Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 01, 1920, Image 1

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    v. ' " Is
The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 49 NO. 220.
"No Modifications to Article
Ten," Answer Given by Sen
ator Lodge to President's
Aim of Republican Leader to
Secure Democratic Support
of Wilson Still Has .Some
Chance of Success.
Washington, Feb. 29. (By Chi
cago Tribune-Omaha Bee . Leased
Wire.) "There will be no modifica
tion of the' reservation to article
In these words Senator Lodge, the
republican leader of the senate, re
plied tonight to President Wilson's
latest pronuhiciamento that he will
.not ratify the German peace treaty if
it should contain the Lodge reserva
tion tinder which the United States
assumes no obligation to preserve
tiie independence and territorial in
tegrity of European nations.
In view of this deadlock there 5s a
rising demand by republican 'sen
ators for an immediate showdown
on the treaty in the senate. It is ex
pected that this showdown will ma
terialize this week and it may come
tomorrow, if the attendance of sen
ators is sufficiently large to warrant
a move in that direction.
May Change Program.
When the senate adjourned yes
terday the program was to continue
the disposition of reservations until
all had been acted upon except that
to article ten, the fate of which will
spell the fate of the covenant Now
that the president has communicat
ed to the democratic leaders his ir
revocable opposition to the article
10 reservation republican senators
are asserting that it would be a
waste of time to prolong the debate
and are demanding immediate action
on the principal reservation.
Senator Lodge would not indi
cate tonight whether he would yield
to these demands for an Immediate
showdown. He has his own ideas
of successful strategy, which appear
io have been justified up to date by
the manner in which he has ma
neuvered the democrats into greater
concessions that Mr. Wilson had
said he would tolerate.
Expects Democrat Desertion.
The aim of thft jepublkafc-leadet.
ever since the, resumption' of debate
has been to bring about ratification
through a defection of a sufficient
number of democratic senators. He
is still hopeful that with only the
article ten reservation standing in
the way enough democrats will pre
fer to desert the White House than
to. shelve the treaty again and pro
long the state of war with Germany.
(Continued on Tair Five, Colnma Fife.)
Cave Man Tactics Are
Sought by American
Women, Says Ibanez
Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 29. (By
Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased
Wire.) Every American man is a
coward before a woman and his
status in regard to her today is iden
tical with that of the southern negro
i.etore the advent of Abrafham Lin-fR.
coin, according to Vincente Blasco
I Dane, famous Spanish author, r
- "Every American man has a men
tal picture of his wife standing bi
hind the dcor with the rolling pity,
either literally or figuratively speak
iug, according to social standards'
said the author.
"What this country needs is a
secon'd emancipator..
"But let me tell you something,
gentlemen. Ihe women do not wjlnt
it. Many times I have dined vaVith
American women in Paris. They
would give dinners in my honor! and
1 would be the only man present.
Then, at the dessert, I wouV'd say:
'Ladies, now there is no one 'to hear
us, tefl me frankly, do youf like all
t'lis bowing end scrapinr of the
America! man? Do you like all this
exaggerated respect? Are you not
sick and tired of it?
"And whole heartedl they would
answer: 'We are sick jind tired of it
W are disgusted wkth it. We would
like to be dominated a little bit for
a change."
"That's just the truth of it. They
cant to be tiibminated. A woman
likes a master and not a slave. Treat
them a liStlc roughly once in a
Wilson Has Kept Peace
From the World, Says
Seihator Poindexter
Coatesvillel Pa.. Feb. 29. Presi
dent Wilsonls participation in the
Adriatic controversy was made the
basis for anl arraignment of the
league of natifons by Senator Poin-
dexter, repuDitcan, nere in a speecn,
in which he piointed to that dispute
as indicative 4f the futility of the
idea "that peafce can be brought to
the world inertly by giving up the
independence cbf the several nations
and uniting them all under one cen
tral antnortty.
Town, in GriA of "Flu," m
. . ' Praxis Nightly to God
Chester, S. tl., Feb. 29. Chester
will look to Gfcd to wipe out the
influenza epidemic. Each night for
one minute all electric lights will be
extinguished, giring notice to all to
offer as their fopplitatjo&av
Satan at amaa-clau laarlar
ti p. Q. aaaar Ml at
Sister of Late Eccentric
Tells Why He Did Not Wed
Los Angeles, Feb. 29. (Special
Telegram.) Told Sunday night
of the death' in Omaha of A. J.
