jiMf,9L.t&- u 11 "tap iwwii THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 21, 1920. JZ ) r I WANT AD RATES (Cuh wltli order.) , IHo per word.... on da 4c vtr word ...two consecutive divs , per word three consecutive days : so per wora lour consecutive days T par word ........ .five consecutive days t c per word seven consecutive day , and on cant .per wprd (or each additlunal Insertion. , No ads taken (or im than notalsof lie. ' , CHARGE. He par Una , .......ooa day S4e per line .two consecutive days I.'tc par line three consecutive day ,' 70o per line seven consecutive daya $2.70 per line thirty consecutive days Card of thanks and funeral notices llo per line each, day. ' . .. Thee rates apply either to the Dally or Sunday Bee. All advertlaementa appear In both morning and evening daily papers for the one charge. Contract Bates on Application. For convenience of , advertlaera. want ads will be accepted at the following of-fi-es: " ' MAIN OFFICE Bee Building Ames Offlc 4410 North, 20th St. , Park Offlc 2414 Leavenworth St. , South Side 3311 N St. Walnut Office ,.311 North 40th St. , Co. muffs Office 16 Scott St. THE BEE will not be responsible (or Snore than on Incorrect tnaertion of an advertisement ordered (or more than one t'm' PHONE TYLER 1000. Evening Editions 12:00 M. Jlorulng Editions .,...10:30 P. M. Sunday Editions 10 F. M. Saturday. "T3EATHS A FUNERAL NOTICES STRICKLAND Lettle V., February 18. 1920, aged 13 years, at residence, 2310 " Cuming street. Wife of Dr. W. R, triekland. , Funeral Sunday. 1 p. m.. from Dod der's Chapel, 23d nd Cuming "street. - Interment Forest Lswn cemetery. - Friends Incited. " JlASON Mary,-E February 1, 120; age 44 years,--5l days. Belovsd wlf o( H. C. Mason. , . , Funeral will b from Stack Fal ' oner Parlors, 33d and Farnam. Satur '' day at 1:S0. Interment, Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends are welcome. SFdKINS George, aged 7 years. Fri day, February 20, at his daughter's, Mrs. B. D. Maxwell, residence. Remains will be taken to Holienberg, Kan., for burial, from Hulae & Blepen's t'ndrrtaklng parlors, Saturdayr Febru ary 21, st2oclock WOODLAND Mrs; J. J died Thursday, ' February 19, 1920. , . Funeral services saturaay, z p. m. : at residence. Interment private. CARD OF. THANKS. Wl5 wish to sincerely thank our may friends and relatives for their acts of kindness during our late bereavement, also (or the many besutiful floral offer ings. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McColley and Children. . t FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK &FALC0NER, ; "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." . FIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third snd Farnam. Harney 64. FRED E. FERO, Funeral director. . - i Lady Attendant. ' 5Sd and Cuming 8ts. Phone Douglas , 677. Auto ambulance. " NEW, LOCATION CROSBY'S NEW FUNKRAL HOM.K, ' 2013 WIRT ST. Away from noise of busy streets. PHQNB WEBSTER 47. HEAFEY &, HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embslmers. Phone H. Si! 6. ' -Office 2611 Farnam. HULSE & RIEPEN. Pioneer Funeral Directors.'1 T01 South 16th St. Doug. 1066. TAGGART & SON,, -UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. qPphonc Doug. 714. -3216 Cuming St. ' DUFFY & JOHNSTON Undertakers. 717 s. ith. T?ieris7g. FLORISTS. LEEL.LARMON "Sfi" 1x14 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. . il. Henderson, 1619 Farnam. Douglas 1248. JOHN BAT!, 18th and Farnam. D73000. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE largest display of monuments In ' the Unite States, FRANK SVOBODA, "". 1216 S. 13th. Phone Douglas 1875-6216. SPECIAL NOTICES. h ATTENTION ENGINEERS. '. There will be an important meeting of local 38, Saturday,. February 21, at !.' I p. m. Hall at 16th and Capitol Ave. I.- ' R. f. CLAY, President. ,V ' C. H. STACEY, Recording; Sec. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. !rBlrths Louis and Stella Danauskls, 6601 . South Thirty-third, girl; Ernest and Mary Sherer. 6630 Blondo, girl; Talbert and Cly- da Hayes, hospital, boy; J. Peter and Metha Jesaen, hospital, girl; Louis and Hose Scholnlck, 1139 North' Nineteenth, girl;. Jameg and Martha Krlne Una, 3126 ' Crebe. girl: t ..lyeaths Gaorge Frank Haney, 6, 4723 South Twenty-fourth; Beulah W. Byrd, 26, 6107 Florenc boulevard; Callle H. Howe, 68. hospital; Julia Kuzll, 37, 4411 South Twenty-eighth; Mathilda Swanberg, 64, 8619 South Eighteenth: Monls Sher, ,63, S604 Clvarles: Edith Charlotte Carlson, '19, 4524 Franklin; Andrew Jacobson, 41, 3118 "-".Clays Marv Cfbstello, 20, 1005 South Twen--lv. second; Gustavo H. Knoell, 32, hospital; W jiclbert D. Johnson, 62. 607 South Twenty M fifth avenue; Charles B. Wright, 60. 87S0 Cuming: Stanley Larson, months. Jjospl- 2?"" ' ' " HJ. . Wranted I Age. I Th following persons T lir,.... tn wed: were . Mam and Residence: I Age. Roy Turner, Omaha 37 w Blanch Ray. Omaha 40 Nels Ohrlstensen, Audubon,"la 24 Rose Kytaun, Audubon, la 20 tr Charles W. Murphy. Omaha 31 y Eva B, Miller. Omaha. . 27 BUILDING PERMITS. it Tho following building permits have w been issucct; . ... tf. Payn & Blater, frame dwellings a follows: - 3371. 3363, 3411 and 3412 Pat- , S. rick avenue." $3,600 each; 3380, S37t and I 3372 Burdetto street. 13,600 ech; 3370 i Patrick avenue, 63,800c Tom Dennison, rr 6141 Florene boulevard, dement chicken 4 house. $1,600; Fred Mengedoht,- 6344 "i Florenc boulevard, dwelling, $4,000. Y LOST FOUND REWARDS. h FOR ARTICLES kOST on street cars tel , tj phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to ra i store lost articles to rightful owners. 5 ' OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. ' CO. LOST A Helta Gamma pin set with a small diamond. Reward for return. Katherlne H. Klefer, Rt. 3. Box. 1, j ' Lincoln. Neb. i '1 LOST Leather bag containing cigarette sample and valuable papers. Finder call T. A. Thompson, 914 N. 40th St., Wal. 115S. Reward. . ; SMALL open face gold ladles' watch, en Ht vnvni Fi f. K. Reward for return. Al bert Kdholm. Phone Douglas 1962. . LOST OR STOLEN at 1607 South 26th St., handbag Kindly return same to - 1S16 Cass. Reward, j LOST Bar pin, set with small dlamojros. Tyler 3123. Reward. J '"-LOST 4 pigs. E. H. Larseo. 