Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1920, Page 9, Image 9
- - 37'"!TT. THE OMAHA BEE. r MAYOR HOLDS UP RESOLUTION TO t BUY GAS PLANT Says Appraisal Price Will Be come a Law In 60 Days If No Other Action Is Taken. Debate on the gas appraisal ques tion was not held in the city council chamber yesterday, because Mayor Smith decided to defer offering his resolution providing" that the city shall elect to take over the gas plant at the appraised valuation if the gas company will file a stipula tion to waive appeal rights. "I have been reading up the law and I find that silence in this case is consent, meaning that if the city council takes no action within 60 days from the date of the appraisal, then the city buys the plant," the mayor said. ' Votes Some Opposition. "I understand through the news papers that some of the-city com missioners are opposed to my plan," he added. "All right; if they have any better plan, let them bring it into the council." Instead of forcing the issue through his resolution, the mayor has changed his tactics by inviting his coiincilmanic opponents to "start something." Commissioners lire and Zimman are leading the opposition to the mayor's plan. Commissioner But ler is supporting the mayor. There is speculation as to which side can enlist two votes from Commission ers Ringer, Towl and Falconer. Would "Talk it Over." "I don't think that the gas com pany will consider anything less than the appraised valuation," said Commissioner Bufler. "We have 60 days in which to act. I would favor bringing the gas company officials into the council chamber and talking the matter over." Mr. Ure believes that the gas plant will cost the city $6,000,000, estimat ing $1,000,000 to modernize the plant from its present coke-burning sys tem to a coke-producing system. Postal Inspector Draws Revolver as He Arrests Broker , R. C. Baker, a stock broker from 'Macon, Ga., was arrested Friday aft . ernoon at Fourteenth and Farnam streets by Postal Inspector Cellarof the Kansas City division and is be ing held at Central police station as a fugitive from justice. According to the federal agent, Baker is wanted in Kansas City upon a charge of using- th mails to defraud. He is said to tie under in dictment in Kansas City and in Bir mingham, Ala. Baker is alleged to have avoided arrest on the same charge in Louis ville, Ky., recently when he drew a ' gun on three officers and covered them while he made his escape. In spector Cellar held his revolver on Baker when he placed him under arrest and found a gun in his prison er's pocket. Tfce confidence game which Baker is charged with operating consisted of the sale by mail of theatrical properties. He is alleged to have collected first payments by telegraph and then disappeared without ship ping goods in return. Influenza Situation In Omaha Is Abated, Health Head Reports The influenza situation in Omaha 1ias abated to the .extent that the health commission has discontinued sending daily reports to the state department of health. Twenty-three new cases have been reported this week. Deaths this week from in fluenza, 22; from pneumonia, 29. Dr. J. F Edwards, health com missioner, reports that 27 cases of smallpox have been reported this month and that 35 are now under quarantine. "There are less smallpox cases than at this time last year, and yet there are more than there should be," said Dr. Edwards. "I main tain that smallpox can be controlled by vaccination." More than 200 pupils of the High School of Commerce are being vac cinated on account of exposure to . smallpox. Omaha Detectives In Role of Witnesses at Wedding of Iowa Pair i ' Detectives Danbaum and A. C. Anderson served as witnesses at the wtTJding of Miss Madge Brown and James M. Day, both high school students at Afton, la., Thursday night at the homes of Rev. Charles Savidge, 2228 Maple street, shortly after the groom had Jeen arrested as a fugitive from justice upon informa tion wired Omaha ' police by the county attorney of Creston, la. The fathers of both bride and groom were present. The groom was arrested when he attempted to enlist in the