Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 23, 1920, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee
VOL. 49 NO. 214.
Eaton Ma4-elw nattar May 2. 1901. at
Oaaha . 0. aaaw act af Marck 1. l7.
By Mall (I nut. Dally. $.M: aaay. UU;
Dally Sua., KM: Nak. aaatao win.
v i i i- i
Formal Presentation Made of
French Certificates to Oma
ha and Douglas County Rela
tives of Deceased Soldiers.
Major General Wood Makes
Short Talk at Central High
School Auditorium, Where
Presentation Is Made.
The formal presentation of more
than 150 French memorial certifi
cates to Omaha and Douglas county
relative of deceased soldiers and
sailor at the Central Jligh school
Auditorium yesterday afternoon was
marked by an impressive allegori
cal pageant, conceived and adapted
by Oscar Wilde Craik, director of
, the Omaha Folk theater, and a short
talk by Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood.
... 1 , . The high school auditorium,
which w::s decorated with" American
i Rags, was well filled with relatives
of deceased f soldiers. The cere
monies were opened with , a prayer
hv Dean Tancock of Trinity cathe
. dral...
General Is Introduced.
General. Wood was then intro-
duced- by Dr. E. C. Henry, com
mander of the Douglas county post
of the American Legion.
"It is singularly fit that on the
birthday of Washington memprials
from France should be distributed
to relatives j of the men . who gave
' their lives In the cause of Francs
and the allies," said the genera!.
. 1 "France aided this country in the
darkest period of its- revolution, and
we, in turn, came to the aid of
, France. ;t
' "We should newer allow anything
to come bctweeij us and the allies.
We have a common cause ahead of
us and must stand together. The
. lime will come when all nations will
ngaiil be called upon to make the
sacrifices of war for the cause of
lecency..(We do not want militar
' ism is tin's country, but we shoulJ
, be prepared for another war.
ie American soldiers during the
payt war were Ideal. Their sacn
fiae was not unlike that of Christ."
Jin the pageant which followed the
general's talk, Miss Helene Bixby
represented Columbia, and Mrs. Irv
f ing Benolken, La Belle Frartce. Mrs.
rJohn W. Evens, Mrs. Mabel Smails,
Mrs. Martha Geiger, Julius V. New-
I man, Harry Montgomery. Misses
Luella Larsen, Dorothy Edwards,
f Blanche Bellis. Mariorie Carritran.
Edna Letovsky, Erna Reed and MiJ
, dred Nordin.Xlarey Hanighen, John
Quinlan, Thomas ; Bonney, Bernice
Welch, Marie Hamilton and Eleanor
Rinard were also numbered among
the cast. ,
The opening of the great war, the
desecration of the cross, the flight
- of French peasants, .men, women
' and children, the appeal pf France
ijr aid and the response of other
allied 'countries and, of the United
'States, were depicted in the pageant.
La Belli Fiance presented a memo
rial to Columbia as a token of grati
tude m the closing scene. ,
J. H. Stmms, choir director of All
Saints chrirch, directed the chorus
numbers during the pageant. Scenic
effects were furnished by Commu
nity service. - '
Officials of the Douglas county
post of tlie American legion distrib
uted the memorial certificates at the
close of the pageant. Comparatively
fey were not claimed. A number of
people whose names had not been
.on the list were presented with cer
i ' tiricates which were held in reserve.
Jusserand Says Memorials .
Not "Mere Scraps of Paper"
Philadelphia. Feb. 22. Memorial
certificates fronj the French govern-
nieiit" were presented here to the
next of kin of more than 2,000 sol
diers gave their lives in the
worfd war. Franklin D'Olier, na
tional commander of the American
Legion, presided, at the meeting.
Jules J Jusserand. French ambas
sador, told the relatives of the fal
len soldiers the certificates were not
"mere scraps of paper," but "em
. blems of a sentiment of love that is
" t.-iae (a .... v.- U- t. ..I
uuuiuil lu lAiras. lie auiic icci-
injjly of America's part in the was
ud or the American soldiers whose
; graves are - upon French soil.
