Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 21, 1920, Page 13, Image 13
4 X r THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1920. - 43 4 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Kansas Lands. ( Franklin County, Kansas 1(1 acres, lu mlls food blah school .town, U tillable; 50 acres blua gran .. pasture, 19 acres alfalfa, 39 acrea - timothy and olovar; aood 1-room house, larfa barn, never falllnc water! prion, tilt per aortj good terms on 110,000 If wanted. i CASIDA A CLARK, . ' Ottawa. Kansas. aorea emooth western Kansas' wheat land, eloss to town, 14.000; quarter further out, 11.(00. Writ V, E. enqueue, Bsllna. Kan. Michigan Land, W HAVB a 40.v0e-acre .trarl In Upper Michigan convenient to railroad, with : aomo Improved property adjoining on ytwa sides. Wt would like to dispose of thle tract aa a whole and would be will. ' Ing to eell upon a reaeonable payment down: terms on balance at ( per cent; price, II 0 per, acre. -' ' We also hare a tract of 1,000 acres In ' Michigan, well blocked. If Interested In acreage of this size, write for further Information. Price, $10 i par acre. , i GRIHMER LAND COMPANY. . , ' Marinette. Wis. t Minnesota Lands. fjO-ACRE Minnesota Improved farm. Equal to the beat In Minnesota. Every foot till able ; rich black loam soil. Practically all plowed back. Spring poateaelon. Oood -room house, Harn worth $8,000: other outbuildings. " H mile from good town of 000 population. New Hltfh achool. coat JUSOftO. Oood Uerman Lutheran and Congregational churahes. No better farm In Iowa or Mlnneaota. no matter what tha price may be. You can buy this for 1125 per acre. Write us for Uenulne Simps In Mlnneaota lands. J. -O. SYLVK8TER COMPANY. Kndrc-ott Bu lldlng, St. Paol. Minn. CORN LAND 40, HO or 110 acrea: good heavy soil; well settled part of Todd county, Minn. Hood roads, achools and churches. Will produce good corn, oate. clover, pota toes, etc. Price 115 to I22.BO per acre. ,". Term $1.00 an acre rash, balance $1.00 ?n acre a year, 1,000 acres to select rom. SCHWAB BROS.. , 1011 Plymouth Bids.. Minneapolis, Minn. ("ARMS for sale lit Minnesota, well Im proved; possession can bo given this spring; are located near good towns and sunoola.. Will make very low prices, ' as We wish to use the .money In the manufacturing business. Watters Mfg. Works, Ins.. lis East 26th St., Minne apolis. Minn. - ' "RtONTERP. ATTENTION! IWSrfc work for the landlord? You canVown a farm. We have Improved ' fHritV, SO to 100 acres, in the corn belt V that can be handled wllli $1.(00 to $2,000 cash. Writ" for particulars. Farmers' Land Co.. 303 Globe W'dK., Minneapolis. Missouri Lands. fcrillNU CHECK FARM ISO acres; plenty , of Improvements; fruit., Corn made 40 bushels per acre. Running water. $2,800, easy terms, 3-694, Mountain View, Mo. BARliAINH in Southern -Missouri farms. H. H. Peckham Call Wal. 4105. Nebraska-Lands A' Fahn. Bargain Possession March 1 100 acres, the southwest quarter of section SO, township 10, range 17, Buf falo County, Nebraska, 1 miles from Rlverdale. Good 8-room house with brick eellar; barn for 12 horses, mow for f$ tons of hay; 'double corn crib and granary; leanto for machinery ; cow shed 12x32; hen house, stock scales and other minor Improvements ; 2 wells and 1 windmill; place fenced with Osagn posts; about 00 aorea under plow; lies level to gently lolling: balance the very best of rolling pasture, which hits a small stream of running water which never ' freetee nor goes dry; plenty of good timber along stream. There Is a placo along this stream which nature has made for an Ideal feeding place for cat tle, being well sheltered on all sides, yet well drained. Hull the vary brat of black loam, with clay subsoil. About 4 mile to school. Price for a few days only $100 per sere; about V4 cash, bal ance good terms. Muds Sorgenfrei, owner, ClarkS, Neb., Routo 3. Phoha Cherry 2791, Central City. Buy from owner and save commission. . A REAL FARM AT THE RIGHT PRICE 144 acres looated miles west of Ogallals Neb., and-J cast of Bruele " on a good level road to town on the - Lincoln Highway. 116 a eves under plow Including (0 acres of alfalfa which cuts 176 tons per season, balancswthe ,'very 'best of pasture, "Heavy rich. ' black loam mtoU with clay sub-soil. Land lies level; is nil sub-lrf tested and la excellent alfalfa land. This place has about 110.000.00 worth of fins im ' provements which consist of a good S-story, 7-room house, with basement and furnace; water In kitchen. Good barn for S head of horses, stanchions for 10 cows, mow for 26 tons of hay. Hog bouse; chicken house, granary and new garage with cement floor: room for 1 cars, Oood well and windmill. These Improvements are nearly new. 95 . acres fenced, (0 acres hog tight. Plen ty of Bice shads trees and grove on the north and west Price for a very few days) anly, $140.00 per acre, one-halt cash, balance easy terms. Possession March 1, 12K Write or see M. A, LARSON, owner. Central City. Neb PAWNEE COUNTY FARM 100 acres of the best Nebraska farm land, t miles north and 1 mile east of Table Rook best corn and wheat land In Nebraska: all modern Improvements; good 1H -story house; first class barn 'and cattle shed. In perfect condition; well fenced throughout; 2$ acres in winter wheat, 26 acres corn and 25 in alfalfa which goes with place. Price, $126 per acre. Possession MARCH 1ST. $6,001 WILL HANDIjE THIS. BOX T-96 BEE. FOR SALEf-160-sers farm located - in southeastern Nebraska; good Improve ments; well fenced; 25 acres alfalfa, SS- acres In winter wheat, which all goes with place; possession March 1. Price $20,000. Terms. $5,000 cash, bal ance on time if necessary. - BROMLEY & LEWIS Owners. (45 Rslliawy Exchange BIJ(r Cor. loth and Harney. Tel. Tyler 1096. Omaha. 100 acres, level land, 8-room home, barn, big corn crib. Price $200 per acre. Terms one-half cash. 146 acres, rolling land, fine 8-room house, barn, etc. Price $300 per acre. Both In Burt county. Neb., best corn, wheat and alfalfa county In Nebraska. ' Possession March 1st. Ten more just as good. Coma and see them. E. D. Pratt, owner, Hex 422, Tekamah. Neb. FOR SALE 100-acre farm: black rich soil:' 100 seres under plow; good set buildings; some alfalfa, balance pas .tore; $70 per srre. Possession given MsSrch 1. R. H. Pafker. O'Neill, Neb? FOR SALE 4,560-acre ranch; good grass, fair Improvements, three miles of river front A bargain at $10.00 per acre. ' Reasonable terms. Will sell part Act quick. , N. J. Roaewald. Seneca. Neb. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS IMPROVED! IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA at the right price. Write for list LARSON & CARRAHER, Central City. Nebraska. 