Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 03, 1920, Image 1

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    The Omaha 'Daily Bee
,1 : .y
. VOU 49 NO. 222.
m iM sutler Mir 2t. IMS. l
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By Mill (I yur), Dully, M.M: . 1M:
Daily S.. I7.M; will! Nes. Ute utr.
mm row
Republican Accuses Democrat
Of Justifying Charge Com
mittee Intends Burying Ex
Service Bonus Bills.
. D'Olier Against Money Bonus,
Requesting Other Action to
Assist War Veterans in Bet
tering Present Estate.
Washington, March 2. (By Chi
cago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased
Wire.) Consideration by the house
ways and means committee of the
question of bonuses for ex-servlte
men of the army and navy broke up
, in a near row today when Represent
ative Freer of Wisconsin, republican,
accused Representative Garner of
Texas, democrat, of justifying the
"charge that has been made on the
floor of the house that the commit
te intends to bury the "whole prop
osition. The clash between -the two mem
bers of the committee . arose over
what Representative Freer regarded
as hostile questions asked by Repre
sentative Garner of Thomas W. Mil
ler, chairman of the legislative com
mittee of the American Legion,
who, with Franklin D'Olier, nation
al commander of the Legion, ap
peared in behalf of bonus legislation.
Mr. Garner sought to show that the
kernel of the argument advanced
by the witnesses lay in the conten
tion that the granting of bonus
would benefit the entire nation by
adding te- the national wealth auv.
productive capacity "of the country.
To that extent, Mr. Garner insisted,
it would be equally justifiable for
congress to grant bonuses to all
classes of citizens.
Hot Words. Uttered.
"It has been repeatedly charged by
democratic members on the floor of
tht house," interjected Mr. Freer,
"that the purpose of sending these
bills to this committee was to kill
thera and now the gentleman from
Texas himself seeks to discredit the
whole proposition."
"That is absolutely false and un
warranted," hotly returned Mr. Gar
ner. In the bedlam which followed
a motion was made to go in to
executive session to' decide upon a
; planufot-iutura hearings.. In spite
' of insistence .by Chairman FoTdney
that an afternoon session would be
necessary in order to complete hear
ings before adjournment of congress"
the committee outvoted him and ad
journed at noon until tomorrow. Mr.
Fordney declared that 300 persons
(Continued on Page) Two. Colomn Three.)
Magna Charta Drawn Up
By Schleswig - Holstein;
Coup Brings New State
London, March 2. Representa-
tives of the Schtesweg and Holstein
..organizations, together with mem
bers of various political parties as
sembled at Rendsburg, Holstein.
Tuesday, to proclaim the emanpipa
.. tion of Schlesweg-Holstein from
Prussia and the establishment of a
new state, says a dispatch from
According to the dispatch the
jtate commissary, Dr. Koester, in
an address said: ,
"I am going to Berlin this eve
ning to hand over ' this declaration
of independence."
Copenhagen, March 2. The coup
iu Schlesweg-Holstcin in which a
new state was established by the
cutting way of Schlesweg-Holstein
from Prussia' occurred while the
three leading members of the inter
national commission were absent
from Flensburg. The commissioners,
Charles M. Marling, head of the
plebiscite commission in Schlesweg
Holstein, representing Great Britain;
M. von Sydow, representing Sweden,
and General Claudel, representing
France, are hurrying back.
Daughter of Ex-Governor
Morehead Dies at Home
Falls City, Neb., March 2. (Spe
. :ial Telegram.) Dorothy Lee
Morehead, only 'daughter of former
Governor and Mrs. J. H. Morehead,
died at midnight Monday of double
pneumonia. She was a graduate of
Nebraska university, 1911. Funeral
will be held at 3 Wednesday fromt
the family home here.
Miss Morehead was one of the
prominent young women in the uni
versity during her four years there.
As a senior she was a member of
Black Mask, the senior girls' society.
Later, when her father was gov
ernor, "he was a popular hostess at
the governor's mansion and assisted
in organizing the university sorority
of Gamma Phi Beta.
