Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 29, 1920, 14TH ANNUAL OMAHA AUTOMOBILE SHOW, Image 85

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    ,,.,1. ,!,.-,!...,..,,., .... .ii . li ;,,. . -i' ''"I
5 X
:14 Miles to Gallon Gas and
15,000 Miles On Original
Tire Equipment Other
j Striking individuality, involving a
touch of futurity, is exemplified in
the assemblage of Cole Aero-Eight
models, which are to occupy a place,
of prominency at the Automobile
show this week.
Not in many seasons has a single
exhibitor displayed a line of motor
cars embracing such startling inno
vations as are found in the Aero
eights, shown by the Traynor Auto
tympany, Omaha Cole distributors.
"The Aero-tight models represent
marked departure from the staid
conventions of the past, both in en
gineering and design," says Lou J.
Traynor, manager of the Traynor
company. "Each of the nine models
is a creation which distinguishes it
as a forerunner of a new. vogue in
motor car building and recommends
itseit immediately to .the discrimi
1 Eighty lforse Power.
A car of 80 horse-power, which
averages 15,000 miles or more on the
original tire equipment and travels
from 12 to 14 miles consistently on
a gallon of gasoline, naturajly is go
ing to gain widespread attention."
Originality is disclosed through
out the entire Aero-Eight line from
the twopassenger roadster to the
seven-passenger towing car. In
design alone each odel represents
the latest develop! nts in tnotor car
fashions, transcending all previous
Cole achievements. Mechanically,
they provide an expanded range of
performance and an increased scope
of possibilities at a far lower cost
of operation than heretofore has
been encountered, Cole officials de
clare. The lines of the Cole Aero-Eight
are distinctly aerotype. The large
radiator, the massive cowl effect, the
straight lines of the body and the
manner in which it rests upon the
frame, identify it and mark it as a
distinctive engineering advance
ment. Speed and Comfort.
'Hie Cdle Aero-Eight line com
prises three open and one all-season
models. The- open cars, namely
tourstcr, roadster and sportster im
mediately impress with their style
0;iul obvious power. -'
The Tourster, a sevcn-passcnger
model, bespeaks speed, comfort and
economy." Tin; Aero-Eight roadster
is replete with novel features and
conveniences which appeal to those
seeking a car with individuality. The
Sportster, as the1 name implies, is
distinctly a sport model, capable of
unusual speed and power and at the
same time providing ample comfort
artd luxury for four passengers.
The Aero-Eight all-season model
at the- show is the sport sedan,
equally adapted to touring on the
.open roads and to town driving.
Farmers Use 10 Per
Cent' More Trucks
Than Factory Men
The story of the sale of auto
trucks throughout the United States
for 1919, showing the tremendous
growth in the use of the machines
in all classes of industry, is as
Motor Car Manufacturers.
Motor truck manufacturer In
Passenger vehicle manufac
turers In production
State In which factorle are .
located : . . . '
Employe In automobile fac
torle Passenger car produced In
Motor truck produced In
191 .....
Wholesale value of 1919 pas
senger cars
Average wholesale
passenger cars .
Average wholesale
motor trucRs
Automobile tire 'manufac
tured in 1919
price of
price of
f 1.33S
Dealers, Garages, Etc.
Total dealers, garages, repair
shoos, etc.. in V. 8
Passenger car dealers
Motor car Healers .
Automobile repair shops ....
Value of motor vehicles and
parts exported In
Number of passenger automo
biles exported
Value of passenger car ex
VCountrles to which automo
biles were exported
Number of commercial cars
Value of commercial cars
Value of parts exported hi
J lib, 946, 740
Jill, 016. 284
Motor Vehicles in Use.
Afnl,. vaMHea registered In
V. 8. faoorox mately) ' f.iou.tiuu
Motor vehicles in Kew York
States txt.oou
Molor trucks In use In United
minlKH 700.000
Tons of Kood-j hauled yearly
by trucks (estimated..... :,aoo,uuo,ouo
Cost of hauling by motor
trucks at ISO per ton
mile i $1,930,000,000
Cost of hauling on basis of
24n per ton mile I1f nurse
and wagon 2,610,000,000
Value of passenger service
at railroad rate or Jo per
mile $2,525,000,000
Number of persons in United
States to one molor car... 1
Percentage of cars sold In
farmers In 1819 (esiimaieon u
Automobiles In U. & for each
square mile . -x
Horses displaced by motor
trucks in use (estimated).. ii.&vu.tjuu
Acreage released by trucks
for production or numau
foods 15.000,000
Greatest percentage of in
crease In car registration
Tennessee ' 29 pet
Greatest number of cars per
capita, Iowa and Nebraska.
One for every Sl,i persons
Revenue to states from
license fees so.uuv,uuu
Farmers are largest users of trucks.
owning 10 per cent more than manufac
turers and 15 per cent more than retailers.
' Motor vehicles increased. 36 per
cent during the last year in New
York City.
Better Valve Action
At the same time that you grind
11 the valves, clean the stems of all
forcisn matter and make them
bright and shiny. . You will get bet
ter valve action if these oarts are
kept in good condition. A. good
wav to remove all Errit and carbon
from the. stems is to clamp the head
of the valve in a vise between two
blocks of wood and wrap a narrow
strip of emery cloth around the
stan. Pull the strip back and forth;
at the same time move it up atid
down on the stem. A few strokes
will thoroughly clean the stem, but
you must be careful not to score the
metal bv pulling the emerv cloth too
tight. Wipe the head clean of all
particles that might fall down on it,
before putting the part back in the
cylinder. Motor Life,
Four-Story Addition; to Fac
tor Will Increase Ca
pacity to 150 Cars
Day. ,
Production figures of the Cleve
land Automobile company of Cleve
land, O., makers of Cleveland Light
Six motor cars, show that twice as
many cars were produced during
January as in the previous month,
according to a factory statement) re
ceived by the Card-Adams Motor
company, 2421-23 Farnam street, lo
cal Cleveland distributors.
