Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1920, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 15

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Ms b raat Hm la what ha U fram JV.tura, aa4 wka fiiht baflns wlthla almsslf(
A nan' worth somathinf.
. Brown tn.
avar raaalaate us ( Mint,
1 r
- 1 I
Fine Arts Society
Will Present
. . ' . . . ,-
. , , . ' . . ., , , ,,
: Mrs. ' Forbes Robertson ,Hale
will lecture on "The New Power of
. Women' before the Omaha Society
of Fine Arts on Friday afternoon,
March 12, at 3:4S at the Hotel Fon
tcnelle. "
Mrs. Forbes Robertson ' Hale
I brines to the lecture nlatforrn un
usual' attractive personal qualities
according to those who have heard
her lecture. These are powerful aids
in securing and holding the atten
tion of an audience. She is said to
have a very musical ana well-trained
voice and "to be especially winsorne
and graceful in face and figure.
I This, combined with her knowledge
of dramatic value's in pose and ges-
ture, has its share in the interest of
hcr subject, it is stated. 5
The Press of Portland, Me., says
of Mrs.. Hale: "She has the keen
intellect that makes most effectual
appeal to the head of those whom
she wishes to convince of the truth
of her assertions, while ber wom
an's wit and pretty rnapner render
equally telling the illustrations with
.which she gives point to her utter
ances. ' For the modern, uo-to-date
"' outlook ' ttporf life and conditions '
with the knowledge it lias brought
tc her has thrown Into high relief
"' the purity and truth of those woman
ly ideals which have been thought
to be so desirable down through all
Government x Asks
Women to Band
v Against H.C.L..
. . - ' Platform. ;
1. . High prices area direct out
come of the inequality of supply
and demand. Supply and demand
can be made more pearly equal by
either increasing supply or decreas
ing demand. , It will take 'several
years for production 'to catch up
with demand., As. 90 per cent of
, the money spent for food and cloth-
, ing is expended by -women it would
eem that the women are a power
ful factor in solving this problem.
Throughput the country there K;a
reckless expenditure of money.
" 2. If we do not demand the
luxuries, the ' attention of the mer
chants will, turn to. the necessities,
and the supply gf necessities will be
increased. . The factories make that
'for which there is a demand. Each
" one of us can control the demand.
During the war the factories found
uo hardship in changing over from
making luxuries jto .making necessi
ties. We. will not continually com-
phin of the high "prices and tneu go
right qn paying them without at
ltast trying to help the situation. ,
' 3. Many are feeling keenly the
pressure from high -prices. Wives
are being forced into , industry to
eke out the husband's income itv
order properly to cloth? and 'feed
Ok children, There is af grave, danr.
ger that .the standard, of the Ameri
can home will be lowered. No more
of today. : ; : ;
We will by . precept and example
emphasise the doctrine of simple
living. We may be able to wield
grew influence by. setting standards.
We 'will devote some time of our
club program, each month- to the
consideration 6f,home economics.-
5. We " will , advocate intelligent
buying, which does not mean 'Ces
sation of buying, but buying what
: we netd; buying wisely, having in
mind durability of. material and
-style. (Marketmen and dry gdods
merchants teM us women do not
know kpw to buy: that women do
npt kndttTthe quality of goods and
judge the quality simply by the price
affixed.) .. ,.- .
6. s Wtr advbeate an "honest day's
work for money received and co-operation
between employer and Em
ploye to bring, about maximum pro
duction of esserftial commodities.
7. ! We can demand -Iws-labor. by
requiring less service in the stores;
by demanding v. fewer changes "in
rtyles (merchants tell uVthat is a big
factor in the cost of production),
and by introducing labor:saving de
vices in the'kome.'-. ' ' .
9. Everv man handling an article
has a risrht td a fair profit. If it is-4
found that too many are handling
the same article, we must eliminate
them (reporting the condition to the
fair price commissioner or United
State attorney) and bring producer
and housewife closer together.