Whether or not they should con
tinue to sleep in thi fields which saw
their victory." he said, "yours it will
be to decide; .we shall certainly do
our utmost to gratify your wishes,
. whatever they be. As for these re-
maining you may decide to entrust
to our keeping those soldics of free
dom, may rest assured that a loving
care will forever preserve the sacred
. places where they lie, side by side
with their French companions in
'. ..' sirms." ;
i ' i
Students Throw Bomb at
r- i: . n:' i- :.
tgypuan Minister in iaiiu
t .nrr.. tm. ' a. A Domo' was
mrown ax nenic rasua. iiuui&icr ui
agriculture, as. he was driving to the
. ' -ric iniurri . Turn cttiHntQ wer nr-
rested, one of whom confessed that
" he threw the bomb.
Kansas Governor Will
Address Omaha Club
Members This Evening
Gov. Henry J. Allen.
Henry J. Allen, governor of Kan
sas, will deliver the. Washington'
birthday address at the Omaha club
this evening. He will arrive in
Omaha this morning and will be the
guest of Frank W. Judson for break
fast at the Omaha club.
He will speak this noon at the
Chamber of Commerce on "The In
dustrial Court," an institution which
he established in Kansas for the
peaceful settlement of differences
between employers and employes.
Clergy of Spain Are
Opposed to Meeting
Of Suffrage Alliance
Madrid, Feb. 22 Reports reach
ing here that the International
Womari Suffrage alliance has aban
doned the idea of holding a con
gress in Madrid next May came as a
surprise to feminist leaders here.
The Marquesr Del Ter, president of
the Union of Spanish AVomen
told the Associated Press corre
spondent that the efforts to arrange
for the congress had met with many
difficulties, but still were progress
ing. Marquesa Del Ter said she had
virtually, obtained use of the Royal
theater for the congress meetings,
but that later such strong pressure
had been brought to bear by. the
clericals that assent had een with
drawn. She added, however, that
she intends making a direct appeal
to King Alfonso.
The archbishop of Madrid has
come out strongly against feminism,
but approves the formation of wom
en's societies under the presidency
and control of the clergy.
Dr. Fred Swartzlander
Dies of Heart Disease;
In Omaha Since 1887
; Dr. Fred Swartzlander4 72 years
old, died Sunday of heart disease at
his home, 2601 Capitol avenue. He
had lived in Omaha since 185!7 and
practiced medicine here until his re
tirement a few years ago. "
Dr. Swartzlander w;as born in
Yardley, Pa., and wag a graduate of
the, Jefferson Medical college at
Philadelphia. He enlisted in the
Sixth Pennsylvania cavalry at the i
age' of 17 and-served through the i
Civil war.
He is survived by his wife, one
daughter. Miss Fredericks Swartz
lander. and three sons, Joseph
Louis C. and Dr. Harry C. Swartz
lander of Alberta, Canada.'
Funepl services will be held lues
dr.y afternooti at 2 from the home,
with burial in Forest Lawn ceme
tety. .
Final Fight on Railway
Measure Starts Today;
Expect Speedy Action
Washington, Feb. 22. Final fight
on the railroad bill. 10 months in
the making, will shift tomorrow to
the senate, with leaders predicting
.its speedy enactment by an over
whelming vote.
The conference report; a compro
mise whipped together from the
fundamentals of the Cummins and
Esch bills, fresh from the house
with a clean margin of, 99 votes, will
be laid before the senate immedi
ately after the reading of Washing
ton's farewell address. It will have
the right of way over the peace
treaty and all other neasures, and
while the senate works according to
its, own fancy, it could concur vith
the lower branch in half an hour or
hold ud the bill by filibustering
Kmcthods until March 1, the date
fixed by President Wilson for re
turn of the roads to private control-.
Won His Wife First in 7
x Buggy. Then in Airplane
Redwood City, Cal., Feb. 22.
