lg , V ...... , THE BEE: OMAffA, SATURDAY,' FEBRUARY 28. 1920. "'' ' , : ' ! ; . . . . NOTED PHYSICAL CULTURIST WILL LECTURE IN CITY Will Give Series of Addresses During Stay Here- Talks to Rotary Club Today. Dr. Charles"1 E. Barker, noted lecturer and physical ctilturist, will talk on "How to Live 100 Years" at inrcung 01 inc votary ciuu in uic Hotel Fontenelle this noon. Dr. Barker, who is a Rotarian, was one of the principal speakers at the In ternational Rotary club meeting in Salt Lake City last June. His services have been secured by the club and he is to speak to a number of clubs in the '16th district of Rotary, Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota. He will speak here t the First Congregational church Sunday night on the "Joy of Living." Next Wednesday he will talk to the pupils' of South and Commercial high schools on "Getting the Most Out of Life." Later in the after noon he will address a meeting of women at the Hotel Fontenelle on the "Mother's Responsibility to Her Children." On Wednesday night he will be the principal speaker at a dinner in the Masonic tmnplc, which will be participated in by members of several clubs of the city Omaha Florist Made State Representative National Association , Announcement has been received in Omaha from Detroit .that the Omaha florist, John H. Bath, has been chosen district, representative of the National Florists Telegraph Delivery association, this action having been taken at a meeting of the board of directors. . The association , is the outgrowth of the modern ideas of service1 and ffficiency, its plan of operation en abling a person in any city to send flowers within an hour's notice to Any person in any other city, the member of one city transmitting the purchaser's order by telegraph to a reliable member in the other place. The plan is not only a great convenience to the public in cases of deaths, weddings, etc., but has tnormouslv increased the kindly practice of "telling it with flowers" throughout the country. Patriotic Songs at Final Jubilee for National Song Week A program of music with a strong element of patriotism was presented a ' the Orpheum, theater . Friday nptn as a feature of Na tional Song week. - , Beufah Dale of New York, better Known in Umaha as Mrs. treorge Turner, sang two numbers, acconr panied by Mrs. Harvey Milliken , Mrs. J. Stanley Hill gave a solo number and a song tecitation. Members of the Y. M. C A. quar tet, Messrs. Hugh Wallace, George Campbell, Dean T. Smith and Ed F. Williams entertained with several numbers. Community singing at the meeting was in charge of Burton W. Twicheli. The audience, numbering several hundred., expressed en thusiastic approval of .the special attractions and joined lieartily and melodiously in the community se t lections. uuidiid man iiuiniGU ui ; Oil Struck in Texas Field H. ft. Ellwood, president of the Gulf Coast Developing & Refining company, yesterday received a telegram from the Burkburnett oil field in 'Texas, stating that a new oil sand was found at 1,270 feet, which while drilled into the sand at only 10 feet, is estimated good for at least J00 barrels of oil a day. Mr. Ellwood says that about three months fgo he purchased 88 acres for his company off-setting this well ancl paid $25,000 for the lease. , There are several hundred promi i nent Omaha people, as well as others throughout the state of Nebraska, directly interested in this new oil strike. Omaha Society Organizes . For Relfef of the Disabled Mrs. Frank Judson was elected president of the Society for Relief of the Disabled yesterday at a meet ing in the Athletic club. Mrs. Louis Clarke was chosen to take up the work of Miss Margaret McShane. A. constitution was presented for discussion and corrections, and was for adoption. The efforts of the society will be turned toward assistance for the Visiting Nurses association, in se curing ftinds and equipment for the proper functioning of that branch of relief work. -' British Labor Threat. London, Feb. 27. The parlia mentary committee of the labor party has adopted a resolution that the trades union congress be held March 11 take action to compel the government to nationalize the mines. This may take the form of a general strike. FOR RENT TYPEWRITERS All Makes ' Special rates to students. CEDTDAL TYFEVJMTEn EXCBAIIGE Month End Sales of Keenest Economical Interest to the Army of Thrifty Cash Buyers Many Remarkable Values in Our rv i i i ii t Children's Section that will mean splendid savings hat mothers will readily appreciate. irk' Gingham Dresses, long or short sleeves, all sizes. Sat urday, at. 2i Saturday in Children's Dept. hildren's Winter Coats, sold at $7.50 to $10.00. Saturday, EJ special at mm THE CASH STORE . You. Can Buy Anywhere for Cash Here You Buy for Less Children's Winter Coats, sold up to $22.50. Saturday, at $10 C-B La Spirite Corset Specials Two Corsets for the, price of one, medium bust, gradu ated front clasp, well worth the money. All d sizes up to 30. Special for Saturday. ........ Corset Dept. Second Floor, Final Shoe Clean-up for February Men's Shoes in Brown Vici and Black Gun Metal . with Goodyear Welt 'soles and best quality union soles. Replace ment value on this shoe (1 C C A $5.60. Priced for Saturday DJOU Women's Black and Dark Gray Vici Kid Shoes and Black and Gray Shoes with Cloth topsr Replace-' fj A A ment values $6.50. Priced for Saturday ........ PJUll Big Girls' Patent and Gun Metal Snoes., Goodyear welt soles in sizes 2 to 5. Replacement values fC $6.00. Priced for Saturday LtLD Boys' and Youths' Lace and Blutcher Shoes, made for school wear and the . kind that stands hard wear. Replace ment Values $4.25. Priced for Saturday $2.85 Final Cleanup on all Women's fancy felt padded sole $2.50 Slippers. In small sizes only $1.00 Final Clearance of Winter Coats Racks must be cleared of all winter stocks to make room for the immense Spring lines rapidly arriving."" Our Customers Will Profit by the Sweeping Reductions. Extraordinary Sale High Grade Blouses Samples and oddlots. Every blouse high grade material and the newest style every lead ing shade, light and dark. AH sizes. Many good blouses for large women in celebrated Opera brand. Actual values to $15. On display in our 16th Street windows. Sale Price . $5 Money Saving Specials Saturday in Drugs and Toilet Goods Women's and Misses' Winter Coats That sold up to $59, a truly wonderful lot of bargains at . . $25 Fine Melton Coats In black only. -Venetian lined, beauties--and great bar- w gains at ..... J Women's and Misses' Winter Coats In Goths and Col ored Velours that sold up to $39 at . 12 50 AN UMEQUALED WINTER COAT BARGAIN OPPORTUNITY. Saturday 9 . m. till 12 m. Only Heatherbloom Underskirts In Navy and Black with Taffeta Flounce. Regular $3.00 and $3.50 Values. Limit, one to a customer, at Women's and Misses' $1.95 Mary Garden Face Powder, our cash prlca 90s) 50c Java Rica Fact Powder, our cash pries .'...3S $1.00 Mavis Talcum, our special cash Pries .794 $1.00 Famo Hair Tonic, our cash price 794 35c size for 274 60o Chlorax Tooth Paste, our cash pries 394 35c Norwich Tooth Paste, our cash price 254 60c Locust Blossom Perfume, our cash price, per oz. 294 50c Mentholatum, our special rash price 364 25o size for m 184 35c Williams Sharing Powder, Cream or Stick, our rash price ...254 25o Glycerine (S oz. bottle), our cash price 194 25c Glycerine and RossA'ater (4 oz. bottle), our cash pries 194 12c Jap Rose, Crcme 01! or Perox ide Soap, our cash price 94 $1.00 Prophylactic Hair Brushes, each guaranteed perfect, our special cash pries 504 UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT Wonderful Values in Our Saturday Clearance Sale of Hosiery Women's Fine Gage, pure thread silk. Val ues up to $4.50. Broken sizes, in best makes and colors. Cleanup price $2.45 Women's Fine Mercerized Lisle and Thread Silk Hose, black and colors. While they last, special for Saturday at 95 Women's Thread Silk Hose, full fashioned and seamless flare tops. Values up to $2.98. Cleanup price $1.75 Children's 65c Hose in black and white. All sizes, at ....... 29c Women's Italian Silk Vests with Em broidered fronts, band tailored tops, pink. These vests are slightly soiled. Regular price $3.98 to $4.50. On sale .........$2.98 a Women's Silk Lisle or Cotton Union Suits in low neck, sleeveless, ankle Length, pink. Regular price $2.98 and 12.50. On sale . ... .$1.98 Women's Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise. Batiste and fine Cambric Night Gowns. Envelope Chemise in Flesh or White, daintily trimmed with fine laces and embroidery. Regular price $2.98. On sale $2.50 Women's Nainsook or Pink Batiste Envelope Chemise with blue stitching, others with lace and embroidery trimming. Reg ular price $1.75 and $1.98. On sale $1.50 Pink Batiste Bloomers with touches of embroidery, all sizes. Regular price 1.50. On sale ..