THE BEEt udiaha, wEuiNaauAr. makuh a. i9zu. PALMER, TV ADOO AND HOOVER OUl FOR NOMINATION - t First Two Busy Scurrying Around Washington Since Wilson Says He Won't ' Seek Third Term. (Ceatlnurd From First rf.) McAdoo and that the son-in-law jiow understood there was no longer iifijT reason for refraining from en ,'tering the race for the nomination. ;The Palmer camp upon receiving this intelligence jumped to the con clusion that Mr. McAdoo would file a petition in theGeorgia primary at' once. Mr. Wilson for Palmer. Thereafter the attorney general got into communication withj the president through Secretary Tu multy and Mrs. Wilson, both of whom are reputed to be Palmer ad herents. The result was the com munication to Mr. Palmer of the de cision the president had confided to Ms.. McAdoo, together with express permission to the attorney general to announce his candidacy. Mr. Palmer immediately tele srraphed authority " to file his pe tition in Georgia with a view to ialinir a inarch on Mr. McAdoo for .position as the Simon Pure ad- i our S Idea K If you are looking for garments at a price and price is your first considera- J tion if you will be satisfied with just a J suit just a dress or just a cqat no ' $ matter how -it's j made or of what materials you surely won't be in terested in our gar ments. But!! 2 If you v want the J best looking styles 5 ,-r-of best materials J and better tailoring J ; the kind that g makes you "lift J your thin" in any g c 0 m pan y a nd J want to buy them g "sheared" of fancy J profit on the second (? floor plan , You'll Be Coming to Us A for exclusive styles " 3 , at popular prices. Smarts Wear fir IVometi v 3 16th and Farnam. Rauch & Lang Electrics llSiSSiiEIIEiEnilillElllOllIiliJ - 1 Special display at our show rooms all week. Exceptional sale of "Guaranteed Re built Cars" this week only. It will pay you to visit us. h Not exhibited at Motor Show I The Doane Motor Car Co. 111 South 40th St. Harney 3276 ministration candidate. There ii a formidable fight on the administra tion being waged in -Georgia by former Senator Hardwick and Tom Watson, who are runing Senator Reed for president, and .he attorney general now will rally the Wilson supporters to his banner. Mr. Mc Adoo cannot enter the contest in Georgia now without splitting the administration forces, perhaps fa tally. , McAdoo Still Confers. Mr. McAdoo was still here today conferring with friends sn the tiues tio.i of announcing his candidacy and making a bid for delegates, despite his recently assumed de termination to seek no delegates and his advocacy of uninstructed delegations and a free selection of the candidate by the convention. It is generally believed that, with Palmer srarnering instructed dele- ffates as the beneficiary of the pow' erful influence of the administration excted through federal patronage, McAdoo soon will be forced into the open, demanding his share Dauiel Roper, who is soon' to re sign as internal revenue commis sioner, is slated for McAdoo man ager. 2,1. Palmer ts soon to open head quarters with a large and , imposing organization. Vance McCormick Aiiv hi his ramoaien manager, Though Palmer is a "dry," one, of the. main cots m the Palmer ma chine will be former Congressman Carlin of Virginia, a "wet" leader. K mrer Sullivan of Illinois was in the caoltal today enroute to Hot Springs, Va, He attended the din ner to Chairman Cummings last night at which Palmer and McAdoo were present and he was conferring today impartially with the two r.val candidates. With such an em barrassment of riches in the way of democratic candidates, Mr. Sul luan would not predict how Illinois will line up eventially and he deemed it quite'likely that the dele gation would be uninstructed. - Labor to Give New Rail Act Impartial Tryout (Continued From Flnt Pete.) road labor organizations, all of which were represented at the con ference, says: - ' Declaration f Trainmen. "The result of fliis canvass . shows all organizations except the United Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employes and Shop Laborers, were au thorized to make the following announcement a$ to their policy and attitude: Nowithstanding the fact that labor in general and railroad labor in particular, with the fuw support and co operation of other bodies rep resenting American citizens, urged the congress not to pass the railroad bill, and the presi dent to veto the 6ame and re turn it to congress, we are now officially advised the president has signed the bill and it is a law. "Labor's criticisms and. pro tests against this legislation are matters of record and were pre- sented to the congress, the' president and the public. "We have not changed our views in regard to this legisla tion and therefore do not en dorse the law; however, as American citizens, we feel that in the interest of railroad labor there is nothing left for us to do at present except to co-operate with each other in the prompt creation of machinery provided for in this law." Asked 0 Notify Hines. v The president told both sides to notify Mr. Hines as fast as they picked their representatives in order that conferences may start with a minimum of delay. . . It developed today that the fears of the men that the executives would seek to abrogate the agreements.on working conditions which prevailed during federal Control were exag gerated. It was reported that the superintendent of one small road posted, a notice saying he wanted to put back the 10-hour day with no pay for the luncheon period. The Association of Railway Executives, however, is" said to be against any such arbitrary interference with the prevailing conditions. As to the extra compensation for overtime, it was held, at the Interstate Com merce commission that this is a mat ter of Wages and cannot be dis turbed at least for the next six months. Complete poster of I.W. W.ln U. S. Is Found On Man In Jail Chicago, March 2. Papers said to contain the dames and addresses of virtually every member of the I. W W. organization in the United States were in oossession of Maclay Hovne. state's attorney, today. City 4 detectives last night took the lists I from a man who gave the name of I Alex Gavlin. WW m m W I m m 4m m 5P m American Royal Princess b .s ,;rft.Sfc I First photograph to reach this country of Prince Christopher of Greece and Princess Anastasia, for merly Mrs. William B. Leeds of Soldiers' Aid Hearing Breaks Up in Near Row - (Continued From Flnt Fag..) wanted to appear before the commit tee and that the hearings would likely continue for a month unless something was done to expedite them. A considerable number of wounded and disabled veterans were present. aome or these were members of or ganizations which are rivals of the American Legion. Publications of these organizations were circulated in the committee room in which charges were made that the Amer ican Legion was controlled by wealthy men who served as officers and that the organization was not sincerely in -favor of bonus legisla tion. . The other societies, claiming to represent private soldiers and sailors are supporting a bonus bill. u Olier Against Bonus. Mr. Miller, soeakinz for the American Leeion. was Questioned by Representative Kitchin aout the failure ot the organization to go on record at its Minneapolis conven tion for bonus legislation. Mr. Miller, who is a former member of congress . from Delaware, admitted that differences on this score had arisen in the convention, but that subsequently the executive council of the legion had gone on record for specihe bonus. - Four alternative orooosition fnr the benefit of ex-service men were laid before the committee hv Mr. D'Olier, who said that the American Legion did not want a "bonus" but rather some action to assist the war veteran in overcoming disadvantage incidental to his service. These were: - Land settlement covering farjns in all states' and not confined to a few states.' Home aid to encourage purchase of homes in either country or city. Vocational training for all ex service persons desiring it. Adjustment of compensation of final adjustment of extra back pay on length of service for those not desiring to avail themselves of any of the other three. Mr. Miller said the bonus basis which the executiv5? council of the legion had in mind was $50 a month for the number of months the ap plicant served. League of Nations Formally Joined by Five More Countries Washington, March 2. Texts of the formal notification by five neu tral nations, including three Latin American states-, to the league of nations, have been received , in Washington. - The Argentine republic, through M. T. D'Alvear, minister resident in Paris, wrote to Sir Eric Drummond, secretary general of the league of nations, that he had received in structions from his government "to adhere unreservedly to the league of nations." The Paraguayan minister in Lon- hdon, Cecilio Baez, wrote that nis government "unreservedly accepts the covenant of the league of na tions" and "binds itself to send its delegates to the first assembly." ,The minister of Chile in London declared "the Republic of Chile makes no other reservation ' than that of pronouncing in due course upon such Jimendments or modifica tions of the covenant as may be made by the states which have not ratified it up to the present." It is understood thST the purpose of this was to develop the position of the United States. Persia "adheres unreservedly" in a note signed by Firouz, the Persian rmnister of foreign anairs. Ihe Spanish ambassador in London re ports that Spain joined the league "without reserve." Fess Proposes Probe Of "Hard Boiled" Order Washington, March 22. Chair man ess ot the house education committee said that unless the fed eral board of vocational education ordered an investigation to deter mine the responsibility for an order to employes of the board to "be hard boiled" in considering the ap plications of disabled service men for re-education, his