Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 29, 1920, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 16

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    4 B
Take til that ceases, tha hard (oaa with tha soft;
All ara from Ca4 aad Hla decree fulfill.
From tha Arable.
' i - ;
A people U but the attempt Many
T ri t tht canplttar 111 ! mi
And the., who live medal for the BUM
Art siasljr e mora vslue tbaa thr all.
One May Be Mistress of White House
t , Convention and Chairmen
5 for Second District Are
." Announced.
i '
"'' The Second district of t!ie Xt
,,, braska Federation of Women' club
will meet in convention in Omaha
April IS and 16. t Meetings will be
held viu the Dundee Presbyterian
church'., Mrs. William. Berry is
', president of the Second district.
t, There will be election of officers this
, ye1- ' '
I v The chairmen of department! for
Second district, Nebraska Federa
"'i'. tion of Women's clubs, have been
appointed by State President Mrs.
; John Slakcr of Hastings as follows:
Mrs. Amy Lancaster, art; Mrs.
Howard Bailey, civics; Mrs. Arthur
Dc Long,., civil service; Mrs. G. I.
''- Vollmer, conservation; Miss Eliza-
beth Hewitt, education; Mrs. C. A.
Sherwood, endowment; Mrs., Arthur
r Howe, home economics; Mrs. John
"" R. Hughes, industrial and social con:
ditions, (state chairman); Miss Eli-
rabeth Davidson, legislation : Mrs,
'!' W. H. Locchner, library extension;
Mrs. U 11. Mullin, literature
if Mrs. Ray J. Abbott, music; Mrs. G,
C. Edeerlv. oublic health: Mrs. R,
i.1 L. Frantz, thrift: Miss Katherine
Worley, Americanization.
Public Speaking.
The public speaking department
of the Omaha Woman's club 'will
niP"t Tuesday, March 2 in the V.
Y C. A. at 10 a. m. "Excerpts from
g .t orations will be given by
Mdamcs Charles Israel, R.
Merrifield, E. Stoddard, F.
Smylie and Ward Shafer.
War Mothers.
The Harmony chapter, Annerican j
War Mothers, will meet Tuesday i
afternoon, March 2fn A. O. U. W. !
P. E. O. Sisterhood.
Chapter BX of the 1J. E. O. sis
terhood will meet Tuesday after-1
noon at 2 o'clock with Mrs. A. B,
Cullison, 4911 Davenport street,
Election of officers.
s Calendar '
Omaha Walking Club.
"A Trip Through the Wilds of
Council Bluffs" is the name of the
Omaha Walking club hike for Sun
day afternoon, February 28, start
ing at 3 p. in. Leader, Mr. Leo B.
Lozell. Following the walk there
will be a leap year "Dutch treat"
supper. Ihe nartv will start an
front the corner of Fourteenth
Farnam streets.
" supp
If fed":
Theosophical Society.
sjjt "Some Principles of Occult Heal
ing, is the subject of a lecture to
be delivered bv Tohu T. Eklund
Jk Sunday evening at 8 o'clock iq the
, Umaha 1 heosophical rooms, 201
and 202 Kennedy building, Jine
t teenth and Douglas streets. ' '
Drama League.
Miss Kate McHugh will give her
1 last reading for the Drama League
!, this year at the Blackstone, 4 p. m
E. Monday, March 1. The reading will
p be Browning's "Balaustion's Ad
l i venture." In this Miss McHugh
wishes to show what can be done
Hn the reading and interpreting of a
(- P'y when a master, such as Brown
jn wg, speaks through the mouth of
'-jf, his "lyric girl," Balaustion. As the
H play is long,, the members are
k'j urged to be 'in their seats promptly
H at 4 p. m.
ji,,. ,
Omaha Woman's Club.
The Omaha Woman s club will
ff hold' its annual election on Monday
f in the Y. W. C A. auditoriurn. Tell
'j! ers are: Mcsdames F. W. Car-t-
michael, chairman; C. K. Smith,
T Rodman Brown. M. E. Miller, W.
