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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1920)
If V THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAKLiH z. isu. 4V COUNCIL URGED TO PURCHASE GAS PLANT AT ONCE Representatives, of Central Union and Various Improve- ment Clubs Demand . ; y Prompt Action. 1 " Representatives of th,e Omaha Centra! Labor union and of various improvement clubs appeared yester day before theity council commit tee of the whcle to urge that the city t commissioners take early action ' which will result in the city ac quiring the gas plant at the ap praised valuation of $4,500,000, ob taininsr a lower fieure if oossible kut accepting the appraised valua tion in any event. The discussion followed the an nouncement of Chairman Ure of the committee of the whole, stating that there was pending an ordinance, igned by himself and Commission ers Zimman, Ringer and ToWl, rec ommending that the condemnation proceedings be abandoned and the appraisal be rejected. This ordi nance has been referred over for an- other week to give R. B. Howell, general manager of the Metropolitan Water plant, an opportunity to be Iicard in joint conterence of the city council and the water board. Hold Price Not Excessive. George Kleffner, speaking for the law committee of the Central Labor Union, said: "If the city council should take any action other than that of accepting the appraisal, it may result in civing the gas com pany a franchise. We hold that none can question the honesty of Judges Day, Good and Allen, who comprised the court of condemna .tion in the nas-case, "There is no reason for delay in accepting the appraisal and we are asking that you take immediate steps toward taking over the gas plant. The Central Labor union hplds that the price of$4,500,000 is not excessive. Mr. Kleffner added that the peo- , pie want gas that contains sumcient heat units for cooking and heatiiig purposes, and he contended that the gas now. being furnished does not contain adequate heat value. V Confidence in Howell. M. O. Cunningham, representing the Clifton Hill Improvement club, - asserted that he had full confidence in the- ability of R. B. Howell to make a success of the gas plant when its management is turned over to the Water board. Mr. Cunning ham added that he is not a municipal ownership advocate himself, but he is irrevocably against the installa tion of another plant by the city." "It was the sense of the South west Improvement club," said P. O. Jennings, "that we should not do anything that would hamper the city council in the acquirement oftthe gas plant. We' don't want any ac tion, taken that might in any way be construed by the courts as the granting of a franchise to the gas company. We don't want any more perpetual franchises saddled upon the city." ' L. Bi Lasbury, chairman of a com mittee from the Southwest Improve ment club, stated that his organiza tion favors the purchase of the gas p'art. " Improvement Clubs Represented. A. C. Smead, for the Central La bor union, stated that he had confi dence that the city council will not pay any more than necessary for the gas plant. VWe believe that $4,500,000 is not , an excessive price and we are op posed to any action by the city coun cil which may be construed by the ' courts as a recognition of the gas company," Mr. Smead said. L. ,'WGuye and.F. W. Fitch also poke in, behalf 'of..' improvement clu:s.. , Forty-five Candidates File For, Nomination at Primary Twenty-eight republicans and 17 democrats have filed in the office of . Election Commissioner Moor head as t candidates for nomination at the April primaries. The first fil ings for members of the county cen tral committee of the various par ties wfrre made yesterday when John L.' Sexton, democrat, superintendent of the County Detention home, filed. Antonio Rizzutto, 1007 South Twenty-second street, also filed. Ralph E. Roach, 2321 Davenport street, filed as candidate for the democratic nomination for county commissioner; II. E. Cochran, re publican, 1031 South Thirty-sixth . street, for public defender; Henry S. Payne, 117. South Twenty-fifth avenue, for . the republican nomina tion for police judge. These added their names as can didates for state senator: J. W. Burns, democrat, 5422 South Twen-ty-tltird street, and A. C Smead, democrat, 3005 Dewey avenue. The following filed iorf state representa tive: O. II. Parson, republican, Val ley; F. L. Behm, democrat, 217 North Twenty-eighth avenue? M. Courtney, democrat, 2006 Bancroft street C. H. Knag, Florence, filed for road overseer in Union precinct Cosgrove Pinched Again; This Time Pays $25 Fine James Cosgrove, machinist, sales man, auto racer, tarmer and fisher man, according to the police blot ter at Central police station, was arrested for the 28h time Saturday night in Omaha. Charges against him were speeding, carrying . con cealed weapons and investigation. Policeman Cain arrested Cosgrove. "You're