" v - ' 2-i-B THE' OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 7, 1920. HfttiuM taMt mm fram without. II ansst mm frasa wttkh. ll to wot that wktck w m ar touch ar faai, r that hkli thr d I or that auks ns happy 4t H that whUh wa thick an4 (aal a ao, first "ioft Ik athar tttlumf a4 tasa far puraalvaa. v ilslsa Ksttar. Ta ha conscious that you ara lfnornt is a (raat step ta knowladga. . ' , , . -rDUra.lt. SO ClEt Y ftut-of.Town Weddine.' , The marriage of Mrs. Gladys V. Blanchert of Fairbury, Neb., and Lieut. William , Russsll .PhilD of Camp Travis, Tex took place Mon day, March if at the nome or ine bride. She h the (daughter of Air. and Mrs. G. Bitzer of Fairbury: Lieutenant 1'hilp is the ton of Mrs. J. a. t'hilpd Umatta. v Alter a ; short trip the couple will reside at Camp XTavu. , ' ' . For Bride-Elect . Mrs. A. D Nuutt entertained at a limn shjwer at her home Thursday evening in honor of Miss Maple Ktinu, whose marriage to' Dr. E. J, Schreiber will take place Easter week. The euests included Mts- dames Will Maloney, TaylorT, Dav, Lester Westcott. Marck Price, L. -A. Young. Misses Margaret Wot cott. Grace Hunt, Alice t'orley, Ruth Stiger. . Grace 'Jackson and : ;3linnie Taylor.. ' , Returns With. Bride. . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cairns, who were married in Dallas. Tex., Feb ruary 29, have arrived in Omaha v. and are at home to their friertds at 4809 Underwood , avenue. - Mrs. ' Cairns was formerly MUs Irma Tones of Dallas, member of a well ) ' known family there. Mr. Cairns of l" flfflihi mit hrr when he Was in ' aviation school during the war. . ,! , . sua i- iii i lii ia . . , Card Party. - ' ' The women of St Rose's parish ! , will give a card party Thursday fternon at 2:30 o clock at the home 'of Mrs. O. C. Trout, 4.202 South Nineteenth street. .. Club Dancing Party. The"M.D. and S. club will give a (lancing 'party Friday evening, March 12. at the Hotel Rome. 1 he club tnembershio is composed, of j; relatives of Masons. , - Dinner at Club. Dr. Sam.Crothers will, be an honor guest at the Wednesday even- " ' Vidclla Club. A . - The Fidelia club of St. Cecilia's parish will entertain at a card party at the acnooi auaitonum, i wriy . ninth and Webster streets, Tuesday . afternoon. - --r. " i Dancing Club." : V The Monday Night Dancing club will give a dance. Monday evening, at Crounse hall, Sixteenth, and Cap itol-ajrenuc. . , . Merry Makers' Club. ' A dancing 'party will be given Wednesday evening, March 10,, at the Ben Kur academy by the Merry Makers' club.- . 'r .,' ' a ; Affain for, a ChtCtt ' : : I '. Mrs. Harry Goodell. formerly of Omaha, now of St. Louis, arrived Saturday to be the guest of Miss Ida Smith, daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. Ed P. Smith.- 31m Smith wiM give ."j tea in h6tor of her guest Monday Uvt't SLuCy 'Updike' will entertain 1 'Kluncncon ai inc nimcuv mu ''tuesday. for the visitor. Mrs. Bir rer Kvenild will give a tea Thurs day i afternoon ' for Mrs. Goodell, a nd Saturday afternoon Mrs. Simeon Jones will entertain Vat a bridge party in her honon ' An eve-ing-bridge is planned by Mrs. J. T. Ktlly for Mrs. Goodell.' v : - Wedding Plana. , The. wedding of Mis Molly Bern Stein. daughter of Harry Bernstein; to Mr. Abe M. Greenbaura .will take place Sunday evening, March 21, at . the bride's home. Rabbi Gfodzinsky will perform the ceremony. . The attendants will be Misses Sylvia and Lee Abrahamson and; Geraldine Marks. ; ; . - " v j. ' , . Old People's Home.' ;v rf Rev. Arthur . Atack will conduct "the afternoon services ' Sunday 4lt 3:30, at the Old People's home; Foa ; tenelle boulevard. . :' , ' Campf ire Girls .At 'the regular meeting of the Guardian' association held Thurs day evening at the Y. M. C A. a goodly number were present. Fur ther plans were discussed tor the pageant and grand council fire which is. to be given Saturday afternoon, . March 20, at the Brandeis theater. Much time is being given t re