Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 17, 1920, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 17, 1920. 11 'if REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. South. A REAL BARGAIN BIX ROOMS. ALL MODERN, ON ONE FLOOR. with floored attic; on paved street, with paving all paid; located on 8prague St. west of 84th St. Do not (all to -let us ahow you thla, for It will to quirk, aa It only takaa II, ISO raah to handle thla and balance on monthly payments. Call Sunday and evenings, Colfax 960. H. P. CLARf, WM1 Ami Ave. Colfax 17S. IF you want a large houae In good cnndl. tlon, at a anap, wa hava it. Let ua ahow you thla. Eight rooma, modern except heat, with Urge lot, close to achoul and (our blocks to car, located on Pratt St., for $1,150. with 1610 cssh. Owner haa gone to California. Call Bunday and evenings, Col fax 960. R. P. CLARY CO.. 1404-06 Ames Ave. Colfax 176. FIVE-ROOM bungalow, all modern, la fine condition, one-half block from Ames car line, located on 22d Bt. Pslee, 64.600. with 12,000 raah. Call Bunday and eve ning!, Colfax 650. H. P. CLARY CO., 404-06 Amu Ave. Colfax 178. Mitchell Investment Co. Twenty-fourth and Araea. rhona Col fax 217. Offera personal and experienced serv Ice In the management of property, - ""her aa rer.lal or aals agents. "OK SALE 8-room bouse, atrlctly mod ern, localcd 8616 N. 30th St. In Florence, haa one lot and half on corner, garage, and enn he bought for $4,000 caah before March lit. 1 blocka from car. Addreaa C, A. Hnhman, So. Bend, Neb. ALL mod. 6-r. bungaiow, cant front, cor. lot, close to car line and school; ready to move In, $5,000 $1,600 caah. D. 1734. days; Col. 1S:15, nights. KOl'K lame rooms, part modern, close in. electric lights, paved street, paving paid. $1,900. $76 caah. Tyler 2724 or Webster 4150. d-KOO.M modern home, hot water heat, close In, 83,700. $1,600 cash, $36 per month. Johnson. Tyler 2724 or Webster 4160. YOUNd DOHERTY. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT 22 BRANPEIS TH E ATER. P. 1751. -KOOM house, well located. Price $1,360. $150 cash. $12 per month. Jiihnsnn. Tyler 2724 or W-hster 41 6 0. A FEW homes and lots fur sale In ParkT wood Addition: a safe place for Invest merit. Norrls ft Nnrrls. Poug. 4270. 3425 l'AHKElt street, good 5rMjm cot tatre. modern excent fornare. rnmer i niixn.T. vv enster ;io;i7. MINNE J.L'HA homea and lota offer the oest oppori unity to Invest your money. "Phone Tyler 1S7 PRACTICALLY new 6-room, nll-modern house: fine location. For Information can vveimter 331. -nto.M, atrlctly modern, garage near car; $500 cash, Johnson, Tyler 2724 or wensTcr !iii. NEW R-room atrlctly modern house, $5,200 $1,400 cash, balanco $40 per month. Wal ' nut 4226. S1X-UOOM cottajfe, inoilern, except heat, t"'1'' ""1 No. 20th. Wal. S 1 1 6. 7-ROOM house, all on one floor; modern. Leaving city, uniir, so. 11th St. Miscellaneous. WHY LOOK FURTHER? When you can buy this brand new. strictly modem five-room bunga low tor the remarkably small cash payment of $350 and the balance monthly. It has oak floors and finish; best of furnace and plumb ing, etc. fine lying lot, 40x146. Immediate possession. Call Mr. Grant, Walnut .S373. COOP, almoat new bungalows for sale. Some have built-in features. In good locatlona. Also a number of houses. Call J. A. Graham, Walnut 1103. We Have Property for Rent or Sale. AMERICAN SECURITY fVl N. W, Cor 18th itnd Pcdge. Doug. 6013. LIST your nausea and lota for quick Rale with Hasting & Heyden, realtors. 1614 llnrney street. Phone Tyler 60. Real eatate sella. rente and Insures, 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. LIST your property for quick aale with Morearty & Conboy, D. 3841. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. RENTAL $10,000 PRICE $65,000 Brick apartment house, 12 apartments of 6 rooms, bath each and Janitors' quarters In the base ment: big laundry room with sta tionary tuba and gaa plates for use of tenants as well as separate store room for each apartment: there Is also a practically new stucco house of seven rooma and sleeping porch; oak woodwork and oak floors: tiled bathroooma, and three bh rages, all heated from the , aamu heating plant. These are all flrst.class build ings and should rent for very much more than they do at pres ent. No leases. Can be handled with 126,000 cash, balance 6 per vent. 6 years. WALSH-ELMER CO. 3$J Securities Bldg. Tyler 1636. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE Modern brick apartment, 24 rooma; very close In, on car line and paved street: always well rented; trade for good acreage or other good property. Price $16,000. Equity 110,000. - Address 648, Omaha Be?. , INCOME FOR LAND. Wa have 11 houses Hated In Omaha. Owner wants land. s. s. & r. e. Montgomery. 218 City National. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. GOOD five-room cottage, party modern, two blocks from car; two good lots, fruit trees, etc. Terms. Call Mr. Grant, Douglas 1014, Monday. Council Bluffs. 4 ACRES In Council Bluffs. One mile from Omaha car line. Rich, well-drained and level. Can be bought for $1,400. Terms, 4 cash: balance to suit buyer. Modes .REAL ESTATE CO.. IPS Pearl si Council Bluffs, t: Dundee. We spi'olali2e In Pundee homes. C. B. STUHT CO.. 9U-14 City National. Douglas 87S7. South Side. A NICE improved 20-acre place with nice 4-room, new house, full cemented base ment. Land divided by chicken fence. . Orchard, farm land, and alfalfa and nice outbuildings for chickens. Price $4,600; $1,760 cash balance monthly. This is on South Side, close to car, pavement and sohool. Call Mr, Browne, Tyler 4316. REAL ESTATE WANTED. February 2, 1920. Shopen & Company OMAHA. NEB., GENTLEMEN: I am pleased to say that today you are closing the sale of my property, located at 2720 Pratt Street, having had the house on Jour list only 10 days. Yours truTy, (Signed) Mrs. Kathrine Nissen KB HAVE served the Omaha pubTio in buying and selling real estate for over 36 years. Wa have many calls now for homes. List your property with us. Ws will serve you to your best Interests. McCague Investment Co. K'ILL pay cash for good six or seven room borne. Must be well located and priced right. Reply giving . full de scription. Box T-8, Omaha Bee. KB have buyers wailing. List with EDWARD WILLIAMS CO.. 803 Omaha National Bk. Bldg. LIST your property wtlh THEO. E. PETERSON CO MP ANT, 468 Omaha Nat'l Bank. Poug. 70t4. Kb HAVE cash buyers for cottages and bungalows nicely located. Bhrlver, 1047- Omaha Nat Bank Bldg, D. 1636. TILL buy -a few good contracts, second mortgages, or mech , liens. Chaa. L. Pease. $11 Brandels Theater Bldg. eAL ESTATE and all kinds ot Insurance. HERMANSEN t CO. T48 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. KB havk the customers and can sell your property; list with John W. Bobbins, 681 Brandels Theater. P. Si. WANT S-t room cheap , houses, part modern, on small payments. Johnson. Tyler 2714 or Webster 41(1. - REAL ESTATE WANTED To bay. of aril Omaha Real Eatate ace fowler & Mcdonald 1186 City Nat'l, Bank Bids;. Doug. 14i. FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgage. PRIVATE MONEY. PHOPBN COMPANY. Doug. 4II. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Katate, Interest payable aeml-annually. W. JL THOMAS ft BON, I8 Keellne Bldg. Omaha homes east. neb. farms, o'keefb real estate co. 1016 Om. Nat. Bit. Bldg. Dou. 6716. PRIVATE MONEY. 1100 to 110,060 made promutly, r. P., WRAP, Wead Bldg. 810 8. 18th St. P. E. BUCK. Loans. 421 Omaha Nat. Stocks and Bands. SAFE INVESTMENT. Wanted $2,000 loan on $3,000 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wishing to make loan la beneficiary. Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon death of Insured, who la 61 yeara old and In poor health. Will arrange matters ao that entire $3,000 will be paid to note holder upon death of Insured, and will keep up premiums In innurance. Chance to make from $500 to $1100 In ahort time. Adilresa Bee, Box M-3. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. COLORADO LAND Description of 620-acra farm that I am going to sell before the first of March. Thla la one of the best farms In eastern Colorado. Laya Ideal, almost perfectly flat. Four hundred acres un der cultivation. Every acre can be cul tivated If desired. Five-room house, chicken house for 600 chickens, hog houae with cooker, shed for 100 head of rattle, barn 40x80 feet, stalls for 14 head of horses, room for 200 tons of hay, machine sheds, granary with drive through center, six blna of 1,000 bushels each, potato cellar, holds 1,000 bushels of potatoes, building on cement founda tions, well 60 feet with plenty of water, piped to the houae and yards with hydrants, fenced and crossed fenced with three-wire fence. This place lays Just 20 miles south of Matheson, Colo.. romVS graded all the way. Price, $40 per 'acre If aold by March 1. If desired, half cash, terms on balance, this Is a real farm, $10,000 crop ralaed on this place last season, crops are wheat, rye corn, bcana, potatoes and audan grass. The best climate and beat roada In the world. H. A. Robinson, 1124 North Tejon St.. Colorado prings. Colo. Colorado Land For Sale Five thousand acres twenty miles south of Matheson, Colo.; all tillable; 1,000 acres under cultivation, 3,000 pralris; sandy loam soil, watered with' windmill; three good sets of Improve ments, worth! from $7,000 to $10,000 each. Crops are corn, wheat, rye, beans and potatoes. Well fenced In sections and half sections; school noune on thw ranch; five telephones, store, rural mall delivery. Price $20 to $50 per acre: half cash, terms on balance. This Is a real farm, lays Ideal. Will sell all or any part from 160 acres up. ivice according to number of acres under cultivation and improvements. II . A. Robinson, Colorado Springs. Colo. 1124 N. Tejon 8t. GOVERNMENT HOMESTEADS I.ocatu in Colo. For former service men only. Join our land company and get your homestead at the actual coBt. Send or call for your application at once. Only former service men get the above benefits. Jos. E. Carroll, No." 2 Ulobe Bldg., 4th and Walnut, Pes Moines. LANP SEEKERS. Those that want to buy farms and ranches, both dry and irrigated lands, also city property, call or write for lists of same. W. L. Irwin, 1410 Stout St.. Denver. Colo. 30,000 acrea choice raw or improved Lin com Co., Colo, lands. Bargains. Easy terms, see J. U Maurer. Arriba. Colo. T" Kansas Lands. FOR SALE QUICK Good 80 acres, 45 miles southwest of Kansas City; miles northweat of Wellsvllle; 11-room modern house; natural gas: cattle barn, 60x55 feet; room for 40 head; hay barn, 65x60 feet; room for 126 head; good out buildings; big cement supply tank, wind mill, water In both barna; 40 acres In pasture, rest In blue gruss and wheat; 1 mile from school; price. $200 per acre. C. W. Hughs, owner. Wollsvllle. Knn. I' OR SVLE One-quarter section of land in Morris county, Kansas. 100 acres of val ley land vflder cultivation. 60 acres of good prairie hay laud. Price $90.00 per Kansas City, Mo. FOR SALE 160 acres smooth western Kansas wheat land, close to town. $4,000; quarter further out, $2,600. Write V. E. Nliuette. Ballna. Kan. Michigan Lands. WE HAVE a 40.000-acre tract In Upper Michigan convenient to railroad, with some improved property adjoining on two sides. We would like to dlspoxe of this tract as a whole and would be will ing to sell upon a reasonable payment down; terms on balance at 6 per cent; price, $10 per acre. We also have a tract of 2,000 acres in, Michigan, well blocked. It Interested In acreage of this size, write for further Information. Price, $10 per acre. GRIMMER LANP COMPANY. ' Marinette. Wis. Minnesota Lands. 320-ACRE Allnnesota improved farm. Equal to the best In Minnesota. Every foot till able; rich black loam soil. Practically all, plowed back. Spring i possession. Good 6-room house. Barn worth $8,000; other outbuildings. H mile from good town of 800 population. New High school, cost $126,000. Mood German Lutheran and Congregational churches. No better farm in Iowa or Minnesota, no matter what the price may be. You can buy this for $126 per acre. Write us for Genuine Snaps In Minnesota lands. J. O. SYLVESTER COMPANY. Endloott Building. St. Paul, Minn. . CORN LAND 40, 80 or 160 acres; good heavy soil; well settled part ot Todd county, Minn. Good roads, schools and churches. Will produce good corn, oats, clover, pota toes, etc. Price $15 to $2"2.60 per acre. Terms $2.00 an acre rash, balance $1.00 an acre a year. 6,000 acres to select from. SCHWAB BROS.. 10 i 8 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Min n. FARMS for sale In Minnesota, well Im proved; possession can be given this spring; are