Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1920, Page 7, Image 7

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Grain Exchange Committee
Protest Measure to Lift
' Guaranteed Wheat
Price. ;
.Representatives of the Omaha
inin exchange at 10 a. m. yesterday
attended a hearing: before the sen
ate agricultural committee at Wash
ington, D. C, upon the Gro'nna bill,
which provides for the lifting of the
government's guaranteed prices on
, wheat.
Local grain men hope for the de
feat of the measure, since the in
fluence of the government guarantee
to farmerg on the 1919 crop might
carry wheat prices down. Accord
ingly, the executive board instructed
O. M. Smith, president of the Grain
exchange to appoint a committee of
three to attend the hearing.
J. A. Linderholm, S. S. Carlisle
and E. F. Peck were selected by
President Smith to represent this
Mr. Smith said yesterdlay that lie
did not expect a special report from
tiie committee upon the situation un
til its return, and that perhaps the
first information that wfll be received
here will be a news dispatch of the
action taken by the senate agricul
tural committee after the hearing.
The Omaha committee is also
expected to make efforts to obtain
Jlines of the railroad administration
relative tov his order prohibiting
shipments of corn out of Omaha
from February 8 to 18.
Terminal grain elevators of this
section have been congested as a
result of this order, according to
Mr. Smith. But since the order
will automatically expire on Wed
nesday, it is not believed that the
Omaha committee will obtain any
earlier relief.
Mr. Smith states that while the
market was weak for several days
after the order became effective, it
has been growing gradually
stronger. He anticipates receipts
much heavier than normal for a
week or 10 days immediately fol
lowing the expiration of the order.
Much empty railroad equipment has
been returned to country districts
for removal of surplus stocks..'
Urge Fixed Price, j
Washington, Feb. 16. Protests
against the Gronna.bill, which seeks
to terminate at once the existence
of the United States Grain corpor
ation, were heard by the senate
agricultural committee Monday
from 'western farmers' organizations
and associations of grain traders.
The bill would have the effect of
weakening the guaranteed price on
wheat, the witness said. Farmer
representatives urged new legisla
tion to extend the $2.26 guaranteed
price for a year or more beyond
June 1.
Pistrict Court Clerk
Has Narrow Escape;
Struck by Autdhiobile
Robert Smith, clerk of the district
court, had a narrow escape from
serious injury yesterday afternoon
when he was knocked down by a
seven-passenger' automobile at Sev
enteenth and Harney streets.
His presence of mind saved him
from being run over. The car was
driven by a man. A woman seated
beside him screamed when she saw
the car would strike Mr. Smith.
The fender of the car' struck Mr.
Smith and knocked him to the
street and he drew hisvfeet quickly
out of the way, escaping the wheels
by a hair's breadth.
The district court clerk picked
himself up and motioned the driver
of the car tp go on without even in
quiring his name.
"I think I must be in sound
health," he said. "I wasn't in the
least excited fy the incident, not any
more than if 1 ha J stubbed my toe."
Purse Stolen From Office.
A pocketbook, containing $10
a silver vanity case and a bank
book belonging to Mrs. Jessie Ros
enstock, 3506 Harney street, was
taken from an office in the Lyric
building last night. According to
police, thieves gained entrance
through the front door.
Safe and proper directions are in every "Bayer"
"Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be genuine musf
be marked with the safety "Bayer Cross." Then
you are getting the true, world-famous Aspirin,
prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years.
Always buy an unbroken package of "Bayer
Tablets of Aspirin", : which contains proper
dire$ons ij safely, glievs ; Colds, Headache,
Brief City News
Have Koot ITInl It Beacon Preu
Library & Silk Shade lamp. 25 pet
redu'n. Burgoss-Granden Co. Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Button are
the guests of their cousin. Miss Mor
in, 3401 Sherman avenue.
School Head III -J. II. Beveridge,
superintendent of schools, was un
able to be at his desk yesterday on
account of a slight attack of illness.
Removed From HoHpital W. L.
Byrne was removed from a local
hospital to his home yesterday aft
ernoon. His physician believes that
after two weeks' rest he will be able
to resume his work.
Commissioner Vre Ifonord W". Q.
lre, city commissioner, will preside
next Friday night at the annual ban
quet of the faculty and student body
of Monmouth college, Monmouth,
III. -Mr. t're Is an alumnus of this
Red Cross Request The home
service section of the American Red
Cross is seeking Information con
cerning John Elmer Martin, Franlt
Bertram Roberts, Charles Marcon
and Manuel Cook. Anyone knowing
of these men should call Mildred C.