Seaman, her wealthy and ec
centric brother, his sister and
nearest relative, Mrs. Harriet E.
Wolfe, 1011 Wes Sixty-first
street, said:
"My brother was a good man,
with no. bad habits, bat he lived
only to make money. For many
years he had been buying tax
titles. He inherited a little money
and kept adding to it all his life,
or ever since we two were left
orphans. Probably the reason he
never married was because he
thought it cost too much. -
"I have not seen him for more
than 25 years, but several times
during recent years I wrote him
that both of us were getting old
and that either he should visit me
or I him. Last summer I "planned
to visit him, but when I found I
could hardly spare the railroad
fare he did not offer to advance
it. He wrote affectionately, how
ever, that he would like to see me.
I was afraid he might get sick
and be too economical to call a
doctor, and wanted to be with
When asked if she expected to
inherit her brother's fortune, Mrs.
Wolfe said she knew of no one
Operated in Conjunction With
Chicago Tribune "Scoops"
Are Promised.'
The Bee's new leased wire tele
graphic news service, operated in
co-operation with The Chicago
Tribune, opened promptly at 7
o'clock last night.
By direct wire from The Tribune
office, The Bee 'received over 10,000
words of dispatches, representing
the best of it.'e product of The Tri
bune's correspondents all over the
world. This' service will continue,
seven days (a week, and in addition
The Bee will have the right after
March IS to publish The Tribune's
features tin the same day they are
used by 'Ihe Tribune.
As the service continues, it will
improve and The Bee's facilities to
m-ike fulfi use of it will grow.
The first messages over the wire
last niglht were these:
Chicago Tribune,
Chicago. 111.
The: Omaha Bee is happy tonight
over the beginning of the leased
wire ;' service which will make
available to it the special dis
patches of "The World's Great
est Newspaper." It hopes that
"the- etjimectioa between, thesei twer
great newspapers may be long
continued and mutually profitable.
Best wishes.
The Omaha Bee,
OmahaA Neb.
Thanlt you for your kind mes
sage. The sentiments you ex
press ar ours also. We are glad
to incliide The Bee among the
representative papers of the coun
try that vwe serve and we hope to
sprinkle the nightly reports with
many treat "scoops."
lavalry Cor
For Mexi
i r i
omos Doraer
r t.
exican Danait
o Killed Americans
TVogales, Ariz.. Feb. 29. Sheriff
R. Earhart's posse returned to
Montana Camp tonight after a fruit
less search below the international
boundary line for Ezequiel Lara and
a companion, alleged Mexican band
its, charged with the killing of Alex
ander J. Fraser, postmaster, and the
serious wounding of his brother
John A. Fraser, during a raid Friday
at Arivac3, Pima county, Arizona.
T" A iL. T .U f !-..
with headquarters at Fort Huachaca,
Arizona, is scouring the country
around Ruby, Arizona, Colcnel W.
A. Holbrook, southern department
chief of staff, said tonight.
Under existing orders the troops,
who are negroes can follow a "hot
trail into Mexico, but no report of
the discovery of a "hot trail" has.
been received, he said.
A second posse sent out in search
of the first, was recalled.
Colonel E. C. Carnahan, command
er of the Nogales military district,
emphatically denied that men of his
command had gone into Mexico.
Complete Bryan Slate
For Nebraska Headed
By the "Peerless One"
Lincoln. Neb.. Feb. 29. Follow
ers of W. J. Bryan in Nebraska have
made up a complete slate of dele
gates to the democratic national
convention, announcement of which
was made today.
For delegate-at-large Mr. Bryan
himself heads the list, together with
former Congressman D. V. Stephens
of tremont, Judge I. J. 1 nomas of
Seward and George W. Berg of Lin
coln. Of the 16 district delegate
candidates two are women.
An opposition slate, made up, it is
asserted, of candidates favorable to
the nomination of Senator G. M.
Hitchcock for president is also ten
tatively announced. It suggests for
delegates-aHarge former Governors
Schallenberger and Neville, Sophus
Neble of Omaha and Bernard Mc
Neny of Red Cloud. - .