400 ACRES, three sets Improvements, all In cultivation, 100 acres In alfalfa, 4 miles Bayard, Neb. Price $135 per acre. Oood terms. J, L. Perrlne, Mitchell, Neb. a JJ0 ACRES In famous ScotUbluff country; good Improvements: 76 acres alfalfa. Price till March 1. $40,000. Good terms. v Get busy. J. L. Perrlne. Mitchell, Neb. WRTTB me for pictures and prices of my farms'and ranches In good old Dawes - Co. Arab L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. For Neb. Farms and Ranches ses Graham-Peters Realty Co., "S2 Omaha Nafl Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. $0 ACRES Improved: well located: cheap if taken oetopa Marcn I. box in, .ia horn. Neb. A. A. PATZM4.N. Farms. 401 Karbach.Blk. New York Lands. $4.600 'Ws 150 acres, S miles from high school. ststioD. churches, condensary. 126 acres level, dark loam; 26 acres valuable timber, good buildings, well so ancle trees. Including 18 ' cows, team. 80 hens, bay," straw, grain. . ens! less and farm eiuprnent. $8,000 ' , cash. Free list. William Bemeat Sher Mta m fliBiit.nuou, CO.. N. Y. North Dakota Lands. FAR! bargain in North, Dakota. Partly improved: nothing to py for firs years, ir von will erect buildings and fences, value about -$S.0o8: tew miles to tows, schools and churches: good soli and wa ter; no sloughs or gravel; raise alfalfa, grain, corn, cattle, sheep and hogs. Prices from $2 to $40 per scte. We m tlieaa barealns; no commissions to pay; ws will accept part of crops to ' Helllg 8b Elliott. Minneapolis. Minn South Dakota Lands. 410 Improved, $32.60 per acre cash; $.000 acres leased free. Also fine $20, ln n roved. $8$: som laassd land. Other farms and iranchssv. B, A. Parks, Val. nttn. MK gftl 14$. IF TOU want corn and alfalfa land that wii v n hir Interest an soar money. then I have just what yoo era looking tor. Writs John rusay una v, iu. 14, M. W. 11-16-14. Perkins eoanty. Ira Kehart. Phoenix Bids- Mlnneapo- lla Mlsn. tl.l. . oerfsot 140 acrea corn, lfU "das ooart, roasaus swmt saw FARM AND RANCH LANDS ' Wisconsin Lmndt,x v LANDOLOUY, a magaalne giving ths facta la regdrd to Che land situation. Three months' subscription, FREE. It for a home or as an Investment yon sre thinking sf buying good farm lands, simply write me a letter sad say "Mall me LANDOLOOY and all particulars, FREE." Address Editor, Landolegy, Hkldruore Land Co., 431 Skldmors Bldg, Marinette. Wis. - Wyoming Lands, 1)0 ACKK.H relinquishment, considerable timber, good land, house, barn, six, miles to town, prospective oil land. Price, $3,000. Box (37, Casper, Wyo. ' FARM LANDS FOR RENT. FOR RENT Forty acres well Improved, Ss miles north of Olenwood, 22 acres In cultivation, six acrea alfalfa, balance .orchard and pasture. Inquire In per 'son, 2101 W. B. Way, Co., Bluffs, la. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. RENTANEWFOfcDT DRIVR IT YOURSELF 15H CENTS PER MILE, OA8 AND INSURANCE EXTRA. OUtt CARS ARE COMFORTABLY HEATED FOR. WIN TER SERVICE. r DR1VE-1T-YOCR8ELF-COMPANT, FORMERLY FORD LIVERY CO. 1814 HOWARD ST. DOUG. 8622 Better Grab i;hese IT Lexington 6 chummy, .like new. 17 Ollde six touring. . 18 Mltcht.ll six touring. Twnntv otherST $175 up. TRAWVER AUTO CO. '1910 Farnam. RELIABLE automobile school; best elec trical and self-starter courses; day and nlRht school; come now; free catalogue. National Automobile School, 2814 North Twentieth. Omaha. KEYSTONE MOTORS CO. 2103 Farnam St.' Douglas 2)181. STANDARD .WINTON Eight Six SOME bargains in used Ford cats. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jacksofl. Douglas 3600. ' USED cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, , 4603 Farnam Bt. Doug. 1870. TiMF. PAYMENT PLAN - .REBUILT CHEVROLET!, EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS. PHONE TYLER 3600. 5215 FARNAM. llAKI.AN'n Sensible Mix MARSH OAKLAND CO. 2J100 Farnam St. BEST VALUES IN USED CARS. TRAWVER AUTO CO. 18 10 FARNAM. aLue THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR CpMPANT. 2520 Farnam St.- FOR TERMS ON, USED CARS " VAN BRUNTS. Look for the red seal on wlnahleld. WANTED for spot cash. 100 used care; quick action; no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. zus Farnam wt. Doig. 0036 WE HAVE 60 good used cars to select from. All prices. MEEK8 AUTO CO.. 2020 Farnam. ' AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 2033 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. KEDI-MADE OARAQES, wood or steel. Send for circular Redl-Made - Housing ,,Co.. 2811 Howard. Red 3657. UOOD Touring" car. In running order. can be made into trucK; line moior, $126. ,W.-bster J48. , , 1918 Chevrolet Baby Grand roadster for sale heap. Call . E. Murr. Loug. oiui. OLUS.MOBILE. 1919: used only, few months: bargain for cash. Harney ymi, DODGE touring. 1st class condition; will trade for good clear lot, waiisier ez. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. 8MITH. Auto Livery and Garages. TRUCKS, all sizes, for hire. Best service, best rates. Tyler 1B75,- Repairing and Paintingv RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MF. CO., 1818 Cuming St. Tyler 817. AUTOMOBILE painting. First class work. IJouglSS 7S1S. 1Z wo. ;in nr., rear. T Motorcycles and Bicycles. SarLSY - DAVfbsON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines, victor a. Roos, the motorcycle man, 17th and Leavenworth Sts. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES, STRICTLY FIRST. 303 ......$ 8.75 32x3Va $16.59 30T3H .$11.90 84x4 $20.60 DEALERS AND AGENTS WANTEP.- 4t0 N. lth. Doug. 8880. USED TIRES DIRT CHEAP. 80x3. $4.00; 80x34. $5.00. . All sizes in , proportion.. Look over our rebuilts. Cpen 8undays. Tyler 2988. 00$ N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop. NEW TIRES DIRT CHEAP SOxH FISK.... $116 84x4 $20.86 30X3 LIS v 3JC4 Zt.9t K A 1 MAN TIRE JOB B ERS. 1722 CUMINH. AUTO electrical repairs; service station for Rayfield carburetor and Columbia storage Batteries, cqwaras. jcio ft. i. RADIATORS - repaired. C. Elsasser,752J S. 2lst St. Tyler 4os. test worn; rea sonable prices. GOOD FORD radiators for sale. Tyler " ' ' - . 4000. Horses Live Stock. Vehicles. HARNESS, SADDLES AND TRAVELING UUODU. 1 W make them ourselves and sell di rect to the consumer, no middleman's profit, High grade goods t first cost. Store Is 60 years old and our guarantee Is good. We have large stock of war harness at low prices. ALFREIJ CORNISH CO. Successors to Colling Morrison. 1-210 Farnam St. 800 Sets of Harness,""" SADDLE! AND COLLARS at 20 per cent discount; free list pries, irft -i tt "I Miawesi narness yo., 708 N. 16th St ' Omha. Neb. X FOR SALE. 10 heed of good heavy farm mares, - horses end mules. Majority of mares in foal. Inquire at stables. M. C. PETERS MILL CO. " 29th and B Street, South Side, or . Phone South 476 After I P. M. TWO teams ana harness for sals. 937 N. 27th St. Harney 37.5. 