located near good towns and schools. Will make very low prices, as we wish to use the money in the manufacturing business. Watters Mfg. Works. Inc.. 126 East 26th St.. Mlnne npolis, Minn. Missouri Lands. SPRING CREEK FARM 120 acres; plenty of improvements? fruit. Corn made 40 bushels per acre. Running water. $2,800, easy terms. B-594, Mountain View, Mo. BARGAINS In Southern Missouri farms II. H. Peckham. Call Wal. 4165. Nebraska Lands 480 ACRES 480 AT AUCTION FEBRUARY 19, THURSDAY, 3 P.M. On the abova date, ON PREMISES, located 10 miles south of Stapleton, Ne braska, wa will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, regardless of price, the following described real estate: The NW A of sec. 12, T 17, R 30, and the SW of sec. 6, T 17, R 29, and the NW of sec 7, T 17, R 29, containing 480 acres, more or less, according to gov ernment survey. TERMS OF SALE: 10 per cent of the purchase price cash day of sale, 40 per cent March 1, 1920, when possession will be given, purchaser to as sume a mortgage of $10,000, due March 10, 1923, bearing Interest at the rate of six per cent, payable annually. Owner will carry remainder of purchase price for a period of three years, to be secured by a first mortgage on the above de scribed land, bearing interest at the rate of six per cent, payable annually. Good and sufficient abstract of title, together with warranty deed, delivered to pur chaser day of settlement. IMPROVE MENTS: Good story-and-half, 7-room house, with bath and pantry, surrounded by nice shade trees; bearing orchard, well sheltered, about 700 cherry, apple and plum trees; barn for 20 head ot horses, mow for 26 tons of hay; granary with cement foundation, room fer 600 bushels: large combination barn tor cat tle, hogs, sheep, and stanchions for nine cows, which has a cement floor; cattle attached, which will shelter 60 head of cattle, with tight board corral around It; . one galvanised granary for 1,200 bushels, one granary for 1.000 bushels, 3 pit silos with a capacity of 60 and 90 tons, dou ble garage, 16x22; good . cement cave, 12x18; good well and windmill, large supply cistern, water piped Into the bouse and barn; all fenced and cross fenced; 30 acres fenced hog tight; 360 acres under plow, including 40 acres al falfa: balance rolling pasture; farm land Ilea level to gently rolling; all hard land ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY. INCLCD INO It HEAD OF CATTLlS AND IS HEAD OF HORSES. WILL BE SOLD THE SAME DAT. PREVIOUS TO THE SALE OF LAND. For further Informa tion, address Nebraska Realty Auction Co., Central City, Nebraska. Mark Cir raher. Auctioneer; M. A. Larson. Man ager; C. B. Lamb, Stapleton. Nebraska. Owner. A. A. FATZMAN, Farms. 301 Karbaafc FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Nebraska Lands. IMPROVED 80-ACRE SARPY COUNTY FARM AT PUBLIC AUCTION Thursday, Feb. 19, at I p. m. sharp, pale will take place on the farm, 2 miles south of Ralston, and m miles northeast Papilllon. This farm Is better known as the Henry C. - Sautter farm, and la con sidered to be one of tlM best farms In the state of Nebraska. Lays excellent, all the very best high-powered producing soil; on the best main traveled auto mobile road between Papilllon and Omaha. Highly Improved 7-room modern house with bath and running water, furnace heat; barn for 10 head of i horses; cattle barn for 40 head cattle: hog house, chicken house, garage, ma chine shed, hay barn, extra good well with plenty of good water, windmill, extra good orchard. This farm must be seen to be ap preciated. Go look It over. It will absolutely be sold to the highest bidder on above date, ' Very liberal terms can be arranged with owner on day of sale. For further Information see the Citizens' State Bank, Ralston, Neb., Cl.Tk of Sale, or James L. Powd, Omaha, Neb.,. Auctioneer, or W. P. Mohr, Spencer, Neb., owner. DOUGLAS COUNTY 60-ACRE FARM AT PUBLIC AUCTION Friday, Feb. 20th, at 2 p. m. Sale tiikes place on the farm 7 miles due west of Elnvwood Park on Leavenworth road.. This Is one of the best farms of its size in the state, lays good and best soil. Forty-five acres in alfalfa, balance In corn except small meadow and orchard. Terms of sale." 10 per cent cash or check on day of sale, 25 per cent of purchase price In 30 days and balance back on land at low rate of Interest. If you want a good little farm in a location that will grow In value every day buy thla one, for It will absolutely be sold on above date on the farm regardless of price. For further particulars Bee The Citizens State Hank, Ralston, Nob., clerk of sale. JAMES L. DOWD, Omaha, Neb., Auctioneer, or W. (). Dad ham, -Lament, la., Owner WOOD RIVER FARM AT AUCTION, FEBRUARY 16, MONDAY, IP. M. On the above date In City Hall, Kear ney, Neb., we will aell at public auction to the highest bidder, regardless of price, the following described real estate: Thn S.W. H of Sec. 3fi, T. 10, R. 17, Buf falo County, Nebraska, containing 160 acres more or less, according to govern ment survey. Located 2 miles west of Kiverdale and 12 miles northwest of Kearney. Terms of sule: Twenty per cent of the purchase price caah day of sale, purchaser to assume a mortgage of $7. son due March 1, 1925, bearing interest at the rate of 6 per cent payable an nually. Remainder of purchase price March 1, 1920, when possession will be given. Good and sufficient abstract of title together with warranty deed de livered to purchaser day of settlement. Improvements: Good 8-room house with brick cellar; barn for 12 head of horses, mow for 8 tons of hay; double corn crib and granary; lean to for. machinery; cow Bhed, 12x32; hen house; stock scales and other minor improvements: 2 wells and I windmill. All well fenced with Osage posts. About 90 acres under plow, bal ance the very best of rolling pasture, which has a small atream of running water which never goes dry or freezes. Plenty of good timber along stream. There Is a place along this stream which nature haa made for an ideal feeding place for cattle, being well sheltered on all sides, yet well drained. Land under plow lies level to gently rolling. Black loam aotl with clay subsoil. About M mile from school. $50 In gold Riven away. For further information addiess Nebraska Realty Auction Co.. Central City, Nebraska. Mark C'arrnher, Auc tioneer. M. A. Larson, Central City, Nebraska, Owner. FARM FOR RENT 100-Acro Improved farm near Creighton, Knox county, Neb. Lays nearly level. Best of soil; imediate pos session. HELD LAND COMPANY 064 Brandels Bldg. Call Doug. 914H, Omaha. Nebraska. 