hearsals. : A number of our groups are dis pensing with their regular campfire meetings for a-few weeks, so thay more time can be devoted to fre quent rehearsals for the pageant in which all thetcirls will take part -: The Alaht and Okihi groups hiked west of Florence Sunday. , Phyllis Smith and Hazel Kisor blazed Use ; trail, with Bernice Anderson, they ' cooked the dinner which is an honor toward their fire maker's rank. Louise Fury was a visitor. ' Miss Louise Guy went with the girls and directed the hike. a ' . '. ' The Aokiya group held a meeting with their guardian, Mrs; . Virginia 'Davidson Thursday when the fplr lowing officers were elected: Eliza ; beth Pressly, -vice president; Anna Nellor, treasurer; Edna Bryan, sec retary and Eloise Webster, reporter -The North Presbyterian church group of campfire girls inet for the second. I: time at their . guardian's home and elected officers, He-en Bowman was . made treasurer; Ma rion Kcister, secretary, and Dorothy Newell, reporter. Mrs. C S. McGifl served refreshment -. A business meeting of the Kopa Yallani group under the guardian ship of "Miss Mildred Foster was held at the T, W. C A. Wednesday afternoon. . . ' .The Minnehaha group, Miss Ro- ' aaliePlatner, guardian, 'met at the home of Dorothy Johnson Monday : afternoon. The girls decided to be gin work oa the health Charts. At the home of . Fern Farr. the Raosa group painted their group symbol on their ceremonial gowns. The girl have spent much time working out this symbol and are very proud of its completion.': The Witonhi group. Jwlth.i Miss , Marie Gossett, guardian, held a council fire tbe City Mission .Sat , urdar. Corrirte Rogers. Mary Geyrge and Lucite Stewart lighted the 'can dles' of work, health and love. One . ew member, Desda Pirn joined . 'the group at that tiiue; " - ? -t. , .-.v-.:.r- t- V. ' Interested t r t rW" ML Mrs, Forrest Richardson is one of our most prominent matrons in musical activities. She has always taken an interest in all affairs of importance in the world of music and is affiliated 'with' the Tuesday Musical ciud. both as treasurer of the organization and as a member of the board of directors. She is w- c - A' The vesper service" at 5 o'clock Sunday afternoon promises to be es pecially attractive, as Miss Augus tine de Angelis, the immigration sec retary for north central field. Is to be the speaker, and her 'address will be foa the subject, ."The Development of i iii nirrnn iiciubi i ma, na nnn . TA . . , t . - - Ml Miss de Angelis established last year two international institutes, one1 in oi. x:ui ana one in umuii. a ne International institute is an open door to internationalism and real America. It stands teady to perform whatever service immigrant women need most interpretation of laws and customs, guidance in obtaining work, help in recreation and educa tion. The principle of the institute is that even before a woman-: needs English, she needs protection and some one to talk Jo tin her own lan guage. There fore the visiting is done by trained social workers who speak, the language of the woman visited, being often themselves wom en who have come from foreign lands. Miss de Angelis will tell of the work of these institutes and also the work last summer in the iron range in northern Minnesota: All who are interested in Americanization work will wish to hear this talk. The Junior Christian Endeavor society of the Ketormed churcn will act as Girls! Your hair needs a little "Danderine" that's allt When it becomes lifeless, thinner loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff apptars, or your hair falls out, a 35-ceot bottle of delightful, dependable "Danderine from any store, will save your hair, also double it's beauty. , You A Strange Legacy . . ; . ' r. -' , ' ' . ' ' vs ' I heard of a man who died recently and left every thing, he had to the Orphand'Vpd Widows' Home. V r On Inquiring what the legacy amounted to, I was told it was a wife