Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 13, 1920, Page 2, Image 2
THE REE : OMAHA, FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 13. 1920. President Wilson Will Preside at the Next Cabinet Meet Washington, Feb. 12. The next meeting of the cabinet probably will be called and presided over by President Wilson. Secretary Lansing said today he had written cabinet officers that there wovild be no more regular ses sions of the president's official fam ily for the present. He would offer no explanation, but it was under stood that his letter was writteu by direction of Mr. Wilson. Throughout the president' ill ness the cabinet has met regularly and when the coal strike situation became acute the meetings wer." in creased from one to two weekly. Thtte was no meeting yesterday and none will be held tomorrow. For several weeks now the presi dent has been taking more and more of a hand in the conduct of official business". Secretary Tumulty said todav he had never seen Mr. Wilson look'iig better. Under certain conditicmwood is as effective as iron for reinforcing concrete. The Aeolian Is the Economical Player Piano h ,he Notwithstanding the fact that the Aeolian Player Piano has a slightly higher initial cost than many player pianos,' it is the economical buy, figured in dollars and cents. Its simple and ef ficient construction and the excellent material used prevents future expense in upkeep. It will pay you to get an "Aeolian" do not let a few dollars in initial cost induce you to consider a poorly conceived, poorly con structed player piano. We guarantee the Aeolian Player Piano to be ' the bed in the United States at 1 the price Payment Arranged to Suit (ftAKFORD Call Write 1807Farnanitn A Trunk the Porter Likes to carry, because it is light yet strong! hand some yet durable. A trunk that will presenf a striking appearance in your hotel room or liv ing apartment; and you need not hide away out of sight. This' model and others nov on dis play at our showrooms. Also a full line of suit cases and bags. FRELING & STEIN LE 1803 Farnam Street-"- SUFFRAGE HEADS IN CHICAGO HOLD SIX CONFERENCES i 2,000 Delegates Representing ' Whole, of America Meet Preliminary to Con vention Today. t Chicago. Feb. 12. Six conferences attended by 2.000 delegates and al ternates, representing women voters of the north, SQitth, east and west, were held today, preliminary to the oneninir tomorrow of what is ex pected to be the final convention of the. National American Woman Mit frage association and the initial con gress of the League of Woman Vot ers. The purpose of the conference was the formulation of a legislative pro gram and the topics discussed today were: "American Citizenship," "Pro tection of Women in Industry," "Child Welfare," "Food Supply and Demand," "Social Hygiene" and "Unification of Laws Concerning Women-." The resulting program adopted by each conference will be presented to the convention of the League of Women Voters at the Monday session for consideration. Convention Opens Friday. The sessions tomorrow will be the formal , opening of the convention and Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, pres ident of the association, will deliver her, annual address. The victory convention, which ends 50 years' ef fort to procure votes for the women of America, will close Saturday eve ning with a ratification banquet. On Sundav, memorial services will be held for Dr. Anna Howard Shaw. The sessions will continue until next Wednesday night. Before the convention closed. Mrs. Catt predicted several States would have, ratified v the suffrage amendment. "The dissolution of the suffrage Lightens work for Ma and keeps me well fed savs Post TOASHES association does not mean that the work of obtaining the necessary six states, as JO have now ratified, would be stopped or diminished. Our headquarters will remain intact until the 36 states are secured. We expect Arizona, New Mexico and Oklahoma to ratify before the con vention closes, and Delaware, West Virginia and Connecticut are our hope for the additional three' states," said Mrs. Catt. Lobbying for the various repub lican 'candidates for president was carried on today, while the demo crats also had workers among the women. " The advertisements of two presidential candidates are promi nently displayed as advertisements in the official program, handed out by the thousands. Chairman Will H. Hays of the republican national committee sent a Statement to the, women, in wrych he pointed to the passage of the equal suffrage amendment in con gress by a republican majority. 