Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1920, Page 10, Image 10
tuWi ulX -imii- JWMM,.r?WI it. THE' BEE! OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH 1, 1920. 10 My Heart and My Husband ADELE GARRISON'S New Phase of "Revelations of a Wife" The Way Lillian Underwood En- deavored to Set Madge's Fears at Rest 1 Lillian did not ipend much time in pondering the contents of the anonymous advertisements I had handed her. She looked them over once again, bundled them carelessly into the brown paper, and going to her trunk thrust them into the tray, locking the trunk. "You don't mind my keeping them?" she said perfunctorily, and I echoed Alice Holcombe's relief at getting rid of them. "I m sure I never want to see tne things again," I said. "I don't want you to," she retort ed grimly. "I'm going to take this thing in hand from now on. It's pretty nearly time to scotch this particular snake. I've neglected get ting much of a line on him because he didn't appear to he (loins much harm, but I'll get busy now, pron to. Just run over that description of. him strain, won't you?" 'I did so, and she jotted down ' some of the points. "Now, outline again, just as they 2 happened, those encounters you had with the animal out near the camp." The question nonplussed me for a moment, because in my first telling of the story to Lillian I had care t fully eliminated everything which would indicate the presence on the scene of Harry Underwood. I was not sure that I could tell the story twice in just thp same way. But I knew better than to let her see even sq instant's apparent dis may on my part "Jnst let me go over them a min ute by myself, I said carelessly. "I don't want to forget anything." "Fat chance there is of you for getting anything," she answered with breezy slanginess, but I saw to my relief that she had no suspicion that I had any ulterior motive for my deliberation.- I put my memory to work, not so much tb recall what had happened si to b able to relate the same story to Lillian which I had n told her at first And I flattered myself when I finished that I had said, no word which could possibly betray to Lillian the fact that the husband whose returning she so feared had been actually on the scene. As I began talking I saw her take the old familiar attitude, her elbows on her knees, her chin cupped in her hands, and knew that as she herself woald express it she was "strictly on the job." The action re- Iieyed me of one anxiety that she might see in my face the fact that Home Rule Bill ,. Coolly Received In South Ireland Dublin, Feb. 29. The reception of the home rule bill her Is generally unfavorable. The constitutionalists are not discussing it and are await .ing Sir Horace Plunket's announce ment next Thursday regarding , American opinion, - Arthur,' Griffin, De Valera's sec ' ond , in ' command, stated the Sinn Fein view. "The bill,- he said, "Is merely one to repeal the measure by promises of which John Redmond was duped into advising his countrymen to fight and die for England in the late war. Tell the American people that Ire land will never permit itself to be made, according to the present plans or English militarists, a pistol point ed at New York. England's scheme, with its agent Carson, to dismember Ireland will meet a similar fate to England's former scheme with Aar on Burr to dismember the United States. 9 A TRUCK feature that will interest you at the Motor Track Show this week is that the units in the Kissel truck chassis are oversized the Kissel-built motor, the frame, springs, axles, brakes big sturdy dependable trpek units each are built for real truck service. The dominating thought in very step et Kissel truck construction for fourteen year has been to "build to prove equal to exceptional service." 1 Other exclusive Kiatel truck features of especial in terest to Omaha business men are Special display of all Kissel truck chassis for very line of business- aiie for every purpose. Special body equipment the original ALL-YEAR Cab that insures truck operation the year around, and other transportation cost-reducing features. Motor truck transportation experts in attendance Data Catalogues free to bona-fide business men. C J. DUTTON AUTOMOTIVE CO. mm 6 I was hiding something from her. She remained in the same con templative attitude for two or three minutes after I had finished speak ing, evidently docketing and filing away what I bad told her. Then she sprang to her feet-and stretched