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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 21, 1920)
; f THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 21;3 1920. f f 4 FURIOUS GAME ENDS IN FAVOR OF CORNIIUSKERS Referee and Coach Plead With Crow'for Courtesy and Clean Sportsmanships Final Score, 25 to 18. v Lincoln. Neb.. Feb. 20. (Special Telegram.) Wih the score tied, 16 to ics nve minutes Dciore ine enu o the game, the Huskers staged a furioui spurt which gave Nebraska a 25 ta 18 victory river Notre Dame at the Universary armory Friday night. John Pickett, who substituted for Patty in the second half, shot three of the field goals in tnat last five minutes. The oldest follower of Iluskcr cage battles does, not remember a rougher, more fiercely contested game than this proved to bo. Brandy was sent to the bench after committing four personals and Be king, for Nebraska, was removed for -shoving. Referee Jones pleaded with the hooting crowd for courtesy to ward visitors and officials and Coach Schulte appealed for clean sports manship. For the first 10 minutes of plav the guarding was so close that the score stood, 3 to 2, in Notre Dame's favor. Both idesshot miserably, during the half Smith netted ths jly field goat for Nebraska while Captain Mehre got two and Brandy gvt one for Notre Dame. Notre I3ame led at the end, 9 to 7. . . The CatholiCJ scored first in the sccona half. Field goals by Mehre and Brandy for Notre Dame and by Patty, Russell and Bekins for Ne braska, tied the count, 13 to 13. Pick ett replaced Patty and started on his rampage.-Goals in quick succession tucked- he game away. A second game will be played Saturday night. The summary: Nebranka (25). - F,0. F.T. P.T. T.F. Pt. ..10, 1 0 S .. 1 6 .' 0 0 il Smith, f. ..... Putty, t. nkln. e. ... Bntlry, . ... Grhollinbert Rull, f. ,,, riektt. f. ... Jummayar, ft. . l .. 0 .. 1 ,. 3 ,. 4 .. 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 I 4 0 I 8 0 . l ToUl . 7 8 26 Notro l)mo US). F.O. JT. T. V.I. T. "18. ,.1021 1 ,. S 4 1 1 10 ... o o 'i- o ,, 3 4) 4,4 6 KMay. f. Mohr (o.), t. Kennedy, c, , Brandy, rr ... Andaraon, a. t. 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .'. ....I". 7 4 10 6 18 Uranfletd, Total! Omaha Teams Set for - Telegraph Bowling Tournament Tonight Eight Omaha bowlings teams will L compete tonight in' the first annual .. industrial telegraph bowling tourna--. ment. More than 180 teams wilf contest tonight in different cities of the country and telegraph the results of ' their bowling ? to . the Illinois Ath ' letic club in Chicago, headquarters r for the tournament. - , y "H rThe Omaha teams, competing are tJnion Telegraph' Co.. Orchard and . Wilhelm Co., First National bauk, "Union Outfitting "Co., M. E. Smith , V Co., Fairmont Creamery Co. I'HOTO-PLAY8. f ' And a Superstitlona Liiifc4 ' ' Comedy Featuring i iJ&?. HOODOOED" How Till Saturday. ' ' v L End tfc vaak up right.. See . ' CONSTANCE TALT.1ADGE la t- Spicy, Piquant Story TWO WEEKS v PRESENTING a Worlds M Phehdhm LAST TIMES TODAY In THE FEUD" SUNDAY 7 WILLIAM ' FARNUM In "WINGS OF THE MORNING". 1 - 1 K BRINGING UP OH! HELLO- NYTto HOW ARE TOO FECUN"' SOUTH HIGH CAGE QUINT EXPELLED; BLUFFS WINNERS Principal Mars "Cans" Whole Team When They "Ditch" School for a Movie; Lots of Gloom. The entire South High school cag? quintet was expelled from school yesterday. Principal Mars officiated. they "ditched" school Friday aftcr- oon in order to take in a movie. As a result Council Bluffs hi ell school defeated he South High subs, 48 to 13, in their game last night in Parkers' cvmnasium. As another result, South High will probably not be represented m tne state oasicei ball tournament in Lincoln, March 4. S and 6. the greatest event of its kind ever produced. Gloom has. set tled on honth nigh. The lowans completely bewild ered the Packers after I the first three minutes of play. Mcllor of the Bluffs squad was- the mainstay for them, registering a total of 20 points, flraliam rf thi Packers was the highest point getter for his tearh, making a toiai oi iu points. Tlip ("nimril "Rluffs nuintet will take on Commerce Hiffh basketeers tonight at the local Y. M. C. A. The score: 1 ' Smith Omahifc HAI KU. F.T. P.T, ..2 3 0 ,.2 -0 8 .. 