Lynn E. Melendy wooed and won
his wife, Clara, five years ago while
buggy riding.'. He has won her over
again bv using an airplane, and she
has withdrawn Her suit for divorce.
When they left their little mid
west town and came to California
Melendy entered the air pilot's pro
fession and became an instructor at
the Redwood aviation school. Some
time ago Mrs. Melendy filed a suit
for divorce on the ground of cruelty.
He persuaded-her to go for a spin
through the clouds. When they
came down she hurried right over to
the court house and withdrew her
suit, for divorce. "And we'll live
happy ever after," she aaiL
In a Letter to Leader of In
diana Labor Party Gompers
Declares' Plan to Organize
Would Be Disastrous.
Electing Friends and Defeat
ing Antagonists Only Suc
cessful Plan for Working
Men, Asserts A. F. L. Chief.
Washington, Feb. 22. Formation
of a political labor party would be
"detrimental - to the t interests of
labor and exactly in line with that
which is most ardently desired by
those who seek to oppress labor,"
Samuel Gompers declared in a let
ter to William Mitch, a leader of the
Indiana state labor party, made pub
he here today.
Mr. Gompers wrote in reply to a
telegram from Mitch and his as
sociates supporting ' the action of
the Indiana state labor party in op
posing the political declaration of
the American Federation of Labor
calling on organized working men
to elect their friends and defeat their
enemies. Mitch's telegram declared
in favor of making the fight solely
through a labor party.
"By what right," wrote Mr. Gom-1
work and the policy of the Ameri
can Federation of Labor to be
impractical? Surely the results
achieved in the interests of the
workers demonstrate the utter, fal
lacy of your assumption.
Claims Are Absurd.
"By your declaration 3-ou assert
the practicability of the course you
declare ycu will pursue. What ex
perience have you had with your
political party upon which to base
so absurd a claim?-- -f-w
' "Of this one thing you may rest
assured, that the day of reckoning
is a hand for all of those who are
in antagonism to the cause of labor
and for those who are subtle- and
equally guilty even though they
clothe their actions in the robes of
pretended friendship.
"The effect of a separate political
labor party can only be disastrous
to the wage earners of our country
and to the interests of alj forward
looking people. The votes that
would go to a labor party candidate
would, in the absence of such can
didate, go to the best man in the
field. In no case would they go to
an enemy of labor.
"There can be no hope for success
of labor party candidates. The ef
fect, therefore, of a political labor
party wUl be to defeat our friends
and to elect our enemies.
"Labor can look upon formation
of a political labor party only as an
act detrimental to the interests of
labor and exactly in line with that
which is most ardently desired by
those whr seek to oppress lafyor.
Affront to Labor.'
"Those who are determined to be
blin1 to the facts of the present and
past will, of course, rush on to dis
aster and calamity. This the Ameri
can labor movement will not do. It
rejects and repudiates the fallacies
of blind theories and will have noth
ing to do with those treacherous fol
lies that are suited only to the pur
poses of labor's enemies.
"Your telegram is an affront to
the labor movement and an assault
upon the interests of that great
body of Americans who are deter
mined that the present campaign
shall result, not in the destruction
of our' liberties, but in the opening
of the way to national progress and
happiness." v
Make Another Gambling -Foray
in South Omaha
Another large gambling house at
Twenty-sixth ana Q streets. South
Omaha, was raided last night by
the morals squad, in charge of De
tective Robert Samardick, and cards,
poker chip's and money were found
scattered about the room.
Twenty-five men and D. Caste,
proprietor of the house, ' were' ar
rested and taken to Central police
The gambling house, according to
police, i was arranged with a large,
looking glass at the door, in which
the men could see anyone coming in.
All were released on bond for their
appearance in (court Tuesday morn
ing. Paris Banks Washington
Statue With Flowers
Paris. Feb. 22. When ali the
bouquets had been placed around the
Washington statue it was literally
banked with flowers. Although there
were no formal speeches, Ambassa
dor Wallace addressed a few words
to the 200 or 300 persons present
dealing with the life and history of
Lenine's Army to Shave.
