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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 12, 1920)
; r A . fL.. THE BEE: -OMAHA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 1920. 'IS REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Dundee. Dundee Colonial Home Thta Hi a nearly new J-story and attlo 1-roorA modern house, located on large corner lot lOftxUe ft., with a beautiful lawn and an abundance of shrubbery. , House ta finished in birch mahogany and ivory enamel with a floor throughout; has tiled front ves tibule, central hall with coat cloaet, largo living rooroj with brink fireplace, attractive dining room, largo pantry and cotivenlent kitchen first floor: 4 corner bedrooma with large clothes closets, 2 linen cloeeta, up-to-date bath room with tiled floor and walla, tlled in tub, pedestal lavatory, etc., secnn floor;' mald'a room, complete bath aea trunk room on third floor; full cement ed basement with laundry room, soft watrtr connections with cistern, shower bath, etra toilet, fruit room, storage room, fiirnaoe room, etc. Beautifully decorated throughout; convenient to cur line; price J1V"H. The Interior must lie eeen to be appreciated. An attractive home at a right price. Reasonable term. Fowler & McDonald REALTORS. T'iniir. T 428. USO ntyN'at Bk. HI.Ik. DUNDEE IMvirttf room, dining room, un runm .id kitchen first floor; lour tie Irunms, -Ul tint a necond floor; floored at tin; f1nJ iHhert In wulnut and white enamfl; has alt bin lt-tn fwituri; KaVaK for twcum( with driveway; attrnrtively located. Act ijuu lUy. Prlo Hl.fiOO. Harry M. Christie Company .KeeHne UUlw. Tyler ;2H. We n-iali-- In Iuiitl,e homus. C. B. STUHT CO.. 913-14 City National. Douglas 87S7. REAL ESTATE WANTED YOU WANT RESULTS V havti list vt 1-5 buyers who want to buy ho man In Omaha. Some want modern houses, others part mod rn, If your house Is fur sale phone, write or romo In and see us. We want to noil it for you. Creigh, Sons & Company TCiltabllahed Douglas lot). 60SBee B!ilR. v I Can Pay $1,000 down on a modern flveer six-room cottage or bungalow. Trefer to be on puved street, not over two blocks to car and must he In white neighbor hood. Give ull description, address and best price in first, letter. Box T-37, Omaha Bee. v H 11AVK nerved" the Omaha public Tn buying and selling real csluto for over 86 years. We have many calls now for homes. List your property with us. AVe will serve you to your best interest. McGague Investment Co. "WILI pijy rash for good six or sevn room home. Must be well located and priced right. Keply giving full de scription. . .BoxrT-8, Omaha Bee. To buv or s 11 Omaha Real Estate ne fowler & Mcdonald 1120 fity Nat'bBank Bldg. Doug. 1428. Wki have buvers waiting. List with EDWARD 'WILLIAMS CO., 803 Omaha National Bk. Bldg. LIST your property wtlh TH KO. V. PETERSON COMPANY, 4.'S Omaha Nat'l Bank. Doug. 724. WE HAVK cash buyers for cottages and bungalows nicely located. Shrlver, 1047 9 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. P. 1636. WILL buy a few good contracts, second mortgages, or mech., liens. Chas. L. Pease, Till Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATR and all kinda of Insurance. HERMANSEN & CO. 74S Omaha Na'. Bank Bldg. "Wi'l have tha customerR and can soli your property; list with John W. Bobbins, 681 Brandels Theater. P. E29. WANT 5 or ti.roon house, modern or part modern, on payments, for colored. Webster 4150, or Tyler 2724. " 'FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. PRIVATE MONEY RHOPKN & COMPANY. Doug. 422(1. MONEY to lend on improved Real Estate. Interest pavable semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS & SON, 828 Keellno Bldg. 5MAHA HOMES EAST. NEB. FARMS, O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Don. 2716. PRIVATE MONEVA " 1100 toi J10.000 made prortiutly, F. J. WEAD. Wead Bldg. 10 8. 