1,440 ACRE ranch In famous potato and grain belt, Dawes Co., Nebraska., five miles from good railroad town, one niile from school; good roads, good Boll. , Land some rolling. More than half good or potatoes, grain and al falfa. Alt well grassed; two good wells fine water; 3 to 5 wire fence; $30 per acre. Write, or call on owner. Gregory's Gasoline Filling Station, Crawford, Neb. FOR SALE 3,560-acro ranch: good grass. fair improvements, three miles ot river front, a bargain at $10.00 per acre. Reasonable terms. Will sell part. Act quick. N. J, Rodewald, Seneca, Neb. CORN AND ALFALFA FARMS IMPROVED; IN CENTRAL NEBRASKA at the right price. Write for list. LARSON & CARRAHER, Central City. Nebraska WRITE me for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches in good old Dawes Co. Arah L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neb. For Neb. Farms and Ranches see Graham-Peter Realty Co., 2 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg.. Omaha. New York Lands. NEW YORK. GIVING AWAY ONE IT'S FOR YOU. One hundred dollars down, one dollar each week; 63 acres, new house, large barn, town one mile, city 12. Price, $1,800. E. Munson, 2426 S. Salina St., Syracuse, N. Y. FOR 8ALE in the great U. S. oasis, west ern New York fruit belt, 108 acres; all kinds fruit; $9,000 cash. H. C. Metcalf, Clyde, N. T. South Dakota Lands. IF YOU want corn and alfalfa land that will pay you big Interest on your money, then I have Just what you are looking for. Write John Pusey Land Co., Miller, S. D. $1,100, perfect 160 acres corn, alfalfa land. Hobart, Pohenix Bldg., Mlnne a polls. Washington ' Lands. FOR SALE. Da'.Tjr and Stock Farm, Ideally lo cated in western "Washington, Soli wonderfully productive. Present owner's banking interests require all his time. Eleven hundred acres In ranch. Price and terms will be quoted to Interested parties. Address, Box! 86, Astoria, Oregon. Wisconsin LanUs. LANDOLOGY, magazine giving the facts In regard to the land situation. Three months' subscription, FREE. If for a home or as an Investment you are thinking of buying food farm lands, simply write me a letter and (ay "Mall me LANDOLOGY and all particulars. FREE." Address Editor, Xandology, Skldmora Land Co 431 Bkidmore Bldg, Marinette, Wis. MONEY TO LOAN. . DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates.1 Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. D. Hit. Es. 1894. FARM, and city loans. E. H. LOUGEE. INC, tzt Kaella Bids. St. Joseph Live Stock. ' St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 16. Cattle Re ceipts, 6.000; market active to strong; Jr'.r.6014 -; cw '"! heifers, IS.S0WIJ.00; calves, t0.00g?14.00. . Hof" R"elpte, 16.000; market lower; top. $14.70; bulk, $14.26 14.60. Sheep and l.amba Receipts, 8.000; mar ket 85c higher; lambs, $1.0020.25; ewes. $12.00 13.26. New York Sugar. . New York, Feb. !. Raw Sugar Nom inal; centrifugal. 11.64o asked; rnflned, stesdy; fins granulated, )i.00tti.00e. Chicago Potatoes. Chicago. Feb. 16. Potatoes Arrivals, 60 cars; good demand, but tero weather and practically no trading. New Yurie New York, Feb. 10. Cotton points lower to 24 points higher. losed FARM LANDS FOR RENTj FARM FOR RENT 130-Acres, improved Platte val ley farm, near Waterloo, Doutflas county. Fine' grain and dairy farm, rents, $9.50 per acre. Tenant to buy stock and implements. Priced right; immediate posses sion. A chance for some starter. Act quick. HELD LAND COMPANY 664 Brandels Hullding. Call Poug. 9HS. Omaha, Nebraska. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. " LATK 1S17 BUICK COI PE. 1S19 STt'TZ, 4-PASSK.VC1UH. HXARMANN-LOCKE MOTORS CO, 2526-32 POOGE ST. DOUGLAS 4320. RENT A NEW FORD ! DRIVE IT YOURSELF I2H CENTS PER MILE, GAS ANP INSURANCE EXTRA. OCR CARS ARE COMFORTABLY HEATED FOR WIN TER SERVICE. PRIVE-IT-TOCRSELF-COMPANT. FORMERLY FORD LIVERY CO. 1814 HOWARP STREET. DOffO. 3CS2, RELIABLE automobllo school; best elec trical and self-atarler courses; day and night schcel; come now; free catalogue. National Automobile School. 2814 North Twentieth. Omaha. K E Y 3 T 6 N E M O T O R S CO. 2203 Farnam St. Pouglas 2181. STANPARD .WINTON , Eight Six SOME bargains In used Ford cars.' Mc Caffrey Motor Co. The Handy Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson. Pouglas 3600. USED cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 2563 Farnnm St. Pnug. 1970. OAKLAND Sensible Six. HARSH OAKLAND. CO.. 2300 Farnam St. BEST VALUES IN USED CARS. TRAWVER AUTO CO. 1910 FARNAM. THE PIXIE FLYER. W. ft. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2520 Farnam St. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNTS. Look for the red seal on wlnshleld. WANTED For spot cosh, 100 used cars; quick action: no delay. Auto Exchange Co.. 2059 Farnam St. Doug. tl035. WE HAVE 60 good used cars to select from. Ail prices. MEEKS AUTO CO., 20! Farnam. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE, 203S FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL 1'SKU CARS. REDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel. Send for circular Rjedi-Made Housing Co.. 2311 Howard. Red 3657. FORD tru'-k. first-class shape, for sale. Call Webbter 430 between 11:30 and 0 o'clock. GOOD USED CARS. OBYL SMITH. FORD touring, good conditiop. Price $325. Colfax 3277. Auto Jiy erjajidGSrages. TRUCKS, all sizes, for hire. Best service, best rates. Tyler 1970. Repairing and Painting. RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO., 1819 Cuming St. Tyler 917. AUTOMOBILE pulnting. First class work. Douglas 7513. 124 So. 24th St., rear. Motorcycles and Bicycles. UARLET - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos, the motorcycle man. 27th and Leavenworth Sts. Tires and Supplies. NEW TIRES, STRICTLY FIRST. 30x3 $ 8.75 32x3V4 $15.50 30x34 $11.90 34x4 $20.60 DEALERS AND AGENTS WANTED. STANDARD TIRE CO., 410 N. 16th. Doug. 3830. USED TIRES DIRT CHEAP. ZUx3, $4.00; 30i3i, $5.00. All sizes in proportion. Look over our rebuilts. Open Sundays. Tyler 2986. 908 N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop. NEW TIRES DIRT CHEAP 10x3 i FISK....$11.S5 34x4 $20.91 30x3 8.95 36x4 26.96 KAIMANT1RE JOBBERS. 