Paris. Feb. 22. A Moscow' wire
less message states that the union
of hairdressers in Ekaterinburg is
organizing a1 "week for shaving" for
the red army.
Retail Meat Probe
To Be Started Unless
. Prices Are Reduced
Chicago. Feb. 22. Retail meat
uijers tkroughout the country
must reduce their prices as the
w holesale price of meat declines or
else submit their books to federal;
agents for investigation of their'
This definition di tin govern
ment's 'attitude was announced
here bv Attorney General Palmer.
Instructions to serve the notice, on
all retail meat dealers have been
sent to every . United States dis
trict attorney, he said.
'"For three months the whole
sale price of meat has been fall
ing." said Mr. Palmer. "Theetail,
dealers have claimed that their
supplies were old stock purchased
at the higher . prices. The old
stJck should be exhausted by this
time and unless the price to the
consumer comes down,- we will
have to iook into the question of
the dealer's profits."
The attorney general also an
nounced that the terms of the
agreement for the dissolution of
tin allied interests of the five big
Chicago packers had been settled
:ind would be filed in federal court
iuxt Friday. He declined to state
in what court the case was to be
Mr. Palmer's pronouncement on
the meat price situation follows
the publication by the institute of
American meat packers of a bul
letin announcing the practical ces
sation of foreign trade as a result
of the adverse exchange situation.
Wholesale meat prices at the Chi
cagostui.k yards dropped to pre
war levels for some grades lollow
ii'g the publication.
Omaha Man Victim
In Lincoln Robbery
On Saturday Night
j '
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 22. (Special.)
Robert Kut'er of Omaha, and G.
W. Childer, Dean Donaldson and
W. M. Dougherty of Lincoln were
the victims of a Ion highwayman in
the apartments o.f Mr. Childer in the
Oliver building in this city last night.
The: four men say they were en
toying a social game of cards, when
the intruder rapped on the door and
entered, demanding "hands up and
shell out." The gunman got rough
and used his gun as a club over Kut
tes head and " accidentally - dis
charged it. - '
Kutter was slightly injured, but
was able to. leave the hospital after
having his wounds dressed.
The highwayman obtained approx- j
iirately $250 in cash and some valu
able jewelry.' He escaped.
Recognition of Russian
Soviet Urged by Britain
London, Feb. 22. A number of
military men and others, who dur
ing the past two years have been
engaged in official duties in Russia,
have sent a memorial to Premier
Lloyd George advocating recogni
tion of soviet Russia.
The signatories include Lieut. Gen.
Sir Hubert Gough, (who headed the
British military mission in the Bal
tic region; Col. F. G. Marsh, British
military agent in the Caucasus in
1915-16 and who later commanded a
brigade at Murmansk when chief of
staff to General Gough and several
financial advisers and experts on the
various military missions.
Bull Fight Spectators
Escape by Jumping Fence
EI Paso, Tex., Feb. 22. A bull,
light, staged in the corral of a local
packing plant, with matadors, pica
dores, bandcrillas and all the tradi
tional appurtenances of the Spanish
national sport, was interrupted by
the police. Nineteen Mexicans were
taken to jail. The scene of the, fight
is on the international boundary and
many of the .participants escaped
arrest by the simple expedient of
jumpjng over the low fence into
Mexyco. '
Entire Indian Village
Stricken With "Flu;" 100 Die
Tonopah, Nev., Feb. 22. Every In
habitant of a Piute Indian village in
Inyo county, California, near Dyer,
Nev., has been stricken with influ
enza, according to a report brought
here by a rural mail carrier. He said
theie had been'more than 100 deaths
and none had received medical , at
tention. The situation has been
called to the attention of Inyo coun
ty authorities.
Carranza Welcomes U. S.