18th St 100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg. 18th and Farnam. P. K. gUCK. Loans. 423 Omaha Nat. Stocks and Bands. SAFU INVESTMENT, s , Wanted $2,000 loan on $3,000 frater nal .Insurance policy, Man wishing to 1 make loan is beneficiary. Face of pellcy will come to beneficiary upon death of . Insured, who la 61 years old and In poor health. Will arrange matters so that entlra $3,000 will be paid to note holder upon death of Insured, and will keep up premiums in insurance. Ohnuce to make from $500 to $1,000 In short time. A An reus Bee. Box M-3. i T-VfO quarter-acre tracts Gulf Coast De velopment and Keffnlng Co. Make offer. i Address Y 940. Omaha Bee. i 10$ SHARES Bankers' .Really Investment Co., $1.00 per share. 7 per cent stock. Address Y fit, Omaha Bee. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Arkansas Land's. ARKANSAS I can show you corn mak ing, (50) bushels on $40 land: fine fruit and berries. Ideal dairy country, splen did water and climate. I have large list of bargains. Write John P. Jones. Alpen.t Pass. Ark, Colorado- Lands. Colorado Land For Sale Five thousand acres' twenty miles south of Matheson, Colo.: all tillable; 2,000 acres under cultivation, 3.000 prairie; sandy loam sell, watered with windmill; three good sets of improve ment, wortk! from $7,000 to $10,000 each. Cropj are corn, wheat, rye, beans and potatoes. Well fenced in sections and half sections: school house on the ranch: five telephones, storf, rural mall dalivery. Price $20 to $bff .pei-acre; half cash, terms on balance. This Is a real farm, 'lays Ideal. Will sell all or any part from 160 acres up. Price according to number of acres under cultivation nd Improvements. H. A. Robinson, Colorado Springs. Colo. 1124 N. lejon St. land bargains must sacrifice 1 FhilKus Ce., Colorado, land. Production ' equal to eastern Nebraska; $300 land at ' onlv $70 per acre. Third of 10(1. acres of "wheat on each quarter delivered to market 6 miles. Half section with $10. 000 Improvements; 220 acres cultivated; 90 acres la wheat; third delivered to market 4' miles, $90 per acre. One fourth down, balance subject to mort gages aud yearly payments. Wire or write owner, 1540 Logan St., Apt. 8, Denver. ' . LAND SEEKERS. Those that want to buy farms and ranches, both dry and irrigated lands, also city property, call or write for gits of same. W. L. Irwin, 1410 Stout St.. Denver. Colo. SO, 000 acrea choice raw or unproved Lln coln Co.. -Colo. lands. Bargains. Easy term. See J. L. Maurer. Arrlbe, Colo. - Kansas Lands. A WELL LOCATED RANCH for quick sale, on Kansas, Colo., Blvd., ' three miles county seat and K. R. ; dally mall and teleptrmie; 880 A. deeded. 