Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 15, 1920, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 14

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Try the rough water aa well as the smooth. Rough
water can teach lessons worth knowiof.
He sIods Is treat
Who, by a M(s heroic, conquers fate.
t Sarah Knowles Bolton.
- 4 B
"OXGRESS will again be put on
' . record in regard to child labor
legislation. A new child labor
and compulsory education bill for
the District of Columbia has been
introduced rn the United States sen
ate by Charles Curtis (rep.) sena
tor from Kansas, and in the house j
vpy Warren liard (dein.) representa
tive from Ohio. , The bill is applic
able only to the District of Colum
bia, but if it is successfully put
through and stands the test of con-
4 srnutionality, it may serve as a'
model for a more general applica- j
tion. j
Tta bill was drafted jointly by a I
Committee from the children's year j
. committee of the District, the Xa- i
tional and District Consumers
league, and the United States Chil
dren's bureau, and there is indica
tion that the measure will be wel
comed by all the important organi
zations in the district, as it will
remedy some serious defects in the
present statutes. It will re-enforce
the schooling laws of the district,
which in ' the past have been less
effective than those in many cities
of the same size, and brings com
pulsory education up to 16 years.
It puts a premium on education, be
cause it allows a child over 15 years
of age to go to "work if he has
completed the Eighth grade, other
wise lie must remain in school until
1st is 16 years old
'V'-;v i,r industrial employment
'of children in tbe District is not
v .., , i:iu many are employed
in messenger work of all kinds,
and this work has been allowed to
interfere with their education. The
bill will briii(? the District into
line with the leading states of the
"It Has Been
Months and
Since we have had the
opportunity of showing
the world's finest Musical
Now we are prepared
may we have the pleasure
of exhibiting one to you?
15th and Harney D. 1973
ways to
your .
Particulars mailed tree to any ad&eav,
1-laH etn. Co. iJept. B-feV St. Loan. Mo.
Jhfs wonderful book will be
sent free to any man upon re
53 Bern) Ploch.HdShviHe Tetm. pj
VlCTQg j
Just prff
Jl nd U play. X .
Mrs. Ltilah T. Andrew.-, h chair
man of publicity for the republican
state central committee. , She has
been an active member of the Ne
braska Federation of Women's
clubs for many years. Mrs. An
drews is in Chicago at present, at
tending meetings of the National
American Suffrage association.
Missionary Luncheon.
The annual luncheou of the
Woman's Missionary society of
Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church
will be given in the church parlors
on Friday. February 20, at 1 o'clock.
Mrs. R. E. Winkelman, secretary.
A. C. A. Luncheon.
The Association of Collegiate
Alumnae will give a luncheon at the
Fontcnclle hotel Saturday at 12:30
Golden Glow Club.
On Saturday evening, February
21, the Golden Glow club will give
its second annual dance at the Swed
ish auditorium, Sixteenth and Chi
cago streets.
, t
"Diamond Dyes" Freshen Up ?
Old, Discarded .Garments I
i'l ' '-eiie e "nn,,Mn..t,.s
Don't worry about perfect re
sults. Use "Diamond Dyes," guar
anteed to give a new, rich, fadeless
color to any fabric, whether it be
wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed
poods dresses, blouses, stockings,
skirts, children's coats, feathers,
draperies, coverings.
The Direction Book with each
package tells, so plainly how to dia
mond dye over any color that you
can not make a mistake.
To match any material, have
druggist show you "Diamond Dye"
Color Card.
When Mixed with Sulphur It
Brings Back Its Beautiful
Lustre at Once.
Gray hair, however handsome de
notes advancing age. We all know
the advantages of a youthful ap-
fearance. Your hair is your charm
t makes 'or mars the face. When
it fades, turns gray and: looks
streaked, just a few applications of
Sage Tea and Sulphur enhances, its
appearance a hundred-fold.
Don't stay grayl - Lock young!
Either prepare the recipe at home
or get from any drug store a bot
tle of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur
Compound," which is merely the
old-time recipe improved by the ad
dition of other ingredients. Thou
sands of folks recommend this
ready-to-use preparation, becauseit
darkens the hair 'beautifully, be
sides, iiq one can possibly tell, as it
darkens so naturally and evenly.
