Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1920, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
. VOL. 49-No. 221.
llffK m HNld-tlau uttttr May 2t. (90S, t
OmIm P. 0. tr Mt Much S. 1(7.
By Mill (I yr. Daily. MOO: Sunday. I2.S0:
Daily m4 Sua.. K.OQ; aaUld. Nak. aattaaa atra.
By Vote of Four to Three Su
preme Court Holds Corpora
tion Not Illegal Combine Un
der Sherman Law.
Two Associate Justices Do Not
Participate in Decision Which
Ends One of Longest Litiga
tions in Federal Courts.
Washington, March 1. (Bv Chi
cago Tribune-Omaha Bee, , Leased
Wire.) The steel trust won legal
sanction by a fluke in the United
States supreme court today.
hy a vote of four to three the
court held that the United States
Steel corporation is not an illegal
combination tinder the terms of the
Sherman anti-trust law.
The justices supporting the majority-
opinion in favor of the corpor-.
fition were Chief Justice White and
Associate Justices McKenna,
Holmes and Vandevanter.
The justices supporting the mi
nority opinion in favor of dissolu
tion of the corporation as an unlaw
ful monopoly were Associate Jus
tice Day, Pitney and Clarke.
Much Condemnation.'
The minority opinion sizzled with
condemnation of the corporation as
a trust and of the majority opinion
as a virtual nullification of the
Sherman act. ,
Associate Justices Brandeis and
McReynolds did not participate in
the decision, deeming themselves
disqualified from rendering impartial
judgment by virtue of their connec
tion with the movement to dissolve
the stteel combine before they be
came members, of the court.
Attorney General McKeynolds di
rected the prosecution of the suit
against the corporation in the lower
courts, and Mr. Hrandeis appeared
before a senate investigating cojn
nn'ttcc in 1911 and denounced the
steel corporation as an illegal trust.
Not Likely As Precedent.
Had Justices Brandeis and Mc
Rjynolds participated in the decision
the corporation would have been de
clared, an illcgaJL -trust- and ordered
dissolved ' by a vote of rive to four.
As fHe result of the peculiar cir
cumstances determining the decision
it is doubtful that the majority opin
ion will stand as the future policy
of the court on anti-trust cases. The
steel trust decision, therefore, is not
likely to be regarded as a precedent
in the disposition of other dissolu
tion suits involving the same issues.
The (dismissal of the suit against
the steel corporation by the court
was "without prejudice'',. thus leaving
ihe way open for the reinstitntion ot
dissolution proceedings if the gov
ernment should find evidence war
janting such action.
Long Litigation Ended.
The decision today ended one of
the longest litigations in the federal
courts. The suit was instituted i:.
1911 during the Taft administration
and has been pending in the supremo
court for several years.
The majority opinion was ground
ed upon two main points:
First, that size of a corporation in
itself is not a violation of the anti
trust laws.
Second, that the steel corporation
has not exerted its admitted great
(Continued on Vax Two. Column Tlirre.)
Wilson Begins Answer
To Latest Allied Note
On Adriatic Question
Washington, March 1. President
Wilson has begun work on his an
swer to the British and French pre
miers on the Adriatic situation. In
preparation for the actual drafting
of his note he has written to Acting
Secretary Polk at the State depart
ment. The nature of the communi
cation was not disclosed. . ' . .
There 'was no comment available
from officials here as to the extent
President Wilson might be willing
to. go in joining directly with Pre
miers MUlerand and Lloyd George
in fostering these new negotiations.
School Teachers Are
Granted Pay Increase
At 1 5-Minute Session
The Board of Education last night
disposed of its routine business in
15 minutes. The pay of substitute
teachers was increased $1 a day to
bring their compensation in line
with that paid to the regular grade
teachers. The school nurses were
tllowed an increase of $100 a year.
Chairman Arthur R. Wells of the
teachers' committee called the at
tention of the board to the election
of Belle M. Ryan, assistant superin
tendent, to the secretaryship of the
department of superintendence ; of
the National Education association
at Cleveland last week.
Says Presidential Nominee
Is Friend of the l.'W.W.
Washington Match : 1. President
Wilson's nomination of George W.