. 10. It i a good plan to create va
rious "departments, each to look into
J tl.e price ! of certain commodities,
have discussions on them and report
concljTStans to the fair price corn
But if (herV is profiteering, we de
ela'e that a fair price must prevail,
and if the merchant refuses to heed
th:s fair warning, he will be reported
f a the fair price. commissVmer or
United States attorney, and action
v will be taken by the Department of
Justice. v " " c F y "
missioner or United States attorney.
,11. In our impatience to achieve
quickly higher standards of living,
we are heading straight toward eco
and focial disaster. If we srt
May-Dajr Performance to
Be Given by Christ
Child Society.
A May-day performance, will be
given in Omaha Saturday evening,
May 1, at tfie Brandeis . thea
ter for the" benefit. of the "Christ
The production will consist of a
movie which is now being filmed in
California, and esthetic dances.
Mrs. E. John Brandeis is taking
For Women Voters
unlimited oatience. unlimited hara
work anJd vears of time will be re
quired t6 brtng the world back to
normal. Blit if we all actively finite
and put our best effort back funis
movement?" normal conditions will
be restored before we know it.
; Luncheoa Party. ; " .
Mrs. E, M. Syfert entertained a
foursome at luncheon, Saturday, at
the Athletic club in honor of Mrs.
Adelaide Kennerly, who left for
New York .City later in the day.
According to the British Kfedical
Journal, there were ryeany 'wo
men doctors in the kingdom in May,
1918, and the number trace xnenna
been- conttantly increasing.
' Out f 17,000,000 women m Italy
9,000,000 are -workers, on an equal
basis'with men, receiving the same
pay in their respective occupations.
, Poland hat a women landowners'
association made up f women who'
are the mistresses - of estates em
ploying peasant women, and of peas
ant women themselves, r ''- A-
Mrs. E. John randeis.
- Nrhreak wumea in to toU thii year.
Thlr Toto may bo declatvo. (fulte nat
urally, they art eoDfronted wltn many
urw aurtioni, both aa to the procedure
? voting and the inn or Involved.
Toe Bre, under this heading, ,U1 aa
wr eacb day Much qoeetiam an lb read
er may ask. The quntionn need not be
e-cluelvely by women, although upeelnl at
tention iU he paid the women's problem.
AddrcM "The Woman Voter," The Uee.
. ' 1
What officers are created by the
legislature? D. R
'Presidential electors, county at
torney, county clerk, county asses
sors,, clerk of the district court,
registrar of deeds, county treasurer,
count sheriff, 'County superintend;
ent of public instruction, county sur
veyor, county commissioners, public
defenders, city commissioners, mem
bers of the twater board, members
of the board of .education, judges, of
the municipal court, Constables.
Modish Ideas. -
Silver cloth is .used for. ftiany of
the new evening coiffures. (
Hats with transparent brims are
in favor for dress occasions. .
A good cqlor combination, is
henna brown and havy blue,
It is fashionable to have love an
uag jnaicn ana xo innge DOin. ,
White chalk beads are particularly
attractive 'on pink georgette.
The smaller the quantity of em
broidery "on a gown the richer it
must be. - . . , v
A smart frock of blue serge shows
a round neck fringed in blue sil
Square necks are more generally
becoming, than the more usual
V-shaped. - :
Some of the new suit coats have a
turned up or c,uff effect around the
bottom. . ' .
Garmentgjor evening wear con
tinue to use a great deal of ostrich
as trimming. x
On tjjc days when v there is no
meat for dinner try the following
potato dish: Heat one tablespoon
ful of fat and stir in one tablespoon
ful f flour, half a cup of milk, one
toaspoonful of salt and one-fourth
teaspoonftil of pepper. Mix ' twfl
cunfuls of diced - cooked potatoes
with one. green pepper, cooked rfnd
chopped. Add hair a cuptul ot
grated American cuceac au mc
white sauce. Put into a 'baking- dish
and cover with hajf a cupful of
bread crumbs. Bjown in a" hot
oven. ' ,
The front laced corset is pecu
liarly adapted to the present fashion
of soft bodices. ;
Canned red pepper or pimento
can be used instead of green pepper
for a'change.
