Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1920, Page 8, Image 8
THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1920. 5 .1 WANT AD RATES (rasa ivllb order.) Ve por-worn. . .. -i't9 per word. . . 'c per word. . . ... ' 7 a per word e per word e per word .one" day .two consecutive days three consecutive days ,.,four consecutive days ...flv consecutive days. ....IX consecutive daya .seven conaecutlva daya ic per wora. . . and one cent per word for each additional insertion. No ada taken for leaa than a, total of I5c. CHARGE. 15c per tine... on day ?c per line Ja conaecutlva daya Sc per line three consecutive daya luc per line .-seven consecutive daya J.00 per line. .thirty conaeeutive daya Card of thanks and funeral notices 11c per line each day. Thraa rate apply either to the Dally or fu'iday Bee. All advertisement appear !n both morning and evening dally papers for the one charge. Costnrt Kates on Application. For convenience of advertisers, want ads will be accepted at the following of floes: MAIN OFFICE ..Bee-Building Ames Office ...4410 North 2oth Vu ,Park Office ...2l Leavenworth, at. Booth 8lde...T 331S N St. Walnut Offiee 81 North 40th 81 Co. fluffs Office..'. IS Scott 8t, THE BEE will not be responsible for more -nan one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than one FHONE TYI.EB 1000. Kvenlng Kdlllona ...tJ.'OO M. Morning Edition 10:80 P. M. Hundav Editions 10 P. M. Saturday. . DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES 4jUiNN Mist Nellie; survived by her mother, Mrs. Margaret wuinn; i brothers, William and Kdward: two Sisters, Tressa and Jennie. Funeral Tuesday morning from residence, 4240 Farnam. :30 . m., to St. Cecelia's church, t . rn. Interment Holy , Sepulchre cemetery. Please omit flowers. FRIER James, aged 61 years, after" sight months' Illness. Funeral Tuesday morning, March 2, at :30 a. tn., from Heafly Heafly chapel. 26U Farnam street, to 8t. Potel's church at 10 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery.. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK- & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third nJ!!arn',!IL Ha FRED E. FERO, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. - Lady Attendant. 23d and Cunjlng Ets. . Phone Douglas ' 877. Auto ambulance. NEW LOCATION CROSBY'S NEW FUNERAL HOME, 2018 WIRT ST. Away from noise of busy' streets. 1'HONR WEBSTER 47. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmers. r Phone H. 205. Office 2611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN, Pioneer B"uneral Directors. 701 8outh 16th St. - Doug. 1068. TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Doug. 714. 2216 Cuming St. DUFFY & JOHNSTON UNDERTAKERS. 717 8. 16th. Tyler 1678. FLORISTS. T.TTF. T. I.APMilN Fonter.elle Florists. 1814 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. L. Henderson, 1619 Farnam. Douglas 1248. JOHN BATH, 18th and Farnam, D. 3000. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE largest display of .r.oiiuments tn the United States. rftANK SVOBODA, 1315 S. 13th Phone Douglas 1875-6318. LOST FOUND REWARDS. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re . slore lost artloles to rightful owners. OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS 8T. RY. CO. r T.MART. JANE" $25 reward for lost pocketbook and contents. Deduct and remit to me special delivery, at Aurora., Neb. Tou have my name. LOST Cameo pin, chipped off on side. Reward. Call drapery "work room, Bttr-gess-Nash Co. PERSONAL, HOME-MADE PIES nf tilfirhnst fiimlltv mad to your order: delicious JTrults and custards that wilt delight the roosuerlt- leal, uive me an opportunity to please yon. Mrs. Mabel Rogers, 2l a. mn St. Phone Tyler 8530. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute. " Phone Dong. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our pew noma, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge street ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. AOCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box Pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and , styles; hemstitching, plcot, edging, eye let cut work, -button holes, .pennants HEMSTITCHING, PLEATINf BUTTONS G. U. Vsn Arnam Pleating Ce. 412-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. 10 2 Baggage and Express. J Hartung's Transfer Co.v J 1211 HOWARD ST. TYLERT 1976. Trucks, any size, leased, or your haul ing oomracteatnotrrayor year. TheOnly Way' R, ticket ' Office. D. 285. Omaha Transfer Co. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. m i ITth, and JIartha 8ts., Omaha. NeT. 'V Braas, brOme. aluminum and Snachtne . gray Iron eastings. v Chriopodists. "Virrle J. Burfrrd. 620 Paxton Blk. V. 120 Clothing ,and Furs. ::"ULL dress ulta for rent. 108 N..46th sL John Feldmin. Phone 8128. Contractors. - CARPENTERING, repairing, remodeling done., 1 J. Krickson. Call Walnut t 1637. . ' Dancing' Academies. 'tt 'PTPTW'P School for Dancing, 2424 f JXrjLrrilrj Farnam. D.-7850. Class - t I: dancing at p. m., Monday, Thurs . day. Saturday: private lessons any time. Dentists. DR. SECOR. 1st Nat Bk. Bldg. Ty. 188. ' Dr. Bradbury. No aln. 21 W. O. W. Bldg. Dressmaking. '"DRESSMAKING and alterations. Work guaranteed. A ebster 6;6. DRE98MAKING and alterations, work guaranteed. Ti ler 3979. DRF.8SMAKI NG W ono reasonable. Walnut ! k 3656. " "PLAIN swlrrg. all kinds,, men's shirts - specialty. Douglas 4634. OR dainty tiny' tots ctothes, call Har- ! t ney sina. Detectives. v JfHII. W1NCKLER. personal service, evl S i dene " secured tn every case. Harney 8708. JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence sv secured In all cases. Tyler 1136 Electrical Utilities. VACUUM cleaners, delivered, called for, v 60o day. Cacuum t'leaner Service Co. t Call Webster 1657 front 10 av m. to 4 - p m. SLECTBIC healers. 810.50; vacuum clean era, $37.80. Mola washing machlue - I.alley-WllKon Electric Co., 1307 Farnam ' BLECTRIC vacuum cleaner, 31 day de livered. Colfax 4116. BEST electric vacuum sweeper for rent; delivered. Webster 423. ELECTRIC vacuum Call Douglas 6718. cleaner for rent. Garages. REDI-MADE OARAGES, wood or steel. Bend tor circular. Redl-Made Housing Co.. Sill Howsrd. Red 3667. . Gas Stoves Connected. OAS BTOVES conected. 83. All kinds, of taa work repaired and reyalnted.