P. Hunt of Arizona to be minister
to Siam is expected to go to a special
subcommittee for inquiry when it
comes before the senate foreign re
lations committee Wednesday. Com
pla.nts have been made, it is said,
of an alleged sympathy by Mr. Hunt
.'for the Industrial Workers of the
Alahama Senator
Falls Victim to
i Ravages of the Grip
1SV h 2
inim in i
John H. Bankhead.
Washington, March 1. Senator
John H. Bankhead , of Alabama,
died here, today after an illness of
several weeks, from grippe.
''People Are Belles of the
Ball' Erie Head Favors '
2-Cent Passenger
', Rate.
Washington, March. 1. (By Chi
cago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased
Wire.) Now that the railroads are
back in private hands, the dear old
public finds itself transmogrified
from a wall flower into the belle of
the ball.
As rival suitors, both employers
and employes are starting an ardent
courtship. "What will the public
say?" is the key to the situation on
both sides. ,
The 2,000,000 railroad workers, so
far as their big leaders are con
cerned at any rate, appear to hold
that the counsel labor should take
is the one which will get the back
ing of public sentiment. The rail
owners, on the other hand, frankly
say private ownership is now up for
its final test. They have no desire
to act "in bad" with the public
again, as they were a dozen years
ago, and thus help along the gov
ernment ownership advocates.
Neither side wants to break its
slate witii'"otdTbx np.1
Union Heads Meet.
Today the heads of the railroad
unions held group meetings and dis
cussed President , Wilson's letter
holding that the machinery set by
the new Jit is fully adequate to give
the workers a fast and square deal.
No conclusions were reached.
As soon as President Wilson sets
about the makeup of the wage ad
justing machinery, the employes,
it is indicated, will be ready to par
ticipate. Hut in the meantime, tenseness is
growing out of reports that some of
th railroad executives plan to abro
gate the working agreements which
held good during the period of fed
eral control. The act provides that
wage schedules cannot be reduced
during the next six months. But the
measure does not deal with working
conditions, such as the eight-hour
day and overtime rates.
Want 25 Per Cent Increase.
In some instances, it was rumored
among the labor leaders, roads are
considering a return to prewar
status on working conditions, not
wages. If this is done the jmion
chiefs say it would be provocative of
much serious labor troubles on the
Inquiry among railroad depart
ments today, however, failed to re
veal any such move under contem
plation so far.
The railroad executives are plan
ning to ask an increase of 25 per
cent in freight rates from the Inter
state Commerce commission.
Until September, 1 the govern
ment guaranty holds good, so there
may be no mad haste on the part
of the commission to boost the
freight schedules.
Favors 2-Cent Rate.
New York, March 1. A plea for
lower passenger rates and a read
justment of freight rates to provide
"equitable distribution" of revenue
from commodity tariffs was made by
F. D. Underwood, president of the
Er?e railroad, in a statement con
cerning resumption of private con
trol of the railroads.- He predicted
one of the first benefits to be no
ticed by the public will be more ef
ficient service.
' Reduce Passenger Rates.
"I am opposed to class freight
rates," Mr. Underwood said, "and to
higher passenger fares. . In fact, I
think passenger fares should be re
duced to two' cents a mile, except
perhaps on certain lines serving a
limited territory and upon which
there are peculiar conditions.
The public is going to benefit un
der private control, he continued,
thiough the' reawakening of keen
competition among railroads. The
individual responsibility of railroads,
he said, will be enlivened.
Signing of Railroad Bill '
' Won't Move Brotherhoods
Miami, Fla., March 1. Samuel
Gompers, president of the American
Federation of Labor, who was here
Monday with other officials of the
executive council of the federation,'
said that while organized labor was
much opposrd to the railroad bill as
drafted, no further action would be
taken in regard to it: .
"I speak for them," he said," "when
I say that. the action of the presi
dent in signingthe.bill is to be re
fretted," .... ... ,- '
First Day's Trial of Former
Omaha Pastor in San Fran
cisco for Relations . With
Mrs. Smeltzer Is Sensational.
Scene in Theater Related
Church Member Tells of Ac-
cusing Pastor About Girl and
"Facing Him Down."