1 Later in the day Mrs. .George Bash gathered delegates of dem ocratic sympathizers to protest against' tle republican moves. 400,000 Germans Still in the Army; 100,000 "Policemen" Paris, Feb. 12. The German army is still 400,000 strong, according to a report received by the committee of foreign affairs from General Niessel, head of the Baltic mission. In addi tion there are 100,000 police. Ger many also is well supplied, with tanks, machine guns and airplanes. In the neutral zone alone on the right bank of the Rhine the policing forces number 15,000. General Niessel adds that the Ger man minister of defense, Noske, is in the hands of the general' staff and that the German jroveniment is ca pable, if willing, of obtaining exe- cution ot the treaty clauses by the country. BEATS SON TO DEATH WITH HEAVY POKER U U Flu Mortality This Year Half of That in 1918 Washington, Feb. 12. The mor tality rate due to the influenza epi demic this year was about half of that of 1918, says a statement by the public Health service, announcing that the present epidemic apparently naa readied its peak. "A comparison," the statement said, "of the excess mortality rate per 100,000 of popula5n for the respective peak weeks of 1918 and 1920 shows: Chicago, 1,586, com pared with 4,(i20 in 1920; .Milwaukee, 1.34.1, as compared with 1,915; Washington, 2,072, as compared with 9,789." These rates may be taken as a fair indication of conditions through out the country. Pioneer Miner Dead.-' Seattle, Feb. 12. James W. Mor rison, pioneer miner, who was one of the first men to reach the Klon dike gold fields in the rush of 1898, is dead in Los Angelas. At one time Morrison was mayor of Goldfield, Nev. ' fllother of Lad Found Dead in Farm House Confesses to Brutally Whipping Him." Rhiiielandcr, Wis., Fob.MJ. Mts. Stanley Blbmski, mother of.Alhan Blomski, 6-year-old boy who was found dead several weeks ago at the Blomski farm house, at Sugar Camp, has confessed to beating the boy with a heavy poker md a razor strap, according to the office of Dis trict Attorney A. J. Oinelia. Mrs. Blomski is said tn have fsigned in affidavit exonerating her husband of beating the boy. . Held for Trial. Both Mrs. Blomski and -her hus band were held for trial following the verdict by a coroner's-jury that the boy's death was caused by beat ings ami neglect at the hands of his parents. Questioned regarding a broken arm discovered by physicians who penormed an autopsy on the bodv she is alleged to have said that it was the result of one of her beat- rigs and that the member had been broken r.nd unattended for nearly two months. A-ked wn she had not sunnlied the boy with shoes 4o withstand the severe winter weather, she is said to have replied: "He wanted to wear shoes all summer, so I punished him by not giying him any in the win ter." , Boy's Feet Frozen. The boy's feet, it was brought out at the inquest, had been frozen when he as punished by being put out in a shed in below zero weather and made to stay there for some time. Mrs. Blomski is said to have sworn as her reason for her treat ment of the boy, whom it is alleged she said she hated, that he was not her husband's sou. Blomskf has renounced his wife, it is said. Mexico Refuses Passport to Man Who Testified in Probe El Paso, Tex., Feb. 12. When W. R. Simons of Denver, Colo., pre sented his passport for vise at the Mexican consulate general here yes terday he was met with a refusal be cause he had testified unfavorably to Mexico before the senate subcom mittee investigating Mexican affairs two days before, according to offi cial announcement made today by Alberto Ruiz Sandoval, acting con sul general here. Senor Sandoval said he acted "uder special instruc tions from Mexico' City covering Mr. Simons case. Fleet Reaches Cristobal v Panama, Feb. 12. Thirty-one de stroyers' and four tenders, part of the Atlantic fleet of the American navy arrived at Cristobal yesterday. Admiral H. B. Wilson, commander of the fleet, is not expected to ar rive before February 25. - : ; J ' ' Keep in mind that this is an other of Parisian's great Dress Sales 3'ou know that in these events you always obtain eveu better satisfacti6n than you are led to expect. This will be no exception come as soon as the store opens 8:30 a. m. CLOAKCO. ISM-SI DOUGLAS STREET There's so large a variety of smart styles, that it's impossi- , ble to attempt more tliau a general description. You will find numerous styles becoming to the young woman, to the small, large and extra large woman. MOTITOL