army. He was- released from custody after a conference of the fathers of bride and groom with Chief of Police Eberstein. The charge, "fugitive from justice" against young Day was ordered withdrawn by the county attorney at Creston after a telephone communication with Chief Eberstein. The couple returned to Afton this morning. Gen. Wood Invited to Open "Americanization" Drive Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood will be invited to take part in the opening of the "Americanization" drive to be launched by the Omaha confer ence committee Fberuary 23, it was decided at a meeting of the commit v tee at the Chamber of Commerce this afternoon. -Americanization was the principal topic of discussion" at the neeting. It was. decided that a great mass meeting, to be participated in by every organization -of the city, should' b- held when th drive The Barber Shop A restful place for men to read, smoke, have a shave, a manicure, or a shine. Fourth Floor 8 KSSI1 mlfM. EYERYBODYS STORB' The Cricket Room A delightful place to eat your luncheon or get a re freshing hot or cold drink. Important Store News for Saturday Saturday The Last Day of the -Mina Taylor Doll Dress Contest r IRLS who have entered the Burgess-Nash Doll Dress Con- test must hand in their doll dresses by Saturday night at 6 o'clock. Representatives from the three daily papers will act as judges, and the names of the winners will be announced and prizes awarded Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock In our Junior Section, Second Floor. All Doll Dresses Will Be On Display MONDAY AND TUESDAY On the Second Floor. Tomorrow, Saturday, February 14 Is St. Valentine's Day GIVE CANDY FOR A VALENTINE "Sweets to the Sweet" What could be more appropriate to send as a Valentine than a fancy box of delicious candy. We have a choice se lection of the purest candies. Mala Floor. Final Clearance of Women's and Misses' Winter Goats $m.oo . JA7 Give Flowers for a Valentine What more delicate and fitting Valentine could you find for those you wish to remember than cut flow ers or a plant? Here are a few suggestions: An Extraordinary Sale of Sample Pumps and Oxfords Specially Priced at $6.95 SATURDAY we will give the women in this vi cinity an opportunity to se cure an unusual value in pumps and oxfords. We were fortunate in se curing a sample lot of shoes from a large manufacturer at a very low price. Your choice Saturday at $6.95. They include all the very latest styles and designs one-eyelet ties. Plain and Colonial pumps in Havana brown, black glaze and mat kid, also brown and black calfskin, with plain or perforated vamps. Light hand turned welt soles, military,-Cuban and full covered Louis heels. These are sample sizes and come mostly in 3 to 5. Second Floor. .'nliili'l'illiitil I 'I, I'lliiliilillNlilllllllliiliilliirlnl'.li'l'lllHlitli'lillMi'lliI .liil.ilni'ili:!!'!! Attention Men!) 2 An Enormous Sale of - i Sample Union Suits 1 At 89c, $1.45 and $2.45 j 2 A FORTUNATE purchase of more than 2,000 2 7 men's fine sample union suits of values so ex- 1 treme that you will want to lay in a supply for the ? future as well as the present these suits are in 2 spring and summer weight long sleeves, ankle I length, i and length sleeves and athletic styles. 2 1 All suits are finest quality garments, perfect in work- Z manship and fit; all sizes, 34 to 54. I - Men's Neckwear, $1.15 2: ; A big purchase of these handsome, serviceable silk ties 2 will be offered in this sale at the remarkable low price. Large f r open end four-in-hand shapes, all made with slip-easy satin ? 