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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1920)
4 THE BEE: OMAHA. THURSDAY. FEBKUAKY 12. 1920. D AWAY HEADACHE Rub Musterole on Forehead and Temples A headache remedy without the dan oers of "headache medicine." Relieves headache and that miserable feeling from colds or congestion. And it acts at oncel Musterole is a clean, white oint tneni made with oil of mustard. Better than mustard plaster and does not blister. Used only externally, and in no way can it affect stomach and heart, as some internal medicines do. Excellent for sore throat, bronchitis, croup, stiff neck, asthma, neuralgia, congestion, pleurisy, rheumatism, lum bago, all pains and aches of the back orjoints, sprains, sore muscles, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest (it often prevents pneumonia). 30c and 60c jarr, hospital size $2.50, Remove Those, Hairs Roots and All! (Absolutely N-w Method) The new way to remove rlifisin rinir growths of superfluous hair, roots and nil, will astonish and delight you. You never w or heard of nnyth n like it before. It is not depilatory and not eloi'l You simply Ret a stick at phfluctine i'tom your druiTKixt and follow the easy di rections at home. In a fnv seconds you havt removed the offending hn!rij, roots and all. With your own (ye you see the roots come rijtht out. Fhelartino is ab solutely harmless, non-poisonous and per fectly odorless. BAD COUGH; NIGHT Mr. Coleman thought his time had come. But he's well now. "I was taken with a dry, hard coujrh about 6 months bko. Finally I gut so sore across the cheat I could hardly breathe; hud nitrht swiats so bad every thing would be wrinjrim? wet, and coughed continually until I thought it would kill me. Had no appetite, spent oyer $100 on doctors and medicines, and was worse off than when I started. "The first bottle of Milks Emulsion did me more good than all the $100 . spent for other treatment. It soon ga,e me a good appetite, my cough left me, and I have regained the flesh and strength I had before 1 wasv sick." Arthur Coleman, Box 391, Helena, Ark. You need an appetite, a good stomach, and some real strength if you want to fight off diseases. Give Milks Emulsion a trial at its maker's risk. Milks Emulsion is a pleasant, nutri tive food and a corrective medicine. It re stores healthy, natural bowel action, do ins away with all need of pills and physics. It promotes appetite and quick ly puts the digestive organs in shape to assimilate food. As a builder of flesh and strength, Milks Emulsion is strong ly recommended to those whom sickness haa weakened, and is a powerful aid in resisting and repairing the effects of wasting diseases. Chronic stomach trou ble and constipation are promptly re lieved usually in one day. This is the only solid emulsion made, and so palatable that it is eaten with a spoon like ice cream. No matter how severe your case, you are urged to try Milks Emulsion under thia guarantee Take six bottles home with you. use ft according to directions and if not satisfied with the results, your money will be promptly refunded. Price 0o and $1.20 per bottle. The Milks Emulsion Co., Terre Haute, Ind. Sold by druggists everywhere. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. JiyyypiiiL;i;rgya - The Odredge-Reymolds ANNOUNCES They have acquired the services of a specialist in the making of switches and hair goods and you can have made from YOUR OWN 1-2-3 STRAND SWITCHES $1.50 to $3.00' also EAR PUFFS MADE FROM and HUMAN HAIR SWITCHES ON SALE AT ALL PRICES FROM $3.00 to $35.00 , Scientific Operators always in attendance For appointments telephone Tyler 1 701 SHAMPOO 76c-tl.OO HAIR CUT 25c FANCY HAIR DRESS 75c OIL TREATMENTS 60c and $1.00 HAIR SINGE 60c VIOLET RAY SCALP TREATMENTS $1.00 FRENCH PACK $1.00 VIOLET RAY FACIALS $1.00 DERMA PLASTER FACIAL PACKS $1.60 CLEANSING FACIAL 76c MANICURE 60c EYEBROW ARCH 60c Toilet Articles Hair Goods HANLEY BLASTS HOPES FOR SALE OF WHISKY HERE Dry Director Tells County Treasurers .In Convention Attorneys Generals Must Battle Law's Difference. The rift which many former de votees of "the (lowing howl" saw in the prohibition "cloud" during the last few weeks when James Hanley, federal prohibition director for Ne braska, announced that permits would be issued to druggists to sell wlmky on physicians' prescriptions, was blotted out to some extent by his sane Mr. Hanley, speaking yes terday betore the. 10th annual con vention of the county treasurers of Nebraska at the Hotel Rome. "1 will issue the permits to the druggists to sell whisky," said Mr. Hanley. "But if the state officers catch a druggist selling it they can" arrest him under the state law and prosecute him. "It is perfectly legitimate under the 18th amendment of the federal constitution to sell whisky for med icinal purposes. . It is not legitimate under the Nebraska state law to sell whisky fur medicinal purposes. Let the Fight Be On. "It is a question for the state and federal legal officers to decide and maybe for the courts finally to adjudicate. The attorney general of Nebraska has decided that the state law must govern. This would mean no whisky sales for any purpose. The attorney general of the United States has not yet given a decision. 