Scoville, Tyler 2721.
Relief Workers to Meet The
Near East relief workers will meet
at the Hotel Fontenelle at 12:80
Tuesday noon, Charles T. Neal pre
siding. The arrangements for re
ceiving General Mesrop . Nevton
Azeapetlan will be discussed. The
Keneral is to be here February 22,
23 and 24.
Many III With "Flu" Many
clerks at the court house are home
this week, suffering from "flu." In
County Clerk Dewey's office John
Smith, a tax clerk; Lerqy Brown,
who is the county commissioners'
clerk, and Miss Adams, reporting
clerk, are seriously 111 with pneu
monia threatened.
Xot Out of Danger Mrs. William
Falconer, whose husband died last
week, is not yet out of danger. She
is being attended in a local hospital.
Her husband was a brother of
Thomas Falconer, city commissioner.
The commissioner's, aunt, Mrs. Don
ald McPherson, 2114 Maple street,
has been stricken with a severe cold.
Woodmen to Kiitertnin Omaha
Camp No. 120, Modern Woodmen of
America will entertain Its members
and trlends with a special program
Wednesday evening with music and
other features. Mrs. Undra Hamren
will address the meeting on "Women
of 1930." This is one of the socials
arranged for the educational pro
gram for 1920.
Tower Plant Litigation Suit for
$19,500 was filed in district court by
the Rural Electric Light and Power
company against the Consolidated
Utilities corporation. The first
named company alleges that numer
ous electric light and power plants
manufactured by the Consolidated
Utilities corporation and sold by the
Rural Electric Light and Power
company have failed to live up to
the guaranty and have shown se
rious defects in operation.
John N. Fixa Dies John N. Fixa,
56 years old, 723 Dorcas street, died
Saturday night at St. Joseph hospi
tal. He had been a resident of Oma
ha for 39 years, coming direct from
Bohemia. At the time of his death
he was president of the Capital City
Bottling work in Lincoln, and was
a saloonkeeper in Omaha for many
years. He Is survived by three sons,
Charles M. Fixa, auditor of the Mer
chants National bank; Stanley F.
Fixa of San Francisco, and John F.
Fixa of Lincoln; two sisters, Mrs.
John Krejci and Mrs. Joe Kastl of
Omaha, and one brother, A. E. Fixa,
of .Kansas City. Funeral services
will be held Thursday morning at
10 from the home. Burial will be
in St. Marys cemetery,. South Side.
Rail Transportation
in Center and North
New York Paralyzed
Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. 16. The
worst snow blockade in years has
paralyzed transportation facilities in
central and northern New York and
not a train moved. Scores of trains
have been stalled more than 24
hours in snowdrifts and hundreds
of passengers are being cared for
by village officials and farmers
along the blockaded routes.
Americanization Classes to
Be Opened Tuesday Evening
New Americanization classes wilU
be opened in the Omaha and South
Side, public libraries Tuesday eve
ning at 7:30, for those who have re
ceived their first naturalization pa
pers and are desirous of qualifying
for their final examinations.
The first course of six weeks,
which was finished last Friday eve
ning, was attended by 85 at the
main library and 35 at 'the South
Side branch. Sessions are - held
Tuesday and Friday evenings ' of
each week. E. C. Page, president of
the Douglas County Bar association,
has been giving instruction at the
main library and Perry Wheeler is
in charge at the South Side library.
Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheu
matism, Neuritis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally.
Remember "Bayer" means genuine! Say
"Bayer." Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost
but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger pack
ages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manu
facturg of Moao.aceticacidestcr of Slicyljcacid.
Events at Qmaha Churches
Expected to Break Records.
Many Notable Men
to Speak.
Several thousand fathers and sons
attended church together Sunday
in Omaha, accordinrr to estimates
made by those in charge of the local
observance of -"Father and Son
week," which is being promoted by
the boys' work division of the
Young Men's Christian association.
In some churches applause greeted
the remarks of the pastors in ser
mons on the ' "father and son"
Many churches will give "father
and son banquets' 'this week.
Fathers who have no sons will be
supplied with them and boys who
have no fathers will also be sup
plied. Banquet Last Night at Calvary.
