hH-mmaob aalf-lmawMga, aalf-atrl Taaaa three aloM laaa1 Ufa to inni(t tar. ' Ok yat wa traaC that aaahow $owi WUl ba tfea final foal el ill. Tanayaaa. W: ?5r Calendar Club Notice. XAI1 itemi for the. Sunday Club Column must reach the Club Edi tor not later than 5 p. m. Friday. SUNDAY. Omaha Wilkin Club. The Omaha Walking, club will of the Albright car line and walk to .iaivii. iuiss Stella miigui, icauci. L. W. Rogers, recently from Australia, vice president and senior national lecturer of the Theosoph ical society, will deliver a series of lectures at the Castle hotel- audi torium. March 7. 8 and 9. The sub jects will be, "The Soldier Dead," Monday, "Old Souls in New Bod ies;" Tuesday, "Our Changing Civ ilization." All lectures 8:15 p. m. MONDAY. Political Science. " The political and social science department of the Omaha Woman's club promises a meeting of .unusual importance Monday at 2 p. m. in the Y. W. C A. A member of the con stitutional convention, now in ses sion at Lincoln, will speak on the new constitution for Nebraska. The first' three chapters in Mrs. H. H. Wheeler's handbook on citizenship will be studied. Handbooks on the municipality of Omaha, written by Mrs. H. I. Bailey, department leader, will be distributed. H. E. L. P. H. E. L. P. club will meet Monday evening at the Social Settlement house for supper and dramatic art. ' Dundee Patriotic Club. The Dundee Woman's Patriotic club will meet Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock with Mrs. W. J. Culley at 4906 Underwood avenue. Import ant business will be discussed. P. E. O. Chapter B. S. Chapter B. S. of the P. E. O. will meet with Mrs. J. S. Wood, 3306 Myrtle avenue, Monday at 2:30. Election of officers. , - Tennyson Circle. ; Tennyson Chautauqua circle will meet with Mrs. P. J. Haas, 1141 South Thirty-third street, Monday afl:30 p. m. The b'ook studied will, be "Brothers in Arms." Mrs., F. S. Simpson, leader. - ) Round Table Circle. Round Table Chautauqua circle will meet Monrlav at 7:30 p. m. in Room 906 City National Bank build ing. Leaders. Mrs. George Condon and Miss Elva Douglas. Lesson will be !'Brothcrs in Arms." ' Bishop Vincent. Bishop Vincent Chautauqua circle will meet Monday evening at 7:15 o'clock in the public library, Mrs. H. R. Otis, leader. TUESDAY. Current Topics. , ". ' The current topics department of the Omaha Woman's club will meet Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the Y. W. C. A. The Bible lesson will be the 14th chapter of Mark. Current events at 2:30. "Shall Our Young People Be Taught Disci pline?" will be discussed. The re port from the suffrage meeting at Chicago will be given. Y W H. A. The Y.'W. H. A. will meet Tues day at 8 p. m. at the Lyric buildjng. Deborah Society. Deborah society will hold its reg ular meeting Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. at the Lyric building, Nineteenth and Farnam streets. t " ' Business Woman'a Club. Miss Jessie Towne will review Hugh Walpole's "The Secret City" for the Business Woman's club at it meeting Tuesday evening, March 9, at the Y..W. C. A. Miss Bid dick leader for the evening. Public Speaking Department The public speaking department of the Omaha Woman's club will meet Tuesday at 10 a. m. at the Y. W. C A. Excerpts from "Great Orations" will be given by Mes dames James H. Holmes, Otho Johnson, F. H. Wray, R. F. Neeley, iohn Haarmann and Floyd Keller, frs. O. Y. Kring, leader. Oraekro-E-Xima. " Omekro-E-Xima club will meet Tuesday evening at the Social Set tlement house for supper and dra matic rt. ; . v Spanish Club. Omaha Spanish club will meet Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in room 302 Patterson block. D. A. R. Omaha Chapter. Omaha chapter, D. A. R., will meet Tuesday at 2:30 p. m with Mrs. E. Holovtchiner, Hotel Loyal. Miss Jean Butter will speak. " Improvement CIub. Omaha Improvement club will meet Tuesday at 8 p. m., in