Adopt Community Plan
To Escape High Rentals
Chicago, March 2. Six Chicago
business and professional men
adopted a community plan to es
cape' payment of high rents. The
men contributed equally toward a
fund of $27,000 to purchase an apart
ment building, which, with thtir
families, they expect to occupy. It
was agreed a common fund should
be established, out of which run
- ning expenses of the apartment
'would be -paid.
Creighton Beats Detroit. '
Detroit. Mich., March 2. Creigh
ton defeated Detroit university here
Tuesday night at basket ball; score,
24 to 16.
Hoary Old Game
Adds One More
Scalp to Belt
Chicago, March 2. (Chicago
Tribune - Omaha Bee Leased
Wire.) The "wire-tapping game"
is hoary with age, but it seems
that if one travels far enough
eastward, he can find people who
have not heard of it. Take Louis
Wartman. clothing manufacturer
of New York, for instance. Two
months ago he went to California
to seek a location for a branch
house. On the way he stopped in
Chicago and deposited $15,000 in
a bank here.
In California he met an affable
stranger who desired to be di
rected to the postoflice. Wartman
volunteered to walk along with
him to point it out. They were
joined by a third man, a wealthy
"Iowa farmer," who confided in
them he was having the time of
his life beating the races through
a fourth man who could tap the
wires. It seems the fourth man
would do almost anything for a
$10 bill, as he was sadly in need
of money sick wife, lots of doc
tor bills and all that. .
Well, every 10-year-old child
knows what followed. Wartman
went with his new friends to a
dingy poolroom and all of them
put down a small wager. Wart
man won $250. The next day he
won another $250. Then a "kill
ing" was suggested. The others
put up $11,000 each and Wartman
drew on the Chicago bank for his
$15,000. He won all right, but
just as the money was being paid
over some "detectives" peered in
the window, so the men scattered,
the others holding Warttnan's
They've still got it.
while uncle sam
feeds famished
Financial Struggle in Europe
Opens With Great Britain
Leaving U. S. Behind,
Writer Says.
Paris, March 2. (New York
Times - Chicago Tribune Cable,
Copyright, 1920.) England, Italy,
Poland and Roumania soon will
start open and above oard peace
negotiations with Russia at a peace
conference in Warsaw. Announce
ment of this fact may be expected
this week. It is considered most
probable that Lloyd George will at
tend the conferences.
Recent German public statements
carry a friendly tone toward the new
government in Warsaw, the German
press pointing out the desirability of
a German-Pole alliance for exploita
tion of Russia. Diplomatic circles
in Paris consider an alliance in
evitable as Germany's only hope for
the future lies in Russia and Poland,
at present representing a barrier
between them. The Frankfurter
Zeitung, a paper of the German
Austro Rothschilds, refers to Polish
discouragement on account of the
entente's vacillating Russian policy
and advocates the sinking of Ger
man-Pole differences for co-operation
in Russia. '
Poles Can't Rely On Russia.
"Foland now understands she can
not rely on Russia, nor exploit Rus
sia aaainst Germany, but it would'
be easy and profitable to exploit
Russia in partnership with Ger
many," says the editorial.
This opposition of alliances both
with the same purpose may be con
sidered the opening of a financial
struggle in eastern Europe between
the entente and Germany for ex
ploitation of Russia. England has
won the first round by establishing
firmly her financial groups in the
Baltic states, while American
finance, commerce and diplomatic
idealists are busy organizing soup
kitchens and relief stations.
An important factor not uncon
sidered is the close relation of Japan
with England, and there is a strong
probability that the Tokio govern
ment will join in the Warsaw con
ference. Meantime British interests
are overlooking no bets in future
relations with Germany.
Germans Favor Trevelyan.
One Englishman the Germans
possibly could consider acceptable,
now is working hard in Germany
for revision of the Versailles treaty.
That Englishman is Arthur Tre
velyan, former minister of the
Asquith cabinet who resigned in
1914, protesting against England's
declaration of war with Germany.
Mr. Trevelyan is. now in Leipsig,
where the German press, recalling
his 1914 attitude, express greatest
satisfaction with his visit and point
out the hopeful prospects of the
present Anglo-German negotiations
for treaty revision. .