2 bands. A variety of attractive patterns designed to please the i. - most fastidious man. ? - Men's Silk Hose, 85c ; Z From time to time we urge the purchase of certain items i f which we know will cost more later on. These fine silk hose 2 are real bargains at 85c. ' " ; A Specially Priced Assortment of 1 Men's Hats $3.95 I - A collection comprising discontinued lines and others of 2 2 one and two of a.kind, but all in good styles and colors. Suit- -. able for the present and early spring wear. As there are ? broken assortments, there is not every color or style repre- 2 sented in every size. We have marked these hats at $3.79 to '' close them out quickly. " Cyclamen. Cineraria. Primrose. Hyacinth. Basket of ers. Flo w- Roses. Carnations. Violets. Sweet Peas. Freesias. Narcissus. Main Floor. Tulips. Jonquils. Calendulas. Corsage Bouquets. A Book for a Valentine Something that will be a continual reminder of the sender as well as a most acceptable Valentine. Here are a few suggestions : "Young Visitors," Daisy Ashford, $1.00. "Red and Black," Grace Richmond, $1.60. "Sisters,' Kathleen Norris, $1.60. "Duds," Henry C. Rowland, $1.75. "Gay Dombeys," Sir Harry Johnston, $2.00. "Rainbow Valley," S. M. Montgomery, $1.75. "Jeremy," Hugh Walpole, $1.75. A good selection of gift books in leather. Third Floor. Have the Child's Hair Bobbed Saturday You will enjoy bringing the child to our barber shop for a hair bob, for expert at tendants give special atten tion to them on Saturdays. Care is taken in cutting the hair in a style that is most becoming to the child. Black and White Room Fourth Floor. A limited number of coats have been selected from our regular stock and re duced to this price regardless of cost. A splendid opportunity to secure a good winter coat. We advis an early selection as there is but a limited number to be placed on sale at this extremely low price. Included are Colored Velvets Kersey Coating Velours Crystal Cloth in all the wanted shades. No. C. O. D.s and No Exchange!. j Second Floor. III Jl'inilllllllllflllllnl I I I I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I J .t,. J ..... l,,i,;i.,t 'liJ.illillll.lllil.ilhlllllllMIIIHI The New February Victrola Records Are Here ! Popular Song Records You'd Be Surprised ... Billy Murray Re. Freckles ooc Billy Murray Bye-Lo Verna Dalhart While Others Arei-85c Building Castles in the Air. .John Steel Smart New Spring Hats $5.00 All Styles and Colors HUNDREDS of beautifully trimmed hats, suitable for present wear, in all the new colors. They are in such a variety of styles that everyone is certain to find a style to suit their par ticular type. Satins and straws, also com bination effects, are mostly in evidence. Choice Saturday, $5.00. Second Floor. MEN'S NEW SPRING HATS Hats from Frank Schoble, Borsalino and E. V. Connetts are now on display in all new colorings, styles and shapes. Prices, $5.50 to $12.50. Main Floor. Sale of New Hand Bag Frames $1.19 A fortunate purchase enables us to offer for Saturday new style hand bag frames in French Gray and antique sil ver plate, in various sizes and styles. Some of the frames have bag pattern included. Specially priced, Saturday only, each $1.19. Main Floor. Let the Rest of the World Go By Charles Hart I'm Like a Ship With out a Sail Charles Hart and. . Elliott Show 85c On 85c 85c Dance Records Miami Shore Waltz Joseph Smith's Orchestra Peggy Medley Fox Trot J. C. Smith's Orchestra Dardanella Fox Trot. . . ...... .Selwin's Novelty Orchestra My Isle of Golden Dreams f Selwm s Novelty Orchestra Poor Little Butterfly Is a 1 Fly Gal Now Medley I oe Fox Trot. .All Star Trio f oac Fluffy Ruffles One Step J When the Lanterns Glow") Medley Fox Trot j Van Eps Trio l,85c Taxi One SteD. . .Josenh I Red Seal Records The Bells of St. Mary's ..Frances Alda. . . .$1.00 Vieni Sul Mar '. . . . . .Enrico Caruso. .$1.00 Romance Jascha Heifetz "7. . . .$1.50 Messiah O, Thou Tell est. .Louise Homer. .$1.50 Paelacci Vesti La Grubba .... Edward Johnson .....$1.00 Thy Beaming Eyes. ... Ernestine Schuman Heink $1.00 Dreaming Alone in the Twilight . . . .Reinald Werrenrath $1.00 La Gitana Fritz Kreisler $1.00 fiin.iliiliilili:ltiliili!tiiliilli!li!ii!li!l!iii:iii! i.iri"ii,ii,'t"i!iininiii Smith's Orchestra J Fourth Floor jniiiliillilrliilillHIIillllillilllllnlj;!;:!!:!;;!.!!!!!!!!!!;!,!!,,,!,,!!,!,!!,,!,,!,,,,,,,,,,!,!,,,,,!, Misses and Girls Will Be Interested in the Sale of Middy Blouses at $1.5- Made of Galatea and middy twill, in all white with Copen, navy or red collars. They are standard makes of middies taken from our regular stock. Some are slightly mussed from display. Sizes 6 to 14. Also an accumulation of