committee would make an inquiry. Decision b the committee was deferred ing action by the board. pen Appointment of an ex-service man as a member of the board to look after the interests of the veterans of the world war" was urged before the committee bv H . H. Raeorer. representing the America. Legion. New York, since their recent mar riage. Before the wedding Mrs, Leeds was received into the Greek Catholic church. Show to Be Stormed By U. S. Troops Today (Continued From Tint PI.) itself was an interesting musical program, given in observation of Musical night at the show. During the entire" day orchestral numbers ranging from popular jazz tunes to grand opera and classical pieces were played by the three orchestras, which were augmented for the occa sion. Elks' Quartet Sings. In the evening the Elks' quartet sang in different parts of the show, making a tremendous hit wherever theyi appeared, and awakening an irresistible demand for encores. The orchestra program was divided into three parts, the first being equally divided between popular and classic numbers, and the last two for the greater part classical. The early pace established in sales was maintained yesterday, dealers reported. They are inclined to credit the weather for a portion of the big demand this year as the warm wind, bright skies and perfect roads fairly scream for attention, as one of them put it. Additional dealers and agents from Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas and South Dakota points are expected today and dar ing the rest of the weelct Students Hurt in Rush. Austin, Tex., March 2. All but one of the eight students of the University of Texas taken to a hos pital after a class - fight downtown last night, had been discharged to day. The one remaining was re ported not seriously injured. For Colds, Grip or Influenza and as a Preventative, take LAXATIVE 6R0MO QUININE Tablets. Look for E. W. GROVE'S signature on the box. SOe. Saves Your Time tpFFICIENCY and economy are imperative when it comes to housing transferred records, also the conserving of space and the saving of time. ' f GF AlhteePTransfer Chses take up less room than wooden ones, are more easily adjusted to office layouts and they keep rec ords safe in steel. Weather does not warp them, rats cannot gnaw them and they last practically forever. " Investigate GF J listed Office Furniture before you buy. Phone Tyler 3000. Department of Furniture Orchard &Wilhelm Co. ATVEBTISEMKNT Blood-Iron Phosphate For Weak, Thin Folks WeaTt, thin, nervous people almost in variably owe their condition to lack ot phosophate in the nerves and lack ot iron in the blood. On of the surest, quickest and safest ways ' in which to make up the deficiency is to take with each meal a five-grain tablet of digestible phosophate and iron known among drug gists here as Blood-Iron Phosphate; be cause it supplies iron to the blood as well as phosphate to the nervous sys tem. People who have tried it say that one five-grain tablet taken with each meal quickly restores depleted nervous energy, enriches the blood, increases strength. ' vitality and endurance, and those who are too thin usually put on pounds, of solid stay-there flesh in a short time. Inasmuch as Sherman Mo Connell Drug Co. and all other druggists are authorised to sell Blood-Iron Phos phate under a guarantee of satisfaction or money back, every thin, weak, nervous or anemi man or woman should give- it a trial without delay. ' Important Blood-Iron Phosphate h sold only ia s)Hgiaal packages, containing enouak foe- three weeks' treatment, at MO er package ealr M cent a week. Canadian Tells the Commissioners of Town Planning Thomas Adams of Ottawa, head of the department of town housing and planning of the Dominion of Canada addressing the city council yesterday, stated that one of the largest problems of many cities is to overcome the economic waste of supporting an area which would house a population seveVal times that of the present. He referred to Omaha as a case in point, asserting that this city is spread out over an area of iJY square miles, with 40 per cent of that area vacant. "Omaha is running a municipal plant on an area which would ac commodate 500,000 population," he said. "The remedy for these condi tions is the zoning plan of city de velopment." Mr. Adams stressed the point that one of the main problems in building an industrial center is prop er. transportation facilities. He em phasized good housing conditions for workmen, a Question which a few years ago, he said, was regarded merely as a sentimental rather than as a practical question. Public health and recreation he also stated were important matters for consider ation by those who are entrusted with the administrations of the af fairs of a city. Aerial Mail Service, N. Y. to Chicago, Saves II O (K1AA AAA T u.o.qiuu,uuua iear New York, March 2. Aerial mail sertice "is not costing the public one cent, but saving the people more than $00,00 a