San Francisco, March 1. (Spe
cial Tele"gram.) To' inflict punish
ment on the man who, he alleges,
broke up his home, rather than to
gain monetary compensation lor the
loss of his wifes affections, is the
object of the $50,000 alienation suit
of William G.. Smeltzer against Rev.
John F. Poucher, former pastor of,
Central Methodist church, according
to the opening statement of Leonard
H.- Honey, one of the attorneys for
Under examinations by Attorney
Honey, Dr. Poucher admitted that
he had made gifts to Mrs. Irma G.
Smeltzer, wife of the plaintiff and
formerly Dr. Poucher's private' sec
retary, but denied that they had
been made in a spirit of affection.
He said he had on one occasion
met Mrs. Smeltzer at the postoffice
in Oakland, but explained that the
conversation had been on church af
Pastor Is Embarrassed.
Attorney Honey . shot question
after question at Dr. Poucher in an
cifort to gam an admission ot im
proper relations with Mrs. Smeltzer,
but the pastor, although showing
embarrassment, rebuffed every at
tack. At the conclusion of the testi
mony of the Oakland meeting the
folowing dialogue took place:
Question Did you remain m Oak
land for the night?
Answer No.
Question You did not stop at
any.liotel, rooming house or lodg
ing house?
Answer No.
Question Did you register at any
Answer No.
Question Are you positive about
. Answer I am. ,
Dr. Poucher s first statement was
that he had hcen workinc in a ship
yard since late in January, at which
time Smeltzer started his suit and
Bishop Leonard declared the pul
pit of the Central Methodist church
vacant. Prior to his coming here,
Dr. Poucher was pastor i of the
Grand Avenue church in Kansas
City, said to be the largest Methodist
church in the middle-west, and of
Trinity church at Omaha. ,
"Did you give Mrs. Smeltzer a
gold ever-sharp pencil?" Was the
first question of Attorney Honey
after the preliminaries were laid.
"Directly, no," was the answer.
"Did vou give her candy?"
Oakland Hotel Register.
Samples of Poucher's handwriting
were obtained during the afternoon,
when, at the direction of Attorney
J. G. Reisner, Poucher wrote a
number of sentences. Later in the
afternoon a page from the register
of the Hotel St. Mark in Oakland
was presented by the plaintiff's at
torneys for identification. .
The names of "J. Parker and wife,
Chicago," appear on this page under
date of June 24.
Frederick Farnum, assistant man
ager of the hotel, testified that 'the
man and woman registering under
those names came to the hotel on
June 26, 1919, and remained until
July 5.
Mrs. S. M. Demeyer created a,
ripple of interest by her testimony
at the afternoon session. She told of
being at a motion picture theater
one afternoon during the summer of
1919 and seeing Poucher there wfth
Mrs. Smeltzer.
Scene at Theater.
"Poucher came into the theater
alone," she said, "and 'walked over
her feet' to take a seat beyond her.
She looked back, she declared, and
saw someone step quickly behind
the curtain. In a moment Poucher
arose and left
"I got up and looked to see who
it was that wouldn't sit next to me,"
declared Mrs. Demeyer. "It was
Irma Smeltzer."
Mrs. Demeyer also told of a con
versation that she said took place in
Poucher's study with Mrs. C. L.
Smeltzer, mother of the plaintiff,
present. , -
"I told him that the Smeltzershad
separated," she said.
Poucher turned to Mrs. C. L.
Smeltzer and told her that she was a
trouble maker and that she had
made trouble for him ever since she
had been in the church. .
"Shouldn't Pick Minister."
"I said to him, 'I should think that
if Irma had wanted to do a thing
like this she would have picked on a
man and not a minister.' "
Charles E. Yost of 1135 Hyde
(CantlmiFd o Pre Two, Column Three.)
The Weather."
Nebraska Partly cloudy and un
settled Tuesday; Wednesday prob
ably rain and colder. '
Iowa Partly cloudy Tuesday;
warmer in east portion; Wednesday
unsettled with probably rain.
Hourly Tcmpratnreii, t
It a. m
1 p.- ni..,..
p. m
a. m ...
7 a. m...
a. m...
a. m...
10 a. m.,.
It a.
