Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1920, Page 9, Image 9

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Refuses Action on Petition
From Women's Societies
To Stop Dances and
New Building to Care For
"Light Six" Exclusively
The city council voted Tuesday
ta , place on file without action
a written protest, submitted by rep
resentatives of variou organizations
of women, and urging that all Sun
day commercialized amusement be
The protest was signed by the
following women: Mrs. William
Herry, Mrs. H. G. Claggett and Mrs.
Mrs. C. T. Roberts, for the Douglas
County Woman's Christian Tem
perance union; Mrs. C. L. Hempel
and Mrs. W. H. Hatteroth, presi
dent and secretary, respectively, of
the Omaha Woman's club; Mrs. A
A. DeLarme, president of Women's
Missionary Federation; Mrs. Carrie
Ada Campbell, general secretary of
the Young Woman's Christian asso
ciation; Miss Mary Anthony, super
intendent of the City Mission.
City Commissioner Ringer was
alone in voting against placing the
protest on file. A delegation of
nearly 100 women attended the
council meeting 'to .reinforce their
rrittcn protest.
Mayor Favors Base Ball.
The discussion between the wom
and the city officials resulted in
'ome sharp words, Commissioner
imman in particular taking a" posi
tive stand in favor of Sunday
amusements, properly regulated.
Mayor Smith addressed the fol
fowing remarks to the women:
"If you come here merely to
protest against the use of city
property, such as the Auditorium, for
Sunday dances, there would be little
doubt but that your request would
be honored, but when you ask that
all Sunday commercialized dances
shall be stopped, you are asking too
much. There is no more harm in
Sunday dancing than there is in
Sunday base ball. I go to Sunday
Jiase ball games and holler my head
off. I am afraid that if you examine
the records of the district court you
will find that many of the worst
crimes result from Sunday automo
bile rides, and yet you would not
stop Sunday ' automobiling, would
"Awful Things Happen."
"You don't know the awful things
that happen at these dance daces,"
said Mrs. G. W. Covell of the Wo
man's Christian Temperance union.
"I wish to explain that our state
law specifically exempts Omaha in
the matter of Sunday dancing," ex
plained Commissioner Zimman, who
has charge of the Auditorium, where
a recent Sunday night dance held
under municipal auspices had been
referred to by the women.
Study the Birds.
"We are moving step by step," re
plied Mrs. E. B. Towl. member of
the Board of Public Welfare and
mother of City Commissioner Towl.
Huffman Brpthers are extremely
proud of the two productions of
their Elkhart, Ind., factory, which
are pictured above. They are the
realization of an effort which cul
minates in the completion of the
finished prrrfnet, at a factory where
the c ''t parts never stop
located in Elkhart rather than in
Omaha, Mr. Huffman said:
."Volume of production depends
upon the ability tp get raw ma
terials. Elkhart is" in the center of
automotive supplies. In these days,
when raijroad shipments are slow
and uncertain, this fact is of great
est importance. Our plant is within
, . B 8 8 l r
Huffman Truck.
from the moment they reach the
plant until the car is ready for the
final road test and shipment to the
dealer. ' . , , "
A new one-story, monitor roof
building has been built at the Elk
hart plant, for the exclusive con-
an average distance of less than 100
miles jrom every producer of parts
or equipment which go into our cars.
"When rail facilities fail, we com
mandeer trucks from the plant, haul
our own necessities, and .continue
the production of trucks and pas-
Huffman Light Six.
struction of the company's latest
product, the Huffman Light Six pas
senger car. '
The Huffman Brother's plant is
considered by experts in the auto
motive industry as ideal in both
design and equipment The firm is
controlled by a small coterie of busi
ness men in Omaha, Nebraska and
western Iowa.
When asked why the plant was
senger automobiles at standard
speed. ' t
"And it is keeping this production
line everlastingly on the move which
results in the economy of price, and
regularity and sufficiency of ship
ments which makes the Huffman
franchise desirable to dealers.
"My interests, and the interests of
every stockholder in the company
are right here in Omaha."
Before Taking Lydia E.
Pinkham't Vegetable Com
pound Mrs. Penkey was
Miserably IIL
Ottawa, Ohio. "After the birth
of my baby I was troubled with serious
lemaie trouble.
At tunes I was so
weak and nervous
I could not stand
it to hear my baby
cry. I tried doc
tor's medicine
with no .results.