Midland Leads Conference.
Fremont, Neb., Feb. 29. (Spe
cialsMidland college by defeating
Hastings college here won first
place in the Nebraska college basket
ball conference. Midland beat Hait
ian. 2 tp 2V
Nay it, tW.
Hank S. l7.
else who might have any claim
on it. and she doubted that he
would leave a great part of it to
charity. '
Mrs. Wolfe has lived here 30
years. After the death of her hus
band, 20 years ago, she supported
herself as a dressmaker, she "said,
but of late years has been helped
by her children. She has two chil
dren, W. E. Wolfe of Guadalupe,
and Mrs. May Goldman, 142 East
Sixty-fourth street. this city.
Funeral services for Andrew J.
Seaman, aged Omaha eccentric,
who died at St Catherine hospital
Friday night, were held in the
chapel on N. P. Swanson's under
taking establishment yesterday
The body, dressed in a new
black suit, lay in a handsome
steel-grey casket, though Mr.
Seaman's last spoken thought was
that no expense should be in
curred for a casket. His long
beard had been shaved off at the
Rev. J. M. Wilson, pastor of the
North Presbyterian church,
preached the funeral sermon.
The body will be taken today
to Wahoo, Neb., where it will be
buried beside that of Albert Wolf,
Mr. Seaman's brother-in-law.
Thomas Smith Victim of Skull
Fracture Two of Other
Six May Die.
Thomas Smith, 2417 North Seven
teenth street, one of seven injured
in an automobile accident at Thir
teenth and Martha streets Saturday
night, died at 8 o'clock Sunday
morning at St. Joseph hospital. A
fractured skull and infernal injuries
caused Smith's death, hospital au
thorities say.
Paul Lamish, 2403 South Thir
teenth street; Joseph Snyder, Twenty-third
and Bancroft streets; . Al
Stacey, 4409 South Twelfth street;
M. Hogan, Thirteenth and Martha
streets; George Volker, 1920 Lake
street, other victims of the automo
bile collision, are still in hospitals
suffering from injuries. James
Kerns, Seventh' and Burt streets,
who suffered cuts and bruises about
the body, is at his home.
Booked for Investigation.
Volker is booked at Central po
lice station "for investigation.
A Ford Livery company's tour
ing car driven by Lamish and bear
ing four other occupants crashed
into a touring car going south on
Thirteenth street and driven by
George Volker Hogan was with
i Oltorfc,r - -
Witnesses of tU accident Say otu (
cars were speeuiug.
Lamish, Snyder and Smith were
rendered unconscious. James Cos
grove, 2873 Binney street, who
chanced by in an automobile shortly
after, the accident, took Volker and
Hogan to their homes.
Both cars were completely
wrecked. ,
Paul Steinwender, chief clerk to
the county attorney, said today an
inquest over the body of Thomas
Smith would be held Monday or
Tuesday. . '
Hospital authorities stated last
night' that the condition of Stacey
and Snyder is particularly serious.
Man Feeds Europe
But Nearly Starves
Friends at Banquet
Chicago, Feb. 29. (By Chi
cago Tribune-Omaha, Bee Leased
Wire.) Herbert Clark Hoover,
the man who fed the world, nearly
starved his Chicago friends last
night when he appeared at a ban
quet five hours late. A wreck
somewhere on the railroad be
tween Chicago and Washington,
D.'C, was responsible.
At 7 the beauty and chivalry of
the city had assembled in the
Hotel Sherman to hear Mr. .
Hoover 1,500 of them, all mem
bers or guests of the Western So
ciety of Engineers. '
At S Frederick K. Copeland,
who was presiding, poked his
finger into the soup and, noting its
zero temperature; ordered the
banquet to proceed without Mr.
Hoover. ' ,
At 9:30 Mr. Chairman, observ
ing some signs of uneasiness, re
vived the Hoover boom, follow
ing which an early edition of the
Tribune was passed up to the
speaker's table. It contained Mr.
Hoover's speech, as wired on from
New York, and A. S. Baldwin
proceeded to seize Old Man Time
by the whiskers by reading it
In the middle of "We Won't Go
Home Until Morning" Mr..Hoover
appeared. He ascendedjto the
rostrum and read the whole darned
speech over again. The banquet
was adjourned at 1 a. m.