The French press is alarmed at
the treaty revision possibilities.
Immorality Charges Fail.
Washington, March 2. Charges
of immorality and lax discipline
among the inmates oi the Ports
mouth, N. H., naval prison were
held to he without foundation in the
judgment of the special board of in
vestigation's report made by Assist
ant Secretary of the Navy Roose
velt. The Weather.
Nebraska: Show Wednesday and
Thursday; colder; fresh to strong
shifting winds becoming northerly.
Iowa: Rain or snow Wednesday
and Thursday, colder.
Hourly Temperatures.
8 st. m.
ft m .
7 a..m.
M . m.
ft. m.
! a. m.
II . m.
1 p. m u
p. m.......:..Rfl
S p. m AS
4 p. m 50
5 p. m M
p. m 4
1 p. m . 47
P- b 44
Seventeen Brotherhoods,
Though Still Considering
Measure Obnoxious, Will Co
operate in Its Fulfillment.
Wilson Calls on Executives
And Workers to Pick Mem
bers of Nonpartisan Board
To Determine Wages.
By Arthur M. Evans.
Washington, March 2. (By Chi
cago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased
Wire.) Labor has decided to give
the new railroad act a fair and im
partial tryout. In a. statement to
night 17 railway brotherhoods and
unions announced that although
they still regard the Cumins-Esch
bill obnoxious, the only course left
for them to pursue is to co-operate
in the formation of the machinery
contemplated by the act.
One union only, the United
Brotherhood of Maintenance of
Way Employes and Shop Laborers,
failed to sign the declaration. But
this body will act at a meeting in
Chicago, when it is expected to fall
into line "with the other organiza
tions. The prospect of strike troubles is
smaller right now than it has been
in several moons. In fact, it has
almost vanished as an imminent fac
tor. Call te Pick Board.
President Wilson tonight called
on the rail executives and the work
ers to pick their representatives for
a nonpartisan board, which will get
busy on the pending wage contro
versy. The indications are that both
sides have already - tentatively de
cided on their men. It is surmised
that the employes will have perhaps
14 or 15, so that each union shall
have a voice,' while the railway ex
ecutives hiay have six or seven dele-1
gates, voting power, of course, to be
equalized. '
The announcement of the railway
unions came at the end of a three
days' conference. Although the rail
road act was roundly denounced, the
leaders decided that .since it is on
the statute books its wage-adjusting
machinery should ,be given a thor
ough test. ' . ' r?'.-'.-! .-'
The statement, after enumerating
the 17 brotherhoods and unions
which constitute the standard rail-
(Contlmwd on Page Two, Column Two.)
Sleeping Sickness
Brings otrange visions
To Designer's Mind
Paris, March 2. Attired in pa
jamas as startling as D'Annunzio's
dream in Fiume, Paul Poiret, cre
ator of the most daring fashion in
novations of 4he last 20 years, sat
up, pinched his arm, rubbed his
eyes, made a sound of amazed satis
faction, while wife, child, doctor,
nurse and attendants crowded
around him. The "brilliant couturier
was awakening from a 10-day attack
of the strange sleeping sickness
that has been raging; in Paris for the
last few weeks.
M. Poiret felt the first symptom
of the disease at the end of January
and tried to fight it off, but finally
took to his bed.
"Although I could not move, open
my eyes or speak, I was conscious
of what was going on," he said,
"while my mind, impelled by some
force stronger than my will, re
flected vision after vision of clothes,
houses, automobiles one stronger
than the other.
"I realized the beauty of women
dressed in skins- like the Bachantes
of ancient Greece; I saw houses
built like gardens of the Orient,
automobile gliding like serpents
across fields and meadows by means
of a series of joints, as graceful as
diminutive tanks, while my nostrils
were filled with perfumes of exotic
and fantastic plants of Thibet and
"Altogether the sleeping sickness
is a wonderful stimulant to the brain
of an active man."
