Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1920, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 17

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    We aa net nuke our thought; they crow In ui
Like grain in wood; the growth la I tie eaiea.
Which ar ef nature; Nature la of God.
Tba worM ia lull ol wondroue Ukeneaeee.
What'a ton and what's pt halo
hould ba put grief.
- ShaWnpeere.
Benson Society
Benson Correspondent, Call Walnut 5370
Visiting in East
Woman's Club.
The Benson Woman's club will be
entertained Thursday afternoon at
t'nj, Jioine of Mrs! A. M. Giles, 5727
Military avenue. Following the reg
ular business session'and roll call,
the election of officers for the en
suing year will take place.
Attended Luncheon.
Mrs. W. A. Wilcox, chairman ot
all the cfabs of greater Omaha in
the Economy Drive, attended the
luncheon given by Mrs. Ryan Friday
at the Chamber of Commerce. The
heads of all the different organiza
tions of the city frfr this drive, and
also .a representative from' the Re
tailers association were present at
the luncheon.
Story Hour.
The Benson "Story Hour" will
be conducted by Mrs. John Giles
Saturday morning it 10:30 in the
auditorium of the city hall. The fol
lowing stories will be given: First,
"Tom Thumb." second, "Ander's
New Cap," third, "The Oyster and
the Crab."
Community Meeting.
At the community center council
meeting Monday night Mrs. G. Ek- -Pence, secretary of literature. . Mrs,
strom was appointed -to fill the va
cancy created by the resignation of
Mrs. P. Dolejs, chairman of the, pro
gram committee. Paul Kistler's
resignation as vice president of the
council was accepted and vacancy
filled bv Mr, Britton. Mr. Kistler
was officially appointed Benson
community center director. Mr. El
sasser's resignation from the coun
cil was accepted and vacancy filled
by the appointment o,f Miss Marie
Ramm. Miss Florence Knudsen is
secretary of the council.
0. E. S. Kensington.
Mrs. Charles Sprague will be
hostess of the Narcissus chapter No.
261 of the O. E. S. at a St. Patrick's
iay Kensington at her home on
-Sixtieth avenue Tuesday evening.
The rooms will -be decorated Jn
green and the same color, will pre
dominate in the lunctteon.
Entertains at Luncheon.
Mr9. Roy Marshall entertained at
a.l o'clock luncheon Wednesday at
her home in Bensonhurst. Mrs.
J?hn Crothers, who left Thursday
to join her husband,' who is a mis
sionary in Korea, . was guest of
honor. Covers were laid for Mrs.
Crothers. Mrs. Robert Vandertlppe,
Mrs. M. M. Blackwcll and Mrs.. Roy
Methodist Aid.
Mrs D. C. Sturtz. Mrs. C. II.
Penoyer and Mrs. Justin entertained
the "members of the Methodist
Ladies Aid society Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. John Cal
vert in honor -of Mrs. Sarah Steph
ens' birthday. Roll call was re
sponded . to "by selected birthday
greetings. A large birthday cake
adorifrd with swveet' peas was pre
sented to Mrs. Stephens. Mrs.
Stephens was a member of the first
graduating class of the Iowa State
university and in honor of this Mrs.
R. Burford sansr her college ode, en
titled, "Old Gold."
-Dinner Party.
Mr; and Mrs. C. C; Beavers entertained-
at a family dinner Sunday
when covers were laid for Mr. and
MrsR. C. Beavers and .daughter,
Mary Laura. Mrs. Martha Spear
man, Miss Fay Beavers, Mr. and
Mrs. C. C Beavers and, family.
" Attended Tournament.
Among those who went to Lin
coln Thursday to witness the
tournament gaipe, played by the
Benson high team against the Gret
na high were: Miss-Mary McNa
mara, principal; Miss'Jessen, Mrs.
Gorton Roth, the Misses Roma and
Eunice Uotli, Lillian Calvert, Lu
cile Barnum, Viola and Gcrtwide
Moore, Florence Mclllnay, Lucjle
Jacobson aud Finella Leggee.
Mrs. Reishaw Hostess.
Mrs. Walter Reishaw will be hos
tess to the Standard Bearers Friday
evening at her home, 6511 Maple
For Bride Elect.
The Luther league entertained at
a miscellaneous shower Saturday
evening at the home of. Mrs. Lillian
Kjstler in honor of Miss Irene Kist
ler, who is goon to be a bride. The
rooms were decorated in pink and
white and a pink and white lunch
eon was served.
. Church Affair.