.... 2S
.... 2
.... SO
.... S4
.... S7
s p. m.
4 p. m.
5 p. m.
6 p. .
4 5S
a 4A
i p. m
. 4
Militant Parson
Ready to Fight
Elders off Church
Chicago, March 1. (By Chi
cago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased
Wire.) Rev. C. S. Marsolf, who
is experiencing considerable
trouble in mounting his rocking '
and bucking pulpit ir the North
Chicago Preshyterian church, .
has given it out that the "fight
has just begun."
He was with a machine-gun
corps in France and saw fight
ing at close range. Now he
proposes to give his opponents
in the church some of the stuff
he and his crew'ladled out to the
opposing t forces in No Man's
When he sought to enter the
church Sunday he was arrested
on orders of the directors of
the church and put under bond.
Monday the extension board of
the 'Presbyterian church held
this action was illegal and that
the members or trustees had no
right to interfere with his hold
ing services.
Mr. Marsolf intimated that his
first step will be to seek the
indictment of the trustees and
others responsible for his a
rest.' Preliminary hearing of his
case will be heard March 5 and
both sides are preparing for a
hard battle.
, In explanation of the arrest,
Elder Martin C. Decker said the
militant pastor, has "spread false
stories among the women of the
church and arso had threatened
to 'lick' the Sunday school su-
perintendent on sight."
The trouble all started when
the minister refused to stop re
hearsals on Sunday afternoons,
of a Christmas play.
The Chicago presbytery has
announced that Rev. Mr. Matv
solf is still pastor and that no
church board or any other body
except the presbytery has the
power to discharge him.
Charles E. Hughes Files Con
testing Brief in Which 21
States Join.
Washington, March 1. Twenty
one states joined with the federal
government today in asking the
supreme court to dismiss the suit
brought" by Rhode Island to test
the validity of the federal prohibi
tion amendment.
Subscribing to a brief, filed by
Charles E. Hughes with the court's
permission, which asked dismissal of
the case on the grounds that no
justiciable questions were involved,
were Delaware, North Carolina,
Kentucky, Louisana, Indiana, Ala
bama, Maine, Arkansas, Michigan,
Florida. Oregon, Kansas, West Vir
ginia, Nevada, Nebraska. Montana,
North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyo
ming, Utah and Arizona.
Leading To Anarchy.
Dismissal of the suit was oppose
in another brief, presented by At
torney General Herbert A. Rice, of
Rhode Island, who asserted that
the government's view that the
amendment "is unassailable" could
"onlv lead to anarchy and oppres
sion." Another development in the pro
ceedings was the indefinite post
ponement, by permission of the
court, of arguments to have been
heard next Monday to permit' ap
peals from Kentucky and Massa
chusetts. Assistant Attorney General!
Frierson indicated .arguments might
be heard March 15. '
"Rhode Island," Mr. Hughes said
in his brief, "does not -bring its bill
of complaint to enforce any prop
erty right or any, interest of the
state which can be regarded as the
proper subject of judicial considera-1
tion. ' i
"Nothing But Politics."
"We submit that the conception
involved in the bill of complaint,
that an amendment duly submitted
by congress on the vote of two
thirds of each house and duly rati
fied by the legislatures of three
fourths of the states, is still subject
to judicial review and may be held
for naught through judicial action
by virtue of a process of implied re
strictions upon the amending power,
is a conception of the most extrava
gant character and opposed to the
fundamental -principles of our gov
ernment. "The truth is," the brief con
cluded, "that there is nothing left
but a question ,of political policy
with which this court has ncv-con-cerni"
. 1 ' .
Supreme Court May Decide
On Ownershipi of Girl
New York, March 1. The su
preme court of New York may be
asked to determine whether Re
becca Ellenbdgen, a 21-year-old
Roumanian girl,, purchased in
Turkey at the age of 16 for $2,900
and brought to this country; '"still
belongs" to Alexander Alhadoff, a
Turk. He was brought before a
magistrate's court on a summons
obtained by the girl, who said he
had annoyed her.
She told the court that she was
"sold" to Alhadoff with some kind
of a ceremony,: but she was unable
to state whether it was a legal mar
riage ceremony. Alhadoff brought
her to the United States during the
war, but recently they quarreled and
'.'She belongs to me,"" was the
Turk's only comment.
