DERLIN CALLED SPIDER'S NEST OF CONSPIRACY '. SssMBaSSSSSasM Eat and West Meet. There To Scheme Is "Clear" . ing House of Bol By PARKE BROWN, Berlin, March 1. (Copyright By Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee lust Wire.) While all the woeld recognizes there is a connection be tween bolshevism in Russia, upris ings in Turkey, rebellion in Egype, disturbances in Persia, trie outbreak in Afghanistan, and troubles in Sy ria, the revolutionary movement di recting the actual net of interlock- 'ADVZKTIHBMZXT Fatness Kills 31,000 Yearly Ti Is fatal to health and personality. It is. satimatsd that orer 81,000 persons ksvs died each year in the past decade tang before their allotted span of life, through the effects of exceasivs fatness. AsKOTerstout man or woman is carrying tmMelthy adiposity that is pressing (Blast and injuring Tital srgana of the tody. The heart, that delicate human) apparatus, becomes congested. - In numer ous eases there are dangerous gatherings of packed in fat around the throat, tomach, lirer and other delicate parts. Through oreratoutness the afflicted per- ' son while apparently welt is liabls to aerrousness, neurasthenia, physical or mental collapse and other disorders, for besity is irritating. Cases of heart jatiurt, apoplexy, sunstroke, etc., are frs- ' sjosnt causes of prematura death. Fat S arsons are particularly victims of acci aats and are more liable than healthy. Slender persons to death from influenza, pneumonia and other severe ailments. If jwt are men tout you should know It ta truly ssed ma seeaaae : wmMm 01 biow .uicia. iot you to aui yourself a many years becora natural old ace, limply i you an not emancipate younten rrom tno At nnhBlth H 11.1 c'l 1 1 fa, UamMiW aOcMoy should be Improved by becoming tor; also your appearance should btcoma rouT" r end mere oltfactitu. Then Is a d.ltght ' auceeasful method of wehrht reduction known as konln yatem. It conilita of some simple amnions mm tn use or ou or aorain. Tnia laitlwij Is so pleasant because It contains no thireid or other such draatlo iniredients, no atrsnuous exercises, no starvation ; Indeed, you Ssay eat all you need. The koreln system is maranteed: it is perfectly harmless: recommended by physicians. A reliable self-treatment. I By reducing now-you may expert greater contentment, happiness, increased mental and physical efficiency, better health and longer life. Be fair to yourself and these who are dear to you I Surprise . everybody with 'your renewed vigor, vi vacity and surpassingly superior person ality. Get oil of korein (the easy koreirt system) is in each pkge.) at the drug store without delay; or if more convenient, send 11.00 cash, stamps or money order te Korcin Co., NM-e9, Station S, New jloris, W. J. Of Utmost Importance Pure, emulsified cod-liver oiT is Hot medicine as many are prone to think of medicine. COTTS il a form of growth-nourishment u of utmost importance to I any children. That most ildren relish and thrive on .feoff' is a "truism" Accepted the world over. Gr Scott's to the children lijttl watch them grow strong! . Scott & Bownc, Bloomfield. JJ. 19-15 IBotb Men and Women Suffer with backache, pain In kid' ney and bladder regions, headache, vjertigo, rheumatic pains, dizsy ,feel incs and sometimes fail to, recog nise where the trouble lies. Con tteeted Tfldneys cause a lot of dls tress and should never be neglect- M. congested kidneys are more dfcngerous than constipated bowels. SmMw - a right away if you would be well land free from distress, after urlna tifn, such as burning, gcalding, pain, and other agonies. Balmwort Kidney Tablets reduce inflammation, restore normal secretion, and there is no medicine better FOR KIDNEY IHRKGIXARITIES Sold by all druggists. . ADVERTISEMENT XE1TER THAN CALOMEL Thousands Have Discovered : Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets i Are a Harmless Substitute Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are the Molt of Dr. Edwards' determination tnt to treat Ever and bowel complaints rh calomel. For 17 years he used are tablets (a vegetable compound Jmi with' olive ou) in his private XKtioe with great success.' - They do all the good that calomel be but have no bad after effects. No -Oa, no griping, no injury to the -as or Sanger from acid foods yet T stimulate the liver and bowels. .a Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets I "an yoa feel "logy" and "heavy. " tow they dear clouded hrain and ptp the spirits. 