You moisten a sponge or soft brush
with it, drawing this through the
hair, taking one small strand at a
time. By morning the gray hair
disappears; after another applica
tion or two. its natural color, is re
stored and it becomes thick, glossy
and lustrous, and you appear years
!Ssys Cream Applied in Nostrils i
Relieves Head-Colds at Once. J
If your nostrils are clogged and
your head is stuffed and you can't
breathe freely because of a cold or
catarrh, just get a small bottle, of
Ely's Cream Balm at any drug store.
Apply a little of this fragrant, anti
septic cream into your nostrils and
let it penetrate through every air
passage of your head, soothing-and
healing the inflamed, swollen mu
cous membrane and you get instant
relief. . ' .
Ah ! how good it feels. Your nos
trils are open, your head is clean,
no more hawking, snuffling, blow
ing; no Wore headache, dryness or
struggling for breath. Ely's Cream
Balm ia just what sufferers from
head colds and catarrh need. It's
a delight.
- Omaha Walking Club.
The walk for Sunday, February
15, Omaha Walking club, will be
from Benson to Forest Lawn, via
DeBolt. The walkers will start at
3 p. m. from the end of Benson car
line. Leader, Irma Gross.
- Theosophical Society. .
"The Value of Theosophy to the
Truth Seeker" is th subject of a
lecture to be delivered by A. K.
Fotheringhatn Sunday evening at 8
o'clock in the Omaha Theosophical
society rooms, 201 and 202 Kennedy
building, Nineteenth and Douglas
streets. 1
Round Table Circle.
Round Table circle will , meet
Mondav evening, February 16, at
7:30 o'clock with Mrs. W. B. How
ard. 4722 Capitol avenue. Lesson:
Continuation of Silas Manner and
"Materials and Methods of Fiction."
. Tennyson Circle.
Tcnnvson chautauqua circle will
meet Monday, February 23, at 1:30
p. m. with Mrs. F. F. Simpson, 1128
South Thirty-third street. Lesson
will be chapters 7-10 in the first part
of "Brothers In Arms."
Fine Arts Lecfure.
Dudley Crafts Watson will lec
ture before the Omaha Society of
Fine Arts Monday afternoon, Feb
ruary 16, at the Fontenclle hotel at
3:45 o'clock.
Bishop Vincent.
Bishop Vincent Chautauqua cir
cle will meet Monday evening, Feb
ruary 16, at 7:15 in the public li
brary. Mrs. II. R. Otis will review
"The Fair God," by Lew Wallace.
Business Women's Club.
Regular meeting and dinner of the
Business Women's club will be held
TuCsday evening at the Y. W .C. A.
leader, Helen Martin; devotions,
Mabel Sacketr.
Grant Corps.
The U. S. Grant Woman's Relief
corps will meet in Memorial hall at
2:30 p. m. Tuesday.
Public Speaking.
The public speaking department
of the' Omaha Woman's club will
meet Tuesday morning. February
17. at 10 o'clock in the Y. W. C. A.
P. E. O. Luncheon.
Chapter BX of the P. E. O. sister
hood, will meet with Mrs. H. J.
Pierce, 105 South Fiftieth street,
for a 1 o'clock luncheon on Tues
day, February 17.
I P. E. O. Sisterhood.
! Chapter E of the P. E. O. sister-
hood will meet Tuesday for a 1
i o'clock luncheou with Mrs. Perry
Reimcrs, 4815 Douglas street. She
will be, assisted by Mrs. Robert B.
!, Vance.
i Liberty Star.
' Mrs. II. E. Sorcnsen announces
that the Liberty Star Kensington
club will meet at Masonic temple
Tuesday afternoon, February 17, at
2:o0 o'clock.
Spanish Club.
Regular meeting of the Spanish
club will be held Tuesday evening
at 8 o'clock in room 302, Patterson
Parliamentary Law.
The regular meeting of parlia
mentary law department, Omaha
Woman's club, will be held Tuesday
afternoon at 2:30 in the Y. W. C A.
club rooms E. J. Svoboda, leader,
will have charge of the lesson.
Gladys Shamp, department leader.
South Omaha" Literature Club.
The literature department of the j
South 'Omaha Woman's club will j
meet Tuesday afternoon at the t
home of Mrs. David S. Clark, .1614 j
South Twenty-third street. Mrs.
Perry Wheeler, leader, will present
a book review. Mrs. J. W. Koutsky
will giva.a review from Arnold Ben
nett. ' Eastern Star.
Mrs. H. E. Sorensen, president
elect of Liberty Star Kensington
Club, will be installed Tuesday eve
ning, February 17, at Masonic tem
- Dundee Woman's Club. 1
Dundee Woman's club will meet
Wednesday, February 18 at 2:30 p
m. at the home of Mrs. Royal D.
