Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1920, Image 1

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    The Omaha Sunday Bee
Eat m MCMf-eliM mttlw May ii. IM. it
Oath P. 0. Hidar xt Mara S, 117.
By Mali (I yur. Dally, t.M: 8dy, KM:
Oally aatf tun.. 17.00; auliia. N. lulw intra.
Compromise Esch-Cummins
Measure Approved by,Clean
Margin of 99 Votes After
Some Bitter Debate.
House Warned, Previous to
Vote, That Failure to Pass
Bill Would Put Half 'of U. S.
Roads in Receivers' Hands"
Washington, Feb. 21. The com
promise F.sch-Cumuiins railroad bill
was approved late today by the
house, which adopted the conference
report after four hours of debate.
The house adopted the conference
report by a vote of 24 to 150, a clean
margin of 99 votes.
Adoption of the conference report
came after the house had defeated,
V8 to 171, a motion; to recommit.
i Chairman Esch of the. Interstate
Commerce committee, in charge of
the fight on the floor, then called for
the previous question and there was
a buzz in the chamber as the voting'
i began.
" All Nebraska and Iowa congress
man voted for passage of the meas
ure. There never was any doubt as to
the outcome, leaders said, although
the effect, of pressure from labor
leaders against adoption of the bill
.was variously interpreted. Repre
sentative Kitchin, democrat, North
Carolina, in the closing argument
against the bill declared that labor
'eaders had caused at least a dozen
. members who were opposed to it to
rally to its support
Warns Against Defeat.
During the debate, in which more
than a score of representatives took
part. Chairman Esch declared the
roads would be handed back to their
owners on March 1 regardless of
whether congress enacted legisla
tion meanwhile, but he warned the
house that defeat of the bill at this
.tage would put half the roads of
the country in the hands of the re
ceivers in three months.
Representative Pott, democrat,
North Carolina, painted a more
gloomy picture by declaring that the
rountrjr would see the greatest finan
cial disaster in years if it "gave tip
the railroads 'without enactment of
laws which would give them the
i ight to earn a fair return.
. . Gompers Not a Factor.
Representative Kitchin said liis
opposition was not in compliance to
the demand of Mr. Gompers. He
attacked the "insidious propaganda"
'which, he said, railway interests had
conducted and declared the question
of government ownership was not
involved. '
"Whether this report is adopted
o$ rejected," he said, "we have it
from Mr. Esch that the roads will
go back to their owners on
March" 1."
Bankers Unwilling
; To Back Charges of
Unfair Treatment
Washington, Feb. 21. (Special
Telegram.) In spite of the fact that
C. A. McCloud of York, Neb.,, has
wired Representative McLaughlin
that it wilt be impossible for the
committee of three representating
Nebraska state, banks to come to
Washington next Tuesday and back
serious charges of gunplay and un
fair treatment . by federal reserve
agents against state banks. Gover
nor Harding of the federal reserve
board has refused the request of Mr.
McLaughlin in that the hearing be
postponed until March 10.
"It is too serious a matter," Gov
ernor Harding said, "to. postpone
the hearing, which has been fixed
at the request of the Nebraska dele
gation. If the state bankers wish
to appear they will be heard next
A wire has been sent to the mem
bers of the state bank committee
by Mr. McLaughlin insisting that
at least one of the committee come
to Washington and not "pass the
buck," as Mr. McLaughlin ex
pressed it. to the delegation. It is
expected that someone will Je on
hand from the state banks to assist
the delegation in the matter.
Say Banker-Janitor Hired
Newberry's Campaign Men:
Grand Rapids, Mich., Feb. 21.
Marking ballots for Indian voters
and hiring campaign workers by a
janitor who holds a bank director
ship as a side line were points al
leged in government testimony at
the Newberry election conspiracy
trial Saturday. The court sat only
a half day, but 13 witnesses were on
the stand. The progress raised the
. hopes of Frank C. Dailey, assistant
attorney general, that he wduld be
able' to complete the prosecution's
case next week.
Operator Burns to Crisp
During Panic in Theater
Sioux Falls, S. D., Feb. 21. Three
hundred persons made their w,ay
through front and side exits of a
local theater Saturday night1 while
firemen fought a blaze in the pro
tection room in an effort to save the
life of John Theobald. 24 years old.