0 0 1 , . r- a" o .. 0 0 2 ,. 0 0 0 T.F.' Tts. 0 13 0 , 0 0 Oraliam, r. f. rtdgeii, 1. I. rloil. . .... Sullivan, 1. g Card, r. B. . . Oro8ch'k. c. 0 1 1 . 0 0 . 0 Totals 5 2 6 l,i 13 Council lllufN (18). F.l. F.T. P.T. T.F. Pts. Mullor. r. f 10 .0 0 ' 0 20 Blytlie, 1. f 1 ' 0 ' i 0. 2 Larsun, c. 6 0 0 0 12 T,mon, 1. g 0 0, 2 0 0 Bakr. r. g. ...... 2 2 10 4 Owmis.,-1. f. 1 0! ,0- 0 Currle,. r. t S 0 0 0 Zobcl, r. I. 0 0 " 0 " 0 'Totals ..21, 2 5 '.-.O 48 Basket. Ball Results, Pt." Loula, Feb." 20. WaahUigton untvr- slty drfcatea Kansas university, 2 to 27,, In a fust and hard-foueht MisafHir! Val ley confnrce basket ball game her Frl- uay niKnr. PHOTO-PLAYS. r r n n n ' I VSr1 -rw f Ik 1 ff I 1 1 1 aV I VX LAST TIMES TODAY T SnAzinouAS r'Stronsor SUNDAY 1 1 MAY ALLIStiN ' :J Y k In ."THE WALK-OFFS" 1 ' A Alio - I CHARLIE CHAPL1 I In "THE VAGABOND Oun "THt HOUSE Of INTRIGUE" fnn tt fanow 8lirtay EvmIm Patt Stwr. rint Haw ahawa la Oaiaka. Ai anlUat auatani nnaaet at artato a4 ' alt ftdtf. LOTItROP .ZSs! " WILLIAM RUSSELL "l , "SIX FEET FOUR" ' Rolln Corned Path Nawa Bee Want Ads are the Best Busi ness Boosters. . v - FATHER- PftFTTV Lj . TM FINE NOW QOT COOD HOW v J Ski NEXT CMI OVER" THE next cabinet will be union"nien, like the underwear you sei adver tised ih the street cars. They will demand an eight-hour president. The last eight-hour president we had was Judge Hughes. ; In the future all cabinet members will have Ho pass tbje civil service ex amination. This will do away with the hiring and firing of members who were weighed and found republicans. There should -oe a law against can ning a secretary just as he accepts his job atl has the swivel chair ad justed to hrs right height sitting down. , In the old days the retiring secretary usedto hand his successor hfs portfolio. Now they hand each other-timetables, It atg't no cabinet. It's an employment bureau. . ' x s . ; X ' I . - The president has explained why hegave Lansing the Nvork. But the explanation is something like a no-tipping sign in a barber shop. x It doesn't mean anything. Official Washington doesn't know the real reason for the shindig, but they understand that Henry Cabot Lodge was observed drop ping raistns in the White House toothpaste. Another version is that a gent about the size of Lansing was spotted talking with a United States senator. That s enough to get anybody fired in Washington thisdministration. . ' About six dozen assorted sizes and shapes of cabinet members have been given the air. It's the first year that the White House hat checking privileges have paid a dividend. Bill Bryan has the giggle on the other boys. He got fired from the cabinet while resignations were still stylish. , -When a prominent politician gets appointed to the cabinet now, all the reporters wheel up and take his post-mortem statement containing his reason for the rash act. Still, in spite of the transmission troubles, thia has. been a great administration Here are a few of the diplomatic tri umphs: ' - I The European war is over. Foi; . ",,vu wi.ava ig m iniiM uvwiug Willi iuli A U U IKJHtV. VVIllCn would be all right if it weren t all wrong. The weather