60TND 6-year-old horse, wt 1,100 lbs. 2421 turning st v. ov. poultry And, pet stock. CANARIES by ths score. Singers. $10. Frank Dyers, eouin invi. oouin Omaha. Canary breeder. THREE R. C. and two a C. Rhode Island Red cockerels, 4280. each. Colfax ;eVe SNOW Whits Rock Cockerels, also eggs for hatching. Walnut 288. THOROUGHBRED Barred Hock cocker- els. -walnut l04. PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial horns solicits your old clothing, furniture, magasines. We collect. Ws distribute. Phons Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new boms, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge street. WILL Marian Braman, who left Spokane In September. 1918. please writs an old friend t" Percy Collin, Csshmsre, Wash., o-o, F. A. Wlngate, Boa 48. FACE 'massage, manicuring, a tor. 11 North 17th St Lady oper- HONEY TO LOAN. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY L6ANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths, Harry Malaahock. 1614 Dodge. D. 6619., Bs 1894. FARM and city loans K. H. LOUOEE. INC., 185 Kssiins Bias. Ths Bear, of Education will sail firm houss and two bgru ob 33rsrtul Burt and 33rd and Cuming S treats ml PUBLIC AUCTION February 23. ' SU starts lt.00 p. m. Housss to b aaovod f rein tha pramises withiai thirty slays. Taring cash. Jamas L. Dowd, Auc tionaar. For particulars of sale inquire of ; . W. TBourke, Stc. - 03 City Hull.- -Market r LIVE STOCK Omaha Live Stock Market. Omaha, Feb. 20, 18:0. Receipts were: Cattle Boss. Sheen. Official Monday... Official Tuesday . . . 1.105 10.855 t.440 6.705 14.701 7,04a 4,8 10,816 13,183 3,883 7,745 V10.448 Official V.'ednesday. Official Thursday. Estimate Friday 2. Z0V .SOW Y.illMI Five days this week.. 25.878 60.817' 47,127 Same days last week.23.S20, 42,168 E5.J87 Sams 2 weeks sgo.. 32,454 63,488 30.648 Same 3 weeks ago.. 38,838 62,180 46,678 Same days year ago.S1.873 87,863 28,485 Receipts and disposition Of live stock at the Union stock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours sndlng at Id. m.. February 20: RECEIPTS-ARS. ' Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses. C, M. & St. P.... I Wabash 5Io. Paclfl'' 3 Union Pacific ....23 C. N. W.. east.. 11 C, St. P., M. O. 5 C, B. A Q-, east.. 8 C. B. & Q., west. 17 C, R. I. A P.. east 3 C. R. L & P., west 2 Illinois Central ... 7 Chi., Gt West.... 2 Total receipts ..93 t .. .. 'i ! '. 17 31 9 - . . 1 3 ; .. i ' . . .. in . 1. $8 34 1 'f- DISPOSITION CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris lc Co. 846 824 856 Swift & Co 4,068 Cudahy Packing Co J8 Armour tt Co 678 1,818 670 1,281 234 2,040 t,18 2.104 2,031 Schwartz & Co J.. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co. .. S. Omaha Packing Co. Glnssberg Wilson F. P. Lewis i J. B. Root J. H. Bulla Rosenstock Bros. .... F. G. Kellogg Werthhelmer & Degen Ellis & "Co E. G. Christie . .TT 160 10 82 . 8 i 86 6 1 I 2 85 107 John Harvey . . . . vi . . . Jensen & Lundgsen . . i;neek it Krebs Other buyers Total sales 2,832 6,168 6,858 Cattle Estimates called for 2.200 head of cattle here today or 1,500 less than Thursday. Total for the five days Is 85,800. or over 2.000 larger than receipts for the same period a week ago, but 6,000 less then for the corresponding time last year. i All grades of beef cattle moved at about steady prices this morning and quality as a whole was very plain. Demand for butcher stock appeared light, and the usual slow market prevailed at prices gen erally unchanged from yesterday, Stockcrs and feeders were about steady. quotations on Cattle Good ' to choice beeves, $11.50613.00; fair to good beeves. $10.0011.60; common to fair beeves, I8.00fcl0.00: good to choice yearlings, $11.25i912.50; fair to good yearlings. $9.6 11.25; common to fair yearlings, $R.00tg 9.50: choice to prime heifers. 810.00 11.2". : good to choice heifers, $8.0010.00; choice to prime cows, $10.0011.00; good to choice cows. J. 60(910. 00; fair to good cows, 87.25fiJ.B0; common to fair cows. $6.257.26; choice to prime feeders, $11.00; 'kooci to cnoics teeaers, 11.00; medium to good feeders, $8.60 SM5: common to fair feeders, t7.50ripf.50; good to choice stockers, $9.5011.25; fair to good stockers, $7.769.26; common to fair grades, $0.0007.76: stock heifers, $5,5017.60; stock cows, $5.25 ro7. 0Q ; stock calves, $7.009.60; veal calves, $9.60 16.00; bulls, Btags. etc.. $5.5010,00. HREF STEERS. A. Pr. No. No. 27.. Av. . 873 . 960 . 902 .1084 . 640 . 852 . 786 Pr. 9 85 10 75 11 25 12 00 10 00 992 9 75 '14 20 S79 10 25 10. 16 1079 1110, 56 1100 11 90 14. 11. 10. 10. 11 454 8 60 12 453 10 23 10 60 21 1102 10 75 11 828 11 20 ijil CALVES. 966 7 75 11 997 8 00 10 1025 8 25 11.-. 1060 8 40 17; 9S7 8 60 13 1043 8 CO 11 1006 8 85 17 974 10 60 BULLS. 1 J480 7 75 1 830 8 00 1 1670 8 00 1 1430 ' 8 40 1 1380 8 50 l....'..17S0 8 50 1 1150 9 00 1 1720 1 8 00 1 960 9 BlV COWS 2 310 9 00 5...;.. 352 l....v. 240 . 12 00 4 272 2...... 210 14 50 1 110 8 162 15 50 v . V HEIFERS. 8...... 490 6 60 13. 684 23..,..,. 813 9 00 - 11?"..... 554 ' STOCKERS AND FEEDEBS. 15..".... 651 8 00 7 727 20...... 970 10 00 53 918 10 00 13 60 15 00 75 26 9 00 10 90 23 94r 10 80 Hogs Receipts were light todays 97 loads estimated at 6,800 Tiead. Demand was good anil marknt active at Drices een- erally 10c to 30c higher than yesterday. ine long siring was I13.7U9B13 80 and there was enough of -a soread to create a bulk of $13.60(3113 90 and top at $14.00. Extra heavy hoas cont nue in the' undesirablo class, regardless of weight, with several loans at $13.25 and sales made as low as $12.00., HOGS. No. Av. 44. .393 70. .241 '67.. 262 38.!90 70. .211 Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. . Pr. 13 50 13 60 13 70 13 80 13 90 12 25 81. .195 40 40 13 6 13 65 13 75 13 85 13 85 63. .283 73. .239 44. .232 60. -.156 23. .196 80. .23$ 14 00 Sheen Arrivals of sheaD and lambs to day were limited as is usually the case for the close of the week. Receipts amounted to 7,000 head and practically all pf the offerings were fat. Packers were good buyers from the start and fat iamts trade reflected quite a little Im provement. Good fat lambs sold largely at prices a quarter higher, best grades bringing $20.2020.60. with a decent class of killers selling from $19.50619.76. Fat sheep ruled strong with top on ewes $13.35. There was nothing ranch doing In feeders, owing to a light country de mand and a very small supply. Good fleshy feeders are still quotable around $17.6018.00. Quotations on Sheep Lambs, good to choice, $20.00 20. 60; lambs, fair to good. $19.5020.00; fleshy feeders, 317.50 18.00; medium weight feeders, $16,760 17.26; cull lamb; $14.0016.60; yearlings, good to choice, $t.0017.60; wethers, IIS. 00f 14.60; ewes, good to choice, $12.75 fiUS.25: ewes, fair tn a-ond. 811.76iR)12.En- good feeder ewes. $8.259.B0; ewe culls and canners, $7.008.00. V FAT LAMBS. No. - At Pr. No. A v. Pr. 213 fed.. 75 19 75 2S5 fed.. 74 18 70 440 Colo. 79 20 65 225 fed.. 88 20 25 249 tad.. 74 19 00 FEEDER LAMBS. 