Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1920, Page 12, Image 12

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Handball Title Goes to Vet
eran When Younger Op
, ponent Collapses Dur
ing Final Game.
Eddie Lawler, veteran Omaha
hand ball and base bait star, won
the singles championship of the Y.
-M. C. A. yesterday afternoon when
his opponent, George Bruegeman,
collapsed daring the deciding game
of the tournament.
Bruegeman was carried into the
, nffire of Ttivsiral Director N. T.
Weston and revived. '
" Last week Bruegeman startled Y.
M. C. A. hand ball circles when he
decisively defeated G. G. Linn two
names. Linn had never been de
feated before in a tournament game
here and had held the title for four
years. Lawler defeated Eddie Dy
gert in the ecmi-finals last Week.
Yesterday Lawler, the veteran,
and Bruegeman, a much younger
man, met for the championship.
Bruegeman nosed out a- victory in
thf first game, 21 to 19. Lawler
captured tlis second game, 21 to 12.
After a short rest they started on
the deciding contest.
Bruegeman took the lead. He led
Lawler, 7 to 4, after three minutes.
Lawler made 1 and Bruegeman ran
up to 11. Lawler's hand-in brought
the tally up to, 11 to 7. As Bruege
man went to serve he collapsed.
Lawler was given the title by the
committee in charge of the tourna
ment, Bill Mkkel, Rev. John Cal
vert and N. T. Weston.
Telegraphers Win.
Western Union Telegraph com
pany basket ball team defeated
Woodbine, la., Monday night in
Woodbine, 39 to 32.
With the Bowlers.
Son We Club. Office Club.
Connelly 479
Charmqulst ... 4M
Yost 45S
Chrtstenirn .'. . 432
floss 605
Brown 883
a Vinson 441
Myers 491
Total .......1.832 Total 1,829
A. B. Sweet Shop. Payne Investment.
Mullck 4611 N. Thompson... 466
Goerae 416 Murray 464
Nesbit 41l Crowe 349
Verdlgren 4MI Mrg. Thompson. 422
Oernandct .... 433 Rauber ......... 408
Handicap . 114
Total ,.2,233
Colon Outfitting-.
Hauamaa 447! Stum 415
Total 3,21
umana rnnting.
Btraw 302
Stanton 387
Jameson 430
ruling &
Keese 342
Belden 307
TUlson 4S4
Cowles 448
Handicap ..... 92
Total 2,034
Reliable Tire to.
Randall ......
Liftflep .
.Total 2,01
Packer Bank.
484 Regan
6091 Bennett
62ni Nolan .
Total 5651
flnuth Side Cafeteria.
Rnoakl .
Blake ..,
Total .
.... 520
.... 489
.... 616
.... 523
Total 2383
Sterer Candy Co,
Maxwell S13
Chase 606
Dennison 671
Knoaki A 486
Danforth, 493
Total 2769
0 M
THE Giants leavt the snow flat on New York's back today. They're
off to San Antonio, which is on the Mex horizon, only 40 miles inside
prohibition. Right on the edge of an edge. Checker Champ Matty is
in charge of the works, and it looks as if he laid the route out on a
checker board. . -.
The route lies through Albany, which is where the socialists don't go
when they're elected to the assembly. Then through Buffalo, which Is
where all the honeymoons end. It's a queer way to reach Texas, and the
team might as well keep right on and play an exhibition game with the
Alaska Indians, There are no openings in checkers that have it on this for
a queer start.' After reaching Buffalo, the engineer turns the engine
around atid heads for Texas. It's a big state, and he oughtn't miss it with
any kind of break.
Still, there's nrj law to handicap Matty from taking the team any
where provided he keeps within organized base ball. If this were the
Yanks, we could figure that Ban Johnson laid out the trip for 'em. The
train is made up of 47 cars. Eighteen sleepers and the rest dining boats.
That's one sleeper and two dining cars for each player.
There are no Cubans on the trip this spring. The Cubes can't stand
our 1920 dry climate. A Cube has to be oiled each day like a rubber
pr1t Every kind of vegetation sprouts in Cuba's luxuriant climate ex
cept a pump handle.
The start was slightly gummed by two of the rooks getting in a scrap
over the size of Grand Central station, which hides a square mile of
ground. A lad from Terwilliger, Ind., claims the Terwilliger depot is
bigger, if you count the grass plot in front of the station. Which sounds
fair enough. ,
Teacher sails from Cjiba today and joins the class p San Antone.
Eddie Brannick wears the Fire Chief's hat from here to Texas and
sees that none of the boys play hookey from the dining car. That ain't
a tough job, as a red ant don't need no invitation to a .picnic.