Quake Hurts Cable Service
Jew York,' March 1. Cable 'com
munications to ; Chile, Argentina,
Uruguay. Paraguay and Brazil has
been interrupted by earthquake dis
turbances in SouthAmerica, the Alt
American cables announce here. to
day, A cable steamer is making re
pairs. I here is no delay on mes
sages to Pern, Ecuador, Colombia
and Central America, it. was stated.
-' '
Factions and Individuals of
Christian Science Church ln -
VOIVed in Litigation That
Takes New Turn in Court.
Trustees Seeking to Have Di
rectors Restrained From In
terfering With Management
Of Publishing Society.
Boston, March, 1. (By The As
sociated Press.) The involved liti
gation between factions and indi
viduals of the Christian Science
church took a new turn today when
Mrs. Emily B. Hulin of Brooklyn,
N. Y., through her counsel, C. F.
Choate, jr., filed in supreme court
a petition for leave to intervene
in the suit of the trustees of the
Christian Science Publishing society
against directors of the First Church
of Christ, Scientist of Boston, known
mission "in behalf of herself and all
other members of the First Church
of Christ Scientist of Boston, known
as the mother church, in good stand
ing and all other members of Christ
ian Science churches and associa
tions and all other Christian Scien
Hearings Are Completed.
Hearings before former Judge
Frederick Dodge as master, have
been completed in the trustees' suit
in which they seek to have the di
rectors restrained from interfering
with their management of the pub
lishing society. The master ruled
that the evidence presented also
covered the suit of John V. Ditte
more against the directors, seeking
to compel them to recognize him
as a member of their board. A
draft of the master's riorf was sub
mitted to counsel for all parties
recently and time for filing the re
port ( with the supreme court ex
pired' today.
In view of Mrs. Hulin's position,
the master asked that the time for
filing be emended to March 10. and
this was granted. A '
Had Refused Motion.
Earlier in the day the court had
refused motions by counsel for the
directors .that the time be extended
to March 15, and that the master
be directed to reopen the hearings
for further evidence in the Ditte
more suit.
Mrs. Hulin in her petition says
she studied Christian Science with
Mrs. Mary Baker G. Edy, founder
of the church, in 1888. and is a
Christian Science practitioner and
teacher and is in good standing as
(Continued on Page Two. Column Six.)
Women and Children in
Night Clothes Face Icy
Ocean Winds in Wreck
Halifax, March 1. A cargo of cot
ton was cast into the sea to lighten
the steamer Bohemian, which struck
the rocks of Sambro Ledges off
Halifax harbor, in a snow storm
early Monday. The ship's 64 pas
sengers w?re brought here, but the
crew of 120 remained. No attempt
was made to haul the steamer off the
or rour Hours the passengers;
waited in seven lifeboats near the i
steamship until the tug Roebling
picked them up. Blankets were
t6sed(from the ship to many in
their night clothes, as snow and cold
added to their djscomfort.
Women and babies constituted
many, of the passengers and were
put first into the lifeboats. When
the Roebling arrived at Halifax all
were in aJ merry mood. The men
said the behavior of the women was
splendid . ' j
French Railroad Men
Call Off Their Strike
" Following Argument
Paris, March 1. The strike on the
French railroads is eflded.
The executive committee of the
general federation of labor issued a
statement that the federation of
railroad men had advised the com
mittee it had obtai-fd satisfaction
for all' claims. The committee
which had already taken steps to
co-operate with - railroaders, the
statement added, took note of the
situation thus arising. -
Lord Northcliffe to Drop'
Lloyd George for Asquith
Paris. March I.t A statement by
Lord Northcliffe, printed in the
Paris press, indicates the British
newspaper king is about, to abandon
Premier1 Lloyd-George, whom he
"made," and back ex-Premier Her
bert H. Asquith,' whom he wrecked.
Lord Northcliffe says:
"Asquith owes his victory at the
polls to his financial ability. Britain
demands a great economist of he
Gladstone school to rebuild our fi
nancial ability, which is now causing
concern to the United States. If he
succeds in stopping the gigantic
waste from which England is suffer
ing1, it is believed in-responsible
quarters he- will be rewarded by an
other term in the premiership."