At last a friend
advised me to try
Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable
Compound which
I did and am com-
pletelycured. I am thankful for your
wonderful medicine and you can use
my testimonial as yon think best."
Mrs. John Penkey, R. 3, Box 6, Ot
tawa, Ohio.
. Lydia E.Pinkham's VegetableCom
pound, made from native toots and
herbs, contains no narcotics or harm
ful drugs, and today holds the record
of being the most successful remedy
we know for woman's ills. If you
need such a medicine why don't you
try it?
If you have the slightest doubt that
Lydia EL Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound will help you, write to Lydia E.
Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential)
Lynn, Mass., for advice. Your letter
wul be opened, read and answered by a
woman, and held in strict confidence.
in uu
t's Grandmother's Recipe to
Bring Back Color and
Lustre to Hair.
You can turn gray, faded hair
beautifully dark and lustrous al
' most over night if you'll get a bottle
of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound'! at any drug store. 'Millions
of bottles of this old famous Sage
Tea Recipe, improved by the addi
tion of other ingredients, are sold
annually, says a well known drug
gist here, because it darkens the
hair so naturally and evenly that
no one can tell it has been applied.
Those whose hair is turning gray
or becoming faded have a surprise
, awaiting them, because after one or
two applications the gray hair van
ishes and your locks become luxuri
antly dark and beautiful
This is the age of youth. Gray-?
haired, unattractive folks aren't
wanted around, so get busy 'with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound tonight and you'll be delight
p ed with your dark, handsome hair
and your youthful appearance with
ft (ew day,
"We are showing them the better
way. Instead of going to Sunday
dances, we would have them go out
to the Fontenelle forest reserve and
study the birds in the woods."
Commissioner Ure stated that he
believed if the city council should
pass an ordinance to prohibit Sun
day dancing such a measure would
be overwhelmingly defeated at a
referendum vote.
Northwest Warriors Seek -Aid
From American Legion
"It is part " of the duty of the
northwest warriors' committee to in
telligently educate the people as to
the real aims and purposes ot tne
American Legion," said J. W. Bry
ant, chairman of the warriors exec
utive committee, to state officials
of the Iowa-American Legion at a
luncheon at noon at the Hotel Fon
tenelle. Mr. Bryant met with the Ameri
can Legion officials to enlist their
support and co-operation in the
Americanization campaign against
radicalism which the northwest war
riors' committee expect to launch
in Iowa. 1
"Bolshevism, I. W. Wism and so
cialism are the triplets of destruc
tion in modern society," said Mr.
Bryant in his talk.
According to the report of the Lusk
committee, there are 36,000 paid,
trained agitators in this country."
Dog Licenses Issued
A total of 1,185 dog licenses were
issued by the city clerk list month.
Dog owners are notified by W. J.
Hunter, city clerk, ,that licenses
must be obtained within the next
few weeks. South Side residents
may obtain them in the South Side
city hall.
British premier Advises
Fresh Air for Clear Thought
London, March 2. "Get into the
air when you have to think," is the
advice given to his cabinet col
leagues by David Lloyd George.
The premier says he does most of
his original thinking in the little
open space behind No. 10 Downing
street with "God's tonic," as he calls
the breeze, ruffling his hair.
There li onlr one way to deal with bsby chicks
snd that la to keep them well. Doctoring a boa
dred or mora chicks la mighty discouraging work.
It'a pure carelessness to loae mora than 20 par
cant of chlcks.f rom batching to full growth. Many
loae 40 per cent to SO per cent, and even more. Ho
prof It In that. J
Our book, "Care of Baby Chicks ffree) tad a
package of Oermozone 1 tbe bet chick Insurance.
bad a lick chirk all last aeaaon" C. O. Petraln,
Moltne, in. "Notacaieofwbttedtarrhoealnthres
years" Ralph w,nrst. Brie, Pa. "Have 800 chick
now B weeki old and not a a Ingle caae of bowel
trouble" Mra. Wm. Christiana, Olive Ridge, New
York. "Two weeks after we started last (prlngwe
were a mighty discouraged pair. Every day from
three to six chicks dead. A neighbor put na next
to Oermozone and we are now sure If we bad bad It
at tbe start we would not have lost a single chick"
Wm. B. Shepherd, Seranton, Pa.
"My hens haven't quit laying all summer and
my chlcka dill better than ever before, thanks to
Oermozone" Mrs. Haggle Perkins, Callao, Ho.