The Benson Presbyterian church
will entertain the Omaha Presby
terial April 27 and 28. ,
Campfire Notes. --
The Campfire girls met Monday
evening at 'the home of Miss Mary
Morton. Miss Merle Hughes is
guardian of this group. -League
Miss Elinore Anderson enter
tained the members of the August
aua Luther league " at her home
Tuesday evening. A musical and
literary program was given.
Mission Society.
At the annual electiou of officers
of the Presbyterian Mission societ,
Mr;. Roy Marshall was re-elected
president, Mrs. Paul Rivett was
elected vice president, Mrs,. L. W.
Haber, second vice president; Mrs.
Walter Shell, secretary; Mrs. Ben
Morton, treasurer, and Mrs D. V
Marshall will entertain the newly
elected officers and members of the
society at the regular meeting,
Wednesday afternoon at her home
in Bensonhurst.
Lutheran Aid. .
The Ladies' Aid of the English
Lutheran church will be entertained
Wednesdav afternoon at the home
of Mrs. Peter Christiansen. ,
Baptist Choir.
The Benson Baptist choir will
give a song service this evening at (
thi- church at 7:45.
Miss Vera Marshall was quietly
married Wednesday evening to Mr.
Harey Sagcr, at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Mar
shall. Rev. John Calvert read the
marriage lines. Mr, and Mrs. Sager
will make tleir home on a farm
near Benson
Dancing Party.
Among the guests who attended
an informal dancing party given by
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Petersen at their
home in Bemis Park were Mr. and
Mrs. -Arthur Giles, Mr. and Mrs.
Verne Jeffry and Mr. and Mrs. Will
Mooney of Benson.
P. E. O. Meeting.
Mrs. J. S. Wood of 3306 Myrtle
avenue will be hostess to Chapter
B. S. of the P. E. O. Sisterhood
at her home Monday at 2:30 p. m.
Officers for the coming year will, be
elected. .
Basket Ball.
Tbe ringing of I the high school,
bell and the sounding of trumpets
on the streets of Benson Thursday
night at 10:30 announced to the
people the victory won by the Ben
son High basket bajl team at Lin
coln in the tournament game played
by them against the Gretna High
team. The score was 17-13.
Community Center.
Mrs. Kiltleson, who .conducts a
studio in the Baird building, will
givea program for the community
center Friday night at the City Hall
auditorium. This program will con
sist of readings, musical numbers
and fancy dances.
Mission Society.
The Woman's Home Mission so
ciety of the Methodist church will
be entertained Wednesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. C. H.
Penoyer, 2531 North 65th street.
Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Gardner had
as their house guests, during the
past week, Mrs. J.' Krause and son
Roma and daughter : Eugenie of
Reduce your doctor's
bills by keeping
alwayaon hand If,
Thoaaand of other, hare rotten rid of theirt WITH
of orer a pound a day and WITHOUT PAYMENT
until reduction has taken place.
I" licensed pwetWng phystdaa and personal! select the
treatment for each indiTidnal ease, thus enabling me to choooa
remedies that will product not only a Iocs of weight hsnniessiy,
but wbfch wBl also rettere yoa of all the trophlesonie symptoms of
verftmitncu inch as shortneaa of breath, palpitation, indigestion,
rheumatism, gout, asthma, lddney trouble and various other afflio
tlona which often accompany overstoatness.
My treatment wffl retteve that oppressed, tired, sleepy feeHns,
'""S j " am vigor, a result of the Iota of yonr
aww aej
10a IN not remilreii ta rimo h, v .t;u a
regoiar mode ef Bring. There la no dieting or exercUaa, It ia
lllll I. lafl, MWtA l a. -l "
If jtm i aw rentoul do not postpone, but alt down rlrfit now
and aend for my FREE TRIAL TREATMENT and my plan
' TAKEN PLACE If yon to. v.
a. &. KawKr, ssajsni Aw, v.t. c-im
nadir wed ne jvn mm
Tuuni aaa
sac " .
AOdraaa or B.T. D...
I vr ) J
: J J' :
..rvv m
Lhui'se Ct&tlce
Among those who are visiting
eastern points are Miss Louise
Clarke and her mother, MVs. H. S.
Clarke, jr. They left Wednesday
evening for New York, Atlantic
Cty 'and other coast towns. They
will return to Omaha in the' latter
part of April and will spend Easter
with friends in the east.
West Point and Miss Grosse of
Council Bluffs.
Father Buckley, who is spending
some time in Colorado, is improv
ing in health. -Lenten services are
being observed twice a week at St.