- Prompt ! service. Harney 1619., Hats Blocked. HATS! HATS! ; j . Hats cleaned and blocked. ,V " Pslkton Parlori 1607 FARNAM. Kodak. Finishing and Enlarging FILMS developed: printing and enlarging. Write for price. Th Ensign Co 1607 Howard St Hauling. FOR 'moving and hauling, call Douglas TU. Blue Una . Transfer Co..o3 Farnam. Interior Varnishine? and Floors. INTERIOR varnishing, enamaUnsr:,' floors Veflnlshed and waxed; - wall paper rleaned. Wal. .4831. J- . " '" vRug Manufacturing. xvin5" Ld old ruga remade. . . , f - ' Tyler ANNOUNCEMENTS. Jewelry. DIAM0NDSw'lt!Jppi:,vl,,-e.b:,,opb,ut back at small profit GROSS JEWELRx CO.. 40J N. loth 8t. Doug. 04. w. PLATA U. Jeweler K.Ubllihed 181. 8lith Floor. Securities Bldg. Osteopath. t)R MABEL WESSON. Ill Balrd Bldg., l?tb and Douglas. T. J0S0 H. 474L "Tailors. Diedrick. P. L.. 816 S. 30th. Tailor. D. Utl. M. KKISEH, 1106 South 18th. D. 1187. Painting and Paperhanging. PAPERHANOINQ, painting: estimates free: that cost nothing and may save you money. Tyler Z7s. tRKD KEEP Colfax 2701; painting and paperhanging; wall paper cleaning and giasing. PAI'ERHANOINO. $t room and up. In. eluding paper and work. Walnut 4008. PAl.NTlN'li. papering, free estimates. Call mornings or evenings. Harney 740. PAINTIN'S and paperbanging; lat class work. Iouglas 7513. FAINTING, paperhanging and plastering. Pliflhe Walnut 4567. PAINTING, paperhanging and paper clean ing. Douglas Ha;;. - A. J. DOLINSKJT Wall decorating, fax 244. . Col. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 883 Braadels. I, 691. Patent Attorneys. STVRGES ft STCROKS. registered patent attorneys. Patents obtained In U. 8. mid foreign countries. 8:10 Bee.. Bldg. Printing. Wedding Stationery V. S. Panting Co.. 422 8. lth St - Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 12th Farnam.--, j. .1. uengni pare i;o. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, renslr, sell needles and parts. J MICKELS', z 15th and Harney. Doug. 1973. Stationery. OMAHA StnsWTiery Co.. 307-9 South 17th. Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque cos tumes for amateur theatricals and par ties for rnt at T. Llehen & Bon. Omaha. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 207 8. Uth. P. 528.' . Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Window Cleaning. WINDOW hashing, lOo per window. American Cleaners. Tyler 3070. Miscellaneous. ANNOUNCEMENT. Mr. Cnns. Gundram. formerly 6f Metz ger ft Co., Council Bluffs, has under taken the Castle Hotel Cats. Omaha, Neb., and -will be glad to aneet his friends at that place. DRESSMAKING and altering done. Doug las 6743. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION! AUCTION! - Anotla. big sale of extra high-grade furniture, rugs, piano, period dining room furniture, bedroom furniture and furnishings of four good homes r IN MY AUCTION HOUSE. S. E. CORNER 18TH AND WEBSTER STS.. WEDNESDAY. MARCH 3. STARTS 1 P. M. THIS IS A BIG SALE. WATCH .THE PAPERS FOR DETAILS. JAMES S. DOWD, Auctioneer. " j If you have anything to sell call Doug. 8285, Tyler 966 or evenings at; the E1 Beudor,, Tyler 4200. -, - BEST "BARGAINS IN OMAHA. Solid oak Jacobean William and Mary 8-piece dining room suite valued at 3275 to go at 3175. The suite consists of 6 chairs, leather seated; an extension ta- ble and a very roomy buffet. Other suites In same style. A William and Mary, In walnut, 8390 Value, at 3197.50. A William and Mary, In mahogany, 1400 value, at 3240. ' STATE FURNITURE COMPANT, Corner 14th and Dodge Streets, Opposite V. P. Headquarters, Omaha. AUCTION! AUCTION! About 33,000 worth of . .ladles' and gent's furnishing goods, and about 000 pairs of men, women and chkldren's shoes, to be sold In my auction house, Tuesday night, March 2. Starts at 7:30 , sharp. This complete stock of ladles' and gents' furnishing goods and shoes will be sold for a merchant who la re tiring from business. Remember the salels Tuesday night Starts at 7:30. ' JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. 32,000 stock of furniture to be sold; 300 stoves of all kinds, rugs, linoleum, phon ographs, dufolds, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, dressers, chiffon iers, beds, ''springs, mattresses, trunks, suitcases, bedd'.n's-. linen, etc. Onen till 9 p. m. Credit if ywi wish. , 1839-lt in. Z4tn t wen ituj. FOR SALE Electric heater. Majestic, used 2 days; will sacrifice. Apt. K., Howard Apts., Twenty-first and How ard. ' , FOR SALE Gas Iron and cord; will sell for 31-50; good condition. Apt. K.; Howard Apts., Twenty-first and How ard. . WILL scrltice good household furniture at reasonable prices If sold at once. Douglas 45159. 2421 Cuming St. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over In new ticks at half the price of new hedr. 1P07 Cuming St Douglas 2467. We sell new and near-new furniture, stoves and rugs at lowest prices: cash or pavments. Amer. Furn. Co., 805 TJ. 16. FOR SALE 60-Inch library table, real mahogany bed and dresser. Webster SS79. . Ptanos and Musical Instruments. SAXOPHONES, BAND -INSTRUMENTS We carry full line of Martin saxo phones, saxophone mouthpieces, reeds, ' etc., saxophones repadded and repaired; drummers supplies. MUSICIANS' SUPPLT 8HOP, 40 Karbach Blk., 15th and Douglaa. - aTho3peco. you 8 las 11 . Everything tn art and mualo Pianos for rentr" 84.00 per month. ' DRUMS, traps, marimbas. Instructions, re , pairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith. 2761 Davenport St. ' .- , SILVER plated "King" Trombone In case, almost new. Must sell. Phone. Douglas 4779. ; MARTIN MONSTER SOUSAPHONE: fine condition. B. K. Trexter, zi t-arer St.. Omsha. Walnut 1769 WILL SACRIFICE Voss Son piano for cash, or will trade for diamowaa. w ai- nut bl. V1CTOR-VICTROLA, small -sixe, $1SJ . 11 1 BEAUTIFUL 3160 cabinet phonograph. Just like new, only .t. gouin ey. j Typewriters and Suppiiea. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES "7t i. MigFfi. hnnirht. sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA.J Get our prices before you ouy. n.very, Central Typewriter Exc. Doug 4121. ; I IS"" rarnam. WE buy, sell and exchange all makes excha rite! f of typewriters. Write; lor list., jmaiana urri-ce supply uo., hh wocisb. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months. for 86.00. Oliver Agency, Jo r arnam St.. City. Store and. Office Fixtures. V WE buy sell and make desks, safes, eb.ow' . cases, shelving, etc. umana Fixture Supply Co.. 11th and Douglas. Doug. 2724. Lumber and Building Materials. llrfH. M. KEVAN. 844 80UTH 20TH ST. Miscellaneous. , WATERPOWER washing machine, $7.50; drop-head six-drawer Singer sewing machine, 310; Bissell carpet sweeper, 32; soft coal laundry stove, 33; Iron bed complete with mattress and springs, v?6; gas heater. 36. Other household good!-. 