Last- pvemntr there was a father
and son banquet at the Cal
vary Baptist church at wnicn wai
ter W. Head made the principal
. ... 1 T". . Y1 . ' . 1 I.
aciaress. ine rirst rsapusi cnurcu
will hold its banquet Friday night
with J. J. Boucher as the principal
The First Christian church will
tiavrv a hnnnmipt Wednesday nitrht
at which Frank Freeman and Frank
Bunnell, juniors at Central High
school, will make short talks and
the principal address will be by C.
E. Cobbey.
Plymouth Congregational church
will hold a father and son dinner
Friday evening of this week.
Tli TCmmryp TUVmnrial Lutheran
church will hold a special father and
son- Ash Wednesday service in tne
church Wednesday evening with a
special father and son address by
Rev. O. D. Baltzley.
Park Methodist
church will hold its banquet Friday
night with the pncipai aaaress oy
R Tvr WVllman The North Side
Prpclivtprian rhnrr.h is rjlannine a
banquet for Friday night. The Har-
. . r T T '. .I TV ti
ford Memorial unitea urcinren
church will give its dinner Tuesday
evening, with E. M. Baber and O.
M. Adams of the state committee of
tlio V M C A no nrinrinnl sneak
ers. The Lowe Avenue Presbyterian
church will hold its Danquet Wed
nesday evening, February 25.
Break All Records.
The First Central Congregational
church will give a banquet Thurs
day evening, with T. W. Blackburn
as toastmaster. A short talk will be
given by Stuart Edgerly, a junior
in Central High school. Special
music will be by George W. Camp
bell, who is director of music for
the church. The special address
will be given by Rev. Frank G.
Smith. 'The First Methodist church
will hold its banquet Tuesday night
of this week, and the First Presby
terian church on Friday night, with
talks by Walter W. Head, B. J.
Boucher and Mayor Ed P. Smith.
A meeting ,in the Y. M. C. A.
gymnasium next Sunday afternoon
will close the week for fathers and
sons. Mayor Ed P. Smith will make
the address at this meeting, which
will be a city-wide affair and open
fr fntVipra and sons all over the
city, regardless of church affiliation.
This will be the largest anair ever
promoted in Omaha for fathers and
. - t
Community Centers
Will Be Enlisted in
Economy Campaign
The Nebraska economy campaign,
to reduce the high cost of living,
will be extended into the community
centers. Starting this week, Mrs.
S. S. Kent, representing the Omaha
Woman's club, will send speakers to
all community center gatherings.
The campaign will be opened at
Mason community center tonight,
when J. J. Boucher will speak. Mov
ing pictures will be shown.
A program will be presented at
Clifton Hill community center,
which meats in the School for Deaf
auditorium, at 8.
package Take as told!
Four Votes In City Council
Now Claimed for and
Against Proposition.
City Commissioner Towl yester
uay announced that he is with Com
missioners Zimman and Ure on the
matter of rejecting the gas plant ap
praisal of $4,500,000. '
Commissioner Ringer is not ready
to commit himself definitely, beyond
the- statement that he believes the
appraisal is too high.
Commissioners Zimman and Ure
express confidence that there will
be four votes to reject the appraisal.
Mayor Smith is just as confident
that .there will be four votes to ap
prove. "I have no doubt but that when
the times comes there will be four
votes to buy the plant at the ap
praised valuation," the mayor said.
If any commissioner is able to
obtain a lower price, there will be
no objection."
Members of the Metropolitan Wa
ter board are beginning to take a
keen interest in the gas plant situa
tion, in view of the fact that the
board will manage the plant if the
city should purchase.
"To buy the plant at the ap
praised valuation of $4,500,000 and
then turn it over to us to manage,"
said Fred D. Wead of the Water
board," would make it difficult for
us to make a 'howling success' of
it, as we did with the water plant."
"The Water board should have a
voice in this matter," asserted City
Commissioner Ure, "as it will be
My Heart and My Husband
"Revelations of a Wife-'
How Richard Second Greeted
Dicky's idle words worried me un
conscionably during the remainder
of our journey home. I realized, of
course, when I thought the matter
over, that it was the height'of folly
for me to expect a baby little more
than a year old to remember any
one, even his mother, during an ab
sence of almost a month. But the
thing had never occurred to me be
fore, and I felt all the foolish but
no less real anguish which is the
portion of young mothers concern
ing many experiences with that most
wonderful of all creatures, "the first
I was on fire to get home and see
for myself whether or not Dicky's
supposition was a true one. Un
consciously I speeded up the car un
til I heard from Lillian a low re
monstrance. "Do you mind driving a little more
slowly, Madge?", she asked gently,
but the quiet sentence meant more
to me than the most hysterical pro
test from another woman.
