Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 12, 1920, Image 8

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Thar ie ua heroic poem in the world but U at bottom
a blofraphy. the life of a man; also it may be aaid, thr
la bo Ufa of a man, faithfully recorded, but is a htroic
poaia of its sort, ryuied or unrymed.
How iwhI tha moonlight aleepe Bon tha bank!
Hara wa will ait and let tha aounda of muale
Craap in our aara) aoft stlllneaa and tha night
Become tha touches of sweet harmony.
Shalcea pears.
Look at tongue! Remove poi
sons from stomach, liver
and bowels.
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
enly look for the name California
on the package, then you are siire
your child is having the best and
most harmless laxative or physic foi
the little stomach, liver and bowels.
Children love its delicious fruity
taste. Full directions for child's
dose on each bottle. Give it without
Mother! You must say "Caiifor
111a. Easy to Make This
Pine Cough Remedy
Thonmnda of families awar by Ite
prompt results. Inrxpmsive,
aud saves about
You know that pine is used in
nearly all prescriptions and remedies
lor coughs. 'J'lio reason is that pine
contains several peculiar elements that
have a remarkable effect in soothing
and healing the membranes of the
throat and chest.
Pine cough syrups are, combinations
of pine and syrup. The "syrup" part
is usually plain sugar syrup.
To make the best pine cough remedy
that money can buy, put 2 ounces
of Finex in a pint Dottle, and fill up
with home-made sugar syrup. Or you
lean use clarilied molasses, honey, or
eorn syrup, instead of sugar syrup.
Either way, you make a full pint more
than you can buy ready-made for three
times the money. It is pure, good
nod very pleasant children like it.
You can feel this take hold of a
cough cr cold in a way that means
business1. The cough may be dry,
hoarse and tight, or may be persist
ently loose from the formation of
phlegm. The cause is the same in
flamed membranes and this Finex and
Syrup combination will stoD it
usually in 24 hours or less. Splendid,
too, for bronchial asthma, hoarseness,
cr any ordinary throat ailment.
Pinex is a highly concentrated com-
?ound of genuine Norway pine ex
ract, and is famous the world over
lor its prompt effect upon coughs.
Beware of substitutes. Ask your
8ruggist for 2y2 ounces of Pinex"
with directions, and don't accept any
thing else. Guaranteed to give abso
lute satisfaction or money refunded.
The Pinex Co., Ft Wayne, Ind.
Your Bowels
Cat out cathartics) and purgatives.
They are brutal harsh unnecessary.
tmirnsetti. p A DTCDC
Act gently on the
Wflll I aa.1 4jaf
vet. cumin- u
ate bOe, and?
oothe the fl
-,i a- a
auxins mem
brane of the
bowel. Correct constipation, bilious-
ocas vies oeaoacne ana indigestion,
&atO Pill Small Dose Snail Price
treat nerve and blood tonic for
Muula, Rheumatism, Nervousness,
tteeplcanma and Female Weakness.
liaaJM SBtl iMf llf uteri J&ruritir&C
But If Yon Do, a Few Doses of
Black-Draught May P re
rent Serious Trouble.
11- "
Nowata, Okla. Mr. W. B. Daw-
ton, of this place, says: "I have
- known of Black-Draught ever since
i I can remember, and of all the liver
medicines I eve used Black-Draught
is without doubt the best. We
would not be without it in the house.
J- "I used to take pills and different
$ things, but after taking a course of
' strong medicine I would be left in
J. a constipated condition, and would
; need then to use a laxative. But
? ' after I began to take Black-Draught
f I did not have any trouble of this
' kind.
1 take a big dose at night and
follow a few nights with lighter
doses, and I am like a new man un
til I overdo or overeat, and neg-
ket to take care of myself until the
', oVer gets out of fix, when I have
. o go to Black-Draught again.
"Black-Draught I have found is all
J that is necessary for the bloated
I feeling in the stomach, sour stom
ach or bad taste in the mouth so
ommon in spring in the swampy
Try Thedford's Black-Draught
American Legion
Dance to Be a
Gala Affair
The army and navy will be
supreme in command at the dance
to be given by the American Legion
at the Auditorium on Friday night
at 8 o'clock. No 'male civilian will
be permitted on the floor of the
ball room. Spectators seats are be
ine reserved for them.
