-s The Omaha ' Daily Bee VOL. 50 NO. 209. Eaton a MM.d-.iut Mtttr w U. INK. tt Oitki . 0. ft art at Nana 3. U7 OMAHA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1920 By Mull (I mar). Dally. MOO: , li.SO: Dally ana San., $7.00: aulilda Nak. Mitua txtra. TWO CENTS. HI.f . , mm ALLIES WONT INSIST UPON EXTRADITION Berlin's, Proposal to Bring Those Accused of War v Crimes Before Leipsic Tri bunal Accepted by Entente. PENAL PROCEEDINGS ; WILL BEGIN AT ONCE Text of Note to Holland Ask; ing Internment of Ex-Kaiser Is Presented and Made Pub- lie to the World. London, Feb. 16. The allied reply to the German note of January 2, proposing as an alternative to extra dition that persons accused by the allies be tried at Leipsic, states that Germany's proposal for such trial at Leipsic is compatible with article 223 of the peace treaty. The allies, the note says, will abstain from interven tion in the procedure of that court After stating that the allies have carefully considered the German note of January 25, the reply says: "The power observe, in the- first place, that Germany declares it self unable to carry out the obliga tion imposed on it by article 228 to 230, which she signed. They re serve to themselves the power to employ in such measure and form as they may judge suitable, the rights accorded to them in this event by the treaty." "The allies' note, however, the Ger man government's declaration that they are prepared to open before the court of Leipsic penal proceed ings without delay, surrounded by the most complete guarantees an! not affected by the application of all judgments, procedure or. previous decisions of German civil or military tribunals before "the supreme court at Leipsic, against all Germans whose extradition the allies and as sociated powers have the intention to demand. . Compatible to Treaty. "The prosecution which the Ger man government itself proposes, im mediately to institute in this mannei is compatible with article 228 of the peace treaty and is expressly pro i,irpA for At- the end of its first oara- graph. , "Faithful to the letter and spirit of the treaty, the allies will abstain from intervention in any way in the procedure of the prosecution and verdict in order to" leave the Ger- ..man government complete and en tire responsibility. They reserve to themselves the right to decide by the results as- tb the good faith of Germany, the recognition by it of the crimes it has committed and its sincere desire to associate it self with ttreir punishment. ' "They will see whether the Ger man government, which has de- clared itself unable to arrest the accused named on the list to de-liver them for trial to the al lies, is actually determined to judge them itself. . Provide Details of Charges. "At the same time the allies, in pursuance of truth and justice, have decided to entrust to a mixed in terallied commission the task of col lecting, publishing and communi cating to Germany details of the charges brought against each pf these whose guilt shall have been established by their investigations. Finally, the allies would formally emphasise, that procedure before a jundiction such as is proposed can in no way annul the provisions of articles 228 to 230 of the treaty. "The powers reserve to them selves the right to decide whether "the proposed procedure by Ger many which, according to it, would , assure to the accused all euarantees of justice, does not, in effect, bring about their escape from, the just punishment of their crimes. In this event the allies would exer cise their rights to their full extent by submitting the cases to their own tribunal. . Internment of Ex-Kaiser On Island Is Asked for t The Hague, Feb. 16. The latest allied note to Holland with regard ' to extradition of the former German vmperor reverses the original de maud for his surrender, and only asks his- internment,, with the sug gestion that the former monarch be' lent." oerhaos. to one of the Dutch , slands in the East Indies, it" be came known today.' Following is the text of the note lent (by the allied powers to Hol 'and regarding the extradition of the Unnaf fwrman emneror: "The immense sacrifices made in he general interest by the powers luring th,e war entitle them to ask The Netherlands to reconsider its refusal, based on the weighty, but intiTely personal considerations of i state which held aloof from the war and cannot perhaps appreciate ' suite accurately all the duties and dangers of the present hour. "The obligations of the powers towards other nations, the gavity of the question concerned, as well as the very grave political effects to 1 t f: : V. . ... . C .Via 1 -i i t-n e -which relinquisnment or tne ciaimsj of justice against the ex-emperor would give rise all constrain them ; to uphold and, renew their demand. "The powers do not ask t the (CmOmwJ m fan To. Caluu laar.) Women's League Urges Single Moral Standard . and Harsher Vice Laws Condemns Senator James W. Wadsworth, Jr., oi New York, for Working Against Suffrage--Recom-mends That Women Be Put On Governing Board of Penal and Charitable Institutions. Chicago, Feb. 16. The League of Women Voters today condemned Senator James W. Wadsworth, jr., of New York for "misrepresenting his state and party" in working against suffrage. Appreciation was extended to the women of New York in their determination to send to the United States senate "a mod ern minded senator capable of com prehending the great American prin ciples of freedom and democracy," to replace Mr. Wadsworth. -The league also took a stand for a single standard of morals when it accepted the report of its social hygiene committee of which Dr. Valerie Parker of Hartford, Conn., is president Among recommendations for commercial vice were: Punishment of frequenters of dis orderly houses. - Abolition of segregated, protected vice districts. Heavy penalties for pandering. Would Prevent Solicitation. prevention of solicitation wheth er by man or woman. Control of venereal diseases with recommendations, for proper laws was urged. v Passag of laws to protect minors, defectives and delinquents, was urged. Among these was a law WILSON'S NOTE- IS BOMBSHELL TO BRITISHERS Viewpoint on Adriatic Ques tion Considered Ultimatum, Though Washington Says It Is Not. London, Feb. 16. President Wil son's note to the peace cenference on the Adriatic question has fur nished London political and news paper circles with a surprise anfi in terest surpassing that evoked by the Wilson - Lansing correspondence. The Lansing incident was regarded as an American family affair toward which foreigners should be merely disinterested spectators. The presi dent's reappearance as a determined party in the peace negotiations was construed as almost as threatening as his order for the George Wash ington to be prepared to take him home from France. The first versions of the event gave it the aspect of an ultimatum, which meant that the council of the allies must stand' by the terms which President Wilson accepted in December or America would shake the dust of European affairs off her feet altogether, .and also that the council had framed a stiffly-worded reply adhering to its January offer to the Jugo-Slavs. . , Later information appeared to soften the stiff-necked positions credited to both parties. This con- (Continned on Pare Two, Column One.) "No Licenses Today" Sign Brings Grief to Denver Couples Denver, Feb. 16. A big sign bear ing the inscription, "No licenses to day," hanging above the desk of the marriage license clerk at the cgunty court house, caused 'consternation and no little disappointment to IS couples, who during the day sought the necessary document as a pre liminary to embarking on the sea of matrimony. - The clerk explained that the sup ply of blanks had been exhausted and that the printer who held the contract had been unable to keep the office supplied. ' "Can't do it," the good-natured clerk said when pressed for a li cense by the first couple that ap peared 10 minutes after the office was opened. "It's like this," he con tinued. "We are ojit of license blanks. We have no authority un der the law to use any but the pre scribed form. The printer who has the contract also has the .'flu.' So there's nothing to do' but wait." Some of the couples, not to be outdone, went at once to Littleton and Golcteu, county seats of adjoin ing counties, to secure licenses. . Massacre'7,000 Armenians. Washington, Feb. 16. Seven thousand Armenians have been massacred in Cilicia in a new at tack by Turkish and Kurdish troops, which is still in progress, accord ing to advices received by the Ar menian National Union through of ficial channels. The report signed bv the acting Armenian archbishoo of Smvrna. and the nresident of the. - Armenian colony of Greece, states that the foes of the Armenians num ber 50,000 men who have advanced to Bahtche and threaten to spread a reign of terror throughout the dis trict, , providing for mental examinations of all children and to care for de fective ones. I A law was urged to make the legal age of consent at least 18 years and to provide protection for the boy as well as the girl. It was recommended that women be. put on the governing boards of all charitable and penal instituti&ns as well as in other public positions which deals with problems of de linquency or health. Adopt Food Supply Report. The report of the committee on food supply and demand was adopt ed -With its endorsement of the Kenyon-Kendrick-Anderson bill for the control of packers, despite a talk from the packers' point of view by L. D. Wells of Swift & Co. Mrs. Helen Gardener of Wash ington, announced the installation of an exhibit connected with the history of the suffrage movement in the United States in the