her shapely arms high above her head. "Don't bother your head any more about Mister Jake Wilsey." She drawled the name Mrs. Ticer had said was the man's real one in a laugh-provoking fashion, and I saw that she wished me to think the whole affair was not of vital importance. But I knew that she would spare no energy in hunting down the man's record and "scotch ing the snake," and realized that she attached far more importance to his activities than she wished me to know. ' "I think I'll run up to town in the morning," she said carelessly. "Per haps I'll be gone two or three days. You have so many people over there, don't you want to take this room while I am gone? I'd like to have Marion with you." "That will just fit in nicely," I said, with the thought of the ex pected visit of Jack and Katherine leaping into my brain. For a sec ond the announcement of that visit was very near my lips. I knew that with Lillian the secret of the visit would be safe, but a second thought told me that I would have to explain the reason for keeping the visit a surprise to every one, and that was Harriet Braithwaite's secret. I had no right to reveal it even to Lillian. "Everything always 'fits in nicely' with you doesn't it?" she replied fondly, giving my shoulder a caress ing little pat as she passed me. "I don't believe anybody ever asked you a favor but what you managed to make it appear that it was the one thing that would suit your convenience best to do." "I never saw any one who could talk the arrant nonsense that you do," I scolded. "Favors forsooth 1 As if I couldn't guess the reason for this sudden trip to town." "Little girls shouldn't ask ques tions," she said didactically, "but should always obey and trust their elders. Come along, let's go back to our dear relatives and friends." I obeyed her with nerves relaxed, fears soothed. I knew that the matter- of the man named Jake Wilsey was safe in Lillian's capable hands, that I could give my unhampered attention to the visit of Jack and Katherine. (Continued Tomorrow.) May Legally Transfer Liquor Stocks From One House to Another Washington, Feb. 29. Liquor owners may transfer their stocks legally from one dwelling to an other only when there is an actual change of residence and then only under special permit, according to an announcement by the internal revenue bureau, issued to correct published reports that owners of two or more dwellings might move their stocks from one to the other nnhampered. "This ruling Is not construded to mean, for example, that a person who owns a shooting lodge in Maine, a winter residence in Florida and a private dwelling in New York may transport liquor for beverage purposes from one to another," the statement said. "Liquor so transported and the vehicles in which it is conveyed are subject to seizure. The person transporting it is subject to arrest. ' See the Kissel Trucks at the Motor Truck Show this week 2056-58 Farnam St OMAHA OMAHA, The Second Live Stock Market of The World. It has the moit modern Stock Yards in the World today no expense has been spared to make it so. It is situated in the center of a territory producing more food products than any in the World, hence the largest demand for feeder sheep and for this reason OMAHA is the LARGEST FEED ER SHEEP MARKET IN THE WORLD. Railroad facilities are, unex celled, being the only Missouri River market located on the main lines of all the western railroads; the shrink, therefore, on ship ments to this market is less than to others. Union Stock Yards Company of Omaha (Ltd.) Omaha, Neb. WARE & LELAND Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Cotton. Members All Leading Exchanges. Private Wires. , 727-730 Grain Exchange Bldg. Douglas 4274. PLATNER LUMBER & COAL COMPANY 46th and Farnam Sts. Barnhart Brothers & Spindler Type Founders Printing 'Machinery and Supplies Omaha Paper Stock Co. Packers and Shippers Paper Stock Office and Factory, 18th and Marcy Sts. Phone Doug. 159. Omaha, Neb. Attention Mr. Automobile Owner Ws overhaul your ear, rebore the cylinders, make piston and rings or any parts you might need. P. Melchiors & Son Machine Works 417 South 13th St. General Automobile, Machine and Blacksmith Repair Work. National Roofing Co., (Incorporated) Roofing and Paring Contractors Established in 1878 Douglas 551. Omaha. To Pare City Streets and Country Highways, Use VITRIFIED PAVING BRICK Western" Brick Manufac turers' Association, ) Kansas City, Mo. Vaughn Construction Company General Contractors Bee Bldg. Omaha BOILERS SMOKESTACKS TWO PLANTS Drake. Williams, , Mount Co. Main Office and Works, 23d, Hickory and U. P. R. R. Phono Douglas 1043. Branch 20th, Center and C. B. St Q. Phone Douglas 1141 Oxy-Acetylene Welding STANDPIPES TANKS Le Bron & Gray Electrical Works Motors, Generators, Electric Elevators Repairs, Armature Winding, Electric Wiring US S. 13th St. Phono Douglas 2019 BERTSCHY MANUFACTURING AND ENGINEERING COMPANY, Manufacturers of BERMO WELDING AND CUTTING APPARATUS Omaha, U. S. A. - HUDSON MFG. CO., Implement Supplies, Omaha and Minneapolis BEMIS BROS. BAG CO. of Omaha ! 