Trade Conference Mission
Mexico City, Feb. 22. American
delegates to the United States-Mex-ica.i
Trade conference, have 'been
received by President Carranza, who
expressed gratification over the con
ference, saying he hoped it would
not only bring closer commercial re
lations but, cement the friendtliip be
tween the two governments.
The Weather.
Nebraska Partly cloudy and
somewhat colder Monday; Tuesday
unsettled, probably snow.
Iowa Partly cloudy and some
what colder Monday; Tuesday in
creasing cloudiness, probably fol
lowed Iw snow in west portion.
Hourly Temperatures;
.'!. . 8
a. m JS
1 p. m . . .
t 0.
7 a. n ........ . ft
. m . 2 a.
. m t9
1 a. an so
M a. m si
lt boob M SSj
; p.
i p.
Women in Politics Will '
Make Men More Interested
In Ballot, Gn. Wood Says
Republican Candidate for
Presidential Nomination
Makes Three Addresses
in Omaha Sunday.
Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood, whose
name will go before the republican
voters in various states having pres
idential primaries, while in Omaha
yesterday expressed the belief that
the entrance of women into the fi'dN
of national politics will have the ef
fect of making men take more in
terest in the ballot.
The general arrived at 9 a. m ac
companied by Mrs. Wood, his son,
Lt. O. C. Wood; Col. C. B. Baker
of his staff, E. B. Clark, publicity
manager, and jtwo stenographers.
The party were entertained at din
ner by Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Towle. In the afternoon the gen
eral spoke at Central High school
in connection with the presentation
of certificates from the French gov
ernment to the nearest of kin of
those who died overseas. He de
livered an address in the evening cn
the value of character at the first
Presbyterian church.
Go to Church in Morning.
Yesterday morning General Wood
; and his party, accompanied by Mr.
' and Mrs. M. C. Peters, attended
j services at All Saints church, where
they heard Rev. Carl M. Worden,
assistant rector, speak on "Ameri
fcanization." At the close of the
I service the general spoke for five
i minutes, stating that in these times
ot unrest it behooves Americans to
follow the example of Washington,
to be obedient to the laws of the
country and to promote by practice
and precept a wholesome family life.
He emphasized the thought that one
of the necessities of the present day
is true Americanism and he referred
to the life of Washington as a model
tor all to follow.
General Wood goes to Lincoln
this morning to attend the annual
banquet of the Sons and Daughters
of the American Revolution 'and a
luncheon given by the W'ood-for-President
club. He will speak to
the constitutional convention in the
state capital city thisafternoon.
The general, who was in Omaha
Water -Highest in History
Apron of Roosevelt Dam
Out and Power House
Phoenix. Ariz., Feb. 22. An
apron below Roosevelt dam, which
protects an eledtrical power house,
went out. in the 'flood that is sweep
ing the Salt river valley. Five addi
tional spans of the Agua Fria bridge,
15 miles west of Phoenix, also went
t For the second time- within the
past 24 hours traffic over the South
Central lavenuc bridge, just south of
PJioenijj, was discontinued. It is
considered the longest concrete and
cement bridge n the United States.
Water was running several inches
deep over the approaches and was
raising at the rate of seven inches
an hour.
The crest of the flood waters is
not expected to reach the valley un
til morning. Heavy rains are report
ed in the mountainous region which
drains into the Salt, Verde and Ton
to rivers.
A Santa Fe train from the north,
the first in 36 hours, has reached
Phoenix. A local amusement park
is inundated and several, structures
are bending under the pressure of
the high water. of reclamation employes
ard county officers are working dili
gently to keep the flood waters free
of debris.
During the day the sheriff's office
answered a half-dozen summons for
help. Two Japanese truck garden
ers, stranded on an island in mid
stream of the Salt river, could not
be located after a party had fought
its way to the' island. Officers are
now investigating.
Two other men. also marooned on
a, flood-made island, refused to
leave their homes when the sheriff
and his deputies rowed their way to
the island to take them off.
