Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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Rogers to Lecture On V
"Soldier Dead" Sunday
Consolation for mourning relatives
of Moldier victims of th world, war
if the declared aim of L. W. Rogeri,
author and psychologist, who comes
to Omaha next Sunday for three
lectures at the Castle hotel. His
trit lecture, scheduled for Sunday
vening. is on "The Soldier Dead.
Mr. Kegers, who is vice president
of the American TheosophlcaJ so
ciety, presriits tht view J'death is
merely a change," ushering us into
a world of finer matter." In anoth
er lecture, pti "Old Souls in New
Bodies," ha will offer the eastern
doctrine of reincarnation.
lit is accompanied by Capt R. I
Jones, formerly of the British artil
lery, who claims the lecturer in
tour of Australia brought comfort
to hundreds of mothers of dead
Anxae sotdiets
Report Finding Oil on "
Farm Near Hastings, Neb.
Mattings, Neb, Match 2. Special
Telegram.) The farm ot James
Martin, near Prosser,' has been
found by tests made here to contain
oiL and Mr. Martin took a sample
'-of the rock for examination by Pro-
fen sor Condra, state geologist lwo
oil men from Wichita Falls, Tex,
have, been at Prosser two weeks
looking over, the ground, but have
not reported their findings.
Embryonic Oldfield's Feel
Sting of Righteous Judge
Fifteen automobile speeders paid
fines ranging from $1 to $10 and
costs in central ponce court yester
day. Motorcycle Policeman George
Emery appeared against 12 of the
arrested speeders.
Lincoln Bureau Bee
A. Barrows. Correspondent-
"Csncsrrti" set on Liver snd Bowels without Griping or Shaking yoiT
up So Convenient I You wike up with your Head Clear, Complf xion Rosy,
Breath and Stomach Sweet No Biliousness, nesaacne or v.onipsuuu.
For the Auto Show Visitors
Beauty Shop
"We have acquired thc services of a specialist in the
making of switches and hair goods, and you ean have
them made from' -YOUR
1-2-3 Strand Switches, $1.50 to $3.00.
Ear Puffs, $1.50.
Also '
. v Ear Puff made from Human Hair, $3.00.
- ; ; and
. Human Hair Switches on Sale at All Prices.
From, $3.00 to $35.00. . '
Scientific Operators always in attendance (
For appointments telephone Tyler 1701.
Shampoo, 75c-$1.00. Hair Curl, 28c.
Fancy Hair Dress, 75c.
Oil Treatments, 50c and $1.00. Hair Singe, 50c.
Violet Ray Scalp Treatments, $1.00.
French Pack. $1.00. Violet Ray Facials, $1.00.
Derma Plaster Facial Packs, $1.50.
Cleansing Facial, 75c. Manicure, 50c.
Eyebrow Arch, 50c.
Toilet Articles Hair Goods
' i" " Second Floor
' formerly BensonThorive
A4 i
J J 1
yom art brolrao in Health and Strength, wtea your Mind
wt ealtand ton Body wcakcn,whca won art tick and tired ot taking V
alana and naicoticUhen try Nna-Tooe aad ttt how Quickly you'll
Ibhain unl Nint-tentht oi all human ailments, tuchas Poor
ApfKtrH, Indigtatioa, Caiotand BloaMni Constipation. BiliouneM. ;
Aatmia. Rhomutie twtnee. Headache, Nearalgia. lack pi Energy low1)
MI V rtality. NcrvouMMW and Sleepiettneni are doe to deficient Ner 1
'Van. Uun mtlmy Bkwd sad poor Blood CircuUtioo.
tmrr organ, every function ol tht body it dependent open Nerve-Forct
S !- Utt ud actjuL Nerve-Forre tb mainipnngot tne$tomdi,!rer.
tidPiy ami brweh, th hearf t throb, the Mood circulation. Nuga-Too
t the . wnsJkt tnatment for Mtvou and Physical break-down.
Vki BecMS K nopowi of esht valuable beaith-fivutg Ingredients
hi i imliil l imtcntd by tht foremost physicians and it is cspt
ttoBtthhlni sad nsvmootooi Inorl tor tht Blood and Nerves.