F. Malonev, A. R. McFarland, R. H.
Nirkpatrick, Joseph Bushman, C, O.
Pickett, C C. Howe, B. Lancaster, J.
H F. Dimick and R. L. Young. f
'' Round Table,
f ' Round Table ' Chautauqua circle
t( .will meet Mondav evening with Mrs.
r;W. B. Howard, 4722 Capitol avenue.
....The lesson will be in Materials and
Methods of Fiction and the study
f of the plot of Silas Marner.
. . Bishop Vincent
Bishop Vincent Chautauqua circle
will meet Monday evening at 7:15
p. m. in the public library. Mrs. J.
Ewing, leader. 1 .
E H.E.L.P. Club.
I The H. E. L. P. club will meet at
tlie Social Settlement house Mon-
day evening for supper and dra
i anatic art '
B. S. Chapter P. E. O.
The B. S. Chapter of the P. E. 0.
Sisterhood will entertain their hua
bands at a 7 o'clock dinner party at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. II. Ty
son, S20S Burt street, Tuesday eve
ning, March 2.
Omekro-E-Xima will meet at the
Social Settlement house Tuesday
evening for supper and dramatic
Jewish Relief Society.
The Jewish Woman's Relief so
ciety will meet Tuesday afternoon,"
March Z, at 2;oO, in the Lyirc build
ing. Sojourners Club.
-The Sojourners club will meet
Tuesday at the home of Mrs. E.
Weingent, 105 .North Forty-second
w: II X frt t2 A. y Vv
Jhr Mr fl
' Coolly
'vs. H-tfa-'m'
ifps. Her-Wrt
Who will be the next mistress oi the White House? This question, no doubt is puzzling many through-
...1. ,.L. 1. J T - f -1- , 1 1 . 1 . . . . 1 B w .
ui mc v.uuuu iuuay. in uva giun oi caarmmg lames may dc me next nrsi xaay oi tne JLana. Mrs. Her
bert Hoover, wife of the former food administrator; Mrs. Leonard Wood, wife of Mai. Gen, Leonard Wood:
w, C T T T Tl r e - r .t r i r a . a i m
wits, niram jonnson, wne oi me senator irom v,antornia; mrs. caivin uooiiage, wue ot tne governor of Massa
chusetts, and Mrs. Frank Lowdon, wife of the governor of Illinois. .
Custer Relief Corps.
The George A. Custer Relief corps
will give a sunshine party "Tuesday,
March 2, at 2 p. m. at the home of
Mrs. George Winship, 2931 Franklin
U. S. Grant Relief Corps.
The U. S. Grant Relief corps will
meet at Memorial hall Tuesday at
2:30 o'clock.
Health Department.
Under auspices of the health de
partment of the Omaha Woman's
ciud, JJr. J. t. Edwards, city health
physician, will speak at the Commu
nity Center ot Mason school March
2, This is the first of a series of
health talks to be given durrhar the
month of March.
Parliamentary Law.
The parliamentary law depart
ment of the Omaha Woman's club
will meet Tuesday afternoon, March
2, at the Y. W. C. A. E. J. Svoboda,
instructor. -
Business Women's Club.
Dr. D. E. Jenkins, president of
the University o Omaha, will speak
to the Business Women's club at
its meeting Tuesday eveningX March
2, discussing "Is Philanthropy a
Cure for Social Evils? Miss Louise
Gwin is leader for the .evening, with
Miss Elizabeth Hewitt in charge of
' Applied Psychology.
Members, of the applied psychol
ogy class under Harriet Luclla Mc
Collum Will meet Wednesday eve
ning, March 3 to hear a report of
the constitution committee, con
sisting of Mrs. A. Holtman, G. A.
Way and Dr. V. E. Levine. O. E.
Engler is temporary chairman and
H. D. Patterson, temporary secre
tary. Parent-Teachers' Association.
The Parent-Teachers' association,
Henry W. Yates school, will' meet
Wednesday at 3 o'clock at the school
house. Rev. Titus Lowe will speak
on "New Citizenship." Community
singing will be led by Burton H.