3111 Paiiiftc St. ONE marv-psylindpr reboring machine and one largeimH; alsb one-ton chain hotst. For quick sale see Carl A. An derson, the Magneto Man, 1407 Jackson St . FOR SALE Dark blue all wool velour sattn-llned ladles long coat size 38, worn only a few times, 320. Misses' navy blue corduroy fur-trimmed satin-lined coat, 312. Walnut 2081. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses made from your own feathers, summer anu winter siqfs. 1UI Climlng. U. Z48T. BROADTAIL Peraian lamb coat. Marten , trimming, Hudson seal with mole coatee, Kolinsky cape, long tabs. Tyler 4843. CHICKEN feed,- straw and hay sold at Walnut Hill Feed Store. Auto delivery Bwnrrq i my. svainut NO. 1 Parker shotgun, 13 gause; will sao riflc. South 4ti5. , GOOD kindling delivered. 33.50 per load. 1 Webster 4e- -- FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Miscellaneous. EXCELLENT elegant piano and large li brary for sale or exchange or what have you? Call at U S. 20th St. LADY'S BEAVER CbXT. Nearly new; real bargain. Phone Ty ler 4200. Apt. 18. WASHING MACHINE! and wringer, lit. Colfax 7433. DRT kindling wood. Harney 1837. ACHP BOX CO. WANTED TO BUY. - LIBERTY BONDS' High price for certain Issues this week. We will help you make your Income tax return. Strictly confidential. SECURITY INVEST-, " " MENT CO., ' ' Tyler 2716. 888 Securities Bldg. WE BUT baled waste, paper, old maga zines and newspapers. State quantity you have on hand. Write or phone for prloes. Omaha Paper Stock Co., 15th and Marcy. Douglas 189. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT MACK'S BOND HOUSE. 1421 First Nat Bank Bldg. Phone Tyler 3644. DESKS DESKS DESKS jow desks: used desks bought sold and rraoeq. ,i. u. Keeq. l.'HT Farnam. P. 6146. Liberty Bonds Bought i woria-neraiq Biag. WILL buy second-hand elotblng, shoei and furniture, Tyler 2598. A. Zavett, i"n riorie loin bl WANT TO -BUr a small bakery. 7150. Harney SITUATIONS WANTEBy Male. THE BEE will publish free a situation . wanted ad under this classification for soldiers and sailors and marines who will show their discharge 'papers at our orrioe m the lobby of The Bee building. eeventeentn ana ar mam, POSITION wanted In large office building, factory, fdundry, mill or packing house as electrician foreman; 9 years' expe rience; honorable discharge from the United Stntes army as a commissioned officer; high school education; expe rienced In handling men and getting re- suits. jiox A-B. uraana Bee. COLORED man .wants wall paper and carpet denning. Webster 2524. ACCOUNTANT and office manager, ten years' sterling testimonials, desires posi tion: temporary, or permanent. Can furnish bond. Address Box A-31, Omaha Bee. WANTED A position as Gordon feeder or hardwood finisher or srtlst. Write tn I Mr. 'john.E. Tubrick, 4019 So. Thlrty- r irtn st. COLORED ma wants work as Janitor or porter. Call Webster 6053. MAN with one-ton truck wants steady work of any kind: Tyler 2081. SITUATION wanted by colored man as porter. Webster 6333. COLOREp lad wants chauffeur work. Webster 3070. ASHES hauled and grading (lone, fax 4171. cai- Female. HOUSEKEEPERS, LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestlo column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. " Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED colored dressmaker wants sewing by the day, 60c an Your. Webster 1042. EXPERIENCED laundress wants light bundle washing. Webster 2221. EXPERIENCED colored "girl wants iron- itig and day work. South 2015. BUNDLE washing called for, delivered. Webster 1379. v COLORED woman, perfect in cleaning, 45c hour. City reference. Colfax 4984. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants jaunqry worn by the day. Harney 6863. IiAuajjjKX, ironing, day work, expe rienced. References. South 4461. GENERAL housework, dishwashing In restaurant or boarding house. Tyler 3571. FAMILY and bundle washing; called for and delivered. Walnut 1214 DAY WORK References. wanted by reliable Webster 6004. lady. DAY WORK Reliable colored lady. Web ster 3264, after 6 p. m. BUNDLE washing called for; delivered. Webster 1379. BU NDLE washing; experienced laundress. Webster 3565. DAY WORK Experienced Webster 2838. colored lady. LAUNDRY work, reliable woman, ster 11599. Web- UUNDLE washing, ster 1?77. neatly done. Web- DAY workcolorea woman. Webster 3457. Annie. DAY work, 6199, experienced lady. Webster DAY work, cleaning or Ironing. 3020. ' 1 Webster DAY work, 2524. experienced lady. Webster BUNDLE washing done cheap. Webster 4371. BUNDLE washing; Tyler 40O2. work guaranteed. A. DAY work, 2524. - experienced lady. Webster LAUNDRY, day work. References. Doug las 9319. CLEANING and day work. Douglas 4088. CLEANING and dusting. Douglas 6950. WANTED Day work. Webster 6744. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. FOR positions of merit see Watts Refer ence Co.. 1138 City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED 1 Two good linotype operators ior ntgnc situations tn The Bee compos , ing" room. Wire Superintendent, The Bee, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Experienced, mechanic for work In a garage. Must be familiar j witn an rnaises 01 cars, uooa pay ana fi steady position to right man. 6. R.M Harger, Ttandolph, la. WANTED First-class tinner and sheet metal workers for general packing house work; good Wages; steady work year Slou Falls. S. D. . " BIG demand for barbers, complete course In few weeks. Call, write or phone for catalogue. Douglas 7777. Moler Barber College, 110 South 14th St Estab lished 1893. ' WANTED Coat, vest and pants maker; 'alsoY bushel man. - Good wages.' Per manent position. Dresher, the Tailor, 151S Farnam. WANTED Apprentices who have talent in art to -matte money in their homes during their spare, time. T-98, Omaha Bee. WASfTED First-class woodworkers to work on truck wheels only. Apply at once. Truck $ Tractor Corporation, 1310 Jackson. ' MEN wanted. Railway mall , clerks, 8110 month; list positions free. Franklin In stltute. Dept. 228 B. Roc hester, N. Y. WANTED Experienced Gordon press feeders. Omaha Posten Co., 15tb and Jones. FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN 3176 to 3226 monthly; experience unnecessary. Write Hallway Association, Y-999. Omaha Bee, WANTED Experienced soda man. Apply casnier. ureen Room, Branaeis Stores. WANTED An experienced chauffeur. John L. Kennedy. Walnut 625. ' Salesmen and Solicitors. ' , WANTED .Ckpable Salesmen FOR i WESTERN NEBRASKA ' AND WESTERN SOUTH DA KOTA: HEADQUARTERS AT ALLIANCE; SALARY. 