Every effort is being made to so
speed up production as to double the
January figures during February,
factory orhcials state.
Four-Story Addition.
A laree four-storv addition to the
present factory is nearing comple
tion and is expected to be ready for
use bv the middle of March, in
creasing capacity pi the original
plant, completed nearly a year ago,
by one-half. When this new annex
is in operation the Cleveland Auto
mobile company hopes to reach its
originally planned production sched
ule of ISO cars a day. j
The new addition will be, 200x80
feet, four stories high and this, with
the original plant, will give the fac
tory a four-story building, 800x80
feet, with 256,000 square feet of
floor space for manufacturing pur
poses. The plant is located on a
19:acre tract on the Nickle Plate
railroad main, line, with several spur
tracks runnihg around the factory.
Road-Tested Motor.
Because of its exclusive features,
power, efficiency, flexibility, beauty
of design and comfortable riding
qualities, the new Cleveland Light
Six occupies a conspicuous place in
the light car field.
The CleVeland motor is of ex
clusive design and is the result of
six years of careful study. This
motor was refined and perfected
while in successful operation on a
very large number of test cars not
merely factory block tests, but in
actual road tests wherever severe
road conditions could be found. The
motor embodies a great many fea
tures found in high priced cars.
Most Unmannerly
An English automobile publica
tion in a recent editorial thinks, "It
is time something was done about
the use of the cutout." Particularly
in London, the writer complains, the
cutout has become "most unman
nerly." Wonder what the writer would
say, at -2 o'clock in the morning,
if he lived in a New York apart
ment house with a public garage in
the back yard. Motor Life.
January. .
Frozen radiators, seized stomachs,
turnea-out bankrolls, score res.
. olutions
AH, all in the repair shop.
Motor Life.
The Handy Spotlight on a Reel
HERE is a powerful spotlight that can be reeled out
to a 'distance of 12 feet. Autoreelite fits any .wind
shield and lights up any part of the road.
Two twists oi the thumb and linger release the lamp
and the 'motorist has a convenient "trouble" light for
making repairs at night or in dark garages. The auto
matic reel works like an ordinary window shde. 1
Ask your dealer for -"Autoreelite," or if he cannot supply you, write
us direct. ,It serves a double purpose, yet costs no more than ordinary
spotlights. '
Send for our Booklet OB-30IA -
Anderson Electric & Equipment Company,
118-124 S. Clinton Street - - ' - Chicago, Illinois
Cat. No. 3140 6-inch diam.,.20 C. P., retail price, $10.00
Cat. No. 3141 7-inch diam., 32 C. P., retail price,T12.00
A full line will bo on exhibit on the second floor of Kopac Brothers
Building, at 2037 Farnam St.
3 C
'yfeg ULC-g QjOV
'Jpplfilgp Bear
Chain Storage
A Better. Battery for Less
18 Months Guarantee
Features Not Found In Other Batteries
The Chain Battery Inside Cover (a patented exclusive feature) prevents the acid,
from coming in direct contact with the outside cover. A plunger placed in the"
- i opening and held in place by the rubber vent is what prevents the acid from
i. spraying out ontqthe terminals and battery case. .'.'-
It is plainly evident that the life of the battery depends largely on the durability ,
of the plates-r-particularly the Positive Plates. Our positive plates combine the f
two absolutely necessary qualities, hardness and porousness of the active mate-;
rial. If they were not hard they would crumble quickly. If they were hard and :
not porous, they would buckle. With this combination our plates will stand up. ;'
WE GUARANTEE that the plates will not buckle within eighteen months. .
WE GUARANTEE that if you have any trouble with your plates buckling, 6r
shorting or any interior trouble due to buckling plates or. shedding material, we
will repair free, of charge. ' . . . ' - - ; .
; v
DEALERS: Write for Our Complete
' Price List and Sales Plan...
; : :
6 volts", 11 plates, 3 cells. . . . . . . . $26.00
6 volts, 13 plates, 3 cells : . . 29.50
12 volts, 7 plates, 6 cells . . . . 36.00
: r
; v
2026 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb.
Starting and Lighting Batteries
for all makes of Automobiles ...
fill i
" V v CZL I I J" JESS ::lt:'I
PSt mm-
I ires
Dealers' Best BET
success Liis '
Let us tell you iiow
you can increase
'your Bus i n ess
Hawkeye Tire and
Rubber Company
1 it -' " " ' '' ' ' v V "..
1810 Harney St.
Omaha, Neb. ,
Tk;iee Serves Tom With Authentic Mews While K' Is 'Mews
Repair Service
Either makes or breaks the car
' The price you pay for an automobile is no indi
cation of the service it will give you. The best
car ever built can be transformed into a perma
nent wreck by an incompetent repair service,
and,an inexpensive car can be made' and kept
100 efficient by repairmen who are, experts
in fact as well as in name.
Harney 2708
'Our intention to maintain a dependable and
reasonable repair service for Omaha motorists ;
has met with whole-hearted support from all -.
sides. Our policy, which eliminates excess
charges, incompetent workmanship, delays and
other disagreeable features of the average
service, has made every one of our customers
a real enthusiast.
It's a big satisfaction for car owners to feel that
they can leave their cars to the care of experts,
and know that when repairs are made they; are J
not only made right, but guaranteed '
Next time you need service, bring your car Kerey
E. R. Gavitt Auto
Repair Company
3924 Farnam St.,
Omaha, Neb.