Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 07, 1920, Image 1

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    The. Omaha Sunday B
County Commissioners Com
plete Awards of Contracts
For Bitulithic Paving Despite
Complaints of Taxpayers.
South Side Good Roads
Worker to Carry Fight
Against Broken Pledge Into
District Court.
County commissioner, late yester
day afternoon, completed awarding
of contracts for approximately 12
miles of "bitulithic" paving on the
Lincoln Highway, to the Allied Con
tractors, Inc., in spite of violent pro
tests made by representatives of va
rious organizations of business men
at a stormy meeting in the county
commissioners office yesterday.
A petition ,for an injunction to stop
the paving will be filed Monday and
a temporary restraining order will
be applied for immediately, John P.
Breen, attorney, said.
Mr. Breen waited at the court
house until 3 o'clock with the peti
tion ready, but postponed filing it
until Monday when the' hour grew
late. J ami n B. Root, a South Side
business man and good roads work
er for years, is the plaintiff; the de
fendants are the county commis
sioners. I
I Cite Failure of Pledge.
Failure' to carry out the pledge
signed by the Ave commissioners for
brick paving exclusively, prior to
the election of June, 1919, at which
$3,000,000 bonds were voted, is men-
tioned as reason for issuing the in
junction. Alleged legal flaws ill the
contract are also1 involved.
The contract awarded for "bitu
lithic" paving amounts to $552,056.
Bonds for completion of the work
wer; signed by A. J. Love, George
Rasmussen and John W. Towle.
Only four of the commissioners
signed the contracts and approval of.
bonds. Commissioner Henry Mc
Donald was not present and did not
.. !ign. He voted against "bitulithic."
Put 'Forth Final Effort. .J, ,
' The meeting was a final effort tov
yet the uiinty commissioners to
rescind the contract for ."bitulithic"
'paving awarded February 24 to the
Allied Contractors, Inc., in. spite of
a pledge to pave with brick exclu
sively, signed by ' the five county
commissioners before the election of
last June, when the people of Doug
las county voted $3,000,000 bonds for
paving county roads. ,
"This document has been called
a gentlemen's agreement" said
Francis A. Brogan, president of the
(Continued tm Pair Two, Column One.)
. Ship, Leaking Badly,
' Calls for Assistance,
- Which Is On Way
-, .
New York, March 7. The United
States shipping board steamer Guil
ford, bound from Norfolk to Boston,
is leaking badly and in' need of im
mediate assistance, according to a
wireless message reccivedhere. The
vessel is be 15 miles off
Xantucket Shoals.
'.. Shortly after the message had
been received from the Guilford, the
army transport Pocohontas reported
by wireless she was steaming to the
'assistance of the distressed vessel at
1.1 knots. She gave her position at
about 40 miles from the leaking
steamer. The Ward liner Morro
Castle atso reported by wireless that
she would reach the Guilford in
about three hours. v
The Guilford, a vessclof 3,500 tons
dead weight, carried a general
cargo. '
Frenchman Says People
Of Today Are Overeating
Paris, March 6. The present gen
eration is overeating without record
ing an increase in energy and activi
ty. In fact we have considerably
less pep than our mothers and fath
ers had at our age.
Such is the conclusion of the
academy of medicine, following a
detailed study of the subject by
Prof. Charles T. Rechet. Since 1832,
hs shows, the individual coneump
. tion of potatoes has been tripled,
that of meat doubled, and people
drink six times as much coffee as
they did 82 years ago. Statistics of
the Biological society show that an
increase in food consumption is
never accompanied by an increase in
production. ' 1
"little Feather'1 Plucked.
Lincoln, Neb., March 6. "Little
Feather," a member of the Osage
Indian tribe of Oklahoma, whose
royalties from oil lands; he claims
are $1,000 a month, was arrested here
as a vagrant The Indian says he
left his home with plenty of funds
to ee a little of the world, but fell
in with white gambler who got h:s
'money, and when he' reached Lin
coln he was penniless. The police
are convinced of the truth of his
story and he will be discharged
when means are supplied to send
him home. 1 : . , ,.
Confesses Murder.