year," Assist ant Postmaster General Praeger informed members of the Rotary club at their "aviation" dinner here. "It costs considerable less than $400,000 a year," he said, "to oper ate a 1,500-pound mail capacity air plane one .round trip daily between New York and Chicago, and by the establishment of such a schedule the Postoffic department has been able to discontinue nearly $500,000 worth of railroad distributing space and clerical hire." Introduction within a short time of a 10-hour airplane service be tween New York and San Fran cisco at an altitude of 20,000 feet was predicted by Glenn L. Martin of Cleveland, another speaker. This altitude, he cxplaihedwould insure a shunshing trip, as aUstorm strata are at low altitudes. Calls Investigation of "Anti-Saloonists" Comical Albany, N. Y., March 2. William H. Anderson, state superintendent of the Anti-Saloon laague, declares that "there are so many comical aspects of the proposed "investiga tion" of the Anti-Saloon league's activities, as authorized in a resolu tion adopted by tne assembly last night, that it is hard to take it seriously. "The Anti-Saloon league has violated no law and I have been ready for legislative investigation for 20 years," he said. iir, -trU I Alto the Great STEINVyAY DUO ART PIANOLA , All the ew Hits in uT anrf iviichine Records OAKFORD -MOjsic Co. Bi"lu Nb Dentistry y Truthfully Advertised t No Exaggeration No Misstatements, v We have tho largest off ice, and the largest force of skilled dentists in the en tire state. The truth of this can easily be verified. We da only high-grade den tistry and positively guarantee its satis factory service this you can easily prove by having us do some piece of work foi you. , Nitrous Oxide Gas and Oxygen ad ministered for painless removal of teeth. Our X-Ray Service Is Prompt and . Efficient. tMcKenney 1324 Farnam St. Corner 14th and Farnam. Phone Douglas 2872 Union Pacific. Takes Steps To Relieve Car Shortage Immediate action will be taken to relieve the freight car shortage of the Union Pacific railroad, especial ly in the northwest, where lumber shipments are much delayed, F. W. Robinson, freight traffic manager, nounced yesterday. With a sufficient number of freight cars at its disposal, the Union Pacific will be able to do much to relieve the shortage of K W - 5 o 91 o "Dress is an index f J9UT contents" Lavtsi o i 0 4 i a t & S) i n fmT n AKFOm MtxicCo. Auto Show nf Visitors are invited to inspect our beautiful stock of Pianos and Players. We are exclusive rep resentatives of Kurtz mann, Weber, Cable, Haddorff and other pianos. Dentists II homes in Omaha and other cities by transporting large quantities of building nintTial from th; north west, Mr. Kobiuson say. C. R. Gray, president of the Un ion Pacific, yesterday ail that hit line had only 7 or 8 per cent of its own freight cars on its lines. Celebrated Actor Dies. . Taris, March 2. l.ouis Karon, celebrated actor, is dead. He was born in 15 'J and made his debut at the Varieties in 18o5. & & o eg, Oomb stores base their scll VJ ing prices largely on the ap pearance rather than on the cost of their clothes, asking as much as they think they can get. H This has made many women believe that it is impossible to purchase really smart apparel except at almost prchibi tive prices. This is not so. d,We are proving to women every day that it is quite possible to obtain assured fashions of the highest character at reasonable prices. HThis has been accomplished, first, by specialization and expert buying, and, secondly, by determining the selling price in every case by the' cost . OMPAJsT's' g S S if i i WHY? Why risk your money in an entirely new yenture that will have to pass through the experimental stage that at best will require several years when you can invest in our Company, which is a demonstrated success, established over four years and is earning , an annual net profit of 40 per cent "We offer you an opportunity to invest in our 8 per cent Guaranteed Preferred, Par ticipating and Voting Stock. Write today. Omaha Bee A-45. Champion Economist Fuel tire and maintenance costs, computed against the mileage registered on your speedometer, is true meas ure of motor car economy. On tkm baais, ARan i tbtgw Urfy thrifty, t Drop 'rtW for m tt rid. Lininger Implement Co. Distributers 6th ad Pacific Sts. Omaha, Neb. ' Phone Douglas 199 New at the Show Space No. T THE ALLEN MOTOR CO., COLUMBUS, OHIO READ THE BEE WANT Four Children and Aged Couple Bi ;ncd to Death Ouilu'c. March 2. Six persons four children and couple, were burnrd to death w! m fire destroyed the house of Gat Jios Dupont, a farmer near the vill .ge of St. Fereol, in Mont Morenoi .i-imty. Mrs. Du pont was rescued. s four of her hildren and her fa &er and mother. Mr. and Mrs. Pierr Trcmblay, per islied. Dipont an; two older sons, were in tne wood when the fin started. ( fiY3i '4 i 5 'a l 3 h n (5) s lh a 33 IB m ADS - FOR RESULTS wnimnii!!MinRinittmiiii:iistiiiiHiissi - m i m L A.