14 THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1920.' U -J if 1 - J I A GREATEST CAGE TOURNAMENT IS TOSTARTTODAY High School Basket Ball Teams From All Over State to Mix for Title In Lincoln. The greatest basket ball tourna . ment in the history of the state and probably in the annals of aH sport dom will open this morning in Lin . coin. Teams representing 170 high schools from all over the state wilt compete for the championship of Nebraska. Five Omaha quintets will swing into action in the bitr tournament this afternoon, on the following schedule: Central nirh Kalnt Mlnden. CommenM! JIlKh against Lexington. South High against Shelton. Prhool for the Jaf agalnat Elgin. Banaon agalnat Gretna. Lincoln, Neb., March 3. (Special) Hundreds of Nebraska high school athletes were pouring into Lincoln Wednesday for the largest basket ball tournament ever held in Ne braska. It is estimated that 2,500, including players, coaches and fans will be in the city to attend the tour ney. The schedule of games will start at 8 a. m. Thursday when teams of classes B, D, F and J will start play on four floors. Games in other classes will start either later in the morning or in the afternoon. Six floors will be used for the play. Half of the teams in the eleven classes will be eliminated Thursday, thus leaving eight teams in each rlass. Fridav the semi-finals and the second round will be played. Sat urday the finals will be held. A last minute change in the line up of teams was made Wednesday. Ne braska School for the. Deaf was shifted to class D and Ravenna High school was given its place in class C. The School for the Deaf team will meet Elgin High school at 8:20 a. m.'Thursday. Benson High will meet Gretna at 9:20 a. in. Thursday in its first game. Wilde Beats Wallace. Philadelphia, March 3. Jimmy Wilde, British flyweight champion, outfought and outpointed Patsy Wallace of Philadelphia in a fast six-round bout here Wednesday night. , "TWO AND THREE" PUTTING THE NEXT ONE OVER By BUGS BAER. I Rauch & Lang Electrics I ill lailffililEMM l$t 111 . 31 1-2 1 Special display at our show rooms all week. Exceptional sale of "Guaranteed Je ll built Cars' this week only. - Mi t Iff 1 m wmmmm It will pay you to visit us. - Not exhibited at Motor Show IB IIIIiUBIillllllll III i Ml vn The Doane Motor Car Co. Ill South 40th St. Harney 3276 m m p i m i 01 pi m m , Can't see what difference a tele phone girl strike would make. Czar's jewels include necklaces, lavalieres f.nd earrings. Never speak til pt the departed. We send all our good food to Eu rope and keep the poisoned olives here. 1 Get a new shipping board that doesn't sahit'e when it sees the auc tioneer's flag. Judge Hughes mrght buzz Bill Bryan how to get in there for a day. Can't blame Hoover for not let ting the other boys look through the knothole in his presidential weejee board. ' ., . Suffragettes figure .that women on the jury will lend a refined air to all murder and arson cases. Even if they don't give 'em that bonus, congress should explain to the puzzled A. E. F.' just how they fought for democracy and got pro hibition. Whit House it being enlarged. New laughing room for senators. Kaiser is still hanging ' around Holland. Hanging is healthier there. Small timers around Wall street now realize that a thousand smack ers is only a drop in the bucket shop. Coal dealers are honest They never put the largest lumps of slate on top of the barrel. Snow contractors ain't worrying about the streets. What's out of sight is ou; of mind. Never try to figure the income tax with your hat on. You'll ruin the hat. Heine's One Amateur Team , That Doesn't Bar Murphy s Picket, " Manager of Ernie Holmes' White Sox, Says His Team Is After Scalps of Champions Prom ises Rough Row for Titleholders. When The Bee printed the in formation last Tuesdav that mem bers of the Greater Omaha'Amateur Base Ball league opposed giving the Murnhy-Did-Its, last year's cham pions, a Derth in the league this year, it brought forth the following denial from L. A. Picket, manager of Ernie Holmes White Sox: Sports ' Editor. Omaha Bee Dear Sir: Speaking for the Holmes White Sox 1 wish to say that the Alurphy- Did-Its ball team can sit easy as there never has been any desire on our part to bar them from the Great er Omaha league, and I shall cer- !rl ast, Relief : from Rheumal Springseemn tcfag 'r gravate this pain- ful disease Victims of Rheumatism, that most painful and tortur ing of all disease, feel . that with the approach of balmy springtime they may expect some relief from the pangs of suffering which they have en dured all winter. ' -And this is an excellent time to get rational results from the right sort of treat ment for this painful ailment. Just now the system is ready to throw off the impurities that have been accumulating throughout the winter season, and nature is ready to help in the eliminating process that is so essential in preparing the system for the changing sea Many form of Rheuma tism Come from a tiny dia east) germ that infest the blood and multiply by the million, spreading pain and , torture in their wake. , Those who have not yet realized the truth of