framing on me," Cain's victim charged, but he paid a fine qf $25 for speeding. Cosgrove gave his address as 2873 Binney street When arrested, Cosgrove is said to have had a .45 revolver on him. Ha told police he kept the gun in I is automobile "for protection" from audits. " Community Night at Third Presbyterian Church Friday RevA F. Ernst will speak at the regular monthly Community night at the .Third Presbyterian church, .Twentieth and Leavenworth streets, next. -Friday evening at 8. The Brotherhood Male : quaret, church choir and' irVs. Raymond J. . Rutt thwI furnish the mus v. HUGE TURNOVER ' FOR FARM LANDS HANDLED HERE Deals Aggregating Total of $60,000,000 Take Place On First of Month. . Nebraska farm land deals aggre gating a total of about $66,000,000 were consummated yesterday, ac cording to estimates of Omaha bankers, who also estimate that a cash turnover of $15,000,000 in loans on farm land by Omaha banking in stitutions occurred today in settle ment of March 1 payments. ' The volume of this turnover Is greater than ever before in the his tory of the state, due to the large number of deals negotiated and much higher prices' which prevailed on Nebraska land, according to M. D. Cameron, vice president of the Peters Trust company. The cash turnover of the Peters Trust company alqne was approxi mately $3,000,000, Mr. Cameron said. This company quit taking farm land loans for March 1 set tlements about February 10, accord ing to Mr. Cameron. Financial Strength Sumcient "It is my belief that there is suf ficient financial strength in the coun try to stand this March 1 turnover in spite of the great increase in the volume of deals," he declared. The estimate of $15,000,000 as, the turnover by Omaha banking institu tions, which- is generally accepted as correct, represents only the loans based on about 40 per cent of the valuation of the land and indicates that the value of Nebraska lands changing hands at this time is about $40,000,000, according to Fred W. Thomas, vice president of the First National bank. "As these loans do not include land transfers where the entire con sideration was cash or where the loan was handled by an individual or by a country banking institution it is sate to assume that the value of the entire amount of Jand changing hands todav would be not less than $60,000,000," Mr. Thomas said. Banks in Good Condition. .' "The amount of loans would have been greater had many eastern in surance i companies not stopped making loans, due to tight 'money conditions in the east caused bjr un satisfactory foreign f conditions. Omaha banking institutions are in excellent condition, and will not be affected by the turnover." , Commenting on the situation Arthur Thomas of the Chamber of Commerce bureau of publicity de clared that investigations during the past week showed that there had been no falling on in sales, and that there was no apprehension of any handicap to business because of heavy land financing today. "Bankers feel that the spring deals will be taken care of with little dis turbance to business and that when the money market loses some of its , ADVKftTISEMKNT REGULAR HABITS NOW; CONSTIPATION GONE tightness following the closing of deals that business will quicken and many more sales will be recorded in all lines, especially real estate and braiding supplies," said Mr. Thomas. Suspect Arrested In Hiding In Coal Bin Of Drug Store Cellar Policeman Marchand arrested Ed Falconer, 21 years old. 2304 Grace street, on a charge of breaking and entering at 4 yesterday morning shortly after four unidentified men in a tourinz car had soed away from the Minne Lusa pharmacy, 6716 North Thirtieth street Falconer was found hiding in a coal bin in the basement of the store, the policeman said. Five shots fired by the policeman at the escaping car failed to cause the driver to stop. Falconer re fuses to talk concerning his arrest. Entrance to the Minne Lusa phar macy was gained by breaking open a basement window. foliceman Marchand, noticing a touring car standing in front of the place, inves tigated; The car sped away and he fired at it. Falconer had no weapon on him when the officer found him. Nothing is missing from the store. Amateur Racer, at Nightly Exercises, Runs Into Law Bart Kane, amateur foot racer, 602 South Thirty-sixth street, fol lowed a fleeting course south on Thirty-sixth street 'past Woolworth avenue Sunday night as his nigtly exercise stunt. Policeman Rogers faithfully patrolihg his beat caught sight of the Marathon runner. The officer wondered an instant, then gave chase. ' Probably a burglar, highwayman, pussyfoot prowler or highjacker was operating on the policeman's beat, Rogers thought. With threats of the policeman to shoot, Kane -stopped. He de manded the right of the bluecoat to question him concerning his ex ercise as a sprinter. "Eggsplain dat to the captain," Rogers retorted. Kane was taken to Central pylice station and booked for investigation. Several hours later he was released on bond. Many Autoists Delinquent In Wheel Tax Payments W. J. Hunter, city clerk, reported that during . February 3,500 motor vehicle owners and operators paid 1920 wheel tax. 'He states that 15, 000 are amenable to the wheel tax law. , , "We -will begin about March 10 to round up the delinquents," Mr. Hunter said. Owners or operators of all mo tor vehicles, whether used for private or commercial purposes, are required to pay wheel tax. The law also covers horse-drawn vehicles. Noted Philosopher Speaks In Omaha Church Next Week Pr. Samuel McChord Crothers of Cambridge, Mass., America author and genial philosopher, will speak on the "Perils of the Literate" at the First Unitarian church, Wednesday evening, March 10, at 8. He is now enroute to fill a number of lecture engagements in Colorado. SURPASSING FLAVOR ABUNDANT JUICE TENDER PULP Characteristics found in THE ARISTOCRAT OF THE ' BREAKFAST TABLE Always found In the Atwoed Wrapper, mm. CRAPEFRUHOMfm MANAVIIA. TRIMBLE BROTHERS Omaha, Neb.' Wholesale Distributors. : Jh Ladrnv at BRISjCOE Auto Show Annex At the Shorn Section "J" Beauty is not a matter of high cost the 1920 Briscoe proves it Every comfort and every convenience, also. Bixby Motor Company DISTRIBUTORS OF DEPENDABLE CARS 1803 St. Mary' Ave., Omaha, Neb. Tyler 792 "B liaillilltllWi'Pia iiiiims'iibbb wiwliliiiiiiiiiiijiia mi Bin I; mmmm iMiMWIiftia.Mf! TONIGHT Auditorium and Annex Mr. Brook. Suffered for Years Tells How He Got Relief. "I have tried a arrest many thines for constipation, but the only thing that has been able to relieve me is Milks Emul sion. I am on only my second bottle and have to take very little of it now. My bowels move regularly every morning. which they have not been doing for a number of years. It seems like living again, after suffering so long. 1 .recom mended Milks Emulsion to two of my friends and both say it is the best rem edy they ever heard of. timer u Brooks, 329 Washington St., Peoria, 111, Constipation weakens the bowel mua cles. Salts and purgatives only increase this condition. Milks Emulsion is a real corrective remedy. You can try it under ; . ... .: . L . . lis KUttrttiiLJ. niuivu, iibhiiik a vwin Milks Emulsion is a pleasant, nutri tive food and a corrective medicine. It re stores healthy, natural bowel action, do ing away with all need or pills and nhvsics.. It nromotes appetite and auick ly puts the digestive organs in shape to assimilate food. As a builder or liesn and strength. Milks Emulsion is strong. lv recommended to those whom sickness has weakened, and is a powerful aid in resisting and repairing the effects of wasting diseases. Chronic stomach trou ble and constipation are promptly Iieved usually in one day. This is the ' only solid emulsion made. and so palatable that it is eaten with a spoon like ice cream) . Mo matter how severe your ease, yon are urged to try Milks Emulsion under this guarantee Take six bottles home with you, use it according to directions and it not satisfied with the results, your money will be promptly refunded. Price soe and fl.zo per bottle. The Milks Emulsion Co.. Terre Haute. Ind. Sold by druggists everywhere. Cuiicura Soap Imparts- The Velvet Touch Sotp,Ofntraent.Tlcim Sc. everywhere. ForMunplet addrM: CfeuarI.tljMrtos,Dp..X. HJ4a,4ua. YOU buy your motor trucks for real service. i 7 Announcement Owing to the rapid growth of our business we have been com pelled to enlarge our working staff and in so doing we are indeed very fortunate in securing the services of a most courteous, conscientious and efficient dentist. We take great pleasure in intro ducing to yon DR. MILLER v WHO IS NOW WITH THE Omaha Dentists . lSlSVi Farnam St- - - KTV. . flk I. V "1- t- I III It KJ3S3 I 4lrn4 lmSlarlc! cimai I AJHJ, service . I. A i r-R7W J ; H ' I I - A - . " Models- B l 1 A II- - 1 i iu a Miss ii Models 1 to 5 toss 'J" H w ." ""'I " A'' t' Sandow adds to the accept ed standards of strength, four special features that save' money, add to load moving ability and reduce time out for attention. Investigate these features: Motor Rocker Block saves the usual expense of broken motor legs and cracked crank cases ask how. , Qnic'i Motor Remover reduce he usual heavy charges for shop worlc ask how. Power Increaser gets more power out of the same amount of fuel ask how. Safety Starter prevents accidents when crank ing the motor ask how. In these features alone there are enough advantages to make Sandow your choice. In mO other feature Sandow offers you the accepted and highest quality epeciBcationa yet put into motor truck construction Exhibited la the Basement Hanson & Tyler Auto Co. JOE ELFRED, Mgr. 2814 Farnam St Phone Tyler IMS OMAHA. NEB. ' "Musical Night" at the Auto Show Three Augmented Orchestras ? Songs by Elks' Quartet TON GET Auditorium and Annex nil1:: .ii . I 'i:.r. "ny .i.r7::::,,:i. :.i 1 : ,.; iiiiiuiiiiiiniiiiiii n 3 i VI ' I ir t J r ie tf I e 1