10c and 25c a, box. mm This mrKterfu. boQawiaf be nest -. - EMULSION tllllfj rai -ipv-:.v;v. ing conspiraciesextept for occa sioral revelations, remains a com plete mystery. But civilized nations are beginning to aisttect that Berlin is becoming a great clearing house for fomenters of these disorders, which are pro longing the war long beyond the signing of the supposed world peace. Berlin Spina the Web. . ' Berlin now is the meeting place for east and west Here the 'radi cals of both hemispheres can meet, scheme and plot And -one of the most insistent weaver of this net of conspiracies is the crafty Turk. Turkey's leaders in the great war - jsa mt. with money, secretive and cautious. Occasionally propaganda is issued, but what the Turks really ire do ..... - , . . r . in is a mvstery to Occidentals. Only a Turk can penetrate the se crets. The author of the following article is a Moslem, former citizen of the United States, whose news paper work in Washington later was published in the newspapers of Com stantinople. He is under sentence of death, pronounced In a milifary court under the presidency of Essalfl Pasha. ' ' By "Mohammed Bey." Since the armistice. - the Turks residing in Germany include the foM lowing tngn ouiciais: "Tala Pasha, grand vizier, Enver Pasha, war minister and commander-in-chief; Dej,ma Pasha, minister of the navy; Azmi DJmal Bev, gov ernor of Trebizond; Dr. Nashm Bey, president of the notorious committee of union and progress; Beydri Bey, governor of Constanti nople, and Azmi Bey, chief of po lice of Constantinople. ' Close to Lenin. From Berlin they keep in con tact with the whole Orient When other means are lacking, couriers keep communications open to India, Egypt, Persia and Afghanistan, but there always is direct communica tion with Turkey, Anatolia and the Caucasus. Of course, they also are in con stant touch with the soviet govern ment of Russia, which is an ex tremely simple matter" from Berlin. But so excellent are the connec tions that not only are they able, to exchange information with all thf?se points, but to transmit funds and even arms and ammunition. Prolong World Flames. To demonstrate the important Swiss conectipns it is only neces sary to remind readers of the mys terious source of funds for the Egyptian national committee, which operates in Switzerland. The purpose of a late conference undoubtedly was to prolong the dis turbances of the world peace and to create discord among members of the entente, the latter design ap parently beginning to harvest suc cess. Whether these men will be able to prol6ng the world flames in definitely is uncertain, but the sooner the menace of their activity is under stood the sooner the chance of world peace. Mrs. C. L. Hempel Named Head of Woman s Club; Oppose Sunday Dances The Omaha Woman's club held its annual 'election Monday afternoon in the Y..W. C. A. auditorium. The following officers were elected for the club year of 1920-21: Mrs. C. T. Hempel, president Mrs, Harriet MacMurphy, first vice, president; Miss Katherine Worley, second vice president; Mrs. John W. Gill, cor- responding secretary; Mrs. W. H. natterotn, lecoraing secretary; Mrs. i Tames Graddock, treasurer, The first three named officers were re-elected by unanimous vote. On an informal ballot, Mrs. Hem- pel received 103 of the -105 votes cast. i.Ci)mmittce chairmen elected are: Auditing, Mrs. E.,K.itattfieTd; con stitution, MT.UrJ.-Bailey; cour tesies, Mrs. John O. Yeiser; house and. home, Mrs. , Burt Fowler; li brary committee to serve for two years, Mrs. A L. Fernald and Dr. Adda Ralston: membership commit tee to serve lot! three years, Mes dames W. A. Baldwin, R.' E. Crane, F. W. Smylie, C. H. Long and R. L. Frantz. A resolution drawn by the Doug las countv W. C T. U. and receiving the endorsement of the Omaha Wo-, man's club will be presented to the mayor and city commissioners of Umaha lucsday morning at vmu, protesting against Sunday dances a3 conducted in the city. v ; , Former Inmate of Asylum Asks Divorce Be Set Aside Alleging that Christian Nielsen se cured a divorce from Lena Nielsen in May, 1917,' by fraud, suit was filed in district court' yesterday in the name of Mrs. Nielsen to have the divorce set aside. Mrs. Nielsen has been an inmate of the Iowa Hospi tal, for the Insane at Calrinda, la., it is stated. If is alleged that Mr. Nielsen made an affidavit that he did not know his wife's whereabouts when he secured the divorce, though it is alleged he knew that she was in the insane hospital. Expect Report on Tangle In ' Christian Science Church Boston, March 1. The way to an early filing of the report of the mas ter who heard testimony in the liti gation involving several groups prominent in the government and administration , of the Christian Science church wasleared today. Judge Crosby, in the supreme court, denied a motion that the master be directed to reopen the case for fur her evidence. To Get Strong and Put on Flesh People who hate tried it sar that one of the quickest sad surest vara in which thoaa whe are weak, thin, nervous and run dewa an grew strong end put en pounds of 'solid stay-there flesh.