'EX PENSES AND BONUS. WRITE THE CLEVELAND METAL PRODUCTS CO., 412 HUBBEL , BLDG.. DES MOINES, IOWA. ' lVE AGE, SALARY DE SIRED, EXPERIENCE, AD DRE4S AND' TELEPHONE NUMBER.' r REAL specialty salesman to sell high class popular articles to banks and all classes of business; big demand; no competition; easily sold; exclusive territory; chance for hustlers to make big money. TEGOMEN FOE JklFG. CO.. 1211 Harney. HELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMAN to handle candle a side line. References required. LATMON CANDT CO., ,' Denver, Colorado. , TWO CITY SOLICITORS WANTED Single men, age 28 to 60, who will accept quick promotion to travel ing position considered only. Straight salary with uhanca for Immediate Increase to willing worker. See Mr. Gordon, 108 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Pouglas. RELIABLE STOCK 8ALESMEN SELLING GUARANTEED EIGHT - PER CENT PARTICIPATING OMAHA v BANK BUILDING PREFERRED STOCK. DU RECT BANK CONNECTIONS. R. H. SNYDER P.OOM 3, WEAD BUILDIN WANTED Salesmen to sell stock In live, -producing and dlvldend-paylug oil company with holdings In the proven fields of Texaa and Oklahoma. Liberal commissions. Address Box E14, Ft. Worth, Tex. WANTED Two first-class shoe salesmen at ouce. Send reference with applica tion. State where previously -employed. 8. N. Wolhach & Sons. Grand Island, , : WANTED An experienced young man for a counter waiter In a city near Omaha, r Must be steady and clean. Write Yr998' Omaha Bee. I -4 8ALESME.V. We want several good men and will pay mem wen. Fall irom imp. m., at 226 Neville Block. 16th and Harney. SALESMEN We want a few more young men to jolnVour club In aclentlfla sales manship. Complete training 325: post- tlons furnlMhed free. , Box Y-968 Bee. RELIABLE salesmen to sell tock""ln a dividend-paying company. See P. H. Dearrnont. 228 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. WAnVteD Live man with small capital to handle Omaha Invention; retails 10c to 31. Box Y-5,000. Omaha Bee. Agents and Canvassers. - AGENTS WANTED To handle stock of high-grade 36.000.. 000 oil compny with Delaware charter. Has 100.000 acres In Texas and pro duction. Pays dividends. Exceptional inoucemenis to investors, nest or co operation. Leo F. Reardon. Tirglnla Company, Ino., 4 Dundee Block, Fort worm, 'exas. WANTED A reliable agent for life lnsur. ance company In the state of Nebraska! commission contract or part commission ana part salary, as oesirea. exception al opportunity for the right man. Ad dress Y-1137, Omaha Bee. Boys. WANTED Bright energetic boy about 16 years of age as bank messenger. Stock Yards National Bank, Exchange Bldg., South Side. BOYS 17 or over U assist In store; those with some experience preferred. Metro politan lc to 99c store. 210 No. 16th St BHANHEIS STORK WANTS, STOCK BOYS. 1 APPLY SUPERINTENDENT'S TjFFICE, FOURTH FLOOR tl-A Miscellaneous. i FORD TRUCK DRIVER AND TEAMSTER WANTED; MARRIED PREFERRED: " STEADY JOB. GOOD PAY. ' UPDIKE LUMBER & COAL CO,, 4H0O DODGE ST. WALNUT 300. JANITOR Want first class janitor for large office, Address box T91, Omaha Bee. MEN to drive taxfeabs. We teach you to drivel and pay while learning. Our men earn from 84 to 38 dally: 350 cash bond required. Omaha Taxlcab Co., 2572 Harney St. PUBLIC SPEAKERS Capable of addressing! Intelligent au dience: 'ex-service men preferred. North west W arrlors. Court Houso Hut. BRANDEIS STORES WANT EXPERI ENCED PACKERS FOR CARPET AND RUG DEPARTMENT. APPLY SUPER INTENDENT'S OFFICE, FOURTH FLOOR. WANTED An experienced farm hand to work on a farm, must give good reference. - Address Frank L. Kublk, Pender, Neb POSITIONS, locations, etc., for doctors, oentisls. druggists, veterinarians, nurses F .V. Knlest. 212 Bee Bldg., Omaha. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. WANTED Names glrle, women, wishing government office positions: 11 140 year Answer Immediately, Y-936. Omaha Bee. OFFICE girl wanted. Experience unnec essary. Dresher Bros.. TLX1 Farnam St." WANTED immediately, good stenographer law office experience; state wages. Ad dress Box "K." Sidney. Neb. WANTED Dictaphone operator or a good stenographer. Kennedy-Parsons Co., 1309 Jones yt. Doug. 6920.' EXPERIENCED cashier wanted; must have reference Olymnla Candy ''Kitchen. - Professions and Trades - YOUNG LADIES, DO YOU WANT PERMANENT POSITION 7 v No profession today offers better op portunities for good salaries and steady employment than local or long distance telephone work. ' The work la fascinating, pleasant, healthful surroundings, annual vaca tions with full pay. sick and accident benefits without cost to employee. ' No experience necessary, substantial weekly pay while In training. ; Rapid advancement ' Parents Invited to Investigate tng conditions. . work- Apply to C. F. LAMBERT. s New Telephone Building, h Xnd Douglas Streets. 613 19th WE NEED Competent and cnergetio young women to fill a tew vacancies in our long lines operating force. It Is a real opening for the girl who wants an INTERESTING, WELL PAID. PERMANENT POSITION with opportunities for rapid advance ment. I . Miss Bell will give you all the details end take your application. 318 New Tel-iphone-Building. . - . ' THE AMERICAN TELEPHONE" AND TELEGRAPH CO. fOUNG lady masseuse wanted at the La Bene institute, 176014 Leavenworth. nstltute, 26. sscuse JJOUg. Db LADY masse wanted at once. Tyler 4315. Saleswomen and Solicitors. i SALESLADIES WANTED, i For Millinery Dept.; all day or part time: steady positions and good salaries. Apply .. - ' ' 1 ,i ORKIN BROS.. , ' v ' . Conant Hotel Bldg., 10th St. BARCLEY corsets, complete ltne; silk and knitted underwear.; guaranteed hosery. Salesladies make fS a dayvand up. Walnut 3813.' SALESLADIES Those with experience preferred. The Metropolitan lc to 99c store, zis iv o. I6tn hi. v Household and Domestic. WANTED Immediately, experienced white gtel for general housework. , Small Hlh II yt no tandry: good wages. 4103 Daven port St., Harney 8409. v HELP WANTED FEMALE. Household and Domestic, COMPETENT girl for general housework. Laundress kept Mrs. K H. Patter son, 127 North 40th St. Call Harney 387. WANT 1J A good white laundress. Elec tric washing machine. Mrs. M. C. Leary. 1304 South 35th St. Harney 2290. WANTED A white cook; no washing; . references required. Mrs. D. W. John- ston, 105 South 49th St. Walnut 864. FOR LAUNDRESSES, ' DAY WOMEN, ETC LOOK IN THE SITUATION COL liMN OF THE BEE. ' 7 COMPETENT girl for general housework; no washing: 3 In family. 3611 Jackson. CHAS. L. FISH Piano tuW. violin and piano teacher Colfax 4907. WANTED Girt fur general housework. Mrs. L. 8. C!a-rk, Harney 3. WANTED Housemaid, xmall family, 812 per week. Harney 2904. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED v DISH WASH F.RS. . APPLY SUPT. BALCONY. BURGESS-NASH CO. EXPERIENCE waitresses wanted, good wages. New Life Cafe, 16 1 5 Farnam. TWO nice appearing girls wanted; 314 a week. Olympla Candy Klichen. WAITRESS wanted at La Rue Cafe, and Ames. 24th WANTED . y WAITRESSES . FOR CRICKET ROOM APPLY SUPT. BALCONY BURGESS-NASH CO. Miscellaneous. ( "WANTED "BY EURGfiiS-NASH CO. EXPERIENCED ELEVATOR GIRL;- APPLY SUPERINTENDENT, BALCONY. THE BIG" SISTERS will help any girl or woman needing assistance during the present emergency. Telephone Harney 6734 day or evtnlng. or Tyler 1138 In the evenlnu- NEAT APPEARING woman for elevator operator. El Beudor Apt. Hotel, 18th and Dodge. EXPERIENCED bindery girls wanted. Omaha Printing Co.. 1301 Farnam St. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED at once for lyceum and Chau tauqua work, singers and Instrument players, male and female. Write G. A, Kickctts. St.'inton, Ja. WANTED Men, ladles and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1 403 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Barber-College. WANTED Disli washer operator, tnuii helper, floor girls, dih wiper and kitchen helper. Y. W. C. A. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. . NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Complete courses In accountancy, .ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and ' typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Write. call or pbor.e Douglas 1565 for Targe illus trated catalogue. Address ' BOYLES COLLEGE, Boylcs Building. Omaha, Neb. Van Sant School of Business Day arid Evening Schools. 220 Oinab& National Bank Bldg. Douglas 6890. ANNIE E. GLASGOW voice and Dlano. 50' Kirnaeh Blk; Studio phone, Douglas just, .us soutn ibtc St. BUSINESS CHANCES. 'OR SALE Good restaurant, all Block and fixtures, will run less than 32.60(mi0. This Includes a new soda fountain bought in 1919. Doing a good -bunlnes isow only one other small restaurant here. Business will average $1,800.00 monthly. Rent $20 per A town of boo. Big territory. Good money maker. Reasons for selling. Banker will O. K. bill of sale if wanted. Louie K. Case bolt, Holbrook, Neb. WANTED Capable, active furniture man who can invent' and take part' In a suc cessful business that caa, use wore men and more capital for expansion. Se curity -f investment ts absolutely safe and guaranteed. Give full particulars of your ability and references and amount of capital you can" command for your immediate Investment. Box A 25, eamaha Bee. A LIVE INVESTOR WILL LOOK INTO THIS $2,J00 WILL PURCHASE HALF INTEREST IN OMAHA BRANCH OF FICE UP COMPANY OPERATING IN 48 8TATES; WILL EASILY BRING A $10,000 KETURN THIS Y EAR. CALL MR. KIDD. TYLER 4S92, 63i PAXTON BLK. OPEN SUNDAY A. .M. Splendid Opportunity A small but i select crowd hae a valuable lease in the big oil producing regions. , If you want to kick in, and help us drill, we might all get rich. A few more may tret in if ciuick action. Address Box X-4 4 . Oniah aBee uor sale On.i of the best automobile rpr- srops ir. east central iNeurasaa; live business; 3 mechanics fully em played; auto accessories and exclusive agency for U. S. tires go with it. Good shop equipment. Address Y-994, Omaha Bee FOR SALE Wholesale "produce business, Duuaing and two lots, doing a gross business of $100 001) yearly. Located In good live town of 1,300 population on main line and branch of ClsVgo Northwestern Railway. Address Y-1000, Omaha Bee. OUR business Is to buy and sell your busi ness. QUICK SERVICE SELLING EXPERTS. M4 Brown Bldg Rooming Houses For Sale. FIN paying rooming house, close in; will exenange lor local stocks and bonds and some cash. Call at 618 S. 20th St. FQft RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PKONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT TYLER 1000, AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFKT OF OUK READERS AND ADVERTISERS. ROOM; STRICTLY JIODERNr NICELY, FURNISHED: WALKING DISTANCE; LADIES PREFERRED: REFERENCES REQUIRED. WALNUT 89. . HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. Comfortable south room, modern, privale housekeeping prtvlU-tfe to ein ployed people; reasonable Harney 1256 ROOMS AND ALCOVE TO BACHELORS. WILLING" TO PAY FOR EXCLUSIVE HOME; WALKING DISTANCE. TYLER 4S43. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH PRIVATE BATH; CLOSE IN; CON VENIENT TO 3 CAK LINES. HAH- NEY 1875. NEWLY DECORATED" ALt. MODERN ROOM, WITH SLEEPING pRCH, ONE BLOCK TO CAR. TYLER 3873 TWO nlco sleeping rooms, modern. 911 So. 20tli. Douglas 7650. 1539 PARK AVE. Furnished room, mod ern home. Harney 6198. MODERN furnished room, close In, Tyler 6170. ' 547 S. 24TH AVE., two nicely furnished rooms. Call Tyler 5134. . , WEST FARNAM DISTRICT; NICE ROOM: GENTLEMAN. HARNEY 2810. 1314 N. 36TH Nice front room' modern, excellent location, genUeman preferred. 2618 Harney Nicely,- furnished front sleeping room, nrce bath. Harney 6749. DALLAS APT., 2564 Marcy. One large front sleeping room. Housekeeping Room FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms. 908 No. 16th St. Board and Rooms. PLEASANT- ROOM WITH BOARD; GOOD LOCATION: MODERN HOME; ON CAR LINE WEBSTER 1878. BOARD, room and laundry, private fam ily for t gentlemen No other rot,m ers. Walnut 747. , TABLE HOARDHRS WANTED; HOME COOKING. 23D fcNP O ST. SOUTH 3639. BOARD and room, private homo. Webster 2669. 1 ' Apartments. EI-BKUDOR APARTMENT. 1STII ANDnODO,H STS. t- Vwo tid threo-rooraepartmenls com pletely furnished. Hotei service. TylerlFOft SALE 1018 Dodge torlng jnn' . . I Untwarrf a. Bertf. Colfax 1254. 4200, 7 FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous -r-r- L1ST yow property for rent or sale with . FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Iler 72. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments & Houses WANTED TO RENT or will lease for year or longer modern home, from five to oight rooms, no children. Will glvo plat same care aa owner. Colfag 1830. Furnished Apartments and Houses WANTtoTront"a small furnished house or apartment for March and April. Want nice clean place. References. Addresa Y-996 Omaha Bee. Office and Desk Room. WANTED TO RENT A four or flvo-room furnished bouse or apartment; , no children. Will give place same car aa owner. Phone Tyler 1000, llr. Friend, or yrlte Y-986, umana rj c By. FOR RENT Business Property. Garage and Barns. REDN.MADE GARAGES, ' wood or steel. Send for circular. Redl-Made Housing Co.. 2211 Howard. Ved 3b57 -MOVIN G AND STORAGE. FIDEOTYaravga,nCO. STORAGE MOVING, PACKING. HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sis Doug. 288. Globe Vim, Transfer ' and Storagei Co. -Fo"r real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4333. Auto er ' wagon service. MOVING, PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate "locked rooms for household goods and pianos: moving, parking and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 10th. Boug. 