Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1920, Page 6, Image 6
i f V GOOD GAMES FOR CAGE FOLLOWERS NEXT TWO WEEKS Commercial and Greater Omaha Leagues Have Yet v to Pecide Cham ',. r r. ; pfonship. r J . , -i , . . v ' Create Omaha Vttum. - ' . W. U Pet. Oimta NsUomsl Bnki... I i . Bow.ii. J J -HI Beddeos .... v Townsends - ."m Commerce . .Ih S LIT took Exchange ...... 1. 7 .26 Cosuncrclal Imi ue. w. u rt. Omaha TTnlverslty Rc 1 1 . Council Blufla High ."J T. If. H. A. I 2 .760 West. TJnlon J 3" Bummeree Reserves 3 2 Thorplan A. C. 0 I .00 . Church ltu. W. I Pot. Feast 1C. B. i rtrat M. B. T . .700 - Benson U. B. . ' .00 Hanscom Parka M i .600 Trinity Baptists .400 Wops " Calvary Baptlata 3 7 .300 0. B, Christian 8 .200 Cage followers are promised some real exciting battles in the Com mercial and Greater Omaha leagues at the Young Men's Christian As ' sociation during the remaining two H weeks of the 1920 season. i In both of ' these circuits the ' races .are still undecidedt although ' the dopsters" have picked the Omaha National Banks to carry off the championship of the Greater Omaha league and the Omaha Uni versity Reserves to win the cham pionship of the Commercial league, out judging from the way the other quintets are playing, the two leaders will have a hard time in holding their own. For the past two weeks the Omaha National Bank five, 'who prior to that time did not lose a game, met their "Waterloo" at the hands of the Bowens and Townsend . Gun Co., respectively, and although the Banks have yet to meet the Live Stock Exchange and the Commerce High, the former tail-enders and the latter fifth place team, they will not have any easy sliding, as either of these teams will likely upset , the dope, i The Beddeos, Bowens and Townsends, who are in a three corner tie for second place, are but one game behind the Bankers, and should the Live Stock Exchange win Wednesday night's battle from the Banks, the race will then be a tie. , ,- ' : . The Townsend-Beddeo battle in the Greater Omaha league should no doubt be the best game .of the season, as second place is at stake. The Beddeos were victorious in the first game against the Gun iters, but r Carl Lutes of the Townsends says i his quintet in out for revenge. The Omaha -University Reserves are leading the Commercial league by one game, with the Council Bluffs High and YA M. C. A. tied for second place. Tuesday night the Uni squad meet the Western Union, and, according .to; informa tion, the wiremen are out to pull the league leaders down a notch, Although the Pearl Memorials met their first defeat of the season last week, they are still irTEFst place with a safe lead, and in order to cinch, the Hag they must win but - two more out of the remaining four fames. All of the contests in the .Church league promise to be of real Interest and the. followers are ex- pectcd to be on deck to cheer their , favorites on to .victory. 1tv . i ... Games Thla Week. ' Tuesday Night Cpramerelal league: 3 T. "If. H. Jl. nraiaat Commerce Reserves. 7:10 PREDICT IIUSKER BOYS TO SPEED UP AT0RBAI1A Expert Says McMahon and Other Nebraskans Will Show Good at Mi- ' nois Event. THg BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1920. IIUSKERS HAVE MADE ENVIABLE BASKET RECORD Lincoln, Neb, Feb. 29, (Special.) Indications are that Coach Schulte's Husker track artists are going to show a little speed when ther run in the Illinois relay games at llrbana, 111., next Saturday. The poor condition of the dirt track and the inadequacy of the board track has made it impossible for the Husker tracksters '.to make a record time in tryouts. Byron McMahon, Husker quarter miler who startled fans last year, is given first mention by Walter Eckersall, sport writer for the Chi cago Tribune. Eckersall says that McMahon and three other quarter milers from Nebraska are sure to make a good showing at the Illinois event. - . Schulte has held tryouts to select a tentative team to represent Nebraska at several meets during March. . ' Besides McMahon, Gibbs, Stromer and Ed Smith, who were members of the Nebraska team that took sec ond place in the mile relay at Penn State last year, are out for track. These men, with the addition of "Squirt" Owen," track captain-elect for 1918, should'make a formidable crew. - Subs Better Than Regulars. Hebron, Neb., Feb. 29. Special.) Hebron boys' and girls' basket ball teams played Hardy teams in a doubleheader Friday flight in the high school gymnasium. The Hardy girls , won' in a hard-fought battle, score 4 to 7. The Hebron boys walked away with the game, the first half ending with 24 to 0 in their favor. Substitutions were run in the second half, and the score stood 52 to 0 at the close of the game. This closes the season and the teams will go to the tournament at Lincoln next week. v ' , . Jimmy Austin Defiant. . 