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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1920)
THE BEE; OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MARCH S, 1920. Pionser Omaha Woman V Victim of Heart Trouble Mrs, J. C Comfort, pioneer resi Hent of Omaha and wife of J. C Comfort, a toweling salesman, died t her home, 3227 Harney street, Tuesday afternoon of heart trouble, feted 56 years. Mrs. Comfort came to Omaha 20 years ago and for sev eral years past has had a china painting stndio at her. home. She had been In failing health for over a year. She Is survived by her husband, her mother, Mrs. Virginia Critten den of Portland, Mich.; three broth ers, James Crittenden of Fairmont, Minn., and Richard and Grant Crit tenden of Portland, Mich., and four sisters,, Miss Minnie Crittenden of Chicago, Mrs. Olmstead of Portland, Mich., and Mrs. Ida Richmond and Mrs. Florence Bromz of Denver. Funeral arrangements will be an nounced later. . . This Tells You How to Get Benefit of the Best Senna Finest Grade of Egyptian Senna Leaves used in compounding Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin. . PROMINENT importers 'and wholesale dealers in crude drag and medicinal herbs gathered from' all parts of the world do not hesitate to say that the market for the better grades of medicinal herbs, roots, oils, etc., is practically confined to the lead ing manufacturers of the so-called package medicines, who buy only the very best, and that the manu facturers of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin are the largest users of the beat grade of Egyptian senna leaves in the world. The potency of a tea brewed from senna leaves to relieve con ' stipation has long been recognized, not only by the medical profes sion, but by the public generally; in fact, senna has been known and used in medicine for more than five centuries. The cheaper grades of senna, such as are usu- ally sold at retail, have, however, a tendency to gripe and cramp which makes their use unpopular with most people. - In Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin the finest Egyptian senna is com bined with pepsin and other valu able agents, essential oils and pure cane sugar syrup to make an ex ceptionally valuable tonic-laxative for the relief of constipation and resulting disturbances of the stomach and bowels. The com plete formula is plainly printed in English, French and Spanish on every package. Thousands who formerly bought an inferior grade of senna leaves now use Dr. Cald well's Syrup Pepsin instead. It is sold in drug stores everywhere. In spite of the fact that Dr. Call well's Syrup Pepsin if the largestseUing liquid laxative in the world, there being over 6 million bottles sold each, year, many who need its benefits have not yet used it If you have not, send your name and address for a free trial bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell 511 Washington St, MonticeUo, Illinois. South Side FIND STILL AND RAISIN BOOZE IN NOOK OF CELLAR Officers Declare x Complete Distilling Plant Was Hid den in Basement of Residence. Federal Officers Lynch and Flynn and Police Officer Satnardick, with a search warrant, raided the home of Joe Bagalov, 6518 South Thirty first street, Tuesday afternoon in search of contraband liquor. , A search of a hidden recess in the basement of Bagalov's residence re vealed what the officers termed a complete booze distilling plant, showing signs of recent operation. In a storeroom was also found four gallons of alleged "raisin whisky," which the officers say has the kick of a healthy mule. -The liquor and still were taken to the federal building and Bagaolv was put in the South Side jail on a charge of illegal possession of in toxicating liquor. Draws Fine and Jail Term On Disorderly Charge Leo Sullivan, Miller hotel, 40bS South Twenty-sixth street, was given 30 days in jail on a charge of being drunk in South Side police court Tuesday. He was also fined $100 and costs on a charge of dis orderly conduct and $25 and costs on a charge of carrying a revolver. Sullivan was arrested at 1 :30 a. uu Tuesday, by Detectives Herdzina and Baughman, at the Miller hotel in company with Miss Minnie Morris, who was charged with drunk and disorderly conduct. The woman was fined $50 aniL- costs oh each charge. South Omaha Live Stock Receipts Show Big Slump February showed one of the larg est slumps in the receipt of live stock in the history of the stock yards. Receipts of hogs for the month totaled 220,000 as against 390,781 head a year ago, or a de crease of 70.781 head. It was the smallest month's run of hogs at the local yaras since 1V10. Cattle receipts also fell short of a year ago, the total for the month be ing about 100,000 head compared with 124,495 for February. 