and three small children. A MORAL ; A substantial certificate of insurance in the WOODMEN OF THE WORLD would, have changed the entire future of this man's family. ' f JNO. T. YATES , 1 Sovrifm Clerk : 'W. O. W. BLDC, OMAHA in AH Music "j ' -.T ' v -m. I' w. now very enthusiastic over the com ing of Mabel Garrison, soprano, and E.mi!o de Gorgoria, haTjtone, in joint recital to the Brandeis, Thursday evening, March 18, under the auspices of the club. Both Mrs. Richardson. a"nd her daughter, Laura, are talented pianists and their art is a constant delight to all their friends., . , hostesses for the social hour from 6 to 7 o'clock. Monday evening. March 8, the Federation of Industrial clubs, rep resenting about 150 girls, will take up the study of citizenship. As a text book they will use the "Handbook of Nebraska Citizens," prepared by SGrace M. Wheeler of Lincoln. Mon day evening at 7:30 Mr., Harry b. Byrne will address the clubs on "The Constitution." Also the republican platform will be explained by Mr. Byrne. It is the plan of the clubs to have prominent democrats ahd re publicans appear before them and explain the issues erf their respective parties. Following the lecture -the "General Pershing" club will have ehartfe of an ooen forum. Any per sons interested are invited to these Monday evening talks. At 8:30 the Victory club will present a play en titled "The Beau . of Bath." to-1e ?iven in the association auritorium All are cordially invited. A small ad mission will be charged. The Dublin College of Science was the first of the higher educa tional institutions in the United Kjngdom to admit women . to its lectures. , . . - One Mme. Girard, unable to find an .apartment in' Paris, is living in a little wooden hut on tne Kue de l'Epemon not far from the Boule vard St. Germain, a vegetable gar den surrounding her tiny home. can have nice, thick hair, too. . W. A. FRASER Sovriffa Commander Personals Kftl t rlt If pa TVftrtiai CarmW . fit Gothenburg are spending a few days In rtmalm . TKo ar .ctnnnincr M.t the filackstone hotel, v ' Adelaide Kennerly left' Saturday for .New York City, wjiere she" will reside. -.- . Mr.;and Mrs. Clement Chase and daughter. Miss .Helena, ar located in' Pasadena, Cal., Where they wijl remain for some time. ' - Mrs. James Ldve Paxton is in the Clarksoa hospital, where she is tak ing .the rest CurN, . , Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountze and son, Harkness, who are spending the winter in Florida, expect to return to Omaha April 1. '"Mrs. Victor Caldwell and Mrs. Sam Caldwell lcavJ Sunday evening lor Calif ornia. ' '' . Sir. and Mrs. T. C. Byrne have sold their home at Twenty-first and California streets to Dr. Clarke. Their daughter, Mrs. William E. Fitzgerald, who has been their guest for several weeks, returns to her home in Troy, N.( Y., Sunday ven- Mrs. A. C. Troub is convalescing at her home from her rceut illness. Drv Frederick W. Lake, who went to California to be with Mr. W. II. McCord, who is ill at that place, re (s- - yfj K -V-' ' s 1 I $ J: r i ' v V"v J ' l '' the -hats designed V ;f f or "milady" . ' ) ' . " in DunSo Headgear, each one a distinc tive creation in itself. A complete showing , in sennit' and split braids in various colors; also in satins and tapering crowns. t ----- - - . - f . Priced at, ,$12.00 to $25.Q0 0 , iiffk ' Burgess-Nash: j : - ; Great Sale of J ... Pianos and Playet-Piarios i ...... - v , . . - mm Neva III ..- : , ' . . ... , .. turned home the last of the week. Mr. MqCord is improving, but will remain in California for seme time. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beecher Howell returned Wednesday morn ing from an extended trip through Centrtl America. 'MV. , tndj Mrs. James E. . Ludlow have returned from Excelsior Springs, (where -they spent 10 days. ' Mr.-F.