Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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3 A
Nebraska Miss Sends Contri
bution to Recruiting Officer
Direct to Make Sure It
Reaches Judges.
Oua Nebraska school girl, want
ing to make sure her essay on
"Benefits of an Enlistment in the
United States Army" got before
judges who will select prize win-1
ners for the Omaha recruiting dis
trict, has forwarded her entry in 1
the contest to Maj. V. A. Cav-
enaugh, in charge of the Omaha
She used very few of the 400
words ruced as the maximum for
contest essays. Here s her entry:
"An enlistment in the United
States army is mentally, morally and
physically beneficial.
"My three brothers and uncle
were benefited by the United States
The essay was sent bv Effie Gul-
lick, Riverview school, Overton,
Phefps county. It will be held for
action by Governor McKelvie and
other Omaha district contest judges,
who will meet here early m March
to select the winning essays.
Teachers in Omaha and through
out Nebraska and western Iowa to-1
day had m their hands thousands
of essays written by pupils in class
rooms- yesterday. Teachers in each
school will select the best essay
from the school and forward it to
the district judges before February
Notable Ad Experts
To Tell How They
Made lneir ouccess
A big program has been arranged
for the Advertising-Selling League
meeting to- be held at the Fontenelle
Monday evening. Following the
Vegular dinner at 6, R. W. Hunt,
manager of the sales promotion de
partment of M. E. Smith & Co.,
will deliver an address on "Modern
Sales Promotion." Mr. Hunt has
been identified with and prime
mover tin several nationally known
successes, such as "Sunkist," "Road
of a 'Thousand Wonders," and oth
ers equally well known, and comes
with a story of vital interest to
every business man. , . B. Clough,
general superintendent of M. E.
Smith & Co.. will talk on "A Smile
a Minute in Business." Mr.C.ough
after 33 years in the general mer
chandizing game, has attained a po
sition second to none in America by
practicing just what he preaches.
Any business man who desires to j
hear these talks may make arrange
ments by calling the secretary Mon
Two-Story Building
In Omaha Purchased
By Bricklayers' Union
Officers of Omaha Bricklayers'
union, No. 1, announced yesterday
members of the union, incorporated
as the Omaha Bricklayers' Building
company, had purchased from the
Independent Kealty company a two
story building at the northeast cor
ner of Twenty-first and Cuming
streets, for use as union headquarters.
Rooins on the lower floor will
be rented for business purposes,
and the second floor will be used
for union offices and an assembly
hall. Bricklayer officials expect to
move their othces trom the Labor
temple within the next two weeks.
Claud H. Miller, member of Local
Wo. 1, is president of the Bricklay
ers' Building 'company; F. C. Gar
diner, chairman of the union, board
of trustees is treasurer, and A. L.
Keller, corresponding secretary of
the union is company secretary.
Northwest Warriors
Plan Big Reception
For Taft Here April 3
A wire was received yesterday by
J. w. Bryant, chairman of the North
west Warriors Committee on Ameri
canization, from the Emerson Ly
ceum bureau that the date for Wil
liam Howard Taft, ex-president of
the United States, to speak here on
"Americanization and Bolshevism"
has been definitely set for Saturday,
April o.
i-ians ire under way to have a
royal reception for this former
president upon his arrival here. He
will dine at Hotel Fontenelle in the
evening as a guest of the North
west Warriors commitee. Invita
tions for the dinner will be sent out
soon., ,
Police Settle Dispute -
Over "9" Spot In Card
Game With Quiet Raid
Above the din and confusion of an
argument over tne it-spot in a
eard game at the Y-B cigar store,
216 South Eighteenth street, Friday
mgnr ronce sergeants Allen and
JThestrup in plain clothes stretched
orth lengthly arms, snatching evi
dence and participants in tne.g&rae.
At Central police station, those-ar-
Levine, propriptof, ;ii!5 North
Twenty-fifth streets Sled Farwell,
314 North Tw.ty-fifth street and
George Roth, 500 Sogth Twenty-
eigiua street, i
.-. Thfcy were charged with being in
mates of a disorderly house.
s Eottra Special
j Women's Hosiery
I at 35c
1 Three pair for $1.00. 1
j Worth From 85c to $1
Women's Thread Silk Hosiery
1 la black only; seam back and double soles; lisle garter top;
HI seconds of the regular $1 quality. Special Monday, at, per
pair 3o?
Mercerized and
. Silk Lisle Hose
Tor women; in black and a iew
colors; double soles and lisle1 garter
tops; seazn backs and, seamless ; sec
onds of 85c quality. Special at,
per pair " 35
Not more than six
pairs to each purchaser.