El Paso, Tex, March 6. Jose
Perea has made a voluntary confes
sion that he killed Mrs. Maria R em
beck and Manuel Sanchez here Feb
uary 13. according to County At
torney Will H. Pelphery. He said
fce had been drinking. The bodies
were found in the sand dunes east qf
i, ' Eater m'i lm mMw
OmJm . O. aeow M at
Inefficiency And Waste in
U. S. Aviation Activities in
War Described as 'Ghastly'
Record of Department Has No Parallel in All the
Annals of War, Says Representative Frear,
Chairman of the Aircraft Investigating Subcom
. mittee in House, During Discussion of Report
( lilrtta Tribune-Oman Be laaed Wire.
Washington, March 6. A ghast
ly record of inefficiency and waste
that has no parallel in all the an
nals of the war," was the descrip
tion applied to the, War departments
aviation activities by Representative
Frear of Wisconsin, chairman of the
aircraft investigating subcommittee,
in the house today. The report of
the ..subcommittee recently made
criticising the War department, was
under discussion throughout the aft
ernoon. Representative Lea of Cal
ifornia, minority member of the sub
committee, and other democrats de
fended the department
Representative Frear ana Repre
sentative Garrett of Tennessee, dem
ocrat, became involved in a contro
versy when the former declared that
statements by the latter were untrue.
Mr. Garrett moved that Mr. Frear's
remarks' be stricken from the record
but withdrew the motion, when the
latter made an explanation. The ex
change of personalities involved a
statement by Mr. Garrett that Mr.
Frear had threatened to resign from,
the committee unless given author
ity to employ an attorney.
No Bombers at Front
"When the war closed, the only
aircfaft of (America manufacture on
the battle line were m dangerous
and defective DH-4 observation ma
chines," said Representative Frear.
"Not one fighting or bombing ma
chine of American manufacture
reached the fighting front or was
ever put in production during the 19
months of war. -
"Secretary Baker appointed
Deeds. Potter and Ryan, in that or
der, in charge of aircraft production.
Not one of these men had any prior
experience in aircraft. Deeds gave
$30,000,000 in contracts to his busi
ness associates in Dayton, Uhio, be
fore he was let out, the last of 1917.
Girls' Industrial School Teacher
Dismissed After Argument
With Superintendent.
, Lincoln,, March 6. Miss Mar
garet Hall, teacher at the Industrial
School for Girls at Geneva, Neb.,
nas lost ner jod. one was incon
tinently "fired" by Mrs. Clara Treat,
superintendent, when- she refused to
resign on request, . following an
argument over dining at the same
table' at which a negroid instructess,
was seated, '
The negrp teacher, Miss Lucas,
had been brought to the school, to
instruct the seven colored girls there
and although her pupils were segre
gated she was permitted to eat with
the white teachers. Miss Hall, who
is of southern extraction, refused to
sit at the same table. ,
Mrs. Treat gave Miss Hall the
option of eating wifh Miss Lucas or
resigning and the white teacher
would do neither. Then the super
intendent dismissed her. Miss Hall
compelled Mrs. Treat to write out
the dismissal in pen and ink and
state the reasons therefor.
Miss Hall arrived in Lincoln this
evenihg and called on one of the
members of the state board of con
trol, Clark Oberlies. Mr.( Oberlies
refused to take any action.'
Miss Hall asserts she will either
be reinstated or will institute legal
proceedings against Mrs. Treat and
the county. ,
Horticultural Wizard
Spends Birthday Working
.Santa Rosa, Cal., March 6.
Luther Burbank, horticulturist, was
"too busy" in his garden here Sat
urday to devote much attention to
the-celebration of his 71st birthday.
To Protest Salary Cut.
Chicago, March 6. Employes of
the Chicago postoffice, 3,500 in num
ber, has called a meting for Monday
to protest against a $240 reduction
in their salaries under the Blanton
bill .recently passed by Congress,
which eliminates the bonus paid dur
ing war times. All those affected by
the bonus cut receives a salary of
t .1 Mnvi
Champion Cotton; Picker
Dances Way Out of Jail
Judge Hears of Jigging Propensities of "Cullud Gem
man" Who Had Been Entertaining Prisoners by
Buck and Wing 'Endeavors," Sees Sample of
Work and Discharges Johnny. , . . .
CbJcaco Tribnne-Oniah Bee Leaned Wire.
Chicago, March 6. Johnny Jones, self-styled champion cotton picker
in and around Galveston, Texas, danced his way out of jail Saturday.