Miller, 490. Chicago street. "His
Family," by Poole, will be discussed,
Mrs. D. IT. Arey, leader. Current
.topics will be conducted by Mrs.
Fred Elliott, jr.
Omaha Woman's R. M. S.
The Omaha Woman's club, rail
way mail service, will meet Wednes
day, February 18, at 2:30 o'clock.
Mrs. J. A. Quinn, leader for the day.
Mrs. W. J. Nash, hostess. ' -
Mu Sigmu.
Mu Sigma will meet Wednesday,
February 18 at 9:30 a. m. with Mrs.
Frank Boyd, 3860 Harney street.
Literature Department.
The literature department of the
Omaha Woman's club, will meet at
10 o clock Wednesday morning,
February 18, at the Y. W. C. A.
Mrs. Mary I. Creigh will present the
biography of Joel Chandler Harris.
American War Mothers.
Mrs. William Berry, 3820 South
Twenty-sixth street, will entertain
members of the Omaha chapter of
the American War Mothers Wed
nesday afternoon. February 18.
Music Department.
The music department of the
Omaha Woman's club will meet for
chorus rehearsal at 2 p. m Wednes
day, in the Y. W. C. A. The re
hearsal will be followed by a valen
tine musical tinder direction of Mrs.
F. J. Farrington.
Longfellow Circle.
Longfellow circle will meet at 7:30
Thursday evening, in the Public li
brary. -
Home Economics Deoartment
1 The home economics denartmenAhe. hair,, spot the sclp. or produce any
of the Omaha Woman's club will
4uvwjma k .viiiorc, tkui mil lor weeni,
Miss Judson In Pageant
Miis Dorothy Judson, oulv child
of Mr. and Mrs. F. W Judson of
Omaha, took part in the Navy
league celebration, which was held
Thursday afternoon, February 12,
in Washington, D. C.
The celebration was in the nature
of a Pageant and Miss Judson typi
fied Nebraska.
Beautifully decorated floats were
a part of the parade, and Miss Jud
son rode in one of these, carrying
o'clock at the Blue Bird Electric
shop, 308 North Sixteenth street.
There will be a demonstration of
electrical appliances.
Story Tellers' League.
The Omaha Story Tellers' league
will meet at the Omaha public
library. February 19 at 4:15 p. m.
Miss Eloise Hillis and Mrs. G. D.
Rice will tell stories.
"Art Department.
The art department, Omaha
Woman's club, will meet Thursday
afternoon at 2:15 in the Y. W. C. A.
club rooms, Mrs. L. F. Easterly, de
partment: leader. Mrs. George Bon
ner will be leader for the afternoon.
She will be assisted by Mrs. C, J.
Roberts and Mrs. Avery Lancaster.
Roosevelt Circle.
Roos-evelt circle will meet with
Mrs. F. A. Cressey, 4204 South
Twenty-second street, Friday even
ing at 7:30 o'clock.
Stuart's Calcium Wafers Pro
vide the Wonderful Calcium
Sulfide That Gives the Skin
What It Requires to Pre- '
vent Pimples, Blackheads
and Such Skin Dis
figurements. '
The pink freshness of a natural
complexion is greatly admired these
days because of the too general use
of rouge, powders, creams and other
make-ups. It goes without saying
that a natural, (beautiful complexion
has health beneath it and with
health is vivacity and leadership in
social and other activities. No mat
ter how bright and active one may
be, a face covered with pimples is a
handicap. Never before was the
question of healthful appcarhncc so
much in evidence. Get rid of pim
ples, blackheads, roughness, redness
and itching rash by using Stuart's
Calcium Wafers. They contain cal
cium sulphide, considered by scien
tists absolutely essential to clear,
healthy skin.
If you are discouraged you can
now cheer up. No matter how bad
your skin may be from such condi
tions Stuart's Calcium Wafers ought
to work wonders with it. And then
goodbye to blackheads, pimples,
boils, rash, and a muddyv sallow
So don't be blue, dun't despair,
get a 50-cent box of Stuart's Cal
cium Wafers today at any drug
store in the United States, and soon
you may have as beautiful a com
plexion as you ever wished far.
Hair Curled Way
Looks Naturally Wavy
Tonight, after you have brushed out
your hair, dip a clean tooth brush into
nome plain liquid nilmerine and draw it
through the hair, strand by strand. This
is by far the best thing you can use if
you want your hair to appear naturally
wavy and curly. Kltssy and beautiful.