Ranch Hand Shoots Divorced
Wife and Then Ends Own Life
Ogden, Utah, Feb. 22. Valley R.
Summers, 26 years old. a ranch hand
from Montello, Nev., .shot and per
haps' fatally wounded his divorced
wife, Bessie Summers, 29 years old,
and then sent two bullets into his
head and body, dying 30 minutes
later1. '
Nephew of Late Pope Leo XIII
Dies at His Home in Rome
Rome. Feb. 22. Count ' Camiflo
Pccci, nephew of the late Pope Leo
XIII, is dead. While his uncle was
pope, the count was one of the most
tmuortant personages at the pontifi
cal court, -
I'll iv ; vl iPl
Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood.
for a week on military duty follow
ing the court house riot, was- inter
ested in learning that Omaha has
entered upon a year of prosperity
and peace. "
Speaking of the advent of women
into practical politics, he said: "I
feel confident that tlie entrance of
women into the field of American
politics is going to have a helpful
and . good influence. I -think they
are going to bring a healthy influ
ence, one which will make our poli
(Continued on fata Column ,Tr,)
Captain A. G. Kavanaugh of
Tecumseh Was Ensign With
( Dewey at Battle of
Manila Bay.
Captain A. G. Kavanaugh of Te
cumseh, Neb., and well known
throughout Nebraska, died Sunday
morning at 4, at the Philadelphia
navy yard hospital, where he was ill
two weeks, following a nervous
He was a son of Mr. 'and Mrs.
John Kavanaugh, pioneer residents
of Tecumseh. His mother, and Mrs.
Margaret Sullivan of Omaha, a sis
ter, were at the hospital when the
end came. Mrs. Sullivan went to
1'hiiadclphia two weeks ago and re
turned last week, going back on
Thursday (with the captain's mother.
Captain Kavanaugh was appointed
to the . Annapolis academy during
the congressional term of W. J.
Connell. He was an ensign on the
Olympia. Admiral Dewey's flagship,
during the historic Manila bay epi
sode, and was in charge of the
United States marines who were
landed at Vera Cruz, Mexico, a few
years ago. He was stationed at the
Philadelphia navy yard during the
last three years.
He , was . unmarried, and is sur
vived by four sisters, Mrs. William
Barrett of Raymond, Neb.; Mrs.
George Strong "of Chicago, Mrs.
Margaret Sullivan of Omaha and
Mrs. Meyer of Oklahoma.
John Sullivan, 5018 Davenpon
street, brother-in-law of the captain,
received a telegram yesterday from
his wife, stating that her brother
had passed away. ( Mr. Sullivan has
not received details of the funeral
Man Badly Beaten Up By
Four Others in Own Home
Ed Welberg. 507 South, Thirteenth
street, was badly beaten tp last
night by four men at his home.
When, brought to police station he
was unable to talk.
A man giving hi name as Frank
Hogan, 507 South Thirteenth street,
was arrested on an assault and bat
tery charge.
Examination by a police 'surgeon
disclosed that Welberg had suffered
a broken ann, and internal injuries.
Combination X-Ray and
Movie Camera Invented
Pans. Feb. 22. A combination
X-ray machine and motion picture
camera, the invention of Drs. Lor
nvin and Comandon, is announced
by tne Intvansigeant. Pictures of ani-.i
mais can be thrown on the screen
and the movements .of the various
organs shown, it is stated. With
modifications of the apparatus it is
expected that human beings can be
fciiiiilarly shown. , '
Michigan Outbreak
Bears Similarity to
"Whisky Rebellion '
The outbreak in Michigan is
''probably the first of its kind in
this country bearing a resemblance
to the historic "whisky rebellion"
of President Washington's first
term, when bands of farmers in
western Pennsylvania took to
arms to resist the excise taxes
designed by Alexander Hamilton
for the support of the new gov
ernment. The taxes, which were
a novelty in government finance,
remained, however, a part of the
American fiscal system and were
one rff the monuments to the
young genius who was first sec
retary of the treasury.