Lillian is the bravest woman I
know. She also makes it a point
never to interfere with another's
conduct. This is almost a fetish with
her. I knew that if she had not
had Marion in the car with her she
would have said nothing, having no
fear for herself, and believing that
any protest should come from my
father or husband. But that she be
lieved my driving too reckless for
the safety of her idolized child I
knew with her first word, and slowed
down at once to Dicky's intense dis
gust. Two Views.
"What's eating you, Lil?" he de
manded crossly. "This is. the first
time Madge has shown any speed,
we've been crawling along like
snails, and here, just as she begins
to jazz up a little you bring out
the crepe and hang itup. Madge,
are you going to crawl like this?
I'm ashamed of you. Remember the
first qualification of a motor driver
"To slay his thousands and his
tens of thousands," Lillian inter
posed lightly. "Don't worry, Dicky
bird. You'll no doubt leave a traij
of dead and maimed on every road
you strike, but don't encourage
Madge to get reckless. You ought
to know that if she ever had a seri-;
ous accident in which anyone beside
herself was hurt she would never
get over it." ,
She had begun her little speech
laughingly, but her voice was deadly
earnest when she finished. I sur
mised that she had seized the sud
den opportunity to give me over
Dicky's shoulder the sound advice
which she might otherwiise never
have found a good chance to offer
"That is a sound premise," my
father put in quietly, and I realized
that he, too, had disapproved of mj
fast driving. I knew betterfi how
ever, than openly to flout Dicky's
views' for theirs, so contented my
self with a compromise.
The Home-Coming.
"I'll be good all the rest of the
way home, Lillian," I said, "and then
Dicky, sometime I'll take you out for
a spin all by ourselves and we'll
probably land in the police court."
"Or the morgue," Lillian said sen
tentiously, but I caught a note of
relief in her tones, and realized that
she knew me well enough to be as
sured that I would do no more
As we finally turned into the drive
way of our home I heard an ecstatic
whoop, quickly smothered, from the
house, knew that Katie had seen us,
and had been promptly squelched by
my mother-in-law. The next minute
the veranda next the driveway seem
ed filled with people, but as I stopped
the car 1 saw that only Mother ura
ham with Junior, the Braithwaites
and Mrs. Durkee were gathered
there. Jim was already down the
steps, while Katie stood in the door
leading to the dining room, her
volatile face clouded by the rebuke
she evidently had received, even
though her eyes were smiling a wel
come at me.
"What do you think of our lady
taxi driver?" Dicky demanded, as
Dr. Braithwaite hurried down the
steps to help us out. "Drove every
step of the way in herself with only
one Stop for lunch. I tell you you've
got to slip it to her. She's going
to take a route in New York, I
I was too preoccupied with the
thought of my baby to recognize the
note of sincerity underlying his fool
ery, which later I appreciated. Dieky,
despite bis first rancor, was actually
required to manage the plant if the
city should purchase it. The Water
board will be required to make a
showing, so why shouldn't it have
a voice in the proceedings at this
Approve Ordinance
Preventing Change of
Power Co. Rates
The city council committee of thr
whole yesterday recommended foi
passage an ordinance offered by Citj
Commissioner Ure, for the regula
tion of electric light and powei
rates. '
This measure provides that elec
tric light and power ratds below the
6-cettt maximum rate must not be
changed without the approval of
the city council, the maximum
rate is not disturbed. The existing
schedule of rates below the 6-cenl
rate gives the Nebraska Power
company authority to ' change the
"steps" without going to the city
Mr. Ure's recent ordinance to re
duce these rates, and the powei
company's application to increasi
the rates, met with adverse action
in the city council.
Kansas Governor Will Make
Two Talk Here Next Monday
Governor Henry Allen of Kansas,,
will address members of the Cham
ber of Commerce on "Industrial"
Courts" at a noon-day luncheon to
be given in his honor at the Cham
ber next Monday. Governor Allen
was the originator of the industrial
court system of settling labor dis
putes,, which became a law in
Kansas about a month ago. He also
will speak at the Omaha club in the
evening. , -.
proud that I had learned to drive a
motor car creditably!