this statement, and expect to get rid of the disease by the use 6f liniments and lotions and other locally applied treat ment, will continue to suffer from Rheumatism, and will find their condition growing steadily worse all the time. Rheumatism is more than a mere local disorder confined to the locality of the painful parts. It-cannot be rubbed away, because it ts a .fleep seated disease that has its source in the blood supply. The tiny pain demons, the millions of little disease germs that cause the disease must be reached and eliminated from the blood before real re lief can be had. S. S. S. has been success fully used for Rheumatism for more than fifty years. It is the most "thorough and reli able blood remedy because it searches out and eliminates all disease germs which infest the blood. Mr. E. P. Bratches of Dal las, Texas, says in a recent letter: "I was down for several weeks with rheuma tism in my knees, could not work. I commenced S. S. S. and before I used two bottles I could get around fairly well. I continued using S. S. S. un til I used twelve bottles and I am now entirely well. I am a carpenter and now can do my work all O. K. I feel as young as I did at thirty, al though I am fjfty. I highly recommend S. S. S. for Rheu matism of the ioints." S. . S. has done wonderful thin us in the treatment of Rheumatism, particularly that form of the disease which cpmes from . the tiny germ that gets into the blfiod, multiplies rapidly and car ries the torturing pain throughout the system. S. S. S. is sold by druggists everywhere. It is a fifty year-old remedy, and its use is no experiment, as it has been on the market for over half a century, . and is known . throughout the length and breadth of the land. Now i an excellent time to treat your Rheumatism with S. S. S., while the sys tem is undergoing its annual spring cleaning, and throw ing off impurities. ' Go to your drug store and get a bottle .of S. S. S. today, and begin to take a rational, sensible treatment for Rheu matism that will show re sults. For free expert medi cal advice regarding your own case, write fully to Chief Medical Adviser. 178 Swift Laboratory. Atlanta. Ga. ! PILES-FISTULA-RECTAL DISEASES j f; ' (Botn Acuta ana vnronic; I ' ' CURED BY NEW METHOD m No Knife, No Ether, No Chloroform Used. No Serere Surgical Operation. DON'T SUFFER. DOCTOR F. 171. HAHN 401 Paxto Block. Omaha. Nat.' 9 Incorporate New Golf Club; Select Site; To Elect Officers Soon ThePappio Country club, Omaha's newly projected golf course, was in corporated yesterday for $200,000. Ernest Sweet, Jack, Beaton and Charles Guening were named as a temporary executive committee. A meeting will be held this week, Mr. Sweet said yesterday, for the election of officers and directors. The Alfred R. Hansen farm, nine miles west of Omaha on the Dodge street road, has been selected as the site cf the new club. Work will begin as soon as the transaction with Hansen has been completed. John Latenser & Sons, architects, are now drawing plans for the new course. According to Mr. Sweet, $100,000 will be spent on the course itself and $100,000 on a club house. More than 200 applications for membership have already been re ceived, Mr. Sweet said. Otis Smith of Omaha Purchases Trotting Gelding Mariondale Mariondale 2:05, by Archdale, is the property of Otis M. Smith or Umaha, who recently purchased the gelding from W. F. Reynolds of Winston-Salem, N. C. Roy Owen of Omaha practically made the son of Archdale in 1918 by his sensational campaign over tne mile1 and half-mile tracks. The gelding was purchased the following year by Thomas Murphy, grand cir cuit wizard, at a reported price of $10,000 and raced over the big rings last season, winning a total of $13, 264.75. He was the only horse to defeat McGregor the Great 2:0354, and Mignola 2:04, in 1919, and demonstrated his speed and game ness in a number of gruelling races. He will be trained in Omaha this year by Roy Owen and raced over the half-mile and Great Western circuits. Nebraska in Three Events in Illinois Track Meet Saturday Lincoln, Neb., March 3. (Special Telegram.) Nebraska will be rep resented in three events in the Illi nois university indoor meet at Ur bana, 111. next Saturday. ' Coach Henry F. Schulte Wednes day chose the following men to rep resent the Cornhusker school in the events: Owen, McMahon, Harper and Graff will run the two-mile medley relay. Floyd Wright will run the 75-yard and low hurdles and Fred Dale will compete in the shot put. With the Bowlers. GATE CITI I-F.AGUK. Neb. Tent Awn Co.l Elite Fnnritore Ov Moyna .." 642 Horwlch 604 Zadlna 556! BHaaett 7 Straw 435ILararn 484 J. Jarosh 6S2!Shed1 (70 Rlea 476IMUlPon 495 Total ........2,561 Weetcrn Union. Nelson 664 Watt 466 Ankelof 4T7 Winn ......... 6S6 West 879 Tota! X.S33 Reaelin's Old Boy, Zimmerman .... b4i Chandler 494 Klanck 679 Bengle 421 Beselln 641 Total 2,601 Total i.686 r. S. JfatL Bank. I Guarantee Cloth. 'Co. Thorlpe 4031 Radford 473 Thorlse 4031 McAullff 563 Shields 576 Pickett 468 Sjolln 479J Bow(es 6Z3 Landstrom .... 471 uevine oa Total .3.36x1 Total 2.46 Omaha Printing Co.! Olym. Candy Kitchen Ansleaberr .... 