Illinois Republicans
In Congress Offended
At Wood Committee
.Washington, "March 2. The Illi
nois republicans in congress joined
in a message to the Leonard Wood
campaign committee of that state,
characterizing as "offensive" a tele
graphic request from the committee
that they support General Wood for
the presidential nomination or else
name someone in each district who
would do so. (
"The delegation as a unit wishes
to express its firm belief that the
state of Illinois is not in any sense
of the word for Leonard Wood for
president," said the joint reply, "and
that the delegation and the state are
unqualifiedly for Goy. Frank O.
Lowden and that the tone and man
ner of the telegram in question is of
fensive to every - member of that
To Ship $15,000,000 Gold.
" New York, March 2. Between
$10,000,000 and $15,000,000 in gold
coin probably will be shipped this
week to South America principally
to Argentina, it was announced to
night Totaf gold coin exports to
South America since the first of the
year total approximately $65,000,000.
Yank Romeos
May Not Lose
Their Juliets
New York, March 2. Twelve
Italian girls who came to the
United States to marry American
soldiers, but who have been held
at Ellis island because they could
not pass the literacy test, learned
Washington had ruled they may
be admitted to the country for 60
days, provided they sign a pledge
not to marry during that time.
If Senator Calder's bill to ex
empt them from the reading test
is passed they will be free at any
time to wed their soldier lovers.
There is another chance for the
girls, for during the 60 days the
may learn to read the required 40
words. '
Each soldier must get a friend
or relative to furnish a $500 bond
to guarantee that his prospective
bride will not become a public
The news spread so rapidly
and the doughboy Romeos acted
so promptly that it was said at
Ellis island four or five of the girls
probably would gain their free
dom at once, despite the fact that
some of the" men live in distant
cities. Every man had expressed
his determination to send his
"girl" to school day, night or
both until she can read.
Some of the fiances have been at
Ellis island since October and
November and none has arrived
there later than last January.
Refrigerator Car Guard Seri
ously Injured Fifteen Cat
tle Killed Road Blocked
For the Day.
Thirty cars were thrown off tht
track and piled, up in the ditch a
mile east of Rayston on the Bur
lington road at 10:30 last niglit,
when a refrigerator car left the
tracks, dragging the others with It.
A railroad detective, whose name
was refused at the hospital, and who
was guarding fhe refrigerator car,
was thrown off" and seriously in
jured. Six cars of cattle were among
those derailed, 15 head being killed.
The accident occurred on a sharp
curve, the engine not , leaving the
track. The injured detective was
taken to Ralston on the locomotive
and later brought to St. Catherine's
hospital, Omaha, in an ambulance.
A wrecking crew wa dispatched to
the scene immediately, but officials
stated .last night that it will be a
full day before traffic can be re
sumed on the line.
U. S. Organization to
Fight Radicalism Is ;
Started at St. Louis
St. Louis, March 2. Representa
tive business men of the middle
western states have concluded a
two-day conference, called by the
Commercial Federation of Califor
nia, by unanimously endorsing plans
to form a nationwide organization
of professional and business' men,
farmers and other unorganized
groups to combat the spread of rad
icalism and fight class legislation.
It is intended to perfect the na
tional organization at a similar con
ference in New York, March 6 and
y, under the auspices of the com
mercial Federation of California.
Dr. SC. A. Loveland of Topeka,
Kan., stated that in conversation
with Ludwig C. A. K. Martens,
American representative of soviet
Russia, the later had declared there
would be a revolution in the United
States within two years
Gov. Edwards, Endorsed
In Illinois, Sends Telegram
Chicago, March 2. A petition en
tering the name of Gov. Edward I.
Edwards of New Jersey in the dem
ocratic presidential race in Illinois
wai taken to Springfield "following
a meeting at which the New Jersey
executive was endorsed. Several
speakers attacked W. J. Bryan's op
position to Edwards.