1722 CUMING. AUTO electrical repairs; service station for Rayfield carburetor and Columbia storage batteries. Edwards. J!616 N.19. RADIATORS repaired'. Elsasser.2523 S. 21st St. Tyler 4009. Best work; rea sonable prices. GOOD 4009. FORD radiators for sale. Tyler Horses Live S tock.- Vehicles. HARNESS, SADDLER AND TRAVELING GOODS. Ws make them ourselves and sell di rect to the consumer, no middleman's profit. High grade goods at first cost. Store Is 60 years old and our guaran tee Is good. We hnve large stock ot war harness at low prices. j&XFRED CORNISH CO.. Successors to Colling & Morrison. 1210 Farnam St. FARM MARES. 1 Pair geldings, weight, 2,900 pounds; 5 and 6 years old, well matched; 1 span of mules, weight, 2,380; 1span of mares, . weight, 2,800; 1 span of mares, weight, 1 2,500. Reason for selling. Just moved off the farm. 824 S. 27th St. 1 Block south of Leavenworth. . . 800 Sets of Harness, SADDLE AND COLLARS at 30 per cent discount; free list' pries. Midwest Harness Co., 70 N. 16th St' Omaha, Neb. TEAM of mares, 2,700 lbs, 7 and 8 years years old; In good flesh and sound; If taken at once. $175. 2412 St. Marys Ave. FOR SALE Pedigreed Shetland pony. "Fearnaught." Price $100, S. Mac Intyre, 2581 Spauldlng". Webster 6243. SOUND 6-year-old horse, weight 1,200 pounds. 2421 Cuming St. D. 4959. TWO teams and harness for sale. Call Harney 3726. 937 North 27th St. FOR SALE Four sows and one boar. 937 North 27th St. Harney 3725. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. BNOW White Rock Cockerels, also eggs for hatching. Walnut 188" PERSONAL. THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. Ws dlatribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 11 10-1 112-1114 Dodge street. . WILL Marian Braman, who left Spokane In September, 1918, please write an 'old friend T" Percy Collin, Cashmere, Wash., c-o. F. A W)n gate. Box 49. CHARLES STAFFORD, formerly of Cedar Rapids, Iowa, please correspond with Y-9fi. Omaha Bee. FACE massage, manicuring. Lady oper ator. 210 North 17th St. The Board of Education will sell fiva houses and two barna on 33rd and Burt and 33rd and Cuming Stroot at PUBLIC AUCTION February 23. Sal starts 1:00 p. m. Houses to bo moved from the premises within 'thirty days. Term cash. James L. Dowd, Ave tioneer. For particulars of sale inquire of W. T. Bourke, Sec. 603 City Hall. 1 Market and Industrial News of the Day , LIVE STOCK Omaha Live Stock Market. Omaha. Feb. 16, 1120. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Mnnilav estimate ., 6.500 10.S00 8.800 Hunt day last week. 5,726 4.225 7.SH ,sime Aaym 2 wk ago ,74 7,045 $.377 Same day 3 wk ago.10.272 7,71 3,111 Same day yr. ago... 6.172 10,310 1.768 Cattle The arrivals of cattla were placed at 6.600 head or nearly 1.000 larger than for the same day a week ago and somewhat in excess of receipts for the corresponding day a year ago. Beef steers were rather slow to move today at prices that were steady in certain parts of the wards to 10iffl5o higher elsewhere, yuallty was very good with the beat stuff selling around $12.25. She 'stock also moved slowly at steady to 106 16c higher prices and the Quality, throughout was very good. There was a good supply of feedera on hand, but the demand from traders and country was good and sales were made at a good deul stronger prices. Quotatlona on Cattle Good to choice tweves, $11.60fl3.OO; fair to good beeves. $ 1 0.00 iF 1 1.50 ; common to fair beevea, $8 001j.t0.00; good to choice yearlings. $1J. 254(112.50; fair to good yearlings. $9.50 &I1.26; common to fair yearlings, $8.00 0 60; choice to prime heifers, $10,008.11.25; good to choice heifers. $s.00g10.00; choice to prime cows, 1 0.00i? 1 1 .10 : good to choice cow. $8.0n;10.00; fair to good cows $7.25 4i 8. SO; common to fair cows, $5.2&'fT7.S5: choice to prime feeders, $11.00 11.76; good to choice feeders, $9.00 11.00; medium to good feeders. $8.,0W 9 76; common to fair feeders. $7.6OS.60; good to choice Blockers. $i.2610.26; fair to good stockers. $7.759.26; common to fair grades. $tt.0087.76: slock heifers. $5.60(6)7.10; stock cows, $5.257.00; slock calves, $7.009.60; veal rnlves. $9.50(1' 15.76; bulls, stags, etc.. $5.5010.00. Representative, sales: BEEF STEERS. No. 20.. . 21.. 20.. IS.. Av. Pr. No. Av. . 934 . 865 .1187 .1123 Pr 10 00 10 60 11 75 12 25 .1235 75 25. 771 10 25 11.. .1117 H 23 20.. .11 as 12 oo 26. . .1501V 13 50 STEERS A XI) HEIFERS. 6. . 21 . . 14.. lil!! 10.. 7. . IS. . 15. . 15.. 2.. 531 9 00 9 60 11 734 50 10 00 10 25 11 55 .. 797 .. 595 .. 77S . . 851 . . 791 . .1207 ..10S5 .. 728 13. . 14.. 30. . 10 00 10 75 11 85 S07 920 COWS. 6 60 6 9 00 7 9 65 6... HEIFER8. 8 (10 l'-l . .1000 . .1071 . . .1320 7 60 9 60 1025 .. 716 . . 758 . . 270 .. 190 . . 135 10 00 11 10 , . 708 10 25 7 VKAL CALVES. 315 11 50 1 133 13 60 1 12 00 14 25 15 25 16 25 9 25 10 55 3 3"0 15 00 4 1 170 16 50 1. .. 200 STOCK KHS AND FEEDERS, 11 608 9 00 13 473 25 942 9 60 23 968 48 !63 11 00 Hogs The week opened out with an s tlmated run of 155 loads of hogs or about 10,800 head. The market lacked the ship per demand that featured last work's trade and there was not much competi tion between packers. Trading was on a basis largely 25o lower than lust Satur day, It being generally a $14.00 market with sales scattered down to $13.75 and a top ot $14.25. Representative pules: HOG?. No. Av. 42.. 379 40. . 2(T5 M..:u; 00. .225 68. .182 Sh. 210 Pr. No. Av. 13 60 87. . 177 13 90 . 71. .205 14 00 61. .221 Sll. 80 Pr. 13 60 13 95 14 05 14 20 70 40 40 14 10 86. .21S 14 25 Sbeeu and Lambs The week opened out with a moderate run of sheep and lambs, about 6,800 head showing up. About 15 lo 20 loads of the supply constated of ewes and nuality was nothing to brag about. Packers made no effort to cheapen cost on fat lambs and prices ruled gener ally steadv. (Jooil killing lambs moved around $19.25 fi 19.60 with common grads, as low ac $1,1.50. Choice. llKht lambs claim a limit of about $19.76. Ewes ruled steady to a little easier, a spread of $12.25rl2.50 taking Wie good grades. Wethers and yearlings are still very scarce. There was no material cnange In feeders and this branch of the trails presented a rather quiet appearance, flood fleshy feeders were wanted at $17.50tfti 18.00 with milium and light weights selKng on down the list. Quotations on Sheep and Lambs Lambs, good to choice. $1 9.00 19.75 ; lambs, fair to good. $18. 