N'ot only are the soldiers being
asked to bring their ladies, but
committees of women are active to
day inviting the young women to
bring their soldier friends.
Young women of the retail stores
are being invited to the dance by
Mrs. Alvin Johnson and Mrs. Ed
win T. Swobe. Those of the whole
sale stores by Mrs. T. L. Davis and
Mrs. Samuel Burns. Those of the
Telephone Exchange, Y. W. C. A.
and business colleges by Mrs. Henry
S. McDonald and Mrs. Lee Van
Mrs. A. F. Leermakers will chap
eron the Home Defense nurses. The
Junior League will be there in large
numbers headed by their president,
Miss Erna Reed.
A feature of the dance will be
the canteen where ice cream, dough
nuts and lemonade will be served in
real canteen style by Mrs. Francis
Jirogan and Mrs. J. E. Davidson.
These women will be assisted by:
Caroline Holmquiut,
lrenp McKnlKlU.
K. Newbranch.
Erna Keed.
Gertrude Stout.
Mary Oant.
Louisa White.
Helen Pearce.
Winifred Smith.
llali-n Walker.
Gwendolfn Wolff.
A. I.. Keed.
W. A. i-. Juhnson.
Frank Judson.
W. J. Hyni'S.
Wilson Lowe.
Kaymond .o7e.
Jack Webster.
Walter Head.
Hlanch Pateraon.
P. S. Caldwell.
H. L. Huntley.
K T. Swobo.
('. A. Hull.
E. Elliott.
O. O. Oshorn.
1C A. PeaKue.
11 F. Taylor.
H. E. Newbranch,
H. H. Berger.
W. P. Mettlen.
. TV. Trlffell.
George loana.
W. H, Wheeler.
A. V. Kinsler.
Alvln Johnson.
H. S. Luberger.
John L. Kennedy.
Miss Beulah Aylesworth of Den-
nison, Iowa, and .Paul J. bardeson
ot Lincoln, Neb., were married
Wednesday evening at the Black
stone hotel, Rev. Dr. L. S. Young
01 the rrst Presbyterian church of
Lincoln officiating. Thirty soror
ity sisters of Miss Aylesworth,
members of Delta Gamma at the
University of Nebraska, attended
the wedding. Other out-of-town
guests were J. P. Hovland, O. A.
Sardeson and Chester D. Sardeson
of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. C. T.
Sardeson and daughter, Mabel,' of
Argyle, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. H. F.
Hovland and daughters. Ruth and
Helen, Dr. and Mrs. L. S. Young of
Lincoln. Mrs. Florence Aylesworth,
mother of the bride, resides in
' Charles J. McCaffrey, who has
been spending the past week in Chi
cago, and Miss Cathryn Flynn of
Chicago, were licensed to wed 'Tues
day, February 10.
Entertain at Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Baldrige en
tertained at dinner at the Athletic
club Wednesday evening. Covers
were laid for Mr. and Mrs. How
ard Baldrige, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin
bwobe, Airs. Walter Head, Miss
Winifred Smith, Miss Gwendolyn
Wolfe. Dr. W. O. Bridges, B. F.
Smith, Grafton Wolfe and Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Baldrige.
St. Rose Card Party.
The ladies of St Rose parish will
give a card party Friday afternoon
at 2:30 at the St. Rose school on
Thirteenth and Rose avenue.
Diamond Dyes" Make Shabby
Apparel Stylish and New
Don't worry about perfect re
sults. Use "Diamond Dyes," guar
anteed to give a new, rich, fadeless
color to any fabric, whether it be
wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed
goods dresses, blouses, stockings,
skirts, children's coats, feathers,
draperies, coverings.
The Direction Book with each
package tells so plainly how to dia
mond dye over any color that you
cannot make a mistake.
To match any material, have drug
gist show you "Diamond Dye" Color
An Amtrieait "Spa" Bearing
Favorablt Comparison With
Exclutivm Foreign Rtortt
160 acres of wooded grounds lo
cated upon high hills; one of the
most desirably situated hotels on
this continent for people requiring
absolute Rest and Recuperation.