800 A. leasTiIJlSO A. in cultivation and 1,500 A. pasturoVlO mi wire fence; 7rroom modern residence, frame shinftle ' roof. granaryV- garage and hen houses stable for 10 horses; winamui. weu ana uou; tattle shed and 7 -ft. tight board corral .,, 1). I .4. AAa. nn..h.!f . K a , I3S.O. ruv. , , - - eal. carried at 7 peY cent. This offer expires March 1. Call or write owner, 8. F. swan, L.eoti. jvansas NORTH-CENTRAL KANSAS LAND W have fop sale "choice wheat and eoru- land. $50 to $100 -per acre; good ranches. Vih to $50 per acre; on Plain- vlll branch of U. P. R. R.. west of Sallna. Wrtta us your wants. We can suit you. CfWll A CLE ART, l,iiry. Russell County, Kansas. frOR SALE QUICK (Jood 80 acres, 46 miles southwest of Kansas City: JH miles northwest of Wellsvllle; 11-Voom modern house; natural gas; cattle. barn, S0x55 feet; room for 40 head; hay barn, 65x66 feet; room for MS head; good out buildings; big cement supply tank, wind . milt, water tn both barns; 40 acres in pasture, rest In blue grassland, wheat; 1 mtle from school; price $100 per acre, e. W. Hughs. 4)rner. Wellsvllle. Kan. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Kansas Lands. FOR 8 ALE 1(0 aeres smooth western Kansas wheat land, close to town, $4,000; quarter further out, $2,(00. Write V. K. Nlquette. Sallna, Kan. Missouri Lands. SPRING CREEK FARM 120 acres: plenty of Improvements; fruit. Com made 40 tiunhels per acre. Running water. $2,810, raxy terms. B',r,94J Mountain View, Mo. New Yorkiands. .LEV EN thousand five hundred buys 101 ui-rcs, mtle from village, station; jnac uilum road to Buffalo, U'miie school, ;lendld buildings, D-room house, furnace, water, gambrel roof, concrete basement, liarn, forty by tlKlity: horso barn, hog housi1, cost seven hundred; hennery, :'lxty apple trees: including hay, grain, Mrnw, tMisilaxe, 21 head cattle, team, hogs, forty te'ys. potato digger. Jise har row, roller, rpt'tng harrow, UriU, weeder. Milky cultlvufev, sulky plow, tudder, waituns, sleighs, hainesacs. mtrsing m.i i hitie, auto truck, l-'lvn thousand cash. Krne llst Ellls Bros., Sprlngyllle, N. Y. Nebraska Lands. fOTous'buzzard roost ranch FOR RENT " Forty miles northwest if Kearney, Neb. One mile niirlh of EddyvUle. Neb., 1'niuii Pacific It. R. runs directly tlirouKh the smith portion of ranch, liav ltK switi h and loading station less than iuarttr mile ((om corralls and ranch linuses; four thuiisand acres all securely fenced, abundant water; act qul. k; im mediate pofsesstmi; price $7,090. Ad dress B. R. IIEDGLIN, EDDY V1LLK, NEC. At'nt fur Mnry A. (,'olton, AduiiniHtratrlx, Kstato rif Johji t. f'olton, l-vcwed. 20 ACRES Norih of b'h)r''nct) about J i mtt" from the t-nd of the car line;hlg'h and fciKhily tract; very well improvetl, modern, practically new 7-room stucco house; fitio larsa. burn una chlckpn huUHt1; cavt: wll; $ a, grapes, fitio buarintf orcliard; ;4falffl, nnparugus, stu.ill fruit; garden; land Ilea fine. A mojioy maker and a bargain at Jlft.OOU. Will con.sijer 5 or 10 a. as part pay- D. V. SHOLES CO., KK.M.TOIta. rtmn(..4il. ClS-17 Cily Nat'l. Bank Bldg. 1,441) ACliK janch In fainoua pntatc? and grain belt, Davves Co., Nebraska., five mile from good railroad town, ouo mile from school; good roads, good Kull. Land some rolling. More than half good for potatoes, grain and al lulia. All well grassed; two good wells fine water; i to 5 wire fence; $;10 per ai re. Write, or call on owner. Gregory's iliisnllne Killing Station. Crawford, Neh. Id') ACKK farm for wale. B miles from good town, level road and level land, all blai k soil, liood 7-room house in good cundltloii; on main road; 0 acres pas ture; ham for S head horses; granary; hHii house; windmill and well; two cis terns: 120 aeres wheat gees with place, at $7I per acre, if sold by March 1. Box Arnpahoe. Keh. ' c5rn and a i .fa i, fa pakms improvkd; in centhai, nf;uuaska at the riclit price. Write for list. I.AHKON & CARRAHKK, Central City. Nebraska. WKITK me for pictures and prices of my farms and randies in good old Dawes Co. Arah I,. Ilungerford, Crawford. Neb. For Neb. Farms and Ranches see Graham-Teters Realty Co., ST9 Om.