Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1920, Page 7, Image 7
.... ,Vf . 4 OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 7, 1920 S3 GIR L SCOUTS PAY GREAT HONOR TO GEN, PERSHING Appoint Him to Honorary Po sition On the National Council, Which, the Gen eral Accepts. Choristers to Sing at Both Services at the Cathedral The choristers of St. Cecilia cathedral are now singing at both of the Sunday service at the cathe dral, having nearly completed their first yeas of training. A new fea ture at the cathidral is the proces sional hymn, which is sung before and after each service. The mixed chorus will sing the famous mass by Palestrina at the 11 o'clock service today, and the motet will be Arkadelt's "Ave Marie." The processional hymn will be- "Panis Angelicus." ThVlenedictus will be sune by Master William Dozier and .1 i i . i jJViaSier James n".ci. mi. .n. m Dick is. the cathedral cantor and will sing the proper of the mass as usual: Mr. Henry Moore and Mr. Paul Kisicki wilt also assist as can tors. - Woman Economy Head Will Open Fair Price Court Here Mrs. Charles G. Ryan of Grand Island, federal fait price commis sioner for Nebraska, will establish headquarters In the south court room on the third flodr of the fed eral building in Omaha this week and from there direct her campaign against high prices and profiteering. She will organize Omaha women against extravagant buying. Farewell Dinner Is Given To E. H. Ward by Co-workers A complimentary dinner for E. H. Ward was given at the Hotel Fon tcnelle Friday evening. Fifty em ployes of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass company presented Mr. Ward with a watch in token of the high regard in which they hold him. Mr .Wara has been in the employ of the Pittsburgh Plate Glass com pany and the Midland Glass and Pa-nt company for IS years. He leaves the Pittsburgh Plate Glass company to assume charge of the office and ct edits of the Burgess Nash coiupa.iyv " F. W. Judion acted as toastmas- ter. Musical selections were given h Howard T. R. Judson, Harvey Cnristenscn, Miss Rose Whitebook and Mist Irene Sullivan. Stereopticon Views of , River Drive to Be Shown Stereopticon views of the pro posed river drive will be shown by George Morton of the city planning board, at a meeting of the Deer Park Improvement club in Vinton school Monday night at 8. Mr. Morton will also speak on the pro posed zoning system as applied to the city. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Head and Gurney Will Address the 'Ad-Sellers Monday evening has 'been desig nated as financial night at the Advertising-Selling league meeting at the Foitenelle, and following the regular weekly dinner at 6 o'clock, two well known bankers will speak, Walter V. Head, president of the Omaha National bank, will talk on "Our Present Financial Conditions," telling something of the past, the present, and what in his judgment the future holds in store for us. E. R. Gurney, president of the Lion Bonding and Surety company, and formerly president of the First Na tional Bank of Fremont, is to talk on the subject. "After All." which will in a way combine the human element as he has found it affecting finance. Figures Show Omaha Active During Father and Son Week ' -Twenty-six Omaha churches took an active part in the promotiou of the Father and Son movement dur ing the week, February 15-22, ac cording to figures compiled by the Boys' Work division of the Y. M. C. A. under the leadrshlp of Sunt. J. H. Beveridge of the Omana schools. Banquets during the week were attended by 2,084 fathers and sons, and 3,994 fathers and sons took a definite part in the observ ance of the week. Woman Is Named as Aid In Police Bertillon Bureau Mrs. Emily B. Byram, 1122 South Thirty-third street, hat been to- . pointed assistant Bertillon expert in the bureau of identification at cen tral police station. She succeeds Sergeant of Police Julius Mansfield, who was transferred to the position of desk sergeant. , Brings Divorce Action Lincoln, Neb., March ((Spe cialsWalter Coussins, who was married in Omaha in 1918 to Made line, has filed suit for divorce here, alleging that the two separated St Valentine's day of this year Sen. John J. Pershing, command-er-inchief of the A. E. F., has been elected a member of the National Council of the Girl Scouts. General Pershing sent his acceptance of the honor last night from Memphis, Term., where he has been stopping for the last tew days, to Mr. Jane , Doeter Rippin at national headquar ters of the Girl Scopts, 189 Lexing ton avenue. The message was as follows: ' ' "1 accept with pleasure the honor which the national executive board iff the Girl Scouts has done me in asking ine to serve on the national council. You will, of course, under- stand that it will be impossible for me to be an active member, as I un derstand the duties of the members of the national council are in the na ture of honorary positions." During the retenr city and nation wide drive of the Girl Scouts for leaders, members and funds General Pershing supported the campaign and contributed liberally to the or ganization, expressing his apprecia tion of the war services rendered by the "little women of America.' liree weeks ago at San Diego, in the presence of 30,000 persons who "irned out tf welcome the general. Miss Nancy Waddel, scout captain, ind seven members of the troop. Prima Donna Sings For Fellow Prisoners On Snowbound Train Stalled in a raging blizzard in Minnesota enroute from St. Paul to Oniahau Mine. Ellcu Beach Yaw, noted (operatic singer, helped fel low passengers on the train pass Away hours by entertaining them with a concert of old and modern songs, staged under unique circum stances. i , Mine. Yaw was accompanied by Miss GeorgieJIa Lay, pianist, and Harry H; Hall, her manager. When they awoke Thursday morning thry found the train completely banked in with deep snowdrifts. . Officials told the passengers they must pre vpare for a 36-hour 'wait. Thursday evening, in an icicle festooned coach, lighted only by t'ue moon and a single flickering caudle, Mme. Yaw sang to a strange audience of passengers, train crew and snow shovclers. Mine. Yaw will give, a concert at the Auditorium here Monday eve ning. Murdered Mans Pal :;' Chases Suspect Across Rio Grande and Back ' After two years of dogged trail ing, from Omaha down across the Rio Grande into Mexico and back to Chicago, Nick Honele succeeded in effecting the capture Friday of the alleged murderer of his pal, Rafael Gonicales, who Was hacked to death in January, 1918, in a rooming house at Twenty-third and L streets. ' South Side. Miguel Cortez, alias Andreas Leon, is the name of the alleged slayer, lit was seen to enter the house with Gonzales before the mur der. Police -began a nation-wide search for him at that time, but fail ed" to locate him. Honele. room mate' of Gonzales, swore to avenge ihc killing of his friend and took up the trail of the criminal. Police Sergeant Paddy Rinn, Southe Side, left lost night for Chi cago to brmg back the accused mur derer.. , Two Tie for First Place In "Missing Name" Contest Two contestants tied for first place in the Missing Name contest conducted in conjunction with the Omaha Automobile show by the Ne braska Clothing company. Both let let's were received by the judges un dtfr special delivery stamps and postmarked 6:20 a. m. .Sunday. It was decided to award each winner duplicate prizes. The two tieing contestants were:. M. J. Gilman of the M:d-West Milks Products com pany and Stephen R. Cumming of the Nebraska Telephone company, both living t the V. M. C. A. Other winners of prizes were: R, F. Howe, 1320 Farnant street; Llden Peterson, 2644 Dodge street; G. A. Thorsen, Chatham, room 50: Mrs. O. C Roeborough, 2434 Brown street; Mrs. Elizabeth Dickens, 2509 Farnam street; E. L. Barr, Oakdale, Neb.; William J. Flvnn, 2328 South Fifteenth street; Phillip Wright, 2777 Chicago street; Charles W. Westley, 2721 South Tenth street, and Robert Cole, 504 South Twenty sixth avenue. The missing cars were Haynes and Milburn Electric. "JustlTaking Furs to Show Husband," Is Woman's Plea Abbie Haley, colored, was sen tenced to the penitentiary for a term of one to seven years by District Judge Troup yesterday when she pleaded guilty to a crtarge of grand tarceny at the Burgess-Nash Co. store. . , . "I wasn't stealing them furs," she said. "I was just going to take 'em up on the next floor and show 'era to my husband." Abbie was in the county jail the night of the riot, September 28, 1919, and was released with a number of other women prisoners when the fire became hot 1 Boy Bandit Admits His Gang Stole $57 From Omaha Store Sam Bonaceo, 12 years old, ad- mitted in juvenile court Saturday morning that he and seven other boys broke into Megeath s store last Monday night and stole $57. Sam was returned by order of the court to the Kearney industrial, school, : from which he was .recently re leased. His,,Tals were placed in RrrenriewJne for, two months! Luxurious Davenports Make the Home More Cozy NO MATTER how elesrant a room may be, it always - will lack tomuthin; unless it has the homelike lip that comfort lends it. v These ilavenports will give to your rooms all that is needed of com fort and charm. ' r Mahogany and Cane Sofa $88.50 Full cane hack; 'luxuriously up holstered seat, in fine tapestry .V wonderful value; back and tapestry seat, at Mahogany Davenport has .cane $137.50 Overstuffed Davenport Spring filled, removable cash- $165 ions; small ligureu tap cstry upholstering .... Velour Davenport .