Noga-ToM rs -ki the Bver. Invigorares the bowels to they move rea-
vrwty. It reW- VLM tuners, oriyet oui ine puououn na no mora
(Met and bwatiral ttxj brut h or coated tongue! No more pains and
ajkil Nb-To gtrw ynt t wooderiul appetite, good dtgotioa, itudy
jrea aad md rttrshiag sleep. Muga-Ton enrichat tht Wood, im
m tka hhjad tbtjlsta. nats the ckne oi health In tht cheeks and
biteat ta tfc cvesl It buitds strong, rugged men. healthier and mora
haWflu wiaa-v NugaWToa contains no opiattt oo babit forming drags.
ilitittaiacMMpadmg Hitsmiar erjartd. ptetoant to tht taste.
uLik TWtt V ull nil II hi iHmnTfr
mm CLAF AJSTTEt TWrrleoaf Nwatw la On, Datlatr aWTweaty-Tlya
OatatSl. mm bwttln. hoatlo oflJ Wiwty W) Taaletm. mmm tmU owth'a t .
liii l iii n UHUy iryWM jti t 'jfJfjjZjm i fTa mi
eal wail avtfl mmmt wk or mmt MWUu at m Moay.
. laggiMa. B SI Soatk Dtarbcaa St, Cango, UL
TV -
Says No Doubt Man Choked
And Shot Mrs. Lulu
Vogt for Her .
' 1
Lincoln, March 2. (Soecial.)
"This court feels that the verdict of
the jury and the sentence of death
is under all circumstances in this
case richly deserved and should be
carried out as soon as possible that
our laws may be respected and
obeyed," said District Judge Bayard
H. Paint of Grand Island in denvine
a writ of "coram nobis," a common
law motum for a new trial, for Al
son B. Cole.
Judge Paine sentenced Alson B.
Cole and Allen V. Grammer to
death in Howard county two years
ago for the murder of Mrs. Lulu
Vogt, the latter's mother-in-law.
Judge Review Case.
The judge issued a lengthly opin
ion, in which he reviewed tjie history
of the Cole-Grammer case, with par
ticular reference to .Cole, after argu
ments betore him by Assistant At
torney General Mason Wheeler and
J. M. Priest, attorney for Cole.
The execution of Cole and Gram
mer has been .stayed until March 19
to dispose of Grammer's appeal in
the United States circuit court of
-Touching on the question of Cole's
guilt in the murder of the aged
Howard county woman, Judge Paine
"In the court's opinion, Alson B.
Cole is guilty of the crime charged;
first, because he deliberately and
upon the advice of his counsel,
Judge Wall, entered his formal plea
of guilty in this court. The court
is of the opinion that he isvguilty,
aside from that voluntary confes
sion, because of the surrounding
facts, evidence and circumstances
produced on the trial, which, out
side of his own confession of guilt,
would have been the basis of the
same verdict at the hands of the
jury; and. in addition, his own
signed ' confession, made in the
Paxton hotel in Omaha, July 17,
1917, set out with the utmost min
utia each and every detail 1i the
crime from itsfirst inception to the
moment that he took the life oi
Lula Vogt by shooting her beside
the roid west of St Paul tfter she
was unconscious from his choking
Confession Corroborated.
His confession has been cor
roborated in every detail, and there
coufd not be the slightest shadow
of a doubt that he committed the
crime exactly as he narrated it,
for the sole purpose of receiving
$500 from Allen Vincent Grammer,
T m . . t at . J
part ot wmcn sum naa Deen pam
him prior to the commission of the
crime, and part of which was paid
thereafter, but which has never been
paid in full."
"in the original trial, no applica
tion was made to have separate
trials, which would have been grant
ed if asked for, and which would
not be granted by the court with
out application, yet the evidence
was separate and distinct and ab
solutely stamps Alson B. Cole as
the murderer of Lulu Vogt beyond
all question. ,Thfs was proven con
clusively, even though Mr. uoie aia
not become a witness or testify in
any manner during the trial, either
as a witness for himself or on be
half of Mr. Grammer, or on be
half of the state."
State Stops Undertakers'
Bidding for "Poor" Burials
Lincoln. March 2. (Special.)