Bernards church during his ab
sence. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Wiliams are
planning a trip to California.
Miss Cecil Werhli has been ill
during the past week.-
Mr. Paul Wilcox has been suffer
ing from an attack of grippe during
the past week.
Mr. Gordon Dunn is spending the
week in Lincoln attending the state
Whoso Is tho It t ns?
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
Answering: your query as to which
of the contracting parties to an en.
Kagement should retain the ring In
rase on engagement is broken, I
think this, like all other questions,
has at least two sides.
Should a quarrel be the cause of
the broken troth no self-respecting
girl would care1 to keep a trinket,
whlchk would be to her a constant
reminder of her former lover, who
wouid in all probability lose no time
in transferring his affections to an
other quarter. If through mis
fortune, their anticipations of mar
riage could not be brought to a real
ization, then, too, the ring, which
would be a constant reminder of the
happy days, could be nothing but
an unhappy reminder to her of
things she had better forget. If it
is the. .ring instead of the man she
wants, a man ahead to
buy her . a ring and leave her.
I know a girl who boasted at one
time , of having seven engagement
rings, in her jewel case. Evidently
she was collecting"" rings.
basket ball tournament and visiting
at the home of his uncle, Mr. C.
W. Sanborn.
Mrs. C. B. Elton of Keystone
park was taken to the Ford hospital
Monday, where she underwent a
serious operation.
Mrs. O. Giest and daughter Oral
of Stewart, N. D., were week-end
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
E. C. Fuller.
Mrs. Mary Hodgers, mother of
Mrs. Searson of the Benson High
faculty, is seriously ill at her home,
6551 Maple street.
Mrs. Belle Hawes of David City
is spending the week-end at the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Paul Wilcox
and Mr. Wilcox.
Mrs. C C. Williams, who has
been ill during the last month, is
Mr. Louis Christiansen and
daugter. Mrs. M. Jensen, with her
two children, were guests the first
of the week at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. G. Ekstrom. Mr.
Christiansen and Mrs. Jensen are en
route from California to their home
in Grettinger, Ia.
It ha kcea proves by tka
warld'a rmtttat aotaarlttco Cast
tt Btloaclatca aa Increases aair
growth t sanely Maare it fie
the sarCaea af tka akla. Tka aaly
ceamaa-aeaae way ta reaaara katr
la to attack It aaii i tka ekta.
DeNtraele, tka artaisal eaaltan
Ileal, aeca this by aaaaipUaa.
Oaly casta DeaUraela has a
aaanejr-kack caaraatea ta aae
aaekaa-e. At tellet eeeatere ta OOa,
tl sad n sises. ar by aaaO fraaa
us la plain wrapper oa recetpt sc
FREE hook amaOea! ta plats
aealed eavelaaa oa reneat. Da
Hlrarle. 12tk St. sad Park Aae.
New Yerk. .
On tbe other hand, a man may
not care to have his ring returned
and sometimes asks the girl to keep
it as a souvenir of their friendship.
Cases of this kind differ, and none
but a "specialist" will be able to
diagnose the subject- thoroughly
enough to make a correct decision
that will apply to all cases.
-If the rm-is a valuable one the
plrr, in -my ' estimation, should re
turn it, as perhaps the money the
young man has "tied up" in it, will
be needed toward supporting a' fam
Uy lit after years. Surely' no mar
ried woman wants to see another
woman wearing a ring her husband
has purchased even at a , remote
period. -
lair, Neb. , ANNIE V.QATES.
To Whom Does Rina; Belong?
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
In answer to Miss Welcome's ques
tion, 'To whom does the engagement
ring belong?" I wish to state that in
mv opinion the ring belongs to the
girl, just as much as her wedding
ring. If the engagement ring should
be returned when an engagement is
broken then the wedding ring should
also be returned in case of a di
vorce. E. B. V. ,
Why Did lie lieave?
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
have often read the good advice you
have given to. many, so I am coming
to ask a few questions.
1. I am a young girl of 19 winters,
have dark blue eyes, dark brown
Khair and a fair completion; am
quite good looking. I was engaged
twice, but broke both .engagements.
Now, Miss Fairfax, do you think I
have lost all hopes of getting an
other? , .
S. Was going with a young boy
whom 1 loved very much: one eve
ning he took a girl friend of mine
to the show, who was a very bad
girl. Of course I got very angry.
He came to see me for about ft week
after. All at once he loft town and
Lhave never seen htm since. Miss
I'alrrax, what do you suppose he
left for? He seemed to love me very
much at first.