Light Wines and Beer to Be
Asked in House Amendment
Washington Feb. 29. (By Chi
cago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased
Wire.) Representative Britten of
Chicaeo will introduce in the house
an amendment to the Volstead pro
hibition enforcement act under the
terms of which the manufacture and
sale of 5 per cent beer and 14 per
cent wine would be legalized in
states voting therefor by referen
dum. Sunday Papers to Cost
Dime in Cleveland Now
Cleveland, Feb. 29. The price of
the Sunday Plain Dealer and the
Sunday News-Leader is 10 cents
everywhere commencing Sunday due
to the constantly rising costs of all
labor and puteriala, it wa an-
Federal Report Shows Ten Per
Cent Higher Prices Charged
in Omaha Than Year Ago
More Purchases Made.
Average Family Expenditure in
U. S. Two Per Cent Higher
Than Month AgoWhole
sale Prices On Up Trend.
New York, Feb. 29. (By Chicago
Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.)
The cost of living is still oh the
increase, according to reports re
ceived by the bureau of labor sta
tistics of the United States Depart
ment of Labor from retail dealers
in 50 cities. The average family ex
penditure for food was 2. per cent
higher on January 15, 1920, than on
December 15, 1919, and the cost in
December was 2.6 per cent higher
than it had been in any previous
These figures show an increase of
9 per cent since January, 1919, and
an increase of 104 per cent since
January, 1913. The comparisons are
based on the average retail prices of
the following articles, weighted ac
cording to the consumption of the
average family: Sirloin steak,
round steak, rib roast, chuck roast,
plate beef, pork chops, bacon, ham,
lard, hens, flour, cornmeal, eggs,
butter, milk, bread, potatoes, sugar,
cheese, rice, coffee and tea.
Increases Past Month.
During the month from December
15, 1919, to January 15, 1920, 29 of
the 44 articles of food for which
prices were secured in 1919 in
creased as follows: Cabbage, 33
per cent; potatoes, 26 per cent;
granulated sugar, 23 per cent;
onions, 11 per cent; lamb and rolled
oats, 8 per cent each; hens, 7 per
cent; plate beef, 6 per cent; flour, 5
per cent; sirloin steak, rib roast,
chuck roast, bread and cream of
wheat,. 4 per cent each; round steak
and raisins, 3 per cent each; canned
salmon and rye, 2 per cent each;
ham, evaporated milk, macaroni,
baked beans, tea, coffee and
bananas, 1 per cent each. Bacon,
nut margarine, cheese and crisco
each increased less than five-tenths
of one per cent.
Eleven articles decreased in price
; as ioiiows: a r-
. ? ii
- t-gteiotlTiib-g-gsv 4- p"
butter, 5 per cent; lard and ce
tomatoes, 3 per cent each; pork
chops, storage eggs and oranges, 2
per cent each; fresh milk, canned
corn, canned peas and prunes, 1 per
cent each. There was no change in
prices of oleomargarine, cornmeal,
corn flakes and navy beans.
The statistics show that the av
erage expenditures for 22 articles of
food increased from December 15,
1919, to January 15, 1920, in 41 cities
and decreased in 9 cities. In Mobile
the decrease was 2 per cent, in At
lanta, Birmingham, Cleveland, Den
ver, Kansas City, Omaha and Port
land, Me., the decrease was 1 per
Big Increase Here.
For the year period, January, 1919,
to January, 1920, the greatest in
crease, or 11 per cent,' was in Chi
cago, Detroit and Springfield. The
other cities showed increases rang
ing from 1 per cent in Baltimore to
10 per cent in Cincinnati, Fall River,
Omaha, Peoria, St Louis and St.