The state board of control an
nounced Tuesday that it had abol
ished the practice of contracting
with undertakers to bury tht indi-
gent ueaa in me 13 state institu
tions. Bids have varied from a
tenth of a cent a burial to an offer
of $5 to the state for the privilege.
superintendents have been or
dered to rotate the business among
local undertakers willing to take
care of funerals, at a rate of $15
for infant9 under 2 years old, $25
for children and $35 for adults.
Matzen to Hear Disputes
; On Otoe School Boundaries
Lincoln' March 2. (Special.)
Five protests from Otoe county on
boundaries and sites of school con
solidations under the redisricting
law passed by the last legislation
will be heard in Nebraska City
Wednesday by Superintendent John
M. Matzen. The superintendent has
final power to pass on disputed
questions of boundary.
Ritchie Sand Co., realizing a profit
of $100,000 in 15 years. The original
tract consisted of 400 acres, but he
has sold two or three tracts during
the last few years. The land cost
Mr. Snyder $16,000 15 years ago and
the total amount he received -was
Mr. Snyder retired from the dairy
business a few years ago. The land
will be used by the new owners for
dredging sand.
Damage Suits Against
U. P. Railroad Total
. $100,000at Fremont
Fremont, Neb., March 2. (Spe
cial.) Two damage suits, for a to
tal of $100,000, have been filed in
district court here against the rail
road administration. Edward G.
Hook, Fremont real estate dealer,
sues Walker U. Hines and the
Union Pacific for $51,000 for alleged
injuries received when his automo
bile was struck by a Union Pacific
train at Ames last summer.
Hook alleges that the tram was
traveling at an excessive rate of
speed through the Ames vards and
that he was signalled to proceed at
the crossing -by a switchman in the
employ of the defendant comoanv.
The administrator of the estate of
iJaniel Jacobson, flagman at the
Union Pacific crossing in Fremont,
who was killed while on duty last
summer has brought suit-fbr $50.-
District Representaive of
Correspondence School Dies
Fremont. Neb.. March 2. fSne-
cial.) A. Colin Denny, district rep
resentative for a correspondence
school, died at an Omaha hospital
Sunday morning. Mr. Denny suf
fered an attack of influenza a year
ago and complications developed.
Two months ago he went to Omaha
for treatment for heart disease.
Brakeman Prefers Broken
Limb to Possible- Death
'''Fremont, Neb., March --(Special.)
Glenn Doerr, Northwestern
brakeman, suffered a fractured leg
when he jumped from the top of a
box car while switching in the yards
at Dwight Mr. Doerr chose to
jump rather than remain on the cat
when the brake failed to work and
he saw that a collision waa inevit
able. National Welfare League
Gets Support In Fremont
Fremont, Neb., March 2. (Spe
cial.) Following an address by
Theodore Planson, superintendent
of the National Welfare league, at
the First Congregational church
Sunday evening, a committee of 100
Fremont business men and promi
nent women was appointed to en
courage the movement here. Mr.
Hanson will continue the meetings
for two days under the auspices of
the Fremont Woman's club. At the
weekly luncheon of the Noon Day
club today Mr. Hanson told of the
aims of thexleague. The club voted
unanimously to support the league.
Three Damage Suits Are
Brought Against the U. P.
North Platte, Neb., March 2.
fSnerial Teleeram.) Relatives of
the late Evangeline Gough, aged 18,
have brought suit against the Union
Pacific railroad for $25,000. She was
killed by the fast mail at Maxwell
a year ago. .
Leypold & Pennington Co. filed
suit Monday against the Union Pa
cific for $4,868.13 damage to a car of
wheat, shipped from Ogallala.
Ray Randall of Big Springs has
filed suit for $650 against the rail
road company for damages to a
Dorothy Dalton's
Beauty Chat
Mist Dorothy Dalton, tht actresa famous
the world over for her beautiful complexion,
tays : "Any girl or woman can hava a beau
tiful, rosy-white complexion and smooth,
unwrinkled skin like mine if they will fol
low my advice and use Derwillo, a simple
toilet preparation. I Use it because it im
parts instant beauty, is easy to apply, ab
solutely harmless and has a marvelous ef
fect upon the skin. One application proves
it." Be sure to read Miss Dalton's inter
esting story of how to quickly acquire a
beautiful complexion, soon to appear in this
paper. In the meantime get Derwillo at
any toilet counter and try it today ; you
will be delightfully surprised. The Sher
man & McConnell, the Beaton and the
Merritt Drug Stores.