Smithsonian institution. Among the exhibits are pictures of Susan B. Anthony, Anna Howard Shaw and Carrie Chapman Catt the, first women to be so honored because of their achievements. The round mahogany table is there on which woman's bill of rights was (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) "GET TOGETHER" LUNCHEON HELD BY NEBRASKANS Unchaperoned Suffrage Work ers Mingle With Cigaret Smoking Young Women in Russian Tea Room. By MYRTLE MASON. Staff Correspondent Omaha Bee. Chicago, Feb. 16. (Special Tele gram.) Unchaperoned and un ashamed, the Nebraska delegation attending the conventions of suf fragists and the League of Women Voters sipped an amber-colored fluid from tall glass mugs Monday noon, in an atmosphere of burning incense, mixed with cigarette smoke, blown from the rosebud lips of pretty young women. But the am ber fluid was nothing more than real Russian tea and the Nebraska women smoked no cigarettes them selves nor did they approve of the young women who were so doing in the Russian tea room on Michigan boulevard. Twenty-five Nebraska women at tended the luncheon, which was a general "get together" as well as a function in honor of Miss Ellen Harn, of Keneshavv, a Nebraska suf frage pioneer. Former Omahan Leader. Mrs. Frances Ford was delegated to the tea room and presented to the Nebraska party. Mrs. Ford is said to be America's foremost writer of children's stories. She conducts the children's page on the Chicago Daily News, giving particular at tention to the "Martha and Mary" letters. Mrs. Ford is the mother of the Omaha Woman's club. She called the meeting which resulted in its formation 27 years ago. She left Omaha in 1900. Organization of the League of Women Voters continued Monday. A report of the committee charged with dividing the United States into (Contlnned on Pare Two, Colnmn Five.) General Pershing Opens Mardi Gras in New Orleans New Orleans, Feb. 16. With the arrival Monday of General Persh ing the 1920 Madri Gras carnival, the first since 1917, was formally opened. General Pershing was given a re ception at the city hall, addressed gatherings qf school children and war veterans and inspected-the Jack son barracks. He will be the guest of honor at a banquet of the Asso ciation of Commerce. The titlo "Duke of Victory" will ben conferred upon General Persh ing Tuesday during the carnival of the "King of Misrule and Joy." Cash Register Salesmen Ad Selling League Guests Paul' Findlay, representative of the California Fruit Growers' ex change, who is to ' address retail merchants at the Chamber dt Com merce tonight, spoke last evening at the Ad-selling league. ' Mr. Findlay discussed methods of calculating profits in a retail business, covering briefly the sub ject which he will detail fully to night ' Twenty-seven salesmen of Tne National Cash Register Co.,- who were attending a convention here, were among those present 1 BID MILLIONS FOR PRIZES AT SHIP AUCTION Spirited Offers Made at Pub lic Sale Held by U. S. Ship ping Board of German Ves sels Captured During War. CANNOT BUY CRAFT TILL SENATE APPROVES Controversy, Over Sale Occu pies Agencies of White House, the Senate and Dis trict Supreme Court. r . Washington, Feb. 16. (By The Associated Press.) While contro versy ovep the proposed sale of 30 former German liners occupied to day three government agencies, the White House, the senate and the dis trict supreme court presidents of great shipping companies were bid ding in tens of millions against each other or the craft at the shipping board's auction. For one group of six vessels the bidders fought with $250,000 boosts in price, until Major General George W. Goethals, retired, now head of the American Ship & Commerce Co., dropped out at $13,000,000, which he said was his limit, a"hd P. A. S. Franklin, president of the Interna tional Mercantile Marine, raised the price to $13,100,000. It had been announced in opening by Commissioner Scott that the auc tion was only for the purpose of re ceiving bids, final action to await ap proral of the senate commerce com mittee and the house merchant ma rine committee and the outcome of William Randolph Hearst's appli cation for an injunction to prevent the sale. While the bidding was in progress the senate further com plicated the situation, adopting a resolution requesting that the sale be postponed, but at the conclusion of the bidding today, it was an nounced that the auction would con tinue at 10 o'clock tomorrow. Judge Deciding Question. In tlie district supreme court As sociate Justice Bailey took under ad visement Mr. Hearst's application, after hearing contention of counsel that the shipping board lacked legal power to dispose of the vessels. He will render his decision Friday. At the White House it was said that the president would answer promptly with a decided negative the resolution adopted by the senate Saturday, asking