Wholesale prices in general show
ed an increase of 22 per cent in Jan
uary of this year over January last
year. The greatest increase in this
period is ' shown for lumber and
building materials, which advanced
66 1-2 per cent in price in the 12
months. Cloths and clothing, articles
and house furnishing goods followed
next, with increases of 49 1-2 and
48 1-2 per cent, respectively. Food
and lighting prices advanced about
8 per cent! and metal prices about
3 per cent in the same time. In
only one group, that of chemicals
and drugs, were prices lower in
January than in the corresponding
month of last year. ;
John S. Coffey Given
Police Sergeant Stripes;
20 Years on the Force
Emergency Office John S. Coffey,
for 20 years a member of the police
department, was promoted to field
sergeant to take effect March 1,
according to an announcement on
the bulletin board at Central police
Sergeant Coffey has an enviable
record on the police department, be
ing known as one of the most fear
less and painstaking officers on the
force. Not once in all his years
spent on the department has he been
called "on the carpet" for misde
meanors as a police officer.
Sergeant Coffey is eligible for a
pensioti in April, but says he will
continue m service,
SUNDAY, Feb. 29, 1920
Here are the figures:
Bee ..... 6,520 inches
World-Herald .5,447 inches
Newt ....... .4,756 inches
MARCH 1, 1920.
Cloud of General War in Far East Never
So Black As at Present With Angry China
and Russia Waiting to Strike at Japan
Iron Heel of Mikado's Militaristic Party Felt by Siberi
ans and Has Aroused Bitter Hate Coupled With
Fear Revolution in Korea Certain Unless Other
Powers Launch Campaign American Troops
Checked Grabbing of Territory When Torn by
Strife. .
Tli following dispatch waa refined by the I'ntted States narat Tvtreleaa itntion
at Vladivostok, at the personal direction of Admiral Glnavea, who aatd the atorv
would hurt Japan's feelings. The naval records disclose Admiral Oleavea, ranking
officer of the Asiatic fleet, Is the only I nlted State nary man wearing- the Japan
ese decoration of the First Order of the Klsina; Sun. Mr. Hunt carried hla dispatch
to 1'ekinf, cabling It westward around the world, cables being- broken then on the
Pekin, Feb. 23, via Adena, and
London, Feb. 29. (New ' York
Times-Chicago Tribune Cable, Copy
right, 1920.) Unless Japan with
draws from Siberia it will not only
fare a united Russia, but revolution
in Korea and possibly war from
The cloud of a great general war ir
the far east never was so black as at
this moment. China, angry, and
only waiting for the right moment
to jump on Japan, Korea breathing
revolt, and Siberia determined to
dnve out the island race, make a
combination Japan can afford to
view with alarm.
Will Give Ultimatum.
I have reliable information from
heads-of the Siberian revolution that
within a short time Japan will be
handed an ultimatum giving it the
Warsaw Reports Revolution at
Kovno Is Growing, With
Martial Law Proclaimed.
Warsaw, Feb. 29. An Americaa
named Harris is reported to have
been killed during the recent mili
tary revolution at Kovno, Lithuania.
Harris joined the Lithuanian army
a few months ago as instructor.
The revolutionary outbreak at
Kovno continues and martial law
has been proclaimed. Civilians are
not permitted on the streets after
8 p. m.
London, Feb. 29. A wireless dis
patch from Warsaw under date of
Saturday says that the recent revolt
of Lithuanian troops at Kovno oc-.
curred February 22, when several
units that had agitated for deferred
pay were ordered to assemble and
confer with government representa
tives. The men refused to obey the or
ders on the advice of bolshevik agi-.
la tors irara ShavlirJX-rpiles nort
west of Kovno, and directed ma
chine gun fire against the govern
ment building throughout the 'day
and night, the dispatch says. At
the same time artillery bombarded
the railway station and various parts
ot the town.
The dispatch does not give the
number of casualties, but says that
in semi-official circles in Lithuania
it is believed the revolt is the result
of bad relations between the officers
and men. It is expected, the dis
patch states, that the insubordina
tion will extend and new outbreaks
are anticipated.'
Swivel Chair "Heroes"
Will Be Demoted Under
Permament Army Law
Washington, Feb. 29. Drastic re
duction of permanent officers, of the
army from their temporary ranks by
regular army grades, effective
March IS, has been ordered by Gen
eral March, chief-of-staff. Of ap
proximately 3,000 officers now hold
ing temporary rank higher than
their permanent appointments,
about 2,000 probably will be re
turned to their regular status. ,
The bulk of the demotions is ex
ted to come from the bureaus' in
Gentle Persuasion Not
Effective With Bandits
Chicago, Feb. 29. (By Chicago
Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased Wire.)