X sasnsannsjsjsi
There's a rumor that one base ball writer has a trunkload of rail
road dice concealed in his baggage. Railroad dice arc sure wood alcohol
every throw. They aren't any good on steamboats, but in a crowd
you'd be sur,irised. A guy controlling railroad bones can raise the fare to
100 smackers a mile. He's the conductor and the engineer and nobody
travels on half-fare.
Don't hi" aurnriserl if vnu hear of the; RailrnaH aHmi'nretratinn mnv'ma
out and B. Baer moving in. The government has controlled those loose
:i f - i-
raus long cnougn.
Pesek Falls Before "
Wladek Zbyszko in
Des Moines Mat Bout
Wladek Zbyszko defeated John
Pesek of Shelton, Neb., in a finish
wrestling match in Des Moines Mon
day night.
Zbyszko won the first fall in 41:30,
Peseic the second fall in 17:30 and
Zbyszko the third fall in 46:55.
Spain Backs Olympic Team.
Madrid, March 2. The govern
ment intends to grant a sum, prob
ably amounting to 150,000 pesetas,
to be used for the training expenses
of the Spanish athletes who. are to
participate in the Olympic games. at
Antwerp '.next summer.
Today's Calendar of Sports.
Raring: Winter meeting of Cnba-Amer-rnn
Jockey rlub, nt Havana; winter meet
ing of Rnnlneaa Men's Racing- association,
at New Orleans.
, IVand Ball: National A. A. TJ. junior
championships, at Detroit.
nasket Ball: Central A. A. V. cham
pionships, at Chicago
Boxing: Jimmy Wilde against Patsy
Wallace six rounds, at Philadelphia; Jack
Sharkey against Boy Moore, 10 rounds, at
Detroit; Johnny Toulon agalast Charles
Ledaux, 12 rounds, at Paris; CharUe
O'Connell against Don Curley, 10 rounds,
i rtanauHity, if,
is made with this
reinforced Ob'
long CablcCord
Buttonhole. An
exclusive feature
UMTaa mtmr a eoLuu oo. raor. a. t.
I .. Leading firms in every community
-J' - - ice and .its low cost of operation. .; j
I , ' . You will find that they are usually 1
. $ouMcik auirrsss 1
1 a.JBw KThJ
v '
' ; r, " '.....,"' . . - ' " .- '" t
O'Neill Racing Meet
Booked for June 16-18;
Expect 200 Entrants
' O'Neill, Neb., March 2. (Special.)
The annual 6pring race meet of
the O'Neill Racing association will
be held June 16, 17 and 18, according
to annonuncement made by Secre
tary Teter Duffy Monday. v
Applications for entry, avhich will
be solely for gallopers, already have
been made by two Havana, Cuba,
stables, one New Orleans and sev
eral Kentucky and Missouri stables.
The O'Neill meet is the first im
portant meet for running horses in
the year. Last year more than 150
horses were entered in the several
events. The outlook this year is for
at least 200. Several stables have an
nounced their intention of doing
their training here and horses will
begin to arrive in April. Hartington,
Bassett and Verdel already have en
tered the circuit and applications are
pending from several other towns.
Omaha University Reserves
Capture Commercial
League Basket Ball
' Pennant.
tory over the Commerce High Re
serves, as these two stars scored all
of the points,' the former making a
total of eight and the latter nine.
Council Bluffs High won a forfeit
game from the Thorpian Athletic
club, only three of the latter play
ers showing up. The league will
close next Tuesday night
Tonight three snappy games are
on the program in the Greatet
Omaha league. Following is the way
the teams will line up: Omaha Na
tional .Banks against Live Stock Ex
change, 7:30 p. m.; Townsends
8:15 p. in., and
against Bowens,
University of Omaha Reserves
practically clinched the. pennant in
the Commercial league by scoring a
24 to 20 victory over the Western
Union quintet last night at the
Young Men's Christian association.
Freiberg and Goodman, fight and
left forwards, respectively, were re
sponsible for the Young ( Men's
Hebrew's association's 17 to 3 vic-
the Coaiimtrcial
against Bcddeos,
Commerce High
9 p. m.
Folloiying is
league standing:
Won. Lost,
Omaha I7nl Reserves. ..... ..8 1
Council Bluffs Nigh 7 2 '
Y. M. H. A. ......i 7
Western Union 3 s
Commerce ReHerves.
Thorpian A. C. . .
Lewis Throws Londos.
New, York, March 2. Ed "Stran
gler" Lewis of Kentucky threw Jim
Londos, the Greek-champion in two
hours, four minutes and 43 seeonds.
Caddock Throws the
Frenchman in Short
Order; Head Sciscors
New York, March 2. Earl Cad
dock of Iowa, heavyweight wres
tlitig champion, threw Salvadore
Chevalier, the French expert, with
a head scissors and arm-lock 'in 58
minutes and 11 seconds at Madison
Square Garden here Tuesday night.