5k T.oiris Mo.. Feb. 29. Timmv Austin, oldest third baseman in point ot service m either major league, de fies any youngster to take his place with the St Lnuis Browns. Austin recentlv wrote to Manager Ji.iimy Burke from California. Said Austin "THI on hand for orinc training. I fee! ten years younger than I did last season, l won t quit till my uniform talis oft; . Breaks Skiing Record. Dillon, Colo., ' Feb. 29. Anders Haughen of Dillon broke the world's record made by himself, jumping 214 feet His previous record was 213 feet He fell on a 218-foot iumo. Henry Hall of Denver was second in the tourna' ment jumping 201 feetr while. Carl Howelson of Steamboat Springs jumped 200 feet. . m .: Western Union aralnat Omaha TJnt veralty Reserves. 1:10 p. lit; Council Bluffs Hlth aralnst Thorplan A. C, 8:S0 n. m. ' Wednesday Night Greater Omaha league: Omaha National Banka against Live Stock Exchange, 7:S0 p. m.l Town aenda against Beddeos, 8:15 p. m.; Com merce High againat Bowens, p. m. Thursday Night Church league: First M. B. against Trinity Baptlata, 7:10 p. m.; HpriRon M. E. aaainst M. E. Wops. 8:10 p. m-i Council Bluffs Christiana againat Calvary Baptlata. 8:60 p. m.i Pearl Me morials againat Hanacom Parka, 1:30 p. m. ARMY. GOODS FOR SALE RAINCOATS -Officers' Leatbantt Coats s vary atyl Jsk Baraaanta: aaad at rubberised mole skin. In black or naturaj color, belted wife bellows pockets, at the $19.50 low price of only ......... f rr Officeri' Uish-Grade Moleskin, Water- Raincoats f heavy ventilated, double 't.',:j '' BLANKETS '" ' v- ?iAitr.t.,....:..-.$6.5o Woolnap, Cotton neeced. Double Blan kjta. Ar.Bria.ii $5.93 & rX T..f:?:. : $6.50 . SWEATERS .S KbaU Woo Sweaters, with C Q sleeves, special , . ..00 Khaki 8 westers, with or i 4 0 without sleeves i....00 Heavy Gray or Brown Sweaters, with 'ahawl collars. Our special gg . " ' UNDERWEAR Brand Kew Wool Union 4"I 7Q Suits, per suit 9 Wool Undershirts or Drawers, go per garment. P a vvj Wool Drawers and Undershirts, used, hut thoroughly renovated. t 1Q Our special price. ROOFING PAPERS ' 1-pty sandei, both aidea, waterproof, weatherproof, fire-reeia ting, equarea on-.f.r::.....;. $525 ' ' TENTS ' ' V. 8. Army Begulstion Tents, 10x16, S-foot wall, pyramid shape: extra heavy duck canvas. These tents cost the government up to 1125. Our spe- 'SSSl.:.... ?35.oo COATS AND ilACKINAWS Three-fourths sheepikm lined, mole- !t!!.. . : . ; . . ; . . $14.69 ; Ulster SheeVVkin oit,' " " CfJ moleskin bach SO.OU Officers' O. D. MackinawaN B QC all wool, belted back Cotton Plaid Hackinaws., ' SHOES Amy Rnaset Brats Shoes, calf shin up- ............$8.98 BnLm...;......$6.98. Army Trench Shoeas a won- t-c QQ derfal work shor. eD.9a Chocolate, Heavy Grain Leather eheea. A snap si 4 QQ only.... ...,....V... IT90 U S. BOOTS AND RUBBERS Hip Rubber Bebts, brand . ' etc AQ saw. an sizes. ,. v....,774 ' TO AUTO SHOW VISITORS A visit to eur atore'Vffl be ff interest 'and pvofit to yeu. We have many, iuaas for the aaotoriat. TO OUTJir.TaWH BUYKRS--Wa aUa aeods aa eat plsialy. techaaa saeswy evdar ar aratt Haca D.'a shnjsjU. parcel peat, mcrooe poiragw. ob an assurea i U. S. BOOTS AND RUBBERS Short Boots, brand new, . if OQ special, at 4-buckIe. All Rubber Over- 1 AQ shoe, regular $.50 value..... VESTS Lesther-lined Vests, moleskin back with leather sleeves ; our spa- ft cial price . , . : . 1 , - . SOCKS ' -.. Cashmere Socks, brand new, . ttA EA per pair, 39c t Per dosen.... "'W U. S. Army Gray Wool Socks, per pair wv Wool 8oeks, heavy, per CCL ' pair, at . TOV White or Gray Jumbo Wool , . QCK. Socks, heavy, at Cotton Socks. All colors. A1 QC real snap. Per dosen pair.... , SHIRTS . Shirts, TJ. S. renovated, in ' 9 AQ fine condition: special...... TJati? . Brand new O. D. Wool I eBf Shirta, at .....I. Khaki or Brown Flannel Shirts, a QQ brand new, at 30 ' Brand new O. D. Wool Shirta e QQ . 