The farmers, whose principal
crop was grain, had great diffi
culty in. getting their goods to
market in a form other than in
liquor because there were few
roads in that early day and besides
that they had a traditional hatred
for the excise collector and the
state of Pennsylvania never had
been able to enforce the regula
tions. ' ' .
They rallied in protest against
the federal law of 1791, tarred and
feathered the tax collectors and
visited similar treatment on citi
zens who sympathized with the
Late in 1794 Washington with
patience exhausted and determina
tion aroused, ordered 15.000 mili
tiamen out under Gen. Henry Lee
of Virginia. The leaders of the
gang fled at the approach of the
troops which took several hundred
prisoners of whom two were con
victed of treason, but pardoned.
Twenty-fjjve hundred troops re
mained in the disturbed region
trough the winter, the disturb
ances died away and the law went
into operation. ;
Republicans Endorse
Wood for President
At Manila Convention
Manila. P. I., Feb. 22. (By The
Associated Press.) Maj. Gen. Leon
ard Wood was endorsed as the re
publican candidate for president,
and a platform urging postponement
of withdrawal ot American sov
ereignty over the Philippines until
the masses of Filipinos are capable
of safely exercising the franchise,
was adapted at the rcpublcanjnsula';
"convention. " " ' " " . -
W. Cameron Forbes., former governor-genera!
of the Philippines, was
endorsed as republican candidate for
vice president. .
For this first time in the history,
of American political parties in the
islands, a woman will be a delegate
to the democratic insular convention.
.- 1 -f-TT- :
Riot at Army Hospital
Follows Actors' "Strike''
Denver, Colo., Feb. 22. A guard
detail, in attempting to arrest an al
leged ringleader in the disturbance
at the Red Cross building yesterday
at United States general hospital
No. 21 at Aurora, when actors, com
posing a vaudeville troupe, "struck"
and refused to give a performance
after enlisted men had been - re
moved from seats to make room for
officers, met opposition from en
listed men. Trouble arose, de
scribed by Capt. William . Elmer
Hanse of the First infantry, speak
ing for Major Cowles, commanding
officer, as "an incipient riot." More
guards were ordered out, and a num
ber of enlisted meir were placed tn
confinement, according to a state
ment issued by Captain Hause.
Middle-Aged Woman
Tries to Kill Herself
Mrs. R.o' Baldwin. 38 years old,
1529 North "Seventeenth street, at
tempted to kill herself last night at
her home by shooting herself with
a 33-califcer revolver, according to
The bullet penetrated her right
side, causing a serious but not fatal
wound, according to the police sur
geon who attended her.
Mrs. Baldwin had been in ill
health for some time.
She secured a revolver belonging
to Charles Wetherall, living at the
same address.
"Friends of Irish Freedom"
Dance Stopped in Panama
Paiiamn. Feb. 22. Governor Har-.
ding prohibited the "Friends of
Irish Freedom" from holding a
dance at the government hotel Ti
voli on the ground that funds rc
sultingM"rom it would further the
cause of the Irish republic, thus con
verting a social into a. political
event. More than a thousand per
sons who were disappointed decid
ed at a mass meeting to take legal
British Squadron Anchors
in Constantinople Harbor
Constantinople, Feb. 22. A Brit
ish squadron consisting of five bat
tleships and four torpedo destrovers
under command of Admiral Fre
mantle arrived here alid anchored
in the Bospborus near the Italian
and French battleships in the water
way and within a stone's throw of
parliament buildings, where the
peace discussions are taking place.
6,000 Cases of Small Pox
Are Reported in Bohemia
Prague.' Feb. 22. There are 6.000
cases of small pox in eastern Bo
hemia; according to statements pub
lished in the newspapers here.
Strong Force Is Preparing to .
Start for Scene and "Clean -
Up" Iron County Warrant
Held Up for Investigation. ;
State Attorney Welcomes Ar
rest to Learn "Whether Peo
ple Are Entitled to Protec
tion as Well as Prosecution."