Performer Asphyxiated.
Swanesav Wales. March ' 1.
Charles Frederick Hedges music hall
artist, whose home is, said to have
been on the Pacific coast of the
United States, was found dead in bed
here. Death Was due to gas poisou
ing , - 1 , '., -. r
Roumanian Prince Will
Dissolve Morganatic Tie
Berlin, March .1. Crown Prince
'Charles of Roumania intends to dis
solve the morganatic marriage he
I contracted in 1918 with Mile. Zyzts
! Lambrino, a young and beautiful
j Roumanian woman, says a Bucha-
rest dispatch quoting the newspaper
i Epoca. The crown prince' has ef-
j !fct:d- M011 ;ith Kj'
! t'erdinand and Queen Marie, the
t paper adds, reviving his claim tq the
. Reports received in Paris early in
January regarding the status of
Crown Prince Charles stated he had
effected" a reconciliation with his
parents, but did not indicate he had
decided on dissolution of the mor
ganatic marriage. He renounced his
rights to the throne after the mar
riage and when he was forced to sep
arate from his bride tried to kill him
self, but succeeded only in putting a
bullet through his right foot.
Omaha's Auto Exhibit Packed
Hundreds in Linex Out
side Called "The
Best Ever."
The 15th annual Omaha auto show
got a flying start yesterday to
ward what automobile men believe
will be a record for shows in point
of poularity and business done.
Thousands of Omahans and visi
tors from nearby' points thronged
the Auditorium, necessitating the
closing of the doors to further ad
missions at 8:50.
At that time the lobby of the
Auditorium was packed with visi
tors seeking to enters a double line
that stretched out the door to How
ard street was seeking to purchase
tickets, and a crowd of those who
had given up hope of entering was
massed on the sidewalk and in
Fifteenth street. The crowd con
tinued to increase for nearly an
hour after the doors had been shut.
Clarke G. Powell, manager of the
show, declared without reservation
that it was' the best show he had
evei managed, and drew particular
(a ttetuka - teethe- h uge w wrt-th at
gathered in spite of the fact that
free admission of former years on
opening night had been done away
with and the regular 50 cent feel
charged. 1
"The Car Is the Thing."
While the decorations and light
ing effects contribute to the appear
ance, visitors agreed that it was the
cars themselves that made the real
impression. Some of the finest ex
emples of the coach builders' art.
combined with a high degree of
mechanical efficiency to make a
graceful, comfortable, dependable
automobile, are on display. The
billliant colors in which the show
cars are finished make the displays
all the more striking.
The arrangement of exhibits this
year, which utilises every inch of
available space and at the same time
(Continued an Ifag Two, Column Fonr,)
Palmer Announces 1
He's a Candidate for
Presidential Honors
Atlanta, Ga., March 1. Attorney
General Palmer Monday night for
mally announced his candidacy for
the djemocratic nomination for presi
dent! in a telegram to Hiram L.
'Gardner, -secretary of the Georgia
state democratic, committee. ' 1
Referring to the petition filed in
his behalf 'for the Georgia primary,
Mr. Palmer declared "if the demo
crats of Georgia see fit to select me
as their choice I shall receive the
honor with deep appreciation," hold
ing it to be highly important that an
opportunity be given in the primary
"to 'directly pass upon the record
made by the present administra
tion." Attorney General Palmer is the
first democrat to place his candidacy
for the democratic nomination be
fore Georgia voting.
The preferential primary will be
held on April 20. Today the names
of five other men have' been offered
in petitions. They are Champ Clark,
Governor Edwards of New Jersey,
Herbert Hoover, Robert L.msinp
and W. G. McAdoo. '
League Greatest Issue,
Senator JohnSOn SaVS'
Aberdeen, S. D., March 1. Ser
ator Hiram W. , Johnson of Cali
fornia, opening ' his campaign in
South Dakota for the he republican
nomination, declared the biggest is
sue today is the league of nations
and "regardless of what politicians
say. the iss'ire will be with the people
until they decide' it"
Referring to the Wgh cost of liv
ing, he declared he could not cure it
"I do know with all the power the
administration has had in this re
gard, it has dallied here and trifred
there and has done nothinjr," he
Barely Escape Death
When Budding Blows Up
Belfast. Ireland. March 1 No
ticing an unusual gleam' iri a peat
ire in the Bnllinger barracks in Gal-
way, troop's hastily left the building.