NEW DRESS Offered Friday in the Most Sensational Sale in the History of Omaha Merchandising Values That Are Simply Amazing Wonderful Assortments About 50 models to, select from not Odds and Ends but FRESH, NEW, Up-to-the-Minute STYLES for AFTERNOON, EVENING, STREET and BUSINESS WEAR. SATIN, GEORGETTE, TRICOTINE, SER&E, SILVERTONE, WOOL JERSEY AND TAFFETA. Are the materials these Smart Dresses are Fashioned from. In view of the HIGH COST of MATERIALS and Labor this' sale of DRESSES is an EVENT that SHOULD and WILL mean much to the WOMAN and MISS who takes PRIDE in WEARING CLOTHES ot STYLE, INDIVIDUALITY and QUALITY DIFFERENT from the COMMON-PLACE. There is a wonderful variety of Fashionable Models. Included are: VALUES TO $49.50 VALUES TO $49.50 DRAPED, TUNIC, STRAIGHT LINE, SILHOUETTE, EMBROIDERED, BEADED, BRAIDED and TAILORED MODELS. For choice every NEW and DESIRABLE Color v is represented; also black, Every Sale Final. None Will Be Credited or Exchanged. Successful Year Ends For Fontenelle Forest Reserve Association (( onllnufd From First I'aicc.) looks some of v the prettiest river scenery in Nebraska. Dr. Gift'ord asserted that much praise is due to F. J. Adams, T. K. Kimball. Roy N. Towl. C. . Ernst and others, for their untiring efforts during a period of years to bring this great enterprise to a success ful conclusion. The Young Women's Christian association and Boy -Scout Tacts are part of the Fontenelle reserve," the doctor said. "It is my hope that some day we may be able to ac quire, some land on the other side of. the river, so that we may hold intact tins wonaeriui river scenery. Yre are going to experiment in tree cultivation. Ve have 100 royal wal nut trees planted, and we hope to have sugar maple trees growing in the reserve. "I wish .the teachers of Omaha would instruct the pupils against picking Uie wild flowers in the re serve, because continued picking of these flowers will result in" their ex tinction. It is the most natural tiling to pick wild flowers when in the woods. Need River Drive. "1 wish also to urge support by the general public of the big river drive project which will be present ed to the voters next fall, as planned by the city planning board." The doctor also slated that the association deliberately placed the Boy Scouts in their camp adjoining the reserve so that the bpys could serve as rangers for the protection of the woods. The meeting of the association was, in part, a Lincoln birthday cel ebration, this feature being referred to by Rev. E. H. Jcnks, .pastor of the First Presbyterian church. He stated that Abraham Lincoln Ioojced upon this river scenery when he lo cated the eastern terminal of the S Union 1'acific railroad. Lincoln Saw Tract. "I think that Lincoln's spirit is with us tonight," the minister said. "I wonder what Lincoln would say if he were here tonight and could sec this magnificent city which has been developed since he located the terminal of a transcontinental rail road." C. J. Ernst, president of the as sociation, gave an interesting ac count of the years of work to ac complish what has been done. He referred to Ur. A. A. Tyler, former professor at Bellevue college, as the original promoter of the Fontenelle reserve idea. "All that any of us could have done, after the war had started, would not have sufficed to have brought our hopes and plans to real isation by this time had not Dr. Gifford, one of our charter members, come to the rescue by acquiring Childs' point and other properties and giving us plenty of time within which to raise the money. He and Mrs. Joslyn contributed liberally toward the fund." Cannot be Sold. Mr. Ernst explained that the charter of the association provides that the property can never be en cumbered, sold or otherwise be dis posed of and it is exempt from taxation. "We are simplv a self-perpetuat ing, nonpolitical board, holding property in trust for the people of this, state," he added. John Fitz Roberts defended the English sparrow as a destroyer of noxious insects and he stated that it is possible to see from 150 to 200 varieties of birds in the Fontenelle forest during the springtime.. J. E. Davidson, president of the Nebraska Humane society, stated that his organization hopes to es tab!ih a child's summer camp in the woods. Camps are Appreciated. Appreciation of the Camp Fire Girls for privileges enjoyed in these woods was expressed by Mrs. W. T. More, past president of the Camp Fire Girls' organization. Mrs. Harriet McMurphy spoke on behalf of the Omaha Woman's club and Otis Smith responded for