For more than a week Johnny has been a guest, of the county, jail, re
covering from the effects of liberal doses of wildcat whisky. He recently
came north and for the first time in his life saw a velour hat one of
the particularly fuzzy kind, affected by actors and promoters and the
new rich. Johnny fell desperately in love with the velour hat. His earn-,
ings as a cotton picker had melted by this time, due to some local
champion "African golf" players and the high price of contraband
whisky, so Johnny simply stole a velour hat from a big store.
During his week in jail he has entertained the attendants and other
inmates by his clever dancing and this came to the ears of Judge Jar
eicki, before whom he was arraigned Saturday. , ' '
Hello, Johnny, we hear you are a great jigger," said the 'judge as
the "cullud gemman" was pushed up to the desk. "Suppose you give us
a sample of your work in that line." i
ohnny shucked his wraps, hitched up the one suspender support
is faded blue overalls and started in. Business was suspended in
all" the adjoining offices and the court room waswoon jammed with
delighted spectators v - v
"If you had danced like Hhat for the proprietors of the store they
would have given you a hat," said the judge. "You may go now," and'
don't do any more stealing and lax off this squirrel whisky!.
.... ' -
Nay M. (I, at
Hank I. 1171.
W. C. Potter followed for nearly
four months, and John u. Ryan
continued until the end of the war.
Both Mr. Potter and Mr. Ryan were
copper magnates, with many large
private business interests. In spruce
production Secretary Baker ignored
all the loggers and lumber men on
the coast and selected Colonel
Disque, a warden of the Michigan
penitentiary and former captain in
the army, who knew nothing about
Riot of Waste Charged.
"Nothing but failure could have
resulted under such conditions and
the riot of waste during - the ex
penditures of over $1,000,000,000
in 700 contracts ranging from $100.'
000 to millions of dollars in different
contracts, was certain. All the waste
could be forgotten, but the Amerl
can people will never forget nor for
give responsible officers who spent
Jfl,UW,UW,000 ana yet tailed to sup
ply any American built lighting
planes in which to protect Ameri
can fliers, and American troops in
battled '
Representative Lea denied that
America s ajreraft effort was
"Mistake? were made, disappoint
ments were freouent. hut too much
was accomplished for any intelligent
fair judgment to call :t a failure,
said Representative Lea.
"The attempt of the majority to
pick out a few heads of aircraft re
sponsibilities and hold them re
sponsible for disappointments in the
American program, is unwarranted
by facts and an absurd injustice,
Insofar as we failed to accomplish
in military aviation all that we could
intelligently expect, the reason is as
plain as the sun in the sky. It was
inexperience and lack of prepara'
Clerks on Strike Tie Up Ship
ments Newspapers a n J
runeral Supplies Juccepted.
Chicago, March 6. An embargo
Saturday was placed against all ex
press (shipments except newspapers
and funeral equipment by the Amer
ican Railway Express company fol
lowing the strike ot insurgent rail
way express clerks, who demanded
an increase in wages of $35 a month.
The strike, called by R. E'. Shep
herd, chairman of the Chicago and
western lakes division of the Broth
erhood ot Railway Clerks, is with
out the sanction of international of
ficers. More than 2,000 men re
sponded to the strike call, Mr. Shep
herd said.
District Attorney Clyne has be
gun an investigation of the walkout
to determine whether it was a vio
lation of the new transportation act.
If evidence warranted, he indicated,
the first test of the new law would
be made. ' .1.
Emory A. Stedman, vice president
of the American Railway Express
company, who announced the em
bargo. said the 'strike had hit the
company hard.
John R. Abbott,' vice president of
the grand lodge who came to Chi
cago with Grover C. Milam, a mem
ber of the board of directors, in an
effort to avert the strike, declared
vacant the office of district chair
man, held by Mr. Shepherd, and ap
pointed R. E. Gunderson to the po
sition. (
The striking expressmen, Shep
herd said, voted to secede from the
national organization for the forma
tion of a new union, the Chicago Ex
press and Freight Handlers? union.
Build Booze Barrier.
Vancouver, B. C, March 6. Can
adian revenue officers built barriers
on the road across the international
boundary at Sumas and stopped an
automobile headed for the United
States with liquor. The liquor was
seized but the two men in the ma
chine escaped in an automobile
which followed them. Guns were
drawn Kv both the autoists and the
authorities, but no shots were fired.