473s Seward. - Walnut t. - 'FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. BEST BARGAINS IN OMAHA. Solid oak Jacobean William and Mary l-piec dlniirg room suite valued at $2"S ; to go at fl76. The suit consists of 4 chairs, leather seated; . an extension ta ble and a very roomy buffet. Other suites in same style. A William snd - Mary, in walnut, $290 value, at $197.60. A William and Mary, In mahogany, $400 value, at $:4. STATE FURNITURE COMPANY, Corner 14th and Dodge Streets, ' Opposite V. P. Headquarters, Omaha. $23.60 stock of furniture to be sold; 300 stoves of all kinds, rugs, linoleum, phon ographs, dufolds. tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, siressers, chiffon . tors, beds, springs, mattresses, trunks, suitcases, bedding, linen, etc. Open till p. m. Credit if yon wish. " 183-4T 24th St. Web. 1C07. OAK dining room chairs, osk. bxiffet, wax finish: birch-mahogany dresser. solid mahogany library table; all as good as new; no dealers. Phone Webster 7054. ' OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made evr In new tick, at hslf tho price of ' "nr Ig07 Cuming St Douglas 2467. J,. We sell bow and near-new furniture, '- - stove and rugsMt lowest prices; cash or aymenis. ampr. eurn, eve r jo. WILL e&xritire good household furaltur at n hornn.e prices ir soia at otjoe, Dons'ss 4959. 1421 Coming 8t . 8TEEL coal range, used but little, iho , H" Blast with pipe. jolfax 82 69. . 'P,ijk III VJ' ak w -' 4324. - for. library table for. sale, .lis. JS. - ' library table and rocker. RD heater, dining table, plat rack. . i ter JJU - -, .. - ; ?: , k iF0R salemiscellAneous. Furniture and Household Goads. AUCTION. AUCTION. Citra high grade and staple furniture, ruga, Vlctrola srd furnishings of Several good homes, including the ller and Hll dretb homes. Will he sold In my Auction House, SOUTHEAST CORNER liTff AND IVKBSTER STREETS. SATURDAY, FEB. 21. STARTS AT 1 P. M. This la a big sale of good furniture, Including one Vlctrola and a tot of rec ords: five extra good 9x12 Wilton vel vet ruga, eight good 9x11 Axmlnster rugs snd several smaller rugs an , sizes; one very expensive tapestry dav enport, bookcase, two mahogany li brary tables and three oak library tables. Several beautiful pirturea. One nearly new Jacobean oak William and Mary dining room set, all perfectly matched; three good oak dining room . sets, complete; one beautiful, latest style "Adam Period" bedroom snlte. complete; six massive brass beds and nine good Vornis Martin and tliree Simmon a Dens, all Titled with springs snd mattresses; several extra good dressers in walnut, mshogany and oak; one big lot of staple furniture In oak, all kinds, including bedding and linens; high .oven gas range, kitchen cab inet, dishes and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. If you have anything to sell, call Douglas n25, Tyler 966 or Colfax 1424. Pianos and Musical Instruments. WE BUY. sell and exchange all makes of pnonoirrapnh and record. We enn save vou Ii0 to $100 on a phonograph. See Us before you buy. Shlaes Phonograph Co.. 1404 Dodge., A. HOSPE CO. Everything In ' art and music Pianos for ren. 34.00 per month. DHL" MS, Or. aptf, marimbas, instructions, re- pairing. Phone Harney 2967, iueo. a. Smith, 2761 Davenport St, HAMILTON upright grand piano, excel lent condition, walnut case, cheap. Web ster 1689. BEAUTIFUL 1160 cabinet phonograph, just like now.) only $75. South' 4436. KINGSBURY piano, fine condition, rea sonable. Webster 3321. 4 t Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND 'ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices befors you buy. E,ve; machhie i!uarateed. Central Typewriter Exc. Doug 4121 1 8L(l5Fain;jn- WE buy, sell and exchange all makes of typewriters. Write for list. Midland Office Supply Co.. 14H4 Dodge. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for $B,00. Oliver Agency. 1906 Farnam St., City. Store and Office Fixtures. WK buy. sell ami make desks, .sufes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supplv Co.. 11th and Douglas. P. 2724. Lumber and Building Materials. TRY H. M. KEVAN. 644 SOUTH SOTH ST Miscellaneous. CREATOR'S popcorn machine, good condi tion, electric movement, gasoline heat, used lessthan year. Only $200 and will pay freight. Address Box T-88, Omaha JBee; 1 ; FOR SALE Nine heavy tgasoline and water) tanks One 6x'.10, 6,300 gal.; one 6x10, 2.100 gal.; one 6x4. 840 gal., and 6 smaller tanks. If interested write A. A Lammers, Hartington, Neb. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses J made from your own feathers, summer and winter sides. 1907 Cuming. D. '2467. CHICKEN FEED, straw and, hay, sold at Walnut Hill Feed Store; auto delivery anywhere- In city. Walnut 1716. FOR SALE Three gang I Oliver tractor I plow, brand new, at a big discount. I Wagner A Shaffer. Anita. Ia. FIFTY sea f ford horses and mortarboats, cheap. 2612 Capitol Ave. Harney 1490. HAY $18 per ton. delivered. A. w" Wagner, 801 No. 16th St. Douglas 1142. LAWN mower, dress form, size. 38, also hall rack. 1824 Clark. BOYS' overcoat. size 14, reasonable. Dougl as SI 17 DRY' KINDLING W:OOD. Acme Box Co. Harney 37. LADIES'""set of Muskrat furs, $25. Har ney' 3091. WANTED TO BUY. LIBERTY BT0NDS High prices for certain Issues this week. W will help you make your Income tat return. Strictly confidential SECURITY INVEST MENT CO., Tyler J7J6. 689 Securities Bldg fc WE BUY baled waste paper, old, maga zines and newspapers. State quantity you ha'e on- hand. Write or phone for prices. Omaha Paper Stock Co., loth snd Mnrcy. Douglas 159. , LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT. MACK'S BOND HOUSE. 1421 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone Tyler 3644. DESKS-DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. .1. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. WANTED Full revolving steam shovel, three fourth dipper. Also dump wagons Geo. M. King. 2513 High St.. Pes Moines. Ia. Liberty Bonds Bought v 610 World-Herald Bldg. WILL buy second-hand clothing, - shoes and furniture. Tyler 1598. A. Zavett. 706 North 16th St. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitcnlng, plcot, edglnjr, eye let cut -work, button holes, pennants. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTONS u. v. van Arnam Pleating Co. 412-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. S10 Baggage and Express. Hartung's Transfer Co... 1211 HOWARD ST. TYLER 1676. Trucks, any size, leased, or your haul- ing contrscteq py Hour, day or year. "The Only Way" DT,C2V8! Omaha Transfer Co. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-M1TCHELL CO. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha. Neb. ' V Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Contractors. RRICKWORK CONTRACTED Estimates glsdly given. August Bahrs, 1620 Burt, Tel. Tyler 4870. Chriopodists. Carrie J. Burford. 620 Paxton Blk. R. 45S7 Clothing and Furs. FULL dress suits for rent, 109 N. 16th St. John Feldman. Phone S128. ' Corsets. EXPERIENCED Will alter or fix any corset. Walnut 4407. Dancing Academies. . 