Clair mont -store. Forty-eighth and Mili tary avenue. . t South Omaha Woman'a.. ' The annual elcctioti of officers of the South Omaha Woman's Club will be held at Library hall, Tuesday at 2:30 p. m., followed by a musical program at 3:30. Mrs. Florence Long Arnoldi, accompanied by J. Clifford Long, will sing two song groups and two piano solos will be given by Mr. T Aug . . ; ... . " WEDNESDAY. x Omaha' W. C T. U. Omaha W. C T. U. will meet Wednesday at 2 p. m. in the Y. W. C- A. Dr. Jennie Catlfas will give a report of the Chicago convention. Mrs. E: B. Towle will talk on "Civic Affairs. The public invited to attend...: '. .- I x RnncM Wfflard W. C T. U. The Frances Willard chapter of U7 T T IT ivitl mrt Witna. i day at 2 o'clock at the home of Mrs. T. R. Ward, zitl Wirt street. Mrs. C E. Hancock, evangelistic super intendent, will have 'charge of the program. , . ' -a...... . ;''"'. TW f?mhara Y.rflira : '. Dr. Samuel McChord Crothers of Cambridge, Mass., will talk on "The Perils of the Literate," Wednesday evening at 8:15, at the Firsf Uni tarian church, Thirty-first and Har ney streets. ' j t" Hadassah Society, i Hadassah society will hold a spe cial meeting Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. at the Lyric building, Nineteenth and Farnam stwreets. AlpbTphl. Alpha Phi aorority -will meet Wednesday at the home of Miss Katherme Sturteyaiit, 1319 Thirty fifth street W, ! ; v Music Department Music department of the Omaha Woman's dub will meet Wednesday at 2 p. m. in the Y: W. C. A. for chorus rehearsal. . Meeting of the executive committee will follow at 3:30. Mrs. W. E. Shafer, leader. THURSDAY. American War Mothers. Omaha chapter, American War Mothers, will meet Thursday at 8 p. m. in Memorial hall, court house. Story Tellers' League. The Wyche Story Tellers' league will meet Thursday at 4:15 p. m. at the public library. Stories will be told by Mrs. James Ewing, Miss Carrie. Boutelle and Miss Anna Broadficld. Leader, Miss Carrie Bou telle. 1 - Book Club, v The Book club will meet Thurs day at 3:15 p. m. with Mrs. Windsor Megeath. . : " . Story Tellers' League. The Omaha Story Tellers' league Will meet at 4:15 p. m., Thursday, at the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. E. G. Hampton, hostess, will . give "I Wonder," by Kate Douglas Wiggin. Veita Chapter. Vesta chapter, Kensington club, will meet in the Red Cross rooms, Masonic temple, Thursday at 2 p. m. Psychology Department. The psychology department of the Omaha Woman's club will meet Thursday at 2:30 p. m in the Y. W. C. A. Mrs. S. A. Collins, de partment leader. Subject, "The Force of Similarity." Dr. D. E. Jenkins, instructor. Park Vale Church Dinner. Ladies' auxiliary of the Park Vale Presbyterian church will serve a dinner- at the church, Thirty-first and Gold streets, Thursday from 5:30 to 7 o'clock. '. i I., Longfellow Circle. . Longfellow Chautauqua circle will meet Thursday at 7:30 p. m. in the public library. A new book, "A Journey Through Mexico," will be studied; leader, Mrs. Ella Con nell, who lived' in Mexico for eight years. Members will respond to roll call by quotations from Longfellow. A. C. A. Drama Section. ' The drama section of the A. C. A. will meet Thursday at 4 p. m at the home of Mrs. Anan Raymond, 5107 California street. The play. "Night," by James Oppenheim, will be given, Mrs. Bessie Shackell, lead er. Others taking part will be the Misses Bess Mitehell,. Katherine Lowry, Amanda Anderson and Nell Brfdenbaugh. FRIDAY, Dorcas Club. Omaha Dorcas-efub will meet for luncheon Friday at 1 p. m. with Mrs. L. Nelson, 3506 Lafayette avenue. West Omaha Mothers. .West Omaha Mothers' Culture club will meet Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock' with Mrs. Clinton K; Hamilton, 4152, Davenport street. Beatrice Forbes-Robertson Hale. Beatrice Forbes-Robertson Hale, niece of Sir Jolinsdh Porbes-Robert-son, .will give