-is to take a s-graia tablet or Bloos-lron .Phos phate with each meal. Ttoia is doubtless due to the well known fact that Blood Iron fhoaphata quickly builds up de pleted nerrous energy and at the came time supplies the 'iron necessary to make rich, red strength building blood. If yon are weak, thin, nervous, or are lacking in the old-time vigor, endurance sad op timism, go to Sherman a) lteConnell Drug Co., or any other good druggiat and get enough Blood-Iron Phosphate to last three weeke and take as directed. If at the end of three weeks yea don't fed one hundred per cent better and aren't in every way satisfied yoa esa have year money hack for the ask lag. fair, isa'i HI Bette tor are nere n uermany. i ney .re -.Wjted guests gathering tor the reg i ve at all tunes, nlentifullv suoohed ..." i.i j? , AD MEN TOLD OF AUTO SALES' AND ' , ARMENIAN DRIVE Giairman Neil of Relief Fund Says City Will Go "Over Tob" As in Past, One of the lamest meetings i the history of the Add Selling league was held last night at the Fontenelko", OHWW BS 1411 Va. V.U 11 V 11 lk-1 OL. slIIU ill- nctftiv umiicr. j Ular weekly flmner. Don Preiitiss of the Packard Auto mobile Co., pf Detroit, who arrived in Omaha this week to be present during the automobile show, talked on "Automobile Merchandising" ex plaining the difficulties connected with the building up ofMhe automo bile industry. y i . '". ; "No field"in the automobile busi ness is overcrowded today," said Mr. Prentiss, "and there is a market for every good car made, regardless of the price." . Mr. Prentiss is a -graduate of the Princeton university and one of 'the foremost automobile men of the day. Charles T. Neil, vice president or the United States Grain Corooration and chairman of the Armenian relief committee, spoke on the Armenian question and relief fund,' explaining that the quota allotted Omaha is $60, 000, every cent of which will go to the starving children of Armenia. "We are going to make the drive a success in Omaha, and the city will go over the top' with, this as it has in every other drive conducted here,'( said Mr- Neil. Song selections were given by members of the Add Selling league, in which the entire membershio joined at times. After the meeting members of the league and their guests went in a body to the auto show as the guests of J. S. Elfred of the Hansen-Tyler Auto company. They inspected the exhibits and serenaded the automo bile men and other visitors with popular songs wherever they stopped. G. P. Swanson led the singing !,. Suffrage. Convention Delayed. The Nebraska State Suffrage as sociation.which was to have met in Omaha during the first week of April, has postponed its meetingun t il the last week of May, Mrs. Mabel Walker, convention secretary of the Chamber of Commerce, announced yesterday. , , I TWi$m&7$ox, FIIMLAND PHOTO PJAY OFFERINGS FOR. TODAY EVERYTHING in Omaha this week seems to have the, "right of way." Auto visitors are given the "right of wav."Vver citv folks, while the autos on the streets are given preference to the "right of way"; the management of the Sun theater have Bert Lytell in "The Right of Way" as their stellar attraction this week. In "The Right of Wtty," claimed by many to be Sir Gilbert Parker's greatest story it is the one that won for the Can adian novelist his knighthood s there is presented a story of un usual, power.' Revolving as the ac tion does' about the dashing, cyn ical character of "Beauty" Steele, (Bert Lytell), the brilliant young lawyer of Montreal, is presented in the story a vividness of dramatic incident, a swiftness and constantly unexpected change in the course of the lives of those involved, the tests of the love of two women all with the picturesque and at times primi tive background of the North Woods, whither fate and the results of Steele s personality bring him. Strand "Double