TwitcelL ,
A. C. A. Book Review.
The Book Review section of the
A. C' A. will meet Wednesday.
March 3 at 4 o'clock with Mrs. L.
S. Ovcrpeck. Miss Esther Thomas
will give the autobiography and ed
usation of Henry Adams.
Omaha Woman's Club.
A called meeting of the Omaha
Woman's club will be held Wednes
day, March 3, at 2:30 p. m., at Hotel
Fontencllc, to ' hear Dr. Charles
Barker of Detroit on "A Mother's
Responsibility to Her Daughter."
The meeting will be under the
auspices of tha health department
of the club and by coui'tesy of the
Rotary club. Other clubs of Omaha
are co-operating in this meeting and
will send delegates. Mrs. Isaac
Douglas has charge of the reserva
tion of seats.
' Clan Gordon Auxiliary.
The Ladies' auxiliary to Clan Gor
don wilj meet with Mrs. J, K. Fin
leyson, 2516 James street, 'Wednes
day at 2 p. m.
Literature Department. 1
The literature department of the
Omaha Woman's club will meet
Wednesday, March 3, at 10 a. m. at
the Y. W. C. A. . Mrs. M. D. Cam
eron, leader, will present the pag
eant, "Wayfarer," by Dr. Crothers.
South Omaha Woman's.
The South Omaha Woman's club
will meet Tuesday, March 2, with
Mrs. Bruce McCulloch, 4225 South
Twenty-secot.d street, for a study of
Margaret Deland. Leader, Mrs. C.
L. Talbot, who will present "The
Iron Woman." Mrs. Perry will
present "Dr. Lavender's People."
Temple Israel.
The regular Tmonthly meeting of
me aisternooa ot .temple Israel
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Sol Bergman, 325 South Thirty-
seventh street, on Wednesday,
Marcn o, at
Mrs. John Haarmann will give a
piano solo and Rev. A. H. Marsden
a group of songs. There will be a
reading by Mesdames O. Y. Kring,
L. M. Lord, Anson Bigelow, F. L.
Prawl and W. O. Walsfrom. Mu
sical accompaniment by Mrs. John
Haarmann. A paper, "The Modern
Drma," will be presented by Mrs.
N. P. Feil. A one-act play, "Two
Crooks and a Lady," will be given
by members of the drama section of
the Association of Collegiate Alum
nae; Juliette Griffin, leader; Mary
Irene Wallace, May Somers,
Blanche Eads and Irma Gross.
Music Department.
The music department, Omaha
Woman's club, will , meet Wednes-
Thousands of dollars worth of furniture
be sold at less than today's wholesale
Special discounts on complete out.
Bedroom Bargains
Dd Drawing
X You can enjoy a delightful sham-
poo with very little effort and for a ;
very trifling cost, u you get from
I your druggist's a package of can
y thrdx and dissolve a teaspoonful in
a cup of hot water. This makes a
P lull cup of shampoo liquid, enough
so it is easy to apply it to all the
I hair instead of just the trfb of the
I head Your shampoo is nqw ready,
t Just pour a little at a time on the
V scalp and hair until both are en
X tirely covered by the daintily per
" fumed preparation that thoroughly
dissolves and removes every bit of
' dandruff, excess oil and dirt. After
Jrinsinp the hair dries quickly with
a fluf finest that makes it seem
heavier than it is, and takes on a
t rich raster and a softness that
I makes arranging- it a pleasure.
i1 5sssr f
Steei Bed, Oak Dresser
and Chiffonier, at the
bargain price
Wood Bed, Dresser
and Chiffonier t o
raatoh. Id oak, at
Wood Bad. Dresser and
Table to mat oh;
Queen Anna Period
style, at
Hundreds of odd plecea to ba
disposed of. Tou will ba aura to
find what you need to complete
your bed room suits.
On Face and Neck. Sleep
My face and neck broke oat with
link pimple which festered and
became larger. They itched
Bight and day, and burned
o at night that it was fro-
Swaible for me to sleep,
y taoe and neck waTtdla.
Anted until I was ashamed
to to In pafalfc.