Ships Reported Battling With
Fierce Gale Which Tears
Across Great Lakes Col
, lisions Reported.
Water Rises to First Floor
Windows Thousands of
. dollars'' Damage "Done in
New York City.
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Be Leaned Hire.
New York, March 6. Floods due
to the downpour which turned to
sleet and then to snow, driven by
northwest gale, caused thousands of
dollars in damage Saturday before
the wind died down and the sun gave
promise of resumption of traffic,
temporarily demoralized throughout
the metropolitan district.
In addition to the water damage,
the wind, which at times was around
7Q miles' an hour, smashed in plate
glass windows, tore away signs,
awnings and all night long piled up
a roaring fsurf, which wrecked water
front property, including much that
was' being repaired as a result of the
storm tides of early February.
Ships Battling With Gale.
Ships were reported battling with
the gale, which tore town across the
Great Lakes and out to sea. Vessels
struggled northward from Cape Hat-
teras m the face ot a storm which
extended past the Bay of Fundy to
the Grand Banks. Reports of steam
ships aground and collisions were
received at coast guard stations.
Two washouts, one at Wantagn
and another at Huntinerton. were re
sponsible for much of the trouble on
the Long Island railroad.
Escape in Boats.
Water in the Long Island towns
rose to first floor windows and in
several instances commuters went to
railroad stations in. boats only to
wait several hours for trains, which
crept into the city.
Telegraphic service was tampered
and in some cases put out of use.
From all points in and around
Greater New York came reports of
flood damage.
Doctor's Wife Drives
Car Down Incline
To Avert a Wreck
Mrs. Henry, wife of Dr. E. C.
Henry, commander of Douglas coun-
' . a t ; t
ty post, American region, naa a
miraculous escape from death early
last evening. '
At fortieth and Dodge streets
she was suddenly faced with the
option of causing serious accident to
occupants of another car- approach
ing on the wrong side ot the street
in her direction, or of swerving her
machine over a 45-foot embankment.
She chose tlie latter course and
drive the auto toward whatseemed
apparent destruction and death to
WVhen the machine hit the bottom
of the incline it was in a sad state of
wreck, but Mrs. Henry had escaped
without even a bruise. .
Mrs. Henry was alone in the car
at the time of the accident.
rosses Two Mountains
And Covers 1,1 50 Mlies
In One Day's Flight
San Diego, Cal., March 6. Ma).
. D. Smith, army aviator who left
Camp Lewis. Wash., at 5 o'clock
Saturday morning in a De Haviland
airplane, arrived at Rockwell Field
here at 8:58 p. m.
In the flight Major Smith covered
approximately 1,150 miles and
crossed two mountain ranges.
He made stops at Red Bluffs, Cal.,
San Francisco and Bakersfield, CaL
He departed from the latter place at
6:45 p. m. with the Tehachapi moun
tain barrier before him.
Major Smith is the first to accom
plish a one-day flight from Wash
ington state to San Diego.
rohibition Is Attacked
Again by Kentucky Men
Washington. March 6. The oro-
hibition amendment and portions of
the enforcement act were attacked
as unconstitutional in a brief filed in
the supreme court today by the
Kentucky Distilleries and Ware
house company in appeals from fed
eral court decrees holding the acts
valid. The case will be argued Mon
day along with the Rhode Island
and other cases. '.
Missouri Couple Get Life
Sentence on Murder Charge
Miami, Okl., March 6. Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Blanchard, of Nevada,
Mo., were convicted here on a
charge of murder in connection with
the killing of Police Chief Charles
Strieker of Commerce, Okl., October
22, 1919, and were sentenced to life
Film Star to Bewed.
New York, March 6. Alice Joyce,
film star, is again to embark upon
the sea of matrimouy, when she will
wed James Regan, jr.. whose father
is proprietor of the Hotel Knicker
bocker. The prospective groom de
clines to tell where the marriage is
to occur. Miss Joyce's former hus
band was Tom Moore, brother of
Owen Moore, whose wife, Mary
Fickford, secured a divorce from
him in Nevada.
4 ,
Begins t Twenty-Day Term in
County Jail for Unger
. . A" t.