Hardly had they done so when an
explosion occurred and the walls of
tl.' building were blown out. Two
arrests have been made,
f 1 !
. . . . .1:1;
mnct.ChM-W ei. wvantai'
Paymaster Handling $125,
000 Payroll -Mysteriously '
Disappears With
Louisville, Ky., March l.f-(Special
Tel"gram.) Sec. Lieut. James T.
Logan, finance officer at Camp
Knox ,a trusted officer, handling a
$125,000 monthly payroll, has been
missing for a week and no trace of
his whereahouts can be found, by the
camp officers.
Lieutenant Logan left last Satur
day, a week ago, to go as far as St.
Louis with his wife, who left for
her home at Tanganoxic, Kan., IS
miles from Kansas City.
A telegram from his father, Hugh
Logan, Seward, Neb., last night said
he has had no word from his son in
10 clays. . The owner of the apart
ments here where the couple lived
said they gave up the lease Saturday,
a week ago, and left town, Logan
saying he was going as far as- St.
Louis with his wife.
Suspect Domestic Troubles. ,
Domestic trobules are seen by
cauip. oil kers :who .beiievii the missj
ing officer's book will audit correct
ly. Logan has been in service 19
years, tie married a year ago. A
telegram of inquiry sent this after
noon addressed to his wife at Tan-
ganoxie, had not been answered, at
Colonel Morgan, finance officer of
th'e central department, Chicago, will
arrive lue:,uav to check his ac
Logan's fellow officers ypoke in
high terms of him and said he had
no bad haous.
Major Randall, camp adjutant,
saH: "We have no suspicions as yet
of any financial shortage. Only
three weeks ago, I know he receivd
letters complimenting him on his
work. The last report we had was he
was seen or. a Pullman on at train
for St; Louis with his wife."
Seward, Neb., March 1. (Spe
cial.) Lieut. James T. Logan was
a Seward boy, born and brought up
here. His father is janitor at the
court house.
'Some Form of Gratuity
Urged by Fordney
For -War Veterans
Washington, March 1. On the eve
of the house ways and means com
mittee beginning hearings on an
other gratuity for veterans of the
vyorld war, Chairman Fordney issued
a statement' announcing his support
of "some form of gratuity" and
predicting a speedy committee
recommendation. Representatives of
various Veterans' organizations wijl
appear before the commjttee begin
ning Tuesday to offer proposals oh
the form of the gratuity.
"It may be that several classes of
gratuities will have provided
so that the individual may select' the
plan best suite.d to his needs," said
Mr. Foruney's statement.'
Doughty Major
Denies Getting
Routed by 'Wets'
Chicago, March 1. (By Chicago
Trihnnp-Omaha Rp Wire Sprviee.1
- Somc people have an idea that
to 'upper Michigan to crush a "rum
rebellion," first breathing several
columns of hot defiance through
the newspapers, emerged from the
little end of the horn in that en
counter, lyat not so 4he" doughty
major. In an address before the
Baptist ministers in conference here,
he said that his experience was a
"victory" as far as he was allowed
to go.
"There was no rebellion in Michi
gan, although the newspapers tried
to make it appear so," asserted
Dalryple. "I went up there-to get
the wine and I got It. I would have
brought McDonough and his asso
ciates back to Chicago in irons if
I had not been called off."
The major denied any intention
of resigning and said he would not
run from the newspapers of the
"wets." - '
Martin McDonough, the prose
cuting attorney at Iron River, who
routed Major Dalrymple and his
forces, was in Chicago Monday, but
did not call upon the major.
Democratic Leaders Fear He
Will Destroy All Chance ol
Success at Election Unless
He Has His Own Way.