. an operator. However, the spread
of the blaze was too fast ami Theo-
, lld was burned to a crisp, -
Impressive Pageant for
Formal Presentation of
French War Memorials
, .
Gen. Wood Speaker When American Legion Resents
Certificates to Relatives of Omaha Service Men
( Who Died in the War at Central High School
Aijditorium Allegory Depicts Desire of France
To Pay Homage to American Heroes.
Walter Byrne, in charge of Amer
ican Legion arrangements for the
public ceremony at Central High
school auditorium at 3 p. ni. today
for relatives of deceased soldiers
and sailors of the word war, an
nounced last night preparations
were complete for an impressive
pageant in connection with presen
tation of 150 French war memorials.
General Leonard Wood will de
liver the principal address.
The pageant, adapted by "Oscar
Vilde Craik, director for the Oma
ha Folk theater, will present in al
legory the desire of France to pay
homage to Americans who sacrificed
their lives in the war. The cast of
50 will include the following:
Miss Helene Bixby, who will rep
resent Columbia; Mrs. Irving Benol
ken, La Belle France; Mrs. John
W. Evans, Mrs. Mabel Smails, Mrs.
Martha Geiger, Julius V. Newman,
Harry Montgomery, Misses- Lue'la
Larsen, Dorothy Edwards. Blanche
Bellis, Marjorie Carrigan, Edna Le
tovsky, Krna- Reed and Mildred
Clarey Hanighen, John Quintan,
Cincinnati and Washington Ceri- '
sus Returns Show Fa- !
vorable Increases. !
Washington, Feb. 21. The first
population announcements for the
1920, census were issued Saturday
night by the census bureau ajid were
as follows:
Cincinnati, 401.158; an increase of
37,567 or 10.3 per cent, i
Washington, 437,414, an increase
of 103,345 or 32.1 per cent over 1910.
- Cincinnati ranked as thirteenth
city of the country in 1910, with a
population of 363,591. Washington
ranked sixteenth with a population
of 331,069. Census bureau estimates
of Cincinnati's population July 1,
1917, were 414,248 and Washing
ton's on that date 369,282.
From now on, as soon as the sta
tistics gathered by the enumerators
and special, agents are assembled
and cerified,-the date will be made
publie, the "population: of the larger
cities of the country being given out
first. Then will follovn the popula
tion of the various counties, which
number more than 2,900, together
with their divisions of townships,
precincts and towns, with the pop
ulation of each incorporated city.
Many Tips Required
To Get Dead Yank's
Body Out of France
New York, Feb. 21. Difficulties
she encountered in reaching her
son's grave in France and" in getting
the body aboard the steamship Brit
tania for transportation to America
were related by Mrs. A.' Devera of
Mrs. Devera, who left for Chicago
with the body, declared" she would
have failed in' her mission had it not
been for the assistance of the Amer
ican Red Cross and the Knights of
Columbus. She declared her suc
cess in getting past the French regu
lations ,was due to an "unstinted use
of American dollars" among the em
ployes of French bureaus.
"There are no arrangements
whereby air American parent can get
a casket out of France except by the
tipping process," Mrs. Devera said.
Spanish Royal Husband
Of American Girl Dies
London, Feb. 21. Prince Alfonso
ot Braganza, duke of Oporto, is
dead at Naples, according to a dis
patch to the . Central News from
The Duke of Oporto was a broth
er of the late King Carlos of Por
tugal and after former King Manuel
was heir apparent to the Portuguese
throne. The duke maried Mrs.
Philip Van Valkenburg of New
York n Rome in September, 1917.
Lost Eulogy to Washington
By Abraham Lincoln Found
New York, Feb. 21. Seventy
eight years ago tomorrow, in
Springfield, 111., where his tomb
is now a shrine before which a
nation bows in reverence, young
Abraham Lincoln paid tribute
to George Washington. The
words he uttered then, perhaps
as eloquent as his world-famed
Gettysburg .address, have4 been
lost for three-quarters of a cen
tury in the pages of a country
newspaper hidden away in fhe
tiles of the congressional library.
