Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 06, 1920, Page 13, Image 13

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I. I
Tfel kat Waaa beat eant antf
Ner vital Cee limit: enee nrae
I tli crawalac aaallty.
Aa4 patlrac all tka aaatiea el greet awa.
The Woman's club of Herman
haa.made arrangement to pat on
a icriea of entertainment! by a ly
ceum bureau. .
Preparation (or 5.000 guest are
being made by the local committee
"of the Iowa federation for the bien
nial, which occurs next June at Dei
(Hub women art working for the
passage by congress of the Smith
Toroner bill, which calls for sec
retary of education, with a seat in
the presidents cabinet, and an ap
propriation of $100,000,000 to pro
mote education in the United States.
Home and school gardens to help
reduce the cost of living will again
be Promoted by the General Fsdera
. lion of Women's Clubs under the
direction of Mrs. John D. Sherman,
Chicago, of the conservation de
partment. Mias Jane L. Finder of Grand
Island spokt before the Wood
River . Woman's club at a recent
meeting on the economy campaign
in. Nebraska.
The Syracuse Woman's club held
an open meeting in the assembly
room of the school house last Sat
urday afternoon, the object of
which was to holo a round table dis
cussion of the needs of the commu
nity Among the matters discussed
were a new school building with
adequate facilities, sewerage, more
paj for the teachers, and the -pool
Drama Claims Miss
Higgins Former
Omaha Girl
Reduce your doctor'
bills by Ksepmg
always on hand
vines VAP07
1 . i J
Have Jewels to Harmon
ize With Your Soul
Miss Joy Higgins, formerly of
Omaha, is achieving success in Bos
ton as director of dramatics for
Community Service. "The Price
of Coal," by Harold Bridghouse, a
one-act play is soon to be presented
there at the Peabody Playhouse un
der her direction.
When living in Omaha, Miss Hig
gins Was a member of the Press
club. During the war she went to
England by invitation of the British
government as member of a special
labor commission. Upon her re
turn she gave lectures throughout
the country. One of her war poems
published in the New York Times
aroused considerable interest and
A new type of gemsmith is James
H. Winn. He calls himself a
psychological jeweler. He fits jew
els to character. He makes gems
express personality, i He designs
jewelry to harmonize with the soul
type as well as the physical type.
Gems that go naturally with a placid
disposition look incongruous on a
person of fiery temper. There are
jewels that a blonde must never
wear and others . that brunettes
ought always to wear.
Mr. Winn's methods are unique.
When a customer comes to him
with an order he does not rush to fill
it. He bows his client to a seat and
engages him in conversation. This
is what he calls his "soul clinic" All
the while he studies the man's per
sonality and the visual indices of it
in the color of hair, eyes and com
plexion. If the jewelry the man has
Winn fills the order., If not, be sug
gests something more expressive of
his inner and outer self.
Blondes, he declares, are types of
summer. Sapphires, pearls, topazes,
amethysts, emeralds, turquoises,
aquamarines are jewels for blondes.
Sapphires suggest the summer sky;
emeralds, the summer fields;
amethysts, the cool depths of sum
mer streams; topazes, the warm
shadows of summer foliage; pearls
the whiteness and warmth of sum
mer blossoms.
Gems that symbolize the passion,
warmth and color of the south are
for brunettes rubies, garnets, fire
opals, tourmalines all ' stones that
flash as with inner fires. Diamonds
and pearls, he declares, are the uni
versal jewels. The radiance of dia
monds and the warm beauty of
pearls go equally well with blonde
or brunette.
A man ordered a diamond scarfpin
from Mr. Winn. The psychological
jeweler put him through a soul
clinic. Ue tound nts customer a
strong character witty quickly
flashing into anger and as quickly
subsiding. A diamond, lie decided,
would never do for such a man.
"What you require," said Mr. Winn,
"is a black opaL" Exactly why was
Mr. Winn's psychological secret
But somehow when the man wore
his pin, the black opal seemed like
an emanation of his character.
For a coldly statuesque blonde he
designed a necklace of diamonds and
frosted platinum, and it seemed like
a sonnet written to her beauty. For
another blonde, with slumberous
jade, whose cool polished green
seemed just the thing for her cool,
lily type and yet suggested a touch
of the Orient in keeping with her
eyes. For a dark woman of rich,
full-blooded type he designed a neck
lace of rose gold, with a great opal
as a pcnoani.