if there existed a secret understanding with Great Britain as to the ultimate disposi tion of former German craft. Bidding at the auction was slow at the morning session, when groups of ships were being offered, but be came spirited in the afternoon, when (Continued on Pace Two, Colnmn Six.) Award Contract for 33 Fire Escapes for , 1 7 Omaha Schools The Board of Education last night awarded to F. E. Potter & Son, Sioux City, a contract to. furnish 33 spiral fire escapes, on a bid of $355 each, for the following schools: Beals, Field Club, Florence, Gar field, Hawthorne, Highland, Kellom, Long, Long Annex, Mason, Madi son, Saunders, South Franklin, South Lineoln, Walnut Hill, Web ster and West Side. The board approved the expendi ture of $2,900 for the erection of an addition to the automobile mechan ics department of the High School of Commerce. Explanation was made by the buildings and grounds coirfmittee that -there are, now 160 students on the waiting list and that they will be denied this instruc tion unless the department is en larged.. It also was stated that the new Commercial and Technical high school will not be ready for two to three years, which the members be lieved justified this expense for a temporary arrangement. " The resignation of Kathryn Walsh, teacher, was accepted. "An appropriation of $1,768 was made for the installation of a lighting system at Lothrop school. Fail to Locate Steamer Afire in Indian Ocean; Many Are Aboard Paris, Feb. 16. Search for the steamer Ville D'Alger, which on February 6 was reported afire 100 miles off Reunion in the , Indian ocean, has been fruitless, according to a statement issued by the min istry of the navy. The Ville D'Alger, a vessel of 4,857 tons, had on board 91 passengers and a crew of 50. m Spinal Meningitis Again ' Breaks Out in Crete, Neb. Lincoln, Neb., Feb. 16. Spinal meningitis has again broken out at the town of Crete, 20 miles west of Lincoln, and following a visit there of the head of the state' health de partment public schools, . churches and other meetings have been or dered closed'. Doarie college, lo cated .near the town, continues open. , - 1 Determined Upon a Mesalliance MONEY SPEN1 "She RUMOR PERSISTS WAR SECRETARY ABOUT TO RESIGN Although White House Insists No Foundation for Reports, f x Many Think BalTer Will Quit. - ' Washington, Feb. 16. (Special.1) Still shaken-by the sensational de velopments of the Wilson-Lansing break, Washington today was filled with persistent rumors to the effect that Newton D. Baker, secretary of war and one of the men mentioned as possible successor to the former secretary of state, had tendered his resignation to President Wilson or was about to do so. Although the White House in sisted that there was no foundation for these reports, Mr. Baker himselt refused positively to affirm Or deny them, px to discuss the matter in any way. . It is known, hdwever, that the sec retary of war feels keenly the cir cumstances surrounding the en forced resignation of Mr. Lansing from the cabinet and considers him self equally responsible with the lat ter fqr the action of the cabinet in holding meetings during the presi dent's illness. ' r . Baker Approved Meetings. Friends of Mr. Lansing have stat ed that the former secretary of state consulted with practically all of the members of the cabinet be fore deciding to hold these meet ings and that from Mr. Baker he re ceived a written approval . of the plan. The president's apparent 'disincli nation to rebuke any of the other members of the cabinet for the cabi net meetings is regarded as fur ther emphasizing the belief that the president's objections to thee meet ings were in part, at least, merely used as a pretext for ridding him self of a secretary of state who did not subscribe to his policies on for eign questions. May Preside in Person. To illustrate further thfe fact that he is now firmly back in the saddle, the president is said to be deter mined to preside over the next meet ing of the cabinet on Friday. Whether he will do so will probably depend on hi's physicians, it being stated that he is already, in the opin ion of some of them, inclined to overtax; himself. Each morning at a stated hour the president, after enjoying an air ing lri a south portion of the White House, is accustomed to wheel him self or walk into the East room, where he enjoys an hour's display or more of 'a moving picture drama. At other times heengages himself closely to public affairs. Hoover's Name for President On Indiana G. 0. P. Ballot j Indianapolis, Feb! 16. The name of Herbert Hoover will be placed on the republican presidential pref erence ballot in Indiana, it is an nounced by Dr. Harry E. Barnard, former state food administrator. Dr. Barnardrwho has just returned from New York, where he conferred with friends of Mr. Hoover, stated that petitions now are prepared , which