1 17"l7T PTMTT School for Dancing. 2424 JVJiJ-iXlMj Farnam. D. 7860. Class at 8: dancing; at p. m Monday, Thurs day. Saturday; private lessons any time. Dentists. r. -n nnrtr-r . ' . T1 1. DUm m ,141 ; - - Dr. Bradbury. No palp. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Detectives. PHIL WINCKLER, personal service, evl- L dene secured In every case. Harney 6708. - JAMES ALLAN, 31 2 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases. Tyler 1136. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING and alterations, guaranteed. Webster 5565. work DRESSMAKING and alterations, work guaranteed. Tyler 3979. ' DRESSMAKING and alteration work, guaranteed. Douglas 6860. DRESSMAKING and altering done. Doug las 6T43. Electrical Utilities. ELECTRIC beaters, $10.50; vacuum clean ers. $37.50, Mola, wsshlng machine Lalley-Wllson Electric Co.. 1307 Farnam BEST electric vacuum sweepers for rant; delivered. Webster 42$. ELECTRIC Vacuum cleaner for rtot Call Douglas 6718. Garages. RKDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel. 8end for circular. Redl-Mad Housing Co.. 2211 Howard. Red 3657. Hats Blocked. , HATS! HATS!. Hats cleaned and blocked. , Paxton Parlor, 1607 FARNAM. Rug Manufacturing. WEAVING and old rugs remade. 14U : - ' Tyler Hauling. FOR moving and haui. call Douglas 7115. Blue Line Transfer Co., 2063 Fsrns m. HAULING All kinds;" "best service; best rates. Tyler 19" , , r ANNOUNCEMENTS. Kodak Finishing and Enlarging. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Writ for prices. The Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St Jewelry. DIAMONDSSiThppr)v!',ee,b."!oprb hsrk si small profit. GROSS JEWELRY Co., in:! N. 16th St. Doug. 6049. W. C. FLATAL". Jeweler Estsbllshed 1892. Snth Floor. Securities Pldg. Osteopath. DR MABEL WEfeSON. til Baird Bldg., 17th and Douglas. T. 2960. II. 4741. Painting and Papcrhanging. -j PAPERHANOINO, palming; estimates free; that cost r.othtng and may save you money. t Tyler 3766 INTERIOR varnishing, enameling; floors rnfinlshed and waxed; wall paper cleaned. Wal. 4821. . PAINT'NQ, papering, free estimates. Call uiorn.ngs or evenlum. Harney B740, PAINT1.N(. paperhanglng and plastering. Phone Walnut 4567. PAINTING, paperhanglng and paper clean ing. Douglas 6322. PAPER HANGING. $6 room snd up. in ciuillng paper and work. VValnut 4,998. Patents. " PATENTS Drocured. UoiiKht snd sold. In tarnalioua) Patent Co., Gsj Brandels. . 6691. Printing. Wedding Stationery U. S. Printing Co.. 422 8. 16th St. Safes. SAFES jTRDer?ght f 3th Farnam. Safe Co. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Vt's rent, repsir. sell needles and parts. MICKELS', 15th and Harney, Doug. 1973.' Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historicsl snd masque cos tumes for amateur theatricals and par ties for rent at T. Lleben & Son. Omaha. Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co., o07-! South 17th. ery Ts ailors. Pledrleit, P. L., L16 3. 201 h. Tailor. D. 2432. M. K.EISEH, il)6 South 18th, D. 1187. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 S. 11th. D. 628. Wedding Stationery, IVKDDIMlV announcements and printing. Douslas Printing Co. Tel Douglss 644. Miscellaneous. - GAS stoves connected, $2. All Rinds of gas vvori;. Prompt service. Harney 1619, BUSINESS CHANCES. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Would you like to represent us in your district on our oil lauda and leases In the heart of production in Nowata coun ty. Okbhoma, snd connect with men who understand, the business nd furnish you all the necessary Information? If so. address Box 83, Nowata, Okl. FOR . SALE Wstabllsheu confectionery business in good town, of 1,500. popula tion. Good trade year round. Price reasonable. Good reason for selling. Address Y-9o7. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Cafe, nice place, doing good business; will sell right; have good lo cation. Good reason for selling. Party that is Interested call and i see us or write, Box 352. York. Neb. ' OCR business Js to buy and sell your busi ness. QUICK SERVICE SELLING EXPERTS. f.14 Brown Bldg Rooming Houses. FOR quick sale. Furnishings m 17 room hotel doing good business. Rent $55.00. Box 71. Palmer, 'eb. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. THE BEE will publish free a situation-' wanted ad under this classification for soldiers and sailors and marines who will show their discharge papers at our office In the lobby of, The Bee building. Seventeenth and aFrnam. MARR110D man wishes place on a farm. nt house: would n(-efer close in. Write. ! P. O. 92. fllanco, Iowa. i PAPER HANGING. furniture repairing, I floors varnished, housaclcaning, shade trees trimmed. Webster InOS. HOUSECLEANING, floors polished, plain painting, varnishing. Edward Corey. ' Douglas Lui. II Kill SCHOOL boy wants work on Sat urdays; has grocery experience. Harney 499S i TEMPORARY accounting by auditor.-In- come tax computeu. wainui oot. Female. HOUSEKEEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. WaU'h the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always advertised. Don't miss them. . Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants doywork; cleaning a specialty. Webster 4621. , J RELIABLE colored woman wants day work, cleaning or ironing. Webster 3020.. COLORED ivo"nian. perfect In cleaning, 45c hour. City reference. Colfax 49S4. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants laundry work by he day. Harney 686:1. EXPiHBNCist laundress and kroner wents day work; reference. Soutft 4461. DATWORK for Wednesday, Thursday and Brlday. Webster 2093, rafter 5 p. m. LAUNDRY, Ironing, day work, expe- rienced. References. South 4461. DJaYWORK and cleaning; good worker; colored womRn. Webster 4701. FAMILY and bundle washing; and delivered. Walnut 1214. called for DAY WORK wanted by reliable lady. References. - Webster 6004. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day work. Webster 3955. ' ' - GENERAL hmisecleanlng and rough dry laundry. Doug. 6037. f COLORED woman wants day work. Call I Annie, Webster 4760. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants day work. Webster 2524. EXEPERIENCED colored lady wants day- work. Webster 2524. LAUNDRY, da,ywork; good references. DqueIb s 9319. LAUNDRY and cleaning; colored woman. Douglas 6400. BUNDLE vfashlng called for, delivered. Webster 4209. BUNDLE washing called for; delivered. Webster 1.IT9. EXPERIENCED lady wants day work. Webster 6099. . LAUNDRY work and cleaning. 