$110 Three-Piece Parlor Suite Overstuffed construe tion and regular size . . : Mahogany frames with cane backs; velour covering. Suite con 1 sists of sofa, chair dN pq rn and rocker, complete. . .4 lOtOf Coffee Percolators These aluminum percolators have black ebonized handles... $1.25 Electric Irons Regular size; fitted with cord ' Qj" and switch; 8-lb. size........... ,;&50 J Period Bedroom Appointments in Mahogany, Walnut, Ivory Choose from these and get the most in value-giving. Mahogany Period Rocker Cane seat and very beauti- t 1 C ful, at V pl3 Cane Seat Walnut Berch William and Mary design, at, $ 1 4 Ivory Bedroom Bocker Period de sign, cane seat; for QIC only ...... i... v 413 Oak Bedroom Rocker High back and wood seat, for tC only ,.P3 Cane Seat Oak Chair Neat de sign, golden ( i finish i - , .' AND OPERATE METROPOLITAN VAN AN3 STORACe CO M .5ST - - TVHn MUKCHSB Zr OMAHA8 VALUByolVING STORE, OMAHA8 VALlTBCIVING STORE, m6wAR6 ST. BETWEEN 188.16' Measure This Store By, Its Values Then You'll Appreciate Its Bigness - Ever since this store was founded, it has been our ideal to offer its patrons the utmost in value giving,' and to sell only the best in furniture. ' Not necessarily expensive furniture, but the kind that has quality built into it, through and through So we started years ago. Our business has grown beyond expectation: ''VALUE GIVING, QUALITY and SERVICE' is our ideal today Beautify Your Home Yith Attractive Curtains and Draperies Figured Marquisettes Especially adapted for bungalow windows and for bedrooms, where you wish to save the expense of over drapes. 36-inch widths in ASZn choice patterns, at, yard. ODC Bordered Marquisettes and Scrims and Never were there so many original ideas for effectively dressing the windows of your home never such a wealth of wonderful materials. Imported Curtain Nets 40 to 50-inch widths; for curtains, lace shades and panels. Beautiful patterns; ' psr yard , . ' $1.75 to $5.00 Filet Net Curtains 'White, ivory and cream ; 36 to 43 inches wide ; pretty all-over patterns. 65c to $1.50 per yard Tu cream, white cellent. quality, ecru ; ei- V. I "7C per yard itUU Lace Shades For your series of windows. We specialize in patterns made expressly for this purpose all necessary trim mings to go with them. Per yard, .,h.e.flne.s.,:.. $2.50 to $5.50 We carry a beautiful line of Madras in 50-inch widths; heavy quality, for window draperies; colors Gold, ' Blue, Brown, Mulberry and Green, dr per yard, $3.00 to . ; ....... . 00 Allow us to tell you bout our peclal mothod of making Lac Shde it I different from tho ordinary. Our work room forces "have been doubled, and we are now equipped with the most modern drapery work room in the middle west, 1 J Beautiful Yet Inexpensive Dining RoonvFurhiture This is a suite that we unhesitatingly recommend to you, because we know it is right; of excellent construction through out and nicely finished in Jacobean oak. Beautiful William and Mary Period and priced separate ly as follows: " , . ' Beautiful Buffet of Generous Pro portions; fiO inches long; well ar- .$135 ranged cupboard drawer space, at and poavaneo, each Extension Table of. Exceptional Beauty, large top, well (tjCQ CA Chairs Are Covered With Qsnuine Leather; they are solidly construct ed, handsome in ap- CIO made, neatly finished, at Dining Room Furniture in Fumed and Golden Oak 1 54-inch Massive Plank Top Buf ct, $97.50 turned Oak Buffet of gtfod quality, designed in straight lines, 42 inches long. French plate mir ror. Bowen's price .... Excellent Buffet in selected oak, rich golden finish and well made, at ! $38.75 ected oak, $31.50 golden polish finish, Colonial design, at . . Fumed Oak High Back Chairs, gen nine leather seats at tfjc or Bowen's price ...$JOJ Furnish Y o u r Bedroom With Bowen's Good Furniture Here you can ht suited both regarding price and quality our-designs are pleasing. Genuine Walnut Beds, excellent value at . . . Walnut Dresser to handsome design and well made, at . . . h . . Walnut Ghifforette in same suite, at . . ...$55 Match;' $75 ..$62.75 Mahogany Poster Bed; beauti ful design; ' excellent (tiCC value at WO Napoleon Bed in Oak; massive $57.50 Massive Colonial Dresser, quar tered oak; large mird;o 7 c ror at Excellent Display of Simmons Steel Beds in All Finishes Easy Chairs in Abundance All Sizes, Styles and Upholstering Ri:GAKl)LESS of how well fur nished your home may be, there is room for a really comfortable chair or rocker. That kind of chair or rocker can be selected here at your entire satisfaction. ' Pine Tapestry Rockers Luxurious and comfortable, ma hogany rockers and . tlQ 7C overstuffed design $3ytJ Karpen "Quality" Rocker r An overstuffed rocker in tapes try; best construction $70 Cft throughout u ...... .P ' O.DU Cane Back Rocker , A mostjbeautiful rocker, with' fine tapestry seat, at Fireside Rockers Cane back and old rose velour seat; Queen Anne, de sign, at $62.75. Wood Seat Rockers In mahogany finish and solid oak ; excellent values and selling as low as . . .. $6.50 Excellent Quality Brooms Made of excellent quality broom, corn; -j j handle is smooth and strong ODC Carpet Sweepers $1.95 Excellent construction and made of steel; fully guaranteed. A -Pullman Sle eper With Wind Shield His Favorite The shell .body and hood are of desirable design. This Lloyd Loom Woven Cm viage is unbreakable and well fin ished; proof against weather. . Has adjustable hood ; lir.ed with Bedford cord. Strongly made, resilient springs, re versible gear, full tubular handles. Your choice of Ivory, $00 7C Brown or Gray ........ sy J Lloyd StrollersLoom woven, in choice colors, fitted with d 1 7 or leather cloth hood . . . . . 1 .OD 31 r IT : " ' . .v. -I 4 -If ) I'L, 4 n? i V4