Am thanking you In advance.
- There are a hundred reasons the
5'oung man might have had for leav
ing town. What particular one1 he
had I do not know. But I do know
his conduct indicates that he does
not love you and therefore the bst
thing for you to do is to forget about
him. Doubtless you wtll have other
opportunities to become engaged,
to marry a good man and to be wor
thy of bim. rather tban to rnary JuBt
anyone who happens to ask you.
The Omaha home of
Hanan and Clapp shoes
for Men and Women
EN who want the best that can be had in foot
wear always come here. Our aim is to give
-them the utmost return for their money in
Shoes of the highest standard, reasonably
We are exclusive agents for HANAN & SON and
EDWIN CLAPP Shoes and believe that in point
QUALITY MATERIALS they have no equals.
Our prices for these better Shoes are no more
than is asked by others for poorer quaUty, and
are from $1.00 to $3.00 per pair less than is
asked for the same shoes in other cities. .
vW Styles in Low Shoes Jusl Received.
We Invite Your Inspection. '
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam St
Mail Order Solicited.
Parcel Pott Paid.
h. '
S For the Girl Without
a Business Training
Who is about to choose a vocation. She
wants a position that pays well, offers op
portunities for advancement and has attrac
tive surroundings in which to wprlf.' The
Long Lines Department of . the American
Telephone & Telegraph Company has just
such positions open to the ambitious girl; who
wishes to identify herself with a really worth
while organization. V
We maintain a high-class school of instruc
tion"" where you are thoroughly trained. v
Competent instructors see that everything is
carefully explained to you before you are as
signed to commercial work, and just as soon
as your ability warrants, recommend you for.
more responsible positions.
t ;
We pay you well for your time from the
day you enter school, and it will only be a
short while until you are ready to take a reg
ular position at a good salary. Your sur
roundings will be pleasant, the work interest
ing, and your associates congenial.
If you wish to leani a dignified and highly,'
remunerative profession you may file your s
application with Miss Bell, 318 $ew Tele
phone Bldg.
I . .V I
resj For
The cafeteria
where appetizing
meals are served
three times a day
at less than cost is
an item not to be
overlooked. Your
lunch hour and
rest periods, both
morning and aft
ernoon, may be
spent in our de
lightfully com
fortable rest
room, where you
may read, write,
sew, or, if you
choose, dance.
The American Telephone and Telegraph Company
New Arrivals in
Distinctive Millinery
Reflecting the Modes for Spring
.., A large collection of Beautiful Model Hats that
are new and totally different, portraying the very
latest Spring styles in Novelty Straws and Combina
tions, in fascinating array. '
Trimmed With
Flowers, Wheat, Novelty Ornaments, Ribbon
Cire, Glazed Fruits, Visca and Hair Novelty Pom
poms, Embroidered Effects, Smart Glycerined
Feather Effects, Beaded Ornaments, Appliqued
Flowers and others. v
The Colors Are:
Black, Brown, Old Blue, Rust, Wood Tones,
Nile, Aztec, Sand, Apple Green, Bluebird Blue and v
wonderful combinations.
-. ' . - . . . '
A Wonderful Assortment Priced for
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
$15 $1850 $2250
Big Furniture Event
The entire stock of
tho State Furniture
Co. offered at greatly
reduced . prices. An
opportunity worth
coming hundreds of
miles for. Liberty
Bonds accepted at
par. We pay the
freight for 100 miles.
Very Special
on all
Tea. Carts
Table Lamps
Electric '
Floor Lamps.
Gate Leg
Luxurious Overstuffed Furniture
. Far Taar tiring tUom
.Lasica Overstuffed Davenport tapastrr wphal
atara4. apring conatnietad P1 QQ rft
for WliUiUU
BaaatlfnlJr upbolitared Roekar ar
Xaay Chair to natch...
fipae'al bara-alna ta Can and Mahogany Living
Room Sulteaaunnc this big aala.
."...'.....$38.50 J
The Biggcat Bargain la Omaha
Beautiful 8-P.ece Oiaing Room Suite
Ai Ulitatratad; laalher aeatad .
e ha Ira, tmfTet anl tM. Dniy.
- Big reduction oa all Dimog Koom Furnltura,
tthar aottea r atari .placaa.".
Teor chotea of aavarat .idlest
lo tn rwmplMa aoltea at
taiJH,, flS9JM and on.
epaciai vaiuea la aingle pi
lei mL
Inra in Mcta
ndm enamel
j ; , Padta CI34
Opposite U.P. Headiuarters,OMAHA. a