pre fers low-lying, moist rich, almost swampy land. Good specimens have been found as nigh as 1,500 feet fn Jamaica, .where much of the wood came from and where it was so ruthlessly de stroyed. As a rule, however, it clings to the coast or the edges of rivers that have no great fall from their source to their entrance into the sea. While transportation is not complicated by the problem of moving the giant logs down the mountain, the advantage is overcome by the , fact that passage through the tropic jungle is costly and difficult The mahogany tree is most abundant and found to the greatest perfection between lati tudes II degrees and 23 degrees 10 minutes north. Within these parallels lie Jamaica, Cuba, the Dominican and Haitian republics, parts of Colombia and Venezuela, all of Central Amer ica, in which is included the mahogany areas of Honduras, and the lower part of Mexico. The mahogany found nearer the equator than the limits given is not usually of such a fine quality as that found within this beltt. Exception may be made to small areas in Panama and to the more recently exploited sources of supply in Africa. Very fine timber has been exported from Nigeria within recent years, especially since the almost denudation of the older sources in the West Indies, but even Nigeria lies north of the equator, and, to that extent at least, fol lows the rule. It is therefore a curious fact that very little mahogany is found growing south of the equatorial line, although climate and Ele vation may in many places seem to be quite suited to it. The mahouany trees of the tropical forests are being slowly, but none the less surely, cut Turklah JcI Black pg, Oklahoma City, Mareh 3 To the Editor of The Bee: The procraati natron of tha allied and associated powers ia the recent Entente-Prussian war, in dealing with the Turks, la certainly aure to blacken the pages of history very soon, if the reports are true. The Turks are now duplicating the murderavof the Armenians, and It would not require a long guess to eay that the Jewa will Buffer next, In the event the associated powers, under President Wilson mt Lloyd George, are to continue to Keep xne cmiizea world in a turmoil over urines. Many months were enent at Ver sailles dickering over., the terms of a treaty of peace and a league cove nant, wnicn is not at this time, be ing accepted by the Deonla at the United States, juid which must suffer c-eieai m tne very near future. While that parleying was going on the armies of the associated powers were near at hand, and yet the Turk were allowed to continue io murder wilfully. It Is one of the snamea or modern civilization that the peoples of the civilized world have even respected the men who eat in the Versailles conference. Two of those men. the sons of min. lstersJwhen the suggestion was ad vanced that some form- of Divine guidance should be ministered, sat at the peace table with Indifference and winked at the rites of the Mo hammedans. They, after having neen reared under the most ad vanced principles of human liberty. have tarnished the pages of English and American history by their in solence and indifference to the pro tection of helpless peoples who only ask that they be allowed' to pursue their own course without molesta tion. If conditions continue unmo lested we may expect to arise some morning in the near future and read the newspaper reports that the Jews are the next to be slaughtered by the much respected Turks and bol shevlsts. Had the ministry and the churches kept their hands off from this so-called league covenant and. professed peacemaker, .and forced the Turks out of Europe; and forced the prosecution of the former .kaiser and his associates, under an extra dition, bolshevism would not, at this time, bo respected and defended in this nation. The democratic party works so fast with fool experiments that they do not give one experi ment time to be tried out before trying another of them. Clear , the deck and rid the country of the wild agitation. This country never has the freedom of speech except when (they are out of office. And out is the place for them, it is a lime nara Wild Life of Forest and Field down. No effort is made to preserve the timber on the dry goods boxes and the lands or to toster the growth ot the younger trees. The waste in stumpage and in tops is enormous, and the demand increases constantly. War, the Sport of Kings Such extracts as have been published of Crown Prince Frederick Wilhelm's book on the ar reveal the crown prince as the typical moral imbecile of the Hohenzollern type, af flicted with a mania for viewing- war as a sort of amiable sport of kings. That he has written his book for home consumption in Ger many with a view to popularity with ths dis banded army goes without saying. That he has also set out to flatter the allies by what passes for a frank, and fervid appreciation of their national characteristic is also self-evident, and the motive back of this kind , of droolery, is plain to all. But what a pity it is that it cannot be brought home to this royal weakling, who believes he has squared all accounts with the allies by declaring jauntily that they were all good sports and all good soldiers, with -reservations, that a world, weltering in misery because he and his father thought it was about time to have a war and try this sport of kings on-a big