Michael Zimmer, president of the
United Societies, who presided, read
the following telegram from Gov
ernor Edwards:
"The first step forward for per
sonal liberty was taken by the legis
lature of New Jersey today. I will
carry the same fight to the San
Francisco convention. The idea of
personal liberty is greater than any
man. I am with you in this fight
for Americanism." 1
Sheriff Saves Prisoner by
- Hiding in Woods All Night
McAlester, Okl., March 2. Possi
bilities of a lynching ended when
"Cap" Davis, a negro convicted of
attacking a white woman and sen
tenced to imprisonment for 45 years,
was delivered at the penitentiary
A mob formed Monday night at
Shawnee, but Sheriff H. L. Brown
of Chandler eluded it and camped
outside McAlester all night. Sheriff
Frank Cralls met him and took the
prisoner by automobile to Holden
ville, thence back to McAlester by
Finds Seven Skeletons on
Shore Near Princess Bay
New York, March 3. Deane.F.
Wood, a Staten Island publisher,
notified the police he had discov
ered seven human skeletons, buried
at a spot along the ocean beach be
tween Huguenot and Princess Bay.
Palmer and McAdoo Scurry Around Capital
When President Wilson Passes Out the Word
He Will Not Seelf Third White House Term
1 SWnfc
Handwriting Expert Says Sig
nature on Chicago Hotel
Blotter That of For
mer Omahan.
San Francisco, March 2. (Spe
cial Telegram) Promised sensations
were sprung in the Smetzer-Poucher
alienation suit when Mrs. Boyd
W. Thorne of Los Angeles re
cited passages from a letter that she
testified - she found in Mrs. Irma
,Smeltzer's brief case while Mrs.
Smeltzer was visiting her in Los
Angeles, and when Carl Eisen
schimel, handwriting expert, de
clared that the signaturce of "J. J.
Parker and wife, Chicago" on the
Hotel St Mark register, and an ad
mitted signature of Rev. John J.
Poucher, had been written "by one
and" the same person."
Mrs. Thorne declared that the letter-from
which she quoted at leangth
was "written in a hand identical with
thtr specimens ..of Poucher's hand
writing admitted as such.
"You have brought lots of hap
piness and lots of trouble into my
life," Mrs. Thorne declared the let
ter read. . "I bought some theater
tickets today and was sorry that I
had to pay for them, as we will need
all our pennies for the future."
Advised to "Lie Low."
Advising Mrs. Smeltzer to "drop
out of sight for a couple of w;eeks,"
the letter continued, Mrs. Thorne
said: "Get your new sport suit and
your things ready and leave by July
1. When you come to Oakland we
will plan our future," Mrs. Thorns
said that the letter was signed "your
loving, begging boy, 'John."
Another letter that came for Mrs.
Smeltzer during her visit in June,
1919, had written on the flap in hand
writing that Mrs. Thorne asserted
was identical with the Poucher
"Your letter cqme at 11. I feel
better now." '
At this time, she said, she took out
and copied the letter that she later
found in fragments and pieced to
gether. On an earlier occasion, go
ing to Mrs. Smeltzer's brief case for
stamps, she found the "loving, beg
ging boy" letter- and learned it by
Didn't Look for Any More.
"Did you look for any more let
ters?" asked Attorney White.
x "That was enough," answered Mrs.
Thorne. "I didn't want to read any
more trash like that."
Mrs. Thorne said that Mrs. Smelt
zer received many letters while she
was staying in Los Angeles, and
that she always took them from the
mail man herself.
"She would sit on the front porch
and wait for him to come along,"
said Mrs. Thorne.
Court was adjourned late today
untj tomorrow.
Wants Investigation of
Alleged Wheat Pool
Washington, March 2. Senator
Reed, democrat, Missouri, intro
duced a resolution calling upon the
senate manufactures' committee to
investigate the alleged "dealings,
operations and speculations" of the
United States grain corporation and
the alleged wheat pool. The resolu
tion, which resulted from the recent
report of the federal grand jury in
Spokane, Wash., was referred to the
auditing committee.
Chicago Women Promise Hot Time
For Spanish Author iff He Returns
Chicago, March 2, (By Chi
cago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased
Wire.) When Vincente Blasco
Ibanez,. Spanish novelist, appeared
in Chicago he complained that the
city was cold toward him. Should
he choose to return, he will find
it plenty warm enough. Chicago
women will torrid enough
even for the hot-blooded Spaniard
and all because of a recent inter
view in which he said American
men were cowards before their
women, coddled and petted them
when they should instead hand
them some rough stuff, a "little
cave man stuff for a change.