a lecture at the Hotel FOntcnelle, Friday; iMarch 12, at 4:45, under the auspices' of the So ciety of Fine Arts. " . Etons Are lit 'High Favor , Etons are striking ah Unexpected stride in spring fashions and are obr served in the smartest of the high pticed models. ' There is a jaunty youthfulness about an Eton jacket that no other type of Wrment can supply. - This model of blue trico tine shows an Eton-jacket bound with black silk braid. The fronts are outlined with round- silver buttons. The collar, cuffs "and girdle may be made of white with black silk braid or charmeuse satin. Detachable col lar and cuffs of finely twilled pique are also effective with this type of Suit that usually looks its best with a white silk shirt and a blue or black tie. The skirt of this model follows the popular accordion bleat ed line. The interesting hat is blue straw, inmmea witn , neavy gros- i jrrain ribbon, white, buttonholed wiw Diue siut nosa, My Dears: SLEEVES are going, going, gone, charmingly so, we say as we view the manifestations of the designers' art And there's a great deal of chic in the wearing of a tiny bit o' sleeve with the showing of a gleaming. white arm betwecji the sleeve's ces sation and the ending of a long crumpled suede or leather glove of smart stitching. bkirts, too. have their own sweet - way about being short and they're certainly short, 10 or 12 inches so, with an effect decidedly smart since Milady's' silhouette is so gracefully bouffant. Coats too, shorten as the season advances many of the Etons being not over a foot long. Surely a sea son for the suiting of all prefer ences fitting the type of personality being not at all difficult. ' a a Checked material is popular for suits. , v . - Perfect Fitting of Milady's Corset of Paramount Importance. rpHERE is no need for any woman to worry over misfitted -corsets for Dorothy Hill, the corset special ist will solve this problem for you if you will write for literature and measure blanks if unable to call for a personal fitting at her rooms, 20p Neville block, N. E. corner Harney and Sixteenth. Lace 'collars and cuffs are worn much. . - i . , a a Silver for the Bride of the Day. rPHE bride's silver should bear that touch of personality a real ization of her long-anticipated wish with simplicity and character the Outstanding features. The complete array of Various silver patterns, dis tinctive selections in both plate and Sterling, '"at John Henrickson's the Lbyal Jeweler, Sixteenth and Capi tal avenue, is indeed delightful in its reasonable pricings. I'll be glad to send "booklets, showing exact re productions of the different pat terns. " . ' : There ' are . girdles of stiff black moire. - , : , ,-.-vy- a a . a ' , In the Springtime One's Wardrobe Is Most Shabby." MAKE a list of the things you'd like to have done to your suit or frock and call up Dresher's. Twenty sccond and Farnam, Tyler 345; you'll be surprised at- the reasonable price wnicn win mean a pracucany new garment. Ihe curtains, drapes, ands even furniture upholstery will lasts much longer and afford much more pleasure to the whole family ..'if they're sent regularly to this pop ular cleaning establishment- An ab solute necessity after a siege of the "flu." ' ; a a a -., Spring Sunshine Inside the Home IS embodied in-the new cretonnes at- H R. Bnwn's. Si-tpnth and Howard streets. All the colorings of the outside sunshiny world of spring, vivid blues, mellow golds, faint greens, subtly fragrant. : The new handblocked linens and French and English cetonne creations promise decorative possibilities widely pleasing.' Backgrounds of mulberry or dull blue, dainty Futurist designs in vivid orange quaintly blocked in black or black backgrounds .with exotic now ers and gay-plumaged birds of ex quisite loveliness offer beautiful drapery material. Ine French drapery room in this department i One of the finest in the country