But I was halfway up the steps,
calling softly to my baby:
"Come, Junior, to mother! Come
baby!" .
My mother-in-law's voice, caustic,
peremptory, cut like a whiplash
across my eagerness.
"For goodness sake, Margaret,
you'll scare the child, coming at him
like that! You'll have to go at him
gradually. He's forgotton you, com
pletely. There, there, Granzie won't
let anybody hurt you!"
The baby had turned as I .ap
proached him and was hiding his
face in his grandmother's skirtsl
(Continued Tomorrow.)
Tells Rheumatism Sufferers to
TaKe Salts and Get Rid
of Uric Acid.
Rheumatism is no respecter of
age, sex, color or rank. If not the
most dangerous of human afflictions
it is one of the most painful. Those
subject to rheumatism should eat
less meat, dress as warmly as possi
ble, avoid any undue exposure and,
above all, drink lots of pure water.
Rheumatism is caused by uric acid
which is generated in the bowejs
and absorbed into the blood. It is
the function of the kidneys to filter
this acid from the blood and cast
it out in the urine; the pores of the
skin are also a means of freeing the
blood of this impurity. In damp
and chilly, cold weather the skin
pores are closed thus forcing the
kidneys to do double work, they be
come weak and sluggish and fail to
eliminate this uric acid which
keeps accumulating and circulating
through the system, eventually set
tling in the joints and muscles caus
ing stiffness, soreness and pain call
ed rheumatism.
At the first twinge of rheumatism
get from any pharmacy about four
ounces of Jad Salts; put a table
spoonful in a glass of water and
drink before breakfast each morning
for a week. This is said to eliminate
uric acid by stimulating the kidneys
to normal action, thus ridding the
blood of these impurities.
Jad Salts is inexpensive, harmless
and is made from the a'cid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with
lithia and is used with excellent re
sults by thousands of folks who .are
subject to rheumatism. Here you
have a pleasant effervescent lithia
watcr drink which overcomes uric
acid and is beneficial to your kidneys
as well. x
Nothing Like Plain, Bitro-Phosphate to
" Put on Firm, Healthy Fleih and
to Increase Strength, Vigor
and Pferve Force.
Judging from the countles prepara
tiona and treatments which' are contin
ually being advertised for the purpose
of making thin people fleshy, develop
ing arms, neck and bust, and replacing
ugly hollows and angles by the soft
curved lines of health and beauty, there
are evidently thousands of men and
women who keenly feel their excessive
Thinness and weakness are often due
to starved nerves. Our bodies need more
phosphate than is contained in modern
foods. Physicians claim there is noth
ing that will supply this deficiency so
well as the organic phosphate known
among druggists as bitro-phosphate,
which is inexpensive and is sold by most
all druggists under a guarantee of satis
faction . or money back. By feeding the
nerves directly and by supplying the body
cells with the necessary phosphoric food
elements, bitro-phosphate shonld produce
a welcome transformation in the appear
ance; the increase in weight frequently
being astonishing.
Increase in weight also carries with H
a general improvement in the health.
Nervousness, sleeplessness and lack of
energy, which nearly always accompany
excessive' thinness, should soon dis
appear, dull eyes brighten and pale
cheeks glow with the bloom of perfect
CAUTION While Bitro-Phosphate Is
unsurpassed for the relief of nervousness,
general debility, etc., those taking it who
do not desire to put on flesh should use
extra car in avoiding fat-produciag Xood.
Baffled Safe Crackers Loot
Cash Register and Shelves
Burglars attempted to break open
a safe in the dry goods store of
S, P. Farhat, 720 South Sixteenth
street. Sunday night. A hammer and
chisel were used to break the com
bination from the safe door. Un
Tuesday in the Downstairs Store
An Extraordinary
Sale of Shoes
, $1.98
Group I
106 pairs of women's
novelty gray and brown
lace, also two-tone ef
fects, in small sizes only,
less than price, $1.98.
' Group IV Group'V
Women's black, hand-turned boudoir Women's black two-strap hand-turned
slippers, with large pom pom, 2V2 to 6, slippers, medium high heels, 2Y2 to 8,
at $1.98. at $1.98.