scale, is not in the mood to take him or his frivolous philosophy 4s to the sporting side r : i- i c i r:i oi war wiin cijuaiinnuyi xtiai rrcucncn vvu- belm writes of so horrible a tragedy as if it were a joust or a tournament is in itself a damming offense and proves, if proof were needed, that he is just as Bourbon as his father. It is to be hoped, therefore, his exile at Wierin gen will continue and that a kindly silence will soon fall over, his doings and his thinkings. Philadelphia Ledger. , CfteVELVET HAMMER- a mm ISIDORE ZIEGLER. v The lawyer is a noble friend who knows the roues and wires which lead to the accomplish ment of other folks' desires; and Ziegler guides us through the courts with competence . and tact; he snows us where to duck and dodge and how to speak and act To all who have re so""ces and can jingle forth the price he smooths the way with eloquence and paves it with advice. The shoals of law hide many rocks which corporations fear. They need a leral expert in the pilot house to steer; and he who brings them sate to. dock when they are all at sea need not be over-modest when he futures no his fee. The manner of their gratitude, the substance ef their thanks, is currently acceptable and wel come at the banks. A flock of corporations which adorn this soriehtlv earth have owed to Mr. Zieeler their inception and their birth: for he can write a charter full of learning and of light, of safe guards drawn in sentences extremely terse and tight of powers for pertormances ot every class and kind which now or later may inspire the organizers' mind. ' He often entertains his friends with speech of brilliant hue, for when he paints a thing in words he makes it clear to view., He knows the tricks of politics in pratoric art-, and often tries with counsels -wise to win the voter's heart But here in fact he won't exact his customary price. For public ills he freely spills gratuitous advice. ' " Next subject: Victor H, Roos.' ( v TO DAY The Day We Celebrate. Harrison C. Brome, attorney, born 1856. Oliver Wendell Holmes, oldest Justice of the Poland asks an indemnity of 31,500,000,000 marks from soviet Russia. , That ought to be easTall they need do is to bale up a carload of rubles and. ship them along. It will relieve both countries. m Boston. 79 Vears ascu General Bramwefl Booth, world head of the Salvation Army, born at 'Halifax, England, 64 years ago. Ira Nelson Morris, United States minister to Sweden, who is reported likely to be trans ferred to Switzerland, born in Chicago 45 years ago. ' J. , Hampton Moore, former congressman, now mayor of Philadelphia, born at Woodbury, N. J., 5o years ago. Thirty Years Ago In Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Will Redick, accompanied by Mrs. Wood, arrived from Lot Angeles to make their home in Omaha. ' - Bank clearings for the -week were $4,679, 511.80. William A. Paxton returned from a trip in tha west The meeting of the Douglas County Teach ers' association was held here with 16 women and 14 men in attendance. J . ' V-w' ': street corners when they are out of office, but it guarantees the freedipm of speech and the press, and it makes a change. WALTER JOHNSON. Pay of Public Servants. Omaha, March 5. To the Editor of The Bee: In reading The Bee, I noticed an article in it about J. J. Dudley, called the human ' sema phore, sending in hjs resignation to the police department because of in sufficient pay. Now, I, as one of the many citizens of Omaha, would not and do not want to Bee any of our public officials work for Inadequate He eays he is being paid the Bum of $140 dollars per month for hlu services and cannot provide for him self and wife on this amount. Now, after seeing him manage traffic the way he does, one would think that he would be better able to handle his salary. Perhaps if he takes the ten-day leave offered him by Chief Eberstein and uses it in trying to obtain another position, he will soon find, unless he ie experienced in some trade, that there are very few Jobs floating around Omaha paying anywhere near $140 per month. He will find out that in all the factories of Omaha, railroad shops, packing houses. Jobbing houses and othsr places, office help included, that the majority of men are being paid around $25 a week, with not much variation, and that they are supporting families of from one to five children on this. Not any too much money, I am sure, butth are doing it. ' By his resigning it would appear that the men are not receiving enough pay to live on, but how can you expect men who are themselves working for $100 a month to be pay ing high salaries to publio officials? J I think the proper thing is first Vor the under man to receive more, so that he can afford to pay more co the other fellow. Of course, one might say there are men receiving $10 a day. True, there are, but they are tradesmen aid unluckily we are not all tradesmen. Just a while back, too, one of the publio officials was being paid $1,000 a month for su pervising the reconstruction of the records destroyed at the court house the night of theriot when the ma jority of the men who were taxed to navhlm were receiving about that much per year. Now, does that seem fair? A SUBSCRIBER. One Room and Kitchenette. Omaha. March 4. To the Editor of The Bee: I desire to air ier with so able a person as Dr. Royal B. Copeland, who claims one room and