A Mineral Water beneficial for
Liver and Kidney disorders.
Scientific Massage and Baths for
Rheumatic ailments.
A Cafe operated upon the Euro
pean Plan with "Table d'Hote"
and A la Carte" meals at sensible
Information and Booklets Can Ba Had
at tha Resort Bureau of this paper
or by Addressing
James P. Donahue, Proprietor
Hotel Colfai and Mineral Sprku.
On (Ac Rock Itland Lin
Become Slender
Rsdace year weloM IS to M lbs,, sr nere,
under 1100 GUARANTEE by using OIL 0
KONEIN, following easy directions. Sold by
Sherman atcCmnell. Beaton Iruf Co., Mar
rut's, Cnltt A Dooaksl. Rmsfe-Fra Drat Co.,
Joseph Zuohfk, Adams-Hslitlit Irni Co.
ALL tuay drntflit, everywhere Mil OIL OF
KOREIN. BeoMet mailed free hi Krsl Ce
NY -Ml. Stsilse f. Nets Vera.
Heart Beats
By A. K.
All Rights Reserved
In the morning
Of Life
An appointment
I made
With fascinating Time.
He promised me much
In worldly possessions
In triumph
And battle spoils.
And so I waited
But Time was slow
He is ever
Too slow for those
Who wait.
Then I feared
That Life
Was slipping away
That the clutches of failure
Would strangle me
But Time flew by
On Mercury's feet
Too swift for those who fear.
Shafts of disaster
Pierced my horizon
Of a half-used
Half lived life
And as I grieved
The days dragged on
To the tune
And Time
Of a funeral dirge
Time is too long
For those who grieve.
From my lethargy
I started to work
To create
To build and rejoice
But Time is too short
For those who rejoice.
Then into raptures
Of love
I went spinning
There was no more waiting
Nor fearing
Nor grieving
No more was Time
A controller of me
"Time is not"
For those who love
Though he rules and ruins
As per state of mind
Love is a state
Of heart.
Mrs.. Lea Yager, who has been ill
in a local hospital, is now convales
cent. Frank Judson is spending a few
days in Pittsburgh.
Mrs. Henry Doorly will leave
next week for New York to join
Mr. Doorly.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gallagher are
visiting in New York City.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kitchen have
postponed their trip to California.
Miss Helen Rinehart is ill at her
apartment in the 1 Beudor. ,
Mrs. Dan Baum is convalescing
at her apartment in the Blackstone.
Mrs. C S. Connor is ill at her
Miss Patricia Bender is ill at her
home with influenza.
Walter Head left Wednesday for
Denver, Colo.
Mrs. Frank Shotwell is con
valescing at her home after a week's
A daughter, Donna, was born to
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Neely at
the Stewart Maternity hospital on
Monday. Mrs. Neely was formeflv
Miss Ann Dennis.
Mr. and Mrs. George Swan of
York are visiting Mrs. Swan's sis
ter, Mrs. W. b. Babcock.
Mrs. Elliot Lum. who has been ill
in a local sanitarium for several
weeks, is convalescing in her apart
ment at the Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Hoffman an
nounce the birth of a daughter,
Shirley Marie; Tuesday, at the
Clarkson hospital. Mrs. Hoffman
was formerly Gladys Heacock,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C.
Heacock of Kearney.
Mrs. E. A. Gibson and daughter,
Miss Elizabeth, of Detroit, arrived
Tuesday to visit Mrs. J. E. Robert
son, Dawson Adams is recovering
from an attack of influenza.
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Bergquist will
attend the Kanna Sicma dsnr.incr
party to be given in Lincoln Friday
Mixers' Club Dance.
In honor of the victorious basket
ball team of Creighton university
the University Mixers' club will give
a dance at Kel-Pine's hall, Twenty-
hfth and streets, iriday
evening. Members of the Michigan
Agg:es basket ball team, who wi'.l
be in Omaha the iatter part of the
week to play Tommy Mills' squad,
will also attend the dance as hon
ored guests. Representatives from
each department of Creighton uni
versity will have charge of the
How to, Make Up
For the home, the street and social affairs.
Sane, sensible suggestions by
Face Creams.
To walk into a drug store and see
a tempting array of pleasant smell
ing, ribbon-tied face creams would
mystify any woman.