When you behold yourself In the mirror
tomorrow morning, you will vow never to
go back to the drying, devitalizing curl
ing iron. Liquid lilmerina is neither
sticky nor greasy, and will not discolor
Juinlt'iJ"v.t .few.ouI5":
aloft a banner with Nebraska in
scribed in large letters.
F. W. Judson, who has been
spending the week in Pjttsburg,
Wfnt down to Washington for the
Miss Judson is attending Mrs.
Somers school, a popular society
finishing school of Washington.
j She will graduate from there tin's
June, when she will return and
1 fpend part of the summer in Omaha.
j , League of Round Table.
I Miss Grace Grant will entertain
the League of the Round Table,
Saturday, February 21, with a 1
j o'clock luncheon.
Tells Impoverished
Men and Women
How to Become Healthy, Strong,
Energetic, Magnetic and
Three-Grain Cadomcne Tablet
Advised for Their Wonder
ful Tonic Properties
Don't envy the man or woman
with abundant onerpy, vitality, and
the ever-present smile of cordial
magnetic personality. Resolve to
banish your languor, your tired,
worn-out feelinpr. your a eh pa and
pains, your mental worry and dis- J
trtsi. by supplying your system witli
plenty of iron, phosphorous, and i
veKPtablc tonics so that every organ
of your body can perform its normal
functions from the vigorous blood
supply that courses through your
arteries. Tone up the liver, stom
ach, kidneys, and bowels, digest your
food better and supply your nerves
yith the vital elements in Cadomene
Tablets and you won't need to envy
anyone. Just get your body and
nerves working right and nature will
help you do the rest. Cadomene
Tablets are sold in sealed tubes by
all pood druggists, and are guar
anteed to please you or money back.
Eat less meat, also take glass
of Salts before eating
Uric acid in meat excites the kid
neys, they become overworked; get
sluggish, ache; and feel like lumps
of lead. The urine becomes cloudy;
the bladder is irritated, and you may
be obliged to seek relief two or
three times during the night. When
the kidneys clog you must help
them flush off the body's urinous
waste or you'll be a real sick per
son shortly. At first you feci a
dull misery in the kidney region,
you suffer from backache, sick head
ache, dizziness, stomach gets sour,
tongue coated and you feel rheu
matis twinges when the weather is
Eat less meat, drink lots of water;
also get from any pharmacist four
ounces of Jad- Salts; take a table
spoonful in a glass of water before
breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This fa
mous salts is made from the acid of
grapes and lemon juice, combined
witb lithia, and has been used for
generations to clean clogged kid
neys and stimulate them to normal
activity, also to neutralize the acids
in urine, so it no longer is a source
of irritation, thus ending bladder
Jad Salts Is inexpensive, cannot
injure; makes a delightful efferves
cent lithia-water drink which every
one should take now and then to
keep the kidneys clean and active.
Druggists here say they sell lots of
Jad Salts to folks.who believe in
overcoming kidney trouble while it
is only trouble.'
"American Fascination" is the
play which has been chosen by the
Daiica Women's club to be given
for the benefit of the Danish Old
People' home. It is to be presented
on March 5 at the Swedish audi
torium. The play centers around a
western girl who living with her
aunt in New York, "brings with
her the spicy atmosphere of her na
tive prairies," and an English girl
who comes there to' study "Ameri
can Fascination."
Miss Margaret Powell and Miss
Mable Norris play the parts of Sier
ra Smith, the western girl, and Mrs.
Ondego Johnes, her aunt. Olga
Jorgensen plays that of Lady
Guinevere Llandpoore, "from Eng
land." The men's j)arty are taken
by Henry Edstroni as Ted. Rals
ton, i westerner, and Chester John
son as Chauncey Oglethorpe, his
partner. The play isiieing coached
by Mrs. II. D. Jollcy, instructor at
the Pniversity of Omaha.
The Danea Women's club has re
cently been incorporated' for the
purpose of building a large and
modern home for old Danish peo
ple. The home will be located in
Omaha or vicinitv.
Tired Eyes
Common witch hazel, camphor,
hydrastis, etc., as mixed in Lavoptik
eye wash, produce quick results
when used for weak and tired eyes.
One customer was greatly astonished
i at the QUICK benefit produced by
a, single application. The witch ha
zel and camphor soothe and relieve
inflammation; the hydrastics and
other ingredients have tonic and an
tiseptic propetiies. We guarantee a
small bottle Lavoptik to help ANY
CASE weak, strained or inflamed
eyes. Aluminum eye cup FREE.
j Sherman & McConnell Drug Stores
ana an leading aruggists.
Clear Your Scalp Of
Darinsff With
On retiring touch spots of dandruff
and itching with Cuticura Ointment
on end of forefinger. Cover head for
night Next morning shampoo with
Cuticura Soap and hot water. Rinse
with tepid water. Repeat in two
weeks. Make these fragrant super'
creamy emollients your every-day
toilet preparations, the Soap to cleanse
and purify, Ointment to soften and
soothe, Talcum to powder and per
fume, and have a clear, sweet skin,
clean scalp, good hair and soft, white
hnnds with little trouble and trifling
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c Talcum
25c. Sold throughout the world. For
sample each free address: "Cuticura Lab
oratories. Dept. BB, Maiden, Mass."
JgPa Cuticura soap shaves witbout mag.
t Finds Corn Silk !
Extract Combined With
Simple Drugs, Makes Won
derful Kidney and Blad- '
der Treatment.
How amply nature provides! Even
in corn silk is found medicine that
properly used has proven a boon to
mankind, suffering from urinary dis
turbances. When kidney and bladder trouble
oceurs there is usually inflammation
and congestion and experience shows
that the concentrated extract of
ordinary corn silk, combined with
other -simple drugs, will quickly cor
rect such conditions and restore the
normal action of kidneys and blad
der before more serious conditions
Corn silk extract is found in
Kalmwort Tablets, a modern and
highly successful medicine that has
become popularly used throughout
the L'nited States. Men and women
everywhere now rely on Kalmwort
Tablets whenever any kidney or
bladller trouble affects them.
Mr. John Shore, 1151 South A
street. Fort Smith, Ark., writes:
"I have been taking your Ualm
wort Tablets for a very bad case of
kidney trouble and am glad to say
they have done me a great amount
of good. ' I had to get up six or
.seven times a night, but since tak
ing them I can sleep peacefully nil
night and do not have any more
trouble. Thanking you, etc."
A trial will convince. Ask any
leading druggist for Balmwort Tab
lets. Trice, $1.00. Adv. '
Danea Woman's Club
Give a Benefit Play
March 5.
Kansas City Club Rooms.
The Woman's City club, Kansas
City, has put on such a flourishing
campaign for 2,000 members that it
has outgrown its present quarters
and has signed a contract for new
club r - -mis in a fine new business
building t an annual rental of
$8,000. (.lasses in citizenship to
meet th - demands growing out of
full suffrage for Missouri women are
features t special meetings held
several times a week. Mrs. Herbert
Jones, president, expects to make the
club the strongest in membership
and influence oi any organization in
the state.
Sermo Club.
The Sermo club will meet Tues
day at 1 o'clock luncheon with Mrs.
J. J. Hess. The regular program
will be omitted and a Valentine one
You cannot afford to experiment or take a
chance wtten affairs are extremely serious.
There is nothing more serious than proper
dental care for one whose teeth are in ur
gent need of attention.
It is at such a time that the selection of a
dentist must be made with the certainty
that skilful treatment will be given.
The individual attention bestowed here by
dentists who take a direct interest in your
welfare assures you of expert and satisfy
ing work.
500 Paxton Block, 16th
- u i mm i 1 1 r " '" ' ' - "" t, rTTTterrT1ml
(Both Acute
No Knife, No Ether, No Chloroform Used.
No Severe Surgical Operation.
401 Paxton Block.
Have You Rheumatism, Kidney,
Bladder Trouble?
Pain or dull ache in the back is
often evidence of kidney trouble. It
is Nature's timely warning to show
you that the track of health" is not
Danger Signal.
. If these danger signals are un
heeded more serious results are sure
to follow; kidney trouble in its
worst form may steal upon you.
Thousands of people have testi
fied that the mild and immediate ef
fect of Swamp-Root, the great, kid
ney, liver arid bladder medicine, is
soon realized that it stands the
highest for its remarkable curative
effect in the most distressing cases, i
ii yuu iiccu a nituicuic, you auuuiu
have the best.
Lame Back.
Lame back is only one of many
symptoms of kidney trouble. Other
symptoms showing that you may
need Swamp-Root are, being subject
SPECIAL NOTE You may obtain a sample size bottle of Swamp
Root by enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N Y. This
gives you the opportunity to prove the remarkable merit of this medi
cine. They will also send you a book of valuable information, contain
ing many of the thousands of grateful letters received from men and
women who say they found Swamp-Root to be just the remedy needed
in' kidney, liver and bladder troubles. The value and success of Swamp
Root are so well known that our readers are advised to send for a
sample size bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Be
sure to say you read this offer in The Omaha Sunday Bee.
CJqv; Hair Growth
after iALBHESS
My held at the top and back Wat absolutely bald. Ths sralp
was shiny. An expert said that as ho thought the hair roota wr9
satinet, and thera was so hope of my ever having; a new hair growth.
Tet now, at an tee over 66. I hare a luxuriant growth of soft,
strong, lustrous hair! No trace of baldness. The pictures shown
here are from my photographs.
Indians' Secret of Hair Growth
At a time when I had hecome discouraged at
trying vari6us bair lotions, tonies, specialists'
treatments, etc., I came across, in my travels, a
Cherokee Indian "medicine man" who had an
lixir that ho asseverated would crow h.;. I
Although I had but little faith, 1 gave it a trial From rtcent photo.
AJJLtX Ul S00n, TP""- developed, day by
day, into a healthy growth, and ere long my hair was as proline as in
iny jouthful days. '
that I vat astonished and happy is expressing my statt of mind mildh.
Obviously, the hair roots had not been dead, but were dormant in
the scalp, awaiting the fertilizing potency of the mysterious pomade.
I negotiated for and came into possession of the principle for
preparing this mysterious elixir, now called Kotalke, and later had
. . l 93 ins recipe put imo practical lurta vy a cncmisi.
r note vmin tali. ytat my own hair growth was permanent has been amply proved.
Many men and women, also; children, have reported satisfactory reaults from Kotslko.
How YOU May Grow YOUR Hair
My honest belief Is that hair roots rarely die even when
the hair falls out through dandruff, fever,
or other disorders. I nave Been tola oy
experts that often when hair falls out
the roots become Imbedded within the
scalp, covered by hard skin, bo that they
remain for a time like bulbs or seeds In
a bottle which will grow when fertilized.
Shampoos (which contain alkalis) and
hair lotioni which contain alcohol are
enemies to the hir, as they dry it,
making it brittle. Kotalko contains those
rlementa of nature which give new
vitality to the scalp and hair.
Sherman ft McCon-
Mll: Merrltt't
Pnarmaelti; Briton
Drue Co.; Unlit 4
Docakal. 1625 Far
nam; Mysri Dillon
Orue Co., and otnen
In Omaha.
And by Busy Drue
sltti Evtrrwhers In
Crt s box f the genuine Kotalko at a reliable dmgglet's
1300.00 GUARANTEE with each box. A small testing bos
of Kotalko (with, testimonials, etc.) may be obtsined by send
ing ten rents, silver or stamps, to my aooxeia below.
Hair Removed
Thla method for rereovlna- -et-llaona
hair la fatally different
from all others braius it attaeka
hair under the sfcla aa well aa on
the akin. It doea thla by aheorp
tlon. Only genuine DcMlraclo kaa a
money-back g-uaraatee la earh
ackaee. At toilet counter la
Oe, 91 and f3 elare or br nil
from aa In plain wrapper oa ro
eelpt of prlee.
FRFF "ok I'h teetlmonlala of
rIUlU hlabeot authorities em
plains what eanaea hair on faee.
nerk and armm why It lucreaare
and how DeMlracle deTltnlliea It,
mailed In plain aeated earelope on
miaeat. lieMlrnele, Park. Ave. and
12th St .New York.
Bee Want Ads Produce Results
and Farnam
Tyler 1S16
and Chronic)
Omaha, Neb.
to embarrassing and frequent blad
der troubles day and night, irrita
tion, sediment, etc.
Lack of control, smarting, uric
acid rheumatism, bloating, may be
loss of flesh, sallow complexion.
Prevalency of Kidney Disease.
Most people do not realize the
alarming increase and remarkable
prevalency of kidney disease. While
kidney disorders are among the most
common diseases that prevail they
are sometimes the last recognized by
patients, who very often content
themselves with doctoring the ef
fects, while the original disease may
constantly undermine the system.'
Regular medium and large size
bottle at all drug stores.
Don't make any mistake, but re
member the name, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and the address, Birtg
hamton, N .Y., whicruyou will find
on every "bottle.
excessive dryness
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