3U1 si! Lee W. Edwards CHIROPRACTOR 24th and Farnam Sts. A Growing Necessity for Growing Omaha Douglas 3445. Inter-State Title & Mortgage Co. 421-425 City Natl Bank BMf. We Buy and Sell , Farm Lands, Farm Mortgages We Buy LIBERTY BONDS At Prevailing New York Prices. American State Bank 18th and Farnam Solicits Your Banking Business 'Phone Tyler 80 Incorporated IS 83 OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION Assets, $13,250,000. A mutual savings and loan association WM. R. ADAIR, President. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Benson & Meyers Co. Investment Securities Farm Mortgages Omaha, U. S. A. OMAHA HARDWOOD LUMBER COMPANY Hardwood Products and Vehicle Woods Omaha, Neb. Johnson Hardware Co. Fine Builders' Hardware Complete Line of Contractors' Supplies 1217 Farnam St. Doug. 581. Mid-West Electric Company Jobbers of ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Doug. 456. 1207 Harney St. Phones! Tyler 446 Walnut 326 Geo. A. Roberts Grain Co. Receivers and Shippers GRAIN HAY SEEDS Consignments a Specialty 230-31-32-33-34 Grain Exchange Omaha, Neb. JOHN E. WAKEFIELD COMPANY Builders Doug. 326 750 Brandeis Theater Bldg. HENNINGSON Engineering Co. Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Archi tectural Engineers; designers of sewers, paving, waterworks, electric light plants and public buildings. Douglas 822V 12th and Harney Sts. F. P. GOULD & SON BUILDERS - 1137-40 City National Building. OMAHA, NEB. Pioneer Glass & Paint Company All Kindt Paints, Varnishes, Glass and Store Front Construction 14th and Harney - I If Midas, Croesus,, Monte Cristo and Aladdin Came To the Omaha Auto Show I By WILLIAM It is good to live in Nebraska. It is blessed to live in Omaha. Look at the Auto Show. Some people would see nothing in it but a silencer for the yapping that has been heard around the world from Chicago ever since that enterprising village built the White City and howled: "Excelsior." But the business man who views the vista of golden opportunities before him, who made the show, building better than they knew, as a matter of fact, dream dreams of wealth that would make the combined hoards of Midas, Croesus and Monte . Christo look like a before - 'hash. 1 There is one automobile state, a larger per capita than is found in any other state in the country. " ' Which is a fact of r nificance when traced through all Its ramifications. It means that at least one out of every 10 people in the state has passed out of the shadow of want into the J sunlight of plenty and enough. r Became people, not all, anyhow, buy automobiles ; with their last cent. f This means money; money In bank, money invested, t money stored away and in reserve. It is the outward and prosperity. And this gives confidence to business, because I business can itself invest, j, finding a mart for its goods. People will buy if they possession of an automobile I sign of this money. There is, however, a larger significance to be found in this little item of statistics, but it is one dealing more with the possibilities of the future. These possibilties are pected of these owners of automobiles. First to be expected, is the trade that naturally is to come from their various trips to and fro. They go from the farm to the small town, and from the small town to the larger. This means expenditures for gasoline and j tires, and more money spent than ordinarily would see the light of day. from year's beginning to year's end, because people cannot visit from place to place, even in cases of compartively near neighbors, without spending money, or developing the ambition to spend some, whether from envy at what some one else has, or from desire awakened by what some one else has said. Second, the automobile owner is going to demand good roads, and these in turn will mean more automo- . biles and longer