is damp enough without adding milk and honey to it. We're one note ahead of Mexico. x Th zone system is being used on- street cars. They're heated by the Arctic zone system. , y v The flu can be cured outside of the three-mile limit. When it gets closer than that the victim breaks out in a rash of decimal points and is a V Apartments are so small in New York that the paperhangers don't ese any glue on the wall paper. They put the paper on the east wall and the west wall holds it in place. ' ' . Telephone calls are still a jitney, which is only about 60 cents'a num ber, if you get it. . ( f - Landlords must notify you 50 years in advance of any decrease hi the rent ' AMUSEMENTS. "OH! GEORGE" DANCE TONIGHT YEOMAN CASTLE 18th and Harney FREE FREE Cherries FOR THE LADIES FREE FREE Hatchets FOR MEN ' . n - - -FUN. FUN. "Cabareting" "CAN YOU BEAT IT?" v Check Cloth for Fro Favors I Sunday, fob. 22 I ' at 4 P. M. Near East Mass Meeting HEAR General Azgipstian A bfavo soldier, a trusted diplo mat, who tells with fr4tlo quoncO, a bow story of tho war. AdmisstaguFREE No soats rosorrod Jokm Corf a Sanaa tioaal MuakaJ ComaaV FL O.FL O Porfoct "36" Dalt drift fa Famlnin Fliiaio Niihttv 50c to $1 Mat, SOe to 1130 Fob. U-24 StachatwSaMock Pict-rot "OMAHA'S FUN CENTER1 Imtfffti Tflr Mat. U-ZS-SOc WONOOLIN EAUTV AND Pl s ' Gaoa "Im" Marahv. Tai Itfrai. Baa Marah. Choral Ckarai. " LADIES DIME MATINEE- WEEK DATS S Pag r ,WHY O10NT "TOO END FOR ME O Europe. - v King Alfonso May Consent To Join In Jthe Olympics San Sebastian, Spain, Feb. 20. In connection with the arrival here of Marquis Villemejor, president of the Spanish Olympic games committee, it is reported that King Alfonso may consent to participate in the Olym pic games at Antwerp next summer as a rifleman and polo player. Preparations are being made for the training of a Spanish athletic ieam which will participate in the Olympic games for the first time on invitation of King Albert of Bel gium. r Kerr Signs Up. Chicago, Feb. 20. Richard Kerr, pitcher for the Chicago American League Base Ball club, has signed a 1920 contract, according to aele gram received by Charles Comiskey, owner of the White Sox. Kerr is at Paris, Tex. AMUSEMENTS. . I WONEOOUOAM THE WIT IN VAUDEVILLE LAST TWO TIMES MAjTINEE TODAY, 2:15 EARLY CURTAIN TONIGHT AT 7:55 PETROVA PETROVA FIRST ON PROGRAM. -" NO SEATING DURING HER PERFORMANCE. ' v Graco Do Mar; Mnrthall Montf ornery; Howard's Spectacle; Barber aV Jackaon; Jack Oatarman; Billy La Mont Trio; Topic of tho Day; Kinrrama. LAST TIMES TODAY JOAN HARDCASTLE A CO. Praaontlng "Danco Idoaa" GRIND ELL ESTHER ln "A Study fa Thlnoloyy" ROBINSON Jk PENNY "Jaaa Bya"--5ont and Pap " THE BRADS "Sunahiaa Cutupa" Fkotoplay Attraction, "THE WEB'v OF DECEIT" , Featurihg Doloros CusineJIi A Wonaa'a Life Drama Mack Sennelt Camady. Patbo Wookly. m iff Jiff and Ktgi - in Full of Colors im Tin Sunday Bo. BY OLVY'YOU SAVED LIFE' International Pi Tourney Ends; No - Omahans in Money St Paul, Feb. 20.. Williams of La Crosse, Wis., is the singles champion, and T. Anderson and F. Vandyke of Minneapolis, the doubles 'title champions of tUe International Bowling association which closed its annual tournament here Friday. ' In Friday's rolling Harold Foster of Minneapolis finished in the singles with a score of 659, one less than the 660 count that jvou first prize of $100 and a gold medal for Will iams. Fosfer won $95. Other win ners in the singles, with their scores and prizes include: Third, C. Hallr berg, Chicago, 6.53, $90, and ninth, F. Lindgreli, Aberdeen, S. D., 625, $60. , , The doubles winners .include: First, J. Anderson and F. Vandyke, Minneapolis, 1,227V $150; second, J. Kehm and E. Kehfn, Fort Dodge, la., 1,204, $125; third, A. Hill and L. Meuller, Minneapolis. 