They were brought to light to
be given to fhe world for the
first time almost on the eve of
another birthday of the first
"This is the 110th anniversary
of the birthday of Washington,"
he said. "We are met -to cele
brate this day.' Washington is
the mightiest name on earth.
Long sinke mightiest in the
cause of " civil liberty; stilt
mightiest irr moral reformation.
On that name an eulogy is ex
pected. It cannot be. To add
brightness to the sun or glory
Thomas Bouncy, Bemice Welch.
Marie Hamilton and Eleanor Rinard
are among school boys and girls
who will take part. Chorus num
bers will be directed by J. H. Sims,
choir director at All 'Saints church.
Presentation of the French war
memorial certificates to relatives of
war victims will be made by Dr. E.
C. Henry, commander of the Doug
las county post, American Legion.
Through American Legion posts
throughout the nation memorial cer
tificates are to be presented today
to relatives of 118,409 deceased sol
diers and sailors. t
Several Probably Missed.
The list of 150 Omaha and Doug
las county relatives for whom
memorial diplomas have been pre
pared probably does not include
names of from 25 to 50 relatives to
whom memorials should be issued.
These persons are requested to
attend the Sunday ceremony at Cen
tral High school, bringing with them
army or navy records of deceased
service men. Blank memorials will
be filled out and presented to them
(Continual on Pagr IJw i), olumn Six.)
Emblem Carefully Guarded by
Explorer to Signify U S.
Sovereignty in North.
-Washington, Feb. 21. Unusual
military honors will mark the fu
neral of Rear Admiral Robert E.
Peary, discovered of the North, Pole,
which will take place here Monday.
The body will be placed in Arling
ton National cemetery on the Vir
ginia Heights, across the Potomac,
and last tribute will be paid by a
naval firing squad and a navy bugler.
vThe services will be conducted by
Captain Carroll Q. Wright, chap
lain of the Washington navy yard,
and artillery and cavalry will form
the military escort under command
of Colonel Reed, on the long march
from the explorer's home here to
the cemetery, where a company of
bluejackets will joint it beside the
As a special tribute to the active,
interest Admiral Peary took in" aviaj
tion development, seaplanes and
army airplanes will hover above the
cemetery during the services.
The casket will be draped in the
United States flag which Peary
raised at the north pole. Throughout
the hardships of the pohr expedi
tion, the emblem hadbeen carefully
guarded to signify the sovereignty
of American over the new territory
to be discovered and when the goal
was reached, the Stars and Stripes
was unfurled to the breeze on the
"top of the world."
Improvement Clubs to
Warn Council Against
Pending Gas Ordinance
The Federation of Improvement
clubs held their annual meeting in
the Bee building yesterday and after
ejecting officers for the ensuing year
appointed a committee of five to go
before the city council Monday on
the pending ordinance of abandon
ment of the appraisement and con
demnation proceedings of the gas
Delegates to this club front other
improvement clubs believe that the
city council should go slow with this
ordinance in view of the majority
vote of the election May 7, 1918, and
the fact that the court had fixed the
value of the plant.
The question of the telephone
rates and service in Omaha, the pav
ing of the country roads during the.
coming summer, and other local im
provements was considered.
Death for Speculators.
Reval, Esthonia. Feb. 21. Warn
ing against speculation in the Es
thonian mark has been issued by
the government. Its announcement
says that offenders will be punished
by death.
to the name of Washington is
alike impossible. Let none at
tempt it. In solemn awe pro
nounce the . name and in its
naked, deathless splendor leave
it shining on."
The text of this hitherto un
known example of Lincoln's
eloquence was foutjd in Wash
ington by Lttcien Hugh Alex
ander of Philadelphia, who gave
it to The Associated Press to
day. An account of the cere
mony at which Lincoln spoke
was contained in the copy of the
Sangamon Journal, published at
Springfield on February 25, 1842.
The tribute to Washington was
the final paragraph of an ad
dress upon another subject and
the address in full was published
in the Journal of March 26. A
complete file of the .newspaper jj
for that year was found by Mr.
Alexander in the library of con
gress. Mr. 'Alexander, a Student 'of
Lincoln, came upon the lost ad
dress while on historical re
search work.