50 19.00; fleshy feeder:!, $17.6Oi'18.00: medium weight feeders, $1.7517.25; cull lambs, $ 1 4.00 St 1 6.60 ; yearlings, $ 1 5.7a 1 7.00 : wothers, $12.50 14.26; ewes good, to choice, $1.2612.65; ewes, fair to good. $11.50 12.00; good feeding ewes, $8.009.25; ewe culls and canners, $7.008.00. FAT LAMBS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 202 fed.. CG 19 26 234 fed.. 82 19 76 FAT EWES. 168 fed. .110 13 60 62 fed. .107 12 60 Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Feb. 16. Cattle Receipts, 14.0OOH estimated tomorrow, 15,000; mar ket firm; beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime. $14.76?16.85; medium and good. $1J. 50014.75; common, $.2511.60: lightweight, good and choice. $12.5010.00; common and medium, $8.76 HT12.50; butcher cattle, heifers, $6.40 13.00; cows, $6.4011.76; canners and cut ters, S5.00&6.40; venl calves, $16.76 17.25: feeder steers, $7.5011.60 stockers steers, $6.75 10. ;26. Hogs Receipts, 48,000: estimated to morrow, 30.000; market weak to 25c lower than Saturday; bulk. $14.25i15.00: top, $15.55: heavy, $14.25014.65; medium, $14.5015.00; light, $14.S515.35: light light, $H.f0iff 15.10; heavy packing sows, smooth, $13.25if 13.76; packing sows, rough, $12.75(fi)13.25; pigs, $13.60S14.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 26,000; es timated tomorrow, 12,000; market slow; lambs,, 84 pounds down, $18.0021.00; culls and common, $14.50(1)17.75; ewes, medium, good and rhoice, $11.0013.75; culls and common, $6.0010.50. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City. Mo., Feb. 16. Cattle Re ceipts, 11,000 head; killing stock, steady to 25 cents higher; stockers and feeders, strong; heavy beef steers, choice and prime, $14.2516.76; medium and goXid, $12.25i14.25: common. $9.5012.25: light weight, good and choice, 11.5()if 14.76; common and medium, $8.0011.50; butcher cattle, heifers, 7. 00011.75; cows, $0.9011.25; canners and cutters, $5,250 6.00; veal calves, $13.00(51 5.50; feeder steers, $.S.013.00; stocker steers, $6.25g 10.25. Hogs Receipts. 16,000 head; market BOc lower; bulk, 14,OOfjl4.E0: heavy, $14.00(11 14.75; medium. $14.10i6H4.75; light, $1400 ft 14,75; packing sows, $11.003114.76; pigs, $10.0015.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 7,000 'head: market steady; lambs, $17.2620.00; culls and common, $12.00j?17.00; vearllng wethers, $15.6018.00: ewes. $10.60013.26: culls and common, $5.2510.25; breeding ewes, $8.00014.00; feeder lambs, $15.25(9 18.00. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City. Ia., Feb. 16. Cattle Rs heipts, 13,000 bead; market strong; beef steers, choice fed, $12.00(915.00; short fed, tl0.00fjJlB.00; beef cows, $7.008.60: fat cows and heifers. $8. 60(12. 00: can ners, $4.60f(i)fl.60; veal calves, choice, $8.00 &15.50; common calves. $6.00 9. 00-: feed ers, fl0.0011.00; stockers. $7.OOl.60; reeding cows ana neirers, $3.608.oo. Hogs Receipts, 6,000 head; market steady, 16 cents lower; light, $14.25 14.60; mixed, $13.9014.25: heavy. $13.50 14.00; bulk. $14.0014.40. Sheep and Uambs Receipts, 1,600 head, market weak. UPDIKE Ws Specialize in the Careful Handling of Orders et Grain and Provisions tor Future Delivery in All Important Markets We Are Members of Chicago Board of Trade Milwaukee Chamber of Commero Minneapolis Chamber of Commercr St. Louis Merchants Exchange Kansas City Board of Trade Sioux City Board of Trad Omaha Grain Exchsngs We Operate Offices at: Omaha, Neb. Sioux City, la Lincoln, Neb. Atlantic, la. Hastings, Neb. Hamburg, Ia. Holdrege, Neb. Des Moines, la. Geneva, Neb. Milwaukee, Wis Chicago, 111. and all of these offices are con nected with each other by private wires. W Solicit Yeur Patronage. THE UPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY Grain Exchange Building. Omaha. Neb. P. S. Caah Consignments Solicited, GRAIN MARKET' Omaha Grain Market. Omaha, Feb. II, 120. Grain arrivals today were considerably below those last Monday and the "total since February 8, the dale the conference order went into effect la smaller than for the week before. Other terminals also show no Increase. ' Wheat trading today was slow with a demand for only the choicest grain in evidence. Early bids were about unchanged with Saturday. Corn advanced I to 1 cents, generally 2 cents up. Oats were 1 to 1 H cents higher. Rye prices scored an upturn of cents. Harlfy was i to 3 cents up. Cssn salcH today were: i Wheat No. I hard: S cars, 12.50. No. 3 hard: 1 car, $2.48. No. 6 hard: 1 car, $2.30 ( per cent rye). No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $2.30 (durum). No. 1 mixed: .1 cars, ;2.26 (duium). No. 4 mixed: $ cars, $2.20 (durum). Sample mixed: 1 Car, $2 27 (wheat nnd rye). Corn No. 4 white: 4 cars. $1.40. No. 5 white: u cars, $1,86. No. S yellow: 1 car, 31.4? ; 1 car, $1.41. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1.36. i cars. $1.35. No. 5 yellow: 1 car, $133. 10 cars, $1.32: 6 cars, $1.31. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, $1.45 (Old). No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.84; 7 cars. $1.33. No. 6 mixed: 1 rat, $1.34 (near white): ! cars, $1.31; 1 ca-, $1.30; 2 cars, $1.30 (shippers' weights). Oats No. 2 white: 2 cars, 89c. No. 3 white: 1 cat, c; S cars, 88tiC (ship pers' weights) ; 4 cars, 88c; 4 2-S cars, 87Ujo. No. 4 white: 1 car. sic. sample wnusi I car. 86 He No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 88c. Kye No. 2. 1 car, $1.5.1; 1 car, $1.62. No. 3: 4 errs, $1.52. Hurley No. 4: 1 car, $1.25. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT, Week Year Receipts Today. ago. ago. Wheat 33 41 34 corn 98 162 114 Oats 84 7 1 ' Rye 2 7 2 Barley 4 12 Shipments Wheat 1 26 , ? Corn 63 "2 35 Oato 16 31 41 Hurley ... II RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Com. oats. Chicago 25 134 180 Kansas City 19:1 104 36 St. Louis 71 182 70 Minneapoll 239 IMJluth Winnipeg 166 OMAHA GRAIN INSPECTION. "Received : Wheat No hard. 1: No. 3 hard. 4: N.N'o. 4 hard, 2; No. mixed, 1; No. J mixed, 2; .No. 4 mixed, 2; io. 0 spring, 1; sample, 2. Total, 15. Corn No. 3 yellow, 8; No. 4 yellow, 9; No. 6 yellow, 12; No. 4 white, 9; No. 5 white, 10; sample, 1; No. 3 mixed, 1; No. 4 mixed, 18; No. 6 mixed 6; No. 6 mixed, 2; sample, 1. Total, 72. Oats No. 2 white. 