1,203, $100. The Centrals of Minneapolis last night became fivemen champions of the International Bowline associat ion with a scofe of 2,946. None of the Omaha men who took part in the -tournament were "placed." ; Nearly 900 Teams J Compete for World Pin Title Peoria, 'ill., Feb. 20. While scat tered entries continued to arrive Friday from all parts of the United States, Canada, Mexico and Cuba, it was estimated that between 850 and 900 live-men teams will compete in the American Bowling congress, which opens here March 10. The entries closed Wednesday night, but those in the mails at that time will be accepted. This is the largest entry list in the history of the congress. Toledo holds the for mer record with 795 teams. Among the late entries were 20 teams from Ottawa and Toronto, Canada; two teams from Havana, Cuba, and three from Tampico, Mexico. ' The work of Installing the 14 drives, where the world's champion ships will be decided, has been started. Fast Iowa Quintet , , Coming Today for Mix With Creighton Team The speedy Simpson college bas ket ball- five from Indianola, la., will meet Creighton university five in Creighton gymnasium tonight in what will probably be the locals' last appearance here this season. On March 1 Creighton will meet at East Lansin, Mich., the Michigan Aggies, the only team that humbled the Blue and White in the last three years. The"T?ame with the Wojverine Farmers marks the, initial stand of the longest trip ever attempted by a Creighton team. Mill's men will go cast as far as Fittsbfirgh, meeting 12 or more teams on the way(bcfore coming bark to Omaha. ' v Omaha Deaf Mutes Win From Plattsmouth High, 39 to 27 Plattsmouth High school cage five went down to defeat at the hands of the Nebraska School for Deaf aggregation yesterday after noon by the score of 39 to' 27. The playing of Sattler and McCarthy featured the visiting squad, while Turping and- Koitsch starred . for the JJeaf institute, y With the Bowlers Bailable Tire Bennett Prey Boyca Randall ...... Letter Total Steyer Candy Chase Dennleon .... . Nenbauer A. KnoHl .... Dantprtb. Total ....... Co. Stock Yard! Bank. ; 360 . 508 . 482 Francl, jr.. Miraaky . . Buna Straw Straw . . . . W 630 . 471 437 jit . 508 .2279 Co. . . 608 . 4S4 . 617 Total 'S255 Koutnkr-Pavlik. Hancock ....... 465 Kinsley 488 Moore 398 Brown 471 . 487 Espergren 379 401 Total .2201 B008TEB LEAGt-K. : Standard Motor. I Swift & Co. Lundaren ...... 625Perdue 577 Telvlncton 453 Garoick 467 McNamara ..... 470 Roben 43 Varna 430Hehn 697 Buck 42 II Pearson 524 Total 229o' Total 2586 1 Styletez. I Triangle. Reevea . . 674 Pederaon 490 Clark .., 4081Kelly 632 Morton 646Erbhatser 458 Schneider ...... 423Shedd 532 Stineberc 48JHaHock 532 Total 24391 , Total.... .2640 Union Outfit Co. Jameson 490 Beeson . 618 Omaha Kat'I Bank. Radford 493 Etdson 592 B.iman 522 Moore . .. 649 Neala 21 Lunbaugh 460 Bengela 441 Wartchow 697 Tota... .2506. Total... .2777 Boed'a Crowna. Humaajirey' . v,, 484 GutiTnan ....... 600 Lundin ........ 690 Jcrfles n 607 Snyder 675 ' Total. 2646 Sonllfht ralDta. Moyna 444 Zadtna 627 Landw'erkamp .. 537 J. Jarosh 691 Ries 698 Total.. ......2716 Shirley Clothlnc. I Nat rtr Tan. Co. F. Miraaky ..I, 6361Loony 441 474; 432 560 484 iiTrancl ..... 449 634 678 Toynble ........ MrQuade . Jlin. Miraaky .. Dyck .... Runa .... x. UV ...... 621 Total. . ... , ToUl. . 