Limit of Two Pairs to a Customer. '
Outing Flannel
Heavyweight Outing Flannel
in handsome light designs. SPE
CIAL, at, yard
Wool Flannel '
White Wool Flannel of ex
cellent quality, with neat em
broidered designs, yard
Fancy Ticking of splendid
quality, in all good colors. Spe
cially priced, yard
Bed Sheets
Full size Bed Sheets, size 81x
90 inches, torn (not cut), fine
round thread quality that will
(rive splendid service, each
25 pairs soiled and mussed
Blankets; these are of White,
Gray or Tan, with colored bor
ders; they are of heavyweight,
and are for full size beds. Very
specially priced, at, pair
36-inch Cretonne, in beautiful
light and dark effects, excellent
quality, yard-
Striped or plain color Cham
bray; a very fine quality, that
will launder wgll and give , good
service; yard
36-inch Challies; a good qual
ity in splendid colors and de
signs. Very special, yard
Fine Silkoline, 36. inches wide
in pretty colors; very spe
cially priced, yard ,.
A quality that will retain its
crepe effect; in handsome col
ors of light or dark combina
tions, yard
Remnants, including almost
every kind of cotton fabric, at
very special prices.
Sale of
An unusual opportunity to get these pans and
Included in this lot are :
successful in the attempt, the burg
lars took goods from the shelves
and scattered them about the door.
Two worn caps left by the vandals
were found in the rear of the place.
Some small change was taken from
a cash register. F.ntrnce to the
store was gained by breaking
through a panel of the rear door.
Five Great Grouvs :
An opportune time to secure good
shoes at an exceptionally low price.
Children's brown and
brown tan tops, lace and
button shoes, flexible
soles, sizes 5 to 11, $1.98.
Group III.
Children's black and novelty
button shoes, hand-turned
soles, 2 to 5, 312 to 8, at $1.98.
I Becoming New !
I Spring I
1 Specially Priced
A splendid opportunity for
the woman or miss that will
want an individual hat at an
extremely low price.
There is a variety of styles,
in straw and satin combina-
tions, in all the new Spring'
Mow Save by Buying Tuesday
IVl tfb in the Downstairs Store
1 Wonderful Values s
All broken lines of Men's and Young Men's Suits, Men's
and Young Men's Pants, Boys' Suits, Boys' Knicker
Pants, Men's and Boys' Overcoats,, etc., on special sale
Tuesday Here are a few of the many values offered:
Men's Suits, sizes 34' to 40, $15.00.
Men's Overcoats, sizes - 34 to 38,
$19.50. .
Young Men's Suits, sizes 31 to 36,
Young Men's Overcoats, sizes 31 to 36,
Men's Pants, $3.95. to $5.95.
Men's Khaki Pants, $1.98.
Boys' Knicker Pants, limited quanti
ty, $1.00.
Boys' Overalls, 69c, sizes 2 to 8.
Boys' blue denim play suits, $1.50,
sizes 2 to 8.
Boys' Knickerbocker Suits, sizes 6 to
16, $8.95.
Boys' Mackinaws, .$4.95.
Men's Fur Coats, $22.50.
Men's Sheep-lined Coats, $12.50 to
$25.00. .
Downstair Store
Gray Enamelware
39 c
Lipped Preserving Kettles
Pudding Pans .
. Lipped Sauce Pans
' Handled Bake Pans
. . Wash Basins
Downstair Store
Eighteen Fire Alarms tn ' .
11 Hours New Sunday Record
Eighteen fire alarms Sunday be
tween 7 a. m. and 6 p. m. was a Sun
day record Most of the fires wer
caused from overheated flues or
parkg from chimneys. No seiious
loss wasi reported in any instance.) 1
1 Hair Brushes
I A large assortment of splen-
did quality Hair Brushes; while
s they last, your choice
Bath Sponges I
Large bleached Sponges; a
splendid quality, will bs placed
on sale Tuesday, while they last,
at .
Specially Priced
With the wear and tear of
time, there is always some place
in the home that requires a new
rug. ' . .
Rag Rugs
24x36 Rag Sugs in plain col
ors $1.15
3x9 Congoleum Rugs, each
$2,98 1
1 Crash Toweling
Crash Toweling; warranted
pure linen web; very specially
priced, yard
. Downstairs Store.
basins at such a low figure.