1 expect more light on the subject when the special federal prohibition field supervisors arrive here. It may be that the courts will have to render a decision on a test case." County Treasurer Endres of Douglas county presided at the ses sion of the convention. Philip P.ross, secretary of the state finance department, presented the budget system as it is proposed to adopt it in Nebraska, and made a general talk on state taxation. Deputy State Auditor Gunderson told of methods of doing the state accounting. Secretary of State Amsberry spoke on the automobile license law. A special resolution was adopted by the convention calling upon the state department to consult with a committee of county treasurers to adopt a defmite, uniform method of collecting automobile taxes. Want Definite Compensation. "We need a definite interpretation of the law, ' said W. L. McCandless in presenting the resolution. A definite compensation must also be allowed the countv treasurers for the work they perform in collecting the automobile license fees in their counties." These committees were appointed by Mr. Endres: Legislation Joseph Roberts, Dodge county; V. L. McCandless, Custer county; J. P. Spearman, Sarpy county; William Aibers, Lan caster county, and P. A. Tomeck, Butler county. Auditing S. M. Souders, Lincoln county; F. L. Propst. York county, and George F. Grucnig. Hooker county. 1 The speakers this afternoon are George E. Johnson of the state de partment of public works and George K. Leonard of the motor vehicle department. Tonight at the Rome hotel there will be a banquet, at which E. R. Gurney, president of the Lion Bond ing company will speak. COMBINGS EAR PUFFS $1.50 HUMAN HAIR $3.00 i ' GENERAL WOOD WOULD MODIFY LEAGUE PACTl Gives Views on Covenant and j Peace Treaty at Behest 1 Of Borah. Chicago, Feb. 11. Gen. Leonard Wood, replying today to the request of Senator William E. Borah for views of republican presidential candidates on the league of nations and the peace treaty, said he be lived "that we should accept the league of nations as modified and I safeguarded by existing Lodge res I ervatiotis." I General Wood declared that in his 1 opinion the people at large Jiad I indicated they favored the treaty, j provided America's rights were fully safeguarded and that he did not be lieve it necessary to .lelay con- sideration for a general election. Wood's Reply in Full. The reply, made public tonight, follows: "I belivc that we should accept the league of nations as modified and safeguarded by the existing Lodge reservations, reservations that Americanize it and safeguard our traditional policies, reservations which leave America absolutely free and untrammelled to follow the will of her own people in all questions of foreign and domestic policy. "I, of course, at all times favor getting the views of the people of the country' where it is practicable. However, in view of the fact that the people have clearly indicated as I see it that they are in favor of the treaty if our traditional poL icies are. safeguarded, it seems un necessary to delay this most im portant question for a general elec tion in which their views could I Steine-Blaine Model as illustrated hardly lie more decisively expressed than they have already been. Favors Foreign Policy. "With reference to your question as to my views on the foreign policy of this "government, I am in favor of, and shall continue to be in favor of, the well established foreign policy of this government which conserves and promotes the interests of our own country. I do not think this treaty, with the reservations, impairs that policy. It does not entangle us, it leaves us free to exercise our own judgment; it is temporary if we choose to have 'it so; we can retire on two years' notice. "One aim of America's foreign policy has always been the promo tion of the peace of the world. In order to accompli.h this end, its people must be free in any situa tion to stand for righteouness according to their judgment. As an important menus to that end, instrumentalities should be created and developed by which, consistent ly with this freedom, the momentum of the other free and peace lov ing nations of the world acting concurrently with us, can be added to our efforts." Republican Heads Confer on Details of National Convention Chicago, Feb. 11. Will H Hays, chairman of the republican national committee; A. T. Hert, chairman of the convention committee, and Fred W. Upham, formerly national treas urer, conferred on details of the na tional convention here June 8. " It was announced that 13.400 seats would be provided in the Coliseum, several hundred more than for the 1916 convention. A gold badge, with a medallion of Lincoln suspended from an American flag, was decided upon for the delegates and sergeant- Ili at-arms and his assistants. Alter nates will wear a bronze badge simi lar in (lesign. 