Too often the saleswoman is
given a fee for recommending cer
tain creams that are really harmful
to the skin. N
One of the very best cleansing
creams used to take off either dirt
or makeup, is made of olive oil and
There isn't anything better for
the skin than olive oil. Many wom
en use it without any other ingred
ient. If the odor't pleasant to you,
it is easy enough to add a few drops
of essence of rose.
The suspicion that it darkens the
skin is untrue. We've used it plen
tifully and our skins are very fair.
Olive oil feeds the skin, fills out
the hollows, and keeps the face
smooth, while it doesn't make hair
If you do not care for the olive
oil rub at night, a good mixture is
made by pouring half a cup of olive
oil into a tin box of a good pure
cleansing cream and beating them
It is easier to rub this mixture
into the face than to use the oil
alone. It is of a consistency that
is easier to handle.
Cocoa butter is excellent for the
Arch Preserver Shoes
for Women
Don't fill your shoes with a
heavy bunglesome metal arch
support, only adding to the
burden of your tired, over
worked feet.
Arch Preserver Shoes are
constructed, scientifically to
distribute the weight of the
body evenly over the entire
walking surface, insuring the
wearer perfect foot comfort at
all times.
They may be had in Black
or Brown fine Glaze kid, or
fine White cloth, round or nar
row toes, high heel or low.
Exclusive Omaha Agency
1419 Farnam St.
Mail Orders Solicited.
You Can't Brush Or
Wash Out Dandruff
'The only sure way to get rid of
dandruff i3 to dissolve it, then you
destroy it entirely. To do this, get
about four ounces of ordinary liquid
arvon; apply it at night when re
tiring; use enough to moisten the
scalp and rub it in gently with the
finger tips.
Do this tonight, and by morning
most, if not all, of your dandruff
will be gone, and three or four more
applications will completely dissolve
and entirely destroy every single
sign" and trace of it, no matter how
much dandruff you may have.
You will find. too. that all itch
ing and digging of the scalp will stop
at once and your hair will be fluffy,
lustrous, glossy, silky and soft, and
look and feel a hundred times better.
You can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It is inexpensive and
never fails to do the work.
There is only one medicine that
really stands ont pre-eminent as a
medicine for curable ailments of the
kidneys, liver and bladder.'
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands
the highest for the reason that it
has proven to be just the remedy
needed In thousands and thousands
of distressing cases. Swamp-Koot
makes friends quickly because its
mild and immediate effect is soon
realized In most cases. It Is a gentle,
healing vegetable compound.
Start treatment at once. Sold at
all drug stores in bottles of two
sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to test
this great preparation send ten
cents to Dr. Klmer & Co., Blng
hamton, N. Y., for a sample bottle.
When writing be sure ajd mention
The Omaha Be,
skin, to be applied Jiefore retiring
at night. It is especially good for
thin faces, as it feeds the skin.
Vaseline isn't as pleasant to use,
but it is most effective.
Beware of strongly scented
creams! They are often made from
cheap materials and are scented to
hide that fact.
In massaging the face with any
kind of cream, rub the skin gently.
It is fatal to beauty to do rough
massaging. It not only brings wrin
kles, but it causes broken veins.
In the morning, after leaving a
good cream on the face over night,
remove it with warm water.
Do not put soap on the face. Dash
cold water in the face to make it
firm. Then rub in a good cream
until it disappears.
Wipe the face with prepared
gauze before powdering.
If you have used soap and the
face is irritated, put cotton satur
ated with witch hazel over the in
flamed parts and leve it there for
10 minutes.
Do not put anything on your face
that isn't pure enough to be eaten.
A certain Chicago manufacturer
tats his creams and rouge to prove
their purity.
Copyright National Newspaper Service.
A Shoe
that come
up and itayt up
to the foot arch.
Parcel Post Paid
A mother whose strength is
over-wrought or who is thin,
pale or nervous, should find re
newed energy in every drop oi
Let it help turn your daily
tasks fromaburdentopleasure.
Scott's Emulsion is abundant
in those nourishing ele
ments that every mother
in the land needs.
Scott & Bowne. Bloomfield. N. J. 19-1
Tells How To Open Clogged Nos
trils and End Head-Colds.