"Oermozone saved my flock of 900 chicks and
turka" Capt Root. A. Tyson, Callstoga, Calif. "I
lost bnt 7 chicks out of 215" Ray A. Irvln, Chase,
Mich. "I know Oermozone to a preventive. Est
not lost a cblck from bowel -rouble" Mrs. J. A,
Fleming-, Cassvtlle, W. Vs. I have never before
seen such healthy chicks. I would not try to raise)
chicks without Oermozone" J. K. Bakula, Ho.
Beuna Vista, la. "I never wosld have believed 11
A healthier bunch, now, yon never. saw" A. F.
Lemke, Fargo, N. D. "Prevents all the Ills that
chicks are heir to" A. C Fennlmao, Fort Bcott,
eats, dogs, rabbits or other pet or domestic stock.
It is preventive as well as curative, which Is ten
times better. It la nsed moat Ytnatviv fn mnn
bowel trouble, snuffles, gleet, canker, swelled head,
sore bead, sores, wounds, loss of fur or feathers.
c 13C mim bus. at dealers or poetpald.
GEO. H. LEE CO, 1115 Harney St,
Omaha, Neb.
Special Announcement!
Our Temporary Location
114 South 15th St.
- Next to Old Postoffice.
"We -will endeavor to take care of your
wants in Pianos, Players, Phonographs,
Tuning, Moving, etc. x, ""
v. f
Phone pi A WO CCi Phone
Doug. 1623. nllV J Doug. 1623.
Fistula-Pay When Cured
I i 111 f Za A mad system 'of treatment that cores Piles.
II II U V9 Fitula and other Rectal Diseases in a short time,
. without a severe rarvieal operation. No Chloro
form. F.tbr bv Atlinv MtMral aiueathetia need.
A care guaranteed in very case accepted for treatment, and no money to be paid antil
cured. Write for book en Rectal Diseases, with names and testimonials of more than prominent people wno Have been permanently cured,
PR. CrR. TARRY 240 Bet Building
Highjackers Scorn
Fruit In Raid on
Cellar off Parson
While the Rev. Charles W.
Savtdge lay peacefully dreaming
Monday night of marriage cere
monies yet to be, highjackers,
in their nightly "canvass for the
remaining liquor supply in
Omaha, forced two doors at his
residence, 2228 Maple street,
searched the cellar,' and then de
parted, empty hancfed as far as
Mr. Savidge knows.
According to Mr. Savidge,
the gentry of the speedy car,
heavy truck and ready gun, ac
complished what amounted to
almost a safe-cracking job in
opening his outside cellar door.
.The spring lock, was neatly
punched out, after holes had
been drilled arouiyl it. They ex
amined the contents of his cel
. Jar, forced an inner door lead
ing to his fruit room, and
searched that thoroughly. A
large quantity of canned fruit,
valued by Mrs. Savidge at $200,
which had been moved, bore
testimony to their thoroughness,
but none of it was taken.
It is believed that the high
jackers appeared some time after
midnight. Before starting their
operations on the door they cut
the telephone wires on the out
side. None of those sleeping in
the house was awakened. "What
puzzles me,"
s , V,
Subscription Rates to
The Omaha Bee
By Mail Outside of Omaha.
Morning or Evening Edition.
Iowa and Nebraska: ,
Daily and Sunday, one year .......$7.00
Daily without Sunday, pne year 6.00
Sunday only, one year 2.50
South Dakota, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri:
Daily and , Sunday, one year $7.80
Daily without Sunday, one year... 6.00
Sunday only, one year 2.50
Outside Above States:
Daily and Sunday, one year.. $9.00
Daily without Sunday, one year 6.00
Sunday only, one year 3.00
In Omaha and Co. Bluffs by carrier, 15c per week; $7.80 per year
The"Omaha Be
Omaha, Neb.
, Date ?Ttt-. ... 1
Enclosed find $ for which send me The Omaha
Bee (Daily anf Sunday) for one full year.
N. ame .'
Street or" R.F. D. No.
Town State.
Personal checks accepted.
Brief City News
Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters.
lighting fixtures. Burgees dranden
Have Root Prlut It Beacon Press.
Nelson C. Pratt -has moved his
office to 1S30 1st Nat'l Bank Bldg.