5; No. 8 white, 16!. No. 4 white, 2; sample, 1; No. 3 mixed, 2. Total, 23. PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Today Year Ago Wheat 798,000 642,000 Corn 1,144,000 691,000 Oats 753,000 936,000 Shipments Wheat 413.000 361,000 Corn , 622,000 387,000 Oats 603,000 443,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Wheat and Flour.... 288,000 810,000 Corn 45,000 Oats 1.194,000 Chicago Grain end Provisions. Chicago, Feb 16. Corn advanced In price today as a result of indications that farmers were continuing to hold their grain. Depression In securities and for eign exi-iiunge had only a transient opposite efect. The market closed strong. 1'i to 2t net higher, with May, $1.3514 t o1..15 and July $1.32U to $1.32. Oats gained 1 U to 1H and pro visions 40cfc;0o. iiearlsh attacks which took place In the corn trade at tho opening met with .some success, but as aoon as estimates were posted showing that receipts hera did not reach even a moderate total the buying side of the market became the fa vorite, regardless of political or financial conditions to the contrary. The fact that even after a full week the railroad emerg ency orders to hurry the crop movement had failed to bring any Important larger supplies to the big centers was gener ally regarded as dwarfing all other fac tors for the time being so far as the corn market was concerned. Realizing of profits after midday led to something of a reaction but fresh upturns quickly followed. Changes In the oats market ran par allel with the action of corn. Provisions rose with grain despite sell ing by 1 packers. By fpdlke Oruln Co., lfouglae 2CC7. Feb. 16 Art. I Open. High. Low." IClose. Yest'y. Corn I Feb. 1.42HI 1.43 I 1.41 1.42 1.40 May 1.3.1 1.35H 1.32 1.26 1.33 July 1.29 1.32 1.29 1.32 1.30H Sept. 1.27 I 1.29 1.27 2.29H 1.27 Rye t I May 1.60 I 1.651,41 1.59 1.60 1.60U July I 1,57 I l.OOVi 1.57 1.59 1.55k Oats III May I .80i! .821 .804 .8254 .80 July I .72til .74 it I .72 .74 .72 Pork I I I I - I May 135.00 1,15.85 135.00 125. S2 35.00 July 135.00 135.60 34.90 85.60 34.65 Lard I II I I May 121.56 22.00 21.60 21.86 21.42 July '22.00 122.57 21.97 22.30 21.90 Rios III May ;iS.50 118.97 (18.50 118.97 11.47 July 11910 li.4Q 119.10 Il9.40 18.95 Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Feb. 15. Flour Unchanged Barley $1.171. 38. Rye "No. 8, $1.$4B1.5S. Bran $43.00. Corn $1.4Jip 1.43. Oats 84i 861ic Flax $5.30fi5,S5, Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 16 Corn- February. $1.3S; May, $t.364; July, $1.32 U; September, $1.27. St. Louis Grain. Bt. Lou. Mo., . Feb. IS. Corn Ma-; Sl.:i7?4; July, $1.3314. Oats May, $4c. Chicago Produce. Chicago, Feb.. 16, Gutter Steady; creamery, 50 963c. EITs Lower; receipts. 9,080 cases; firsts, 5162c; ordinary firsts, 44$49c; at mark, cases Included, 49 61c. . Poultry Alive, higher; springs, JOc; fowls, 35c. Bar Silver. New York. Feb. 16. Bar Silver Mexican Uollar-i-$1.00. $1.30. Owned and Recommended by Heme Builders, Inc., ef Omaha, Neb. WE OFFER 6 First Mortgage Bonds Denominations $250 . $500 $1,000 $5,000 Tax-Free in Nebraska They sre secured by newly im proved business property, centrally located In Omaha, which wilt be oc cupied by its owners. These bonds bear 8 interest, payable semi annually and convertible on option of purchaser, any time after one year upon SO days' notice filed on any interest date. Maturity, 1923-1927 American Security Company lth and Dodge Sts. OMAHA, NEBRASKA G. A. Rehrbeugh, Prss. C. C. Shlmer, See. FINANCIAL New York, Feb. 16. Rejeotlon by the Washington administration of the allies' Adrlstio plan came as a surprise to the financial community and Inspired much of the reactionary movement which contlit usd throughout the stork market session today, resulting in many low records for the current porlod. Exchange reflected the tense International situation, the London quotation falllnV under its recent recovery. Another adverse development was the showing made by the federal reserve banks. The local Institution reported a loss of reserve which fell to a level ap proximating the recent unfavorable ex hibit. The latter situation bore directly upon the money market, time funds again dis appearing almost enttridy, despite last week's predictions of approaching Im provement. Call loans were easy, how ever, opening at 7 per cent and declin ing to 6 per cent in the early afternoon. Ralls rendered a better account of them selves than any group, probably in con sequence of the acceptance by the broth erhooda of President Wilson's plan and because of the bellvf that the railroad bill before congress will soon come up for action. Motors and oils, also high priced steels and specialties, suffered 4he most. Gen eral Motors made a nut loss of 12 points, Crucible Steel lost 9ii and other leaders wero 2 to 7 points down at the weak close. Sales were 835,000 shares. Bonds wore Irregular in all branches cf the domestic list, Including Liberty bonds. With a variable tone to the foreign division. Sales, par value, aggregated $10,660,000. Old United Slates bonds were un changed on call. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. New York, Feb. 16. Evaporated Apples Quiet: western, 20323e; state, 20iA23c. "Prunes Easy; California, 10&31C; Oregons, 16l422i4c. Apricots Easy; choice, 82c; extra choice, 33c; fancy, 86c. " Peaches Steady ; standard. 19UO20HC; choice, 21i4,22ic: fancy. 242Sc. Raisins Quiet; loose muscatels. 251,: choice to fancy seeded, 21Vil4c; seedless, 2$!429V4e. 1 AMer Beet i Sug Amer. Can .... A C and F A H A L pfd . Amer Loco Am. Smelt A Ref Am Bug Ref .... Am Sum Tob . . Am T A T Am Z LA 8 Ana CJpper .. Atchison A a A W I S S Baldwin Loco . . Baltl ft Ohio .. Beth Steel ''B" . B & Sup Cop Call Petroleum . Cana Pacific . . Central Leath . Chesa. A Ohio C M A -St P Cht & North . . . Chi R I A Pac . Chlno C6p .... Colo F A I .. on i 90 90 1.700 44'i 2" 2 2.600 1291 lilh 1!'' 3,900 108 104 104ij 3.10O 89 87 88 2.40 S2S fflH 2 t 600 1064 1244 125 1,800 834 3H 2V4 700 97VS, 97 974 . ..300 16'4 16 to 4,100 C7V4 56i4 56i 2,200 79'4 78ii 79 2,100 148 143 1 43 47,900 109 106 107 3,400 304 2H ;9l4 10,600 884 $64iH6a 2,000 23. 224 234 600 s.m, 2iv4 sm 2,300 1191 118 118 4.600 764 77 77 1,500 604 48 48 6.300 33 i, 79 26 36 88 ii 31i4 79 25 36i4 38 7814 32 100 2.400 1,0000 79 264 35 "4 38 79i 200 43 68 12 300 Corn Prod 3,900 SUi crucible steel 23,600 209 199i Cuba C Sugar 2,600 44 43H DIs Se Corn . 