kitchenette apartments are to blame for a wave of crime as he alleges, in a telegram from New York on this date, and says we are housing over 70 tenants at the present time. We have housed more than 1,000 since we opened the Hunter . Inn, less than three years ago, and can only remember one di vorce in that length of time, and that was a newlywed couple who were quarreling soon after they arrived and only remained a few weeks, when they left and eoon after divorce pro ceedings were started. On the con trary we claim to have the cheapest and best mode of living extant to day for, small families. J. H. HUNTER. Bonus For Nebraska Boys.' New York, March 3. To the Editor of The Bee: For some time past I have been on the constant watch for some news aa to what con sideration the Nebraska legislature -has taken for her heroes who bo completely served in' ojir recent World war. But to date all hopes have been shattered and all respect for my home etafe lost Is it not proper that the boys who established such a famous reputa tion for their home state be given the same consideration as those of the eastern states, who most certainly did not establish such a famous record as the boys from the west? But they endured the many hard ships throughout the war, fought side by side and many even died side by side. Are the Nebraska boys to feel that these eastern states are more proud of the boys than the states of the' west? v ' The state of Massachusetts has paid their boys $10 per month all the time they served in the service besldea the many other considera tions. The state of New York, like many other eastern states, have bills pending in their legislature to pay such- an amount The least that any of the eastern states have done is to award each man a medal, which at least shows they have not for gotten their boys. .... Is there - any question aa to Mole Is Biggest Little Fighter, Digger, Eater By J. H. MILLAR. If he were as big as a bear, the mole would be the most terrible of all animals. He is only a meek-looking, gray little digger but he has the most voracious appetite and works hardest to satisfy it of any animal you ever heard of. L. E. Adams caught a mole and fed it a third of a pint of worms at 8 o'clock in the evening. Early the next morning he went around to the cage jusi in time to see the mole give a little kick and die. It had starved to death. . Imagine yourself with, a pair of no-good eyes, no. bigger than pin heads, down in the earth where you couldn't move except by forcing away the dirt by main strength, with an appetite so big that you had to eat your weight in worms in a few hours and starve to death if you went without food a half day. It is a mole's life. The little mounds you see in the lawn, garden, or meadow, mark the path of the mole as he seeks for worms underground. He is a mighty fast digger.. He has been known to dig 75 yards underground in one night He has a pair of hands about &-inch wide with palms turned I outward. These he moves like a boy swimming under water, bring-! DOT PUZZLE. 17 lb 14 z 15 V.N 3 s I Study Problems"! V Kg ved "31 ii 21 a 6 1U jf 21 25 25 6 5 26 .S 2 '27 A 3 . 23 . .V, 34 30 51 v I aj 52 Draw from ona to two. and aa on to tha end. ing them together in front and then around to the side, throwing the dirt back and forcing himself forward at the same time. And if he gets tired he starves to death. He never has a day off. He is a vicious fighter, especially when he is choosing a wife. A nature student tells recently of hearing some funny saueaks under a hedce. Two moles wejre fighting and were so busy they never saw him. He took out his watch and timed them. For seven minutes they scratched and wrestled. Then one turned the other on Ins back and cut his throat as cleanly as if he had had a knife (Make that old dress look new. Miss Bailey tells how tomorrow.) MUCH IN LITTLE. More than BOO varieties of trees grow in the United States. The artificial breeding pi nsn was a common industry among ine ancient Greeks and Romans. Syria, almost the only country cul tivating pistachio nuts, produces about 600,000 pounds a year. The gorgeously colored wings or butterflies, mounted in gold or other metals, are being used lor jewelry. For testing concrete a government laboratory in Europe has installed a hydraulic press with a crushing force of 4,000 tons to tne square incn. Patents have Been granted ror in terchangeable power units for air planes, consisting or propener, motor, fuel tanks and one landing wheel. ' To deodorize or disinfect the air in a room an Inventor has patented eakes of various chemicals to be 'at tached to the guard of .an electric fan. Rubber obtained from a speoies of tree growing extensively in Natal has proved so satisfactory that a factory has been established in England to refine it. The census of 1914 showed that New York led the states in the pro. duction of confectionery, with 349 Dlants.' employing 10,768 wage earners and capitalized at $21,- S4S.000. i Plans have been completed by the New Trinidad Lake Asphalt company at Brighton, British West Indies, for a model village for us own worx men and those of associated oil com' parlies and construction work is to bestarted immediately. it has been known for some time that there were oil wells near xen chang, in Shensi, hear the Shansi border, where several small oil wells sive about 6.000 gallons