110.00 value ; ?0.0 v BARB WIRE i" Extra heavy 4 .point Barb Wire, in reels weighing; approximately , (0 lbs., STf.1?!'. .Tf . $2.87 HARNESS AND HAtTERS Brand new double set, solid stock throughout: regular price, f 160.00; eur special offer, while they . tCC AO last, at . .eOO.W We also carry better grades of harness up to $125.00 per set. Halters, lU-inch, heavy, . all-leather, double-riveted halters, ape- ' eSOl AA . cial. at SIM; per doi eyeSleW GROCERY SPECIALS Kara Syrup, 10-Ib cans, special Matches, boxes to the pack age, per package . Crackers, special, 4 boxes for Bacon, 11 -lb tins. Army Ba con, very specie, at Pork and Beans in tomato sauce, large site can, iter can. Per case, , 21 85c 29c 25c' $3.75 19c $4.50 MISCELLANEOUS . Brae -Denim Bib Overalls and Jackets, anion made. e qq special a ...aa.TO Heavy Blue Denim Bib Over- 0 QQ alls, vary special at e7i70 Khaki Unionalls, ' no special at Bilkolinc Khaki Kerchiefs 5c WK- HAVe'm ANf' OTHBR'iTEMS. SUCH AS HAVERSACKS. CANTEENS, TRENCH SWOKD3. ETC. .. s II REFERENCE STATE BANK OF OMAHA. Make awaey erdsrs er drafts nay. tMv 4w""' -v N ;V f v N Ucbrcc!ia Army G f,3vy Supply Co. UlS HewarJ Street OMAHA, NEBRASKA 1619) How-re! Street. OPEN SATURDAY EVENING. A v, ' . NEXT CMX v EFFICIENCY EXPERTS. THE right way to end all wars is to put 'em in charge of efficjency ex perts. Nothing that an effish bird has charge of lasts very long. Everything on earth has a use and a place, but you'd haye .to drive three weejee boards tandem to discover the answer to this cuckoo, btnci ency is a new rash that has broken out in big business. If a merchant prince is annoyed by his business, ha puts the works in charge of an effish hound. In a week, there ain't no business to annoy him. The first thing that the effish duke does when he avhefcls into sn office is to fire everybody who looks as if herha9 authority enbufh to tire the effish gent. ' 1 . , He cots down the overhead expenses bv th same method that the in- en red the ninneera nf rlanHrtifT. Hv Jfalninor. Turn an expert lOOSe in a Chinese laundry and he immediately fires alMhe Chinese.. He pulis the spokes out of wheels, the cogs out of gears and breaKS tne xeem irom saws. When there ain't anybody left in an office to fire, the expert hires new sapps who can do one-third of the work at one-half the salary. He cuts down the expenses by eliminating the receipts. After he it through with. th nut fit thf hraa lrnnh nn thm front door will last f Of ever, and the "Welcome" on the. doormat doesn t mean a thing, inen ne goes ow and plays horsey with his' fair-haired baby-w'ith.a conscience as clear as uccau waici aiiu ju.i can. , . ,wuu ,a . o ----- rhf- same.- There is the office bov who can answer one question wrong twice. Youth is the only thing that bars him from the senate. Then there is the blonde stenographer who chews gum in three speeds and reverses .without stripping the gears. She wears ?ii snoes, but is good to her mother.' She can take dictation backward and type writes it the same way. -Three or four clerks who think the loose-leaf ledger is the Third Testament, and the "boss make up the rest of the gang. The old boat has been sailing along for centuries, everybody drinking out of one Lily cup without getting more than their pro rata share of the flu and wages. The boss inherited the works from his father, whose him. Saturday afternoons off and two weeks vacation in the summer. 