40c hour. Webster 6063. . one cheap. Webster 4271. LAUNDRY work by the Webster 1609. day; colored. BUNDLE washing called for. delivered. Tyler 400. ' ; , COLORED woman wants day work. Doug- las 4088. EXPERIENCED colored lsundress "fy ler2957. , WANTED Bundle; washing.. Webster DAY WORK. 6099. experienced lady. Webster work and daywork. Harney COLORED lady wants day work. Tyler 897. CLEANING and dusting. Douglas 6950. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. BUYER for paper house, $250; traveling salesman, established line, Nebraska territory. $160 with bonus and expenses; traveling salesman, prefer automobile accessory experience, strongest house in the west, salary $150 to $200 or over with . commission and bxpenses; young man to develop Into executive position, some, knowledge of accounting, $175 to $200: ledger clerk, coal firm, $150: young man 18 to 20 years for clerical position under sales maoager with ex cellent chance to develop Into sales po sition later, $100. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. Originators of the Reference Business, 736 First Na. Bank Building. GROWING corporation has opening for . experienced young man capable of ren . dcrlng efficient service and assumlnc , cashier responsibility. Investment of $2,000 required. An exceptional oppor tunity is offered to right man. ! Reply fully as to experience. For Interview. All replies held confidential. Address ''Box T-95, Omaha Bee, AUTO salesman, city, must have eip $300. , Grocer?' salesman, capable of manag ing an office, $300-6350. Pricing elerk. $125; office clerk, $101). THE MARTI CO.. 1126 W, O, W. Bldg. WANTED Experienced man for hardware - and Implement store; must be a good salesman. Steady work and good sal ary. Write Ous Linn. Kimball. Neb. BOOKKEEPERS. $200, $17jT $165. $150, $125. WATTS SKf. CO., 113$ 1st Nat. Bank. HELV WANTED MALE. Stores and Offices. WANTKIJ Young man. experienced in general wholesale hardware, as assist ant buyei Pleas glv us your ags, experience, salary expected and refer ences. Address Y-973. Oiaaha Bee. WANTED At once, two young ladlos to fold and mall letters; temporary post lion Guy LmUhiJ66j Farnam St. DRUG CLERK and all-arouml man coun try: salary open; neat In dress. COM'!.. REV. CO.. 1616 City NatjBanh. Professions and Trades WANTED Two good llnul.vpe operators for night situations in The Hee compos ing room. Wire Superintend nl, 'I he Bee, in. a ha, Neb. B01LERMAKERAND MACHINISTS for railroad work; steady employment; desirjable lo cations and modern shops; free transportation Apply Eugene Duval, C. F. & P. A., C., M. &'St. P,R. R., Railway Exchange Bldg., 15th and Harney Sts. ' BIG demand for barbers: complete course In few weeks: call, write or phona for catalogue. Doug. 7777. Moler Barber College, 110 So. 14th St. Estab. 1893. EXPERIENCED furniture finisher. Apply to Mr. Sill. H. R. BOJVEM. CO., WAREHOUSE, Corner 8th and Farnam Sts. PRINTER wanted. Must be all-round printer, especially good at Job work; steady job, wire State Publishing com pany, Pierre. S. D. WANTED First class woodworkers to work on tvuck wheels only. Apply st once. Truck and Tractor Corporation, 1J10 Jackson. PAINTERS and paperhange wanted: top wages and steady work for mechanics. Saline Paint snd Paper Co.. Salina, Kan. MEN wanted: Railway mail clerks, 1110 month; list positions free. Franklin In stltute. Dept. 228 B. Rochester! N. Y. PRESSMAN, can have steady Job, must be able to do color work Wire Stats Publish ing company, Pierre. S. 1. v PRINTER WANTED Two-thlrder can have steady job. Wire State Publishing Company. Pierre, S. D. LEARN ACTUAL AUTO REPAIR, VUL CANIZING LOS ANGELES Y. M. C. A. Auto School. WANTED First class ladies tailor, a good wage i for right man. L. Lleff, 3129 Farr.am St. BARBER wanted: best pay In Omaha. Apply to foreman, barber shop, Omaha Athletic club. GOOD tailor whnted, $35 to $40 per week. 2022 No. 24th St. Webster 3320. WANTED Gordon feeders. Apply Reea Printing Co., 10th and Harney. Salesmen and Solicitors SALESPEOPLE wanted for following de partments: Muslin underwear, linen dept.. ribbon dept., notion dept., hosiery, stationery snd also 'experienced sales people for shoe dept. Apply to Supt, Balcony. , Bl"RGKS. NASH CO. WANTED Representative to wholesale lowest priced.automobile tires and tubes on the market. Hee MR. GREGORY, MONDAY, HOTEL FONTENELLE. WA.N'3'BD Several men as salesmen in braska to travel with manager. Experi ence not necessary. Pay every day. Good income and permanent position. Apply K. R. McClellan, Room 203 Far nam Bldtr., corner 13th and Farnam Sts., Oniahii. Neb. - WANTE D State distributor to handle the new V-D Spark Plug. Splendid oppor tunity for a live salesman to build up a profitable, permanent business. Write for particulars. The Viktry Sales Co., ::89-:i91 Fifth St., Milwaukee, Wis. SALESMAN. We want an experienced specialty salesman, choice of territory. Excellent income, permanent connoction, splendid future. Call Room 3, Wead Bldg., Hth and Farnam Sts. SALESMEN We want a few more young, men to join our club in scientific sales manship. Complete training $25; posi llons furnished free. Box Y-963 Bee. WANTED Salesman experienced in general wholesale hardware, to travel two weeks trip in Eastern South Dakota. A ddress Y-973, Omaha Bee. WANTED Experienced salesman for re tail Mali paper dept.; state experience and !ic!:.ry wanted. Rudge & Guenzel Co.. Lincoln. Neb. ' SALESMEN WANTED High grade stock and bond salesmen by reliable concern, .excellent proposition by the right party. V 784 Omaha Bee. MAN with car to solicit subscriptions; 'references' required; salary offer. Write Earl R. Foster, Wallace's Farmer, Des Moines, to. RELIABLE salesmen to sell stock Tn a dividend-paying company. See P. H. Dearmont, 228 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. TradeSchooUi. WANTED Ladies to" learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, Special rates and inducements. Boys, HIGH sebcol boy over 17, with experience, to drive Hudson sedan, mornings and evening:.. Saturdays and Sundays, Must live in the neighborhood of 38th and Farnam. or have a motorcycle or bi cycle. Call Douglas 6832, or Harney 4682. " TWO clean cut Bohemian boys over 17 years for work in our sample room. An opportunity for the right boys to become expert trunk and. shade makers. Apply at once. M. E. Smith & Co., Ninth and Farnam. .Office Boy Wanted Apply to City Editor Bee 17th and Farnam. BRIGHT boy, over 16, for, buyouts. Good chance for boy who is anxious to work Into something worth while. M. E. Smith & Co.. 9th and Farnam. OFFICE boy wanted. Apply, United States Trust Co.. 1612 Farnam. BOY, about 18, to work poster depart- ment. Phone Douglas 8684. WANTED Two bell bovs at Blackstone . hotel. Call Harney 945. Miscellaneous. WANTED. married experienced farm manager, to take caro of good farm In Cent. Neb.; best of wages to right party; references . required. J. F. Hermsen, David City, ' Neb. WANTED Handy all-round man for house cleaning, steady employment, good wages. Apply, employes entrance. El Bendor Apt. Hotel, 48th and Dodge Sts. POSITIONS, locations, etc., for doctors, dentists, druggists, veterinarians, nurses. F. V. Knlest. 