This, brought a rise all right
Executive Signals His Decision
j By Giving Definite Permls
: sion to Attorney General to
i Announce Candidacy.
Wartime Secretary of Jreas
'ury Arrives Suddenly in
j Washington and Holds Long
i Talk With Father-ln-Law.
Washington, March 2. (By Chi
cago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased
Wire.) President Wilson is not a
candidate for., a third term and vir
tually has eliminated himself from
consideration for the, democratic
nomination to succeed himself.
He signalized his decision yester
day by giving definite permission to
Attorney General falmer to an
nounce his candidacy for the nomi
nation and clearing the way for a
similar announcement by his son-in-
law, former Secretary of the Treas
ury William G. McAdoo. the word
from the White House to the demo
cratic leaders is that the bars are
down, the president stands aside, and
the held of candidates is open to all
The assurance also emanates from
the White House that the president
intends to keep hands off the pre
convention campaign. He will not
place the seal of his endorsement on
either Mr. Palmer or Mr. McAdoo
or Herbert Hoover, who also will be
in the race for the democratic norm
nation, and will endeavor to hold the
administration aloof from the con
McAdoo in Capital. ,
These developments were dis
closed today following Mr. Palmer's
announcement of candidacy in a
telegram authorizing the filing of a
raimer petition in tne ueorgia pri
mary. The story portrays a scries
of interesting maneuvers of rival fac
tions around the figure of the sick
man in the White House.
The sudden arrival of Mr. Mc
Adoo in Washington yesterday and
a long confidential talk between
father-in-law and son-in-law started
the train of events. Mr. McAdoo
had scarcely departed from the
White House before it became
kown to the "inner circle" surround
ing the president that Mr. Wilson
had reached an important decision
in regard to the democratic presi
dential contest.
Through trusted scouts Mr.' Pal
mer soon learned that the president
had confided his intentions to Mr.
(Continued on Pace Two, Column One.)
Elimination of Big
Packers From Meat
Industry Asked For
Washington, March 2. Virtual
elimination of the big packers from
the meat industry and substitution of
small, local and co-operative Stock
yards and slaughter houses was sug
gested by Ed C. Lassiter of Texas,
representing live stock growing or
ganizations before the house agri
culture committee.
The packing business now is un
economical, Mr. Lassiter asserted,
causing injury both to live stock
producers and consumers. Trans
portation of cattle to the packing
centers and return shipment of meat
to consumers involves an economic
loss, he said.
Lassiter also urged separation of
large stock yards from packer con
trol. The yards, he said, should not
be ovyned by a. holding company, but
by the railroads as a transporation
adjunct. ,
Independent stock yards' and
slaughtering plants cannot be ' de
veloped, Mr. Lassiter said, so Jong
as congress permits the large pack
ers to have such a preponderant
share cf business.
Red Candidate Behind
In Election in Seattle
Seattle, March 2. Complete re
turns from 70 scattering precincts
out of a total of 272 give Major
Hugh M. Caldwell, mayoralty candi
date at today's elections, a total of
10,822 votes, a lead of 2,381 votes
over James Duncan, secretary of the
Seattle Central Labor council, his
opponent. A heavy vote was cast.
Duncan was a leader in last year's
general strike.
100 Vermont Towns Vote
"Yes" for Liquor Licenses
Rutland. Vt. March 2. Incom
plete returns from a majority of the i
14 Vermont counties indicated that
more than 100 of the state's 248
towns voted "yes" pn the liquor
license question.
Mrs. Joseph Winterbotham, jr.,
said: "His remarks are too
riditfulous to discuss. It is pre
posterous to say our women care
for cave man tactics."
"The gentleman is evidently
speaking from the Spanish view
point." said Mrs. Grace Wilbur
Trout. "Certainly he does not re
flect ours. American women are
perfectly satisfied with American
men as they are. They are not
perfect, of course, but they are
the best men we know of."
"Thank God for the America.",
mair," $aid Mrs. Raymond Robins.
"I believe that is ojtite the best
answer I can make to Mr.