and you'll find their sugges tions altogether new and delightful. Net curtaining and tasseled shades, casement curtains, while the new "cut-out cretonnes" make lovely lambrequins. WWW WHEN , YOU 4 SHOP , WITH " POLLY Write to ' POLLY THE SHOPPER, OMAHA BEE, OMAHA,. NEB. Tell her just what you want, how much you can , pay. giving all the details possible, age, com plexion, etc. Polly shops for men, women and children at any shop in town free of ' charge and gets no commis sion from the shops. All goods are sent out C. O. D. Lotj'd) d!oppin$ villi Mk I aw a red rose on a morning in May, All fragrant and gleaming with dew; But 'two not a rote nor a dewdrop to me, It was only a picture of you. I heard a wild bird in the tree tops at dawn. Its song made my glad heart re joice. Such a Delightful Surprise rpO find distinctiveness of quality, - Style and refinement in a suit for $49.501 ; Not only in one suit, but m-..a"?.number f r". tricotine, iinea coat witn double narrow belt pongee coiiar, cieveny cut, ana deep slashes on the side, disclosing a soft linino: of mauve and blue flowers, complete the charm of this pleasantly-priced model ' a a Colored linen handkerchiefs will be in great demand a little later on for sport wear. 'Twould be only wisdom to make selections now while they're so refreshingly new and crisp. . Beauty and : Health Found Together Usually Are A ND I know a way to attain both of them. The Star Elec- 'HTVCr t7i f i A vniie me son mg coiiar is emoroia- our Hundred suits ot hnest quai- tJniaha Printing company, Iltl V cru neavy prown mreaa mouis, itywash tabnes, linens, tine cordea tcenth and farnam, is a sh nroiuery on ine sKiri pi me siraigni- a ashion resembling ostrich feather cd in silks and cottons in trie Vibrator, which they're selling of handwork. Over a chiffon founda at the Green Pharmacy, Sixteenth tlon of gold is hung a wide-sleeved and Howard, with attachment for robe of turquoise blue1 delicately massaging face, scalp and body is delightful in its possibilities for beautifying the skin, eliminating dead tissues, making firm each tiny muscle, and invigorating the nerves which lie so close to the surface, thus giving a youthful appearance to the face, doing away with wrinkles. An application of the vi brator will do away with a nagging headache almost at once, and 'is excellent for the scalp in the beauti fying of and stimulating to growth of the hair. This splendid little vi brator is but $5. Bulgarian embroidery, in bright colors, is seen on some of the snfincr blouses. ' It Is a Pleasure to Note Results. ' A CALL at the John Bath Flower Shop, Eighteenth and Farnam, resulted in learning of one of my readers being greatly pleased with the service given by this shop, -so pleased indeed that he called while in the city for the Autornobile show to express his appreciation of the, artistic service rendered. This flower' shop .specializes in sending out flowers by mail. . .-.., Dress skirts begin to show drap eries. . A - .. - a The' Woman of Spring, 1920 IS a person of infinitely lovely clothes not a thing about her person that'does not bear exquisite-" ly fine bits of embroidery. That is why the Ideal Button and Pleating company, 3C5 Brown block, Six teent and Douglas, enjoys ruch end- ''V" V les3 popularity for they're embroid w..w. . outn a w wuuuu cry designers of note. Many of the DRELIMINARY to attending the GREETED the shopping lady's exclusively smart creations of Oma-. A theater make reservations for din- vJcyes upon entering the Megeath ha's society leaders have been de- ner at the Fiitiron Cafe, Seven-1 Stationery store, Fifteenth and Far signed by them. teenth and St. Mary's avenue. Sug- nam the other morning, for you Milady's pirated skirts also come gestions for decorations, placccards see they're right in the midst of from this shopand ( there's a di- or flowers will be followed most ar- movincr to