distances of : pie coming to town, and oftener. . It means great lines of inaugurated from Omaha, picking up farmers' supplies and bringing them to the city, and carrying him out the things he hasn't the time to come in and buy in person. It means limitless possibilities, probabilities and actualities, because these things are bound to come. One automobile to nearly every six people in the state. , Wonderful state! Land of milk and hohey. Land to make Aladdin i ana ah jiaDa tnrow tneir nands into the discard. It is good to live in Nebraska, and Omaha. C. Hafer Lumber Co. , Ships Direct to the User Lumber, Millwork, Hard ware and Paint We have our own woodworking factory. 135 W. B'way, Counucil Bluffs, la. RADIATORS and Radiator Cora for AutomobUea, Trucks and Practora MADE AND REPAIRED Send tout radiator by ores. Guaranteed work, prompt Mi-rlca and rea sonable charge OMAHA AU10 RADIATOR MFG. 0.. iBig'Zi turning ot. umahu 'BUTTER Alfalfa Butter Co. D 3903 "TANQUERY. Nebraska's great metropolis, j and the enterprising boosters the - war price of a plate of to every 6 persons in the tremendous import and sig- visible sign of substance and secure in the expectation of have the money, and the is the most readily apparent contained in what is to be ex- 1 travel. It means more peo- trucks, like that soon to be penetrating the hinterland, Eastern Plating Company Plating Auto Parts W Plat Gold, Silver, Nickel Copper,. Bras and Bronx. HIS Farnam St (Third Floor) Telephone, Douglas 2866. WALRATH & SHERWOOD LUMBER CO. Wholesalers 1501-06 W. O. W. Bldg. Omaha U. S. A. Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank Co. A. N. Eaton, Prep. 1300 Willi St. Phono Webster 282. Everything in Sheet Metal Products. Oil Tanks and Supplies. coaani g& Ii CtltP am 3 'uuiumsvf Cornhusker Tires Distributed by Western Products Co. Service Phone Tyler 3899. Affordable Motor Truck Corporation Manufacturer of AFFORDABLE TRUCK ATTACHMENTS CHIROPRACTOR thel Thrall MaJtby, D. C. (Palmer Graduate) Adjustments, $112 for $10 Elks' Bldg. 2d Floor. Doug. 3072 Omaha Printing Co. Omaha, U. S. A. We Paint Autos to SATISFY OUR CUSTOMERS JULIUS BANHART Doug. 1088. 16th & Leavenworth FUEL OIL DISTILLATE la Tank Cars or by Motor Truck. PHONE OUR SERVICE DEPART MENT FOR INFORMATION RE GARDING OIL AS A FUEL., OMAHA REFINING COMPANY Webster 900. GLASS That very attractive all METAL STORE FRONT is an EASY-SET FRONT glazed by PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS CO. 11th and Howard Sts. "Little Red Wagons" T.F STROUD & CO. Colfax 2998. 20th and Ame Ave. CROW TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 600 Bee Bldg. Omaha. Western Smelting & Refining Company Manufacturers of All Grade of Babbitt and Solder Buyers of Old Battery Lead The Hugh Murphy Construction Co. Contractors of Public Work D. 834. 206 Karbach Bldg. CORNHUSKER TIRES The Cheapest and Best You Can Buy Put one on your car op posite the tire that has given you the greatest satisfaction. NEBRASKA TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY Omaha, Nebraska ' Automobile Repairing In AH Its Branches MOTOR SERVICE GARAGE Douglas 2923. 2406 LeaTenworth St., Oman. McKeen Motor Car Co. Gasoline Engine High Class Machinery Mechanical Engineering Potash Reduction Co., 820 World-Herald Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Say to Your Grocer "ELKHORN MILK, PLEASE" The Ideal Family Loaf It Boosts for Omaha Jay Bums Baking Co. Western Paper Co. Omaha, Neb. Bowman Machinery Company Contractors Equipment l yl.r 1818 1207 Howard Omaha. Neb. Carpenter Paper Co. Wholesale Distributors Printing Paper, Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, Build ing Paper, Fancy Stationery Nebraska Power Company "Your Electric Service Company" Electric Service for Your Home, Office and Factory Electric Building-, 15th and Farnam St. The Paxton-Mitchell Co., Manufacturers el The Mitchell Metafile Packing Gray Iron, Aluminum, Bras and Bronie Casting. OMAHA BODY CO. Builder of Truck Bodie to Fit All Make of Truck. 1529.31-33 N. 16th St. Phone Webster 337. Oliver Chilled Plow Works Doug. 3236 10th and Farnam Sts. Omaha The Lion Bonding & Surety Company la aa Omaha brash product Lion's Share" butitutioa and e Ne. It is desirous ef Tb of your business, and this claim is based not alone on the as to our btln a Hon because we are ffanu- SOUND. CLEAN aad idea suggested Company, but GOOD, HIGH-GRADE. We are the Kennedy Bldg, Ith and DMflaa. Come Up end See Ue. it