Tohn Anieszewski, a butcher, will
never again try to persuade armed '
thieves to toss aside theirvevolvers
and step back into the straight and
narrow path. He tried it and now
is at the People's hospital with one
bullet wound in his left forearm and
another in his left leg.
Anieszewski had closed his shop
and was on his way home when he
met two thieves.'
"Hands up and shell out" com
manded one.
"Say now, look here, you two big,
strapping fellows have no business
in this game," said the butcher,
"why don't you look for honest
work, so you won't always be
dodging the police?"
The thieves made no answer, but
each fired a shot into the butcher.
Red Cross Plans to Wage
World-Wide Health Campaign
Washington,- Feb. 29 Determined
to wage a world-wide health cam
paign which will include vigorous
steps to bring about the social bet
terment of. the races of the earth
and the promulgation of a definite
policy for t world fight against dis
ease and famine among peoples
"caught in the . back-wash of the
war," representatives of the Red
Cross societies of 27 nations are
gathering in Geneva, Switzerland,
for the opening Tuesday of the first
general council of the League of
Red Cross Societies.
Fiume, Blockaded.
Fiume. Feb. 29. (By th'e Asso
ciated Press.) A siege of Fiume
has begun with a stringent blockade
agmitcroadtttt.uicjud)t!f food-
By Malt
Dally aa
choice of withdrawing or of war.
The new government at Vladivstok
is only waiting to consolidate its
freshly won positions, to mobilize
the peasants and workmen into
armies, to place troops to occupy
strategic points and complete the
liquidation of the few remaining Kol
chak towns in eastern Siberia before
it presents its demands on Japan.
Today Japan's position in Siberia
absolutely is untenable. It finds it
self in a hostile foreign country
among people who hate it with the
intensest hate I have ever seen. They
have mistrusted the Jap's motive
irom the first moment Japanese
troops came to Siberia in August,
1918. The mistrust has grown until
at present it is bitter hate coupled
with fear.
From a first hand investigation of
(Continued on Page Two, Column Four,)
Everything Ready for Orches
tral Signal That Opens Doors
at 2 P. M. Today.
Omaha automobile dealers yes
terday finished putting in place in
the Auditorium and Annex the 284
automobiles and motor trucks to be
offered for the public's approval in
the fifteenth annual Omaha auto
mobile show.
From the $10,000 specially up
holstered limousine, the most ex
pensive car on display, to the
smallest and plainest of the strictly
utilitarian motor trucks and tractors,
every car was ready last night for
the opening of the million-dollar
exhibit at 2 this afternoon.
Show Manager Clarge G. Howell
was jubilant over prospects for the
greatest attendance in the history
of Omaha shows. With fairly good
weather, the crowds coming from
all over the Nebraska and western
Iowr territory served by the big
Qmsha dastribtttors- are expected to
break all records.
Doors of the Auditorium will be
opened at 2 this afternroon to the
strains of the Rawrval Oleson or
chestra, which will provide concert
each afternoon and evening during
show week.
The interior decorating and ar
ranging of an elaborate lighting
system had been completed last
night an deverything else .in readi
ness. Over 100 Arrested in
Raids on Gambling
And Disorderly Houses
Moral squads in charge of Police
Sergeant Thestrup and Detective
Robert Samardick conducted raids
on disorderly houses, and gambling
halls in the city Saturday and Sun
day nights and arrested over a
hundred persons.
Anna Beck, 522 South Sixteenth
street, John Douglas, 2706 Cuming
street, Helen Collens, 2706 Cuming
street, were arrested' booked as in
mates of a disorderly house. All
were released on bond for their ap
pearance in court this morning.
Clarence Love, 2019 California
street, William M. Beasley, Lincoln,
Nebraska, Frank Taylor, 710 North
Sixteenth street, Daisy Dancoy, 4220
South Seventeenth street and Lucile
Clark, 604 Scuth Fourteenth street,
were arrested early Sunday morning
as inmates of disorderly houses.