their new home ' 1403 versiiy ot pleating siyies scant, clwe-fitting accordion- pleated mod- els of the new season, side pleatings ir. finitely charming, while the box pleats are eminently smart. Sheerly lovely lingerie basted together leaves :the shop decorative in hem Stitching of delicate fineness. You'll enjoy inc new Dunon moucs nicy ic showing-it costs almost nothing to havf til hiV m m wrrA. - . i i j .1 The most noticeable of all spring i i; t 1 fashions is the fashion for laces. a a a .. The Oriental Mind Has Conceptions of Artistic Loveliness Unexcelled. rpH Eldridge Importing com- pany, Fourteenth and Farnam, lias just placed in their windows an enchanting new fish globe, 20 inches high and gracefully narrow standing on a carved teakwood m - 1 1: J . t idtiu nun a picikcu nu u wuuu over the top of the globe. - Low- hanging mostes and sea growths of delicate beauty add to the exquisite loveliness of the Japanese goldfish darting gracefully from side to side, Another globe, also high and nar- row, but a bit larger, stands in a wrought iron base with bronze flow- ers ani is uniaue in amber, and blue Class. . f . AS Richly Gold as That at the Rain- Bow's End , TS the Paritinette coat of warm brown gold which I've found at Lamond's. Golden, too, the lining, .aa,,ny so.,,a.en?- which loop loosely over the edge in materials, and riongee, hand decorat- cializinir on imart lueKaee fronding. The same trimming is to be scen on the cuffs, while one is utterly entranced by the way in which the round shoulder yoke curves around to form a side panel down each side ot the tront. ' ' Kimono sleeves are still a blouse feature. V The Peculiar Charm of Things Japanese TS recognized at once in viewing X the window of the Emporium, Sixteenth between Harney and Far nam. In a setting of exquisite beauty are displayed negligees rarely lovely in color.- combinations and artistry embroidered in gold and dark blue flowers. Gathering the fullness into - heavy silken cord of gold. Other color combinations m the same model are purp'e and American ueauiy rose, r cuui oiuc auu ym. Cunningly clever is a breakfast pajama suit of heavy pink crepe em bellished on , both jacket and trousers in black satin with heavy embroidered flowers. A lattice de sign in black satin ribbon decorates the neckline of the model and laces up the panels at the side. Frivolous fringing decorates the hems of both jacket and trousers. a a a Frocks of serge are bfave with tiny steel buttons. i ..' , a a a "Our Baby." - IS there any phrase which means more in the language of love? Such a lovely kodak book I saw in a shop window the other day to hold pic tures of the mostly beloved mem ber of the family. I'd love to buy one for you and have you fill it with kodak pictures developed and fin ished at that splendidly artistic little shop, the . Kase studio, 2d floor, Neville Block, Sixteenth and Harney. Believe it would add to the attractiveness of the book to have at least one of the pictures -taken during the month enlarged by the skillfur process followed in this shop. WW Undeniably Interesting The Sea- son's Colors. Redwood, Taupe, Quaker Gray, Bluebird, Black for striking combination, Peacock, Orchid, Ecru, Adriatic Blue, Dawn Gray. League Gold, . f Jade (both green and blue), Silver, i Rose Pink, x Toast, Larkspur Blue, ,, Primrose Pink, Bermuda Rose, - Silver Taupe. a a Art Flowers to Make the House De lightful in the Spring. T71AINTLY pink cherry blossoms on . cleverly-fashioned twisted lining, disclosed by a swish of the branches, heralding the sweet frag- slashed bell-shaped cuffs, button ranee of alluring springtit; .wis- weighted! 