Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 14, 1920, Page 16, Image 16
. w mTiH ...WWPiyliM-W 'tig''. 16 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1920. I- WANT AD RATES K'uh with order.) rso per word..... on day 4a par word two consecutive davs (a per word .three consecutive day ou pt wora lour consecutive days To per word five consecutive dayi Jc per word seven consecutive days and one cent per word tor each additional Insertion. No ada taken for leg, than a total of CHABGE. 14c ner Una - An riiv 10 per line two conaecutive day !:ic per line three consecutive daya Too per line aeven conaecutive days 12.70 per Una thirty conaecutive daya card or thanks and funeral notlcea 12c per line each day. These, ratea apply either to the Dally or Sunday Bee. All advertisements appear In both morning and evening dally papera for the one charge. Contract Bate on Application. For convenience of advertisers, want ad will be accepted at tha following of fice: MAIN OFFICE Bee Building Ames Office 4410 North 20th St. Park Office 2615 Leavenworth St. South Side .1218 N St. Walnut Office 819 North 40th St. Co. Bluffs Office IS Scott St. THE BEE will not be responsible for more than one. Incorrect Insertion of an ordered for mor than one time. I'll ONE TYLER 1000. Kvenlng Editions 12:00 XI. Morning Edition 10:30 P. M. Sunday Kditlons 10 P. M. Saturday. DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES bAWYEit hutherine (Brady), aged 44. beloved dpughter of Air. and Mrs. John Brady, died February 12, 1920. Shi Is survived by her daughter, Rhea; father and mother, four sisters and one brother: Mrs. Arthur Irvine, Chicago, lil.; Mrs. Morgan Coleman, Chicago, 111.; Mrs. George Wellago, Lincoln, Neb.; Mr. P. B. Sutton. Omaha, Neb.; Mr Raymond Brady. Omaha, Neb. Funeral Monday morning tit family residence, 24:0 Camden Ave., to Holy Angelsicnurj'hia. m. JENSEN h7 P. at" l ho fumily residence, 3065 South Twenty-eighth avenue, Feb ruary 12, 1920, uge 4a years 11 months and 11 days. Funeral Saturday at 2:30 p. m. from Johnson A Hwanson chapel, 2204 Cum ing. Interment West Lawn cemetery. ' He 1 survived by his widow, ono daughter, Kllaj two sons, Elmer and Verinond. : THE-"funeral of the late Mrs. Margaret Hartiish. who died ut pneumonia Tues day, wn held lit 2 n. m. Friday from the Hoffmann Funeral Home. Rev. Ack er officiated. Interment . Laurel Hill. Mrs. llarntsh Is survived by her nun band, Carl Ludwig, and brother, Henry Jensen. 61145 Pratt St.,Omuha. ASHMLSEN Henry W., age 42 years Funeral will be from late residence, Sixty-third and Center streets, Sunday, at 2 o'clock. Interment West Lawn cemetery. Friends uro welcome. Pleasj omit flowers. CARD OF THANKS. VF, WISH to exfiul our thanks to our friends and neighbors; elso to I'nlon Pa cific Blacksmith No. 50 and Protective i.dr of AnieHi-a-i Lodge No. 1 for their sympathy, and many friends, in the , death of hu.l.iind father. Mrs. Carl Rehau and children. FUNERALDIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." PIICRCK-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. Thirty-third and Farnam. Harney 64. FRED E. FERO, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Lady Attendant. 23d and Cuming St. Phone Douglas 677. Auto nmliulance. .NKH' LOCATION CROSBY'S NEW FUNERAL HOME, 2018 WIRT ST. Away from noise, of busy street. Mil INK WMISTKR 47.' HEAFEY & HEAFEY, I'ndertnker and Embalmers. Phone H. 2tf. Office 211Farnairi. IiULSE & RIEPEN, Pioneer Funeral Director. 70t South li'.th St. Doug. 1006. TAGGART & SON, UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Doug. 714. 2216 Cuming St. DUFFY & JOHNSTON UNDERTAKERS. 717 S. 16th. Tyler 1676. FLORISTS. EEEL.LARMON r; mtet.elle Florists. 1814 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. L. Henderson. 1519 Farnam. Douglas 1248. JOHN BATH, 18th and Farnam. D. 3000. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. TUB largest display of monument In the United States, FRANK SVOHODA, 1216 S. 13th. Phone Douglas 1875-6216. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following couples were granted li cense to, wed : Name and Residence. Age. Jame M. Day, Afton, la 18 Madge Brown, Afton, In 17 Louis A. Hojfk, Morse Bluffs. Neb 21 Gusto, Vech, Morse Bluffs, Neb 22 William T. Paulsen, Omaha 24 Elizabeth Zloek, beckett.. Omaha -2 Floyd McLaln. Council Bluffs, la 21 Loretta Bpangler, Council Bluffs, la IS Bruce O. Young, Omaha... over 21 Margaret Davie, Omaha over 18 Hugh M. flarrett, Council Bluffs, la.. 30 Mary A. Clark, Council BHiffs, la 26 Irving Lunatcn, Platte, S. D 4S Elizabeth Monroe, Platte, S. D 35 John T. Olson, Llvermore, Ih , 22 Nell R. Stalnuker, Shelby, Neb .'. 21 William O. Smith, jr.. Omaha .' . . 22 Meryll A. Orother, Omaha 18 Howard N. Baxter, Cilenvvood, la.... 28 Pearl V. Asbury, Olenwood, la 35 Mark J. Ryan. Pender, Neb over 21 Anna narrower, Omaha over IS Edwin Gustafson, Wakefield, Neb.... 28 Ida Rogers, Wakefield, Neb '. . 22 Boy 3. Harpster, Omaha over 21 I'etrea A. Nelson, Omaha over J 8 Slohard Blumenthal. Salt Lake City . 2.1 Marie Ryan, Omaha 18 Dominic E. Cosgrovo, Omaha 21 . Kuth, Stace, Omaha... 19 Jame I Shields. Omaha over 21 Grace Strausbough, Omaha over 18 Jtoy Alfred Ray, Tekamah, Neh 21 Jessie L. Litol, Tekamah, Neb 21 I. LaMonte Bugee, Omaha 26 Laura Jensen, Omaha 17 Thomas C. Shaffer, Omaha 27 Olive Smith, Omaha 29 Gottlieb F. Kroeger, Omaha 23 Ida L Jetter, Omaha 23 Louis Schlessl, Plattsmouth, Neb 23 Violet Koske, Plattsmouth, Neb 19 Fred F. Joy, Anita, la 27 Barbara M. Rtchter, Anita, la 37 Leal R. Wilson, Omaha .10 1,11a B. Caley, Omaha 2'i John Franson, Wahoo, Neb 30 Florence Bloom, Ashland, Neb 18 Harold O. Masterson, Audubon. Ia.... 22 Blanch Frenches, Audubon. Ia 20 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Birth Calvin and Myrtle Heike.s. 2119 T7 street, boy; Walter and Anna Williams, Forty-seventh and J streets, girl; Henry and Elma Dlckmnn, 706 North Eighteenth street, girl; James and Rosie Toth, 204 Woolwortb, avenue, boy; Mike and Marie Lukaszek, 4508 South Twenty-sevenh ret, boy; Joseph and Stefanla Stanozek, 4601 South Twenty-seventh street, girl; John and Rosalie Pollnskl, 4526 South thirty -second street, boy; Charles and Net tle Summers, 607 South Twenty-ninth St., boy; Frank and Clara Hlnclk, 2416 South Eighteenth atreet, boy; John arid Mary Ctfuiio. 