Irreconcilable Opponents of
Peace Treaty Block Attempts
Of Senators of Both Parties
To Secure Modification.
Four More Democrats From
Ranks of Those Against All
Reservations Line Up With
Republicans on Vote.
Washington, Feb. 21. The first
of the reservations attached to the
peace treaty last November was re
adopted unchanged and by an in
creased majority today in the senate,
after the treaty's irreconcilable op
ponents, holding the balance of
power, had balked the efforts of re
publican and democratic leaders to
secure modification in the interests
of compromise.
The outcome, although involving
the defection 'of four more demo
cratic senators from the ranks of
those who have stood against all
reservations, generally was accepted
bv all elements in the senate as
tightening the treaty deadlock and
bringing the question of ratification
one step nearer the political cam
paign. ' Criticise Elihu Root.
Most of the debate preceding the
roil call revolved about the treaty
as a campaign issue and drew from
conspicuous figures on the republic
an side a vojlej of criticism of the
utterances made on the subject by
F.lihu Root in his address before
the New York republicans.
Senator Johnson of California, an
active candidate for the "party's
presidential nomination, pronounced
"utterly sillv" the declaration of Mr.
Root that the United States should
enter the league of nations with res
ervations and then move to reform it
after a new president; is inaugurated.
Senator Lodge of Massachusetts,
republican floor leader, declared
amendment of the league covenant
once it was ratified would be "prac
tically impossible" and Senator Bo
rah of Idaho, a leader among the
republican irreconcilables, gave no
tice that he would carry on his fight
before the people regardless of the
action of the party's national con
vention. I .
.,. Democrats Join. ..Oppositions
The reservation on which the sen
ate acted relates to withdrawal from
membership in the league, provided
that this nation shall be the sole
judge whether its obligations have
been fulfilled in case it desires to
withdraw and that notice of with
drawal may be given by a concur
rent resolution of congress. The
vote, on its adoption was 45 to 20,
10 democrats joining the solid re"
publican lineup supporting it. Four
(Continued on Page Two, Colnmn Two.)
Norris Criticizes
Methods of Senate
Probe Committee
Washington, Feb. 1. Methods of
inquiry adopted by the senate com
mittee investigating the federal
trade commission were attacked in
the senate by Senator Walsh, demo
crat, Montana, and defended1 by the
committee chairman, Senator Town
send, republican, Michigan.
Producing what he characterized
as a "most extraordinary" question
naire sent by the committee to firms
against which the commission had
issued restraining orders, Senator
Walsh read from it the following
"If a consent order was issued,
did it actually affect your acts or
was it entered to save the face of
the commission?"
This question Senator Walsh de
clared to be "misleading and un
fair," and Senator Norris, repub
lican, Nebraska, suggested that the
method adopted by the committee
was "similar to trying a judge be
fore a jury composed of criminals
he had sentenced."
Lock Paymaster of
Iowa Mine in Vault
And Steal Payroll
Des Moines, la:, Feb. 21. Bandits
locked the paymaster of tho Saylor
mine, seven miles north of Des
Moines, in a vault in the office at
tite mine just before noon today and
escaped with the entire two weeks'
payroll, according to. reports to the
police here. At least $15,000 was
taken, it was said.
Denies Admiral Recalled.
Washington, Feb. 21. Emphatic
denial that Rear Admiral Andrews,
commander of the American war
ships in the Adriatic, has been re
called, was made by Secretary
Forecast. -
Nebraska Mostly cloudy Sunday
and Monday: warmer Monday and
in northeast, Sunday.
Iowa Cloudy Sunday and prob
ably Monday; not, much change in
temperature. , , .
Hourly Temperatures
1 n.
. ... SO
..T. so
....... ..-.JO
s n.
3 P.
p, m,
4 p. in.,
5 p. m.,
6 p. m..
t p, in,,
The Weather.
London Papers Appeal to
Trade Unionists and Public
Generally Against "Men
ace to World Peace." ....