the Boy Scouts. Clara Brewster assert ed that the girls who attended Brew ster camp during the summer time learned to reverence the "woods. Re-Elected President Ernst. C. J. Ernst was re-elected presi dent of the association, having served seven consecutive terms. Other officers re-elected were: C. M. Wilhebn, vice president; Roy N. Towl, secretary; C. F. McGrew, treasurer; F. J. Adams, T. R. Kim ball and Dr. S. R. Towne, othei members of the, executive council. The tract already acquired by the association contains 357 acres, with reversionary rights in a tract of 103 acres used by the Boy Scouts, a total of 460 acres as the first unit of the reserve which the association hopes ultimately will be aOOO acres, ex tending from Mandam park to with in the limits or Bellevue. ' No Militarism for Ex-Soldier, Asserts General Pershing (Continued From First Face) training, without obligation for service beyond that which congress may impose. Four to six months of training before being sent back to their work would do the 'boys good for this I have 4,800,000 proofs. It would do the country good. "It would teach the obligations of men to their government and would detcrmiua their duties and Show them how to serve if it becamye nec essary. The training might come around the age of 21, and could be arranged so as not to conflict with the ordinary work of the boys, and would probably not amount in all ,to more than four or six months. "While I abhor the thought of war, let us not lapse into the state of unpreparedness existing at the beginning of the late war. By this statement I do not mean that we should launch a big- military pro gram. But we should prepare our young men in .military rudiments of discipline to such an extent that we can meet an enemy if our country is threatened. We should be pre pared for an emergency, although none wish war less than the soldier who has gone through the rigors of battle." y For Cold, Grip 'or Influent nH PrvnUtiv. Uk LAXATIVE BKOMO QU1NINK Tablet. Look for K. W. GROVE'S signature on tht box. 30 7 v . THOMPSON-BELDEN & COMPANY A Suggestion Because our brassieres and bandeaux were con ceived by skilled de signers, they have a de sirable way of becoming part of your corset. A brassiere is doubly nec essary with a gown which has no lining, so that the undesirable line at the top of the corset may be done away with. We have a variety of styles. From 59c U p A bargain in coVsets may be obtained just now. There are tables full of odd numbers, greatly reduced. Corset Department Second Floor Chiffon Batiste Imported This is a very fine fabric from Manchester, Eng land; the finish is sofl; and silky and is equally adaptable to blouses, dresses, children's frocks and fine lingerie. 44 inches wide. $1.25 value, $1.00 yard. $1.50 value, $1.25 yard. $1.75 value, $1.50 yard. School Hose for Children The only quality in Wayne Knit is the high est the price will afford. A splendid fine ribbed hose in black, white and cordovan is to be had in small sizes for 45e a pair, and in large sizes, 55c. The well known Pony stocking for boys and girls is made with triple knees, heels and toes, in black, white and cordo van, for 65c in the small sizes, 75c in the large. Sale of Cambric Remnants Burkeley 4 cambrics in lengths of from one to five yards arer60c, $1 and $1.50 qualities and priced at a saving of 25 per cent. Second Floor Teddy Bears Jor Half Price A number of desirable envelope chemise in sizes 40, 42 and 44 only, and combination suits in small sizes only, will be placed on sale Friday. Garments regularly $2.75, $3.50, $4.25 and $5 will sell for half price. Second Floor Funny ones, dainty ones, clever ones, ' all Tvith a verse or remark you might find appropriate. A most complete show ing. An Dept. Second Floor Inexpensive Knit Underwear A few part wool union suits in large sizes are to be placed on sale Friday for only $1.79 a suit. A number of soiled cotton vests in large sizes, fleece lined, are priced only 39c each. Second Floor IIIIIII1IIIIIIIMM Friday 13 th The Legion Dance in the Auditorium Friday night will be very informal. . Neither women nor men will wear evening clothes. The dance will be chaperoned by a group of women chosen by Mrs. How ard Baldrige. )THE AMERICAN LEGION MIIIIIM Ward Line S. S. ORIZABA for SPANISH PORTS BILBOA, SANTANDER, CORUNA Sails From Pier Seventeen, Brooklyn, N. Y. February Twenty First First Cabin and Rooms de Luxe Emigrant Passengers For Reservation Apply to Authorized Ticket Agencies, or GENERAL OFFICES Foot of Wall Street, New York y . at .