a momn and a email Chinese refinery makes a fairly good product, marketed locally, and at Sianfu. whether or not the Nebraska boys are not as deserving as those or tne east? Have they proved unpatriotic in any sense, such as waiting to be called ia the arait, ungenuemaniy conduct courage or bravery in ac tion or unwilling to do their utmost to defend such a novel reputation as the whole of the west should glory over? If, in any Nebraska person's min there is existing a question, let mem refer it to any officer who had Ne braska men in his command, or refer it to any officer who served abroad. The answer would be that it would be impossible for any troops to establish a belter record than Ne braska's heroes. These boys all made Nebraska proud of them and why should Ne braska not make the boys feel that sire is proud of what they did and give them reason to feel proud that they are of the state of Nebraska? Hoping to hear in the near future that my home state has taken some action, I am a proud NEBRASKA EX-SOLDIER. (Note. The Nebraska legislature Is not in session, and will not meet regularly again until January, lszi.) DAILY CARTOONETTE. THE DIRECTI0N5 ON THI5 BOTTLE TO SHAKE WELL dEFORE USINfT WJnHFmn- mm- i,. LINES TO A LAUGH. "Do you know that It la mora blcaaed to Slve tha.i to racalve?" "Tea. many a lrl forgive a man's past becauaa of bla presents!" Cartoons Maga zine. Bashful Suitor D-do yon. reallta that It's leap yearT ' She Ia that a hint for ma to propose? B. S. T-y-yes. Life. Sid Doon Why are silk ahtrta a lux Dry? Stan Dupp Because you pay $10 for them and your coat anS vest cover all but a niokel'a worth. California Pelican. Wlff J wish you'd so out In tha baok yard ana nail the loose pannes on. Hub Oh, Kee another drive. I thought i naa acne wun tnem, Florida Times Union. Mrs. Purle (returning home) Mercy! However did tha baby get that awful bruise ? New Nurse You told ma to let him play on the piano, and ha tell off. Lon don Anawors. "Ia Smith aa henost man?" asked Brown. "Well, that'a hard to aay," repHed Jonca. "I notice that be carries an am brella every time It rains." Knoxvllle Journal and Tribune. v Outline Is Best Way to I Make Lessons Stic BT HKLFN M. JOHNSON. Francla W. Tarker School. Remember the time the teacher called on you and you "flunked flat." You'd studied that lesson hard too but it didn't stick. Well probably the reason you didn't know it was that you had not made an outline of it. An outline won't always remember the lesson for you but it will heir, like everything. If you have a framework with pegs on it on which you can hang the main facts of your lessons, you are liaMe at least to know what the teacher is talking about when he asks you a question. The first things to get in an out line are the main facts or most im portant topics, in the lesson. Let's take that historv lesson you had r i , 3 r 'iba irfrra nr nn I t " ' ' I 1 i h 8 I J I 0 U U "CAVE-MAN STUFF." We love It, yes lndeed-in books This subtle wooing with a hammer. Though hard upon the lady's looks, Excitement lends the thing a glamour. So give us men who rage and foam, For wa adore thesa savage lovers; We hava a lot of them at home Each safe between two pasteboard cov ers. . v We lova it, yea indeed in plays. Bring on your cave-man we art will ing! Bla brutal, rough-and-ready ways Are frightfully direct and thrilling. We ahlver while tha lovely Mauda Is rudely banged about by Cyril, And as we fervently applaud. We coo in ecstasy, "How virile!" But should our men take your advice (I'd hate to see the dears begin it!) A very little would suffice . We couldn't stand It for a minute. Of Spanish maids I cannot apeak. But ours would find it past endurance. Methlnks, in Just about a week. They'd be collecting some insurance! Beatrice Barry In New Tork Times. AOLDS Head or chtstV are best treated' "externally" witly VICR S VAP01 -YOUR BODYGUARD-"- 90'. RIJL& omu(J about the early French explorers. Ihere were two ot them in the les son you remember, Champlain and onrtier. Suppose we take them as the two topics from which to build out out line. We will label Cartier I and Champlain II, both Roman nu merals. Then put down under each the main things they did and label them A, B, C, etc. (in capitals). For A under Champlain you might say, "Founded Quebec." I he chances are you will have some more information you will want tr put down about Quebec. Well, put it down under your statement about Quebec and label it 1,. 2, etc. For instance you might say 1. Was first successful French colony." Then if you have anything to say about the fact of its beinsr the first French colony, put it down and label it (a). (b), etc. . , J. hug the hrst part ot your outline on Champlaitr when completed would look like this: I. Champlain. A. Founded Quebec. 1. Was the first successfui colony; because (a) The Indians were friendly. (b) It tapped the. fur trading region. Be sure your statements belong where you put them in the outline. Try to make complete - statements and make each one depend on tht one beforeit. What about a kite reel for Satur day? Learn how to make one to morrow). ' ' TRADE "BUSIHSSSIS coop THANK volt LY Nicholas Oil Company Ttitri m i w a m w. 50ME Housewives Have Cut the . Family Meat BUI By Cooking Meat With ' -Gojoch's Best Spaghetti or Macaroni IT SATISFIES SOLD IN THE BEST. STORES ' f.: ; v ' V" ilk r V