Speed," the photo-production offering at the Strand, is chock full of breezy comedy and surprises. Wallace Reid, starring in the picture, has the role of "Speed Carr on his way to the West coast from New York, whence is robbed of his catand his funds, arriving at his destination resembling a "knight of the road." Wanda Hawley, who is extremely esfsy to locjk at, is the girl, and those fine character men, Theodore Roberts and Tully Mar shall, are in the cast. Rialto The heroic sacrifice of an American youth in permitting him self to drown rather tharr to risk the lives of his fellow, members of a submarine , crew forms one of the most unusual and dramatic incidents in "The Greatest, Question," a D. W. Griffith film. production offered at the Rialto theater. The produc ing genius of filmland has conceived a logical story. He explains clearly to an audience why a mother's faith in the hereafter is shaking. Through the life-like development of his plot, AT THE THEATERS IF you have kept your emotions in V cold- storage, have looked upon Jife with that blase view charac teristic of the know-it-all dweller ofJ the cities to whom the doings of his. neighbors are naught, don't you think it about time tb take a lesson in primitive emotions from the view point 6f people who live in the for esfc whose thoughts and doings re-f fleet their innermost ' ideals, chief among which afje love and the pur suit of happiness? If you want to at tend a class of, this kind then go to the Brandeis Theater tonight, see "Tiger Rose" and you will see 'un folded life in its big moments, strip ped of; the veneer of society in ex quisite settings and "beautiful en vironments that David Belasco en compasses them with. The engage ment is a brief one, closing with a matinee and evening performance to morrow. , . "A Daughter of the Sun," which the Brandeis on Thursday, is a sttry or a Hawaiian tsutterlly, written by Lorin Howard and Ralph T. Ketter ing, and unden the management of the , Mutual Play company. The scenic investiture of the play is a massive one and the cast is larger tnan many musical shows. It is a show especially well calcu lated "to entertain out-of-town visi tors that the Orpheum is offering for Automobile Week. The bill is headed by the musical and dancing ..revue, "Flashes," and act elaborately staffed and presented by a full score of peo ple. Heading the cast is the noted protean actor. Doc Baker. Instru mental music and songs as well as i j r i - , . . i caycri uuung are couiDinea in rne smart divertisement presented by THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAKCHZ. 192u. ""';. .jpmaha School Nurse ' Honored by National . Association for Work -Charlotte Townsend, supervisor of medical inspection in the public schools, has been honored with the chairmanship of 'the department of school nursinsrCt the American As sociation of Nurses. This recognition of her ability' in school health work carries with it the responsibility of preparing the program for the school nursing sec tional meeting at the annual conven tion of the national association at Atlanta,' Ga., during the last of April She will also preside at the school nursing sessions at the Atlanta con- Miss Townsend has charge df a staff of 18 school nurses who in spect more than 30,000 iwahe Omaha Npublic schools.. She has made this wui k a siuujf. The Board of Education last night at its regular meeting took cogni zance of the honor wliich has been conferred upon Miss Townsend. Omaha Laundries Make Price Boost - Effective March 1 It willcost more to keep clean in the future. Omaha laundries yesterday an nounced an advance in price. to S cents for men's collars instead of 4and 18 cents for'plain shirts, as compared with IS cents , before. Women's short waists range from 33 cents up; lace- curtains, 25 cents each; cotton blankits, 25 cents for singles and 50 cents for doubles. Woolen blankets are $1 each. Rough dry prices are 12 cents, formerly 10 cents, and flat work 9 cents, formerly 8 cents a r)ound. New lists for individual articles are being made up by several laundries. Fort Omaha Balloon Pilots -Land in Tree in Kansas City Six officers who left Fort Omaha in a balloon at 3 a. m. Sunday in a flight to qualify as pilots, finished their trip at 10 a. m. by shinning down a tall tree in the heart of Kansas City, Mo. i Their gas bag, after traveling 150 miles southward, .startled Kansas City churchgoers by settling sudden ly into the top of a tree in the downtown