1919. Sheep showed a gain of 22,000 over a year ago, with a run this month of 179,000 head. Fire Destroys Roof of - South Side Residence Fire caustri hv a f)pfiiv flu burned' the roof nf th rieirlpn nf E. Carter, 3730 South Twenty-tiiird street shortly before noon. The 5-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Car ter, who was ill in bed, was rescued by firemen and taken to the home of a neighbor. . Damage was estimated at $500. South Side Man Fined $100 On Bootlegging Charge Louis Clernt. 3212 W street, ar rested Saturday night bv a sauad of officers led by Officer Samardick, after a raid on his home, was fined 100 and costs in South Side police court Tuesday on a charge of sell ing intoxicating liquors. Clernt was also given 30 days in jail South Side Brevities Mr. Z Ktratlch, merchant tailor, ha located at 4925 Boutt Twenty-fourth street. Ha haa Just arrived from the eaat .with the latest fashlona In all aorta of good.' Call South 1326. ploys waa fined $100 and coata In South' aide police court Tuesaay morning on con. vlctlou of running an 111 governed house at Jils residence. Fifty-first and X street. "Arte Tavlclch, 2-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mr, carl Tavicion, zoos a atreet, died at the family home Monday evening. The funeral win do neia Wednesday altar noon jbi 3, at St. Peter and Paul's church. miernivnb win w ou nar; ueuiaiery. Wants Garden Fund Mayor Smith offered to the city council Tuesday morning a resolu tion which provides that an appro priation of SI.5UU shall be made to ward the expense ot the garden club and canning school work this year. under the direction ot the Board of Public Welfare. The resolution was referred to the committee of the whole for consideration for next Monday morning. Fined for Possession of Adulterated Ice Cream Tames A. Dalzell, proprietor of a confectionery store at 1824 Cuming street, was lined :jiu and costs in Central police court yesterday on charge of having in his possession for sale "adulterated ice cream." He was arrested upon complaint of Thomas A. Zacek, state food inspec tor. Joseph Landy. proprietor of the candy shop in the Gayety theater, also was arrested upon complaint of state tood inspector. Landy was charged with misbranding packages of candy for sale. His case will be heard in Central police court Thurs day. . ' ; . j Southern Mothers Have Found a Way to Treat Children's Croup and Colds Without Internal Dosing V' . ALL mothers everywhere know that chil A dren's stomachs are delicate and their di gestions easily disturbed, and therefore they should be given as little internal dosing as possible Yet croup arid colds come often and certainly cannot be neglected. A North Carolina Druggist Solves the Problem . Thanks to Lunsford Richardson, a druggist in Greensboro, N. C, this problem has-been solved, and Southern mothers have been given a method of treating cold troubles externally. Mr. Richardson discovered a salve that would vaporize by the body heat when applied over throat and chest. These vapors, inhaled with each breath, car ried the medication through the air pas sages to the hmgs, at the samotime the salve was absorbed thru and stimulated the skin, attracting the blood to the sur face and thus aiding the vapors inhaled to relieve the trouble. This prepara tion Mr. Richardson called VickJs VapoRub. Vicks contains no harmful drugs, just the old-fashioned, time-tested remedies Menthol, Camphor, Thymol, Eucalyptus, Turpentine, etc. com bined in a new-fashioned way. The Use of Vicks Has Steadily Increased Starting with the customers of Mr. Richardson's retail drug store, the sale of this external treatment has grown, coun ty by county, state by state, until now Vicks can be found in almost any drug store in alf sections of the United States. Mothers who once use Vicks always keep a bottle on hand thereafter. It is so easily applied, so quick in its effects, and, best of all, can be used as often and as freely as desired, without fear of harmful results. ; 'Jl N W lllffflk3 t vrm v Now Over 17 Million Jars Are A M V Used Yearly 11 k ; mbi The best evidence of the value of Vicks is the increasing number of fami lies who, each year, are converted to the use of this real "Little Body guard in the Home." , The number of-jars used annually for the last few, years is: 19 V).....;.. 347,748 Jars 19H. ....... 523,152 Jars 1912 ........ 1,027,068 Jars 1913........ 1,357,590 Jars 1914.... V.. . 1,462,330 Jars 1915 2,418,213 Jars 1916........ 