After Media about Osakata Seap
and Ointment I decided to get eome.
Z used two cakes of Catlcura Soap
and two hoses of Cutieara Ointsnent
for three week, when I wu heafed."
(Signed) Miae Nellie Dibble, Leon
idea, Michigan, Jar 35, 1919.
Rely on Cstticura Soap, Ointment
aisdTaksn to cave for your I kin.
as a.
Complete Suite, Table
and alx Chairs to
Exquisitely finished,
leather seated Dining
Boom Chairs; a bar
gain at
A. special value In a
Buffet; large, roomy
drawers, finished la
golden or fumed oak,
Every Stove In
stock at less than
half price. Excellent
Ranges at
Tour choice of aev
sral patterns In Iron
Beds, neatly finished,
Our Una Is most
complete. Also com
plete stock of records.
Grafonolas priced up
Three-piece, mahog
any finished, uphol
stered In leather, at
p I
s i . . mm ii ran hp ii
1 S38.75 W
j t : i i
E I f I tl Davenport, Rocker
1 I I - I !J and Cosy Chair, cane
H I i and mahogany, loose I
1 JjM-L.II
I i: - .
Opposite UP. Headiuarters.OMAHA. J
A Word
About Beauty 1
'Woman may have a per
fect figure, abundant hair,
fair skin and beautiful eyes,
but if the second she opens
her mouth you see hideous, deformed teeth,
with black cavities or vacant spaces, she in
stantly loses all the attractiveness her good
features gave you as a first Impression.
With our modern methods of painless
Centistry there is no excuse for anyone having
bad teeth.
Painless Dentistry Painless Prices
423426. Securities Bl-16ihantJFapKaiiv-Sl.
! Office 'Hours-82SOI.to6'8I
day at 2 p. m. in the Y. W..G A. for
chorus rehearsal. Program arrange
ments will be completed for open
day on March IS. Mrs. W. E.
Shafer, leader.
Dundee Woman's.
Dundee Woman's club will meet
Wednesday.- March 3 at 2:30 p. m.
with Mrs. A. L. Green, 4904 Under
wood street. The book for study is
"Secret City" by Hugh Walpole.
Leader, Mrs. J. J. Dodds, assisted
by Mrs, Roger Holman and Mrs.
J. O.-Yeiser
Daughters of Civil War.
The Daughters of Civil War Vet
erans, Betsy Ross tent No. 1, will
meet Thursday afternoon at 2"
o'clock in Memorial- hall, court
W. C T. U.
The South Side W. X. T. U. will
meet for a jubilee meeting Thurs
day evening at the home of Mrs.
John Ralston. . -
Art Department.
The art department of the Omaha
Woman's club will meet Thursday
afternodn at 2:30 in the Y. M. C. A.
Mrs. J. B. Adams jwill speak on
"Americans Abroad," Mrs. H. H.
Claiborne on "Newspaper Illustra
tions," and J. W. Bloodhart on
. P. E. O. Election.
The annual election of officers
for Chapter E of the P. E. O.
Sisterhood, will be held at the home
of Mrs. Frank Adams, 1338 South
Thirty-fifth street, at 2 p. m., Thurs
day, March 4.
Longfellow Circle.
Longfellow circle will meet with
Mrs. Bryon ' Obeut, 1102 North
Forty-ninth, Thursday, March 4. The
lesson will be to complete "Broth
er in Arms." A social hour will
follow the lesson.
Home Economies.
The home economics department
of the Omaha Woman's club will
meet Thursday 'morning at 10
O'clock with Mrs. H.T.ZibTer. ''Mod
ern Kitchen Equipment" will be dis
cussed. Luncheon at noon.
West Side W. C. T. U. '
West Side W. C T. U. will meet
with Mrs. E. Grover, 1936 South Fif
tieth avenue, Thursday afternoon
at 2:30. '
, Daughters of Isabella.
Daughters of Isabella, court 401,
will hold their regular meeting
Thursday evening, March 4, at
Metropolitan hall. Father McDonald
will speak on "The Missions of the
Far East" preceding the business
Domestic Education A. C. A.