2626 V. -J . i. ' N . c y V - " I , I 1 IT ft sVtTKlT irVQ t Art Tod FOWlBUer DECISION IS GIVEN OMAHA BOY OVER JOHNNY DUNDEE Atlanta, Ga. Feb. 20. The 10 round bout here Friday night be tween Jack Lawler, Omaha fether weight, and Johnny Dundee, New York lightweight, was called a draw by the referee, but all three sport writers at the ringside stated Lawler. had the better of seven rounds. The fight was a fast one with Lawler, in the opinion of sport writers, doing most of the leading. PIERCE BEATS SUWITER BELATED RALLY ' . ' j ' Victor Follows Sumney's Trail All During Game Until Last Few Minutes Final Count, 50 to, 4fc . Fred Pierce nosed out ahead of Dr. II. C. Sumney last night in the semifinal game of the Omaha Ath letic club championship three-cushion billiard tournament, duplicating the feat of Al ,Cahn,on the irfght be fore. Sumney lost to Calm Thursday night, .SO to 49, after hev;had led Cahn throughout the entire contest. Last night he treated Pierce to the same "handout. .. ' Sumney took the lead at the "start of the game. Then he played close ly, leaving Pierce in difficult posi tions. In the 10th and last inning, however, Pierce put on a mighty spurt and eased into first place. Pierce and Cahn will meet Tues day night in the final contest and . i . i t n 1 ' l ' .1. . ..l,.r lor uie n. kj. ruciuicns uuyuj r l ' MO r Ihti. Pmtum Staviea. Imo. ' " l-XO rr- r : n No Mail Orders During This Sale. ir - " Store Open Saturday Eve. Till 9 How to Get Wear From a Suit It is a known fact that any coat and vest will outwear a pair of tropsers. You can beat this by getting two pairs of trousers, there by doubling the life of a suit. We have rnade this easy . for you by giving a pair of trousers free with every" suit. "'. ' ' Here v Is One Thing Tha,t Is Absolutely Impossible Rheumatism Has 'Never Been Cured by Liniments or Lo tions and Never Will Be. You never knew of Rheumatism that most painful source of suf fering being cured by liniments, lotions or other external applica tions. 'And you will never see any thing but temporary relief afford ed by such makeshifts. But why be" satisfied with tem porary relief from the pangs of pain which are sure to return with in creased severity, when there is per manent relief within your reach. Science has proven that Rheuma tism is a disordered condition of the blood. How, then, can satisfactory results be expected from any treat- -Drawn for The Bee by' McMamu Copyright. K'SO International Ktwi Strvlca . - WASN'T IN - 1 V Central Whist Meet ; Is On at Hotel Rome; 'Many Players Entpr Sixty . whist players from all over the middle west started Thurs day night in the 26th annual whist tournament of the Central Whist association at Hotel Rome. The largest delegation from a single city came from St. Joseph, Mo. Sixteen players came from Joe town. Minneapolis was next with eight players. ' , " In yesterday N afternoon's north and south games Toel and Lysaigh of St. Joseph, Mo tied with Alsen and Bunnell of Minneapolis with a Score of 219. Second place was taken by Naylor and Dohse, with a score of 218, and third place by Phelps and Harris, with 2lor In the east-west games Benjamin and Benjamin, Council Bluffs, took first plac-, with a score of 189. Cow drey and Voorhees of Omaha were second, with a score of 185. Mayer and Helsley of St. Joseph got third place, scoring il82. j Stecher Throws Londos. . New York, Feb. 20. Joe Steelier, world's heavyweight catch-as-catch-can weftling champion,, threw Jim Londos, Greek champion, here Fri day night with a wrist lock hold, after wrestling two hours, .15-minutes and 35 seconds. .,, . . v Benson Beats Commerce. Benson High school basket ball flippers trounced the High School of 'Commerce' Reserves last night at the Benson gymnasium by the-score .