815 South Twenty-fourth street, girl; Peter and Catherine Dizillo. 1032 South Twenty-third street, girl: Patrick and Emma Bergennn, 6320 North Twenty fifth street, boy; William and Jeannette Vift. 1554 North Seventeenth street, boy; 1 J. E. and Anna Bryant, 4528 North -"ortieth street, girl; John and Alice Soren n 3213 North Twenty-fifth avenue, girl: m W. and Mable Walker, 2229 Ohio street, anrl; James and. Marie Hubanks, 3510 Webster street, girl; Harry and Mary Barnett, S220 Bedford avenue, girl. Deaths Marie M. Murphy, 60, 418 North Twenty-fourth atreet; Francea Strain, 28, 1727 South Ninth street; Alice Sone, 17, 108 Souh Ninth street; JacK Davis, 28, First and Haskell streets; Mary Spensiere, i, 2023 Pierce street: Alta Marie Stiffler, 26 4319 Larlmare avenue; Pfful E. Rasarnussen, 30, 2570 Laurel avenue; William Lee, 75, 3107 Bridge atreet; Louisa Roth, 87, 2013 Sherman avenue; Koseline F. O'Connell. S3, hospital; Thomas Taney, 29, J927 North Twenty-event atreet; Harry S. Woodruff, 52, 2218 Doug la street; Jeramlah J, Toomey, 44, hos pital; George C. Mader, 27. hospital. BUILDING PERMITS. Emll Holstrom. Sill Decatur atreet, frame dwelling, 4,000.T John Sokollk, 1,049 Newport avenue, al terations. $500. FRATERNAL ORDERS. CeMBERS of North Omaha lodge No. 28, i. Degree of Honor are requested to at tend tl.'e funeral of our late sister. Mr. Jijrdie Hart, from the residence of her mother. Mrs. Pilgrim. 3817 North 2th Av., Sunday, at 2:80 p. m. BF.n.AH NELSON. C. of H. HAZEL RYAN. Recorder. SPECIAL NOTICES. SEALED BIDS Will be received by the City Clerk of Schuyler, Neb., until Wednesday, February 18th, 7:30 p. m., for laying about 15,000 feet of 10-8-6 and 4-Inch water main, setting 34 hydrants, 24 valves, and necessary fittings. Specifications may be had by appli cation to the Water Commissioner at Schuyler, Neb. city clerk, F. R. MOORE. WANTED graders to excavate cellar at 1910 Farnam. Apply at F. D. Wead's office, 310 So. 18th St. LOST---F O U N D-KE W A R DS. ILL THE PARTY Wl lYT VoUND PI' USE IN TELEPHONE BOOTH OR WASH ROOM IN BUROESS-NASH THURS DAY, FEBRUARY 12. AT 1:30. CALL W A L NliTJ! 3 5. W I LI. IDJ5NT IF Y. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele phone Tyler 800. We ar anxious to re store lost articles to rightful owners. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. UY. CO. LOST Lady's Knighl. Templar Masonic welch chiiln. Kinder return to .r. -1 N'. :li.ll) SI. Jtewn nLH arney 401. LtiST A suing of pearl beads, platinum and diamond clasp. Reward. 1909 I apnoi Ave. Phone Douglas 2080. LOST White, fox terrlor, 6 months old. on West Dodge road. Liberal reward to finder, call Walnut ir.34-1. LOST SCOTCH COLLIE. MALE PUP. 4 .MONTHS OLD, NAME "MIX." RE- WARI) WEBSTER 5liL LOST Cards una six Important school books. Liberal reward. Cull Harney 4 til) 2; LOST tine male brindle bull dog. answers to name Tlge. Reward. Call Walnut 4575. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTION! AUCTION! Exira high grade Furniture, Piano. Talking Machines, Runs and Furnishings of sevral extra good homes, including the Valentine home, on Bedford Ave., the Hale home on 26th and California, the O. Cane home for Omaha Van and 30 rooms of extra good staple furniture from Gordon Van, will bo sold in my auction house, southeast corner 18th ami Webster Sts Saturday, Feb. 14th; starts at 1 p. m. sharp. This is one of the biggest subs 1 have ever had, consist ing of 1 piano, 2 talking machines, I Reglna music cabinet. 7 extra good Wil ton velvet rugs In 9x12 and 8-:ixl0-6. and several smaller Wlllon rugs; 111 good 9x12 Axnilnster and Brussels rugs and several Ktnaller rugs, 1 massive lea ther living room set, 3 pieces, ibis is the best suito' of its kind I have ever sold; I mahogany parlor i:ulte, extra good: 2 mahogany library tables Rnd 3 oak library tables, 1 extra wood book case and books, 1 writing desk, 1 mas sive dining room set, complete, 56-inch table: massive buffet and chairs to match in golden oak and like new; 3 other good dining room sets, complete; very expensive walnut' twin beds, com plete, and dresser to match: ti massive brass beds, springs und mattresses; sev eral Vernis Martin beds, springs and mattresses: kitchen cabinet. 2 kitchen ransts. 3 gas ranges, Duofold and chairs to match, several extra good rockers In tapestry and leather, 30 rooms of nearly new staple oak furniture, consisting of 22 good oak dressers,' 18 chiffoniers. 20 Vernis Martin beds, springs and mat tresses; big lot of linen bed sheets, comforters, blankets, ;!0 pillows, bed spreads: washing machine and hundreds of articles too numerous to mention. JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. If you have anything to sell call Red 32 s 5. Tyler 'ii6, or Colfax 1 4 24. $26,UU0 stock of furniture to be sold; 300 stoves of all kinds, rugs, linoleum, phon ographs, dufolds, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, dressers, chiffon iers, beds, springs, mattresses, trunks, suitcases, bedding, linen, etc. Open till 9 p. m. Credit if you wish. 1839-47 N. 24th St. Weh U07. TWO French velvet rugs, size 6-6x9, one 4-6x7-6 and two runners (French vel vet) ; ono general electric 3-burner stove with oven, nearly new. Phone Walnut ri.tls or, c11 631 North 42d St. HBAUTiFll. Wilton rusr for sale at a liar galn; size approximately 10x12; excep tional value. Call Harney 6437 and make appointment. LEAVING CITY, will sell 6 rooms of household goods: will sell in piece or all at once; smnll automobile; player piano. 5133 Bo. 2"th St. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Mattresses made over in new ticks at half the price of new bi dr. lr.Q" Cuming Si Douglas 2467. Wo sell new and near-new furniture, stoves ' and rugs at lowest prices; cash or payments. Amer. Furn. Co.. 605 N. 16. WILL sacrifice good household furniture at rcisoi'abie prices if sold at once. Douglas 4959. 5421 Cuming St. Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO Everything In art and music Pianos for rent $4.00 per month. DRUMS, traps,, marimbas, instructions, re pairing. Phone Harney 2967. Geo. A. Smith. 5761 Davenport St. SPLENDID Hamilton upright grand piano. Walnut case. Cheap for quick sale. Webster 16S9. LEAVING CITY Upright piano, excellent condition, $115. Harney 6044. PLAYER PIANO, Just like new, real bar galn. Douglas 4703. Lumber and Building Materials. TRY H. M. KEVAN. 