Gambling raids were made at 3207
South Twenty-fourth street where
12 men were arrested charged with
gambling. Each was releaser! on $100
Fourteen colored men were ar
rested in an alleged gambling house
run by Jim Bell, at 107 South Four
teenth street
Mysterious Occupants of
Auto in Grain Exchange
A mysterious automobile was re
ported to police to have driven up
to the Grain Exchange building late
Saturday night, in which were three
men and a woman vho got out and
tried the doors and windows in the
front of the building. .
Firemen in ( the station directly
across the street discovered the car,
and the occupants, on learning they
were seen, hurried into the machine
and drove away.
They returned and firemen later
discovered the front door of the Ex
change building open. After a
search, nothing was found missing.
The woman wore a heavy veil, ac
cording to police, and the men were
attired in sombre hue.
The Weather.
' Nebraska Fair and somewhat
warmer Monday; Tuesday increas
ing cloudiness and colder, probably
becoming unsettled.
Iowa Fair and warmer Monday;
Tuesday partly cloudy and colder.
Hourly Temperatures.
fl a, in. It
a. m 14
T a. ra 13
ft a. an... IS
t a. In IT
1 p. m .10
p. m S3
S p. m 3a
4 p. m S7
p. m... ....... ST
at. m S
1 a. an 4
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Frazier Hunt.
After a varied newspaper career
in many parts of the world, he
joined the Tribune staff during the
war and wrote the intensely in
teresting and ' human stories of
naval operations in European
waters. He risked his life to go into
Bolshevist Russia and give the
Tribune true pictures of conditions
there. He is now on a tour around
the world, telling of what peoples in
all lands are doing to establish new
nations and reconstruct the old. He
gained fame by bringing a copy of
the peace treaty to congress when
it was refused them from all other
Chicago Girl Dying
of Gas Writes Note
to S is ter of Emotions
Chicago', Feb. 29. (By Chicago
Tribune - Omaha Bee Leased
Wire.) After Goldie Klein htd
closed the windows and the door
of the room occupied by her at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Eu
gene Libovitch, she turned on
the gas burner, but did not light
it. Then she went over to her bed,
lay down, and began writing:
"In my trunk you will find V
$1,000 my savings, both for the
time I was employed at Sears
Roebuck & company and as coat
fitiTshe-r ; TTart Schaffher &
Marx Tailorng company. Please
my head swims, but I am suffer
ing no pair this is a pleasant way
to die please send them to mam
ma in Hungary. Poor little mam
ma. She will my hand trembles
so I can hardly write. She will
I am, so dizzy. By the time you
get this I will be dead. I will close
now. Tell tell him no I am
sick I can write no longer. (Sign
ed) Goldie."
lire. Libovitch arid her husband,
returning from a motion picture
theater, found Goldie lying across
the bed. They read the note and
telephoned the police. She was
An unhappy love affair, the sis
ter said, but she didn't know his
Gerard's Hat in ring
For Presidency on
Democratic Ticket
Manchester, N. H., Feb. 29.
(By Chicago Tribune-Omaha Bee
Leased Wire.) On his way to
North Dakota, James W. Gerard,
former ambassador to Germany,
made his first declaration in a
public meeting that he is a candidate
for the presidency on the demo
cratic ticket Mr. Gerard stated that
he is the only man who is willing
to come out and say so, the others
"being inclined to wait until their
friends bring them the nomination
on asilver platter."
Mr. Gerard will file his candidacy
in North Dakota and is now on his
way west' The laws of that state
require that a candidate shall
appear in person at tne nnng time,
Nebraskan Favors Change
In River Works Control
New York, Feb. 29. Transfer of
the control of river and harbor im
provements from the United States
army engineer corps, whose work
along civil lines is termed "costly
and obsolete," to a proposed
national department of public works
is urged in - a statement by the
National Department of Public
Works Association.
A national campaign to further
the movement for a new depart
ment, endorsed, the statement said,
by Herbert Hoover, Governors
Lowden of Illinois, Coolidge of
Massachusetts and General W. W.
Atterbury, will be begun this week.
Among those who will be active in
the work are Professor T. U. Tay
lor, University of Texas, and Pro
fessor S. E. Condra, University of
Meeting Demands Eviction
Of the Turk From Armenia
New York, Feb. 29. Banishment
of the Turk from Europe and ful
fillment of the allied pledge to Ar
menia were urged in a resolution
adopted at a non-sectarian mass
meeting here under the auspices of
the authorities of the Cathedral of
St John the Divine, Copies of the
petition will be forwarded to Presi
dent Wilson . o4 h puprcjM
ona tt ftarifc
Greater New York Throws Its
Thousands Into Hippodrome
to Greet Hero at American
Legion Benefit.