section. None of the six passengers were injured in landing. I Neighborhood Houses GR."1 16th an Blnney BII.UE BBRKK in "SADIE DOVE," and a Mack Sennett comedy entitled "A LADIES' TAILOR.', HAMILTON 40th and Hamilton ALICE JOYCE In "SLAVES OF PRIDE." DIAiMOXI)-24th and Lake WILLIAM S. HART In "STAKING. HIS LIFE." and "THE LION MAN," episode number one. he enables. the audience, to see de otroyed a father's confidence in i .great guiding hand that rewards the good and punishes the evil. Then. with his master stroke, he brings inc conclusion of his remarkable drama before the audience with i gratifying though amazing revefo tion. Mooi Distinct noveltv character izes Lew Cody's photo-production, i ne tfeloved Cheater, which is of fered 'for the amusement of movie fans attending the Moon theater this we.ek. All of the time-honored customs of the stage and screen are shattered, for here, instead of the dark lady with the sinuous . form proving an unconquerable attraction" to ail the mali members ot the cast, wei have a man who is unable to prevent pnlpitations of the various feminine hearts. In "The Beloved Cheater" there fs a most beauteous maid with very kissable lips who has been converted to these radical ideas. And she becomes engaged, And the man. foolishly promises never to kiss her. Muse "Poor Relations," the of fenng for the last times today at the Muse theater, is a delightful mingling of pathos, love and humor, which contrasts the sham culture of the so-called aristocracy With the "common" class. There is a lot of nomeiy numor, too, in rne picturje; and quaint philosophy that Tings true. I he only problems involved are the simple heart .problems of sincere natures, contrasted with the specious pleasures of the idle rich, and these are resolved in a happy ending. i Ernest Evans and girls. The gifted players, Noel Travers and Irene Douglas are appearing to advantage in the one, act 'play, "Morning Glory." Last evening the big society night audience was delighted with the show. The gasoline comedian, Frank Hunger, is causing a furorte at every performance of "The Anto Girls' at the Gayetv "garage" this week. Never before during auto show week nas that tneater ottered as satis factory a model of this attraction as now. Daily at 2:15 and 8:15. Charles Dillingham will present Julia Sanderson and Joseph Caw thorn in "The Canary" at the Bran deis theater for five nights, starting next Sunday, iyarch 7. - Used for 70 Years Thru its use Grandmother's youthful appearance has' remained until youth has become but a memory. 1 he sett, refined, pearly white appearance It renders leaves the joy d . ..-.I :.t for nil years. (? (!) Q I BUICK SALESMEN ' s JO BE BANQUETED TOMORROW NIGHT Dealer. Will Meet With' De partraent Heads at Annual Goodfellowship Session. The annual banauet of the Ne bra ska Buick Automobile company wiil be held tomorrow night at the Hotbl Fontenelle, when department heads, sales forcefrom Omaha, Lin coln and Sipux City, and 500 dealeVs from Nebraska, Iowa and South Da kota meet Tor their yearly goodfel lowship session. Lea. Huff, manager of the Omaha branch ot the company, will act as toastmaster. Mr. Huff returned to the city from California, where hel spent the winter, for the purpos ofl attending this banquet. Plan Big Expansion. Flans iot the expansion of the Buick business will- be explained by H. E. Sidles, president of the com pany, who has just returned trom a conference at Flint, Mich., where the factory is located. According to information he received from M. R. Bassett, president of the Buick com pany, the daily output is soon to bo increased to 50 cars.. During 1920 approximately $10,000,000 will be spent, Mr. Sidles was told, on en larging the plant at Flint and build ing a factory-in St. Louis. Lincoln Men Come. The new construction and equip ment at the "Present factory is ex pected to cost $7,500,000, and will increase the capacity of the factory to 550 cars a day. The work is al ready well under way. The St. Louis establishment will assemble chas siscs shipoed there and equip them with bodies built in that. city. Amonar those who will attend the banquet will be Charles Stuart, Lin coln, secretary and treasurer; C. L. Carper, manager of supply, depart ment; E. H. Cunningham, man ager of the &pare parts department; Robert uerspacher, sales manager; G . Maclntyre, assistant sales man ager; A. L. Beghtol, house manager, and t Edwin Irwin, manager ot tne claim department. Newspapers Herald Return Of Asquith to Commons London, March 1. The return of former Premier. Asquith to active service in Parliament today as the result of his recent election to rep resent the Paisley constituency, at tracted considerable attention from both the press and the public. The Times this morning predicted a "tremendous reception" for the lib eral leader. - J St Am Am Emm , KEYSTONE MOTORS CORP. 2203 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. - CALMLY CRAWLS UNDER MOVING TRAIN IOWA Colorado Passenger ; Leaves Wife and Children. In Coach at Creston and Deliberate ly Attempts Suicide. Creston, la., March 1. (Special Telegram.) As Burlington train No. 6 was pulling out' of this city this morning, a man, who later gave his name as Pete Fisher of Colorado, alighted from the train and was seen "to crawl under the second coach from the last, lie calmly down between the rails and await the com ing of the coaches trucks. The first trucks passed over him without apparently injuring himT Immediately the onlookers called that the train be stopped, but in vain. Before any one could reach him, the second trucks of the car were upon him and he was seen to ap parently deliberately put out his right foot in front of the wheels and to throw his head upon the other rail in front of the oncoming wheels. The brakebeam, however, struck his chest and pulled his head from the rail, but failed to throw his foot from the other rail. It was severed just below the ankle. He was drag ged for a considerable distance be fore the train could be stopped. Examination at the hospital to which he was immediately rushed discloses that he may have sustained a fractureof the skull besides the severed limb. Little hope is held for his recovery. He has made no statement, al though he has been conscious sev eral times. His wife and three small children, who were on the train with him with tickets for Chicago, are be ing cared for here. They can throw no light on his action. Two Boys Held for Swiping 7 Cigarets From Cigar Shop Ray Daugherty, 820 South,Twen-ty-second street, and Charles Stray er, 814 South Twenty-tihrd street, 11 and 12 years old respectively, are in the hands of juvenile officers charged with burglary. Policeman Rogers arrested them Sunday short ly after a cigar store at Twenty fourth and Leavenworth streets, was robbed of cigarets rnd candy. Young Daugherty is said to have admitted to the police that he has the habit of smoking. . I cannot make him stoo. Mr. Daugherty, father of the boy. Ibid juvenile officers, v f A Powerful Gar Meeting every demand of the road - STEEL masters who for years have built the rolling stock of the leading railroads of the world have produced in the Standard Eight a car of supreme power. - So perfect it is in engineering balance arid construction that it meets every demand without the penalties which superiority in power has heretofore exacted. v - Absolute reliability and perfect flexibility combine to give full driving pleasure. . Complete balance throughout the Standard Eight's con struction offers faultless riding ease.,. v Naturally every appointment for comfort is -supplied in. good taste. Its refinement of line immediately places it in the mind of the casual observer. , 1 The Standard Eight is built and tested in the hills of Penn sylvania by the Standard Steel Car Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. See the new:models at the show Weiricn Made Administrator ' Of Andrew Seaman Estate T H. Weirich, superintendent of the Omaha Welfare board, was ap pointed administrator of the estate of ndrew J. Seaman, aged eccen tric, who died at St. -Catherine's hospital last Friday night. The appointment was 'made by County Tudgc Crawford on petition of D. W. Merrow, an attorney who knew : something of Mr. Seaman's affairs. I " I, .v Trucks v - - " . 1 " ' i - will not be at the Show V because our models reached he r e too late to arrange for space. . : Better see them at our Show Room ' Something New , s - , - ' ... ' Standard Motor Car Go. CarhChangstrom.Pres. 2020 Farnam St. . . Omaha, Neb. Mr. Merrow and Mr. Weirich went to Wahoo, Neb"yesterdsy with the body of Mr. Seaman, which ' will be buried there beside that ot lys brother-iy-lw, Albert Wolf. ' Reds in Stavropol. London, March 1. After stubborn Tighting, the- bolsheviki on Sunday occupied the town of Stavropol, cap ital of the government of Stavropol in the northern Cau:usus, accordinf to bolsheviki communication re ceived here. - . . x ' . A..'C a:- A 5 DC