Chicago, Feb. 22. A "rebellion
against prohibition" has broken out
in Iron county, Michigan, and the
county, led by its prosecuting attor,
ney, is in "open revolt" against fed-,
eral authority, Maj. A. L. Dalryrn
ple, federal prohibition director for
the central states, notified Washing
ton today.
Prohibition agents leading a party
of Michigan -state constables were
held up February 19 by Iron county
officials and wine they had confis
cated was taken from them, accord
ing to word brought to Chicago to
day by Leo J. Grove of Marquette,'
supervising prohibition agents for
the upper peninsula.
U hile Washington was setting the
legal machinery in motion, Dalr
rymple issued orders for a company
of picked prohibition agents to
gather here tonight, preparatory to
starting tomorrow on an armed ex
pedition, which, he declared,, will
"clean up" Iron countv.
Ask State Aid.
The Michigan state constabulary
will be asked to co-operate in the
expedition. The attack on Grove
and his party occurred within two
miles of the spot where Captain
Marsh, of the constabulary, was re
cently shot by a bootlegger. , :
Grove, accompanied by Litut,: R,
G. Strope and-Troopers Masters and
Kind of -the state constabulary,
seized 11 barrels of wine at the Vir
gil .location, a mine two miles from
Iron river, he reported to Majnr
(Continued on Page Two, Column Fire.)
Widow of Prominent '
Bohemian Editor Dies
At Home Here, Aged 93
Mrs. Anna Bandhauer, 93 years
old, died at her home, 711 Pjne
Street, Friday afternoon, after -a
short illness.
Mrs. Bandhauer came to Omaha
in 1882 from St. Louis, and had lived
here since that time.
She was born in Pilzen. Bohemia,
in 1852, coming to the United State,
and settling it St. Louis. There she
was married to Vaclav Bandhauer,
who died 14 years ago.
Her husband was the founder of
the first Bohemian newspaper pub
lished in the United States, and was :
also one of the organizer of the
first Bohemian fraternal organiza-
tion in this country. (
. One son and a daughter wcte
born to them. Frank W. Bandhauer.,
her son, who died some time ago,
well known in Omaha, bavin? served
for manv ye?rs in the court house as
baiKtT to JwItc- Troup.
Mrs. Bandhauer is also survived
by five grandchildren and four treat v
grandchildren, all, living in the
United States.
Mrs. Bandhauer was buried Sun- -day
in the Bohemian national cemt--:ery
beside the grave of her ton
and husband.
"Cakeless Days" in Paris; '
Tea Houses to Save Sugar.
Paris, Feb. 22. The prefect in an
announcement making Tuesday and
Wednesday of each week days on
which cakes may not be sold or
eaten, points out that persons who
infringe the regulation render them
selves liable to fines ranging as high
as 1.000 francs and prison sentences :
of from one week to twd months!.
The announcement says that even
bread with jam or other substance ".
in which sugar has been used is pro- .
hibited in restaurants or tea houses
on "cakeless" days. .
Returned Soldiers Won't t
Marry Until U.S. Is Wei
Los Angeles, Feb, 22. Claiming
tnat tne nation was voted dry by the
women during their absence while
fiehtinar for their cfiintrv mKmLn
of the Wilkins post of the American
region at an Kafael nave organ
ized a "We Won't Marry" club.
The following i-nnitilimi is ...
forth in the constitution of the cluhr
"To make the co'untry wet again
and to achieve this result by refus
ing to marrv anv woman whn uii'l .
not pledge herself to vote for the
repeal ot the dry amendment.
Eight Masked Bandits Rob
40 Members of Tammany Club
New, York. Feb. 22. Eight masked
p inmen entered the' Tammany club.
Eighth Assembly district, and robbed
40 members who" were playing cards
of about $5,000 in money and jewel
ry. ) They escaped before n alarm
could be given. ,
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