Jiinnry Cosgrove started to serve
20-day sentence in the , Douglas
county jail last night
In the last two years Jimmy has
fallen into the hands of the police
on a number of charges, but this is
the first time that he has ever
started to serve a jail sentence m
Omaha. '
The 20-day sentence which Cos-
grove must serve was meted out in
district .court several months ago
when he was convicted of assault
and battery for an alleged' attack
upon ' John Unger, former Omaha
police officer. Hi appealed to the supreme-
court and lost. The 40 days
granted by the court to file a mo
tion for a new trial expired yester
day and as Cosgrove did not file the
required motion he was taken into
custody last night.
Jimmy, in the last two years, has
faced charges ranging from speeding
to highjacking, but this is the first
time that he has been held behind
bars in Nebraska. A few months
ago Jimmy was sentenced in Coun
cil Bluffs to serve a term in the
Iowa penitentiary but after two
weeks 'lie was out on an appeal.
Marjorie Guild Wed
To Howard, Nelson in
Denver Last Month
Miss Marjorie Guild, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. John Guild, 3027 Cali
fornia street, and Howard Nelson,
son of Mrs. Leonora Diet? Nelson,
Hotel Fontenelle, well known Oma
ha young couple, were married in
Denver February 24, it becamt
known here yesterday. The cere
mony took place at the home of
Mrs. L. A. Kempton. 1106 East Fifth
street, where Mr. Nelson was visit
ing at the time.
Mrs. Guild, who was in Denver
with her daughter, knew nothing of
the ceremony until it had been per
formed. Mr. Nelson telegraphed the
neSvs to his mother in Omaha short
ly after the Ceremony. The newly
married couple met in Omaha more
than a -year ago, became engaged
and were to have been married in
May. Mr. Nelson is employed in
a mine near Breckenridge, Colo.,
where he and his wife will make
their home.
Mrs. Nelson returned to Omaha
with her .mother, but will leave for
Breckenridge to join her husband
Monday. Mr. Nelson is 21 years
old and his. bride is 19.
Two Men Are Killed
In Kentucky Gun Battle
Ashland, Ky., March 6. Milford
Hubbard and. a brother-in-law, Jer
ry Hubbard, were killed and Wil
lard Hubbard, brother of Milford,
was seriously wounded in a gun
fight between three men today at
Pounce, Va., on the Kentucky-Virginia
The men were said to be intoxica
ted and quarreled. Milford engaged
in a rifle duel with Jerry. Willard
and Milford then exchanged shots,
Milford falling to the ground with
two bullets in his body. He then
shot, seriously wounding Willard.
The Weather.
Nebraska and Iowa: Fair with
rising temperature Sunday, Monday
and Tuesday.
. Hourly Temperatures. . ,
S a. m...., S 1 p. m.. ........
a. m .... t p.-m... ...... .11
7 a. m S p.
8 a.m... ... 4 p.m. .,..11
a, m.... S p. m
10 a. m..... 7 p. m.. ........ 1
11 a. m..,
W Aoaa.. u . 3
f P, 'ttr I
By Mali
Passing Show
(oYiXe it-a 'foursome! JSfnT5p
Delilah Lives
Up to Name When
"Samson 9 ' Shorn
Chlcaco Tribane-Omahs Bee Leased WUe,
Chicago, March 6. Alfred Rose
today was granted a divorce by
Judge Charles McDonald and back
of this Mies a little story. Rose
formerly was advertising manager
for a big patent medicine concern,
with an annual salary of $75,000
1 and liberal allowance for travel
ipg and other expenses.
He and Delilah were married
July 11, 1912, and lived together
five years. During that time he
supported his wife in fine style,
according to his testimony. They
toured Europe and she wanted for
nothing. Then he suffered a
paralytic stroke and his position
and money faded away and he is
now a poor man.
His wjff and 7-year-old daugh
ter left him and went to the
home of his wife's parents in
Minneapolis, according to the
testimony, which included a letter
in which Mrs.' Rose said she could
not think! of returning to attempt
to live witii him on his present
earnings. ,
Shipping Board Will
Name New Boat "Cody"
to Honor Buffalo . Bill
Washington, March 6.-(Special
Telegram.) Through the efforts of
Representative Frank Mondell, ma
jority floor leader of the house, the
shipping board finally agreed to
name one of the big 10,000-ton steel
cargo carriers to be launched at the
Hog island shipyard the last of May
-oay m nonor or tsutraio ism and
the Wyoming town which he found
ed. Mrs. Louise Cody, the colonel's
wife, will christen the vessel.