London', Feb. 1. Several of the
London newspapers today displayed
large advertisements headed,v"Men
fice to the peace of the woYld," ap
pealing to the trade unionists and
public generally to forward protests
to members of the House of Com
mons to use their influence "to pre
vent handing back Constantinople
to the blood-stained rule of the
This protest will be echoed in
many o: the Protestant and Catholic
pulpits of the United Kingdom to
morrow. The supreme council's decision to
keep the sultan on the throne at
Constantinople has surprised the
country and influential parliamen
tarians, notably Viscount Bryce and
T. P. O'Connor have started a cam
paign against the policy, which the
Times, the Spectator, the Manches
ter Guardian, the Westminster Ga
zette and other prominent papers
are supporting.
No Place in Europe.
The Times says that while to ex
pel the Turkish race has never been
dreamed, of, "the Turkish flag, the
Turkish ruler and the Turkish gov
ernment have no longer a place in
. Some newspapers describe . the
cabinet as divided, Earl Curzon, sec
(( ontlntifil on Page Two, Colnmn Four.)
Y.M.C. A. War Profit
In Canteen Work Is
Placed at $508,899
New York, Feb. 21. Canteens op
erated by the Young Men's Chris
tian association for soldiers and
sailors made a net profit of $508,899
from the time America- entered the
war until January 1, last, according
to a financial statement issued here
by the National War Wrork council
of the association. It also shows
that $161,752,644 had been contrib
uted by the public to "Y" work up
to the first of the year.
The report explained that the
"book loss" of $1,478(074 previously
reported had been wiped out "by ac
tion of the United States govern
ment in relieving all welfare organi
zations of any charges for ocean
freight on supplies, and for rail
transportation and motor supplies
furnished in France."
The statement revealed that the
association has an approximate bal
ance of $17,000,000 ot war work
funds. ,
$3,500 Rewards Offered for
Bandits Who Killed Officer
Reno, Feb. 21. Rewards of $3,500
are offered for the capture dead or
alive of the bandits who killed Con
stable A. L. St Clair at Deeth,
Ncv.. and mortally wounded Deputy
Sheriff George Requa. The officer
were shot while engaged in a run
ning battle with the men who had
robbed the commissary of the Union
Land and Cattle Co.. at Deeth.
I -
"Hello" Girls Win.
New York, Feb. 21. Striking
telephone operators employed by
the New York Telephone company
won their fight for increased pay
when officials of the company an
nounced that a readjustment of the
wages of switchboard workers v. ho
walked out in several exchanges a
few days ago had been granted.
Passing Show
' ' '
Two Squads of Police in "Plain
Clothes" Wage Cleanup
Two squads of police, one in
charge of newly-appointed Police
Captain Allen and Sergeant Thestrup
and the other headed by Detective
Robert Samardick, started raids on
all alleged gambling houses in Oma
ha and South Omaha last night.
The squad in charge of Captain
Allen raided fhe soft drink parlor
of Del Green, Twenty-fourth and N
streets in the heart of the South Side
business district, and arrested the
proprietor and 25 men in, the hall.
All were brought to Central station
and booked. " i
Samardick's squad, operating' in
greater Omaha, raided the Sheelev
soft drink parlor at Twenty-ninlti
and Castelar streets, and brought in
the proprietor and six men.
New policemen, dressed in "plain
clothes," were used on both squads
in order to gain entrance to the al
leged gambling houses.
The squad headed by Captain Al
len and Thestrup arrested A. E.
Shawgo, 1410 North Seventeenth
street, and six men, charging Shaw
go with keeping a disorderly house
Othof's hall, used as a headquar
ters 'for the Teamsters union, at Six
teenth and Cass streets, was raided
and 13 teamsters arrested and
booked as inmates of a disorderly
About 100 men were arrested in
the combined raids.
Two Masked Negroes
Hold Up and Rob Store
Of Over $600 m Cash
The grocery store of A. G. Katie
man, 602 North Eighteenth ' street,
was robbed of over $800 at 8 o'clock
last- night by two masked bandits,
both negroes.
No one was in the store at the
time of the holdup, except Katie
man and his son, Morris. The two
negroes entered and ordered both
men to hold their hands at their
sides. .
After searching aKtleman and his
son they rifled the cash register, ac
cording to police i reports. As the
bandits were leaving the store a de
tective for the Northwestern rail
road entered and, seeing the two
men run down the street, fired at
them until they disappeared.
Negro Delegate Chosen.