Brandeis Stores Basement East
v I
5fe Ms
-L-Jwm.,,...iJ h
Yard Goods, Dressmaking Materials,
Notions, and Accessories, at Mar
velously Low Prices
Here's a sale tht affords every opportunity for economy to the home
dressmaker. In each of the separate sales, the merchandise was contracted
for a long time ago; when prices were materially lower than nowl The
savings in this sale are much more than ordinary. . , ,
Dainty Wash Fabrics
for Early Spring Garments
40-inch chiffon voile, in the ,
wasted Spring shades
36-inch silk edge crepe de chine
in a good variety of colors
" 40-inch fancy printed dress
3G-inch silk and cotton wash silks,
in a big variety of plain shades
40-inch white voile, beautiful
chiffon finish
36-inch Beach suiting, in the
popular Spring shades
; 40-inch white organdie, the
sheer, crisp quality
Values 89c to 1.25, all .a
one big lot Monday, at, per
"Klosfitf ' Petticoats
Values from
6.50 to 8.95 at
"Klosf it" petticoats in all
jersey or jersey tops, with
satin 1 flounces. The styles
adapted to give the new sil
houette. Colors in all the
new Spring shades.
Not more than two
to each purchaser.
Very Special Monday Only
x Each 3.98
Brandeis Stores Second Floor North
328 I J
A Most Marvelous Sale of
Best Quality' Spring Silks
We have spent weeks preparing for this wonderful sale, scour
ing the silk markets of this, country and- abroad? securing a lot
here and a lot there; and at last we have assembled them into one
great lot. The Values are. actually .from 3.50 to 4.50 per yard, but
we offer them all at one' price, Monday onlA per yard 1.95
Apron Gingham.
A standard quality in all of the popular
blue checks and broken styles; all fast
colors. Special,
per yard, at i5J.C
5o Mall or Phone Ordtrn.
Superior quality in a wonderful range of
new Spring styles, for men and women's
shirts, waists and blouses. jQr.
Special, per yard, at , OyC
Dress Chambray.
The genuine Imperial brand; 30 inches wide;
a beautiful linen finished material In all of
the wanted plain shades, checks and stripes.
2 to 10-yard lengths. Special, "1C.
per yard, at OsC
Cotton Challie.
Neat floral designs for house dresses, wrap
pers and kimonos. 36 inches wide sjrjl '
regular 35c value, special, at, yd. ZJ loC
White Outing and Shaker Flannel.
Long, fleecy, warm nap; limit of 15 yards
to a customer. This Is an excel-
lent value at, per yard JLO 9C
No Mull or Phone Order. '
St. Gall Swiss.
In the popular medium sized dot; the sea
son's most wanted wash fabric; 42 inches
wide; in white only. Special, -i HIZ
per yard, at , .JJ(
Bluebird Batiste.
In tinted back grounds; suitable for under
wear, pajamas and night gowns; permanent
lustrous finish. Special,- AQr
per yard, at TcOC
White Batiste.
A beautiful soft mercerized material, 40
inches wide; suitable for Infant's wear, cor
set covers, waists and dresses. Regu- Q
lar 50c value, special, at, per yard OVC
White Flaxon.
Every yard stanjped on selvedge; sheer and
crisp; suitable for waists, aprons and under
wear. 0 inches wide; worth 39c, 70
special, at, per yard uyC
White India Linon.
Good heavy quality for making fancy aprons,
boudoir sets, caps and waists. r
Very special, at, per yard AVC
Muslin and Cambric.
Splendid quality material in mill lengths;
bleached; 36 inches wide. Suitable for
making sheets and pillow cases, underwear,
and petticoats. In one large lot -4 rr
for Monday at, per yard LJyQfc
georgette Crepe, 40
'incAes. wide, in a good
range of colors. 3.50
Printed Georgette
Crepe, 40 inches wide,
regularly 4.50 per yard.
Shirting Silk In
stripes, 32 inches wide,
regularly 3.50 per yfl.
Novelty Satin and
Taffeta, 35 inches wide,
regularly 3.50 per yard.
Extra heavy imported
Jap Pongee, 32 inches
wide, regularly 3.95 a
Black Peau de Soie,
36 inches wide, regu
larly 3.50 per yard.
Foulard, 36 and 40
inches wide, regularly
3.50 and $4 per yard
Black Chiffon Taf
feta, 36 inches wide,
N regularly 3.50 per yard.
Black Satin, 36 inch.
- wide, regularly 3.50 per
Colored Chiffon Taf
feta, 36 inches wide,
regularly 3.50 per yard.
Fashion's Choice
for Early Spring
Polo Coats
No Mail or
Phone Orders
Wool Dress Goods
For the Spring Suit or Dress
Navy French Serge .
54 inches wide
Regular 4.00 .
. Quality
Special at
All pure wool fine twill serge in a beautiful soft
finisfh. This serge is of a weight that will wear extremely
well. 54 inches wide ; in the correct weight for 4 nr
siiiti and dresses.' A resrular $4 aualitv. while B vO
15 bolts last, for Monday only, per yard JL
No phone or mail orde.
Duvetyn Velour '
5.95 and 6.95.
The sma Spring fabric in
soft suede finish. Pure wool
in a full range qf new Spring
shades, in medium and light
weights. Yard 5.95 and 6.95
Chiffon Broadcloth
3.95. '
Sponged and shrunk, an all
pure wool in a very fine quali
ty. Correct weight , for suits
and dresses. Special, per
yard, , . 3.95
Suit and Skirt Mix
tures 2.95 ,
. All wool mixtures in home
spuns, stripes and other effects.