You feel fine in a few moments.
Your cold in head or catarrh will be
gone. Your clogged nostrils will
open. The air passages of your
head will clear and you can breathe
freely. No more dullness, headache;
no hawking, snuffling, mucous dis
charges or dryness; no struggling
for breath at night.
Tell your druggist you want a
small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm.
Apply a little of this fragrant, anti
septic cream in your nostrils, let it
penetrate through every air passage
of the head; soothe and heal the
swollen, inflamed mucous mem
brane, and relief comes instantly.
It is just what every cold and ca
tarrh sufferer needs. Don't stay
stuf fed-up and miserable.
Miscellaneous Shower.
A miscellaneous shower was given
for Misses Mary and Anna Riha
Sunday afternoon at the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Kiha. Those present were Misses
Asnes Kiha, Mary Stehneo. Josic
Shromek, Josie Vacek, Emily Roza,
Frances Roza, Agnes Roza, Rose
Kyral, Agnes Tourek, Mary Tourek,
Maty Blech'a, Matilda Reidman,
Cajhrine Reiter, Rose Moran, Goldie
Demel and Frances Pisksch.
Aiirraal Spriii
of Better Furniture at
The season of the year when this store presents the greatest values of
the year. Note the items and read the prices; they spell extraordinary economy
in worth while homefurnishings.
Beautiful Queen Anne Buffets
A wonderful assortment in both American Walnut and Jacobean
Oak, styles that are up to the minute. Many different sizes,
but the qualities are all excellent, and beautifully finished. An
nual Spring Sale Price
$64, $85, $90, $95 and Better
Queen Anne Style
Dining Tables
We show a big assortment in
walnut and Jacobean oak, in
48-inch and 54-inch size tops;
qualities are the very best,
and all are finished as this
high-grade furniture should
Annual Spring Sale Prica
$60, $70,
William and Mary
Period Style
Dining Tables
We display an elegant assort
ment in both American walnut
and Jacobean finished oak, both
in 54-inch and 48-inch tops.
Annual Spring Sale Price
$50, $65, $70, $76
Table Lamps
The selection is so large and va
ried that it's useless in this
space to describe them. All
sizes and styles, and many color
combinations, at from
$6.50, $7.50, $9,
$11 and Up
Council Bluffs,
Card Parties.
The women of Our Lady of
Loudres church will give a card
party Thursday evening at the par
ish house. Thirty-second avenue and
Francis street.
Mrs. James Fitzgerald entertained
four tables at whist Wednesday
afternoon. Mrs. E. A. Gibson and
daughter, Miss Elizabeth, of Detroit,
were honor guests. Valentine dec
orations were used.
Period Style
These elegant pieces of fur
niture are made in walnut,
brown mahogany and ivory
enamel. Many different
styles and sizes; qualities
only the best.
Annual Spring Sale Price
$59.50, $65
and Up
Period Style
Library Tables
in mahogany, golden and fumed
oak. Some are the handsomest
tables produced. All are ele
gant qualities.
Annual Spring Sale Price
$29.50, $35
and $43
Floor Lamps
Closing out all Shades and
Lamp Bases.
The Shades are of many col
ors rose, blue, old gold,
mulberry and color combina
tions at from
$17.50 and Up
The Bases are mostly of ma
hogany, dull finished; some
antique gold styles. Prices
$14 and Up
Omaha Deliveries Almost Daily
Cuticura Soap
The Safety Razor
Shavind Soap
Cuticura Soap ihsTte without ma-. Eterrwtiara He
Tapestry Rockers
Overstuffed styles in many
shapes and sizes and different
patterns of fine tapestry, at
$55, $60, $65
Mahogany framed rockers with
tapestry upholstered backs and
Annual Spring Sale Prices
$19.75, $22.50
and $25
Dressing Tables
Dressing Tables in all woods
nd finishes, and there are many
styles to pick from; every odd
dressing table has a low sale
price tag on it.
$21.00, $35.00
and Up
Tapestry and
Velour Davenports
like the cut. These are fine up
holstered pieces that are every
thing in comfort.
Annual Spring Sale Prices
$98, $125,
$150 Up
Council Bluffs,