Shreveport, La., Feb. 21. Charles
M. Roberson, negro lawyer of
Shreveport, has been chosen unin
structed delegate to the national re
publican convention to be held in
Chicago June 8.
Giant Crane Lifts
Over 516 Tons
Washington, Feb. 21. A giant
crane, with a lifting capacity of
more than 1,000,000 pounds, has
been completed at the 'fitting-out
pier of the Philadelphia navy yard.
A descriptive announcement by the
navy department says the crane,
which has an over-all height of 245
feet, or equal to an 18-story build
ing, was the largest of its type in
the countpv, having been construct
ed at a cost of nearly $1,000,000.
The utility of the crane in permit
ting the installation in battleships
of wholly assembled turrets, guns,
boilers, etc.. which heretofore have
had to be dismantled for installa
tion, can be measured, it was said,
by the initial test feat of the, ap
paratus, in which it lifted two loco
motives of approximately 100,000
pounds each, in addition to 832,000
pouuds of teet billets.
of 1920
COST S3 50,000
New Buildings for Law and
Dental Colleges, and $125,- .
000 Stadium Are Go-
' ' ' ing Up.
Architects are preparing plans for
additions to Creighton university,
involving an expenditure of at least
$350,000. John F. McCormick, presi
dent of the university,- announced
The additions, comprising new
buildings for the , law and dental
colleges, are in line with plans wi
der consideration far several years
for concentrating all university
buildings on grounds surrounding
the college of arts and sciences in
West California street. Lease, or
sale, of the buildings at 210 South
Eighteenth street, now housing the
college of law and dentistry, is
Eventually a new library, dor
mitory and other structures worth
several millions of dollars will com
prise the university group.
It is planned to erect the new law
building at California and Twenty
sixth streets, east of Twenty-sixth,
and the dentistrv building west of
Twenty-sixth. A petition may be
presented' to city council later for
the closing of Twenty-seventh
street from California to Burt
street, giving additional ' campus
Each of the new buildings, ac
cording to tentative plans, will have
capacity for accommodating ap
proximately 200 students.
Plans are being prepared by John
Latenser & Sons, architects, 632 Bee
This firm is also completing prep
aration of plans for the new Creigh
ton stadium, cost of which is esti
mated at $125,000. The grandstand
will seat 8,000.
Additions and improvements now
under way and under consideration
will give Creighton a standing as
one of the important universities of
the west, President McCormick said.
Mussulmans Menace
American Orphanages,
Hospitals and Refuges
New Yorkf1 Feb. 21. American
hospitals, orphanages, refuge houses
and other property in the Marash.
Aintab and Malatia provinces of
Asia Minor are menaced by renewed
assaults of the Turks upon the Ar
menians, t'.ie Near East relief an
nounces. Since withdrawal of Brit
ish forces in the district, the Turks
have launched their massacres again
with fanatic viciousness, . it was
stated, and American-built and finan
ced institutions are imperilled.
In Marash alone Americans are
operating hospitals for adults and
children, four orphan asylums, a
rescue home for girls, industrial
plants, the theological seminary of
the central Turkish mission and the
Central Turkey Girls' college.
Smuggling Ammunition
Charged Niece of Villa
El Paso, Tex., Feb. 21. Charged
with smuggling ammunition into
Mexico, Andres ViHegas and Con
cepion Villages, the latter said by
federal officers to be a niece of Fran
cisco Villa, are in jail at Marfa,
Tex., according to an announcement
made my Department of Justice
agents at El Paso.
Army Chief Promoted
Basel, Feb. 21. Admiral Nicholas
Horthy, commander-in-chief of the
Hungarian army, is reported fo have
been named regent of Hungary by
the national assembly. t
Food Inspectors Make Frantic
Efforts to Locate and De-1
stroy Relishes Sent into
Nebraska and Iowa. ,
Single Case of Poisoning at
Kalispell, Mont., Leads to
Discovery of Danger; Wahoo,
Neb., Bought 12 Bottles. ,
Chicago, Feb. 21. Federal and
state food inspectors in 52 towns of
eight states are making frantic ef
forts tonight to locate and destroy
dozens of bottles of ripe olives con
taining the deadly bacillus botulinus,
as a result of deterioration,
A single case of olive poisoning at
Kalispell. Mont., which led to dis
covery. of the danger, is the only one
reported so far. Federal chemists '
who uncovered the widespread dis
tribution of the poisoned fruit are
bending' every effort to reach and
confiscate the bottles and a warning
has been sent broadcast advising
housewives to return unopened all
containers holding suspected brands.