- A. Brogan, who has been suffering from a severe cold, i able to be out again. . , . , Mr.V. Phillipt- Chase ' attended the junior prom held at Cornell last ween, ait. vnase writes mat sev eral Omaha girls were guests a this aifair. among tljem being Miss Doro thy Btlt Miss Peggy Reed and Miss Katherinc Smyth, formerly of Omaha, hut jiow residing hi Wash ingtoiv, D'(C. ' i , Miss Doothy "Hall, who under went an operation last week at the Methodist hospital for, the removal of her tonsils, is convalescing at her home in the St. Regis apartment. Mr. and Mrs. William Hill Clarke returned Friday from New York City and other eastern points, where they have been sojourning for the past five weeks. Mrs. Louis C. Nash left Wednes day for Washington. D. C, where she will spend 10 days. Mrs. Kremer Plaine of Butte, Mont., arrived the first of the week and will be the guest of her parents, Smart... They're Distinctive Fashion has out- j Ms WW the unusual beauty of . straight S. E. Cor lAh an4 Harnejr Stracta. fftf Diinlap Straws 49. Embraces not only a, choice collection of slightly used pianos at prices that make them especially attractive to tnose who nave an extremely economical turn of mind,, and are in search of big values, but it also includes a wonderful array of the WORLD'S MOST FAMOUS -MAKES, in Pianos at Bargain Prices We 'must make room for shipments on the way, and to do so, have matde sharp reductions in'the prices of our surplus stock of new instruments. Xi, It is therefore an exceptional opportunity for thrifty people. . " j . Mr. and Mrs. James I. Woodard, for a month. .. vMr. and Mrs. Max Herzberg are wintering in' California and are the guests of Messrs. -A. and M. Herz berg. . - ' 1 Miss Nellie Sonin, formerly of Fremont, Neb., now of Kansas City, arrived Thursday to spend a month as the guest of her brother, Jl E. Sonin, and Mrs. Sonin. Mr. and Mrs. C. Sturgeon of Alli ance., Neb., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John Long. -.T Mr. and Mrs. E. Jepson are now located at their new home, Forty eighth and Mason streets.. , , A son was born Friday to Mr. and Mrs. S. Welton, ,r William H. Rybeck of Ne Britain, Cbnn., has been a guest of Kobeit P.Kimball for the last week. Mr. Rybeck leaves Sunday ! 0 II ! flfl llnnilfll 3802t7-flT ox i llliSi 11 - SpS Footwear I H I r are now showing new ffl SPRING STYLES ,and low ef- 111 'cta iOXFORDS and PUMPS j J mo coming season. j ? HI I ll 'H H Uli II -oie8 wno appreciate mat ex- J II lifT Jlllllllllllllil iind authentic and distinc- I IJjfflf tive character i in these latest j j ' III ilstsQjlOj NSTllfll There is an air of dainty trim- II wCar that elevates it out of the l rvh Ml "A PIITTI 1 &VERYDODY& STORS for Chicago, where he will make his home . '' Mrs. ' Jane Colt of Colorado Springs, who has been the guest of her daughter, Mrs. J. T. Kelly, re turns home Sunday. . Miss Katherine Reynolds, a stu dent at the University of Nebraska, is spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Rey nolds. , . i Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Sears, re cently from Minneapolis; have moved into their new home in Ster ling park. I Norris Brown, who has been ill at the Methodist hospital for the past few days, is reported improved. A' trust fund of $2,500 has been left, by Mary E. -Rowland, a Phila delphia woman, to provide for the decoration every Christmas and Easter of her grave with her fa vorite flower, carnations.' T MI AnVKimSKMKNI' Dark Under Eyes Omaha people will be astonished . Rings how quickly simple witch hazel. camphor hydrastis, etc., as mixed in Lavoptik ; eye wash, relieves , bloodshot eyes and dark rings. One ' young' man who had eyo troulilo " and vecy unsightly dark rincs wan relieved by a few (applications f ; Lavoptik. v His sister also relieved , a bad case of eye strain in 'three days. We guarantee a small bot- , tie, of Lavorftik to help ANY CASK weak, strained and inflamed eyes. . Even the FIRST VAS11 shows sur prising results'. Aluminum eye cuv FREE. . Sherman &. McCoruiell Drug Stores and all leading drug gists. Adv. T5"