Ibanez's absurd statements,"
I .
in M ill
l 0 I
Si I
- VII hi AM G". Tl? ADOO .
Assault Will Be Quite Peace
able Visitors Appear at
Auditorium Before
. Doors Open.
United States troops stationed at
Fort Omaha will be called out to
day to storm the Auto Show, which
is expected to fall before them with
out offering any resistance.'
The assault, however, will be un
accompanied -by .artillery prepara
tion or gas innundation, and the
soldiers will be armed with pencils
and notebooks instead of bayonets
and grenades, for the invasion is to
be a peaceful visit of 120 students
at the motor mechanics' school at
the fort. The embryonic drivers
and mechanicans are to be taken
to the show early m the afternoon
for an inspection tour to acquire
information concerning the latest in
automotive engineering. -
To Study Construction.
Touring car engines, suspensions
and general designs will be noted
and the principles, of construction
embodied in the different trucks on
display will be explained. . Capt. A.
C. McKinley will be in charge of
the detachment. The soldiers are
to be the guests of the show man
agement. The auspicious opening of the
show was merely a fore-runner of
what the later developments were
to be, Clarke G. Powell, manager,
said last night.- As early as 8:30
a. m. yesterday visitors were ap
pearing at the Auditorium seeking
admission. Many waited the full
hour to gain entrance. As the day
progressed the crowds increased.
and the "matinee" gathering threat
ened at times to tax the capacity
of the halls.
Interest Again Manifest,
The intense interest of ooenins
night was manifested again last
night, when citizens of Omaha and
visitors from afar jammed the lobby,
waiting patiently to buy their tickets
and to get through the inside doors.
Added to the attraction of the show
(Continued on Page Two, Column Four.)
Hamilton Is Nominated
Republican Candidate
For Mayor of Bluffs
George Hamilton was nominated
republican candidate for mayor of
Council fluffs last night by the city
republican convention which met &t
8 o'clock in the .north room of the
The vote, on the final ballot was
Hamilton, 36 5-6: Owens. 29 1-6.
Two ballots were taken. The first
was an informal ballot Arthur
Whitlock, labor candidate, received
three votes on the informal ballot
and John Lanustrom received one.
Un the hnal ballot Langstrom s vote
was shitted to Hamilton and Whit
lock's three to Owens. Charles
Campbell, alderman from the Fifth
Ward, was selected chairman.
Hope for Suffrage Vote
In West Virginia Wednesday
Charlestown, W., Va., March 2.
Possibility of the federal suffrage
amendment being ratified in the
West Virginia legislature lay in the
hope tonight that the senate Wed
nesday would recall its vote of Mon
day, at which time the ratification
resolution was lost by one vote. '
Omaha Man Is Appointed
Vice-Consul to London
Washington, March 2. Special
Telegram.) Thomas Gentleman of
Omaha has been appointed vice
consul to London.
23 Defendants Dismissed.
Grand Rapids, Mich.. March 2.
Twenty-three minor defendants in
the Newberry election conspiracy
trial were difmissed from custody
ton motion , of the prosecution
i Tuesday. The move came just after
! Frank C. Da'ley, assistant attorney
i general, had announced at 3 p ,m.
tnai xne government restea its di
rect case. Judge Sessions promptly
granted Mr. Dailey's motion to dis
miss, i
Seventeen Senators Who Did
Not Vote for Monroe Doctrine
Provision First Time Help
Readopt Reservation.
Effort by Senator Hitchcock
To Displace Lodge Reserva
tion With Mild Substitute
Beaten by Majority of Ten.
Washington, March 2. (By Chi
cago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased
Wire.) , Without the slightest
change either of meaning or phrase- .'
ology, the senate today readopted
the Lodore reservation safeguarding
Tthe Monroe doctrine by the decisive
vote ot s to a.
This reservation not only declines
to submit questions growing out of
the Monroe doctrine to the league
of nations, but also declared in the
plainest language possible that the
Unitea States must remain the sole
interpreter of the doctrine. Next to
article 10 it was the most important
point of difference in the treaty "
Seventeen democrats joined with
the republicans "to roll up the over
whelming majority in favor of the
reservation. At the satne time the
administration again clearly demon
strated that it still commands suf
ficient support to block' any ratifi
cation obnoxious to, President Wil
son. The Monroe doctrine reserva
tion struck directly at the most vul
nerable point in the administration
defenses and it was generally agreed-
that as long as 22 democrats would
continue standing by Mr. Wilson on
such an issue as this ratification wa3
entirely out of the question.