19 fed.. 63 17 60 1 FAT 'EWES. 199 fed.. 109 12 60 433 fed. .105 13 25 , YEARLING WETHERS. 101 fed J. 77 00 Chicago Live Stock. " Chicago, Feb. 20. Hogs Receipts, 20, 000 head; estimated tomorrow, 8,000 bead; market mostly 10c higher than yesterday's Leverage; bulk, $13.90 14.60; top, $14.80; neavy, tii.itqpM.ia; medium, iis.iuo) 14.50; light, $14.40014.80; light light, $14.25914.70; heavy packing; sows, smooth, $12.6013.26; packing sows, rough, $12.00 012,50; pigs. $13.25(114.26. Cattle Receipts-. 6,000 head; -estimated tomorrow, 1,000 head; beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, $14.0016.25; medium and good, $11.60 14.00; common, $9.00011.60; light weight, good and choice, 3U.8515.23; common and medium, 18.5011.86; butcher cattle, heifers, $6.50012.76; cows, $6.60011.60; canners and r cutters, $5.0006.50; veal calves, $16.76017.25; feeder steers, $7,600 i.i; stocKer steers, ss.7041iv.3s. 8heep Receipts, 6.000 bead; estimated tomorrow, 6,000 head; market strong; lambs, 84 pounds down, 818.0021.60; culls and common, 14.60ff 17.75; ewes, medium, good and choice. $U.2514.50; culls nd common, $6.0010.78. Vanaaav City Live Stock. . Kansas 'City. Mo., Feb. 80. Cattle Re ceipts, 900 head; market steady to weak: heavy beef steers, choice and prims, $18.60 015.25; medium andgood, $11.75913.60; common. $9.60911.76: lightweight, good and choice, 811. 50 14. 50; common and medium, 88.0CrU1.6O; butcher cattle, heif ers, $6.90911.76; cows. 84.H50ll.26: can ners and cutters, $5.0096.(5; veal calves, $12.76915.00; feeder steers, $8.60912.76; stockers steers. $6.85910.76. Hogs Receipt. 4.60 head; market atesdy to 10 sents higher: bulk of Bales, $13.36914.00: heavies, $13.25913.75; me diums, $18.5014.00; lights, $1$.(5914.35: oar king sows, $12.25912.75; .pigs, $11,009 14.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1.500 head; market steady: lambs. $17.75920.20; culls snd common. $12.00917.2f ; yearllnr weth ers, $16.60918.00; fJk, $10.50913.26; culls snd common, $5. f5 10.26; breeding ewes, $3.00914.00; feeder lambs, $15,609 18.60. . ' Sioux City Liva stock. Slnne CltV. T. Feb. 10. Cattle ItS- eelpts, $.000 head; marfct weak; beefj steers, choice fad. $12.00916.50; short fed, $l.6091h; beef cows, $8.6098.08; fat oowa snd heifers. $3.00912.00: can ners. $4.5096.26: feeders. $8.60911.00: stockers, $7.0099.50; feeding cows snd heifers. $5.6098.00; veal calves, choice, $6.O016.00; common calves. 84.0099.50. Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head; market steady; light. $ll. 60913. 96; -mixed. 613 40 913.65; heavy, $13.15918-76; bulk, $11.(0 918-90. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,00 head; market II cents higher. fit. Joseph Uva Stock. St. Josrnh. Me.. Feb !. Cattle Re ceipts, i.loi head) snartaiA steady ( atasia. and Industrial News, of Short Term Notes Quotations furnished by Peters Trast Co.: . Bid Asked Amer, Tel. & Tel. 6s, -24... 94 Si ' 85(4 Amer; Tel. & Ttr 6s, 1826... 6H 67 Amer. Too. 7s, 1822 100 1014 Amer. Tot. 7s, 1923 101& 102v Anaconda Copper 6s, 1829..., 95 65ft Anglo-French Ext. 6s, 1320.. UM 86 V Armour Co. Can. Deb. 6s. 1820 ' 6H Co. Con. Deb. 6s. 89H Co. Cen. Dsb. 4s, 4 Co. Con, Deb, 6s, - .................. V ioo h 100H lOOtt loor Armour & 1821 ... Armour & 1822 ... Armour & 182S ... Armour & vO. VOn. 1MB, es. 1924 r.. Rethlefiein StVoi' Co'.' Vs! 'rtiilOO 100 rietnienem nieei uo. 7s, mil. loo British 6Vvs, 1921 94', I 95 C, B. A y. 4s, 1921 9SU 83(4 Cudahy Fucking Co. 7s. 1823.100 Int. H..& T. Co 6s, 1831...... 65 Lehigh Valley s. 1923 99 U Liggett & Myers 4s, 1981.... 99)4 Proctor & Gamble 7s, 1922..100U Proctor A. Gamble 7s, 1928.. 101 Russian rdiiles 6H". 1936.... SS Union Facifio s, 1928 10O Wilson Conv. 6s, 1928 91H First Liberty Hl 96.62 Liberty 1st 4 60.60 Liberty 2d 4s 90.20 Liberty 1st 4 Ms 90.80 100 67 100 994 10114 102 89s. loo 92 Liberty 2d 4 'As... Liberty 3d 44s... Liberty 4th 4Us... Liberty 6th 4&s... ,92.04 90.98 7.74 $9.00914.00; cows and heifers, $5,609 12.50; calves, $6.00914.60. Hogs Receipts, 2,600 head; market steady p 15 cento higher; top, J14.00; bulk of sales, $18.35013.86. . . . . Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 1,500 head; marks steady; lambs, $18.60920.26; awes, $12.60914.00. New York Coffee. ' New York, Feb. 20. Thera was soms further covering In the market for coffee futures today owing to 1 firm Braslllan cables, but recent advances had evidently lett tho technical position easier and ths general ruling of prices was lower under realising for over the holiday. Tho mar ket opened 1 to 4 points lower and after showing net losses of about 14 to 18 points steadied "up slightly on reports of higher futures In Braall. , The hulscs met incressed offerings, how ever, and May declined to 14.650 on ths later trading, or 23 points net iqwer. inn delivery closed at 14.66c, with the gen eral list showing a net decline of 11 1 to 26 points. March. 14.29c: May, 14.66c; July. 14.88c: September, n.isc; wiooer, 14.75c: December. 14.71c. Tire exchange will be ciorea irom iuo mm Tuesday morning. , ..,. Spot coffee was reported In moaerat; demand at 14 o to 15o for Rio 7s and 24KO to 24 s tor Santos 4s. - Chicago Ptaduc. rhlcaao. reb. 20. Butter Higher; creamery. 496f66c, Eggs Receipts, changed. Poultry Alive, 13.990 cases; un- lower; springs,' Sic; fowls, 35c, . ' , i. i,,f hour, nronounced weakness developed owing in some degree to reports that country otrenngs w,i, .uy -... Argentine shipments big. The close was heavy, 1W2H not ow. with May, $1.82KJ1.S2 nd Jhi'S9 Subsequently, ths market declined with corn. New Kork Produce. . v, -vnru. Weh. jo. Butter Firm; ex- kt as, 6?Hc: others unchanged. , . Eggs Strong; iresn guiiiuvcu firsts. 970o; do, first, 67W68C. Chtcse Irregular; state, whole milk, flats, held, specials, 2$lc: do aver age run, 28 4 29c: state, whole milk, twins, held, specials, 2930c. Poultry Live. Irregular; chickens, 82 35c: fowls, 40c: roosters. 24c; turkeys. 86 i'40c. Dressed, steady.: roosters, 26 ii 27'iTc. Others unchanged. New York Metaj. , -New Tori, Feb. 20. Copper and Iron Unchanged. . Antimony 11.8 1 c. I,ead Firm; spot and March, $.$70 9 12c. ' 7.1 tie Unsettled; spot, 8.759.06c. At London Spot: qopper, 119 12s 6d; electrolytic. 4187; tin, f401; ,leatl, i52 7s 6d; zinc.1 61 6s. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New Tork. Feb. 20. Evaporated Apples Dull. M Apricots and Peaches Steady. Raisins In fair demand. Prunes Slow. ' Cotton Futures. - New York? Feb. 20. Cotton Futures, closed steady; March. S6.52c; May, 84.34c; July, 3212c; October, 29.93c; December, 29.38c. i ' " Chicago Potatoes. Chicago. Feb. 20. Potatoes Steady; receipts. 