Carpentier to Marry
17-Year-Old Blonde;
May Quit Fighting
Paris, Mach 2. Georges Car
pentier, . Europe's heavyweight
champion, will be married March
13, it was announced Monday
"She," is a 17-ycar-old blonde
beauty, whose idcntity,( however,
is kept a profound secret. It is
understood she is not a society girl.
but hails from -the country.
Immediately after the marriage
the couple will sail for America o
their honeymoon.
There is an unconfirmed .report
that Carpentier has decided to giv
up the rfng forever, owing to th
positive aversion of his bride- te
be to prize fighting. He is aaid t
intend going into movies on a largl
Plan Elimination Meet to
Pick Opponent for Stechei
, New York, March 2. Eliminatioi
wrestling matches to choose an op
ponent for Joe Stecher, the world's
champion, will bring two former
titlehplders against two foreign
Vhanvpions at Madison Square Gar
den here tonight.
Collins Wins Fourth Game.
Boston, March 2. Percy Collins
of Chicago, by winning from F. S.
Appleby of New York Tuesday hi
the national 'amateur 18.2 balk line
Vti'llt'arHc rhamnifVnshin tournament.
made his tourney record four wins
without Mtear
Big, Roomy and Comfortable
Light in Weight
HE outstanding feature of the Huffman Six is LIGHT WEIGHT
not, however, to the extent that appearance, equipment or comfort
is sacrificed.
Indeed, your first impression on viewing this car will be its ample size, its sturdy construc
tion, itsjuxurious appointments and its over-generous seating and leg room.
It presents an air of elegance and distinction that you will not ordinarily find in cars of its
price. '
J A minute examination of its parts will reveal an assembly of units that are standard and
every one of them used in many cars of higher price.
CJ And more important still wjien you ride in this car, you will find that our designing engi
neers have so combined these units as to produce an automobile of perfect poise and balance.
CJ You. will find that it rides easier, moves freer, and shows more speed, power and pickup than
any other automobile on the market, ejen though assembled from the same units,
CJ And, of course, its lighter weight means lower up&eep expense.' The Huffman will appeal
particularly to those who can appreciate $2,500.00 construction at $1,895.00.
The Hoffman Six 130-inch Whetlbase Weigh 2,680 lbs.
The Following Specifications Tell the Story
Votar Ooatinsntal S-eyllwlar. Iftz
TrananUsriasi Omrt Uuwa s4
' aelMttr trpa, tntagral with motar.
Clutch Bert ' Beck It-Inch. It
Lubrication Comblnsd fore tas4 and
(Tooling Centrifugal pump.
flprtng-s Front. J 7-Inch ssrsl-sDlptle
Clemen, steel bustlings fitted with
ell caps an4 wicks; 'rear It-inch,
hoctasn leaf special allor atwL
Wheal Baas 1M Inchsa.
jbdea Trent I-beam i rear fusl Bset
ine; and spiral tear driven.
Tires 31x4 Inches straight stda, aa
aktd em rear.
Carburetor Strombera;.
Dyneto Two-unit, t-volt, start lnff and
llfhthia; system. Willard battery.
Connecticut lanttlen.
Propeller Shaft Unrrertals Hardy
flexible discs eliminate nnlyersal
joint trouble and require ne lubri
AidHonii RetintmenU that Prort the Ctr's Completeness ,
Axtomaile shvt-eff lenttlea
Deobte notllatlac wladaUaM.
Welybt lltt pounds.
- ti
t f. e k Kkhact, t-
Osnulne leather strslabt gthtrai av
Inlaid ' llnalsum eerered naming
boards ana, floor boards.
Stewart-Warner peedoxaeter.
Aeearate taaolhM faare en tank,
ll-ft extenalon Jreable tiunp eord
from Instrument board lif hL '
Thrce-wny tonneaa llghC
Barlt ttre earrler aa reasv.
Rebs rail aa back ef front saV .
Large pocket In Crsot doom aad raw
of front seat.
' Compute art ef gaod tools, jack aad
atetometer aa radiator aaa.
16x34 huh plat glass rear
Side cnrtalna apea w
Oolors Foeb Srag. YluMitf
Hattnma afarnnw.
.flWe are ready to make deliveries BIGHT NOW, and are perfecting and broadening our sales
organization. , ; r ;"
5 We invite those dealers to get in touch with us, who desire to sell a strictly quality car that is
backed unconditionally by the home organization.
Produeed by
Bnildwai Abo of tke loffmu Track? v XJJaU&TJSMIAMA
- ' -
The W. L. Huffman Automobile Company
Lincoln Branch:
1128 P Street
3036-38 Farnam St., OMAHA
Sioux FaQ Branch:
9th and Dakota Avenw
Dirtributori '
for -Nebrask,
) South Dakota
and "f,
We Will Exhibit
a Complete
Line of Huffman
Can and Tracks
at too
Aatomobile Show
V,' N