9 w w '' taria, heavily hanging in graceful .., lavender tinted loveliness; cosmos, An Important Shipment daisies gold and white, great masses AF fine quality wavy switches has cf jonquils, delightful indeed in their V.just arrived at the F. M'. Scha ' dull green art pottery bowl; asters (f1 & Co sh sixteenth and Doug purple and gold, flower of all the , . Thes, Driced at $s i0 and y lutr, may uc juui s iui uilui jc purposes if you'll visit the exhibit in the art department of the A." Hospe store, 1513 Douglas. For evening wear there are very large elaborate combs. a a a Seven O'clock Dinner Party Before tuticaily. It s a lovely place to en- tertain. Phone Mrs. Nebel, Tyler 5199, f0r arrangements, . St. Patrick's Day Festivities t (r. tne .m.ost w Jolly decorations novel and obtainable. These you'll find in the stationery departments of one of our large ' shops. "Paddy hats" of green are 10c and with a wee bit of a clay pipe tucked under the leather band will" hold a few mints and add not a little to the decorative appearance of the festive board. Novel indeed are the dainty favors of green, simu- lating Bower pots, which hold spngs r l 1. .1 r J : -L - ui aimiii ui,, nicsc lur uiiuin or huts at 15c, "The Harp That in the Halls of Tara Rang'' decorates vividly green boxes, 12a Life sized "praties" bear a handpainted sham- rock on the side and cunningly carry salted nuts in their compart- ments, 10c. Of many uses are the originally shaped clay pipes, green tipped, which are offered at 15c a dozen and are most charming adorn- But 'twas not the song of a bird that I heard, It was only the sound of your voice. In all things of beauty I see your dear face, The sunlight, the rose and the dawn, And everything loses its sweetness and grace, If the light of your presence is gone. You, by Maurine Hathaway. Exclusively Fashioned Wash Ap- parel for Boys. TS to be found at the Barker Junior Shop, second floor, Securities buildinir. Sixteenth and Farnam. absolutely stinfast v and tubfast materials, They're sample models, each differ ent in styling, all exceptional in workmanship. t This-wonderful collection of ex clusive wash suits will be offered at almost half price and they're new and f fesh - as can be. The sizes range from 2 to 7 years. I'll be glad to select these for you and send it out C. O. D. a Separate coats show a tendency toward the fitted waist. . a a a Rarely Lovely Orchid and Dutch Blue Enchantingly Colorful HkVE been chosen for the fash ioning of new, long, lace-paneled "Slip-On" ffocks at the Vanity Shop, 3d floor, Securities Bldg., sixteenth and Farnam. Those in orchid are $12, while the Dutch blue lace and voile creations are iu.au. new tailored effect in the "Slio- 0n frock has been evoived j white ale which greatiy resembles lin- cnuare ef -.,.1, w t l snaDS al either side in front, there's a paneled tional Fur and Tanning Co., Sev front and back formed by pleats on entecnth and Douglas, Athletic Club each shoulder, pleats held in place by a belt under each arm. lhee are $4.50. In dainty blue or pink are the new checked voile sash-belt effects at $8.50. a a Ceiling Lights and One-Light Pendants ARE -tl of RE shown in a wide selection loveliness at the Nelson Electric Co., Electric Fixtures and Appliances, one door north of the Orpheum theater, Fifteenth - and Harney. Delightful indeed is an ivory shade, slightly tinged with rose. A dainty white enameled base has wreath in relief in delicate shade of rose, while on the under edge, of the shade is a painted border design in wild rases. Very new and lovely are these one-light suspensions, shown in types to suit every room. a .. "I Never Did Like the Crown of My Milan Hat!' ALL right my dear, send it up to the Krugef Hat vshop, third floor, Barker block, Fifteenth and Farnam. They'll block it into the newest and most becoming shape for a most surprisingly small sum. Also remake your feathers and re freshen your marabou. Closed at 2 on Saturdays. There's a New Shade of Blue That Defies Description. QOME say that its between tur- fc-'quoise blue and jade green ana that, I believe, comes most nearly to describing it. When it's combined