37 cars; northern whits, sacked, $4.25 4.45. . New York Coffee. ' ,,. New Tork, Feb. 20. Coffee No. 7 Rloi 14.c; -Futures, easy; March, 14,t9o; July, 14.88e. Linseed OIL Dulutb, Minn., Feb. SO. Linseed $5. 05.71. . Spot Cotton. New ToTk, Feb. 20. Cotton Spot, quiet; middling. 39.00c. Real Estate Transfers Theresa Arnsteln, at sl to Julius .Tatelmanet ai ti e. cor. ioiu lend N at.. 60x60 ft. $18,500 Christian J. H. Brlnker and wife to Wilhelmine Herscniag, zsin at., 115 ft. n. of Ellison ave., e. s., Knx166 ft .... (.800 Stephen C, Wlrts and wife to An drew J. Enrlgnt ano wue, urei ave.. 160 tt. w. of 25th ave.. s. s., appr., anit it George L. Bailey and wife to Just t ... ,41. 14 0 ft - 5.5,00 j, ursauvi,, 0.., -..9 ... a. of Missouri ave.. O. s.. 40x130 ft. 1,869 Barker Co. to C. S. Johnsen, s. w. cor. Lincoln Diva, ana Oregon Trail, Irreg. piece, appr., (0x104.1 ft ' 1,200 Princess C. Olson and husband to Ida M. crowell, a, w. cor. tn and Mauberry st, 54x132 ft. and other property 1,00$ Fannie A. Crowell and husband to Princess C. Olson, s. w. cor. m and Mayberry St., 50x133 ft. and other property 1 1,000 Beds M. C. Rasmussen and husband to John O'Hearn, Stone ave., luu - ft. w. of 31st St.. n. s., 60x130.6 ft. .600 Louis Berks snd wife to George B. Knott, et ai., William sc., 148.8 ft. w. of 6h St., n. s., 86s: 150 ft. $.575 Sophie H. Sherman and husband to jr.- Al. Berg, xtmney sr., tvv xu w. of 60th St., s. St, 60x158 ft. . . 2,40$ William A. Hempel to C Jessls Hoffman, Laird St., 28 It. w. of 22rt st.1 a s.. 28x100 ft. 1,860 Vaclav Vrchloysky and wife to An ton Relda and wife, Madison St., 178 ft. e. of Railroad ave., a, s., 90x128 ft 2,450 Gilbert H. Wbrley and wife to ths African Methodist episcopal church. Binney st, 171 ft w. of 24th St., it s., 37.66x131.17 ft. .. Bessie E . Teaterman to H. S. Andrews, s. w. cor. 40th and aPr- 8,150, a. . aer St.. vyxiiiu it. IBUa A. Kent to W. P. Spaulding. 1 85th ave., 262 ft. n, of Mason St., a. s., 40x125 ft. x John F. Flack and wife to Thomas E. Arnold, 44th ave.. 118 ft. n. of Prtt St., s. i, 40x13414 ft. Roy J. Cusack to- Frank MoGanty, 6,000 $70 26th st., 320 ft. s. of newsy ave., w. v. Siisn tt. 206 Alfred W. Gordon and wife to Standard Investment Co.. s. w. cor. 27th ave. and Harney at., 102Hxl60H ft. 1 Standard Investment Co. to Tha O'Brien Davis Co ad Auto Co., s. w. cor. 27th ave. and Harney at., V 102ttxl(0H ft 10,000 Nalfiie J. Gruenlg and husband to 14ns jonnson, ust St., so it. s. oi Farnam St., w. s., 75x185 ft. .... Wilson T. Graham and wit to E. JvCorkin. et al., s. s. cor. 10th and Pacific St., 76.65x103 ft.... Rasp Bros, to Henry A. Schuls, Arcsdla ave. 166 ft. w. of 10th st, n. s 44x120.9 ft Joseph Kollar and wife to John Kar.tor, et al., X St.. 126 ft w. of 13d ave., b. s.. 100x87 ft.... Minnie W. Empkey to Caroline Rus- 1,700 6,500 1,200 ffii, na st 240 ft s. of Haacall ss e. s.. 120x100 ft 42$ Mary Jane McArdla andhusband to Henry O. Turnin. et al.. 40th at, ft n. of Mason st.. W. S., 41X120 it. . Medicia Hoichar and wits tojpiin- ton B. Stunt. 12d ave., 49.7 Tt. a. of Martha St.. w. s., 60x100 ft... Barker Co. to Frank E. Kurti, 47th are., 77 ft n. of Military ave., e. s 76116 ft Charles P. Stroraherg and wife to 4,(00 (,td$ 1.10$ moss u. Anderson, a w. cor. lid and Frances st, 60x140 ft Melville S. Sturaeon to Frsnk S. . 6,000 Selby. (2d st, 160 ft. s. of Miami st, e. s 100x128 ft Norma D. Colfax snd husband to Mellvllle 8. Sturgeon, (2d St., 166 ft a of Miami St., a. a., 190x 12$ ft ' ' . 3,00$ 1,008 rTharesa Arnstein, st L to Jullos lauiman, st al., n. a. cor. xaur and N st, 60x60 ft 11,18$ Christian J. H. Brlnker and wife to Wilhelmine Herschlaav 24th at.. y Ml .GRAIN MARKET Omaha Oraln. Omata. Feb. 20, 1(20. Grain recelota today by carlots wars; Wheat, 14; corn. 111; oats, 16; rye, I, and barley, 2. Thera was a bettsr demsnd for wheat than for several days, at prices for hard winter about 1 cents off fru those obtained for ths psrts oi cars sola y ester . Corn r(ngd unchanged to 1 or 1 cents off, practically an at l or s oenis aeciine, except No, t mixed, which was about un- enangea. . . Oats were generally cent lower, and barley were unchanged. fa.h were! Rye WheatafNo. 2 hard: 4 cars, $2.31; 1 car, 11.94: 1 car. 11.2$ (smutty). No. S hard: r car. (2.25: 1 car. $2.25 (smutty); , S cars $2.21 (very smutty). No. 4 hard: 1 car. $2.15: 1 car, $2,23; 1 car, 12.20. No. t hard: 1 car. 12.17. Sample hard: 1 car, 12.10: 2-5 car, $1.(0. No. 2 northern anrlns: 2 care. $1.60 (dark). No. 6 north. era spring: 3S car, $2.14. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $2.17 (durum). No. $ mixed: 1 cars, $$.16 (durum). No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $2.10 (durum). No. ( mixed: 1 car. $2.15. Sam ple mixed: 1 oar, (2.10 (durum). Corn No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.38; 1 car, 11.88. No. ( white: 1-1 car, $1.36; 1 cars, $1.11. No, 1 yellow: 1-1 car, $1.40. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1.15 (17.6 per cent mois ture): 13 cars.. 11.13: 10 cars. $1.12. No. ( yellow: 1 cars, $1.11: 11 8-5 cars, $1.80; 2 cars, $1.80 (shippers' weights) ; 11 cars, $1.29. No. ( yellow: 2 cars, $1.27. No. 1 mixed:' 1 car, $1.85. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.34 (near white); 2 cars, $1.33 (near white); 1 car, $1.32; X cars, i.3i; 1 car, 11.31 (shlnoers' welchts): 3 cars. $1.30: by, cars, $1.29. No. 6 mixed: 1 cars, $1.29 (near wnne; s cars, si. is; i car, si.zs (shippers' weights); 2-5 car, $1.28; 1 3-5 oars, $1.27. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $1.27. Oats No. 2 wnitel l car, 81c; -1 car. 63HC ino. s wnite: is cars, ssc; z cars, 87 He No. 4 white: 3 cars, 87 Vic; 2 cars, $7Vio. Rye Nd. 4: V, car, $1.46; 2-5 car, $1.46. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. - Today Week Year Receipts Wheat Corn Oats Rys ......... Barley Shipments-Wheat Ago Ago . 84 21 31 .113 99 39 . 16 29 15 . 1 4 6 . - 0 1 .18 2 4 . 21 ti 38 . 19 11 18 .- 0 0 0 . 0 tt .4 Corn Oats ' , Rye . Barley RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat Corn Oats Chicago Kansas City-. , St. Louis Minneapolis ....... Duluth Winnipeg 16 120 10 68 31 104 74 ... ....138 .... 51 ..,.191 .... 11 ....267 ' OMAHA GRAIN INSPECTION. Received Wheat: No. 2 hard. 7 cars; No. 8 hard, 6 cars; No. 4 hard, 1 car; sample hard, 1 car; No. 1 mixed,; No. 2 mixed, 2 cars; No. 3 mixed, 4 Cars; Nq. 4 mixed, 2 cars; sample mixed, 1 car. Total, 12 cars. Corn No. 4 yellow, 14 cars: No. 5 yel low, 80 cars; No. 6 yellow, 4 cars; sample yellow, 2 cars; No. 3 white, 1 car; No. 4 whits, 12 cars; No., 6 white, 13 cars; sam ple white, 2 cars; 'No. 2 mixed, 1 car; No. 4 mixed, 18 cars; No. 6 mixed, 20 cars; No. 6 mixed, 2 cars Total 115 cars. Oats No. 2 white, 1 car; No. 3 white, 31 cars; No. 4 white, I cars; sampte white, 1 car. Total, 36 cars. Rye No. 2, 1 car; No. 4, 1 car. Total, 3 cars. s Barley No. 4, 1 car: rejected. 