Won't Accept Ratification aa
Qualified by Lodge Reserva
tions and, Failing to Carry
Point, May Form New Party,
Washington, March 1. (By Chi
cago tribune-Omaha Bee Leased
Wire.) Fear that President Wilson
may split his party wide open on
the league issue and destroy all
chances of success at the November
election unless he has his cwn way
in the treaty fight has resulted in a
noticeable stilfening of the admin
istration defenses in the senate and
rendering ratification hopeless' ac
cording to polls made today.
The president, his closest follow
ers said today, has made up his mind
to force a national referendum on
thp question of whether the United
States should enter the league "just
ai it is." He will not object to the
"interpretative reservations," but he
will demand that the democratic na
tional convention take a stand in
favor of the league covenant "with
out change of meaning," according
to his followers in the snate. He ii
determined never to accept ratifica
tion as qualified by the Lodge reser
vations and failing to carry his point
in the democratic convention, he
might repudiate the platform, bolt,
and lead a third ticket favoring the
league, it was hinted by democratic
senators, who were of the opinion,
however, that Mr. Wilson would be
able still to dominate the conven- -tion.
'. k
Terrifies Followers.
, "Th e president lias literally ter- :
rifted a good many of my colleagues,
into submission on the league is
sue," said one democratic senator to
day. "I believe that we are not only
postponing trouble, however, ' be
cause there will be a considerable
split in the party if we attempt to
stand for the league without change,"
- Senator Hitchcock Jjowever, - b(,
lieves that if the league is an issue, .
the republicans will be divided and
that chances of democratic success
would be improved.
Canvass of the democratic sen
ators today showed that not less .
thai 24 democratic senators could be
tounted to stand by the president to .
the end. Probably there will be more,
but these,-it was stated, have given
their pledged word that they, will
never vote for ratification with the
Lodge reservations attached. .
Republican Discussion.
On the republican side, consider u -abie
discussion is going on over the ,
trtaty plan for the republican plat
form. It was generally agreed thatf
the national convention would have
to support the action of the repnbli- .
can senate and it was suggested that
the form ot the declaration shoujd be
along these lines: That the republi
can party herewith endorses the re-
fusal of the senate to ratify the
peace treaty without reservations
necessary to safeguard American it
teiests. It was pointed out that such
a plank would be of sufficient width
to command the support -of practi- "
ca'Iy ail factions in the treaty fight
With all factions virtually conced
ing rejection of the treaty, the flis-po.-iition
of the senate is now to drop
talk of reservations and hurry the
pact to a final showdown this week,
Opinion Against Treaty. . 'r
, The dismissal of Secretary of
State Lansing and the Fiume con- .
troversy haveset the tide of public
opinion runnir.g strongly in the di
rection of flat rejection of the peac
treaty, according to Senator McCor
mick of Illinois,, who returned to
Washington today from a visisl
among his constituents.
If I may nidge from what I
heard on every side during my visit '
to southern and central Illinois and
to Chicago, the Lansing incident and
the riume controversy hare alarmed ,
thousands upon thousands of people -as
. to the costly consequences of
our involvement in European terri
torial quarrels and the dangers into
which the executive might lead us
under an established policy of in
terference," the senator said y'Men
and women who favored ratification .
with reservations six weeks ago now
re opposed to ratification of the
treaty. They are coming to under
stand that ratification has, no bear- '
ing upon foreign exchanges; 'and
therefore none upon exports from
this country." ;
Drop Compromise Negotiations. .
Convinced that for the present -
their labors to break the peace trea
ty deadlock are a waste of time, sen- '
ate leaders moved today to get the
treaty out ot the way ot pressing..
legislation and to let issues raised by
the ratification fight go into the po- '
l'tica! campaign. :
Under the plan, compromise nego-
tiations on the reservation to article '
10 are to he dropped, readoption of
fie republican reservation program
f iast session is to be completed as -
a formality, and then a final vote is. ;
to be taken to put the treaty into the .-.
campaign. t.
Outbreak in Afghanistan.
London, March 1. A dispatch from
India rcpofts that an attack of Maiw
gal an.1 Zadlian tribesmen in Kuram.
Afghanistan, 68 miles southeast oL :.
Kabal, was repulsed by Trms and
Kuram militia. the ageresori .
lost 120 killed, the dispatch adds. '