The bank of Geneva', Switzerland,
Lhas appointed Mile. , Marie Prod-
horn a director, blie is tne ttrst
woman in Europe to hold such an
important position and owes her
appointment to her excellent' finan
ciering during the war.
the moving picture in southern
California? especially for this per
formance. She has her twn, ma
chine with her there, ahd- among
such attractive settings as, one finds
in the hilte and canons of Lower
California this beautiful fairy tale is
to be filmed. . .
Mrs. Mary Coll Quigley, Omaha's
well known . dancer, has donated her
services for this appealing cause.
She wilpstage a series of attractive
dances during the evening. Many of
her former pupils will take part,
while others will be new to Omaha
audiences. Mrs; Quigley is not
teaching now, but is going back to
herwork long enough to make this
May-day event a Success.
. A. W. Keipine has .left, at the
disposal of the" committee in charge
one. of his halts for the rehearsals.
Music for the rehearsals and the
performance will be under the lead
ership of Mrs. Lyle Hersey, who
likewise is donating her time to the
work. y ' ' . ,
,The following Omaha women
head the committees in charge of
arrangements: Programs, Mrs.'-L
F. Crofoot: tickets. Mrs. W. A. C.
Johnson; theater, Mrs! L. C. Nash;
costumes, Mrs. C. Will Hamilton;
flowers and candy,' Mrs. A..V. Kins
Ier and Mrs. W; J. Hynes; publicity,
Miss- Margaret McShancj-dancing,
Mrs. Mary Coll Quigley and- Miss
Clarehelene Woodard. . .,
pommuriit V
'.;' $eryice':' "
B SpeciaD
ize DDD
ISiitjra.cftiGiii G?e4h
No matter how sensitive your teeth are or of
how long-standing your trouble is, you can come
to this office with perfect confidence.
. UK. W. F. CROOK j
Graduate North wetrn II ilveralty, Chlcaio
My Guarantee Is That
You Will Feel No Pain
Nervous patients are apt to delay having
their teeth attended to. To you I can give abso
lute assurance that you need feel no fear what
ever. Hundreds of patients will gladly tejtify to
the truth 6f this.
No Students Satisfaction I Can't Afford
,1 have no students' or assist
ant, but give every case my
oWn personal attention I am
responsible and I stand
squarely behind every, piece of
work; that leaves ' this office.
My guarantee of satisfaction is
unlimited. ,: '
I have spent years in he
study of Crown nad fridge
work, and I can assure you that
not only do I treat you pain
lessly, but that the completed
plate or bridge will feel and
look just .like your own teeth.
to allow any work to leave
this office that is not absolute
ly perfect. I do not pride my
self on the 'quantity, but I do
pride myself on the quality of
work I turn out. .And you will
find my price most reasonable.
i ) I . v
Out-of-Town Patients Can Have Crown, Bridge- or Plate Completed in One Day.,
. S:30 to 6.
' 9 to 1 P. M.
16th and Harney Entrance on 16th. Phone Tyler 5117
Crown, Bndso or
Plate completed lor
out-of-town patients
in one day.
' SundayV March 7. Openi house
Girls' Community House, Girls'
"Community Service League, hos
tesses, 4:30 to 6:30 t. m.; of)ert
house at Army and Navy for
civilians and soldiers .Basket hall
at Army and Navy club by Phorpian
team, , . - -
Moneay, March '8 Dinner at
Girls' VCommunity house for, the
Cluga club at 6:15 p. m. Glee club
at Girls Community house, mem
bers oft the Cluga club . at 7:30 p. m.
to 8:30. m. JAplley ball at Girls'
Community house, 'members of
Cluga club, 7:30 to 9 w. m.' Dramatic
class at Girls' Community house.