1 ear: sample, 1 ,car. Total, 3 cars., PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Today Receipts Wheat 602,000 Corn 1,047,000 Oats 831,000 Shipments . Wheat 438,000 Corn 311,000 Oats , 432,000 Year ago. Today 686,000 399,000 540,000 425,000 324,000 (37,000 Chicago drain and Provisions. Chicago, Feb. 20. Corn underwent a sharp break In price during the last hour today "after showing decided strength earlier. Bearish developments regarding flour and wheat had much to do with ths. setback. Quotations closed heavy, lo-to 2Hc net lower, with May $1.32 to $1.32H and July $1.284 to $1.29. -Oats lost la to 292wc and provisions lOo to 16c Assertions that ths government wag try ing to get rid of Its flour and wheat. With as little loss as possible appeared to be tha chief factor In stopping the advance of corn and In the subsequent tumble of thst cereal. A cut of $1.10 a barrel in the pries of flour was simultaneously an nounced by millers. Late selling of corn was also promoted by word that country offerings of corn- were Increasing some what and that Argentine shipments had greatly expanded. The Initial strength of ths corn market was ascribed to a tran sient brisk upturn in foreign exchange and to reports that railroad orders had been given which would facilitate the movement of grain eastward from Chi cago. . . Advices relative to big stocks of oats in country elevators tended to make oats even weaker than corn. . Provisions were governed chiefly by the action of grain. . By Updike Oraln Co.. Douglas 2627. Feb. II Art. Open. High. Low. Close. lYest'y. Corn Feby. 1.42 1.42 1.35 1.324 1.21 l.(4! 1.68K .81 .78, 1.40 1.40 1.32 '1.42 1.84 1.30 1.28 1.81 l.E( .80 .73 23.75 34.75 21.30 21.77 18.55 18.05 May 1.344 1.31 H 1.28 1.32 1.28 1.16 1.(7' 1.52 . July Sept. 1.29 1.26, Rye May July 1.614 1.66 :?3 l.EI 1.62 .78 .71 24.(0 34.60 21.20 21.(7 Oats May July Pork May .78 .71 24.(0 .34.60 21.20 21.67 i 34.86 135.00 34.86 134.85 21.30 131.42 21.85 21.90 July Lard Mav July' Rids May 18.55 118.65 118.42 18.42 July 19.05 119.10 118 97 18.90 -Minneapolis Oraln. Minneapolis, Minn., Feb. 20. Flour Unchanged. Barley $1.1791.38. . Rye No. 2, $1.661.6$. x Bran $48.00. Corn $1.4191.42. Oats 81 983 c. Flax $6.1296.17. ' St. Lents Oraln. St. Louis. Mo.. Feb. 20 Corn- May, $1.84; July, $1.30. v oats May, ic. Xsism City Grain. y Kansas City. Mo.. Feb. 20. Corn Feb ruary, $l.!(;May, $1.32 91.82 ; July, $1.29; September.- $1.24 91.24. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. Ga.. Feb. 20. (Government Stores.) Turpentine Firm, $1.81; sales, 291 barrels; receipts, nons; shipments, 10 barrels; stock, 7,411 barrels. .. RoslnRecelpts, none: shipments. 27s casks; stock, 32,(99 casks; sales, 618 casks. Quote: B, $15.10; D. E, $16.30; F, $16.40; O, 1K.45; H, 416.60; I, $16.70; K. $17.00; M. $17.26; N, $17.60; WO, WW, $17.75. ' , . . Kansas City Produce. Kansas Cltv. Mo.. Fab. 20. Butter and Poultry Unchanged. ggs care lots, go cents lower at $14.50. New Tork Sumr. New Steady York, Feb. 20. Raw Sugar centruugai,iv.zc; line granu- lated, 16.00916.00o. REPORT OF OF AMERICAN I of Omaha, Neb., Charter No. 12(1, tn ths Stats of Nebraska at' the clost ot business 1 February 14, 1920. , , RESOURCES. . Loans and discounts Overdrafts ; Bonds, securities. Judgments, claims, etc, including all gov ernment bonds Other assets , Banking house, furniture and fixtures....... Other real estate A Current expenses, taxes and Interest paid Cash Items .... Due from National and Stats banks Chscks and items ot exchange Currency . , Gold coin 8llver, nickels and cents... Total V. LIABILITIES, Capital stock paid in. ., Surplus fund Undivided profits Individual deposits subject to check. Tims certificates of deposit. Certified chscks ....... . Cashier's chscks outstanding ........ , Due to National and State banks Bills payable Depositor's guaranty fund Total ..r; State of Nebraska. County of Douglas, ss. I, Boy E. Karls, cashier ot ths above named bank do hereby swsar that ths above statement is a cbrrect and true copy ot the report made to the Stats Bureau of Bank ing. v Attsst: ' ROT B. KARLS, Cashier. . V. F. SH 1FER, D. W. OElSELM AN, Directors. uUtftbtd sad sworn te before me this Kth day of February, 1(10. ' v- 1 HORACE g. KEMP, Notary Public the Day .FINANCIAL New York, Feb. $0. Stocks wars Ir regular at the outsit oi today a dealings, rails easing on selling due to ODDosltlnn by federal and labor interests to certain provisions of the railroad bill. Rsverssls were brief, however, prices rallying when buying secondary rails was assumed. Gains tn low-grade Issues of the roads traversing western and southwestern sec tions were- increased by 1 to 2 points, but hlgh-grsde shares ar assured divi dend-payers mads comparatively - little headway. During ths intermedials and inter periods trading was deflected 'from trans portations to prominent Industrials and specialties. Thess were featured, by Gen eral Motors snd Crucible steel, In which besrs sustained further punishment. General Motors registered an extreme advance of 16 points at 154, almost. 80 points from Its recent low and Crucible atssl at a (-point gain, was 17 polhts 'over Its minimum of the week. Other motors and steels wsra firm to strong wnn oils, equipments, shippings and metals, while textiles and leathers mads recoveries. Reactions of 1 to 4 points at the close were ths logical results of proiit-tsKing. sales were 1,060,000 snares. Favorable incidents Included ths fur ther strength of exchange, ths London quotations at beat rising almost lOo to the pound over Its previous low record. whits call money was abundant at ( per cent, -j ni rate appueu to accommoda tions over the week-end. i . The bond 'market was stronger, specn Jative issues again featuring the rail way division, with further improvement In forelan flotations and marked firmness tn ths liberty group. Total sslea (par value) aggregated $i3,gtu,uuu. Old united States bonds were unchanged on call. No of shares and range of prices of tta ivauing SIUCK.B; 1 Sales High Low Closs Amer. Beet Bugar l.sou m 2 s Amer. Can 6,200 45 '4 41 44 Mmer. C. & F. 1.800 134 132 138 Am. H & L.. nfd. 1.800 101 104 107 Amer.- Loco 2,000 94 (1 95 Am. S. & R. 2,100 (4 62 63 Amer. Sug.-Ref.. Amer. Smna, Tob Amer. Tel tt Tel Am. 7... L. St 8.. 400 128 1ZS 128 800 86 85 86 800 1,900 97 7 97 19 17 19 69 67 69 84 13 83 Anaconda Copper 7,10 AtAhlsnn 1.R0O a n iW.I S R. 3.000 152 146 161 Baldwin Loco. ..47,800 114 110 112 Bait & Ohio.... (,300 85 . 