Are Wed Here Mill Hilda Feeken
and Joseph Johnson were married
by Rev. Charles W. Savidge Mon
day afternoon
Ir. Robert C. Person, practice
limited to the eye, ear, nose and
throat, announces that he has opened
offices at 474-482 Brandels Theater
Sues Tram Company Frank
Johnson filed suit for $25,000 against
the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street
Hallway company in district court
yesterday, alleging that a street car
ran Into a truck he was driving at
Seventeenth and California streets
last Saturday, causing him to be
thrown to the street and Injuring
him. j
Open 'Artillery School Lieut. F.
A. Metcalf at the Omaha army re
cruiting .station announces that the
field artillery school at Fort SHI,
Okl., is now open. Enlisted men will
be sent there for a course of 22
weeks In tractor work and general
automotive mechanics. Only 1,200
men can be accommodated a year.
Jr. Mabel Wesson, osteopath, 211
Baird building, Seventeenth , and
Psychology tlaaa Meets Bon
Gooley, self-styled miracle man. who
came to Omaha a week ago, will be
the principal performer at a meeting
of a newly organized psychology
class In the council chamber of the
city hall tonight. The publio is in
vited to attend.
City Commissioner -Tnwl'a resolu
tion calling for advertisements for
bids on various "sewer Improvement
districts was referred by the ettj
council today for consideration In
committee of the whole next Mon
day niomingv This action was taken
at tho request of Commissioner But
ler, who wlshus to know why the
Sherman avenue sewer project waa ,
not included In the list. J
Coinntamlcry Supper Mount Cal
vary conunandery No. 1 will enjoy
supper at Masonic temple at
Saturday evening, followed by a uni
form dance. It will be the first erent
of the kind since the war began
three years ago. " '
Don't Spoil Your Hair
By Washing It
When you wash your hair be care
ful what you use. Most soaps and
prepared shampoos contain to
much alkali, which is very injuri
ous, as it dries the scalp and makes
the hair brittle.
The best thine to use is Mulsified
cocoanut oil shampoo, for this is
pure and entirely jrreaseless. It's
very cheap and beats anything: else
all to pieces. You can ret this at
any drue store, and a few ounces
wiil last the whole family for
Simply moisten the hair with wa
ter and rub it in. about a teaspoon-
ful is all that is required. It makes
an abundance of rich, eteahiy lath
er, cleanses thoroughly and rinses
out easily. The hair dries quickly
and evenly, and is soft, fresTi look
ing, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy
to handle. Besides, it loosens and
takes out every particle of dust,
dirt and dandruff.
Those Specially Priced Below Are All Used Instruments Taken in Trade on Ampico Reproducing Pianos
Buys a New
England Piano
A splendid toned instru
ment and in exceptionally
fine condition.
Will Buy a
Kingsbury Piano
An exceptionally nice in
strument for the price;
Cramer Piano
vWill give years of satisfac
tory service.
Will Secure a
Hampton Piano
A piano tha will fill every
musical demand. v
Will Buy a
Vose &Son Piano
9f? " sj f
fh 1
Its name quarantees - its
r URING our New-Building Sale we are reducing
prices materially on all kinds of dependable
merchandise, we haven't room for everything, some
thing has to go. This means that the prices of pianos
that .are recognizeri from one end of the world to the
other, as the finest that money and brains can pro
duce, have been placed at, a price that should move
them from our floors immediately. If you do not
feel you wish to make the necessary outlay in cash,
we shall be glad to make you eas payment terms.
$210 v
Buys a
Grafner Piano
A wonderfully close price
on a piano so good.
Will Buy a
Raddison Piano
lUKWW; sar
A splendid instrument that
will please most anyone!
Will Secure a
Schirmer & Peck
You'll like this one, it's so
nearly new in looks.
Will Buy a
Schiller Piano
A splendid instrument for
extremely little money.
Purchases a
Huntington Piano
Just as good as and almost
new. You'll like it.
On account of our differ
ent method of doing busi
ness, and lower overhead
costs we sell pianos and
player pianos for less
' than you can purchase
elsewhere instru
ments of equal qual
ity: v '
In addition to the above specials we have a won
derfully complete stock of
(Electrical and Foot Power)
The illustrations above
are cuts, not actual photo
graphs of each instru
ment, consequently to get
an actual ;dea of the,
beauty and exceptional
,valu6 of each, you
must call in person
and see them. ,
i 41
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