The price of this new model is an
appeal to your reason. Considering
its coach workits genuine tan
Spanish upholstery its beauty and
the established reputation of Moon
Cars the possibility of owning such
a Motor Car at its price of $1685
is well worthy of your immediate
The low cost of driving the Moon 5ar is
the final verdict in its favor. Red Seal
Continental Motors, Timken Axles and
Bearings, and Brown-Lipe Transmission '
are some of the many reasons why a
visit to our show-rooms will be time ,
well spent.
2056-58 Farnam St
Veteran Dairyman Makes
- Neat Profit From His Land
Fremont, Neb., March 2. (Spe
cial.) M. G.-Snyder, veteran Fre
mont dairyman, closed a del for the
sale of the last of his dairy farm
west of Fremont to the Lyman-
Auto Show Visitors Welcome!
To All Women Interested in
The New
Suit Fashions
TheSpecialty Shop Display
Will prove a fascinating study of the many
original expressions of the authentic Spring style
themes. " v
Smart, smooth, Irreproachable tailoring and finesse ot '
detailare always the dominating features of our models.
While strictly adhering to the basic style ideas of the season the
Specialty Suit Shop is featuring modes, developed In a way that
personalizes each individual model
Including specialized types of the strictly tailored ripple Jacket,
with new notes in revers, collars, stitching buttons, pockets,
linings. -
Developed in Serges Jerseys and Chevrona cloth, of fine""
finish and quality.
" $47.50, $55, $59.50
The Eminence of the Suit Shop fashions and
values is clearly demonstrated in a cleverly se
lected collection of
Youthful Eton Suits
Original Bolero Suits
Severely Tailored Ripple Styles
Semi-Tailored Models . Semi-Box Models
Tailored from Polret Twill Tricotine Mixtures
;French Serges.
$69.50 to $98.50
Suit Shop Third Floor
Annual Soring; Sale
Continues With Values Unrivaled
Never before has selling been so big, and there is a positivereason. In this annual event
we have more than been prepared this year, with the greatest assemblage of worth while
home furnishings, and the prices at which they are selling demonstrate real economy.
Come now at this opportunity.
This Store delivers and prepays the charge on all purchases.
Deliveries in Omaha Almost every day. j
Period Style
These elegant pieces of furni
ture are made in walnut, brown
nahogany and ivory enamel.
Many different styles and
lizes qualities only the best
Annual Spring; Sale Price
- $59.50, $65 .
and Up
Queen Anne
. .Style s
Dining Tables
We show a big assortment in
walnut and Jacobean oak, in 48
inch and C4-inch size tops f qual
ities are the very best, and all
are finished as this high grade
furniture should be.
Annual Spring Sale Price
$60, $70, $76
Queejp Anne Dining Room Suites
in Walnut and Jacobean Oak
We are showing an exceptionally large selection of
these fine suites on two floors. Large, medium and
small size buffets, both 54 and 48-inch tables, china
cabinets and serving tables to match. This showing
is sure a treat to the admirers of good furniture, and
most people, we think, can easily afford one of them
at the prices quoted in this sale.
Suites at $175, $250, $295 and Up
Period Style
Library Tables
in mahogany, golden and fumed
oak. Some are the handsomest
tables produced. All are elegant
qualities. .
Annual Spring Sale Price,
$29.50, $35
and $43
William and Mary
Period Style
Dining Tables
We display an elegant assort
ment in both American walnut
and Jacobean finished oak, bolh
in 54-inch and 48-inch tops. . .
Annual Spring Sale Price
$50, $65, $70, $76
n . .. .
Iowa's Largest Furniture.
A Tapestry and Cane Liv- $070
ingRoom Suite Like This at v
Here is another beauty in this sale. This suite is
brown mahogany with brown cane in backs of daven
port, chair and rocker; seats of chair, rocker and dav
enport all loose spring cushions on top of deep spring
construction ; in all three pieces coverings are the best
grade of a beautifully patterned tapestry. If you
have been wanting a suite of this kind, don't fail to
come and see this great value.
Main and Pearl
Streets, Opposite Grand
Benson. Thorne
The Store
That Furnishes the
. , 'and for Less .
Home Better
. A