33 84 Both. Steel 'B'. 8,400 89 1 87 88 Butte & Sup. Cop. 4,100 27 25 87 Cal. Petroleum... 1,800 84 84 14 Can. Pacific 1,900 126 124 124 Central Leather . 6.700 81 77 79 Chesa. &hto....O 8,700 6S" 66 67 C.; M. & St. P.... 11,600 89 38 Chi. & Nor 1,000 87 86 l- n T P. .'.-3.600 18 31 Chino'vCopper ... 1,100 -J7 88 Colo. 1 800 37 18 r trnSnct ... 8.200 8214 (1 Crucible Steel ...12,800 108 203 206 Cuba Cane Sugar 8,300 44 43 44 Ms. Secur. Corp.. 1,600 (f (0 (2 Erie 9,600 15 14 14 General Elec 400 169 157 159 General Motors ..5,100 254 .. 237 250 Ot- Nor., r'd 2,600 78' 78 78 Gt! Nor. Ore Ctfs 2,600 88 86 87 Illinois Central .. 100,8,8 88 88 Inspiration Copper 3,800 65 61 55 tnt Mer. Ma pfd 8,600 86 88 84 inter. Nickel .... 3,600 22 21 21 Inter. Paper .... (.000 79 76 79 K. C. Southern... 4,100- 19 17 18 Kennecott Cop..,. 1,600 30 2J 29 T, & N ...'.. 900 104 108 103 Mexican Pet 18,600 182 177 179 Miami Copper.. ., 7(10 2 z . 4,000 46 46 46 .11.300 29 27 28 Mldvale steel... Missouri Pac... Montana Pow. . Nevada Cop.... N. Y. Central... 100 64 64 (4 8,100 15 15 15 6,000 -73 72 72 22.900 32 30 81 New Haven Norfolk west.. uw Northern Pac 2.W0 79 78 78 Pacific Mall 80 Pan-Am. Pet. .. .21,604 19 84 87 Pennsylvania .... 8,400.42 42 42 Pitts. W. Va.. 4,800. 29 28, 28 Ray Con. Cop 1.200 2( 20 10 Reading v12,300'76 74 75 Rep. I. tt S .43,900 102 98 102 Sinclair O. & R.. 22,200 41 39. 40 Southern Pao 16,900 98 97 97 Southern Ry 10,300 244, 23 28 Stud. Cor 20,100 90 85 i 88 Texas Co 11,100 187 182 185 Tobicco ' Prod 3,100 70 68 70 Union Pacific... V. C. Stores U. S.'Ind. Alco... U. S. Steol....... U. S. Steel pfd... 4,300 120 119 lm-i 9,200 71 69 70 8.600 87 83- 86 99,900 99 98 99 ,800 111 111 111 utan copper...... z.joo 74 , 78i 74 West Electric... 1,800 6T I (0 61 Willys-Overland .17,100 25 24 25 National Lead.... (00 81 80 80 Ohio Cities 4.600 43 43 4344 Royal -Dutch , 6,400 103 102 102-j I . 'Extra dividend. New York Bonds. - U. S. 2s reg.,.100lGen. Elec. (a.. 87 U. S. 2s coup.l00lat. North. 1st C. S. 4s reg.,106 4s ........ 82 U. S. ov. , 4s lll. Cent, ref, 4s 72 coup 106 lint. Mer. Ma. 6s 88 Pan. 3s reg... 88 k. u. bo. ret. 6s (9 L. & N. un. 4s. 81 M K. ft T. 1st 4a 68 Mo. Pac. gen. 4s 66 Mont Pow. 5s.. 83 N. Y. Cent deb. 6s ,". (2 Nor. Pac. 4s... 75 Nor. Pac' 3s... 63 Off. Sh. Lin ref. 4s ...... 81 Pac. T. & T. 6s. '86 Penn. con. 4s 89 Penn. gen. 6s.. 89 Read's Ken. 4s. 79 St L. & SUF. adj. 68 (2 So. Pac. cv. 6s. 101 So. Pac. 5s.... 82 Tex. Co. cv. 6s. 100 T. & P. 1st. ...82 Union Pae. 4s. . 82 , United King, of G. B. I. 6s (1(37) 86 ?Pan. 3s coup. 88 'Am, T. & T. cv. 6s 97 Anglo-Fr. 5s.. 96 Armour & Co. 4s 83 V, Atch. gen. 4s.. 78 B. AO. cv. 4s 64 Beth. Steel.ret 6s 84 Cent. Lea. 6s. 94 Cent. Pac. 1st. 72 C. & O. cv. 6s. 80 C. B. & Q joint 4s .... 94 C, M. & St. P. cv. 4s .... 70! C, R. I. tt P. ref. 4s 64 Chili Cop. col. trust 6g .... 80 City of Paris 6s ..- (1 Colo. & Sou. ref. 4s ... 71 D. tt R. G, conso!. 4s ..62 Dom. of Can, I (s 1931) .... 91 Erie gen. 4s... 43 Bid. U. S. .Rubber 6s 85 U. 8. Steel 59.. 79 Wabash 1st ... 87 New York Money. -' New- York, Feb. 20. Mercantile Paper 8 per cent . Sterling Sixty-day bills. (3.42; com mercial sixty-day bills on banks. $3.42; commercial sixty-day bills,- $3.41; de mand, $3.45; cables, $1.46. iranes "uncnangea. Belgian Francs Demand, ' 12.92: cables. 12.90. Guilders Demand, 37c; cables, 37c Lire Demand, 17.72: cables, 17.70. Marks Demand, 1.06c; cables, 1.07a. Bonds Government, strong ; railroad. strong. Tims Loans strong all dates ( per cent. Money On call, steady; high, low and ruling rate, ( per cent; closing bid, ,1 per cent; offered at c per cent; last loan, ( per cent; bank acceptances, 6 per cent. Liberty Bond Prices. - ' New York. Feb. 20. Prices of llbertv bonds ax 11:30 a. m. today were: 3s. (6.54: first 4s. (0.30: second 4s. 10.14: first 4s, 90.90; second 4s. (0.(6; thlfd ttts,; iourtn fs,; victory !s, 17.(8; Victory 4s, 17.72. Prices of Liberty Donda at 2:65 o. m. to- day wero- ls, 98.62; first 4s, 90.80;-sec ond 4s, (0.30; first 4s, 11.10; second 4s, (0.80; third 4s. 98.04; fourth 4s. 91.00; victory rs '.i; victory S7.70. Dry Goods, New York. Feb. 20. Cotton soods and yarns were quiet today. Buyers of wool gooas operated co-operatively. Silks and burlaps were not quoted. THE CONDITION THE STATE BAlix ,....,...'...- $ 387.431.03 4,807.81 500.00 4.228.07 19,(79.61 20.266.08 8,711.77 3,804.21 . ,.. t , ' .$132,894.64 . 38,1(4.73 . 81.835.00 260.00 . 3,487.(5 206,6$ 1,663,162.46 200.000.00 6,000.00 14. 919.16 tji.535.6r 206,011.18 67.00 ' 6.061.19 255,076.71 Mi2.743.75 200,000.00 12,499.61 -1,656.161.4( 3K' I 38 My1 Heartand My Husband 1 ' : ADELE GARRISON'S New Phase of 4 Revelations of a Wife" The Menage Katie Almost , Aforgol. To women of Harriet Braith waite's type it is torture to reveal themselves, emotionally to anyone. My sister-in-law is no exception to this rule, so I was. not surprised to see her swiftly regain control of herself, and to hear her say in flat tones -devoid pf anything akin to feeling: v "I trust the coming of theseguests will not inconvenience you. "Cn I help in any wayr" I knew that she must be in an agony of humiliation at the self-revelation she had just made, and took her cue promptly. "Yes, you can help me decidedly by keeping Mother occupied for the next two days,' so she will not sus pect there is anything unusual go ing on, Of course, I don't wish anyone to know JacK and Katherine are coming until they get Mere. I shall then say I planned a surprise on everyone, but Mother is too teen a person to receive. So if you can kgep her out of the way " A New Problem. "That will be easily done," she said with a trifle more-animation in her manner. . "There are, at least four excursions by motor that Mother has planned forvus which we have been unable to get in, neither Edwin nor I being as un tiring as she. Any , two of them will fill in alt her leasure time beau tifully between now and Thursday." There was a slight smile upon her lips at her reference to her mother's energy in entertaining her, " I saw that the certainty f Katherine's ar rival'had relieved somethingNif the strain under which she had been la boring. But the burden she had dropped I had picked up. What unpleasant contretemps might not result from the unexpect ed meeting of the Bicketts and the Braithwaites, I did not know, but my imagination was very lively in that direction. Between the lines of Katherine's letter I had read that my brother-cousin was a dif ficult problem, to handle. Given -a nervous semi-invalid with- an obses sion, , bring him suddenly -4ace face' with the social group" which formed his obsession, and the pos sibilities were explosive. -But I felt that this was strictly Boston Wool. Boston, Feb. 20. The Commercial Bul letin tomorrow will say: "The week among wool houses has been a very quiet one, and the wool auc tion Thursday furnished about the only excitement, which was not much, although wools at this sale went fairly well. Freights are badly demoralised, and ship ments have been almost impossible. Prices show little pr no change. The situation among the mills is hardly changed, al though some trouble looms on the indus trial horizon." Scoured basis: j . ' Texas Fine, 12 months, 11 .9001.