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bow-n Co. Ty 3400. Mid-West - Transfer Co. Express and baggnge, furniture mov ing, country hauling. Tyler 3760. 413 So. 19th St. UNION TRANSFj LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport Doug. 2908. Horses Live Stock. Vehicles. SALE ON 'HOUSE HORSE COLLARS. We have ov"er 1,000 horse collars on hand that were bought before the pres ent hitrh prices. W'o are celling a reg ular $5 oollHr for $3.50. A good $7.50 collar for $5: an $8 collar for $6. Our best heavy draft collars, 18-inch draft curled hair face that sells regular for $10 or $11. for $8. ALFRED CORNISH & CO., 1210 Farnam St. 800 Sets of Harness, SADDLE AND COLLARS XI per cent discount: free list m Midwest Harness Co., 7J)6N16th St Omfths, Neb 2,800-POUND TEAM, mare and eeldlim.' 7 years old, gentle and well-mated. Will sell very reasonable.- Re 2412 St. Marys Ave. IF YOU BUY YOUR HARNESS BKFORH .SEElNtT OURS YOU'LL. REGRET IT. OMAHA HARNESS CO., .il8 S. 13T H. DANDY young family cow. will be fresh coon. . Rfasonable. 021 North 34th St. Colfax 4160. FOR SA1.K Several nlf vni-ciiiH tor! nicra weigh atout 50 pounds. Cheap. South -12' " j - TWO teams, harness and wagon. Call at 0.17 North 2"tll St. Harney :i 7 2 SOUND 6-year-old horse, wt 2421 Cuming St. D. 4059. 1,200 lbs. ONE Poland-China boar,x937 No. 27th St. Harneyi ::725. FOR SALE One sow. nut 1 41 S. 4872 Grant Wal- POULTRY AND PET STOCK. BELGIAN HARES: some fine hares for sale, about H and S months old; $5 a pair or ?: for one male. Henry Kiing, Pierce. Neb. t SNOW White Rock Cockerels, also eggs for hatching Walnut 28S. 7f AUTOMOBILE.. For Sale. RENT A NEW FORD! DRIVE- IT YOURSELF 12,4 CENTS PER MILE, GAS AND INSURANCE EXTRA. OUR CARS ARE COMFORTABLY HEATED FOR WIN TER SERVICE. - DRIVE-1 T-YOUTtSELF-COM PANT, FORMERLY FORD LIVERY CO. 1314 HOWARD ST. DOUG. 3622, . SEDAN 1919 Chevrolet, never off tho pave ment! perfect condition, ?850. Part cash, to reliable party. See car at Ames garage, 4123 North 24th St. Col fax 980. IF YOU are figuring on purchasing struck call and see the following: Two 1916 2-ton Kelly trucks and two 1916 1-ton Kelly truck.. These-trucks are all In good sholpe and have been used ' only four months out of each year. "Fhe Fairmont Cream fry Co.. li'oa Jones at, t .v REAL BARGAIN. FOR SALE A seven-passenger Hudson touring car. in good condition, tijiin. See Koy Brown. Belt Line garage, 45th and Farnaii). Tel. Walirtit S100. 19l9lOFLrSELUN; Five t1- demountable rimt. Dotkpr wheel lock; heater: double radius rods, chock absorbers, $750. Call Barstow, Tvler 4072. ' v 1)) 8 PAIGE CAR. i- 7-passen;?er. perfect condition, new tires and batteries; owner must sacrifice; leaving city; car ran be neen at 3527 Farnam St. or call Owner at Harney 'U7 or Harney 3 278. FUR SAI-E 1919 Maxwell sedan, run 6,000 miles, good as new: five wire wheels, bumpers, cushion covers, other accessories: reasonable. lmiuira Jan Itor, Ben oow Apartments, 44th & Dodge. You Cannot Afford to overtook this brffsrain. Bulck Light Six, used only a few weeks. For ap- pointmenc cai. Tyler RELIABLE automobile school: best elec trical and erff -eta iter courses; day and night schrol; come now; free catalogue. National Automobile School, 2814 North Twentieth. Omaha, v WANTED Good used car, light Bulck six touriiiK preferred: must be A-l ana ImNrMn, am not a Junk. dealer. Give particulars and phono in first letter. No dealers. Anoress A-34. Omaha lice. 1920 FORD sedan, practically new; army officer leaving Fort omar.a; ihuu; can he seen at Colfax Gnrase. 4507 No. 30th. WE HAVE 60 good used cars , to select from. All prices. ' M F.EK8 AtyTO CO.. 20 28 Farn am. KEYSTONE MOTORS CO. 2203 Farnam St. Douglas 2181. STANDARD .WINTON Eight Six SOME bargains In used Ford cars. Mo- Catrrey Motor uo. lite- Manny rora Service Station, 15th and Jackson. Douglas 8500. ; APPERSON 1017 seven-passenger, elght cylinder, In good condition:- Will take real estate In trade. Phone, Douglas - 664. . ' USED cars or exceptions! value. GUY L. SMITH, 2503 Far am St. Doug. 197B. D 45 ii-passenger Bulck; guaranteed in good condition; 6 new cord tires. Doug las 8334. National Car Sales Co.. 2429 Farnam. CHALMERS light six touring car, , thoroughly overhauled, priced for quick sale. Colfax 1389. BEST VAI.UES"lN USED "CARS. . ' TP.AWVER AUTO CO. 1910 FARNAM. WANTED For spot cash. 100 used cars; quick action; no delay. Auto, Exchange Co., 2059 Farnam St. Doug. 6035. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. K. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANT, ' 2520 Farnam St. - FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNTS. Y,ook for the red i:eal on wlnshleld. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 2033 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. UEDI-MA)IS GARAGES, wood or steel. Send or circular , Redl-Made Housing Co.. 2311 Howard. Red 2057, i'OR SALE 1919 five passenger Olds- mobile, good condition, many extras. F. J. Rued, Rome hotel. OAKLAND Sensible Six. ' . , MARSH OAKLAND CO .1 saoe frjm St. GOOD l.'BED C A Rs". , ot:f '.': .viTH. SALE 1918 Dodge AUTOMOBILES FOKD touring like new. i80 Bristol St RePair'ng a"d Pamrtrrg. ' T RADIATOR CORKS" INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha 24-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. - OMAlIA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO., 1819 Cuming St. -Tyler 117. AUTOMOBILE pulnting. First class work. Douglas 761.1. 124 So. 24th St., rear. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES, STRICTLY FIRST. 30x3 3 8.75 8l'x3H $18.81 30x3H $11.90 84x4 J. $20.60 DEALERS AND AGENTS WANTED. , STANDARD TIRE CO.. 110 N.MOth. . Doug. 8830. USED TIRES DIRT CHEAP. . 30x. $4.00; 30x3, $5.00. All sites In proportion. Look over our rehullts. Open Sundays. Tyler 2988 908 N. 16th St. Kevstone Tire Shop. NEW REPUBLIC TIRES CHEAP. R0x3 F1K... .$13.75 I 34x4 $:0.96 . .ivx4 d.po .-inxt -V.Ptf IKAIMAN T1RE JOBBERS. 172! CUMING. AUTO electrical repairs; service station for Reyfleld carburetor and Columbia storage batterles.Edwards. 