with heavy threads of gold and bro- cade, it's really ravishing! This has been chosen for the fashioning of a long waistline blouse which ac- companies the three-piece suit al Lamond's Speciality Shop, 2d floor, Securities Bldg., Sixteenth and lar nam. Navy tricotine is the suit, cleverly cut in short "pony" jacket with rounded pouits and solid lines of buttons from each shoulder to the 'front. Bewitching indeed we find the elimnse of flesh-tinted silk of the $12, are excellent values indeed. The invaluable pompadours are priced at ?5 and $12, and transformations, just the thing for "flu"- patients, are $12 and $20. , a a a , Filet lace continues to be liked or blouses, and lingerie. w v Douglas, opposite the ter, between Fifteenth teenth. Moon thea- and Four- ments for sandwiches or wafers tied grapefruit from Florida. When de into the ribbons. sirous of the gift supreme, visit this Rolls of crepe paper in vivid Kel- speciality, shop; their suggestions ley green,, one-half-inch wide, are are surprisingly pleasing, sold at 2 for 5c; one-inch wide is 10c - a roll; crepe paper luncjieon sets, The most popular outer wrap con cloth 63x84;, 12 doilie?, 12 napkins tinues to be the cape, and 12 little paper plates, all cun- ''. ningly decorated in shamrocks and . . v, T . . harps, are $1, while the cloth alone Complete Your Livtag Room, is 50c, and sets of eighteen separate rVRCHARD & WILHELM'S are napkins is 15c. The candles to light offering very delightful solid the merry party will shine most f fjl. AIjrli? 35c each. Dainty little Irish and n . ... r . . . 1 . Aiucnun nags ai 6oc a dozen, wnuc cuUout paper flags for ices, cakes and sandwiches colored the same on ach side are 15c a dozen. Paper mache figures of Irish men and women, attractive additions to any good Irish party, are 15c each, These stand about four inches high and are clever little favors or prizes for the contests that comprise the St Patrick's oartv of the daw The Day of the Smart Small Bag 0NTENDING or favor re the J dull leather bag, and the fasci- natingly bright patent small bag to carry miladv's vanitv fitting! The Thir- op spe- with Fit- Alls cunningly equipped in ivory and tortoise shell for all sues and kinds of bags. There's a dainty lit tle black bag exquisitely made, in the collapsible envelope shape, lined in heavy purple silk which will en trance you with its luxurious smart ness. No less lovely is the dainty little rose-lined patent vachette leather. Widelv artistic in assort ment you 11 find selections of smart lugtrage here eminently satisfying. a Its veil time when the wind blows your hair, an excuse most welcome for the donning of the lavishing new ones sprinkled in contrasting- color chenille. s- a a Spring Furs. WHENEVER spring furs are discussed, foxes always have' their place, although it hasn't been a very prominent place during the past few seasons, the place of honor havinir been held by mink, sables snd martens. A reaction in favor of (nx,. :. nnw 9..r,A .av the Na- building, as many are a bit tired ot the effect of the one and two-skin neckpieces in sable and mink, and this fashionable fur shop is pre paring for a season of smartly be coming fox furs. Tailored Smartness "REQUIRES "milady's donning footwear of stunning styling, slenderly cut, with "heels, follow ing military and Cuban lines. The.F. & M. Boot Shop, Sixteenth and Farnam, has quite the most ex tensive showing I've se'en in these ! fashion-favored oxfords in brown, tan and black. You'll find their models of more frivolously inclined "footwear equally pleasing; suede, dull and patent kid, and satin, clev erly cut and fashianably finished. a a a V Dainty Silken Carriage Covers IN blue and pink, with decoration w """ . . plum blossoms are to be found in the Nippon Importing company s shop, 218 South Eighteenth street, For further decorativeness when he goes to take the spring air are