(5; fine, 8 months, JI.6UW1.70. California Northern, f 1.90(91.95; mid dle county, J1.701.7E; southern, 31.600 1.60. - . Oregon Eastern, No. 1 staple, (l.OOfif 2.10; eastern clothing, 1. 701.80; valley. No. 1, 81.7601.80. , Territory Fine staple, 12.0602.16; helf blood combing, $1.R6 01.95; -blood combing. 11.801.40; fine clothing; 81.76 1.86; fine medium clothing, 41.6501.76. Pulled Eirtra, 31.9602.00; A A, 31.800 1.90; X, supers, ll.65igll.75. Mohairs Best combing, 60 66c; best carding, 55660a. , Duns Trade Review. New York, Feb. 20. Duns tomorrow will say: i With increasing force, tha pries question governs business operations In various channels and waiting for further market ueiiation naa lately Become a mosw- no ticeable feoture of the general situation, fixceptlons to this condition are not absent, appearing conspicuously ln iron and steel and in certain other Industries, , but tha main tendency is clearly toward growing conservatism and caution among Buyers, many of whom sre more disposed to pur chase for immediate well defined needs than in anticipation -of future retire ments. Doubts among some sellers re garding the holding power of prices, mors-' over have foundk tangible expression in offering of goods for forward delivery at lower quotations than those now current, and resales al concessions of merchandise previously taken on speculation' have af forded another indication of the present trend ot sentiment. . Weekly bank clearings, 18,082,200.880, New York General. Yorlt, Feb. 20. Flour Hauler: New spring clears, 89.26910.25; Kansas straTlrhts, 112.00012. 76. Wheat Spot, dull; No. 1 red, 12.60 nominal f. o. b. steamer. Corn Spot, easy; No. 2 yellow, 11. 65 and No. 2 mixed, 11.63V, c. I. t New Tork, 15-day shipment. , Oats Spot, easy; No. 1 whits, $1.02 Vi. Fork Easy; mess, 342.0043.00. Lard Easy; middle-west, (20.709 J0.8O. Other articles unchanged. Bar Silver. New Tork, Feb. 20. Bar SHver 11.10. Mexican Dollars 99 He v New Tork Cotton. v New Tork.v Feb. 10. Cotton closed steady! net 13 points )ower to 16 points nigner. . '. ' CANADIAN .PROVINCIAL BONDS . ' . -t. v V- v The present exchange rate is responsible for oar being able to offer Canadian issues at prices to net 6.75 to 7. - - We offer the following subject to previous sale : $100,000 PROVINCE OF MANITOBA 6s Due January 2, 1925 At 96 and Interest to net 6.75, . $40,000 GOVERNMENT OF NEWFOUNDLAND 6i2 Due Juns 30, 1928 . . At 98 and Interest to" net 6.75 ' . , $50,000 PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA 4128 -' Due December 1, 1925 I , At 88 and interest 4o net 7 ' i . $25,000 PROVINCE OF ALBERTA 5s l ' Due May 1, 1926. - ; At,80& and Interest to net 1 . Principal and Interest payable ir gold in New York. MITCHELL-HUTCHINS & CO., Inc. W. E. Stanley. President. '' The Rookery. . x iny own problem, not Harriet's, even thrugh it Was on her account that I had taken it upon myself. So with- , out further Teference ' to Jack of, -Katherine, 1 chatted with her upon ail sorts of irrelevant topics until Dicky's knock at the door and hi entrance, cool and handsome in pou- gee, interrupted us. "I kiow these are called in," he said apologetically, "but it is hot enough to make them comfortable . By the way, old dear, Dad and Li have finished our showers.' "Dot Grandmudder." "I'm going to fly, then," I said quickly. "You'll pardon me, Har riet?" and in another minute T.had left brother and sister together. When I had tubbed and dressed I w.nt in search of Katie. She was in the kitchen, flushed and absorbed iu preparing some of her most tooth some dishes Evidently she meant to make our home-coming dinner a memorable one. ' s v - "Katie, dear," I said softly, I want to thank you for teaching Ju nior that little speech, and helping him to remember me. It was very good of you." 'Hahl" Katie's tone was loftily in dignant. "Votyou tink? You tink I let dot little babee forget hees miidder? Not much! All time, vvn alone by 'hcem, ven I dress heem r put heem sleep or tings like dot,, I say, 'Babee, mamma cootn home pretty quceck by babee, hug him jop tight, sing him. little song.' All time first, he used tosay, 'Vere mamma? , Mamma come?' and dot old vomans she" say, 'He soon get over dot,' I tink she no like to hear him," dot grandmudder, she vant to be whole ting by him. So I always careful . she no hear notings, and she tink by and by babee forget. ,But he no for get." - ' I 'And I'll not forget, ither,- I said warmly, wisely ignoring her ref erence tp my, mother-in-law. "And I thank you, Katie, so much. I I could'not nave stood it if he had for- . gotten me." . ; t "Don't you tink I know d6t?" Ka- -tie demanded, then she made a rush for ine and put her warm young arms around me. , "Oh, Meesis . Graham, my Meeses Graham, don't go way again for long time! Dis house no same ting- ven you 10 here." I kissed her warmly, gratefully. ' Her praise, extravagant, exaggerated though I knew it to be, was doubly welcome in view pf the rather doubt- ' ful welcome my mother-in-law had , given me. But I had other things of which to speak to my little maid. ' "Tell me. Katie," I said, "have; there been, any telephpntf messages for me since I left?" "Oh,"""vot you tink, I forgot!" she replied - remorsefully. . ''Dot red- . headed teacher, you know" "Alice Holcombe?" I put in breathlessly. "Yah f dot's her. She call you two days, vant you to call her joost as sou as you come home." . (Continued Monday.) UP ED IKE Ws 'Speclaflzs In tha Careful Handling of Orders of Grain and Provisions - for Future Delivery 'AH Important Markets . Wt An Members of - . Chicago Board of Trade Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce St. Louis Merchants Exchanges Kansas City Board of Trade Sious City Board of Trada Omaha Grain Exchange .' 1 We Operate Offices att Omaha, Neb. Sioux City, la. Lincoln, -Neb. . Atlantic, Is. Hsstings, Neb. Hamburg, la. Holdrege, Neb. Ties Moines, la. . Geneva, Neb. Milwaukee, Wis Chicago, 111. and all pf these office ars con nected with each other by private wires. . ' ' v We Solicit Your Patronage. the Updike grain COMPANY Grain Exchange Rulldmg. Omaha, Nsb. P. S. Cash Consign meats Solid tod. Cb.ica.go. II T'