7:30 p.' m. under direction of Miss
Martha Fodge. --..'-
Tuesday, March' x9 -Dinner at
Girls Community .house for La
fayette and1 Patriots clubs, at 6:15
p. m. Class in dramatic .art at Girls'
Community house, 7:30. p. of., (under
leadership of Miss Ethel. Mulhol
land. Basket ball at , Army and
Navy club, Bowen Furniture Co.
team, 6 to 8 p. m. Basket ball at
Afmy and Navy club. M. E. Wops
teain; 8 to 9 p. m. Dance at Fort
Omaha, grrls of. the Patriot. D, T
A., Beebe, and-KKi K clubs assist
ing, 8:3d to 11 p. m. ., "
Wednesday, March 10 pinner
dance at Girls' Community house,
given by the Wamm , club; 6:30 to
11 p. m. Esthetic and folk dancing,
Girls' Community house. Girls' Com
munity iService league; 7:30 tp 9 p.
m Basket hall at Army and N&vy
6lub, by Y. M, H. A. teatri, 8 to
9:30 p.;m- , . , .
Thursday. March 11 Dinner at
Girls'. Community house, K. K. K. i
club,, 6:30 p. m.
Friday, March 12 Dinner' at
Girls' Community house Ifor Beebe
and S. O. S. clubs, 6:30 t. tn., fol
lowed by social, hour and stunt re
hearsal, under direction of Mrs.
Mary Lydia Rowe. - .
WAMlWhr March 13-Dance at
. MimifA hard Girls Lommunityl
The Kissel Custom-Built
Four-Passenger, Coupe
lity house bv Girls'
Community Service League,-8:30 to
11 p. m. basket bail at Army and
Navy club, Calvary Baptist church
team, 6:30 to 8 p. ni. Basket ball
at Army and Navy club, by Sokol
Athletic tem,'8 to 9:30 p. m.
. 1 . ..
' Junior .Club.
The Junior club, which wis re
cently reorganized, will give its sec,-
nnr! nartv .aliirrtsv vn!nr
March 13, at the Fontenelle Fran
cis Gaines and Raymond Low, who
are in charge, are planning a num
ber of .features for the occasion. :
I St Patrick Party. "
. Mrs. Mary E. La Rocca will enter
tain the- members of the Omaha
Woodmen Circle federation at an
Irish Pat and Biddy party at her
home,' 3548 Harnejr street, Wednes
day, evenmgilarchlfy
'' IvyClub.. -:;T ,
The Ivy club will give a card
party and dance at Odd Fellow's
hall. Fourteenth aad Dodge .streets,
Thursday evening, March 11, at! 8:30
Kissel Show Display to be Continued
THE entire display of the Kissel custom
built models thiit haoT their premier ex
hibition at the Auto Show last week has been
inoved to our salesroom for the benefit of
theT many; hundreds of visitors- who ex
pressed their desire to inspect the new mod
els under less crowded conditions. . ,
We are now booking orders for early deliveries.
A few of the ALL-YEAR CARS on hand for
immediate delivery.
-2056-58 Farnam fct t K Omaha, Neb.
x ' " : ' ' ' ' . '
"v v r b m
1 Goltoe!
i R TT TT n r Vn i
Se.nds heat from the immense ratiiating surface of thefur
nace directly to the rooms above through the single combi
nation register. This hea goes directly to the ceiling and
diffuses, traveling through doors and openings to every
room and corner of the, house. As it cools, it reaches lower
levejs and travels backwards along the floors to thexcold
air duct of the register, passing again through the warm
air chamber of the furnace arid returning to the rooms
properly warmed and moistened. Thereis constant Cir
culation as long'as there js fire in the furnace. '
1 .i-
In construction, extra heavy castings, fire bowl and grates
are used. Weight is properly' distributbd. The base - is
cast in one piece. The combustion chamber is large and
corrugated, to allow for expansion and contraction, as
well as to increase the radiating surface. The lower sec
tion of 'the fire ppt is slotted on the inside, supplying oxy
gen to the fuel and making fire clear to the sides of
the furnace..' It is self-cleaning! Qwners appreciate, the;
wide feed door. v . , . !
The Cqlton Pipeles Furnace is ideal in new homes it is
conveniently installed, in oldhpmes without changes, cut
ting or expensive alterations. It can be installed in a single
day.; N " . ' ' j , "" ,' - " ,'
Thej Colton Pipeless Furnace aves in first cost, saves fuel;
reduces the fire' hazardgives better Heat,-ventilation and
satisfaction; Carder now. Save a third of your coal bill 1
witn a luoiton. t x w , ,
" ......
i 1 -