1.100 60 68 Erie .' , 1.600 12 11 Oen Elec Oener Motors Ot North pfd 400 1674 166 167 43,600 239 226 229 3,200 72 714 71 G N Ore cfs .. 1,900 86 36 35 82 62 80 20 76 15 28 99 168 22 45 22 61 67 25 91 72 26 75 41 24 19 Illinois t:en . . . Insplra Cop ... I M M pfd ... Inter Nickel .. Inter Paper ... K C South Ken. Cop L. A N Mex. Pet Miami Cop Mid. Steel Mo. Pac Mont. Pow N. Y. Can N Y N H A H. Norfolk A West. Nor. Pac, Pac. Mall P.-A. Pet. " Penn Pitts. A W. Va. R. C. Cop. .. Reading Rep. I. A 8. . Shot. Ariz. Oop 2,600 1,900 6,400 9,500 64 84 21 76 62 7 20 76 100 16 16 1,900 27 28 600 100 99 15,100 172 167 200 29 6.200 1,900 100 1.500 2,700 100 3.700 46 23 61 68 26 91 73 45 22 61 67 25 91 71 ..10.300 . . 2,200 .. 1,600 .. 1,000 ...6,000 78 41 25 20 76 40 24 19 68 to e i ..46.400 105 100 101 11 11 88 18 91 (2 20 20 84 86 177 177 66 67 113 115 .. 100 11 ..40.000 39 Sin. O. A R. , South. Pac. , Soth. Ry. Studs. Corpor. ..16,700 93 .. 2,600 10 ..40,900 87 .. 4,600 183 .. 2,100 68 ...6,700 116 . 9.400 770 rex. i :o. ...... Tob. Prod t'n. Pae V. C. Stores... IT. S. Ind. Alco. IT. S. 18 IT. S. S.. Pfd. .. 68 10.100 86 80 80 96 110 69 84 0 24 76 42 6 .53,800 98 96 1,400 110 110 I?tah Cop 2,600 71 West. Vn 100 84 West. Elflt 2,100 60 Willys-0 7,400 25 Natl. Lead 600 76 Ohio Cities 1,760 43 Royal P., N.-Y. .. 8,900 98 69 84 50 24 76 43 96 New York Money. New York. Feb. 16. Mercantile PaDer 6 to 6 per cent. Sterling Demand, $3.34; cables, $3.36. Francs Demand, 14.27; cables, 14.26. Belgian Francs Demead. 12.(2: cables. 12.80. Guilders Demand, 37xc: cables, 87 c. Lire Demand, 18.13; cables, 18.20. Marks Demand, 1.00c; cables, 1.01c. Time Loans Strong; sixty days, ninety days, six months. 8 per cent. call Money Easy; mgn, v per cnet; low. 6 ner cent: ruling rate. 7 per cent: closing bid, 6 'per cent; offered at 7 per cent; last loan, 6 per cent. London Honey. London, Feb. 16. Bar Silver $c per ounce. . Money 4 U per cent. I Cotton Futures. New York. Feb. 16. Cotton futures closed steady; March. 26.44c; May, 34.14c; July, 31.92c; October, 29.76c; December, So. 2 DC. 0 Consumers Power Co. General & Refunding Mortgage Ten Year 7 Gold Bonds Price 98 and interest Yielding over 7.28 7 Serial Gold . Debentures At prices to yield about 7.75 Complete circulars on these stlrac tive issues sent on request for AG-282 lkNatwrialGty Company Correspondent Offices in over . 50 Cities Omaha First National Bank Bldg Telephone 3316 .Douglas TTWTVJTINTT PURE FOOD PRODUCTS PORK AND BEEF PACKERS PROVISIONERS PRODUCE DEALERS WHOLESALE BAKERS MACARONI MANUFACTURERS w Taaaa ma a eeoisTaa e, a am sosuudw New York Bend list, r. s 2s. rg..t00lnt. No. 1st 4s $1 I'., S. is. oou. .100 III. Cen. ref., 4St r. S. 4s, rag, 106 lint. Mer. Ma 'U. H. cv. 4s S coupon 106 Pan. Ss. rag.. It Pan. 3s, con.. 88 Am. Tel. A Tel iK. C Sou ref. 6s ... .. 8 L. A N. un. 4s. 71 M, K. A T CV. S 96 1st' 4s fi-m An.. Feb. 6a 4IMa. Pao. sen. 4s 64 Arm. A Co. 4s 89 Mon. Pow. 6s.. $2 Atch. gen. 4s.. 76 N. Y. Central 14. A O. cv 4 Us 7941 deb. 6s 90 ' Heth. 8. ref. la 84:No. Pac. 4s... 73 Cen. Les. 6s... 96 No. Pac. 8s... 60 Cen. Pac. 1st. C A O. cv. 6s. C. B. A q., joint 4 C. M. A St. P. CV. 4B ... C R. I. A P 19 U Ore. Short Line 77 I ref. 4 91 Pao. T. AT. 6s. 81 13 Penn. con, ;. 4S 89 Penn. gen. 6s. ., 8t 67 'Reading gen. 4s 78 St. 1,. A Han Ry. ref. 4s... 61 Fran. ad. 6s. 67 Chill Cop. col So. Pac. ov. 6s 98 trust 6s 77: no. ll y 6s ax C. of Paris 6s 90ITex. Co. cv. 6s. 100 C. A 8. def. T. A P. 1st 92 4s r. r. o. ronsol. 4s .,. Dom. of Can ts (131) .... Erls gen. ... sden. Elec. 6. 69 IT. P. 4s 84 IT. K. of rt. B. 60! A I. 6s 1937 85 I'. 8. Rubber 6s 84 91ilr. S. Steel 6s 96 39Wahash 1st 87 97 I Bid. sOffersd. Liberty Bond rrlcee. New York, Feb. 16. Prices of Llbertv bonds at 11:30 a. m. today were: 3e, 96 60; first 4s. 90.40: second 4s, 89.90; first 4s, 91.30; second 4s. 90.28; third 4s. 93.06; fourth "4 Vs, 90 66; Victory 3s. 97 74; Victory 4,s, 97.74. Prices of Liberty bonSs at 2:55 p. m. today were: 9s, 96.60; first 4s, 90.40; second 4-, 89 94; first 4s, 91.30; second 4s. 90.40; third 4i4. 93.06; fourth 4. 90.116; 97.74. Victory, 8s, 97.70; Victory 4s, Turpentine and Rosin. ' Savannah, (la, Fob. 16. Turpentine, steady, 188: sales, 100; receipts, blank; shipment. 97; stock, 6,866. ' Rosin, N. to WW., nothing doing; B. to M., firm; sales. 681; receipts, blank; ship ments, 1,870: stock, 33,497. !., $16.50, I). K., $16.60; F., $16.70; 0., $16.75; H., 16.80; I., $17.00; K., $17.60; M., $1.00; N , $20.00; WO., $20.60; W, W., $20.76. nrygoods. New York, Feb. 16. Cotton goods toduv wore steady and quiet. Varns were slight ly easier. Burlaps were easy. Raw silk was $1 a pound higher, following a fur ther speculative rise at Yokohama. Mens wear buying was mure conservative, staple worsled 'dress goods being purchased 1i the extent (if mill rapacity. i Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Feb. 16. Hulter Un changed. Eggs 20 rents higher per case, $14.80; firsts, lo higher, 60c. Poultry liens, c higher, 31 c; eth ers unchanged. . Spot Cotton. New York, Feb. 16. Cotton Spot, steady; middling. 98.95c. THE TEN an Income Month Month PAYMENT .PL) A Review t tho Oil Industry of intense interest to Stockholders in till Oil Companies Wa hava f athorei all arail abla data on arory factor an taring into tho oil business supply "demand markotinr facilities of tho different fields probablo result of, ponding development and partioularly tha bearing of such factor en the nature of tho loading com panies each one of which is treated separately. i Copies sent without cost ar obli gation. Write Dept. OB -14 i E. M. Fuller & Co. Members ef Consolidated Stock Excb, ef N. Tt. 50 Broad Strest, Mew York First Farm Mortgage Bonds Obtainable In Denomina tions 1500-$1,000. City Real Estate Bonds Denominations ( $100, $500 and $1,000 Tax Free la Nebraska. We believe these securities meet with the requirements et the most conservative investors. OMAHA TRUST GO. rhone Tyler 100 Affiliated with the Omaha National Bank. THE SKINNER COMPANY R. C HOWE, VICE PRESIDENT and GENERAL MANAGER OMAHA. U.S. A This greet independent lose products com pany is owned ky some 5.000 stockholders, in cluding some of the west s greatest live stock producers. 1,"