'All legal holidays including Washington's birthday and gum boils. When the clerks hitched tip the A. li. fr. tne doss paia ineir salaries for the duration of the fighting, in Europe, but balked at the scrapping in congress. Nobody ever stole another guy's umbrella show ing that it was an innocent outfit, on rainy days, anyway. Eleven Victories and But Two Defeats on Nebraska Uni 1 yersity Cagers' v Record. Lincoln, Ne6., Feb. 29. (Special.) With, 19 victories to their credit and only two defeats, the Husker basket men will mix in two games with Colorado college next Friday and Saturday. Colorado college is the teams that succeeded in taking Nebraska to its first defeat this sea son on the Colorado floor. - Nebraska's record in basket ball is one that has never been rivaled bv Husker teams in previous years. With the exception of the defeat at the hands of Indiana, the Colorado quintet is the only one that has put the Jiuskers away. Rntk nf thft teams that have sue fceeded in trouncing Nebraska were the victims of . the Nebraska on slaught in second games,, in which the margin of points was wider in little doubt but that Coach Schiss ler's' proteges will have little diffi- . Ti.- .L. I t Uliy in pulling inc voiuiauo 4gK le gation away in fine shape on their own floor. - - v , A quintet of former, Omaha lads and a pair of speedy guards have been largely-responsible for the Huskers' enviable" record. After the chaff had been separated from the wheat there remained a first team composed of Patty, Smith, Bekins, acneiienterg ana uaney. The summary of the season to date follows: Nebraska Basketeers ; , Return With Five More Victories Stored Up Lincoln, Neb.. Feb." 29. (Special) Nebraska's basketeers returned home today with five more victories added to their credit Coach Schiss- ler's men now have a total ot victories and two defeats to their credit for the season. In v total number of points the Huskers practically have doubled the scores of their opponents. The two defeats hae been easily over come because of the fact that Nebraska has been able. to defeat both of the teams that defeated her, by larger, scores. 1 Only two games remain to be played. These are with Colorado college Friday and Saturday of this week. Colorado college is one of the two teams that has succeeded in defeating the Huskers. Bee Want Ads Are Best Business Boosters. v During a lull in common sense the boss, paged an efficiency expert and the panic was on. When he got through with the office it would have made a fine bowling alley. There ain't any clerks left to eat up wages. There's no correspondence to chew up valuable ink, and no safe for a burglar to rifle. The spiders have another nest. The expert experted plenty. The woodprint on the walls, dated 1859, and showing the home factory when it was a mere ashbarrel, is right up to date. , But the boss is cherry, oh, as the effish expert has promised to get him another job. . . , , 1 - It was a fortunate thig that the Ten Commandments wera written before some efficiency bandit iad a chance to cut 'em down to about two nr threi.. J . .v Nebraska NebrasKa , Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska ' Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska .Nebraska ' Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska . Nebraska Nebraska Nebraska ...3 ...SI ...47 ...32 ...23 ...27 ...24 Mornlng'slde ......14 Mornlngslde ...... 1 Omaha A. C 10 Omaha A. C. .....23 Hastings College .. 9 Colorado College ..21 Colorado College ..29 25 e efee 31 Colorado V 1 (Colorado U.i IT 41 1 South Dakota U. ..13 33 South Dakota U. ..12 20 Indiana ..........24 Indiana ....18 Michigan A. C. Michigan A. C 21) Notre Dame 18 Notre Dame IS Mornlngside 12 Mornlngsids 13 Knox ., 24 Valparaiso 17 Totals 731 356 Temporary Location SCHtVlOLl-ER & MUELLER PIANO GOIV1 PAN Y II Have already secured a Temporary Location. Monday Morning:, March First, we will .be ready for business at 114 South Fifteenth Street next door to the old Postoffice or Army Building. ' . ? " ; , II We take this opportunity to thank our'many patrons for past favors and pleasant busi ness relations. In the future we assure you the same courteous service that we have al ways endeavored to render in the past We wish to thank the Omaha Fire Department for their heroic efforts in our behalf and the Omaha Police Force for their efficient service. i Fortunately, three carloads of Pianos, Player Pianos and Phonographs were in the rail road yards at time of the fire. These instruments will be unboxed and on Tuesday will be on sale at our new location. H Notwithstanding our disastrous fire, , we are ready to take care of you and make imme diate delivery on this splendid of fer. 3 -n A20 Places This U 'U GENUINE COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA v. ' " - . ..V- ' 1 and 24 Choice Selections of Music on 12 D. F. Records IN YOUR HOIV1L? YOU MAY BEGIN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS APRIL FIRST THE COLUMBIA GRAFONOLA Is the Only Phonograph with the . Non-Set Automatic Stop The last touch of comfort and convenience. JUST PUT ON THE RECORD "and When the selection it finished the COLUMBIA STOPS. , Ton will never realize what one of these instruments will mean to you until you N have onejn your home. V Talk this SPLENDID OFFER over in the family circle this evening' and come in on Tuesday for demonstration. i' m Our EAST PAYMENT, PLAN makes it convenient for you. 1 , Prices $32.50, $50; $75, $l20,anrl up -. r to the Jacobean and Queen Anne Models . ioiiiii3iaicaiifflajrEiiiiiifiiiiiit!i!!;imiiiiii!iiffl , 1.',' " li'!llMllllil(IM OMAHA GAGERS PREPARING FOR STATETOURMEY No High School Games Here This Week, as Locals Are Busy Grooming Them- y . selves for Meet FORMER STATE CHAMPIONS. ! 1911 Beatrice. 1912 Omaha Central .i 1913 Geneva. , 1914 Lincoln. 1915 Lincoln. k 1916 Beatrice. . 1917 Lincoln. 1918 Lincoln. , 1919 Shclton. Because of the state high basket ball tournament in Lincoln this week, local high school cagera will not participate .in ny interschol astic contests. Commerce and South Omaha High have completed tnr low mmn while Central Hich has ons more game scheduled. Five Umaha teams are preparing to appear in the tournament. . - TknrcHav nifrhf Central Hisrh will mix with Minden, Commerce High with Lexington ana souin ruga with Shelton. Nebraska School for Deaf will take on Tilden, while Ben son High will ciash with Gretna. The tournament will represent a record-breaking achievement in the court sport, as no other tournament in American basket ball has com pared in number with the Nebraska tourneys of the past several years. Last year 123 teams entered tlu tournament; this year a total of 173 squads haye entered. Geneva Trounces Friend. Geneva, Neb., Feb. 29. (Special.) By a score of 4 to 30 Friend high scnool was defeated by Geneva in basket ball here Friday night. A few weeks ago Friend was xounttng on class "B" honors at the coming etate tournament OAKLAND OWNERS REGULARtT MPORT I RETURNS OF FROM If TO Ji MILES FROM THE GALLON OF CASOL1NI AND FRlM I.MS TO U,Mt MILS ON TUtf ""Mssslsss THE NEW OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX. COUP OAKLAND S E N S I B.L.E SA X 5AKLAND has on view at the Automobile Show two closed cars of unmatched value the Coupe and the four door Sedan. Powered with the famous :' Oakland , 44-horsepower overhead-valve engine, cradled in f.he sturdy, light weight Sensible Six ' ' chassis, these two handsome models are notableN J alike for the able manner in which they perform and 1 ' the continual savings that they effect throughout ' ; ' . a long lifetime of dependable service. They are spa- ' I cious in body room, restful to ride in, easily handled in congested traffic, and good to look upon. Their V appointments include many items to be found only ' ' , ' ' in cars of higher price. Iri comfort, economy, capa-, ? bility and all other elements which combine to make i , for true automobile satisfaction, they represent a ! value unduplicated in the present market. 1 '-J . ' ' " - v v- ' t ' ModslM-Ci TousjuoCas, IlleSi RoADSin. IllMi row Door Ssasa, SUOSt Covn, I1H5. F.O B. PoirriAC, Mich. ADDrrronAlFoe Wins Whx. Eowirvsirr. MJ s , ' 1 : . Oakland Motor Car Co. Marsh-Oakland Company s Distributors V ' ' Retail Sales, ' 2200 Farnam St. Tyler 2929. r 20th and Harney Sts, Douglas 6251. : - -- . jlsslssisM . sssBsisisssssS All payments on Instruments to be made at our office 114 S. Fifteenth St. Next door to Old Postoffice or Arnsry Eailding , ' i Phone J Your Orders for Tuning and Moving .; v. . S chmolier Mueller PHONE Doug. 162i Piano Co PHONE Doug. 1623 v. : : AVhen you see this distinctive radiator at the Show, you will in stantly note that the new, smartly, European National Sextet is dis- v tinguished by a pleasing lowness unduplicated iri any other car, European 6r American National Cit Sales Corp. 1127 McCtt St., Dittribulm 242$ Farnam Sfc, Kansas Cty ' I C Htlbert, Pres. and Gen. Mp. Omaha, Nab. NATIONAL MOTOR CAR A. VEHICLE CORF IND1ANAPOUS ; I,.. . ;