2618 N. 19. IMDIatORS repaired. C. Elsasser.2523 S. 21st St. Tyler 4009. Best work: rea sonable prices . GOOD 4009 FORD radiators for sale. Tyler Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In usd mach!i ;n.nee. victor ti Rous, the motorcycle man. 27th and ieavenwortn ya, FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. WE have a fine list of western Colorado cattle ranches, wtth cattle and all ranch tools, land joining government range; . also eastern Colorado farm lands in vicinity of this city Intersected by the Ocean to Ocean Highway! Write us now. Burns & Skinner, 109 ft N. Tejon St., Colorado Springs, Colo. t LAND SEEKERS. Those that want to buy (arras and ranches, both dry and Irrigated laritts, also city property, call or write for lists of same. W. L. lrwin.HIO Stout St.. Dpnver, Colo. ' 30,000 acrea choice raw or tntnroved Lin coin Co., Colo. land Bargltae. ' Easy terma See J. L Maurer. Arrlbe, Colo LAND! LAND! See or write me before buying. 1 have some renl bargains. Box 289 does It. Holyoke. Colo. , ' Missouri Lands SPRING CREEK FARM 120 aores; plenty of Improvements; fruit.' Corn made 40 bushels per acre. Running water. $2,800, easy terms. B-594. Mountain View, Mo. FARM LANDS tn southeast Missouri. Write T. H. Ezzell, Bloomfteld, Jlo., for No. 33.1, giving full particulars. Full of interest ftncl hargalni Kansas Lands - FOR &ALK Southeastern Kansas farms, all sizes, lowest prices, terms to suit Farm Kales Co., Box 844, Independence, Kan. ; iiODEI. 40; $5,fiii0, 80, 18 wheat, $8,600. 86, 45 bottom land; $125; 180, 30 wheat; $90. Frank Emerson Ottawa. Kan. Minnesota Lands. CORN LAND. 40, 80 or 160 acres gOiA heavy soli; well settled part of Todd county, Minne sota; good roads, scliols and churches. Will produce good corn, o.its. clover, po- l.tnoc oin PrUn I T. In lf til unr. Turin S" .n nrr. raH hul.nn. Si An acre a year: 5.000 acres to select from, . SCHWAB BROS., 1028 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska Lands Merrick 1 County Bargain, Possession at Once. 2.10 acres located in the Platte valley , 2 miles from good town on tho Lincoln lilKhwav; about 14 mile from ecliool; 1 1 0 acres pasture and bay. balance un (Iit plow; good 5-room house, jsurrouml- p for j horses, hay mow for 5 tor if hay', double corn crib and granary' 2 u oy a grove or nice mhui irves, uurii tons or Rx32. with driveway; room for 2.SO0 Bushels; chicken house 14x14: two wells an,d one ' windmill; all fenced and cross-fenced; good black loam soil; lies level; no waste land. Price for a few days only $165 per acre, 25 per cent cash, balance the very best of terms. Larson & Car rahar, Central City. Neb. Phone 265. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS IMPROVED; IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA at the right price. Write for list I LARSON & CARRAHER. Central City. Nebraska. OMAHA farm, south 60 acres, west half of southwest quarter, Section 7, Town ship 16 North, Range 13 East. Write Oscar E. Waer. Grand Rapids. Mich WRITE me for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches In good old Dawes Co. Arab L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. 80 ACRES well Improved, 4Va mlleH nortli , east of Elkhorn: good terms; Immediate possession. J. A. Gibbons, Eljhorn. Neb. For Neb. Farms and Ranches see Graham-Peters Realty Co.. 1 " 929 Omaha aClBkJPg.JjOjnaha. A A-PATJ5M N. Farms. 301 Kartiaoh Blk. New York Lands. 164 ACRES, one mile from high school, station, condensary. churches, gently sloping, clay loam soli, 40 acres valuable timber; good buildings, well watered, abundance fruit; including i hay, straw, 14 head cattle, team and farm equip ment; price. $7,500: $2,600 cash. Ellis Brs. Inc.. Springville. N. Y. South Dakota Lands. Possession March 1. For Sale Best farm bargain' In Min mhaha county; 160 acres, well im ltroved. new buildings: 5 miles from lown: easy terms of payment -if sold iuick; price only tioO per acre. Write, phone or call ' , F. C. WHITfeHOUSB & Co., . Sioux Falls. S. D. FOR SALE 480. improved. $32.50-per acre cash; 6,000 acres lease free. Also fine 320. Improved. $35: some leased land Other farms and ranches. R. A. Parks, Valentine, Neb. Box 140. IF YOU want corn and alfallaMand that will pay you big Interest on your money, then I have just what you are looking for. Write John Pusey Land Co., Aimer, S. D. FOR LAND In Hughes mid Sully eountles, S. D.. call or write E. S. Jtsi son, Al- "cester. S. D. Texas Lands. FOR HEALTH, for Wealth For Southwest Texas farm and ranch bargains tell us your wants U. M. Magill, central ut flce Bldg.. San Antonio, Tex. Wisconsin Lands. ! LANDOLOGY, a facts in regard magazine giving the to the land situation. Three months' subscription. FREE. It for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying good farm lands, simply write me a letter and say "Mall """me LANDOLOGY and all particular. FREE." Address Editor, Landnlogy. Skidruore Land Co.. 4-33 Skldmore Bldg., Marinette. Wit. FINANCIAL, Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 43t8. MONEY to lend on Improved" Real Estate. Interest payable semi-annually. WT H. ' THOMAS & SON, 228 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS, O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg Dou. 2U5. PRIVATE MONEY. 1100 to $10,000 made promutly, F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg. S10 S. 18th St, E. BUCK. Loans. 423 Omaha Nat. Stocks and Bands. SAFB INVESTMENT. Wanted $2,000 loan on $3,000 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wishing to will come to beneficiary upon death of, Insured, who Is el years oiu ana in poor health. .Will arrange matters bo that entire $3.on will be paid to note holder upon death of Insured, and will keep up premiums In Insurance. rhance to make from $500 to $1,000 In short time. Address Bee. Box M-3. "Miscellaneous. WE ORGANIZE and reorganise business institutions and corporations and pro vide financial assistance. The Interna tional Securities Co., Suite 340, Jlee Bldg. Douglas 4313. REAL ESTATE' WANTED. WB HAVE. .served the Omaha public In buying and selling real eslate tor over 36 years. We have many calls now for homes. List your property with us. We will serve .vaii ta vour best interests. McCague Investment Co. WILL pay eash for good six or seven- room home, aiust oe wen locaieu mu priced right. Reply giving full de scription. Box.T-8, Omaha Beer WE have the customers and can sell vour property: list with John w. KoDDins. 681 Brandels Theater. D. $2$. WANTED Property In town. CaM or write. J. . 24th SL Web. 4314. north part ot Levlne. 