Before affirmative action was
taken as to the name it was neces
sary to induce the shipping board
to violate its rules against the nam
ing of boats after individuals or
small towns. Mr. Mondell insisted
that Colonel Cody was an interna
tional figure, and with the help of
the millionaires of the Rocky Moun
tain club the board finally capitu
lated. ,
It is expected that a big delega
tion from Cody will attend the
launching, and as nearly all the sur
viving members of tfre Cody family
live in or near Philadelphia, already
plans are under way to make the oc
casion a big Wyoming day at Hog
Wealthy Young Beauty
i Will Not Discuss Beau
Witty, Stylish and Well Educated 17-tear-Old Del
lora Angell of Lake Forest, Chicago Suburb, Says
That When She Will Marry Is Strictly Her Own
Affair, Even if She Has $38,000,000.
Chlcaco Tribnnc-Omah Be L4m4 Wlr. '
Chicago, March 6. A "girl who has wit and beauty, class, style, ed
ucationand $38,000,000 even if she is but 17 years of age, cait'tell the
world to mind its own business as far as her matrimonial plans are con
cerned. That is the opinion of Miss Dellora Angell. of Lake Forest,
now wintering in California. When and whom she will marry is strictly
her own affair and, of course, in a , lesser degree, the concern" of her
prospective husband and her parents. So there you are, and when a
17-year-old beauty with a cellar full of legal tender tosses her saucy v
head and declares herself on this tender subject, there is an air of
finality about it. v
' Young Randolph Gibson Owsley's cheeks were redder than usual
Saturday. He strode up and down the library of the head-master's
rooms in Durand hall and laughed with fcmbarassment while declaring
that any statements about his reported bethrothal to Miss Angell should,
in all fairness, come from the lady herself.
"I really don't wish to djscuss it at 811," he said. "I-jwhy, I'm im
mensely embarrassed b,y the story that Dellora's parents took her to
Pasadena to prevent her marrying me, Why, O gosh" and he puffed
furiously at his cigarette. His mother laughed, as she said:
They're both such children. The story is perfectly absurd."
V Young Owsley has just returned from Annapolis. Miss Angell in- !
herited her $38,000,000 from the late Mrs. John W. Gates, who was her
(I twar), Dill. MUM; Sertay. MM:
Baa.. 17.N: wtllaa Nek. mUm artra.
of 1920
Wires. California Democratic
Leader He Is Not Candidate
For the Presidency.
San Francisco, March 6. Herbert
Hoover will not permit his,, name to
be used in the California presidential
primaries as he is not a Candidate
for the office, according to a tele
gram frdm him received by Gavin
"McNab, at the, democratic state
tentral committee meeting.
While highly sensible of the great
honor implied in the desire of many
friends to place my name in nomina
tion as a candidate in democratic
primaries," the telegram read, "I
deem it due to them to advise them
that as I am not a candidate I there
fore' cannot approve of the use of
my name for that purpose.
Decision to name an unpledged
delegation was reached following the
reading of telegrams from Hoover,
William G. McAdoo and Senator
Tames D. Phelan. each of whom 'de
clared he did not wish any candi
dates for delegates named tor him
and the adoption of a resolution of
fered by Gavin McNab, pledging the
committee to make no selection of
a presidential candidate.
Creighton Student
Wounded in Battle
With Three Bandits
Brandon Brown, 23 .years old,
1135 Park avenue, was shot last
night by three unmasked bandit who
attempted to hold him up at Mason
and Pacific streets about 11 o'clock.
Brown who s a student at Creigh
ton university, was ori his way home
in company with A. L. Huff, drug
gist, 2923 Leavenworth street, when
three men drove up in a large tour
ing car and commanded them to
throw up their hands.
According to Huff, the bandits
started shooting almost immediate
ly on leaving the car, one bullet
hitting Brown above the ankle, shat
tering his leit leg. Mutt pulled his
gun and returned the fire of the
bandits who ran down the street and
entered the car which drove rapidly
away. Brown was taken to a nearby
drug store and police summoned.
After receiving medical aid he was
taken to his home. .Nothing was
taken from either of the two "men by
the bandits. .
Move to Bring Wilson Actively '
Into Peace Compromise Ne
gotiations Given Harsh Set
back at White House, v
Development Causes Un
concealed Disappointment
Among Democrats Work-'
ing to Negotiate Treaty.