will be distributed over the state within the next few days. shall either marry you or not at alll" McCUMBER FLAYS BOTH PARTIES IN DEBATE ON PACT Calls 'Failure to Compromise On Treaty "Child's Play Obstinacy." Washington, Feb. 16. Laying aside its legislative business the sen ate, by unanimous consent, took up the Treaty of Versailles again to day and resumed ,in all its vigor the ratification debate interrupted last November. The opening" gun in the new phase of the fight was fired by the treaty's irreconcilable foes, Senator Mc Cormick of Illinois reopening the discussion with a speech bitterly assailing many provisions of the document and counselling the re publican leaders not to consent to further compromise. He was followed by Senator Mc Cumber, republican, North Dakota, who flayed the heads of both parties for their failure to compromise and declared that "child's play obsti nacy" alone stop.d in the way of ratification. Hitchcock Defends Democrats. "Drawn into the debate by thfc charges of the North Dakota sen ator. Senator Hitchcock, demo cratic leader, asserted"that the dem ocrats already had "abandoned" their previous stand and had offered compromise, but' that the republi cans were demanding nothing short of complete democratic surrender. Once it got under way, the debate speedily revived thcwhole scale of issues which the senate had debated from May to November of last year. (Continued on Page Two, Column Thr.) Will Ask $50 for Each Month Served With U. S. Forces Washington, Feb". 16. The Amer ican Legion will proceed "actively and agressively" with action to se cure legislation for adjustment of war service compensation on the basis of $50 for each month served, Franklin .-D'Olier, national com mander of the legion announced. The national legislative committee' was instructed to take up with mem bers 6f congress legislation' already proposed for this purpose. "The legislative committee was instructed that the American Legion regards the fulfillment of the obli gation on the part of the govern ment, as permanent," Mr. D'Olier's statement continued, "with the ex ception of any legislation still un completed affecting the rights of widows and orphans and of the dis abled." Temperatures 1 Forecast: s Iowa Fair and warmer Tuesday: Wednesday, partly cloudy, colder. Nebraska Fair with mild Tem perature Tuesday; Wednesday fair and colder. , Hourly Temperatures: B a. m. . 6 a. m . . 1 a. m . . a. m . . A a. m. . 1ft a. m. , Ha. in.. 1 p. m . . t a. m . . S p. m . . 4 p. m . . 5 p. m,. p. m . . 7 p. m . , p. m. . . ,.4'i . ..45 ...48 . . .SO ...id ...43 .. ...S ..II ..14 ..19 ..24 .. ..38 IS annual banquet of real estate men-big Event Secretary of National Asso ciation Says Omaha Leads in Industrial Building Activities. The annual banquet of the Omaha Real Estate board last night in the Hotel Fontenelle with 206 members present, proved"to" be an event of combined merriment and serious ness, with merriment somewhat in the foreground. An elaborate entertainment which included music by a large orchestra, cabaret features and satirical songs and sketches emphasizing the char acteristics of several well-known Omaha realtors, giVen by younger members of the board, kept the other members in a continual state of laughter. National Secretary Speaks. Thomas Ingersoll, secretary of the National Association of Real Estate Boards, was the principal speaker of the evening. In fact, it was in his honor that the banquet was really given, according to E. A. Bpnson, veteran real estate man and toastmaster of the evening. - " You have more industrial build ing in Omaha than in any other city Hn the country," said Mr In gersoll. ""I find that real estate men here iand in other cities ire co operating to solve the housing prob lems of their cities. Expects to Decline. "There is sure to be a continued increase in real fstate values and there should be lio decline in values within at least 10 years. B,uild now. Commenting on the proposeM 1 cent federal land tax, Mr. Ingersoll declared that it was unnecessary and that real estate men should take steps to se that-it was not made a law. "You men should take up the mat ter with your representatives in con gress. I understand you have a senator from Omaha. If you can get him away from the League of Nations1, long enough he can help you." Rev. Frank G. Smith addressed the realtors on "Our Task and Our Opportunity in the Present Day." It is the duty of this country to help starving Europe, he saidr 0. L. D. Highway Official To Test State License Law Hastings, Neb., Feb. 16. (Spe cial.) Arrested for not having the 1920 seal and certificate attached to his automobile,' J. U. Riffc, jeweler and official of the Old Highway as sociation, announces his intentions of fighting the case to the supr.eme court if necessary. "The law says that screws are to be furnished with plafe and