Magnificent Audience Rises to
, Its Feet as Great Command
er Traverses Aisle With His
Staff, and Cheers Him.
By E. C. SNYDER, v
Sprrlnl Correaponilena Tha B.
New York, Feb. 29. (Special
Telegram.) The climax of two days
of busy activity in the line of his
military duty was reached tonight '
at the Hippodrome when Gen. John
J. Pershing appeared at 9:30 in the
proscenium box in that vast theater
to put the stamp of his approval
upon the creed of the American Le
gion. ,
A great roar of applause went up
as the tall, imposing figure moved
down the aisle, accompanied by his
staff and distinguished represents-
tives of the organization which "
means so much to the men who
were enlisted to fight for "liberty,
equality and democracy.''
I he vast audience rose to General
Pershing as if moved with a com
mon impulse to pay due respect to
the greatest military genius of the
twentieth century. His comrades in
arms, many of them now wearing
the habiliments of the citizen,'
greeted him with old familiar cries
that he had heard so often ring in
his ,ears on the battle fields of
Fiance and Flanders, and there were
hundreds of men in uniform, soldiers
and sailors who bore the visible
marks of the rages of war, ht alk
attesting the loving esteem irwhich
they hold Black Jack Pershing.
It would be a poor compliment to
General Pershing to say that he
looked the part of America's great
military leader. He not only looked
the part but acted it; as he stood pn
the stage that was crowded to its
utmost capacity with New York's
citizens. , 1
The enormous audience crowded
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.)
Nationalization New
'Demand of Striking ; '
French Railway Men
Paris, Feb. 29 The subwar and
tramway employes, with the omni
bus, cab and tax-cab drivers' union
held several meetings todav anH -adopted
in principle a proposal to
call a sympathetic strike n favor of
the railway men, provided they arr
invided to do so by the Genera'
Federation of Labor, whiclr has as-v
sumed direction of the resent
strike movement ,
Delegations of the Parisian union
of railwaymen have requested Pre
mier Millerand to receive their dele
gates. Apparently the dismissal of
the railwayman Campanaud for ab
sence. from duty to attend a union
meeting has been relegated to the
background and the railwaymen's
claims are now headed bv a demand
for nationalization of the roads.
The price of bread, which was
scheduled to advance from 20 to 30
per cent tomorrow, will remain sta
tionary, the government deciding to
postpone the increase until March IS.
Candidates of Both
Parties for President
Would Hasten Suffrage
Washington, Feb. 29. (By Chi
cago Tribune-Omaha Bee Leased
Wire.) Presidential candidate
Democratic and republican, joined
today in urging ratification of the
suffrage amendment in time for
y to vote for president in
1920. -?
Their statements, received by the f
National Woman's party, indicate
the importance of the Woman's vote
in the eyes of the men prominent"
as presidential possibilities. . Rati
fication of the suffrage amendment
by 36 states would make approxi-'
mately 25,000,000 women eligible to
vote for the next president and con--gress.
Candidates heafd from include, on
the republican side, Major General
Leonard Wood, Governor Lowden
of Illinois and Senators ' Harding.
Poindexter and Johnson; from the
democrats, Attorney General Pal-"
mer, James W. Gerard and William
Jennings Bryan. , . -
Husband's Memory Lapses
When Wife Takes Own Life
Los Angeles, Feb. 29. Applying '
to the police for treatment follow
ing a lapse of memory, H. R. Baby
told the officers the last thing he re
members was attending an inquest
at San Francisco into the Jeath of
his wife, who had shot herself while
a passenger on a steamer from Los
Angeles to San Francisco.
A telegram from San Francisco
brought - information that . Mrs. '
Baby's body had been at an under
taking establishment there for a
week awaiting instructions as to Its
disposition. '-'
Leave for Lincoln.
New York, Feb. 29. (Special.)'
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Woods and
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Raymond of
Lincoln left for their hom tnl
"I '