"Jewels," says Mr. Winn, "are as
expressive as language, I try to
grasp the dominant note in a per
son s character and express it in
Roast Goose Prepare the eoose
as usual, stuff it with a savory stuff
ing and roast in a covered pan in a
slow oven for two hours; uncover.
baste and dredge lightly with flour,
then brown evenly. This will cook
the 20 minutes, while the soud is be
ing eaten, which should be just right
to brown properly.
k '
1 : , .
. .
v.,. . , ' .;(:. :..
It's your last chance to see
the most successful auto
motive exposition ever
held in the middle west.
Early Spring Prices
New Spring Apparel!
Spring brings its days of shopping, and
to the woman who knows styles and
values THQRNE APPAREL make; in
stant appeal, because of its SUPERIOR
STYLE AND QUALITY aa well as the
Distinctive Suits
$65.00 S79.50 $98.00
TAILLEURS ranging in style from the
severely man tailored to the lavishly
trimmed and embroidered. Also stun
ning models in the RIPPLE and TUX
EDO effects. The newer materials are
Heringbone, Tricotine, Twillouise, Gold-
tone. . '
Charming Dresses
$37.50 $47.50 $59.00
Tricolette, Charmeuse, Satin, Taffeta, -beaded
and figured Georgette, Mignon
ette, Fantasi, Tricotine and Crepe de
Chine. w
Coats, Capes and Dolmans
$29.75 $39.75 $55.00
In the fashionable new lengths featur
ing the Polo Cloth, Sports Checks Models
and the Raglan sleeves. Featured are
the latest short and. three-quarter
lengths in Polo Cloth, Vel de Cygne and
the Bolivia weaves, such as Patinette,
Chatoyants, Fortuna and Verona.
"A delight to fasti
dious motorists"
describes Westcott
models. The sturdy
refinement which is
built into each West
cott is a lasting guar
antee to, the motor
wise. '
? 2020-22 FARNAM STREET .
Carl Chanptrom, Pres.
All Alterations
On. of the moat
popular feature of
BEDOEO'S aerrice
is rouia in me policy
of making no chart a
for alterations, aav
ing you from $1 to
1417 Douglas Street
Open Saturday
For the convenience
of our cuatomere we
maintain our policy
of remaining open
Saturday evenings
'till ..van.
Buy Clothes on
Just Make a Payment Down and
the Balance in Weekly Payments
A Showing of Spring Styles
And such a showing, too. In our dis
play there are hundreds of the finest Spring
models to be found. All are beautifully
tailored by experts of the choicest mate
rials and represent the very newest styles.
Beddeo's clothes are going to be more
popular than ever this Spring, if the pres
ent showings are' any indication.
New! Swagger! Distinctive!
I Priced
$39Z5 $4475 , $5500
, Up to $95
OUR Suit Department is resplendent in a.
, magnificent array of the most beauti-.
ful suits to be found anywhere this season.
. Hundreds of charming models grace our.:
floors splendidly tailored of Serge,t
Tricotine, Velour Checks, Summer Velour,!
Poiret Twills, etc. -
A - ..
Charming New Arrivals!
1975 $225? 29?s
Up to $79.75
HERE you will find a most
diversified and attractive
display of dresses for Spring,
beautifully made of Char
meuse, Satin, Tricolette, Serge,
Tricotine, Jersey, Poiret Twill
and Taffeta. Dresses like these
will suit even the most fastidious.
For Spring and Summer!
": . Priced -
$29i5 m
Up to $85 1
rpiJE newest arrivals of all
4- . our Spring stock. These;
coats embrace the most charm-j
ing Spring styles and will be.
very popular for Summer wear. 1
Only the very finest materials;
known to hign grade makers
are represented in our great
display Polo, etc.
Men's Suits tind Top Coats
for Spring
$35.00 $40.00
WITH the coming of Spring, the man's
mind invariably turns to suitable at
tire for that season and naturally the ques
tion of top coats is taken up. The old over
coat too heavy, and yet ft will be too
cold to go withouthence our splendid
showing of top coats.
$49.50 $85.00
AND in the Men's Department too,
Beddeo's lead, as usual with. a most
nffmotivA liriA-nf Snrinrr SmtFL Clothes
that every man desires most; and we are
offering them at the lowest prices. vOnly
the best materials were used in their manufacture.-
''.: V".. ..:;;, ; , .