How Senate Lined Up. '
Here is the way the senate lin.ed
up on the preservation of the Mon
roe doctrine:
Bait, Borah. Brandegee. Caldor, Capper,
Colt, Cummins. Curtla. Dillingham, Ed.
Elkln. Fernald, Freltnghuyaan, Gronna,
Hale, Jones of Washington, KeUoRg, Kn-
yon, Keyfg. Knox, I.curoot, Lodge, Me
rormlclc. McLfan. McNary. Uoiti, Nelson,
New, Norrla, Page. Phlppa, PolndeaUt,
Sherman, Stnoot, 6pencer, Starling. Suther- '
land, Towntend, Wadswortb, Warren and -Wataon
HI. r ) .. -. - -. v
Beckham, Chamberlain, Fletcher. J?v;". ,
Henderson. King. Klrby, Myers, Nugent,
Owen, Phelan, FIttman, Heed Shields,
Smith of Georgia, Thomas. Trammell 17.
r:fi. Harrison, Hitchcock, Johnson of South
- Pit! K re.!.. Ttlnl Oav n
DiiKota, Jones or Jew Mezloo. Kendtieli,
McKellar. Overman. Pomaren. Rjuuh1!1.
Sheppard, Simmons, Smith of Maryland,
Smith of South Carolina, Walsh ot Mon
tana, Williams ana woicou 23.
Hitchcock Move Fails.
An effort by Senator Hitchcock.
the democratic leader, to displace
the Lodge reservatidn with a mild
substitute, was beaten, 43 to 34.
In a brief speech defending: his
reservation, Senator Lodge declared
that "the maintenance of the Mon
roe doctrine is absolutely vital" and
assertecT his readiness to join in flat
rejection of the treaty unless it was
clearly understood that the United -States
was to continue "as the sole "
interpreter of the doctrine."
Ihe original Lodsre reservation
declining to submit domestic ques
tions to the league of nations win -
also readopted by a vote of 56 to 25,
after every attempt to modify it had
failed. Fourteen democrats bolted
and supported the reservation. A
mild substitute was proposed by
Senator Hitchcock. Senator Borah
declared it might turn control of
the Panama canal over to the
league. It was rejected, 44 to 36.
The senate has now reached
reservation No. 6 and the Lodge '
program still stands intact and un
changed. Flops Over and Requests -
Treaty With Reservations ;
Louisville, Ky., March 2. (By
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased v
Wire.) The Courier-Journal, a
strong advocate of the treaty with
out reservations, comes out tomor
row morning with an appeal to dem-"'
cratic senators to obviate further de '
lay even if they hav to accept' the .
Lodge reservations. The editorial
in part follows:
"It is now to be asked whether.'
in choosing between an immediate
ratification and a prolongation of
the sickening position of the United
States in world affairs; it is not the
part of wisdom to urge the ratifica
tion instantly on the best terms pos
sible. . The alternatives presented
are not pleasant. It is no easy thing
to accept a mutilated treaty in order
to have i. nor, on the other hand,
it is no easy thing to contemplate
the extension of the existing chaos
into another year.
"The Courier-Journal believes the
choice must be shaped by considera
tions of patriotism which may make
necessary a sacrifice of future hnnec
for immediate peace. It therefore,
after a continuous championship of
the treaty without mutilation, recog
nizes the existence of a rrieia -ivhiph
demands instant judgment and ac
tion ratner than nave the country
continue outside the rreatv aim1ir
year. It would reluctantly, but defi
nitely, accept tiie treaty wttn tne
reservaions nqw pending in the son-
Spain May Import Wheat.
Madrid. March 2. Investigation
of the possibility of importing wheat
from North America instead of from
Argentina, to meet the demand for
that cereal in thin country, hts been
begun by tht government.
- h