In light and' medium weights;
a very good fabric for wear.
Special, per yard 2.95
Silvertone Suitings,
The accepted suit material.
All wool, 54 inches wide, in all
the Spring shades. Special,
per yard 6.95
' Brandeis Stores Main Floor Center.
Spring Dressmakers Using
Will find wonderful values in these
offerings, at about one-half price
Imported Val Laces
Regular 12c to
. . 25c values,
Special, at ' ,
French and Englisfi. makes in a very fine
quality. 23,400 yards of eplges, insertions, '
beading and edged headings, in sets to
match. These are mst desirable wash
laces for trimming fine lingerie and chil
dren's clothing. Widths up to 2 inches.
Every yard is worth at least double the sale
price. Yery special, per yard" 6V2C
Seal Filet and Irish Edges and Insertions. In lovely pat
terns, including conventional designs and the rose pattern. All
hand-made. These laces have been specially priced for Mon
day, only, at about 33 lr3 off regular prices, per yard, 98c,
1.69 and
Venetian All- Over Laces.
In baby Irish effects, in white and ecru. Ex
cellent Value, 18 inches wide,
' Oriental Net Top Flouncing. '
Handsome embroidered designs on fine Bret
tonne nets. 36 inches wide. Very special,
Regular values, 1.98 and 2.50, at
Brandeis Stores Main Floor Center
JL Per
Either for Motor, Street or 1
Sports wear, this lovely soft
by discriminating women of B
Comfortable wrap mod
els present large con-,
vertible and scarf col
lars, broad belts, capa
cious pockets, fancy lin- . g
ings and novel . stitel- 9
ings. , Coat lengths are g
three-quarter or' fifty-g
: Mnchas you prefer. H
Either length is equally jj
good. . j
Color lend zest to the popu- B
larity of this fabric in bright, n
new tones of French Blue, fj
Dull Rose,s Squirrel and the
much favored Tan. Prices jj
range ( H
$49, $65 to $89'
Brandeis Stores Second Floor Center
Spring Trimmings Feature B
Very Special, h r ' m
-Per .Dozen, at iVC B
, All kinds and styles of trim
ming buttons in shades of
brown, taupe, green, blue, red, j
wisteria and mixed shades. H
Suitable for trimming of suits, B
coats anq! dresses. Worth' from M ,
39c to 98c per dozen. Special, 11 '
per dozen 19 j
Srandeis Stores Main Floor Center, if '
Bungalow Appris
Famous Polish Pianist
Will Arrive This Morning
Josef Hofmann,'' the famoiji ' Po-
lish pianist, who wuj ,,rtve j con
cert in the Brandeis theater Mon
day evening under the auspices ofj
Values from 1.50 to 2.25
Bungalow aprons,
light and dark percales.
Jobber's over-lots and
seconds. Bound and
square neck styles, with
big pockets and wide
belts. . Finished with
white and in light plaid
pipings. Very special,
each 1.00
Not more than two
to each purchaser.
Brandeis StoresThird Floor East v .
Sale in the
At Prices That Will Mean Substantial Savings
J. & P. Coats thread, 100 yards,
per spool , , 4J
'Dress weights, all "sizes, each 1$
Dress maker's chalk, best grade,
each. ' , 1
Skirt Markers, t extra heavy,
each ; ' , lty
Dressmaker's brass pins, large
Millinery wire, per bolt 10
Bias tape, large bolts, (12 yards),
at, per bolt ' . 25
10-yard, bolt . of cotton tape,
each . . ' , 25
3-yard bolts of cotton tape, each
at' ' 5
Inside skirt belting, per yd. 10
Kleinerts Dress Shields best
grade,' size 2 and 3, at, per
Pair 30
Basting thread, large spools,
': ,each ' . ; ' 5
Boned belting, white, yd. 15
Best Singer machine oil, per
bottle 10
Collar bands, all sizes, each 10
Boys' pant bands, all ages, each,
at ' 10
Silk Beam binding, all colors, per
bolt ' 25
Good grade rick-rack braid, per
bolt J 10
Best quality wash edgings, per
bolt 10
Best quality finishing braid, per
bolt ' ' 10
Bust proof hooks and eyes, 6 cards
for . 25
Cable cord, black and white, all
ekes, per yard 3
Jersey covered bust forms, sizes
32 to 42, 'regular 2.50v values,
. special, at 1.25
J. & P. Coats thread, 250 yards,
per spool, at 8$
House Dresses
"Retailing regularly 1 5Q ,
jrom z.bU to 3.00 at .
Dresses of light striped ma
terials, plaids, grays and fig
ured indigoes.
Waist line styles with loose
belts, small, round or notched
collars. Other stvles ia V
straight, loose, lines .with Jotig
or half sleevej::,:ckets.
But for the sfcght imperfections,
these House Dresses would retail
regularly at much higher
Special," each
Not more than two
to each purchaser.
Brandeis Stores Thirds Eh
m m
- i
xne luesday musTctl cra&r'wili ar-l
v rive in Omaha this mormng