certificate," said Mr. Riffe. "I have paid the fee and have the seal and certificate but was given no screws. I helped" make "the law and it is a good one. Screws would cost about l20 cents for each car. With 210.000 cars in the state that means that Nebraska car owners would pay between $20000 and $22, OOff more than the law reqiuer1!." Mr. Riffe left the seal off his car purposely. Hearing of the case is 1 set for February 24. EXCESSIVELY REPORT SAYS Finding of Long-Continued In vestigation of Aerial Con struction During War Pre- sented in House. DIRECTOR UNDER FIRE OVER RAILROAD BUILT Charge John D. Ryan Laid Government Line That Ben efited Carrier of. Which He Was Director. Washington, Feb.' 16. Reports of the long continued investigation of aircraft production were presented Monday in the house from the spe cial .committee inquiring into war expenditures. Representatives Frear and McGee, republicaus on the subcommittee which conducted the investigation, characterized the aviation program in their report as a "riot of wasted and Representative Lea, democrat, declared in' his report that the re publican members had sacrificed facts for sensationalism jn an ef fort to discredit the government. ' Reports Differ in Record. Both reports contain thousands of wordsr"" They differ entirely in the record of achievement in ship ping American airplanes abroad and in the performance of the aircraft production generally. A prominent part of both reports , is gwen to the controversy over the connection of John D. Ryan, former director of aircraft produc tion, with the construction of a government built railroad, which, it has been charged, rebounded to the benefit of the Chicago', Milwaukee ' & St. Paul road of which Mr. Ryan is a directqr. Disclaiming any attempts to de termine motives, the majority . re port on that point says: Mr. Ryan "Unfortunate." "If Mr. Ryan's statement of. dis interestedness is true he has been most unfortunate in handling a pub lic matter that, in the judgment of your committee covered a flimsy effort to promote large private busi ness interests and was accompanied by blundering explanations from be ginning to end." In contrast, tjie minority report by Representative Le,a says: "The evidence shows that Mr. Ryan practically abandoned his own business affairs and devoted himself unremittingly to his official duties. Without directlv charging it, the re- port of the majority insinuates that Ryan used his power as head of air craft, to cause 'selection of the Lake Crescent route for the benefit of the Milwaukee road. The purpose to construct a railroad from Lake Pleasant connecting with. the Mil-, waukee was determined before Mr. Ryan was connected with the air craft service. "The Lake Crescent route was se lected over the resolution of the Milwaukee road up to the moment the decision was made. The Mil waukee contended for the surveyed extension of its own route which served its interests for better than the present route. The Lake Cres cent ws distinctively the best route the government could hav selected to serve its purposes." Remarakable Circumstances. The majority, report, however, characterizes thvtransaction as "a remarkable chain of circumstances," and adds that "under the surface., the stake being, played for in the abortive attempt to produce spruce lumber in Washington and Oregon was for control of the lumber in terests in the northwest after the war." The majority report pays a tribute t6 the Providence Journal and "patriotic loggers and lumber men," who, it says, "rendered a great public service", in bringing the matter, to light. Besides Mr. Ryan the -majority report attacks his assistant, Wil liam C. Potter, Col. Edward A. Deeds, who preceded Ryan in .air craft production, and Secretary, Baker as responsible head of the aircraft production program. It de-' scribes the program as "an appal ling record of orders and counter orders, ignorance- and dickering, waste and extravagance, evidence of self-inteVest and improper practices." ' ' Explain America's Failure. "It is not the province of the committee." says the majority re port, "to declare the measure of re sponsibility of any official, but we would be derlect in bur duty if we failed to prevent what we be lieved to be. the causes for Ameri ca's failure in aviation and the re sulting lack ofconfidence in any present War department aviation plan." In detail the majority report takes ui-ihe allejed waste and extravagance-in the early aircraft appro priations, the alleged failure of the De Haviland planes, the alleged fail ure to get sufficient American planesj to the battle front, the spruce pro-j duction project in the northwest, millions of alleged wastes on cost plus contracts and many specific charges of inefficiency ajid squand ering of millions of dollars. In turn, Representative Lea's' (Continued P Twa, CoIubm Tw Vs- V?