- 1
Clilntco Trlbun-Omh Bm Jawd Wlr.
Washington. March 6. President
Wilson regards as unnecessary any
further discussion of the t treaty
reservations with democratic sen-'
ators, inasmuch as he made his posi
tions clear to Senator Glass at the
White House two weeks ago. This
was disclosed at the White House
today and was the only response to
Senator Hitchcock's letter, suggest
ing that the president receive Sen- .
a tor Simmons, and discuss with him
the whole treaty situation as the
rank and file of senate democrats
saw it.
Democratic senators said that the
president clearly intends to stand to
the end upon the position he has as
sumed, but they disclosed the tact
that Senator Glass reported to them
on his return' from his recent con-
ference with the president that he
believed Mr. Wilson would accept
the reservation on article 10, which
was considered in the bipartisan
conference and would deposit rati
fication containing that reservation.
' Situation Still Dark. ; ,
This was new light on the presi
dent's attitude, but in the opinion
of senators, it did not make the sit'
uation any more hopeful as to rati
fication. It did not open a way, they "
thought, to putting all the responsi
bility for defeat of the treaty upon
Senator Lodge and his supporters
and the Borah irreconcilable s. . .
When it became known in the
senate that word had gone out from
the White House that the president
considered a further conference
with his party unnecessary, S,enj
ator Borah,, on behalf of the irre
concilables gave notice that ..Qn
Monday he would move to proceed
to consideration of the reservation
article 10, thus bringing the "whole
discussion to a head without further
delay. . ,
"It is now time'that we come to
close grips upon the outstion of
what we are going to do. Said Sen
ator Borah. "Why not get rid of
these- reservations upon which there
is controversy. Let us come to the
real point We postponed the reser
vation on article 10 the other day
to see if a compromise could not be
worked out I did not object to
(Continued on Pace Tin, Colnma Two.)
Refinery Head Relieves
Anxiety of Owners of
"Gas" Driven Machines
Chicago Tribune-Omnha Bee leaned Wire.
Chicago, March 6. Joseph M.
Cudahy, now head of . the Sinclair
Refining Co., has issued a statement
that will do much to relieve the
anxiety of owners of gasoline-driven
machines.- He does not believe a
gasoline famine is in sight, but ad- .
mits the situation is acute. Owners
of automobiles had begun to fear
that gasoline would soon be so
scarce that its use would be prac
tically prohibitive and Mr. Cudahy's'
announcement does much to relieve
this apprehension.'' . Among other
things he said:
Manufacturers of motor vehicles
estimate that in 1Q2S. 2lnnnnnm
barrels of gasoline will be required
to meet tne demands ot automobiles,
trucks, tractors and airplanes, not,
to mention gasoline for motor boats.
stationary engines, etc This will
call for 800,000,000 barrels of crude :
oil and will reauire much hioVier
processes of refining than are in use
at present.
Roosevelt Estate Is
Valued at $781,082;
$8,891 Inheritance Tax
Mineola. N. V Marrh Th. ;
State of New Ynrk will rrrl tg a
891 as an inheritance taxvfrom the
estate ot the lata CoL Theodore.
Roosevelt aceordinor to the rrnnrt -
of) Tames N. Gehrior. stat in
heritance tax appraiser, filed here
Saturday. The official transfer tax -appraisal
shows the former president
left an estate worth $727,713, after
all expenses and debts had been de-"
ducted. The total value of the estate
was placed at $781,082, divided be-'
tween $630,107 personal and $150,975 v
real property. '
Colonel Roosevelt s widow, Mrs.
Edith Kermit Rnnev1t haa a lif.
interest in the estate placed at $724,
763, rthe remainder being divided
between the children, with the ex
ception , of Mrs. Nicholas Long-
worth, as her father, in his will, said
she had been amnlv nrnvMi-H fnr
Shortest Man in Illinois
Falls Victim to Apoplexy
Macomb. IlL March 6. Toftn KJ-' .
ley, 50 years old, said to be the M
shortest man in Tllinnia i A A a(
. - " w V. K V. V, -
44 inches in height and weighed 150
pounas. in nis younger days Ms
him. to move as rapidly backward as
iorwara. Aeiiey usea a step-ladder
when harnessing his horse, 4 . "