170$ N. WE have buyers waiting. List with EDWARD WILLIAMS CU.,' R03 Omaha National Bk Rldg. wTOtAVE cash buyers' for cottage and nungaiows nicely locatert. snrivcr, jim-, I Omsha Nut. Bank Bldg. D. 13. WANT small dwelling or lot In Southern California Addresa A $0, Omaha Bee, REAL ESTATE WANTED REAL ESTATE and ail kinds of Insurance. HERMANSKN Co. 748 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. To buy or srll Omaha Real Estate fowler & Mcdonald 111" City Nnt'l Benk Bldg. Doug. 1428. WANT $ to 7 room-house from owner on payments. Tylert 8734 or Webster 4158. RlrAV!STATUtf West. CUMING Near 39th St.. 44x126; must be sold to close an estate. C. A, Qrlmmei, .49 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg LOT 60x165, near Dundee. Must sacrl- llte. Will take car .s pert payment, Webster 439. 1 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. JUST OFF Leavenworth St., S-apartment fliVt, of six rooms each; modern4ut heat; also' fi-room house In rear; lot 66HSJ feet; annual rental $1,020.00. which could be Increased. Price $6,250, part TRUMBULL & AUSTIN, Tyler 785. 1308 1st NntM. Bank Bldg. FOR KALE. Three-story brick building, full cor ner lot in wholesale district. Possession if wanted. - DUMONT & tO. ' 418 Keel I n e Bldg. Phone Doug 6$0 INCOME FOR LAND.. We liavo 11 houses listed In Omaha. Owner wants land. 8. a n. E. MONTGOMERY. ' 218 City National. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE Tio ACRES only 2 miles out, with' good improvements and 200 acres In cultiva tion and -balance In pasture, with some timber: good land and well located: $85 and will wrry bacK $30,000 and take some trade, w. F. Young, Schell City, Mo. FO RSrALE OR EXCHANGE Modern brick apartment, 24 rooms, very close In, en car line and paved street; always well rented; trade for good acreage or other good propVrty. Price, $16,000, Equity, $10,000.- Address 048, Omaha Bee. REAL BSTATESUBURBAN 1 Council7 Bluffs. 4 ACRES In Council Bluffe. One mile from Omaha car Una Rich, well-drained and level. Can be bought for $1,400. Terms, 4 cash; balance to suit buyer. McOee REAL ESTATE CO.. 106 Pearl St. Council Bluffe. la. " . Dundee. We specialize In Dundee homes. C. B. STUJIT CO.. 912-14 City National. , Douglaa 8T8T. "REAL ESTATEMPROVEbT West. CLAIRMONT BARGAIN Five-room semi-bungalow, only 1 block to ca-: has large living room, lining room and kitchen orr 1st floor; nicely finished in -oak: 2 bedrooms and batlwon 2d floor, white enamel finish. Pr!cct$0.000. Easy terma for appolnt jnientcallWalnut2S12. LEAVENWORTH HEIGHTS BARGAIN Five-room stucco, all on one floor; oak and while onr.rhel finish; built-in book cases and kitchen cabinet; full plastered basement. Price $6,000 Immediate possession. Cull Walnut 2813 (or further partlct,;. FOR SALE. A duplex home located at Tweity sixlli and Msrcy; t rooms on each side; all modern and In flno condition; large corner lot, room for another house; doTibln garage: paved street. Tyler 1227. 1M All A Hva Ks'tnt and Investment. J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 iBrnndeis Theat. Dong, tt. WE nave cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee homes. 'Phone Douglaa 5074 and we will call and Inspect your property Shuler Ciyrv COMFORTABLE 6-room modern house In good condition: corner lot; on car line; Bemls Park: (3.000 cash, balance easy terms. Phone Harney 1392. Omaha Real Eslate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN,. 621 Paxton Blk. 'Phone Tyler 4880. For guotl homes on good terms, OSBORNE REALTY CO., 430 Bee Bldg. - Tyler 496. 4E3S FRANKLIN, 4-Toom house, 3 lotei fine for garden; $200 cash, $15 per mo. Crelgh, 6j0Bee Bldg., Doug. 200. J B. ROBINSON. Real Estate and Inveat- ment3. 442 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 8097 BENSON MEYERS CO.. 424 Oin. Nat'l. North. Fortieth and Seward 5-rooin strictly modern bunga low, all on one floor; oak finish and oak floors; full dement base-. nient, fairnace heat; nice floored attic; CTtra large lot, onpavfd street; paving paid. Price $5,000; $2,150 Msh, halance $30 oer month. paYne investment COMPANY, Omaha National Kank Bldg. DoubIm-1781. MINNE lusa 6 ROOMS DOUBLE GARAGE Full twostory, with 3 bedrooms, oak floors throughout, oak and white enamel finish; fireplace and 'juilt-in bookcases; thoroughly modern and in good condition; full south jfront lot, with garage for two cars. First time offered. Quick actior. if you want it. GLOVER & SPAIN, REALTORS, Pout. 2h50 918-20 City National. $1,000 DOWN -AND $35 A MONTH 5-room, strictly modern bunga low, all ou one-floor, near 30th and Binney streets; full cement basement, turnactJieat; nice floor ed attic,; nice) lot, on paved street, pavinir nearlv paid. Price, $3,750. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 178 1 . YOUNG & DO HE RTF. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. 122 BRANDEIS THEATER. D. 1761. 27TH;AND CAPITOL If you am looking for a home close In, when--the chances for a rapid ln ortRse ar?. exfpHent, this R-room home located near 27th and Capitol Avenues will mi?fv your requirement.-. Han re ception hall, living room, dlnlwr room and kitchen on tho firt floor, and three bedrooms and bath ou second floor. Thin i.i rcrtalnly a bargain at the price of $4,2(10 and $1,000 canh will handle. Must be soia t D. V. WHOLES CO., REALTORS. M..-nyNaLJBldg. Doug. 46. HOUSES -FOR SALE EASY TERMS' One S-room close In -modern, except heat, $3,600. line s-ronm close In,' modern, hot w- ter heat. $4,000. una s-roo;n near ronienetie psrK, not water heat, corner lot, shade and fruit trees. $3,600. One 4-room Fontenelle park, modern except hi-ut. $2,200. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery l'oiiglns Vll3, Walnut 2136" FIVE-ROOM RDN-UALOvV. Strictly Hiodern home, well built and decorated ; living room and dining room finished In onk? beam celling, hnllt-ln bookcases, buffet and window seat, sun room, flno klichi-n, with laro csblnet: two splendid bedrooms, Willi closets and bath room between; linen closot, floored aitlc, full basement, floor drain, plenty fight; hut water heat; south front lot. 60x137; good garden and loin; paved street, 2i blocks east Military Ave., give immediate possession, priced to . sell; (nap at $5,000; $2,600 cash, balance easy payment. See owner 4212 Urant St. Walft ut mo. $2,l0 WILL HANDLE THIS. Strictly modern Jl-room house, reoep tion hail, liin$f room, dining room, butler's psntry, kltclion, 4 bedrooms, closets, large altlc, full eement base ment, stationary tubs, floor drain, south front, large corner lot, paving paid, Webster 1 414. MODERN T-room hduae, hot water heal east front, bargain, st $3,600. Morearty & Conboy, D. 1841, Tyler 4671. W.h, lit, 6 I I - 1 1 ..