4,302,764 Jars 1917 6,799,511 Jars v 1918 ..17,377,408 Jars DIRECTIONS FOR THE USE OF VICKS Vapors Important For these troubles large part of the value of Vicks lies in its vaporizing qualities. So whenever Vicks is applied over the throat and chest, care should be taken to leave the clothing loose around the neck and the bed clothes arranged in the form of a funnel, so that the vapors arising may be freely inhaled. Hot Wet Cloths In cases of deep chest colds, severe sore throat or incipient pneu monia, hot, wet towels should be used over the throat and chest to open the pores of the skin before applying Vicks. For Head Colds, Asthma, Catarrh, Hay FTer Vicks can be melted in a spoon and the vapors inhaled, or a little should be applied up the nostrils and snuffed op the head. For Spasmodic Croup, OuMren's Coltb Rub Vicks over the throat and chest until the difficult breathing is relieved, then spread on thickly and cover with a hot flannel doth. An-application at bed time usually prevents a night attack of croup. Vicks-is particularly recommended for children's colds since it is externally applied, and can, therefore, be used often and freely without disturbing the young ters' delicate digestions. For Deep Chest Colds, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis, Bronchitis, Coaghs r any affection of the respiratory organs where there is tightness or soreness, Vicks should be applied over the throat and chest if necessary, first using hot wet cloths and rubbed in well until the skin is red; then spread on thickly and covered with . one or two thicknesses of hot flannel cloths. If the cough is annoying, a small piece the size of a pea can be swallowed every few hours. " Minor Ailments In addition to its use for Cold Troubles, Vicks has been found excellent as a salve, liniment or plaster for troubles such as Bites, Burns, Itching, Soreness, Sunburn. ' Insist on the Genuine At All Druggists 30c-60c $1.20 Your Bodyguard Against Colds Having the Blues, ' Even in Music, Not Londucive to Lneer "Taxation Blues," "Prohibition Blues Aint Ya Got 'Em Blues" and other "Blues" in the for mof music were found in the possession of James Conner, 1923 North Twenty-first street, and James Hujlies, 2928 Indiana avenue, yesterday, when Policeman Lickert stopped them at Fourteenth and Harney streets. Conner and Hughes said they found phonograph records scattered in the alleyway back of the former Schmoller & Mueller Piano com- fany, which was destroyed by fire ast Wednesday night. "We just wanted the 'Blues,' " one of the boys told the officer. Conner and Hughes were taken to Central police station. Postpone Code Conference The proposed public conference which was to have been held by the Nebraska Children's Code commis sion in the city council chamber next Friday night has been post poned. Resolution to Reinstate ' Officer Back-to Ringer A resolution by Police. Commis sioner .Ringer, offered to the .city council yesterday, recommending the reinstatement of L. J. Stolley to the police department was referred back to Mr. Ringer for further in vestigation and report Mr. Stolley was suspended six weeks ago for alleged violation of the rules of the police department. Much Health Literature Sent Out by Insurance Firm Over 12,000,000 pieces of health literature , were distributed by the Metropolitan 1 Life Insurance com pany during 1919 in its campaign for. better health, and nurses ' employed by the company made 1,300,883 visits to sick policy-holders last year, ac cording to figures of the company given out recently. The reduction in mortality among policy-holders during the last eight years is 17.9 per cent, the death rate for 1919 be ing the lowest in the history of ths company. Gains in insurance policies 1 force by the company last year total 21,000,000 over the previous year and increase in assets during the same year total $89,367,126.27. APVERTISKMICNT The Ner Home Treatment for Ugly Hairy Growths Boudoir Secrets) Here is a simple, yet very affec tive, method for removing hair Mid fuzz from the face, neck and arms: Cover the objectionable hairs with a paste made by mixing some wa ter with a little powdered delatone. Leave this on for 2 or S minutes, then rub off, wash the skin and the hairs have vanished. No pain nor inconvenience attends this treat ment, but results will be certain if you are sure to get real delatone. Mill 1508-1510 Douglas St. Wednesday- We Direct Special Attention To This I r ,T. BUSINESS SALE Of COAT'S- A vivid and daring example of the wonderful values that is afforded by this all inclusive forced out of bus iness sale. $24.7 $33.7 $38.7 $43:7 $48.7 Five Wonderful Sale Groups Featured for Wednesday Groups that include New Spring Coats under each price head that are scheduled to go at a mere frac tion of their real worth. All the season's richest fabrics, lively new colors, New Sport mod- J els, wonderful rich linings; Goats that lead the New Fashion parade, and now -is your opportunity to buy these stunning coats1 at ridicu lous low prices. ' Building to be Wrecked Entire $150,000 Stock Must Be Sold by April 1 Positively Nothing Reserved NEW SUITS NEW DRESSES BLOUSES SKIRTS PETTICOATS SWEATERS TTHTi "FUTCT V A T HOSIERY Come, choose with out.' reserve. Select your entire season's apparel needs while - this mighty ava lanche of price shat ' tering is in full force. EVERY SALE IS FINAL Julius !0ririn Vfft "X 1 r -