212 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. WANTED Experienced porter. Alleys, 1807 Farnam st. Farnam HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. STENOGRAPHER, packing house, South Side,' $100: stenographer, insurance office, $86; secretary to executive of large Insurance company, $100 to $125; stenogtspher, public service corporation, $100; stenographer, law firm, $85; book keeper and stenographer for financier and extensive property owoer, $100 to start; general office clork, publishing firm, $75; general office assistant, with some stenography, for tire firm, $85. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND. ASS'N. (Originators ofthe Reference Business) 736 First National Bank Bldg. WANTED. EXPERIENCED CASHIERS. APPLY SUPT., BALCONY, BURGESS-NASH CO. I STENOGRAPHERS, $76 to $125; P B. X. opr.. 67-. Comptometer operators, $70-$75-$S5. Bookkecer snd txplst, $86-$0. THE MARTI CO.. 11J6 W. O. AV. B I d RTHViir.n APti:RS r.o m li"2Sl tvpit 155 tn 9100; P. B. X. operators, $60 to IK: office clerk, $Wt. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 1st Nat. Bank, HELP WANTED-FEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTED STENOGRAPH KR. APPLY TO MR. KENNA. MORRIS & CO. SOUTH SIDE. OFFICE riirit, no experience necessary. $65; office clerk and comptometer opr., $)6: typist and clerk. $100. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. TYPISTS Pleasant work snd oppor tunities for advancement, hours 8:30 to 6:16: 1 hour for lunch: 1 o'clock Sat- Prday, Apply 803 Farnam St, "PRIVATE 'secretary Competent stenagrapher and cor respondent. Mr. Bryant, Room 735, Fon ten eH Hotel. WANTED Name's girls, women.- wishing government office positions; $1 140 year. Answer Immediately, Y-936. Omaha Bee. fRIVATK SECRETARY ConTpcteTTt stenographer and correspondent. Applv Mr. Bryant, Room 735 Fontenelle h"tei. EX PE RIKNC ED STE NOG RAPHE R. Good wages. apply at once. ' CARPENTERPAPTjRL CO. ' EXPERIENCED , cashicrvante"d,"erina -nent position. Washington Market. 1407 Douglas. i STRXOO R AMI ERwan ted7oT genera f of fice work. Douglas 25 or 712 1st Nat'l. Bank. TWO general clerks. Apply Braadslreet corner is in ana Farnam streets, 2d floor. . OFFICE f?M wanted Call Mr. Stepanek, Prrvfefiainne and TV,)- EXPERIENCED hair dresser, one with following preferred. Guaranteed salary and 25 per cent. Daisy Beauty Shop, nm. p. JiatTQ 510g. TWO practical nurses for general d"uty at CH?C? ..'!0,P"!- call Harney 652. jiArssiKNtisD Chocolate dipper. i A. B. 5W6.e.t Shop,l 6th .and Jackson. ' Household and Domestic WHITE girl or woman for general house" work: references; plain " cooking, and no upstairs work. 6122 Burt St. Phone , Walnut 238. WANTED Reliable girl for general house work, tn family of three; no children. Mrs. r. E. Adams, 529 No. 40th St. Wal nut 2336. ' WANTED A competent girl or woman for general housework on farm, with small family. Mrs. John Burgess, Fllley. Neb. 4 WANTED Competent woman for general housework: no laundry; good wages Mrs. If. C. Nicholson. Phone Walnut 521, COMPETENT girl for general housework. Laundress kept. Mrs. K. H. Patterson, : U'7 No. 40th St. Call Harney 387. WANTED A girl for general housework: no objection to colored; top wages. Call Dr. Anderson. Council Bluffs, 810. FOR .LAUNDRESSES, DAY WOMEK, ETC., LOOK IN THE SITUATION COL IJMNl OF Till! BEE. . MAID wanted for general housework, three In family, good wages. Walnut 1383. COMPETENT girl for general lusework. .Mrs. Arter, 3526 Harney. Call Harney 6865. COMPETENT girl; must be good cook"; salary, is per weeK; references. Harney 37H. , GIRL for general housework, 3 In family. No wnshlns. I f: 1 1 .Tn.l,nn fir WANTED A girl for general housework; iv . " ,. ... Luunui, itnillUl III". CHAS. L. FISH Piano tuner, violin and piano teacher. Colfax 4907. Saleswomen and Solicitors. YOUNG LADIES DO YOU WANT PERMANENT POSITION? i No profession today offers better op portunities for good salaries and steady employment than local or long distance telephone work. The work Is fascinating, pleasant, healthful surroundings, annual vaca tions with full pay, sick and accident benefit! without cost to employes. No experience necessary, substantial weekly pay while In training. Rapid advancement. Parents Invited to Investigate work ing conditions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 611 New Telephone Building, mth and Douglas Streets. SALESPEOPLE wanted for following de partments: Muslin underwear, linen dept., ribbon dept., notion dept., hpstery, stationery and also experienced sales plepls for shoe dept. Apply to Supt., ' Balcony. t BURGESS-NASH CO. WANTED Lady who has had years of ex perience with collections; none other need apply; good position. Room. 321, Rees, Wilkinson BldgA SALESLADIES wanted for millinery dept.; v steady position, good salary, all day or part time. Orkln Bros.,' Conant Hotel . Bldg.. 16th street. 25 EXPERIENCED salesladies for various departments. Permanent position and best of salaries paid. Apply to Super intendent. BURGESS-NASH CO. BARCLEY corsets, complete line: silk and knitted underwear; guaranteed hosery. Salesladies make $5 a day and up. Walnut 2813. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED, DISHWASHERS. APPLY SUPT.. BALCONY. iBCRGESS-NAH CO. GfltLS WANTED TO WAIT TABLES IN CRICKET ROOM. i SHORT HOURS, GOOD PAY. i APPLY SUPT., BALCONY. BURGESS-NASH CO. NEAT colored woman wanted to wash silver and glasses at soda fountain. Steady pusttion. Phelps Hot, 1708 Doug las. NEAT ?irls wanted to serve at soda tables, full or short time; steady work, rood pay. Apply Soda Cashier, Brandeis Stores. . COLORED girl wanted for diet kitchen work, county hospital; $30 month, room, board and laundry. Call Harney $62. NEAT girl wanted to serve luncheon; Steady position;, good pay. Pholpa Hut, 1708 Douglas.) DIET kitchen, maid wanted. Salary $60 II ItiA muni li. ii.i li -J m'l. CAFE cashier wanted Apply to Steward Blackstone Hotel. Miscellaneous. THE 'BIG SISTERS will help any girl or woman needing assistance during the present emergency. Telephone Harney 6734 day or evening, or Tyler 113$ In the evenirip v KXPKRIKNCkD bindery girls wantcdT oinaha Printing Co.,' 1301 Farnam St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Miscellaneous. WANTED WOMEN vAND GIRLS. STEADY WORK AND GOOD WAGES. GORDON LAWLESS CO.. 8TH AND DODGE. BRIGHT glr! over 17 for beginner In filing work: must have fair education and willing to learn. M. E. Smith & Co., 9th and Fa '"nam. - WANTED 3 meat wrappers, also one packer for tho wholesale dept. Wash ington lMaH(eL 1407 1ouRlas. WRAPPER in shipping dept. Apply Mr. Mtepanek, between 11 and 1. Dresner Bros.. 2217 Farnam. CHECKER wanted 2217 Farnam St. Dresher Bros., HELP WANTED. Male and Female. i WANTED Men, ladles and boysto learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning t: strictly modern. Call or write 1403 Dodge St. Trl-Clly Barber College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLKS COLLEGE. . Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand . and typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service, and all EnRlish and commercial branches,' Write, call or pli'H.e Douglas 1565 for large Illus trated catalogue. Address . BOYLKS COLLEGE, I Boyles Building, Omaha, Neb. WANTED Mathematics teacher In hig'h school, good salary; for particulars wire or telephone superintendent of school, Malvern, Ia. Van San I School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. , Douglas 6890. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and p'.ano. 603 Karbach Blk. Studio phone.-Douglas 1081. 209 South 16th: St. i - FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. ATTRACTIVE FRONT ROOM, NEWLY FURNISHED, STRICTLY MODERN, PRIVATE HOME. EXCELLENT LO CATION. FARNAM CAR LINE; GAR AGE IF DESIRED. HARNEY 5042. PHONE? THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT. TYLER 1000, AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIG ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERY WEEK FOR THE BENEFIT OF OUR READERS AND ADVERTISERS, 623 SOUTH 24TH ' ST. Very attractive room, modern home, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen, twin beds, hot ( and cold water in room, walking ' distanoe. Douglas 89T5. FOR RENT Clean, well furnished room for gentleman only, In modern home; lo cation, north; one block to car llnfe. Webster 3280. ' CLAIRMONT INN. 17TH AND JACKSON. Rooms for permanent and transient guests, especially equipped for gentle men. ' N HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT Nice comfortable south room, private modern'home; reasonable. ' 1130 S. 31 St. 2556 HARNEY Comfortable southwest room, modern conveniences; walking distance. ' NICE front room, modern, private home, prood loeatien, Harney line. Walnut 1601. CATHOLIC young lady to share room; breakfast is desired. Walnut 3917. FOR COLORED Furnished, large room. Reasonable. Webster 1377. WARM, modern, private room, walking distance, uougias bibo. 2407 CAPITOL AVE. Modern sleeping room for rent. FURNISHED south front room, modern. Webster 1644. 1921 Dodge. Nice front room, suitable for two. Housekeeping Rooms. 1049 PARK AVE. Nicely furnished house keeping apartment, everything furnished. Harney 4338. FOR COLORED 4 furnished reasonable. Hartley 7146. TWO rooms, gas and everything furnished. Harney 7048. Board and Rooms. 424 PARK AVE. W'ALKING DISTANCE, SOUTH ROOM WITH MEALS: SUITABLE FOR 2 GENTLEMEN; TWIN BEDS, NICE AND COZY; ALL CONVENIENCES. HAR NEY 3730 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD. NEW BUNGALOW, HOME PRIVILEGES EXCELLENT LOCA TION. HARNEY CAR LINE. WEB STER 6088. 539 SOUTH 27TH ST, Room and board in private home, everything modern. Two gentlemen preferred. TABLE BOARDERS WANTED. COOKING. 23D AND O STS. ' 3539. HOME SOUTH PLEASANT room with board, private modern home on car line. Webster 2378, PLEASANT room, strictly modern, board optional. Farnam line. Tyler 2535. BOARD and room for 2 gentlemen. 1814 North isth St. Webster 6068. - BOARD and room in private home. Web ster 2669. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO unfurnished modern housekeeping rooms, private home; Catholics pre ferred. Webster 3027. Apartments. EL-JifcUDOR APARTMENTS. 1STII AND DODGE STS. Two a::d three-room apartments com pletely furnished. Hotel service. Tyler 4200. ) FOR RENT HOUSES. South. FOR RENT Seven-room house. 4534 North 40th, $20. W. J. Hooper, 6028 -South Twenty-fifth. Phone, South 3137. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Realtors. Tyler 729. FOR RENT Business Property. Garage and Barns. RKDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel. Send for circular. Redl-Made Housing Co.. 2211 Howard. Red 3657. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments & Houses Wanted to Rent. Three, four or five-room cottage; any location considered; family of three; does not' have to be modern: will pay $20 to $35: will lease. Phone Tyler 1.000, I Mr. Dillingham, or Box T-32, Bee. WANTED TO RENT Or will lease for year or longer, modern home, from five to eight rooms. No children. Will give place same care as owner. Colfax 1830. RESPONSIBLE party will lease for one year, 6 or 6-room, modern home, will give place same care as owner. Tyler 1625. Furnisheed Apartments and Houses WANTED TO RENT Furnished 10 to 12- room house suitable for roomers. Refer ences given. Address Box Y-974, Omaha Bee. Miscellaneous. TRAVELING salesman wants room, close In; write full particulars: references given. Address Box 966, Bee. MOVING 'AND STORAGE. FIDELITY avTnCO. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING, HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS." REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. 16th and Jackson Sts. Doug. 288. Globe Van, Transfer and Storage Co. For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338. Auto or wajron service. . MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163; METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Orfned by H. R. Bow?n Co. Ty. 3400. UNION TRANSFER CO. jET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2909. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. , Furniture, piano moving and storage. HIT cnicngo yt. f none uougias i.i. MOVING All kinds of hauling, early and late. Douglas 6511., ; REAL" ESTATE IMPROVED. West. Omaha Real Estate and Investments. JOHN T. BOHAN, 421 Paxlon Blk. '1'hone Tyler 4$80. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West OMAHA Real ErttHti-Viid Investments. J. J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandeis Thent. Doug. 94. WC bavo cash buyers for West Farnam ' and Dundee homes. 'Phone Douglas 6074 and we will call nod Inspect your property. Shuler A Carv. For good homes on '"g'lroTeriili ' OSBORNE REALTY CO.. 430 Bee Bldy. Tyler 496. 4638 FRANKLIN, 4-room house, t lota; fine for garden; $200 cash. $15 per mo. -?' "'e I'ldg., Doug. 200. J. B. ROBINSON, heal Estate and Invest ments. 442 Bee Bldg.. Douglas 09T. BENSON MEYERS CO.. 424" Om. Nat'l. North. NIFTY STUCCO BUNGALOW in excellent neiiiliborTiood, on paved street, paving paid; five large light rooms on one floor, linely finished jn oak and enamel, with oak floors'; extra large living room, with fireplace; full cement ed basement. A classy place in fide -and out, ami real value at $7,800. Shown by appointment. Call Mr. Benson, Walnut 1580, evenings, lyler 3.i40. da vs. HOUSES FOR SALET" . EASY TERMS One S-room close in modern, except heat, 13.500, One 8-room close In, modern, hot wa ter heat, $4,000. - One 8-room nesr Fontenelle psrk, hot water heat, corner lot, shade and. fruit trees, (3,500. One 4-room near Fontenelle Park, modern except heat, I2.S00. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, Douglas 1313. Walnut 136. AN IDEAL HOME tn KounUo park, facing the park; 6 rooms and every modern convenience. Will bft sold at a sacrifice price, owner leaving- the city. A snap for some one, Shown by Appointment only. J. H. CARSE, Douglas 3575. 410 Bee- Bldg. BIG INVESTMENT BARGAIN. Price reduced from 13.100 to 13.300 for quick sale. Owner leaving city; possessicn in 4R hours; 5-room modern cottage, lot, 50x150, one block . to oar nnd school. House rents for $30. $400 cash- is all you need, balance $33 per month. . - . JOHNSON', i Webster 4150, Tyler :7JM. $'.'.50(1 "WILI. IIANDLEfTinS. Strictly modern K-room house, recep tion hall, living room, dining room, but ler's pantry, kitchen, 4 bedrooms, clos ets, largo attic, full cement basement, stationary tubs, floor drain, south front, lai-fte corner lot, paving paid. Webster 1 46 4. Mitchell Investment Co. Twenty-fourth and Ames. Phone Col fax 217. , Offers personal and experienced serv ice In the management of property. either as rectal or saies agents. FIVE-ROOM modern cottnge, close to car and school, $1,900. $;150 cash, balance $25 per month. JOHNSON, Webster 4150. Tyler 2724. M1LL10R PARK bungalow; 5 rooms' and bath; all oak finish; floors guarter sawed; fireplace. French doors, fete; 2 years old; east front; big snap for cash at $5,500. Douglas 1734. 4848 KRSKIN STREET; 7 rooms strictly modern, good condition, oak down stains, hot water heat, 2 full lots, garage, shed, chicken house, bearing fruit; shrubbery, one block to car. Phone, Walnut 3718. By owner, 7-room modern house for sale. 2 blocks west Minna Lusa addition, 31st Ave. and Titus St. 3 lots. All kinds of fruit and shrubbery. Price $6,800. . Colfax 746. ALL mod. 5-r. bungalow, east front, cor. lot, close to car line and school; ready to move In. $5,000 $1,600 cash. D. Ti34, days ; Col. 18J5; nl g ht A FEW homes and lots for sale in Park wood Addition; a safe place for invest ment. Norrls & Norrls. Doug. 4270. YOUNG DOHERTT. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT 322 BRANDEIS THEATER. D 1751. ONE acre with 3-room house; good base , ment and attic, built 2 years, best of ground for garden. Colfax 2539. MINNE LUSA . homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. 'Phone Tyler 187. TWENTY-FIFTH and Blondo. southeast corner, with 3 cottages. Douglas 4474. South. $3,750 South part of town, two fine lots, with beautiful shade trees; 5-roora house, good shape, modern except heat: large chicken house, chicken yard and pens for small chickens. A dandy place, worth U"." money, A $1,000 will handle. D. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS. 915-17 City Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Douglas 40. MODERN house, 7 rooms and bath, oak downstairs, oak floors and finish up stairs; large lot, 6 blocks from 24th and Leavenworth. 1 block from Cross town car line. Call South 4549. SEVEN-ROOM, strictly modern. with garage; make offer, for its going to be sold. 4744 S. 15th. Tel. South 3966. Miscellaneous HERE It is - , Just what you have bee looking for. The opportunity to buy a brand new bungalow for the un usually small cash payment of $450 and the balance monthly. This home is strictly modern with Kragstone stucco finish, oak floors throughout, full cemented base ment,' etc. Immediate possession. Call me and I will show you it to day. Mr. Grant, Wal. 5373, even ing, or Doug. 7412. FOR SALE Good 6-rooin cottage and 1 dandy lots; large barn, chicken house, cistern, shade trees; a genuine bargain at $1,600 with discount for all cash. Morearty & Conboy, 640 Bee Bldg. Tyler 4677. Douglas 3841. Webster 6156. We Havo Property for Rent or Sale, i AMERICAN SECURITY CO. N. W. Cor 18th and Dndgg. Doug. 6013. LIST your houses .nd lots for quick sale with Hasting & Heyden, realtors. 1614 Harney street. Phone' Tyler 6'J. BlRKETT&CO. nd Insures. 280 Bee Bids. Douglas 633. LIST your property for quick sale with Morearty & Conboy. D. 3841. REAL ESTATE-Business Property. .BARGAIN IN BUSINESS PROPERTY ' Three-story and basement brick building 66x83 ft.; in wholesale district. Price $25,000; reasonable terms; Income $3,300; expenses light as tenants pay for heat and light. DUMONT & CO. 418 Keeline Bldg. Phone Doug. 690. Bee Want Ads are the Best Busi ness Boosters. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. HARNEY STREET , INVESTMENT , Southeast corner lot 73xTC7 ft., lo cated on Harney street, lias a good i story and attic 9-room house which could be rented for $100 per month. This is 111" first time this property has been offered for salo and can be bought for' $30,000, half cash, balance carried on first mortgage at 6 f er cent, three to five years. GEORGE & COMPANY REALTORS. Tyler 3024. 902 City Nat. Bank Bldg. 24th Street Corner , Brick Store Building Price $13,500; two good, ten ants at $135.00 per month. A real investment. No expenses except taxes and insurance. GLOVER & SPAIN . REALTORS 5860. 918-20 City National. Doug. FOR SALE. Three-story brick building, full cor ner lot In wholcsalo dlstrii t. Possession if wanted. DUMONT 4V CO. 1S Keeline Bid. 1'hone Uouf. (90. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE, INCOME FOR LAND. " Ws have 11 houses listed In Omaha. Owner wants land. B. S. tc R. K. MONTGOMERY. 219 City National. REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED. CUMING Near 29'th St., 14x125; must bii sold to clean tn estate. C. A. Grlmmel, 149 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldr REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN i Benson. BUY from owner, 6-room house, 2 lota, dandy place to raise chickens. Walnut 3318. Council Bluffs. 