$1.25 ' Buying Clothes in Our February Clearance Is really a worth while investment, for yorf '11 have to pay fully 20 to 50 more than our present clearance prices for the same class of merchandise next Pall. , i , All Men's and Young Men's Winter Suits and Overcoats Hart Schaffner & Marx and other high-grade makes At $10 to $25 Less Than Regular Retail Prices New Spring Suits Here In a variety of the new models and snappy patterns that leaves nothing to be desired. LOWEST CASH PRICES ALWAYS. Every Garment Absolutely Guaranteed. Any of the Fol lowing Articles Yours Saturday for 95c In the Busy House furnishing Dept. 4-qt. Aluminum Sauce Pan with Cover. No. 34 White Enamel Wash Basins. Gem Razor, Ever Ready, Keen Kutter. No. 333 A-l Razon Strop. 12-lnch Butcher Knife, warranted. 9-lnch Pruning Shears. 15-inch Butcher Steel. No. 4 Triangle O'Cedar Floor Mop. One qt can O'Cedar Oil. No. 0 Galvanized Wash Tub. 15 rolls Toilet Paper. 24x18 Bread Board. 26-ln. Towel Bar, Nickel Plated. White Enamel Bath Tub Seat. 12-ln. Floor Brush with handle. Black Enamel Bond Box with Lock. A-l Four-tie Broom. 2-qt. Aluminum Sauce Pan with Cover. - 1 Specially Featured for Saturday 500 STUNNING NEW SPRING HATS At the Specialized Price of Here's Some Grocery Specials for Saturday To Cut Down the Cost of Lidhgt Buy for Cash Make Your Own Bread, It Pays On l-lt. tack of Flour, will mak ii ont-pound losvu of Broad. It-lb. lacks beat high trade Diamond H Flour $3Jt 14-lb. aacka best blgh grade Diamond H Flour Sl.(5 41-lb. aacka Our Famous Beulth Flour t&M 14-lb. aacka Fore By Flour.- Sl.tS The best White er Tallow Cornmeal, pound Sc Tha best Rolled White Breakfast Oat meal, lb '. Se The best No. 1 Hand-Picked Kary Beans, lb 10c Tha bast Domestlo Macaroni, Spaghetti or Egg Noodles pkg 7H Tan cans Pet, Wilson or Carnation Milk 14 Tall cans Elkhom flllr. IZHe 1 Small cans Wilson Mllk.....,....V(e Oood Broktn Rica, per lb..,....,t l-3 Fancy Japan Rice, per lh..........lSe Large bottle Pure Cider Vinegar or Catsup, bottle 10c Sweet Mango Melon Plcklea, hot. tla, lttt Largs jars Pure Fruit Preserves. .3M Oil Sardinia, per can.... 6c cans Mustard Sardines ........ UVtc No. S cans Sweet 8ugar Paas. Rlp Tomatoes or Sweet Sugar Corn.Utvie No. 3 cans Fork and Beans IRa Tall etna Pink Salmon t5c Jello or AdTO Jell tor dessert, pkg.lte DRIEDFBCn AND Ml SPECIALS 30 to 40 fancy Italian Prunes, lb...3Ae it to St fancy Italian Prunes, lb. ISe Ungraded, fancy, large assorted Prunes, pound tOc Fancy J-Crown Muscatel Raisins, pound ZSc Fancy Sultana Seedless Raisins, lb, 2Se Choice Muir Peaches, lb tSc Fancy Evaporated Apples, lb 3te Fancy Imported Figs, Crasca. brand, pound .t8e 'rosea Layer Raisins, 1-lb. tin box.ISc Dromedary Dates, lb 25c California Cooking Figs, lb ....24c OMAHA'S GREATEST TEA AND COFFEE MARKET. Our Famous Golden Santos Coffee. pound 3 So H. B. C. Special Blend, lb thk M. J. Blend, a tine drink, at, per pound , , 46o Courtney's Ankola Blend, lb ROc H. B. C. Ankola Blend, lb Kx The Best Tea Sittings, lb SOc Cholca Basket Vired, Bun Dried, Eng lish Breakfast or Gunpowder Tea. lb. 59c Fancy Ping 8uey Gunpowder. Oolong. Ceylon, Bplder Leg, Japan or English ' Breakfast Tea, per lb., at 79c THE VEGETABLE AND FRUIT MARKET OF OMAHA. Tha Best No. 1 Cooking Potatoes, perk of IS lbs SS Fancy Head Lettuce, head.,,.....7Hc Fancy Leaf Lettnce, hfad...,, So Fancy Cauliflower, per lb .10c Fancy New Cabbage, lb ;i.Jl(. Fresh Southern Beets, Carrots, Turnlpa, Shallots or Radishes, at, bunch. I'M Largo Soup Bunches, each.. ...St' Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb ..30c Bermuda Onions, lb 10c CANDY SPECIALS IN CANDY DEPT. Fancy Brilliant Hand-made, regular 50c seller, sale price 35c Fancy Assorted Cream Center Choco lates, regular 60c seller, sale price u'.)- Llmlt, 3 lbs. to Customer.) BUTTER. EGGS AND PICKLES The Best Creamery Butter, at P" pkg. 3e The Best Creamery Butter, bulk, Ib.ASc Good Dairy Table Butter, lb 60c All Brands Nut Butter, lb,,.: 33c Peanut Butter, lb SSVic The Best Strictly Fresh Egga, at, per dosen B2o Fancy Full Cream Toung American Cheese, lb 3Ro Fancy Dill Pickles, per dox Me Bauer Kraut, quart ....10c These Hats just received and are the last word in millinery. Every style is represented in a big variety of colors and trimmings. Specially Priced for Saturday Choicest Quality Meats at Lowest Prices That's What You're Sure of When You Buy in Our Sanitary Market. PotCr lflc I vSd 7Xot I Shoulder I5c I 22VoC Roast, lb 1W I Breast, lb I I Roast, lb I ..Haass . Best Army Bacon, 12-lb. cans for ? $3.00 "Just what you want at the lowest possible cash prices, quality consid ered," is our motto. ' m It Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST-It Pays f 0.4121. 1905 Farnam St """'!Hi;fli"iiiiiiiuiipf 3XA