4931 Shaw 500 London 5171 Bldson 560 Crutckshank .. 484 v. jarosn ...... b:s Wallace 57fiNorgard , 680 Moore 6961 FIU 511 Total 2.6661 Berar Clothing; Co. Haarman 501 Harrison. 629 Coleman ....... 425 Hallock 492 Howard 568 Total Total 2.681 Sam 'a. Indians. Board Shults . Hancock Atkins . Martin 617 484 490 ..... 647 ..... 524 2,6051 Total 2,662 Today's Calendar of Sports. Haelnvt Winter meetlnr of Cnba-Am er icas Jorkey club, at Haranai winter meet IDC of Bmineea Hen's Bselng aasodatlo, at New Orleans. 1 Banket Ball) Central A. A. r. cham pionship, at Chicago 1 Nebraska Mate In ierMholastle tournament opens at Lin coln. Hand Ball! National A. A. V. Junior rliamnlonahlpa. at Itetrolt. - Mkllnat Onenlna of animal tournament a B team seat Bprlasa, Cola. - tainly vote for their membership in the league. We want them in the league and do not consider them the least bit too strong. We had a young team last year which is bound to im prove and bclievewe have a much stronger lineup this year and there is no sure thing that the veteran Murphys are going to have the easy sailing they experienced last season. Thry had a great team last year, we agree, but they can't last forever and we are after their scalps this year, so why talk of bar ring them. Give us a chance. Re spectfully, L. A. PICKETT, Mgr. Holmes, White Sox. 'IIOZZZTJinii!! lillt!iri::f!;!,;!!!U:i;l!nn:J!::!il THURSDAY with every made-to-your-measure we give Omaha Woman Topples Over 273 Pins; Sets New Bowling Record Mrs. Myron Stunz set a new rec ord for Omaha women bowlers Tuesday afternoon at Farnam al leys by knocking down a count of 273. . - Mrs. Stunz' record is believed to be the highest ever made in Oma ha. It is certainly the highest made this season. Mrs. Stunz annexed a spare in the first frame and then "struck out." Beddeo Basketeers Wallop Townsends; Final Count, 42 to 15 The Beddeos trounced the Town send Gun Co. basket ball five in the Greater Omaha league at the Y. M. C. A. last night, 42 to 15. The Bed deos excelled in all departments es pecially in basket shooting. The Omaha National bank crew defeated the Live Stock exchange team, 63 to 14. The Banks were play ing in old time form, passing and shooting perfectly. Former Soldiers Want to Play Base Ball This Year Fourteen former service men are now listed in The Bee's Base Ball Clearing House. Three others were given opportunities to show their ability last week when a local man ager sent in a call for two outfield ers and a first baseman. One of the 14 service men now listed managed an .army team for the last two years. He is also a catcher and says in a pinch he can play any position on the team but pitch. Three of the remaining 13 are first basemen, two are pitchers, five are outfielders, one is a catcher and two are third basemen. Any local manager who wants to give one or more of these lads a tryout should query The Bee's Base Ball Clearing House. There are no charges connected with Clearing House service either for player or manager. Out-of-town managers should also query when they need 'players. It doesn't take a prophet to tell you (that it's a wise buyer that makes the best iof any condition. , It's true that prices on most things are H-I-G-H but that's no reason why a "fellow should kick the bucket or crawl into a hard-shell grouch. The thing is to smile and make the best of it One way we can suggest is to order your Easter suit N--W, and save money during this big free . jusers offer. .You can get excellent values in a large selection of woolens and fabrics guaranteed in every way at satisfaction Y (II 1 V III III ft y HI "fTI Union Made fYm are assured of : style, quality and fit if your suit is made by the sell yourself With all goods marked in plain figures it is an easy matter to be your own salesman. Just pick out the pattern you like, the tag tells you how much a suit costs you with the extra trousers free. Store open Satur day evenings until 9 o'clock. No mail orders dur ing this sale. i . , zT -z Tift' '-'--''" '-itni r""i- "": I rjf m M wmm mm ini mi 11 Mwetgntroiiuawiiui'aaijJjtUJMfJ.'ia.iMiwai 7 ( ILK, .of all farm products, is the greatest truck hauled tonnage and absolutely frst in importance when it comes to getting it to market promptly The Oldsmobile Economy Truck is doing yeoman service on all farm truck work everywhere but the task for which it has been welcomed with acclaim by farmers is in the quick and sure haulage of milk the year 'round daily farm task. On many farms today the Oldsmobile Economy Truck is paying iff way on milk haulage aloneand all the other work it does is surplus profit It is the truck of unlimited usefulness. Its efficiency and low upkeep are told in these features: Internal gear drive and big 35x5 pneumatic cord tires takeit anywhere; complete electric equipment fits it for early and late hours; deep channel section frame; powerful valve-in-head engine. i cpneti cheerfully quoted by out declen everywhere Time payments if desired O L D S. M O T O R WORKS LANSING, MICHIGAN and OSHAWA, ONTARIO Nebraska 2559 Farnam Street, Omaha ' 6 CHAS. A. TUCKER, Fttt. and Gen. Mgr. Company 920 Locust Street. Du Moines 5 ......J.