30 Injured in Wreck. . Louisville, Feb. 11. Thirty per sons were injured, 1(1 of them se riously, when a heavily loaded street car and a Louisville & Nashville accomodation train crashed here on a grade crossing. Mrs. Felix Dumas, wife of a city councilman, and Mrs. H. H. Metz suffered internal in juries and (truth t as to their recovery is entertained. Teachers Get Raise. ' Chicago, Feb. 11. Teachers in the Chicago elementary schools Wednesday obtained a salary in crease of $450 a year and hiaih school teachers an incrrase of $400 under a decision by the board of education. The increases are retroativc to Jan uarv 5. Stop the "Flu" in Before it Stop Congestion and Inflammation Quick By Using Safe, Soothing "Ulypto Ointment." The "flu" Kcrm enters thp body :it the nose or throut nnd at once inflammation and conrrsUon. if you sneeze, have pains in the cyeH, ears, head or back: if your tyes look bloodshot, your nose runs, or you couh, foel weak and look tick, either one or several of these '.yniptnms point to the dangers of the "flu" for you. Whatever internal treatment you take, one fact is certain, a local application to relieve the inflamma tion and congestion in the nose or throat is imperative. You cannot do better to relieve these inflammations than a simple application of a comnound of euca!yo tus essences, called "Ulypto Oint For Sale and Recommended at ail Nt " I y la, Annual Banquet of Omaha Real Estate Board Monday The annual banquet of the Oma ha Real Estate board will be held at the Hotel Fontenclle next Mon day night. Thomas lngersoll of Minneapolis,' Minn., secretary of the National Association of Real Es tate boards, will be the principal speaker. More than 200 members of the Omaha board are expected to attend. Omaha Democrats to Form "Hitchcock President" Club Organi7ation among Omaha dem ocrats of a llitrhcock-for-President club will be effected at a meeting called at the Paxton hotel for Thursday evening at 8. The meeting is called bv Sophus F. Nebel. W. J. Coad, G. j. Kleffner, A. F. Mullen, James C. Dahlman, W. A. Schall, H. JJanicl and j. a. tune Your Head Gets to the Lungs! ment." Physiciana know the (treat value of various extracts taken from the eucalyptus tree. "Ulypto Oint ment" nives splendid result on in flammations and congestions; it is exquisitely soothing, never blisters, contains no mustard odor or in Bieilients. One application usually produces quick relief quick, that's essential. "Ulypto Ointment" is splendid in :ases of backache, neuralgia, rheu matic pains, stiff muscles or joints, earache, chest colds and head colds. "Ulypto Ointment" is sold at all drug stores at 25c and f0c a jar. or sent on receipt of price by the MarMillan Chemical Co., Kails City, Neb. leading drug stores. Advance Fashion Displays Former! Springtime Frocks 1009) I ! j A conspicuous indescribable impression of smartness which distinguishes them from the commonplace. Ultra Exclusive Styles $75.00 to $98.50 For every changing hour and every occasion of the new season fulfilling every ideal of fashion from the daring to the conservative. Clever Originations $110.00 to $198.50 Reflecting in every fascinating detail in every charming style feature the perfection that, is accomplished only at the hands of master artists. One Case of 'Tlu" Reported The influenza situation in Omaha was brought almost to the vanish ing point Tuesday, when only one new case was reported to the health department. Three deaths from in fluenza and four from pneumonia were reported during the last 24 hours. Diseased Teeth Demand Immediate Attention You who neglect or delay will pay the price in broken health, ruined appearance, suffering; additional loss of time and extra expense. The only way you can beat Dame Nature is by attention to her demands and needs you'll never do it by abuse. We have good dental service to offer you the best anywhere in the west for the price good through and through, and responsibly guaran teed. Call for free examination and estimate and talk over your needs with us. EXPERT X-RAY SERVICE TEETH SBfl ..,rr?VA'tS 1324 Farnam St. Corner 14th and Famam Phone Douglas 2872 Bensoiv scheme wlat Each model expressing new fashion ' in an unusual, way youth and charm in every distinctive line. 0 Dresses of Distinction $49.50 to $69.50 feature of this display is the Army Sergeant, 22 Years In Service, Dies at Fort Crook Ordnance Sergt. Jeremiah J. Toomey, 45 years old, died at Fort Crook at 5 p. in. Tuesday. The body as taken yesterday to his horn in Camden, N. J. Sergeant Toomey had served a years in tne army. McKenney Dentists at IOC themes original Dress Shop- -Third Floor :SECOND FLOOR: