Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1920, Page 15, Image 15
3 THE SEE; OMAHA, TUESDAY, MARCH 2, 1920, V15 A If 3 i, FARM AND RANCH LANDS South Dakota Lands. Possession March 1. rar BaleBest farm bargain Inf Mln aehaha county; lo acres, well lm , proven, now 4ulldlnrs: 8 miles from V "TV n of payment If aold .. quick; pries only fat per acre. Write, F. C, WHITEHOr8E Co., Bioux Faun. H. D. nfA.ou anl corn '' l'alfa land that win pay you nig interest on your money. xnen I have Just what you arc looking - Jr- Writ John Pusey Land Co, Miller. Texas Lands.,, OR HEALTH, for Wealth for Southwest larm and railed bargain, tell us your want. U. M. Maglll. Central Of flea Bldg.. San Antonio. Tex. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. PRIVATE MOKRY. " "HOPKN A COMPANT. Doug. Hit, MONEY to lend on Improved Heal Estate. In t erf payable semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS A BON, iiS Keeling Bldg. Omaha hoviks kast. neb. farms, o'kekfh rkal estate co. leu Om. Nat Bk. Bldg Don. 1718. PRIVATE MONET. in to 110,000 made promutly, P. WEAP, Wead Bids. 810 8. Uth St 5T a BUCK. Loans. 4 23 Omaha Nat Iiticome Tax. SAVB MONKY. WE BOLVK VirtJR INCOMB TAX. WRITl'i HOT A-37. OMAHA BFK. Stocks and Bands. SAPra INVESTMENT. ' Wanted 12,000 loan on 18,000 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wishing to make loan la beneficiary. Face of policy will coma to beneficiary upon death of Insured, who la 61 years old and In poor health. Will arrange matters so that entire 13,000 w ill be paid to note bolder upon death of Insured, and will keep up premiums In insurance. Chiue to make from 1500 to $1,000 In short time. Addresa Bee, Boa M-3. EEAL ESTATE WANTED. MUST HAVE HOME I must hava a good home In Omaha ' of from S to 7 rooms not later than May 1: must be well located and attractive. Hive full detail aa to location and price first letter. Address J. II. Ullson, Mor ns Apai trnenta WB 'hAVE served the Omaha public In buying and selling real estate for over 3D years. Wa- hava many calls now for homes. List your property with ne. W wilt serve you to your best Interests. McCague Investment Co. WTLlTpiiycaiih for good six or seven , room home. Must ba well located and priced i right Reply giving full de " scrlotln. Box T-S, Umaha aee. "WANTED Properly In north port of town. Cull or write. J. Levlne. 1708 N. 24th Rt. Web. 4314. WE have buyers waiting. List with EDWARD WILLIAMS CO., 803 Omaha National Fk. Bldg. Wii hAVIi cash buyera fur cottagea and bungalows silcely located. Shrlver, 1047- 0 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. I. 1886. EEaLE3T AT R and. ail kinds of" insurance. HERMANREN & CO. , 743 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. X To buy or b 11 Omaha Real Estate sea fowler & Mcdonald 1130 Ctty Nnt'l. Bank Bldg. Uoug. Has. REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED. West. CL'MINtl Near 29th St., 44xl'iS; must be sold tn close an estate. '. A. Orlmmel, 140 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. toT 60x165. near Dundee Must sacrl tlo. will take car -is rart payment, Webster 430. y raITestate investments". 24th Street Corner Brick Store Building ' Pri't-e $13,500; two good tenants at. $135 prr month. A real invest- m'eht. No expenses except taxes , ;;ikI inurrnoe. GLOVER & SPAIN , - iiKAi.Tor.s, ' ; T'ouV. 23. H-;o t lty National. ft'ST" OKwTeaveuworlh St., 3-apartnient flat of six rooms each: modern but heat; iil.xo (-room house In rear: lot 6xl3S feet: annual rental 81,020.00. which " .could be increased. Price 10,250, part T RUMBULi & AUSTIN, Tyler 7SS. 1305 '1st Nal. Bank Bldg. " FOR" SALE. " , . Three-story brl:k building, full cor ner lot In wholesale district. Possession 4f wanted. - DUMONT & CO. 418 Kaallna Midi?. Phone Doug. 680. INCOME FOR LAND. We have 11 houses' Hated In Omaha. Owner wants land. S. 8- & K. K. MONTGOMERY. ' . ' '. SIS City National. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Mo. JO RSALE OK EXCHANGE Modern brick .apartment, 24 raomH,-very close In, on " cap line and paved street; always well rented: trade for good acreage or other s (rood property. Price, 116,000. Equity, ' 810,000. Address 948, Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Council Bluffs. ACRKr In council Biuirs. -ne miia from Omaha car line. Rich, well-drained and level. Can be bought for 81.400. Terms, H cash; balance to suit buyer. McOee REAL ESTATE CO., 10S PeBrl St Council Bluffs. la. '' Beautiful Home. . In Council Bluffs. An 8-room strictly modern house, with an acre of ground in fruit. Close to Omaha car. This house Is finely finished and In a beautiful residence district. Vox. A 3", Oninha Bee. - Dundee. Brand New Six-Room , Stucco Residence . ' , In Dundee An extra good itp-to-thc-niintite house, close to school and car ' line, east front lot, large living -room across front fitted with fire place, and bookcases; oak finish; 1 3 large bedrooms, 'plenty of closet space in each, enamel finish, tile bath, latest of fixtures, tile floor in kitchen, built-in cupboard and wptk table, cemfcnt basement, coal b'n, furnace. Kor terms, etc., call : Douglas 4911, days; eve. Tyler 51'7. As'; for Mr. Spence. . We specialise In Dundee hnmee. C. B. STUHT CO., . lt-14 Cltv NallonaL .Douglas 8lR7. "Brand New Six-Room . ' Stucco Residence v V In Dundee ..I Furnace heat, east front lot, large ' living room across " front, fitted with fireplace, bookcases, y oak finish, 3 bedrooms upstairs and plenty of closet space; also tile bath, enamel finish, tile iloor in kitchen, bui!t-inscupboard, en- mel finish, cement basement, floor drain, coal bin, extra good ' up-to-the-minute home,' ready to occupy. Terms, etc. Call Doug . las 4911, days; Tylerv 5167, eve. ' Ask for Mr. Spend.. ; South S'de. ' 11 400 'and 12,000 down, buys partly mod .ro, 4-room house with three corner lota on Ralston car line: elose to school. . ehurch and cars: on saved street Frank Kadlec. "01 Q. Sy REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. $750 CASH Wilt cover the first payment on this all modern eigni-room uw, """" in a fine neighborhood, wne block from the N. 24th 8t ear line on Wirt St., one block from school: hot water heat, lot 60X125: -price V500. , . Commercial Realty Oo., fir. Pearaon. 1518 City TTat Bd. T. 8230. Wcsy 1 - con SSALK. a danles home located at Twenty- u.rer' t rooma OB each side ! air modertT and In fine condition; Urge corner r'a ,w. .... . " , " . slMltl garage; uaYed atreet Tyler 1237, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West 9 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH Living room, dining room, li brary and kitchen on first floor; 5 bedrooms and sleeping porch, bath, on second floor; floored at tic; full cement basement extra toilet, hot water heating plan!; oak interior and floors downstairs; maple floors and birch woodwork upstairs. One of the best built houses in the city and has to be seen to be appreciated. High and sightly. A few moments from downtown. Priced to sell at $11, 000. Call , PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Realtors, Omaha National Bank Bldg., D. 1781. OMAHA Ilea' Estate sffl Investment. J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brsi.dels Theat. Doug. U. WB bave cash buyers tor West Farnam and Dundee homes. 'Phono Douglas C074 and we will call and Inspect your v ornperty Shuler A Car. COMFORTABLE (-room modern housa In good condition: corner lot; on car line; Bemla Pink; 83.000 cash, balance easy terms. Phone Harney 1392. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOHAN, 021 Psxton B!k. i 'Phone Tyler 4888. For good homes on good terms. OK HORN B REALTY CO., 430 Re Hide. Tyler 488. 4l3 FRANKLIN, 4 -room house, t lota; fine for garden; 1200 cash, 3H per no, Crelgh, 608 Bee Bldg., Doug. J00. J. B.'ROBINSON. Real Estate andlnvest- ments. 443 Bee Bldg., Douglas 8097. BENSON ft MEYERS CO.. 424 Om. Nat'L North. YOUNG & DQH ERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 322 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1761. HOUSES FOR SALE .EASY TERMS One 8-rooni close In, modern, except heat, 83,600. One H-room close In. modern, hot wa ter heat, 34,000. One 8-roo:n near Fontrnelle park, hot water heat, corner lot, shada and fruit trees, 33.600. Onn 4-room near Fnntenelle park, modern exeeot heat. 82.200. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery Moueiaa 1313, vyainut 213. REDUCED TO WOO St. Louis flat; extra good, 5 room apartment down, 6-rooin apartment up; all modern; located in good residence district on car .'inc. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Bldg., D. 1781. MONTCLAIR BARGAIN Six-room frame bungalow, oak finish throughout, with garage; full cement basement, on paved street; 1 blocks to Harney car line. Price 86,600. Don't full to set this. Call Walnut 2812 for appointment. ' Mitchell Investment Co. Twenty-fourth and Ames. Phone Col fux 217. Offers personal and experienced serv ice In the management of proporty, either as rental or aales agents PLACE SNAP. Seven rooms, all modern, with full cemented tutHment; one and one-half blocks to car; In fine residence district; located netr 3)th and Meredith Ave. Price, 86,800. R. C. Clary Co., 2408-06 Ame. Avk., Colfax 1T6. FOR NORTH, SIDE BUSINESS MAN. Five-room bungalow, all modern with floored uttlc, on paved street and car Hue; also garage; located on Ames Ave., Just west of the boulevard. Price 35,750. R. V. CLARIS CO., 2404-li Ames Ave. Colfax 176. VACANT Five-room all modern bungalow with Immediate possession; only 1 block to car and school In Florence. Price 83,650 with 31,0" cash. R. F. CLARY CO., 2404-00 Ames Ave. Colfax 175. $4,0002407 EMMET Seven-room, atrlctlv modern home: r newly painted and decorated; clone to school and car. Terms, sfov.vo casn, balanco monthly. Cull Tyler 1358 for appointment. BUY NOW $5,250. Pandy six-room strictly modern house, corner lot opposite Kountzo Park. Birch finish down stairs: three bedrooms end bath upstairs. Full basement Big bar gain at price. Doug. 153!L W. T. Graham. 804 Bee Bldg. SPECIAL PRICE., Attractive eight-room house facing Kountie Park. Newly decorated. Full lot. 60x124. Strictly modern and in best condition. 32,000 will' handle. Doug. 1833. W. T. Orajiam. 604 Bee Bldg. MAKE YOUR OWN LIVING. We have acreage; some that Is Im proved, not far from car line; call on us if you are interested. . R. F. CLARY CO., 2404-8 Ames Ave. ' Colfax 175 SIX-ROOM modern, on one floor on paved street with garage; west of the boule vard on Miami St. Frtce. 14,200. with 82,000 cash. R. F. Clary Co. J404-6 i Ames Ave. Colfax 176. FOR SALE 609 and 611 N. 18th St., two 8 rooms and one 4 raoms: rented for 863 per month: always rented; priced to sell at fti.250. I. N. Hammond, room 805, Brandeis Theater. 6-ROCjM mod-n house, lot, 72x150. 3420 California. Inquire of owner after 7:30 p. m. . MODERN 7-rnom house', hot water heat east front, bargain, at 13,600. Morearty & Conboy, D. 3841. Tyler 4677. Web. 6168. MILLER PARK bungalow; t rooms and bath; all oak finish; floors quarter sawed; fireplace, French doors, etc.; 2 years old; eaat front; big snap for cash at 8S.600 Douglas 1734. BUY FROM owner, strictly modern, 9 rooms and bath, 86,000; terms. Sea this before you buy. Webster 847. ALL mod. 6-r. bungalow, eaat faent cor. lot close to ear line and school; rtady to move In. 36,000 81,600 cash. D 1734. days! Col. 1835. nights. FOR COLORED 8-room strictly modern home, paved atreet and near car; 83,300, 3300 rash. Johnson. Tyler 2724 or Webster 4160. FINE LOCATION, 655 Florence Blvd.; all modern. S-room, oak finish, built-in features. For appointment, call Web ster 831. 8 ROOMS, modern home, gaa lights, hot and cold water, 3.660. 3500 cash. John son. Tyler 2724 on M'ebster 4160. BRICK and stone bungalow, nearly new. All oak, fireplace, Frencn doors, worth 37.000. Sacrifice. 25,600." Douglas 1734. A FEW homes and lots for sale in Park- wood Addition; a aafe plao Invest ment Norris tx Norria. Doug. .T? 3425 PARKER street, good 6-room cottage, modern except furnace. Corner lot 60g S3. Webster 3537. MINNS LUSA homes and lota offer the best opportunity to lnveal your money. South. Good Nine-Room House at 1318 So. 2Sth St; oak floor through out except kitchen; half basement; good furnace and perfectly -modern; four rooma and reception downstairs, with fireplace in library; five bedrooms and bath upstairs; good cistern. ' This is an east front and large lot $1,500 down and price 35.809 this week. Call J. A. Graham, Harney 3835. Miscellaneous YOUR OPPORTUNITY to buy a well-built, brand new - home for small cash payment of only $450 ii here, but you will have to act ptomptly, for it is go ing to sell quickly. It has five comfortable sized, nicely arranged rooms and bath oh one floor; the - oors throughout are oak: good window arrangement; in a neigh- - pchoodpf new homes; large lot; v Kraestone ftukco finish: full ce mented basemcVt,; etc. Call WalJ WJ, ., or evenings, OJOug. 74U. "Ask for Mr. Grant Market and live Stock Omaha Live Stock. 4 Omaha, Hatch 1. Receipts were!' Cattle. Boca. Sheep: Monday estimate. 4.800 8.600 , 8.400 Same day last week 8,156 8.065 11.148 Same day 8 w'a an 6,106 10.866 9,444 Sam day t wa a'o 6.72 4.225 7,814 Same day year ago (,877 15,821 8,373 Receipts and disposition of lire stock at the Union Stock yarda, Omaha, Neb. tor 24 hours ending at 2 o'clock p. n March 1, 1320: Cattle For the first day of the week cattle receipts were rather light with an estimate calling for 4,600 head.. This la about 1,000 less than a waek ago and tha smallest run for Monday in some time. Beef steers opened up around 25c higher than last week's close, sold actively both to parkera and outsiders. Quality also showed some improvement although re ceipts were light. Butcher stock shared In the advance, moat cowa being 25o higher with aome to shipper even more than that. Calves and bulls were about ateady. Traders and country buyers were on the feeder market ana were picaing up all grade at price that looked 150 25e above last week' close. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $11.00913.00; fair to good beeves, 310.00pil.00; common to fair beeves, $8.0010.00; good to choice yearlings, 311.0O12.00; fair to good yearlings, 3H.0012.00; fair to good yearlings, 69.60011. 00; common to fair yearlings, 8. 0009.60; choice to prime hetfera. $9.50 810.60; good to choice heifers, $8.00 9.60; choice to prime cows. 89. 00S 10.76; good to choice cows, ta.uotsv uu; iair to good cows, i(.5UW.oo: common to iair cows, $3.00 6.50; choice to prime feed ers, $10.60 11.26; good to choice feed ers, 89.7510.60; medium to goou ieca- ers, 38.50&8.76: common to lair reeuers, $7.6008.(0; good to choice stockera. 39.60 ti' 1 0.50: fair to good aiockers, 9.60; common to fair grades, 7.7G; stock heifers, 35.(0616. 50; $6.00& stock $7,000 bull, cows, $5.006.00; stack calves. I. do; veal calves, .ouif io.uu; itagSt etc., $5,00050. PACKERS. 45. .307 90. .268 8. .240 21. .243 40. ,404 24. .209 63. .241 140 370 - 13 60 65.. 263 ... 13 60 33 65 48. .236 ... 3 73 4. .207 ... SHIPPERS. 12 65 71..2C1 ... 13 65 .15. .Hi . . . 13 75 43. .233 4 13 80 70. .239 ... 13 60 13 70 13 80 13 60 13 70 13 60 13 85 70 12. .207 216 40 IS 90 HEIFERS. "St A. . . 899 ..1051 .. a"i0 Pr. AC . 008 Pr. 10 AO 10 oo 9 15 11 00 14 35 12 60 8 00 00 6. . 9 25 6 60 0X0 891 250 12.1 320 105 YE AIi . M0 18 00 . 10 14 50 . 340 10 no . 90 14 0l . 224 15 00 BEEF CALVES. 1 8 1 2 STEERS. 14 IS 1 19. .....It 20 12 .1172 10 85 . 943 .1393 .1460 11 25 13 00 13 00 04 12 25 20. v.. .1041 .... 230 ....1164 ....1330 J...102O 11 00 10.. 5.. 1.. 1.. 10 40 BEEF COW8. 8 (0 4... 8 00 7... 8 00 4... FAT LAMBS. .1085 . 865 .1050 t 25 8 25 9 10 i30 fed.. 74 19 35 43 fed.. 08 19 00 Hog Receipts were estimated at in loads, or 8,600 head. The shippers were supplied with a few onlerM that enabled them to take nogs largely at sieauy prices, paying from $13.70 to a top of $14.20. Packers were very bearish and the market decidedly uneven, varying from steady to 15 cents lower. Bulk of today's sales was $13.5014.OO with heavy hogs selling unevenly from $13.50 down to $13.00. HOGS. Mi TIB "Ay N & "IB "AV 'ON 17. .258 ... 13 00 76. .202 230 13 25 13. .290 ... 13 40 Sheep The week opens out with a fair else run of aheep and lambs, about "8,000 heart showlne- un. There waa very nttie demand from local packers during early rounds and the general ertort was mane to cheapen coat on killing materials Prices for both fat sheep and lamn ruiea sow 50c lower, in most cases, with the trade dull and draggy. Good fat Iambs had to sell around $18.75019.00 with plain heavy grades aa low aa $18.00. Good ewes dropped to $12.7613.00. Most business of consequence waa transacted in feeder and this branch of the market ruled nominal ly steady. (flotations on sneep ana tamos: lbdidb. gooiT to choice, $18.7519.25; lambs, fair t-v good. 817.7518.50; fleshy feeders, 317.004717.50: medium weight feeders, $16.25 IT. Oil: cull lambs, $14.0016.60; yearlings, $16. 00017.26; wethers, $13.26 14.2a; ewes, gooa to cnoice,; ewes, fair to good, $12.00012.60; good feeder ewes, $8.259.50; ewes, cull and cannera, 37.00$ 8.00. Kansas City Live Stock. ' Kansas City, Mo., March 1. Cattle Ro- coipts, 13,500 head: market steady to 26c higher; r.eavy Deer steers, cnoice ana prime, $13.15014.60; medium and good, $11.40013.10; common, $9.40011.85; light weight, good and choice, $11.10013.00; common and medium, Is.ouqjiii.iu; butcher oattle, heifers, 6.85ep l2.o; cows, $6.oo11.10; canners and cutters, $4,500 6.60: veal calves. $12.6014.60; feeder steers, $7.75012.35; stocker steers, $6,250 10.76. Hogs Receipts. 13,000 head; market steady to 25c lower; bulk, f 11.65714.25; heavies, 313.40013.90; mediums, $13,700 14.45: lights, $13.86014.66; packing aqna, $12.00012.75; pigs, $11.00014.26. ' Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 14,800 head; steady to 25c lower for lambs; sheep strong; lambs, $17.00019.75; culls and common, $12,00016.75; yearllnss wether, 815.50018.00; and ewes, $11,000 13.75; culls and common, $6.25010.75; breeding owes, $11.00014.00; feeder lambs, $13.26017.76. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, March 1. Hogs 40,000. esti mated tomorrow 40,000; steady to 15c low er. Bulk $14.25015.00; top $16.25; heavy $14.10014.60; medium $14.60016.00; light $14.86015.26; light light $14.60015.00; heavy parking sows smooth $12.00013.60; packing sow, rough, $12.26013.76; pigs, $13.26014.50. t Cattle 13,000; estimated tomorrow 13,000; firm. Beef steers medium 'and heavy weight: Cholc and prime $14.26016.00; medium and good $11.6014.26; common $9.00011 50. Light, good and choice $12.00 16.25; common and medium $8.60012.00; butcher cattle heifera $6.6013.00; cows $S. 26011.75; canners and cutter $4,600 6.26; val calves $16.25010.50. Feeder steers $7.60011-50; stocker steer $8.7(0 10.25. Sheep 13,000; estimated tomorrow 10, 000; firm. Lambs. $17.60020.30; ewes and common, $.00ti'10.76; ewes, medium and good, choice. $11.25014.50; culls and com mon, $6.0010.75. 1 1 Sioux City Un Stock. Sloug City, 1.. March 1. Cattle -Ke-ceipt. 2,500 head; market strong; beef steers, choice fed, $13.00015.00; short fed, $11.$013.00;. beef cows, $8.0O9.60; fat cows and heifers, $10.60011.60: can ners, $5.0000.50; feeders, J9.5U if m.t'i; stockers. 98.bO01O.vo; veal calves, Desi, 80.00O1S.00; common calves, $6.0009.00; feeding cowa and heifers, $6.(007.60. Hogs Receipts. M00 bead; market weak U 10 cent; light, $11.80014.00, mixed, $18.60013.76; heavy, $13.26 0 13.65; bulk. $13.50913.85. Sheep Receipts, 15,00$ head; market, steady. . St. Joseph live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., March 1. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,500 head; mn.ket higher; steers, 30.00O13.50; cows and heifers, $4,260 12.00. calves. $6.00014.00. Hogs Receipts, 8,000 head: market 5 to 15c lower; top, $14.35; bulk, $13.7(0 14.26. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. T,000 head; market slowr steady; lambs, l8.50O20.00; ewes, $12.25013.50. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. - Miscellaneous. ACREAGE SNAP Just listed, 4 acres of ground with 8-room house, ohicken house and barn, at Thirty-ninth and Ida streets; all fenced . and cross fenced with high woven wire; nice high and sightly place; plenty of large shade trees and several fruit trees. Owner's health is failing him; has offered to sacrifice this for $4,300; one-half cash. This is a real snap "at this money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Bldg., ' D. 1781. We Have Property far Rent or Sale. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. K. W. Cor lth and Dcdge. Doug, toil. LIST vnur houses and lots for aulck sale with Haating Heyden, realtors. 1(14 Harney street. Phone Tyler CO. fTP iri7rrrP jp, rn Rai tte' - ta w. (til, rents and Insures. 2(0 Be Bldg. Douglas (33. MONEY TO LOAN. FARM and city loans. K. H. LOUUKK. LNCL. . MS Koollne Bldg. DIAMONDS AND JEW ELRT-LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock, 1(14 Dooge. Df 6(11. Ea. 1S94. Industrial News" of the Day Omaha Grain Osaaha Grain Market. Omaha. March 1, 1(20. All grain had a slew sale, not enough wheat had been marketed up to a late hour to make a basis for quotationa. The demand was light Early aales of corn were made at about Saturday's figures. Traders did not get together readily on prices for this cereal. Oat were un changed. Rye advanced lc. Caah aales were: Wheat No. 1 hard, 1 car, $1.40; No. t mixed, 1 cars, $2.16, (durum.) Corn No. 4 white, 4 cars, $1.39; No. ( yellow, 1 cars, 31.34. 1 cars, $1.33, 1 car, $1.31; No. ( mixed, 1 cars, $1.34 (near white,) 1 car, $1.12 (near white), 2 cars, $1.11; No. ( white, ( cars, $1.36. Oats No. 3 white, 1 car, 66 Ho. (shipper lots.) Rye No. 2. 1 car, $1.53, 1 car, $1.51; N.o. 3, 3 cars, $1.61. OMAHA GRAiN MOVEMENT. Today Week Tear tteceipis Affo Ago Holiday Wheat 46 ... 36 Corn 9t ... 86 Oats ......40 ... 64 Rye " I ... 13 Barley '. 12 Shipments- Wheat , Corn Oats Rye Barley ...20 ...147 ...42 ... 4 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat Corn Oats Chicago 100 80 Kansas City 293 88 . 47 St. Loul 85 184 142 Minneapolis 300 Duluth 9 Winnipeg 286 OMAHA GRAIN INSPECTION. The number of cars of grain of the sev eral grades Inspected "In" here during, the past 24 hours follows: Wheat No. 1 hard, 1 car; No. 2 hard. 2 cars; No. 8 hard, 5 cars; Sample hard, 1 car; No, 3 mixed, 1 car; No. 1 spring, 1 car; No. I spring. 1 car. Total, 12 cars. Corn No. 8 white, 4 cars; No. 4 white, 4 cars; No. 6 white, 11 cars: No. white, 12 cars; No. 4 yellow, 10 cars; No. 6 yel low, 10 cars; No. 6 yellow, 1 car; sample yellow, 1 car; No. 4 mixed. 4 cars; No. 5 mixed, 10 cars; No. 6 mixed, 4 cars; sample mixed, '2 cars. Total 63 cars. Oats No. 2 white, 2 cars; No. ( white, 28 cars; No. 4 white, $ cars. Total, 33 carp. v Rye No. 3. 1 car. Total. 1 car. PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Rocelpts Today. Yr. ago, Wheat Corn Oats Shipments WJieat Corn Oats ..1,027,000 ..1,124,000 ..1,084,000 . . 341,000 . . 640,000, . . 697.000 637.000 499,000 632,000 193,000 326,000 441,000 Omaha Hay Market. Rocelpts heavy on both prairie hay and alfalfa, and the demand la fair, which has tused the market to .decline on alfalfa also on some grades of prairie hay. Me dium grades of hay and alfalfa ate mov ing slowly. Oat and wheat straw steady Upland Prairie Hay No. 1, $20.00 21.00; No. 2, $16.00 0 18.00; No. 3, $9,000 13.00. Midland Prairie Hay No. 1, $18,000 20.00; No. 2, $15.00017.00. Lowland Prairie Hay No. 1, $12.60 14.00; No. 2, $8.00611.00; No. 3, $7,000 lO.OTT. Choice Alfalfa $31.00032.00; $29.00 ft' 30.00. Standard Alfalfa $23.00027.00; $16.00018.00; No. 3. $12.00015.00. rro. No. Oat Straw $11. 00(13.00. Wheat Straw $10.0012.00. New Tork Produce. New Tork, March 1. Butter Weak; creamery, higher than extras, 64MO06c; creamery extras, b5wt)4c; itrsts, t8W 63c; packing stock current make Mo. t, 38 Vic. n-ggs uncnangea; iresn gatnerea ex tra firsts, 68c; firsts, 56 057c. Cheese Irregular: state whole milk flats, hold specials, 29 031c; do. average run. zbgxzsc; state wnoie mux twins, held specials. 29 029 Vic Live Poultry lira: chickens, zswsuc; fowls, 40041c; old' roosters, 20c; turkeys. 5iW40c: dressed, quiet; chickens, western broilers, frozen, 40051c; chickens, fresh, 3lr39c; frozen, :i'g4i)c: iowis. iresn, su 40c; froxen, 29040c; old roosters, fresh, 27 0 28c; froen, 28c; spring turkeys, fresh. 46 O 52c; . frozen, 51.6c, ' Cotton Futures. Now Tork. March 1. Cotton Futures opened steady; March, 38.10c; May, 35.10c; July, 32.40c; October, 30.05c. yrLOllon luiures cieseu sieauy; aiarcn, 3S.23c: May. 34.98c: July, 22.40c; October, 30.10c; December, 29.36c. Additional Markets Page Owned and Recommended by Home Builders, Inc., of Omaha, Neb. . We Offer 6 First Mortgage Bonds Denominations $250 $50p $1,000 $3,000 Tax-Free ia Nebraska ' They are secured by newly im proved business property, cent) ally located in Omaha, which will be oc tupied by its owners. These bonds bear 6 interest, payable' semi annually and convertible on option of purchaser, any time after one year upon SO days notice tiled on any interest date. s. Maturity, 1923-1927 American Security Company 18th and Dodge Sts., ' OMAHA, NEBRASKA C A. Rohrbough, Pres. " . C. C. Shimer, Sec. Kingdom of Norway 6 Per Cenjt Gold Bonds Due February 1, 1923 They are 'direct general credit obligations of the Kingdom of Norway, free from Norwegian taxes or im positions. 1 Pricf to Yield about 7 Va ' per xent. Circular on requcat for OB-287. IMationalGty v company - Corresnondent Offices in ever SO Cities OmahaFirst National Bank . . Buildaag . ! Telephone Douglas 3316 ' l. W-aifeae yj VjAubhu err? USL ; Chicago Grab By Vharles D. Michaels. Chicago, March 1. (By Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee leaced wire.) Oraln mar kets were largely a local affair and clos ing trades, were at intermediate prices with corn unchanged to 4"Tower, oats strong and o higher, rye o to Ifcc and barley 1VC Local traders sold corn, futures early expecting a bearish private report on farm reserves and were not disappointed as to the showing, but prices after drop ping lOltto advanced, IHOIMo from the low point on short covering, and closed on a moderate reaction with March at (1.44, May at $1.364, 01.66. July at $1.31 and September at $1.27. Cash wheat prices 'at Chicago were un changed but the undertone was easy, Oats showed Independent strength snd while closing o under the top In Sympathy with corn, showed fair net gains at the last Farm reserves were the smallest since 1912, and consumption dur ing the winter waa well above the aver age. Buying of July and sealing of May narrcwed the difference to fo at one time, northwestern ' Rouses doing the spreading. May finished at 80 and July, at 73 c. - . i Seaboard blda on rye ' advanced c to 13c over May, track Baltimore, a new high figure for the season. No, 2 on truck sold at $1.69 1.60. Barley, unchanged but firm. Some rain fell in California which will benefit the crop. Spot sale wars at 81.88OL60. By Updike Grain Co., Dougla 2(27. March 1. L'SL.L Open. High. Low. Close. Sat'y. 1.45 1.45 1.43 .1.44 1.44 I 1.364 1.37 1.86 1.36 1.36 1.30 1.11 1.26 LS1 1.17 1.80 1.01 1.59 1.60 1.60 1.65 1.66 1.64 1.66 1.66 .79 .81 ,79 ,60' .80 .72 .74 .72 .73 ,78 34.40 $4.(0 $4.40 34.46 34.(0 34.40 34.(0 34.40 14.(0 34.40 20.60 20.92 20.60 20.8( ' 20 65 21.12 21.40 21.12 21.37 21.17 18.10 18.80- 18.10 18.67 -18.37 18.77 18.92 18.75 18.92 18.86 Cofoi ..Har. May July Rye May July Oats May July Pork May July Lard May July Ribs May July Evaporated Apple 1 and Dried Fruits. New Tork, March 1. Evaporated Apples Dull; western,' 1820o; state, 19 23c. Prunes Steady; Oregons. 12T22c. Callfornlas, 1030c; Apricots Steady; choice, 29 31c; ei Peaches Quiet; standard, 17c; chrjlce, 18Jc; fancy, 12c. Khlsins Firm; loose muscatels, 230 25jc; choice to fancy seeded, 21022c: see-dlcss, 2229c. " ' Linseed OIL ' Duluth, Minn.. March 1. Linseed $5.11. 'Security. C. B. & Q. Joint: Canadian Northern Railway Co . . . Canadian Northern Railway Co . . . Chi., Rock Island & Pac. Ry. Co. . . Clev., Cin., Chicago & St. Louis Ry. Fisher Body Company Fisher Body' Company - Moline Plow Company Wilson & Company .... . ..... . A. O. Smith & Company. ......... Maytag Company Maytag Company Maytag Company Amer. Tel. and Tel. Co. Conv Anglo-French Government of Argentine Nation Chinese Republic ............. Government of Switzerland ..... United Kingdom of Great Britain ; United Kingdom of Great Britain . United Kingdom of Great Britain . Japanese Government 1st ... . . .' Nebraska Power Company Philadelphia Company Potomac Electric Company Brazilian Trac, L. & P. Co. . . . , Security So. Omahd, Decrease in Wheat Stock Reported During Last Week Complete figures covering wheat and wheat flour movement through out the United States for the, week ending February 20, in comparison with figures for previous week and the same .two weeks a year ago: Wheat raeiiipti from farm, bush els Wheat receipts from farms pre vious week, bush els . . .' Wheat receipts 4.1(1,000 1,140,000 4,183,000 1,171,000 from farms June 7 to Febi 20. -bushel 69(.288.r09 (17,601,000 Flour produced during week, bar rels 2,208,000 1,006,000 Flour produced p r e v lous week, barrels 1,516,000 1,104,000 Flour produced June 27 to Feb- ruary 20. barrels. 95.315.000 80,096.000 225,833,000 Total stocks wheat all elevators and mills, bushahv-. .llSCtt.OoO Total stocks wheat all elevators and mills previous week, bushels ..165.718.000 213,401,000 1,670,000 Change for week, - decrease,, bushels. 7,022,000 Exports of wheat and flour Tulv 1, 1919,.to February 20. 1920. amount to 87,053 bushels of wheat and 10.- 451,000 barrels of flour, making a total equal to 134,083.000 bushels of wheat, compared with 118,228,000 bushels of wheat and 16,384,000 bar rels of flour last year, to February 20, 1919, the 20 days of February be- ing proraiea irom tne montmv total, making a total of 191,956,000 bushels of wheat. Last year's total flour exports include American re lief administration and American ex peditionary farces shipments. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. March 1. Flour Un changed. - Barley 31. 1801. 3. Rye No. 2, $1.65 1.56. Bran- 143.00. Corn $1.4101.43. Oats (-384c. Flax $6.1606.21. -. 4 Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Me., March Butter Unchanged. Eggs Current receipts, $13.85; 70 cents lower; firsts, 8 cents lower, 47c, Poultry Hens, 1 cent lower, 4)3c; others, unchanged. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., March 1. Turpentine Firm. $1.97; aales, 16 bbls.; shipments, 220 bbls.; f-took, 6,735 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales, 155 casks; receipts, Investment MARCH, 1920 We recommend and offer the following securities, subject to prior sale and change in price. These securities have been carefully selected by us and we believe they will meet the requirements of the most conservative investor. CUMULATIVE PREFERRED STOCKS Security. ' i Rate. M. E. Smith Building Co. , ... ,'. 7 Burgess-Nash Co . . . . . . . . . ; . . 7 - Orchard & Wilhelm Co .'. : . 7 Firestone Tire & Rubber Co . . 7 Paige-Detroit Motor Car Co. .... 7 Fairmont Creamery Co 7 RAILROAD AND INDUSTRIAL BONDS GOVERNMENTS 5 6 6 V, 5.12 512 513. 51 412 PUBLIC 5 6 6 6 MUNICIPAL BONDS Free from all Government Taxes Rate 4i2 Neb., Sewer Bonds. Pawnee Co., Neb., Opt. Dec. J, 1924 5i2 Collins County, Texas 5V2 Collins County, Texas.. 51 Plainview, Neb. Optional 1925 . . . 5i2 Falls City, Neb. Opt. Jan. 1,1925 5y2 Harvard, Nevada . 5 Ogden, Utah (Warrants) 6 . City of Fullerton, Neb., Paving War: 7 Village of Spencer, Neb., Pav. War. 7 Yield to optional date; 512 thereafter. (wmm il mmm w w k THE PROGRESSIVE-CONSERVATIVE TRUST CO. Affiliated with the Omaha National Bank ' 108 casks; shipments, 138 casks; stock, 11.476 caaks. 1 Quote: B. 16.70c; P. 17.00c; K, 17.15c; F, 17.20c; O, 17.25c: H, 17.80ct I. 17.40c; K, 17.60.-; M, 17.0c; N, 17.76c; WO, 18.00e; WW. 18.15c . Chlcego Potatoes. "Chicago, March 1. Potatoes Steady; northern whit sacked. 14.6004.76; north ern white sacked, bulk, $4.70 4. SO; Idaho russets, $&,00Q5.15. Kausas City1 Grain." Kansas City, Vc. March 1. Corn March, $1.15; July, $1.10 September, $1.25. Dry Goods Market. New Tork, March 1. Cotton roods snd yarns today were quiet with some easing reported on gray cloths and on a few THE TEN . an , Income Month 'h Month PAYMENT Buying v Bargains All through the recent mar ket decline high grade invest ment stocks and bonds have shown wonderful resistance to selling pressure. - But many such securities have dropped back to most at tractive levels, and If you have any funds immediately avail-, able for investment an excep tional opportunity is now pre sented. j- Write Dept. OB-2S for list of investment suggestions which will be sent ffee on re quest together with The Ten Payment 'Plan booklet. E. M. Fuller & Co. Members of Consolidated Stock Exch ot N. Y. 50 Broad Street, New York Securities Maturity. 1923-1942 1923-1942 Rate. Maturity. 4 , July, 1, 1921 6 Feb. 1, 1922 6 Aug. 1, 1924 6 Feb. 1, 1922 6 July 1, 1929 6 Aug. 1, 1924 6 Aug. 1, 1925 7 Sept. 1, 1921 67c Dec. 1, 1928 6 Oct. 1, 1924 6 June 1, 1920 6 - June 1, 1924 6 June 1, 1928 6 Aug. 1, 1925 Market 100, 100 , Market 88Vs- 96 96 iooy8 93 1 97V4 -9.60 96.95 95.05 ' 98 Oct. 15, 1920 May 15, 1920 Nov. 1, 1921 Market 99i2 981s Market Market Market Market Market Aug. Aug. Nov. Nov. 1, 1929 1, 1, 1929 1921 1922 1, Feb. 15, 1925 UTILITIES .June 1, 1949 Feb. 1, 1922 July 1, 1923 Nov.l, 1922 88 97 98 97V, Maturity ? Price Yield May 1, 1926 , 98.21 4.87 Dec. 1, 1939 101.75 5.10 May 1, 1934 . 103.59 5.15 May 1, 1935 103.75 5.15 1940 101.30 5.20 Jan. 1, 1940 101.30 5.20 Nov.,1, 1926 v 99 5.20 Oct. 21. 1920 to 1924, incl. 100 6.00 ; : . 100 7.00 100 7.00 trust ml ss w )i 1 numbers of mercerised and oardsd yarn. Silk ruled quiet New line of fine cloaking were opened for fall. - Dress goods were steady. Mon's wear wa quiet and burlap easy.. ' . UPEDICSE We Special lie In the Careful Handling efOrdera of Grain and Provisions for . Future Delivery ., In All Important Markets wTAre Members of Chicago Board of Trsds" Milwaukee Chamber ot Commerce Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce St Louis Merchants Exchange . Kansas. City Board of Trad , Sioux City Board of Trade Omaha Grain Exchange We Operate Offices at: Omaha. Neb. Sioux City. la. Lincoln, Neb. - Atlantic, la. Hastings, Neb. Hamburg, la. Holdrege, Neb. Pes Moines, Is. , Geneva, Neb. Milwaukee. Wis Chicago, 111. and all of these offices are con nected with each other by private wires. 1 W Solicit Your Patronage. THE UPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY Grain Exchange Building. - Omaha, Neb. P. S. Cash Consignments Solicited. LIBERTY BONDS I . . .. We purchase Liberty Bonds and Victory Notes at prevail- ing market price less a reason able handling charge. United States Trust Co. Affiliated with . r The United States Nat. Bank 1612 Farnam St., Omaha . ft Price. Yield. 100 7.00 400 7.00 100 - 7.00 100 700 97.50 : 7.18 100 .7.00 Approx. Yield. 8.90 6.00 6.00 9.25 7.75 6.80 6.80 6.56 7.00 6.65 6.50 6.75 6.75 6.40 S 11.45 7.50 7.00 7.25 6.70 9.60 -8.70 11.30 5.85 7.50 6.50 7.00 : - '' - ' '.1. ' ," '.."' I 7. i Pi 1 9 r V 1-J " '.. It VI if trl 1 I ..X