Furnish Record of Sales.
The olives, packed in 1918 by a
California company, were sold to the
retail trade through Sprague-War-ner
& Co.. local wholesale grocery
house. Maj. A. A. Sprague, head of
the firm and federal fair price com
missioner for Illinois, has furnished
a record of all sales to federal au-.'
thorities and has instructed his sales
men to call on every customer and
take up the olives.
Five dozen bottles of the poisoned
fruit have been distributed to deal
ers in 17 Illinois towns. It Is not
known how many dozen are in -other
states. , ' , ) -
Three Brands Involved.
Brands involved are "Batavia. 7 s
"Ferndeir 'and "Richelieu." Only
ripe olives, stuffed with pimentos
and sold in bottles, are affected. J.
L. McLaughlin, superintendent of
the Illinois division of food and
dairies, said investigation disclosed
that no blame attached' to packer,
wholesaler or retailer.
Labels on the bottles show they
were distributed by the Chicago .
firm, but do not carry the packers'
name. The bottles contain six ounces
net, and are of the No. 10 size, ac
cording to the labels.
Where Poisoned Brands Are.
' Towns olives are known to have ,
been distributed and the number of
bottles in each, are: " "
Nebraska: Richelieu braml, Wa- '
hoo, 12. .
Kansas: Richelieu brand, Pitts,
burg, 24; Holton, 12; Wichita, 24.
Iowa: Richelieu brand, Des Moines,
12; Boone, 6; ,Odebolt, 6; Sioux City,
12. Ferndell brand. Des Moines, 30;
Sionx City, ,36; Marengo, 8; Earl
ham, 3; Waterloo, 12. Batavia brand.
Atlantic, ,6: Indianola, 12; Spencer.
6; Boone, 1; Ida Grove, 4; Deni
son. 6. . 1
Montana: Richelieu brand, Dillon,
24. Batavia brand, Kalispell, 12.
Bacillus botufinus, a deadly poison,
first discovered in a ham in 1899,
appeared in ripe olives last fall when ,
(Continued on Face Two, Column Three.)
Governor Opposes ,
U. S. Plan to License
Sale of Liquor Here
Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 21. To pre-,
vent possible issuance of licenses '
to druggists to sell intoxicating
liquors on doctors' prescriptions in
Nebraska, Gov. Samuel R. McKelvie
addressed a letter to Internal Rev
enue Commissioner Roper asking
him not to allow the issuing of such
permits. V
His action supplemented a recent
letter to Mr. Roper from Attorney,
General Clarence A. Davis, who said
that liquor sales under such permits
would violate Nebraka law and that
the state would resort to court
action, if necessary to stop them.
Mummers Won't Play When
Officers Usurp Men's Seats ,
Denver, Colo., Feb. 21. 'a the
atrical troupe from a local vaude
ville theater "went on strike" when
all enlisted men had been ejected
from the auditorium at the Aurora
Army hospital, where they were to
give an entertainment for wounded
and convalescent soldiers.
Four hundred soldiers occupied,
the room when the hour for the en
tertainment, a weekly feature at the -camp
arrived. Officers found their t
reserved seats had been preoccupied
and ordered the enlisted men to va-,
The room was clea'red, with some
grumbling on the part of the nien.
News of the disturbances reached
the performers and they refused to
Two Workmen Burn to Death
When Oil Well Catches Fire
Tulsa., Okl., Feb. 21. Two men
were burned to death and three
burned so badly it is believed they
will die, when the Slick-Jones o;l -
well near Jennings burst into flames'
early today. ,
Martial Law to End. ,r;
Lexington, Ky., Feb. 21. Martial
lw instituted here following rioting '
February 9, in. which six persons v
were killed and many wounded in a
mol's vain attempt to capture and,
lynch William Lockett, a negro, will
end Sunday morning at 7,