4 ACRES In Council Bluffs. One mile from Omaha car Una. Kloh, el).drained and level. Can be bought ''for 11,400. Terms, M cash; balance to suit buyer. McOeo REAL ESTATE CO.. 106 Pearl St. Council Bluffs, la. Dundee. DUNDEE BRICK HOME Fine location, immediate pos session; oak floors and oak. finish all over house; good shade trees; brick nnd stucco construction, ("an sell this home for $6.00 less than you can build the house. 1'hone Douglas 1313 or Walnut ;13(I. Sundays. Vt'o specialize In iitimloa homes. C. B. STUHT CO.. 912-14 City National. Douglss 97T. Miscellaneous. FOR SALK 2 good lots, East Omaha. For sale cheap It bought for cash. Call IHiuglas 8:'30." REAL ESTATE WANTED. Wanted to Buy FOUR OR S-ROOM COT TAGE, ANY LOCATION, PAY $200 TO $500 DOWN, TREFER ONE WITH GOOD LOT;,' STATE PRICE, LOCATION, ETC. BOX T-32, BEE: WB HAVE served the Omaha puhllo In buying and selling real estate for over 36 years. We have many calls now for homes. List your property with us. Ws will serve you to your best Interests. McCague Investment Co. WILL pay cash for good six OB seven room home. Must be well located snd priced right Reply giving full de scription. Box T-8, Omaha Bee. To buv or sdl Omaha Real Estate see fowler & Mcdonald 1120 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Doug. 14'.'. Wei havo buyers waiting. List with HOWARD WILLIAMS CO.. S03 Omaha National Bk. Bldg. LIST your property wtlh 458 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Doug. 7024. WK HAVE cash buyers for Cottages and bungalows nicely located. Shrlver, 1047 9 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1638. WILL buy a few. good contracts, second mortgages, or mech., liens. Chaa, L. Pease. 211 Brandeis Thenter Bldg. REAL ESTATE and all kinds of Insurance. HERMANSEN & CO. 748 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. WE have the customers and can sell your property; list with John W. Bobbins, 581 Brandeis theater. D. 639. ' WANTED Property in north part at town. Call or write. S, Levins. 1701 N. 24th St. Web. 4314. FINANCIAL, - Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. . - PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 422$. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate. Interest payable semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS & SON, 228 Keeline Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS, O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Don. iTU. PRIVATE MONEY. $100 to $10,000 made promutly, F. D. WEAD, Wead Bldg. 810 B. 18th Bt. D. E. BUCK. Loans. 423 Omaha Nat. Stocks and Bands. "SAFE INVESTMENT. Wanted $2,000 loan on $3,000 frater nal insurance policy. Man wishing to make loan is beneficiary. Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon death of insured, who Is 61 years old and In poor health. Will arrange matters so that entire $3,000 will be paid to note bolder upon death of Insured, and will keep up premiums in insurance. Chance to make from $500 to $1,000 In short tins. Address Bee, Box M-3. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. IMPROVED FARM , FOR SALE POSSESSION -CAN BE GIVEN MARCH 1. 320 ACRES WITH IN FOUR MILES OF PEETZ, COLO.,' ONE MILE TO SCHOOL, CEMENT BLOCK IMPROVEMENTS WORTH $8,000. FIFTY ACRES IN WHEAT GOES WITH LAND, 100 ACRES FARM LAND READY FOR SPRING CROP. ENTIRE HALF SECTION 1 LEVEL FARM LAND. LAND JOINING OLD FOR $100 PER ACRE; PRICE, $75 PER ACRE IF SOLD BEFORE MARCH I. LAND WILL CARRY BACK $14,000 IN FIRST MORTGAGE AT 6 PER CENT INTEREST. THIS IS THE BEST BUY IN LOGAN COUNTY, IT WILL PAY YOU TO INVESTIGATE. Shipman Land Company, Peetz, Colo. Colorado Land For Sale Five thousand acres twenty miles south of Matheson. Colo.; all tillable; 2,000 acres under' cultivation, 3,000 prairie; sandy loam soil, watered with . windmill; three good sets of Improve ments, worth! from $7,000 to $10,000 each. Crops are corn, wheat, rye, beans and potatoes. Well fenced in sections and half sections; school house on tho ranch; five telephones, store, rural mail delivery. Price $20 to $50 per acre; half cash, terms on balance. .This Is a resl farm, lays Ideal. Wll". sell all or any part from 160 acres up. T'lco according . to number of acres under cultivation and Improvements. U. A. Robinson, Colortdo Springs. Colo. 1124 N. Tejon St. BARGAINS In farms near Haxtum, Colo. 160 acres, one mile southeast of Haxtum, Improved; 30 acres In alialfa, 65 acres in wheat, 30 acres n pasture; $126 an acre. 820 acres, extra well Improved, 3 miles east and 3 miles north of HaTttum; BO acres in wheat; prlca $110 an acre. 160 acres, 12 miles north of Tlaxtum, at $37 per acre, that is a good buy, 320 acres, that $3,000 will handle, with about half in wheat, good improvements; good terms; poseehsion March . Henry Kor ean, Hastiugs, Neb. Rural Phone 6931 W". FOR SALE Section eastern Colorado com and wheat land. 120-a. cultivation, all fenced, good 3-room houe, barn room for 12 horses. 10 cows; 10-a. hog pasture, good water, 7 miles town. Owner, C. F. Matthws, Galatea, Colo. LAND SEEKERS. Those that want to buy farms and randies, both dry and Irrigated lands, also city property, call or write for lists of same. W. L. Irwin, 1410 Stout St.. Denver, Colo. j . LAND! LAND! See or write me befora buying. I have some real bargains. Box 289 does it. Holyoke. Colo. Iowa Lands. SALE Feb. 26, 40 acres 12 miles south of Council Bluffs, kuown as part of Sect. 2, Township 73, Range 44, Mills Co, Terms not less than $1,000 cash. Tho balance 6 remain at 6 per cent Interest Improvements. I horse snd hay barn combined and corn crib; 3 horses. 1 brown marc, 12 yrs. old: 1 bay horse,. 7 yrs.; 1 black mare, yrs.; 3 cows, all milking, 2 fresh and , 1 heifer and calf 4 months old; 1 Mc cormick self-binder, 1 wagon, 1 mower, 1 May rake, 1 harrow, 1 disc harrow, 1 walking ploW, 1 corn planter, 1 com grinder, 1 cream separator. Empire; 100 b'jshels of corn, 6 tons of wild hay, 3 tons alfalfa hay, 12 doz. chickens, household goons of all descriptions. Terms ns usual. LUDWIG HARNISH, Owen. Otto Applenjulst, Auct. Chss. Konegmacher, ('jerk. Kansas Lands. FINE STOCK AND GRAIN FARM 400 acres Franklin county; good 9 room rwiee; 2 largo barns: other splen did outi uiidlngs; 5 miles town; on main rod;-R. F. D. Telephono. Bacritlc price $100 per acre. Com at one. Frank Mansfield. Ottawa, Kansas. 30.000 acres choice raw or improvod Lfn coin Co., Colo, lands. Bargains. Kasy terms. Sea J, Is Maurer, Arriba. Colo ' i