broken sizes of middies, priced special for Saturday only, all white, white with navy, red or Copen collars. Sizes 16 to 22. Wool Middies AU-Wool Middie. Off Regular Price School Monogrami at SOc each. Second Floor. iii;iiiliiiiiliil!iiniiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiitiitii!ininiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiniiiliiliiliiliilMliili!iiiiiililiiliiliiliiliiliiinlillti Take Home Some Delicious Home-Made Pastries From Our Bakery Section There was a time when the entire Saturday was given over to baking, but that time is past, and there are few women who care to do their own baking, when they can get as delicious pastries as can be bought in our bakery section. Here are a few for Saturday PIES, 40c Choice of apple, pumpkin, mince, peach. . CAKES, 75c Two-layer. Choice of choc, olate, caramel, white. - Also large doughnuts, 40c dozen, and delicious Burnasco coffee cake, 20c and 25c New Arrivals in Dainty New, Neckwear XpILMY, fine and exquisite, the newest arrivals in the neckwear -L section really merit the serious attention of every well-dressed woman, for they are keys to what fashions says is the newest, an, for they are keys to what fashion says is the newest. There are dainty Vestees, to wear with the new suit, or to brighten up the frock; sheer organdie cuff sets, beautifully embroid v ered; exquisite lace effects, in all the new designs; in fact, there is every style collar here for you to make your selection from. Main Floor. An Opportunity No Parent Will Overlook A Sale of Boys' Wash Suits 98c, $1.95 and $3.45 Well made, splendid quality wash suits for children, ages 2 to 8 years, will be placed on special sale Saturday1. They include in a variety of styles and are really wonderful values at 98c, $1.95 iilKl $345o Fourth Floor Ah Announcement That Will Interest Every Woman in This Sale of French, Philippine, American and Silk Lingerie Hundreds' of attractive garments, slightly soiled and table mussed, offered at out-of-ordinary savings of V4-V2 Off Regular Price FRENCH, PHILIPPINE, SILK AND AMERICAN made Lingerie Consisting of gowns, camisoles, petticoats, draw ers, corset covers, bloomers, pajamas, envelope chemise and combinations. Gowns priced from $1.05 to $65.00. Petticoats priced from 95c to $25.00. Camisoles priced from 95c to $15.Q0. Bloomers priced from 75c to $10.00. Pajamas priced from $2.95 to $40.00. Drawers priced from 50c to $15.00. Corset covers priced from 65c to $15.00. Envelope chemise priced from $1.50 to $25.00. Second Fleer. Drugs and Toilet Articles Pond's Vanishing Cream, 25c size, 17c. Mavis Talcum Powder, 23c. Pinaud's Lilas Vegetal, $1.00 size, 89c. Pepsodont Dental Cream, 50c size, 39c. Pebeco Dental Cream, SOc size, 39c. Tooth Brushes, hand-drawn bristles, 35c to 50c values, 23c. Listerine, 14-oz., $1.00 size, 78c. Sayman's Complexion Soap, 15c size, 12c. Remo Sterilized Toilet Soap, 8c. Liquid Dress Shield prevents excessive perspiration, $1.00 size, 69c. Hospital Absorbent Cotton, 1-lb. package, 59c. Lysol, the ideal antiseptic and disinfectant, $1.00 size, 89c. Sloan's Liniment, 30c size, 24c. Hughes' Genuine Ideal Hair Brushes, $2.00 value, $1.69. Temple of Heaven Incense and Burner, complete, 50c val ue, 29c Jap Rose Soap, 15c size, 12c. Right reserved to limit quan tities Main Floor. Cotton Hosiery, 50c bveciallyQ Priced for Saturday I his store is ready to respond, to the demands of those women who care to wear cotton hose and has purchased staple lines of merchandise to be sold at exceptionally low prices. Saturday the women of this vi cinity will be given an opportunity to purchase a reliable make of hosiery at a price within the reach of every woman. Hosiery, 50c a Pair Elack and white and balbriggan cotton hqse, full seamless foot and double garter top, 50c. Main Floor A Continuing for Saturday 'An Opportune Sale of Draperies and Lamps At Prices That Represent Exceptional Savings. This sale coming at a time when minds are turning to the redecorating of homes, it will be of great saving value to those taking advantage of it. Saturday is the last day. Third Floor. II ATT