baby bootees of crepe, also delightful lit- tie jacquettes. Angora cloths in Scotch plaids, or with blazer stripes, are used for skating coats. It Doesn't Require a Great Deal of Imagination " TO transport oneself to a sunny clime upon entering the Sommers Speciality Shop, one door north of Brandeis theater, for there's a fragrance from many fruits filling the air. Strawberries Krarlet. Iu. cious, apples of rich tinting, delicate flavor, oranges from California and Florida, Tangerines, thin-rinded and delicious, kumquats, dainty delicacy for a sick friend, fresh cocoanuts de lightful in the concocting of original desserts, and the indispensable mahrtoratiw twiner rnrlrera mnA rhaira with cane paneling exquisitely made, artfully . designed, lasting in their .-. . p 1 - e t .1 - quaury 01 oeauiy, jurniiure vi ine future. Particular values are the large wing rockers or chairs at $39.50, while excellent pieces in smaller chairs are offered at $24.50. Delightfully lovely resting places for those new, long. tasseled .velvet and silk pillows " -Blouses show high-in-the-back collars. The New Springtime Dressea rpHE newest models of fashion fof springtime wear offered at Kil Patrick's are fashioned with ex quisite lines of grace, artfully em bellished with fashioned favored touches, and discloses interesting features of the new season's with assurance of exclusive stylefulness for which this shop is noted, while their grouped pricings, $49.50 and $75, are interesting indeed. Exceedingly beautiful is a trico tine, widely scalloped, with-a gen erous splashing of jet iridescent beads, looping of the beads at each deeply cut point. Chic indeed the Poiret twill coat dress buttoned down the entire length of the .-front in cunningly Shaped little bronze buttons, with smartly shirred panels at either side, gold braid trimmed, most fetchingty headed to hold the heavy braided gold girdle. " - Exclusive the name of the de signer who conceived a heavily em broidered navy and sand creation distinguished by the artistry of hand-appliqued motifs of sand-colored duvetyne on an apron panel front. The ingenue will perceive with joy the looped trimming on another frock, ideally planned for "frivoling" thisl ' Etons with long waistline skirts underneath, bouffant drapings, tnmra arm miffc rnriTnrtinflr fn's' fashion favor you'll find just the model you've longed for in this showing! ' . a a a Spring Models' in Rubber Girdles For House Wear , ARE to be had at the Hattie Put nam Corset Shop, 209 South r Fifteenth street fifth floor, Karbach block. These are the well-known "Treco" models and -are ideal for wear with neat little house frocks. They're priced at $5.50 and up. Call or phone for a fitting of one of the r Nu-Bone flexibly graceful corsets or rite for measure blank. Fashion s Favored Fads T) EAL laces are used on tailored lingerie. Scotch hether sweaters are promi nent. . The new Balkan blouse has a high collar. v- The entirenat today is expressed in the crown. Figured net is the latest lingerie material. Colored cotton embroideries are very charming. Shot taffetas are printed in pom padour patterns. The new up aad down trimming is much in vogue. Eccentric trimmings are features of the overblouse. Figured voile is used for children's play frocks. Some tailored and Irish trimmed negligees are of heavy, lustrous silk. - Black satin, draped with black tulle, is a wise choice for an evening gown. , ' , " Entire capes of gray squirrel fur are among the most luxurious gar- An all white evening dress for second mourning is made of ring dot silk net . A smart accessory is a dressy scarf of silk tissue, - bordered in printed cclor. Accordion pleated skirts combine with interesting blousea into chic day dresses. ? Long sleeves with puffed tops ar coming into favor. x Silk ratine " is much used for southern sweaters." -Iltl aicl Trademark RlUl4 V. M Fataat Otfioa. Adv.