544 SOUTH S0TH ST. Machinery and Engines. FOR SALE Norfolk Square Turn tractor, model 1917, with plows, has been run about 20 days, in good condition, price $1,000. Fred Westhy, Petersburg, Neb. Typewriters and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS AND ADDING MACHINES ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prices before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. Doug. 4121. 1905 Farnam. WE buy, sell and exchange all makes of typewriters. Write for list. Midland Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three months for 16.00. Oliver Agency. 1906 Farnam SL, City. Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy. sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture A Supply Co,, 11th and Douglas. P. 2724. Miscellaneous. THE BIGGEST BARGAINS IN OMAHA. Exceptionally beautiful 3-plere floral tapestty. overstuffed living room suite, ' tiii value, at enly $263; $33.40 value, full sire manke brass Led, only $24.00; steel beds, $14.00 values, all ateel, en amel, full sire, only J8.50. STATE FURNITURE COMPANT. Corner 14th and Dodge Sts., Opposite U. P. Headquarters, Omaha. FOR SALE Slightly used lee cream fountain also tables, chairs, coffee urn, refrigerator with glass case, very cheap. Must be sold at ' once. Address. Box T 7i. Omaha Ho. ' WE WILL place on sale 200 bushels of apples, selected Wlnsaps from Sprayed orchards. Floence Growers' Exchange, 431 N. 30th fU Colfax 166. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Miscellaneous. PEARL BKADS. $1,000 worth, ITi per cent discount, Friday and Saturday, this week only. Room 601 Securities Bldg. BOWSER gasoline filling station pump and underground tank for sale, to be removed Immediately. F.. D. Wead, 310 So. lSlh St. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather mattresses mnde frmu your own feathers, summer and winter sides. 19t7 Cuming. D. 247. CHICKEN feed, straw and hay, sold at Walnut Hill Feed Storo. Auto delivery unywhere in city. Walnut 1716. HAY, SIS per ton, delivered. A. W. Wag ner. 801 North 11th St. Doug. 1142. LADII-JS tailored suit, size 36 (new); also s-ible choker. Colfax 1177. TYPEWRITER and adding machine for sale. Colfax 1648. DRY KINDLING WOOD. Harney 1837, Acme Box Co. KKKD baby buggy, good condition, Wal- nut V7Z. Kindling delivered, (3.50 load. Web. 409. WANTED TO BUY. LIBERTY BONDS High prices for certain Issues thl week. We will help you make your Income tax return. Strictly confidential. SECURITY INVEST MENT. CO., Tyler 27S6. C39 Securities Bids WE BUY haled waste paper, old maga zines and newspapers. State quantity you hae on hand. Write or phone for prices. Omaha Paper Stock Co., 15th and Mnrey. Douglas 159. LIBERTY PONDS BOUGHT MACK'S BOND HOUSE. 14S1 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Phone Tyler 3644. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, eold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1207 Farnam. D. 6146. WANTED Full revolving steam ahovel, three fourth dipper. Also dump wagons Geo. M. King. 2513 High St., Pes Moines, Ia. WE ARE In the market for mixed paper and magazines and offer interesting prices. Write or call A. Ferer & Son, Douglas 2436. Liberty Bonds Bought 610 World-Herald Bldg. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoe and furniture. Tyler .2538. A. Zavett, 706 North 16th &t. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDUON, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot, edging, eye- let cut work, button holes, pennants H EilSTi TCH I N 6, P LE ATI NO, '"BUTTONS G. U. Van Amam Pleating Co. 412-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. S109. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way"- ic: j Ticket 295. omuha Transfer Co. Brass' and Iron Foundries. PAXTON -MITCHELL CO. 27th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Brass, bronze, aluminum and machine gray iron castings. Contractors. BRICKWORK. CONTRA! .TED Kstlmates gladly given. August Bahrs, 1620 Burt. Tel. 4870. Chriopodists. Carrie J. Burfurd. J-'J Paxton Blk. R. 4DS7. Clothing and Furs. 7 FULL dress suits for rent. 1D9 N. 16th st. John I-oldman. Phone 3128. Corsets. EXPERIENCED Will alter or fix any corset. Walnut 4407. Dancing Academies. TTTTT PTNTTi1 School for Dancing, 2424 AVi-ii-4" 11M ill Farnam. D. 7860. Class at 8: dancing at 9 p. m.. Monday, Thurs- tlfiv. S.ltlirdny; private is any 'me OMAHA Educational and Amusement club. Fancy, staijj and ball room danc- inir. Colfax 4923. Dentists, DSECOR"73stCHkrBldg. TylJ Dr. Bradbury. No pain.' 921 W.67w. Bldg!' Detectives. PHIL WINi'KLKrt, expert in brunches, shadow, investigating, locating, per sonal sci-vi'-c. Harney 5""S. JamESAlT7aN. o12 Nevlll.rrJik. Evidence secured in all Tyler 11:16. Dressmaking. DRESS.MAKINO and alterations, work guaranteed. Webster 5565. DRESSmXkTnG and alterations, work guaranteed. Tyler 3979. ""FOR dainty, tiny tots' clothes, call Har ney 2165. DRESSMAKING and altering done. Doug las 614S. Excavating. FOFI excavating. Harney Electrical Utilities. ELECTRIC heaters, $10.50; vacuum clean ers, Sil7.50, .Mola WHshing machine l.niiey-wiison Electric Co., uii)7 Farnam BEST electric vacuum sweepers for rent; (lcllVBreq. Webster 4ZS3. KLECTHC Vacuum cleaner for :'t;it. Call Douglas 57lx. Garages. REDI-MADE OARAGES, wood or steel. Send for circular. Redi-Made Housing Co.. 2111 Howard. Red 3657. Hats Blocked. HATS! HATS! Hats cleaned slid blocked. I'uxton Parlor, 11)07 ' FARNAM. Hauling. FoR moving and hauling, call Douglas 7115. Blue Line Transfer Co., 2063 Far n am. HAULING, all kinds, best service best rn I es. Tyler 1976. 1 AND 2 ton trucks for hire by hour, day or week. Walnut 1104. Kodak Finishing and Enlarging. FILMS developed; printing and enlarging. Write for prices. The Ensign Co.. 1607 Howard St. Jewelry, DIAMONDSSSir6 back at small-profit. GROSS JEWELRY CO., 403 N. 16th St. Red 6PE1. i w. c. flataH ' Jeweler Established 1S95. Sixth Floor, Securi:ies Bldg. Osteopath. DR 'MABEL WESSON, 211 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Douglas. T. 2960 H. 4741. Pa intin g and Pape rha ng in g; PAINTING, papering, paper cleaning; pa per price. Harney 6740. PAINTING, paperhanging and plastering. Phone Walnut 4567. PAINTING, paperhanging and paper clean ing. Douglas 6323. INTERIOR painting, paperhanging and paper cleaning. Walnut 4998. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternational Patent Co., 582 Brandeis. D. 6691. Printing. Wedding Stationery U. S. Printing Co., 422 S. 16th St. Rug Manufacturing. WEAVING and old rugs remade. Tyler 143?. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 12th Farnam. J. .1. Deright Safe Co. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, renal r, nMl needles and parts, MICKELS', 15th and Harney. Doug. 1973 Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 307-9 South 17th. Tailors. Dledr!e!, P. L.. 216 S. 10th, Tailor. D. 2432. M. KE1SEH, SI'S South ISth, D. 1187. Theatrical. THEATRICAL, historical and masque cos tume for amateur theatricals and par ties for rent at T. Lleben & Son, Omaha. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towl Supply, 207 8. 11th. 11. 528. VVedding Stationery. WEDDTKO announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE A general stock of merchan dise In progressive town of 300 popula tion in Nebraska. Reasons for selling, death cf partner and manager. Address Y-901, Omaha Bee. CAFE and sift drink parlor for sala or trade: on fine business corner; must be sold; leaving city. Webster 3215. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR RENT. Grocery department in on of the most up-to-date atore In th city of Omaha, also located in the heart of the city, doing cash business, with no de livery. Will rent to good grocery man. No fixtures to buy. Will reduce stock to suit tenant. Must come well recom mended. ADDRESS BOX T 71, OMAHA BEE. THE Farmers and Merchants Oil com pany of Alcester, S. D.. composed of farmers and merchants pf Union coun ty, have organized their own oil com. pany NO WIND OR WATER OR STOCK for sale. You can come in like the rest of us and own an equal Inter est in twenty-five hundred acres, and an equal Interest in our well now start ing to drill In proven territory. If In terested, write us for circular and fur ther information. Farmers and Mer chants Oil Co., Alcester, S. D. H. E. .lohnsor secretary. RESULTS is what counts; 60-word adver tisement, four consecutive weeks, $2; the paper that pays others; let it pay you. Catoosa Record, Ringgold, Ga. OUR busmesj la to buy and sell your busi ness. QUICK SERVICE SELLING EXPERT3. 614 Brown Bldg. GOOD paying suburban drug store: S3. 000 will handle. Address Box T-33, Omaha, Bee. SITUATIONS WANTED. Male. THE BUG will publish free a situation wanted ad under this classification for soldiers and sailors and marine who will show their discharge papera at our office in the lobby of The Be building, Seventeenth and aFrnam, 'POSITION wanted by young married man; nine years experience as electri cian foreman handling help, both sexes. Just honorably discharged from the United States army as a commissioned officer; high school education. Phono Colfax 1972, or address Y-955, Omaha Bee. TREES trimmed, shade and fruit. There is a great difference in pruning shade and fruit trees. Anyone Inexperienced will cut out fruit buds without know ing. Can graft trees, roses and grape vines. Have recommendations from the president of Horticulture Dept. of United States. Other things well done, not mentioned; 30 years' experience. Webster lulif. SITUATION wanted by man experienced In handling help, also machinery and building maintenance. Address Y-941, Omaha Bee. PAPERHANG1NG, furniture repairing, floors varnished, housecleaning, shade trees trimmed. Webster 1 60S. Situation wanted as building superlntendd ent by man or experience. Address XL 2 PJ21S llIo. HOUSE CI.EANIN'tJ. floors polished, plain naintine varnishing, Edward Corey, Doug. 1657. Female. PERMANENT position us housekeeper by renneti, competent woman. 4S. f arm experience. Particulars, best wages in first letter. Daughter 12. Good references. Address Y-94". Omaha Bee. HOUKEK KEPERS. LAUNDRESSES. Watch the Domestic column of The Bee. Lots of good places are always iHiveriiMcM. pon't miss trtnm. UXPHRi !-:NCKD piano player wants posi tion: nrefce with orchestra. Walnut 5 1 36. Miss Murray. WANTED Bundle washing, will call for and deliver'. Webster 509. WILL DO PLAIN SEWING or mending at my home. Halnut 273. Laundry and Day Work. COLORICD woman, perfect In cleaning. 45c hour. City reference. Colfax 49X4. DAY WORK for Wednesday, Thursday and r'rnlay. Webster 093 after 5 p. m. WOOL blankets and lace curtains Iaun dered. ;i;i4 Dodge. Harney 1130. lirNPLlS wai-himr called for, delivered. 1137 N. 17th. Webster 4S26. DAY WORK wanted by reliable lady. P.eferenccs. Webster 6 004. EXPERIENCED colored lady want day work. Webster 2524. EXPERIENCED laundress wants day ivnrK. Webster 3!ln; EXPERIENCED laundress wants day LAUNDRY, dny work; good references. Dongi.'ift 9319. SIEADY work cleaning Webtter 1?SS. and Ironing. BUNDLE washing wanted, done cheap. Webster 4371. s LAUNDRY work and day work wanted. Iltirney 5461. EXPERIENCED lady wants day work. Tyler 2957. 1 CAY work wruted, experieuced lady Web ster 6099. DAYWORK and cleaning, good worker. colored woman. Webster 4701, LAUNDRY and cleaning, colored woman. Douplas 6400. DAY WORK wanted, colored woman, Web ster so:;. DAYWORK, experienced lady. Webster 61:99. COLORED woman wants ironing. Webster 1897. ROUGH dry bundle washing. Webstar 5456. COLORED lady wants day dork. Tyler 897. LACE curtains laundered. Webster 1727. WANTED bundle washing. Webster 2238. CLEANING and dusting. Douglas 6950. DAY WORK wanted. DA Y WORK wanted. Harney 6000, Webster 2450. DAY WORK wanted. Webster 6557. D AY work wur.tftl. Douglas 8322. DAY work wanted. Webster 152H. HELP WANTED MALE. Stores an d Offices. LKDGKR clerk, building material firm, $125-$150; assistant bookkeeper, cream ery, $125; accountant, department store, $150; young man with some knowledge of bookkeeping, commission firm, $100 $125; ledger clerk, oil firm, $110; buyer with wholesale paper experience, $250; traveling salesman, high grade specialty, manufacturing firm, $250 and expenses. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, Originators of the Reference Business, 736 First National Dank Building. CREDIT MAN, must have experience, $175-$165; general office clerk, $30-$35, splendid position, bank tellers, Colorado, $150-$160; head bookkeeper. $150; ledtter clerks, $S5-$100; stenographers, $100-$125; Insurance salesman, $50 per Wl ek. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. RAILWAY mall clerks. $110 month, ace 18-35. Experience unnecessary. For free particulars, examinations, write J. Leonard (former Government Examiner) 909 Equitnble Bldg., Washington. CREDIT and collection man. $150, $175; stenographer. $150; accountant, $176. WATTS REF. CO., 1138 First Nat. Bank. Professions and Trades BOILERMAKERS AND MACHINISTS for railroad work; steady employment; desirable lo cations and modern shops; free transportation. Apply Eugene Duval, C. F. & P. A., C, M. & St. P. R. R., Railway Exchange Bldg., 15th , and Harney Sts. PRESSMEN (CYLINDER) WANTED On catalog and half-tone work. $43.50 days, $45.60 nights. Non-union. No strike. Permanent positions. Premium for production Increasing wages 25 per cent. Write for particulars, R. R. DONNELLEY & SONS CO., 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago, Illinois. WANTED A tinner who has some know ledger of plumbing and hardware In general steady jb for someone who can and Is willing to work with us. E. C. Fte A Son. Oeorge, Ia, WANTED Expert varnlsher for piano finishing. SCHMOLLER & MUELLER PIANO CO., 1311 Farnrm. WANTED First-class woodworkers to work on truck wheels only. Apply at once. Truck and Tractor Corpoiatlon, 1310 Jackson. WANTED liox spring makens. Steady work. $30 per week. Apply Klndel Bedding Co., P. 0. Box 1468, Denvoi. Colo. MEN wanted. Railway mail clerks, $110 month; list positions free. Franklin In stitute. DtptJ228 B. Rocheatcr, N. Y. WANTED Plumber and furnace man; steady work; Tood wages to right man. Jacobs Udw. Co., Paulllna, la. HELP WANTEDMALE Professions and Trades. CANDY MAKER A large rind Rrowlng- candy factory In St. Fuul, Minnesota, is looking for a ft rut class min on caramels, fuUffs, kissed, nougafs find peanut en n dies. A man who can produce quality (roods; one compet ent to taUe (HiarRft of department; han dle help: and alive to production. Re plying, state experiences, and be pre pared tn give any references desired. ADDRESS Y-944, OMAHA BEE. REGISTERED pharmacist to work four evenings a week, e to 10:30. Address Box T-34, Omaha Bee. LEARN ACTUAL AUTO REPAIR, VUL CANIZINGLOS ANGELES Y. M. C. A. Auto School, HARNESS makers wanted. Good prices. Kessl'T-Barkow Saddlery Co., Atchison, Kansas. GOOD tailor wanted, $35 to $40 per week, ;022 North Z4th St. Webster 3So. Salesmen and Solicitors. STOCIi SALESMAN WANTED We will pay live wire salesman a 110 per cent commission and bonus on ull approved business. Act quickly for good territory. The Council Rubber & Tire Co., Main & Broadway. Council Bluffs, la. Telephone 1965. WANTED Four men to travel with man ager. Experience in our line not neces sary, but prefer those who have had ex- perienco soliciting for newspapers or magazines. Can earn 3o.t)0 to i&o.tiu a wctk and more as you become proficient at work. Pay every day. Position per manent. Apply K. R. M''Clellan, 203 Farnam Bldg., 13th and Farnam Sts., Oina't n, Nebraska. ' SALESMEN. Desir the services of salesmen for Iowa and Minnesota, to represent a wholesale and manufacturing men's fur nishing goods concern. Liberal commis sion and good territory. State experi ence and give reference In first letter. Address Mgr. of Sales, Box 1343, Dea Moines, Iowa. SALESMEN WANTED to sell Dalion Phonographs to retail dealers in Nebraska and Iowa. Shipment from Paxton & Gallagher Co.; $100 a week advance money; 10 per cent com mission on all sales. Chance for big inonev for right men. Address Milwau kee Talking Machine Co., Milwaukee, Wis. - ' RELIABLE STOCK SALESMEN. (1UARANTEED BANK BUILDING INVESTMENT. HIGHEST CLASS EASIEST SKLLTNC, SECURITY IN OMAHA. BIO MONEY. SEE R. H. SNYD1CR. ROOM 2 WEAD BLDG., 18TH AND FARNAM. CITY salesmen for popular specialty sell ing to all classes of business; profit $5,50 on each Bale. Good salesmen can sell 4 to 11' daily. AMERICAN SHIN AND NOVELTY CO., 1 2 18 Harney. SALESMEN. We want stveral good men and will pajf them well; chance to make $50 a week. Call 2 to 4 p. m. 226 Neville Block. 16th and Barney. SALESMEN A few Inexperienced young men to join our club in scientific sales manship; complete training, $25; posi tions furnished free. Box. iZ2 Omaha Bee. WANTED Wall paper and Interior dec orating salesmen. Also paper hangers and painters. Steady position. Good wages. Stoner's Inc.,DeB Moines, Iowa. SALESM EN " WANTED High grade" stock and bond salesmen by reliable concern, excellent proposition by tha right party V 784 Omaha Bee. Agents and Canvassers. GOOD county agents and solicitors to tae orders for one of the best sellers on the market; used several times a day in every home, factory or place of business. Big opportunity for right rarty. Address W. H. M postoffica box 313, Faribault, Minn. Hotels and Resturants. WANTED A good night short order cook, one who can make cakes, dough nuts, etc. No pies. A good steady job near Omaha. Salary, $2S a week. Write Y 938, Omaha Bee. WANTED Receiving clerk, El Beudor Apis., 18th and Dodge Sis. Boys. BOY wanted to learn trade. Baker implicating Co., 4th floor Neb. Nat. BU. Bldg., 12th and Farnam. BOYS for filing. Bradstreets. 12th and Farnam, entrance on 12th St. BOY to work days at soda fountain; good pay. Beaton Drug Co. WANTED Two bell boys at Blackstone hotel. Call Harney 945. WANTED Errand boy for all day. 415 South 14th St. Miscellaneous. WANTED COAL YARD MAN. STEADY JOB; OOOD PAY. RELIABLE MAN ONLY NEED APPLY. CALL WEBSTER 300. WELL-MANNERED young white man, 18 or 19 yenrs, for swimming pool attend ant. Apply rear door. Omaha Athletic uiuo. POSITIONS, locations, etc., for doctors, dentists, druggists, veterinarians, nursea F. V. Knlest. 212 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. EXPERIENCED farm hand; married; usual furnishings: state wageB wanted. Emery Davis, Craig, Neh. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, small office, Brandeis building, $75-$100; gen eral office assistant, good penman, com mission firm, $86; dictaphone operator, uptown office, 186-1100; general office clerk, creamery, $66-$76; stenographer, law firm, beginner, $75; stenographer, fire insurance, $90; stenographer, life insurance, $100. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, Originators of the Reference Business, 736 First National Bank Building. WANTED BILLING CLERK OR TYPIST. VITAGRAPH, INC., 1111 FARNAM ST. WANTED STENOGRAPHER. APPLY TO MR. KENNA, MORRIS & CO., SOUTH SIDE. WANTED YOUNG LADY FOR GENERAL OFFICE WORK. STATU AGE AND EXPERIENCE, A I, SO TELEPHONE NUMBER, IN YOUR ANSWER BOX T-55 BEE. OFFICE clerk to copy names, $15 week; office clerk to write receipts. $15 week; ofrico clerk, some filing, $15 week; typist, $75: bookkeeper, $90 to $95; as sistant bookkeeper. $76$80, BUSINESS MENS REFERENCE ASS'N. JTMI W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $125. $120. $110. $100, av, no; ifiixtr I'lera, Ml ; f. H, X. opr. and clerk, $H0. WATTS KKF, CO., 1138 First National Bank. HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. BOt i K KEEPERS and assistants, J75 to (110; typist, good beginners, whuleaale and retail. $65-170; office clerks, neat In appearance, 170-175; stenographers, k experienced and beginners, 170 to $1116. THE MARTI CO., 1126 W. O. W. Illdg. Pour leduer clerks, io-j9o-fioo" i in. Sl.V TiriSTS, $18; P. B. X. operator; Miters, $k5-90. COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO. 1513 City Nat. Hank. WA.N'TRl) Typist; must bo rapid and able to take a little dictation; ago abour 20; also girl for clerical work; perma nent positions with chance to advance. Sue Mr. Gordon, (12 Bulrd Bldg., 17th and Uouglas WANTED Names girls, women, wishing government office positions: II 140 year. Answer immediately, omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED typist who can keep books FISK RUBBER CO. WE have several openings for office clerks, salaries 55 to $76. WATTS KEF. CO.. 1188 First National Bank. GOOD STKNOORAPHEn WANTED. CARPENTER PAPER CO. KXPElU&NCED telephone operator wanted. Apply Hotel Conant. WANTED An experienced cashier. Wash ington Market, 1407 Douglas Professions and Trades. YOUNG LADIES DO TOU WANT A PERMANENT PSITIONT No profession today offers better op portunities for good salaries and steady employment than local or long distance telephone work. The work Is fascinating, pleasant, healthful surroundings, annual vaca tions with full pay, sick and accident benefits without cost to employes. No experience necessary, substantial weekly pay while in training Rapid advancement. Parents invited to investigate work ing conditions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 613 New Telephone Building. 19th and Douglas Streets. WANTED Waist and skirt finishers and helpers, also tailors, skirt finishers. 'esse Fos-, 774 S:iunders-Kenndy Bldg. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES. STEADY POSITIONS AND GOOD SALARIES, ALL DAY OR PART TIM E. APPLY ORKIN BROS., CONANT HOTEL BLDG., 16TH ST. BHC'LEY Corset!,, complete line; silk ana limited underwear; guaranteed hosery. Salesladies make $5.00 a day and up. Walnut 2813. Household and Domestic. MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. SMALL HOUSE, SMALL FAMILY, PLEASANT QUARTERS. APPLY MRS. WILL V. NOBLE, 5013 IZARD. WAL NUT 46 7. GIRL or middle-aged woman for house work; no cooking; one who likes chil dren; no objections to them having one child. Walnut 4293. 412 So. 4th St. WANTED A young woman or girl for generui nouso worK, must be a good plain cook. Good home and best wages. Call Walnut 1282. WANTED Girl to take care of child 4 years old and to do light housework. Call Tyler 1976, or evenings Webster 6226; GIliL for general house work. No wash ing, good wages; references required. 4010 Davenport street. Phone Walnut 43S. COMPETENT girl for general housework. Laundress kept. Mrs. K. H. Patterson, 127 No. 40th St. Call Harney 387. FOR LAUNDRESSES, DAY WOMEN, ETC. LOOK IN THE SITUATION COL UMN OF THE BEE. WORKING WOMAN. May have free basement rooms for doing little housework. 1818 Dodge. WANTED Experienced white second maid. Apply 206 So. 32 Ave. Harney 206. MAID wanted for general housework, three in family, good wages. Wal. 1383. WANTED Experienced cook; also house maid. Mrs. L. V. Crofoot; 122 So 89th St. WANTED Woman for housekeeping. small family. 2218 Chicago St. WANTED Good . second girl. "10 per week. References. Harney 376. CHAS. L. FISH Piano tuner, violin and piano teacner. uoirax aiu MAID for general housework, small family. MAID wanted to assist with housework. Phono Walnut 3272. WHITE, respectable girl for second work, at once, ued 642X. YOUNG giri for housework; small family. w ODSter 14l,v. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Experienced chambermaids. Apply Hotel Conant, 16th and Hartley. EXPERIENCED waitresses wanted. Ap- ply Hotel Ccnnnt, 16th and Harney. NEAT GIRLS to wait on tables. Olympia candy Kitchen, 1518 Harney. WOMAN wanted for kitchen work Jerry's care. Trade Schools. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE, Special rates and inducements. Miscellaneous. WANTED, WOMEN AND GIRLS. STEADY WORK AND GOOD WAGES. GORDON LAWLESS CO., 8TH AND DODGE. WANTED Lady conductor ffor passen ger elevators. Apply Superintendent, llayden Bros. THE BIG SISTERS will help any girl or woman needing assistance during the present emergency. Telephono Harney 6734 diy or evening, or Tyler 1138 In the evening COLORED dust girls wanted, steady em ployment, good wages. Hartm;n Furniture & Carpet Co., 415 So. 16th. GIRLS for packing, good wages paid. Omaha Maid Mara ron i Co , 13t5 H owa rd. EXPERIENCED bindery girls wanted Omaha Printing Co., 1301 Farnam St. EXPERIENCED elevator operator, El Beudn" Apta,, 18th andDo,1ge. GIRLS for mailing desk and files. Geo. H. Lee Co., 1115 Harney St. USHERETTLS wanied. Apply Supt. Or pheum theater, 1 to 4 p. m. HELP WANTED. "Male and Female. WANTED Men, ladies and boys to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning: strictly modern Call or write 1403 DodgeSt. Trl-Clty BarberCollege. EDUCATIONAL." DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLE9 COLLEGE. Complsie courses in accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand ami typewriting, railroad and wireless telegraphy, civil service and all English and commercial branches. Writs, call or phor.e Douglas 1565 for large Illus trated catalogue. Address BOYLE3 COLLEGE, Boy lea Building. Omaha. Neb. PRIVATE evening class for those dslr. lng tn learn shorthand and typewriting row bolus- organised; terms reasonable, JJoifnx 478". ANN1R"R. OLASGOVVr'volci' nnti "piano. 50S Karbnch Blk. Studio phone, Douglas 1081. :0 South 15th: St. EDUCATIONAL. Van Sant School of Huslnees, I'ay and Evening Schools. ZSO Oiuiih National Hank Kldf. T'ouglaa 5S90. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms. PHONE THE WANT AD DEPARTMENT? TYLER 1000. AND ASK ABOUT OUR BIO ROOM LIST PRINTED EVERT . WEEK KOR TUB BKNKKIT OK OUH READERS AND ADVERTISERS, FOR RKNT A well -furnished rowii in modern home for gentleman only; within walking distance of downtown district; location north. Webster 320. plkasXnt, WELL jTuated ROOM WITH BOARD, PRIVATE. MODERN J10.MB, ON CAR LINK, $10 WEEK. HOME COOKINO WEBSTER 3378. PLEASANT LARGE SOUTH-EAST ROOM NICELY FURNISHED. SC1TABLK FOR 2. MODERN, PRIVATE HOME ON CAR LINE. HARNEY 3574. 2721 SOUTH TENTH PLEASANT ROOM, STRICTLY MODERN: HOARD OI TIONAL: FARNAM LINE. TYLER !53f CLAIKMo.NT INN, 17TH AND JACKSON Rooms with baths, especially desirable for gentlemen. Douglas 27.15. BEAUTIFUL room with sleeping porch in exclusive Imme. 341 h and centyr, $15 per week. Harney 2916. NICELY furnished room, strictly modern private family; references exchanged, it arney 3424. 1510 GEORGIA AVE- 1 furnished . atid unfurnished room, bathroom floor, liar ney 6354. NICELY furnished room, strictly privato family; references exchanged, llurney 3424. NEWLY decorated room, modern home on car llnu; gentleman preferred. Harney 6145. PLEASANT front room, modern brick flat, on balh room floor. Harney 2204 410Sweeiwond Ave. Pleusunl, large sleep lng room,' suitable tor two. MODERN furnished room for rent. Har ney 7000. Housekeeping Rooms. FOR RENT Two 2-rooni suites with all modern conveniences. 1424 No. 19th St 2666 DOUGLAS Light housekeeping rooms. Call Ilnrney 6865. 2414 CASS Two strictly modern, light housekeeping suites. ONE liirht housekeeping room, 709 So, 2'.ith St: $0 month. Board and Room 424 PARK AVE. COMFORTABLE ROOM FOR TWO OKN'l.HMl.V; GOOD A1,S. GO'll) HEAT, GOOD CAR SERVICE. GOOD HOMEY PLACE TO LIVE. 11 ARNEY 373iV BOARD AND ROOM; NEW, STRICTLY Ml (HERN. PRIVATE HI NGAl.OVV: KX CELLENT NEIGHBORHOOD; "4 BLOCK TO CAR; REASONABLE, WEBSTER 4!i2H. PLEASANT room with board: private, modern home. Reasonable, (ijfax 181-1 2638 DODGE Board and room for two . walklnir distance. Harney 5966. GOOD HOME COOKING. 417 N. ISTH St. TYLER 942, FOR RENT HOUSES. Miscellaneous. LIST yoi.r property for rent or sale with 1'lliSX TRUST CU.MPA.Y, Realtois. Tyler 729 FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. Ef,- HEUI Kill A PA RTMENTS, ISTH AND DODGE STS. Two and three-room apartments com pletely furnished. Hotei service. Tyler 4200. FOR RENT APARTMENTS. North. Brick Flats for Rent. 2518 North 31st St., 4 rooms, ground floor, $20; second and third floors, 6 rooms, $16. 2516 N. 31st St., three rooms and bath, $13. all modern except heat. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, Phone Douglas 1313. South. FIVE ROOMS, outside apartment; strictly modern. The Dunsany, Tenth and Pierce Ms., iiouglas 63'J2. FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. STORE FOR RENT. 22x50 ft., first flour and basement, $50, DUMONT & CO.. 418 Keeline Bldg. Phone Doug. 699. WEAD BUIk.. 16th and Farnam, 64 so ft., comprised of 2 separate rooms and a lavatory, 11. Wead. 310 so. tn at, Office and Desk Room. OFFICE SPACE. 1436 First National Bank, office space 77 5 sq. tl. Telephone Douglas 30m. DESK room for real estate or insurance agent. 519 Bee Building. FOR RENT Until May 1, space in Room 662, Brandeis Building. Garage and Barns. MEDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel, Send for circular. Rertl-Made Housing Co., 2311 Howard, Red 3667. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnisrp-d Apartments & Houses FOUR or five-room modern cottage or bungalow: any location considered, pre fer good sized lot. Responsible party: 3 in family. References. Will pay $20 to $35.00. Rent or lease at once or by .March 1st. T-32, Bee. WANTED 5 or 6-room hous-3 with some extra ground for chickens. Will lease, OolflS 2184. Miscellaneous. WANTED Ue of piano in exchange for storage. No children. References ex changed. Touglas 8272. Furnished Apartments and Houses WANTED TO RENT Furnished apart ment or house. Phone Harney 6888. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY a'anCO. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING, HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF HOUSES AND APARTMENTS. ' 16th and Jackson Sis Doug. I8S. Globe Van, Transfer and Storage Co. For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338. Auto or wagon service. MOVING. PACKING. STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 1 fit ll. Dmig. 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. B"w-n Co. Ty. 3400. UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenpoit. Doug. 290. OMAHA EXPRESS CO. Furniture, piano moving and storage. 1417 Chicago St. Phone Douglas 3354. HARTUNGS TRANSFER & STORAGE Moving, hauling, storage, best service, best rutes.- Ty. 1976 1211 Howard. MOVING, all kinds of hauling, early and late. Douglas 5511. STORAGE rooms, close-in, reasonable. Tyler li'7 6. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West SEMI-BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE FOR TWO CARS Practically new 6-room strictly mod ern semi-bungalow: 3 large rooms on the first floor, finished In oak; built-in fireplace; large living room across the front of the house; dining room and kitchen; extra largo bedroom on second floor, with ono medium bedroom and sleeptng porch; full cement basement, furnace heat; large lot, south front, on paved street, raving paid. Price, $6,250. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 537 rtm. Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 1781. 1 1 ANDS' ) M K. '"WB LI. ARRANGED 8-ROOM RESIDENCE. Living room across front, beautifully decorated with built-in bookcases, brick fireplace, and beamed celling, dining room Is panelled and has beamed cell ing and large built-in buffet. Sun room downstairs; oak floors throutthtoiit the houvie: front rooms downstiUrs finished in choice oak and upstairs In birch with mirror doors in bedroom and tiled bath iHMtatrs. Excellent ' hot water heating plant. This Is near 41st and Davenport Price $U,nno. F. I). WEAD. 310 So. 18th St. WIS have cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee homes, 'Phone Douglss (074 and we will cail and iuiptct your property. Snuler & Cary. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West. West Farnam District Home "-room modern house with tiled estlbuln, living room, music room, dining room, kltohen. pan try, ice box space and lavatory in first story; 3 Isrfs tiedrooms, 1 small bedroom ar.d tiled bath H second story; 2 bedrooms, stor age space and lavatory in third story; full cemented basement with hot water heat; laundry with stationary tubs, cistern pump and slop sink; extra toilet; vege table cellar and built-in fruit cupbonrd: two full south front lots, 2 blocks from Farnam car line. Price $16,000: reasonable terms. This house has exceptional ly fine quarter-sawed oak finish in living room, hall and upper hall, mnhoguny finish In dining room, white ennmel finish In music room, bedrooms and bath; built-in bookcases and fireplace in living room: built-in buff-t ill dining room; quarter-sawed oak floors down stairs except kitchen, which is maple; also In upper hall, fireplace in family bedroom, and every modern con venience. This Is an exceptional bargain. See us at once If you want to consider It. Shown only by appointment. DUMONT & CO. 418 Keeljne Bldg. PhoneDotig. Omaha Real Estate anT investment" JOHN T. BOHAN, fi?IJ,?.,; ,0SLk jPlinne JTyler 4886. BY OWNER 7-room house, part modern near car line, store and school; good neighborhood; $.1,300. $1 600 rash. Terms, 4645 Charles St. Walnut K462. For good homes on good terms, W.-MHIU.NE, ukaltx CO , 430Be Bldg. Tyler 4J6. 4538 FRANKLIN, 4-room house, J lots; fine for garden; $200 cash, $15 per mo. Crelgh. E08 Bee Bldg., Doug. 200, J. B. HOB"lNSON, Real Estite'aml Invest ments, 443 Bee Bldg,, Douglas 6097. BENSON A MEYERS CO.. 454 Om. NaTT North. NEAR 24TH & FOWLER Eight-room, strictly modern house; oak floors and oak finish downstairs; 5 rooms on the first floor, with extra toilet; three nice bedrooms and bath on the second floor; built-in bookcases; full ce ment basement; furnace heat; paved street, all paid; house near ly now. Price, $6,300. Location is excellent; price right. 0e- PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 537 Om. yat. Hk. D1dg. Tyler 1781. MUST BE SOLD TO SETTLE ESTATE 1848 North 17th St. 7-room. !-story. modern house, located on east front corner lot 60x140 ft. Close to car line, Btores and publin garage. This property would make an ideal location for an "i"iniiii nouse. ravin nil tiald. Look (his property over and make n vnri. r-rice Jl.zon. GEORGE & CO. REALTORS. Tyler 3024. 903 City Nat. Bk. Tlldg. 7-Room Modern House $3,750 This house Is strictly all mortem, has 4 rooms first floor and 3 bedrooms and bath second floor; on paved street; has garage, with lot 50x128. This In not a new place, hut in good condition; lo. CHtffd 3W9 Vr.nbll. U. W. Farnam Smith & Co. Doug. 564. 1320 Farnam St. GOOD 8-room house, south front, on Ames Ave., facing Fontenclle park. All modem, oak floors, two good lots, parage, lawns, shrub bery, etc. Immediate possession. About half cash required. Call Mr. Grant. Douelas 7412, days. FOlTSALE. Almost new -7t. modern house Hard wood finish. Well located, close to car no. Price $8,600 $1,000 cash, balance like rent. A. W. TOLAND CO. D. 3! "5. 410 Bee Bidr. 2856 MEREDITH AVE. 5-room cottage, south front, shade trees, full sized lot, worth $3,500. If sold this week, $2,750 cash will buy It. Mitchell Investment Co., . SOLE AOENTS. "jlthnnflAmes Ave. Colfax 517. Mitchell Investment CoT Twenty-fourth and Ames. Phone Cel. fax 217. Offers personal and experienced serrv ii, in ",s mnnaBen""nt of property. finivr.iai or sales agents. FOR SALE 8-room house, strictly mod- .,i-,i ouj.1 aum nr. in niorence, has one lot and half on corner, garage, and can be bought for $4,000 cash before March 1st. 2 blocks from car. Addresa C. A. Hohnvan. So. Bend N.h AT.T. mn K- U.-.l . . . ... uuuii.iuw, rim imni, cor. i m,3 in iztiT line ana scnooi; reany to move In. $5.000 $1,500 cash. D. ' "t, "ifa, v-oi. i ft .id. mgnts. FOR COLORED Five-rra. bungalow; oak C. A. GRIMMEL, Phone D-1615. A FEW homes and lots for sale In Tarlt- "v.wu n,i,uiu,n. a sare piace tor invest, ment. Norn's ft Norrla. riniiir J"7n vnrvn jt. noni'Du P.EAL ESTATE INVESTMENT 322 BRANDEIS THEATER TV 1751 MINNE Ll'SA homes and lots offer the "IT" IUIHI.V io luveat your money. 'Phone Tyler 1S7. . 6-ROOM, part modern home, $200 cash. rui .i.cui,. jyier - iz or wen. 41MI. 4-ROOM cottage, city water, price $900, uiwn. jyier Zl.'l or Weh. 4ll0. South. Near Entrance Riverview Park, $2,500 Must bo sold to close estate. Large lot. 4 rooms and Btore with show cases and fixtures. Dandy location for store W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. Douglas 564. LAROE 9-room house on paved street. n-ar car ana scnooi; corner lot. South 2107. -ROOM house, all on one floor; modernT Leaving city. 2506 So. 11th St. Miscellnneous. WHY LOOK FURTHER When you can buy this brand new, strictly modern, five-room bunRalow for the remarkable small cash payment of $350 and tlie balance monthly. It has oak floors and finish, bcs f furnace and plumbing, etc. Fine laying lot, 40x146. Immediate posses sion. Call Mr. Grant, Walnut 5373 or Doughs 1014 days. We Have Properly for Rent or Sale. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. N. W. Cor 18th and Dodg-. Doug, 613. LIST ynur houses and lots for nulck sale witn Hasting & lieyden, realtors. 1614 Hnrnev street. Phone Tyler 60. BIRKETT & CO. and Insures. 550 Bee Bldg. Dnnclas $38. LIST your property for quick sale with Morearty & Conboy. D. 88 41. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. Investment Bargain We are offering 6 apartment ter race. Each apartment consists of 6 nice rooms, very conveniently arranged. The building Is only 4 years old and In excellent condition within easy walking distance of the downtown section. An nual Income $3,700 and we can offer this for a short time at $28,000. Re quires from $10,000 to $12,000 cash to handle. If you are Interested In invest ments, this will certainly appeal to you. Ask us for particulars. D. V. SHOLES CO. REALTORS. Douglas 46. slS-17 City Nat. Bk. Itldf, WE CAN SELL NEAR 2:iRD AND CALIFORNIA Two houses of 11 and 12 rooms, with good furnaces nnd bath rooms with lot Iitixl32 ft,, for $,20u. F. D, W EAP. 310 So. 18th St. FARNAM, HARNEY, LF.AVENWORTH AMI CCMINO BTS. PATNK SLATER CO.. DOffl, W llOMESTKArrrellns ulshmeot fer sals. At dress, liox x sti. Omaha i E s.