. The Domestic Education section
of the A. C A. will meet Thursday.
March 4 at 1:30 with Mrs. Roy
Sunderland. ' Each member is re
quested to bring two recipes for
the diet of children.
Presbyterian Aid.
The Ladies Aid society of Lowe
Avenue Presbyterian church will
meet Friday, March 5, at 2:30 at tho
home of Mrs. W. A. Smith. 105
South Forty-first street for the an
nual election of officers.
Farewell Party.
The Y. W. H. A. will give a .fart
well party Tuesday evening at
Twenty-fourth and Poppleton ave
nue, in honor of Miss Ida Kubby,
who leaves Thursday for Europe
where she (roes as a delegate of the
Americanization committee, for the
W. C T. U. Miss Kubby sails
March 30. ' ' '
In Masssachusetts there are 105
women for every 100 men.
"rf alvJay in tho 5 pound
can? it savQs you
five cents and nuito
a handy package
5000 Dealm sell
Butter Nut Coffee
They1 recommend if
-a" ' . "
ik Sale of Cif Qasf l
S BrodegaarcTs Prices Are Always Low v
3 I f I fi 1 .1 P a C a! I i wl
In This Sale the Savings Are Sensational
Prices Are Positively Cut In Two
$4.00 Cut Glasi 8-inch Berry Bowl
in Poppy Design, tale price
$4.00 Cut Glass 8-inch Oval Shape
Orange Bowl, Marguerite, Design.
$4.50 Cut Glass 10-inch Square tO O C
Vase, Lady Aitor Design, VsWaaWtJ
$4.00 Cut Glass Sugar and Creamer
Poppy Design, tale price
$4.00 Cut Glass Candy Jar, large
Cloverleaf Design
$2.00 Cut Glass .Square End Spoon Tray,
Marguerite Design
$8.50 Cut Glass 10-inch Fruit
Bowl, on stand, Beveled Edge....
$8.00 Cut Glass lOtlnch 3-footed &A ((
Grape Fruit Bowl, Marguerite Design VtWV
$4.00 Cut Glass 10-jnch Celery
Tray, Marguerite Design. ........
$4.00 Cu Glass 10-inch Salad
Bowl, Poppy Design .............
$4.75 Cut Glass Square End Celery
Tray, Marguerite Design
and Player Pianos
in Price.
Built to meet the requirements of the
discriminating, music-loving public.
15th and Harney.
Douglas 1973.
On Sale Monday (
14-carat Gold-filled, 2-bIade
Pocket Knives, engraved or
plain. As long as they last
Read This list
Here Is What
Special for Monday
Thin model Nickel Silver
Cigarette Cases. A splendid
value at $4.00; on Monday
Monday Sale
14-carat Gold-filled Cuff
Buttons, engraved or plain,
for soft or stiff cuffs. As
long as they last, per pair
$2.00 I
WILL BUY Monday,
Tuesday and Wednesday
Cut Glass Water Turn,
biers, set of six
Cut Glass
Colonial Cut
Cut Gass Candy
, Equisite Design . . . ,
Cut Glass Spoon Tray,
Poppy design ,
Cut Glass Salt and Pep- l
per, at........... 4 1
Cut Glass Bud Vase, Sil
ver Foot ,
Oil ' Bottle,
Cut Glass Flower Basket, d "I
handsome pattern
Cut Glass Bud Vase, very d 1
dainty V.
Sugar and J
Cut Glass
Creamer . ,
Cut Glass, Candle Sticks,
one pair
Cut Glass Mustard Jar,
Silver Top
Cut Class Spoon Tray,
Boat Shape
At the
of the Crown
And dozens of other extraordinary va
Cut Glass Combination d 1
Sugar and Creamer P
Cut Glass Mayonnaise
Cut Glass 6-inch Nappy, J 1
With handle V
Cut Glass Horseradish Ja
Sheffield Sliver
Cut Glass Marmalade Jar,
Silver Top'
Cat Glass . Tooth Pick
ties at $1.00
r, 3
5U1 ?
Up the . I
L - -I