( Kl l. tc L'l:... ,.t t. - - aggregation registered over half of tneir points. . , . Purdue Beats Iowa. , Iowa City, la., Feb. 20. (Special Telegram. )-Purdue completely out classed Iowa in Western conference basket" hall Friday night, defeating the Hawkeyes, 42 to 26. JOIfy THE NATION Conserve An Extra Pair of Trousers FREE With every made - to - your will find some excellent Quality - r Dundee tailoring; is wily-known; iinonj.this well dressed men of Omaba and vicinity. -for- its. perfection. Every suit must fit perfectly and- give satisfaction in every detail before it leaves our store. ' We pay special attention to style. You get the advice of our expert tailors as to which style is best for your individuality; Quality is the best you cap" b.etter Judge this for your self by looking at our most complete line of Woolens and fabrics. .. - N. W. CORNER 15TH AND HARNEY STS, ment that does not reach the blood, the seat of the trouble, and rid the system of the cause of the disease? S. .S. S. has for more than- fifty years been giving relief to even) the most aggravated and stubborn cases of Rheumatism. -It cjeanses the blood by routing the disease germs. The experience of others who have taken S. S. S. will convince you that it will promptly reach your case. You can obtain S. S. S. at any drug store. A valuable book on Rheumatism and its treatment, together with ex pert medical advice about your own individual case, will be sent absolute ly free. Write today to Medical De partment, Swift Specific Co., 250 Swift Laboratory. Atlanta, Georgia. LEGION MEMBERS ENJOY CARNIVAL" OF ATHLETICS Wrestling arid Boxing Please 700 Exoldiersr-Caddock And Ray In Feature, - v Event. . s Seven hundred members .of " the American Legion enjoyed the ath-. letic carnival held at the City audi torium last nigl)t for their benefit Earl Caddock, who was Introduced as the vfrorld's champion wrestler, and Tom Ray, Omaha boy, put on -the feature event of the evening. Caddock threw Ray jin' 15 .minijte and 14 seconds. Caddock won great applause. oung Sharkey and iouug Blum,' Fort Omaha boys, gained favor with their fast six-round boxing bout. Elmer Satterfcyy "the Doughboy Contortionist," was another big hit with 'his twisting stunts. Young Spellman and Eddie Gillen boxed six rounds in clever style. Gillen kept the crowd in good humor constantly. Kid Brandt and Battlinar Garrison Jut on four rounds of boxing and ohnny Salerno and Harry Havlicek wrestled 15 minutes to draw. Jess Queen threw Young Mickey in 14 minutes. ' A battle-royal between four res dents of North Twenty-fourth street wound up the carnival. All the ath letes donated their services to the American Legion. , Jack Johnson Will Come Back to Serve His One-Year Term Laredo, Tex., Feb. 20. Jack John-, son, former heavyweight pugilistic champion, will leave Mexico City tor the Unitea- States next Thursday, going directly to Chicago, where he will surrender himself to federal au thorities for execution of sentence for conviction of violation of the Mann law, according to an interyiew , in Thursday's issue of the Heraldo Dc Mexico of Mexico City. ' Ricr X. a nrui uTir'l At FORT OMAHA, .-I February 23d ' ';, Thirtyfou rouiula. t Il(htki(. :,; ' 'John Suttenbarft 1 'taf Omaha, Vt. Jlntml Dalaney of Chicago. , i' Four 6-round boarta4)d JaatW - WIDE MOVEMENT TO on es PROGRAM Cloth You can do this by careful buying.. Buy to get : all the wear possible from a suit. ,, ... ''?': vv," We are' giving, all he assistance goBsible-in this big drive to save and cut down 'the high cost of living by giving " ' - measure suit order. You values at - Style - - - Fit Basket Ball CREIGHTON m. SIMPSON ;' aaBBBaBBaaaBaaaaaBBBBaaaaBBBaa at Creighton Gymnasium Sat, Feb. 21, 8:15 P, M. Admission 75c and $) AO, v.. . 'lej Tickets oa Sale at Towatct Co. yr Roterved by Ph ' V Doug. ?724 ty 4 V I r: V x: jrr irr : y, $ ,r,:: .Yt- i&&kmmu- ; v Ml