-ajt'IBk.Bldg.Omaha. BArTTXiNS In farnii" with possession March 1. St." A. lllhhons. lilkhnrn. Neb. A. A. PATZM N. Karma. 301 Karboch Blk. South Dakota Lands. $1,100. perfect 1K0 acres corn, alfalfa, land. Hobart, Bohenix Bldg., Mlnne- , apolis. i Wisconsin Lands. LAND01.OUY, a maKazine giving the facts in regard to the land situation. Three months' subscription, FREE. If for a home or as an .Investment you are thinking of buyinsr erood farm lands, simply write me a letter find say "Mall me landuluuy and an particulars, FREE." Address Editor, Landolosy, Skidrnore Land Co., 433 yiiidmore Bldg., Marinette. Wis. Wyomine Lands. I HAVE a good 80-cre improved, lrrl- 'gaieu iarnt in ine nig norn jtaniu, y oming. 1 will rent for on to threo yeara for one-third of grain In bin on place and one-half of alfalfa In stack. If in terested come and seo- ma on br before February 16, VJ20. Robert S. Trumbull Tyler 785. 1305 First Nat'l. Bk. Bldg. Miscellaneous. FARMS FOR SALE. In southeast Colorado and southwest Kansas; 657 acres. Improved, wheat and corn land; 120 acres broke, balance fine pasture; all tillable; alw 14 quarter sections, all fine farm land; $12.50 to $25 per acre. Corn and wheat made 20 to 50 bushels per acre last season. This locality la booming and prices go ing up rapidly. Buy now. "Write George S. Allen, owner, 601 Jackson St., To peka, Kan. AUTOMOBILES. , For Sale. A REAL BARGAIN IN' tills BVICK TOURING. '. NEW TIRES, EXCELLENT CONDI fl'lo.V. . CALL ROOM 4, BAXI1D BLDG. TYLER 6240, OR DOCGLAS 7020.V RENT A NEW FORD! DRIVE IT YOURSELF 124 CENTS PER MILK, OAS AND INSi: RANCH EXTRA. OUR CARS ARli COMFORTABLY HEATED FOR WIN TER SEKViCK. DRIVF-IT-YOCRPELF-COMPANY. Formerly .ford -livery co. ISM HOWARD STREET. DOUO. 3C2S. IVi-TON new truck, 25 per cent, discount for quicK sale; $600 first-payment, bal ance in 10 monthly payments. This truck will be sold with a rellablo guarantee. Call Mr. Wit'ht. room 92U Conairt hotel, or Mr. Smith, Harney 3M. 97 BTjfCkT-7 FIVE new tires, newly refinislied and painted, maroon; motor In A-l mechan ical hatiF. Call Tyler 4072 and oast" for M r. iia ryow. X PROMPT- DKLIVERY ON ALL MODELS NEBRASKA WHITE CO. ERED D. C. ROGERS, MGR. TYLER 1767. r 1407-21 Caplto, Ave. RELIABLE automobile school; best elec trical and self-starter ourses dazand nlKht school; come flow; free catalogue. National Automobile School, 2811 North Twentieth, Omaha. USED cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, SES3 Farnam 9t.N ' Doug. H70. KEYSTONE MOTORS CO. 2203 Farnam St. Douglas 2181. STANDARD .WINTON . E4ght Sin FOR SALE miCadillac Coupe. Good mechanical condition. Owner leaving . city and must sell car at ence, $700. Can be eeen at th(T Blue Garage, 26th and Farnam streets. SOME bargains In used Ford cars. Mc Caffrey Motor Co. ThSHanfly Ford Service Station, 15th and Jackson, Douglas 3500. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. 23H0 Farnam St..- BEST VALUES IN USED CARS. TRAWVER AUTO CO. 1910 FARNAM. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY, 2620 Farnam St. . FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNTS. Look for the red seal on wlnshleld. UNITED AUTO PARTS CO., 2032 FARNAM. EXCEPTIONAL U8ED CAR8. WANTED For spot cash, 100 trsed cars; quick action; no delay,. Auto Exchange Co.. 2059 Farnam St. Doug. 6035. WE HAVE 60 good used oars to select from. All prices. METJKS AUTO CO.. 2028 Farnam. REDI-MADE GARAGES, wood or steel. Send :for circular Redi-Made Housing Co.. 2311 Hrlt-ara. Red, 3657. FIVEPASSENiuER touring car; almost new, $1,200; one-third cash; balance in 10 payments. Room 929 Conant Hotel. HIGHEST prices paid for Ford cars. Web ster 430. " GOOD USED CARS. GUY L SMITH. Auto Livery and Garages. TRUCKS All sizes, for hire. eervlce. best rates. Tyler 1978. Best Repairing and Painting. - RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED. . Manufactured in Omaha. 24-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG.. CO., lilt Cuming St. Tyler 917. AUTOMOBILES. Tires and Supplies. NSW TIHES, STRICTIA FIKs r soaw $1190 m4 :o.i,o keaXeks and aoents waktek. A STANDABO TIRE CO., 410 N. 16th.- PtJiE- usi:n TIRKS DIRT CHEAP. 20x1. $4.00; SOxJ'4. $5.00 AH slues in proportion. Look over our rebuilts. Open Sundays. Tylnr 29S. US lbth St. Keystone Tire Shop. $0xSH FISK....lil- 4x4 $20.5 30x3 $. ' !"9, KAIMAN TIRE TOBBEBpjMlNa ACTO eleTtriiaf repuirsT service station -for Bayfield carburetor and Columbia storage liatterlesKdWards tl Jf-i UADIArOna'"' repaired." C. "Hisaaser,2523 S. 21st St. Tyler 4009. Beat work; rea sonable prlces. aoith-FORl radlatois for sale. Tyler uus. Motorcycles and Bicycles. lURLKr - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCI-hft Bargains in used machines. Victor H. Roos. the motorcycle man. 27th ana Leavenworth Sts. Horses Liue Stock. Vehicles. HARNESS', SADDLES AND TRAVELING GOODS. Wa make ..thciii ourselves and sell di rect to the" consumer, no middleman's profit. High grade goods at firat tost. Store Is 60 years old and our guaran tee la good. We have large stock ot war harness at low prices. Alfred Cornish & co. Successors to Colling & Morrison. 1210 Farnam St. 800 Sets of Harness, S ADD LB AND COLLARS at SoV-r cent dw-ount; free list price. Midwest Harness Co., 706 N. 16th St; Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE One Wilk's mare and year- JII1K CUH, ULiiu iriairicw nuv, ..... B.u.... . -aims of Dan Patch, AW sound. Ash -I 1314. O. A. Callatln. Gretna. Net). SOUND Y-yVn'r-old horse, wight 1,200 pounds. 2421 Cuming St. I). J9'.9. POULT RYANDZ PESTjCCiC S. ,'' HUFI ORPIUNGTON WCKKKKI, cheap tor quick sale; line birds. Wal mul!;;!K SNOW While Ruck Cockerels, also eggs for hatching. Valnut2S8. ' T.ifol liiSL AND RED cockerel lor sale. South 1665. PERSONAL. TUB SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits jout- old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodtri' street. WILL Marian Braman, who left Spokane In September, 191S, please write an "old friend?" Porcy Collin, Cashmere, Wash., c-o. T. A. Wlngate. Box 49. EM 11.111 STURM Please write "to .1. G Hofocker, care Bakery, Gypsum, Kan. FACE masi-age, manicuring. Lady oper ator, ill) North l"th St, MONEY TO LOAN. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harrv jMalashock; U14 Dodge. D. 6619. Es. 1894. FARM and city loans. E. H. LOUOEK. INC.. 628 Keeline Bide. OMAHA PRODUCE Oysters "King Cole," Chesapeake stand ards, small cans, 32c; -large cans, 65c; per gallon, $2.35. "King Cole." Chesapeake se lects, small cans, 38c; large cans. 60c; per gallon, $2.75. "King Cole," north-em standards, small cans, 3Sc; large cans, 65c; per gallon, $2.80. "King Cole," north ern selects, small cans, 43c; large cans, ic; per gallon, $3.15. "King Cole" counts, small cans, 48c; large cans, 75c; per gal lon, $3.40. Shell oysters, per 100 cotuit, $2.75; blue points, $1.50. Clams, per 100, little necks, clwrry stones, $1.75; quohogs, large, $3.00. Mommoth celery, per doi., $1.75. Frnnen Fish Fancy pan frozen, dressed Bayfield herring, single layer pans, per lb., 7c; box lots, 5c; fancy pan frozen, Jersey Whiting, per' lb., 6c; box lots, 4c; fancy halibut, medium, per lb., 24c; chicken, per lb., 21c; fancy' black cod (chief -of low priced fish), per lb., 16c; fancy salmon, red, per ib 25c; pink, per lb., 20c; fancy trout 'medium sizes), per lb., 24c; fancy wnitefisn, Selkirk, pan frozen, per lb., 20c; fancy yellow pike, No. 1, per lb., 18c; fancy dressed Jack pickerel, per lb., 16c; fancy frozen tullibee white fish, per lb., 12c; box lots, lo less; black bass, per lb., 20S5c; croppies, per lb., 16 if 2 2c; suufish, per lb., 10c; yellow perch, per lb., 12HJ16c; fancy headless ling cod, per lb., 12c; fancy headless pollock, per lb., 7c. Fresh Fish Catfish, per lb.. 23c; bull heads. 22c; halibut, 26c; whiteflsh. Lake S-uperlor, market trout, medium sizes, SOc; btack bass, 25 35c; croppies, 24c. Finnan haddle, 30-lb. box, per lb., 18c; smoked whiteflsh, 10-lb. baskets, per lb., 23c; kip pered salmon, 10-lb. bsr, per lb., 32o; neadless shrimp, per gal., $1"T5; medium frogs, per doz., $2.00; peeled shrimp, per gal., $2.50; lobsters, per lb., 60c scallops, per gal.. $4.75; crab meat, per can, $1.60. AVholfsala prices of beef cuts effective February 9 are as follows: No. 1 ribs, 36c; No. 2 ribs, 27c: No. 3 ribs, 20c; No. 1 loins. 46c, No. 2 loins, 32c; No. 3 loins, 23c; No. 1 rounds, Wfac; No. 2 rounds, 22c; No. 3 rounds. 18Hc; No. 1 chucks, 14 c; No. 2 chucks, 12c; No. 3 chucks, 9V4c; No. 1 plates, 13c; No. 2 plates, 10c; fo. 3 plates, 8 "Ac Prices furnished by Gallnsky & Co. Grape Fruit Dr. PhillipB, 64, 64, 70, 80, 96. $5.00. - Fruits Oranges, 150. 116. $6 5D; 216, 200, 176, $6.75; 252, 2S8, 324. $6.00. Lemons. 300, 360 Sunklst, $8.00; 300, 260 Red Ball. $7 50. Bananas, per lb.. 9c. Pears De'Anjlou, $4.50. Apnles Delicious, extra fancy, 64, 300, $5; Delicious, extra fancy,,. 133, small, $4.75; Winter Bananas, extra fancy, $4.76; Winter Dananas, fancy, $4.25; Jonathan extra fan:y, $3.50; Jonathan fancy, $3.25; Jonathan. C grade, $2.90; Wincsaps, $3.15; W. W. Pearmaln, $3.16; extra fancy Rome Beauties, small sizes. $3.00. Sweet potatoes Jersey Hampers, $3; bbl. Virginia, 21.50. - Cranberries Bid. late Howes. $12; bbk Jersey, $11; box cranberries. $4. Potatoes Minnesota R. R. Ohios, Elric; white table stock, 6c. . Onions' Largo red, 8c; large yellow, 7c; Spanish. $3 00 per crate. Canadian rutabagas, , per lb., $3; beets, carrots, parsnips, 3c; hubbard Bquasli, 2c; cabbage (crate lots), 2?ic; cabbage (small lots), 3c; celery, Michigan, per doz., 20o: celery, extra Jumbo California, doz., $2; celery. Jumbo, $1.60; celery, medium, $1; celery, crate lots, rough, per quart, $9; cauliflowerj per .crate, $3; Brussell sprouts, per lb., .20c; artichokes, per lb.. Cider Winefap and Jonathan, keg, $7. S0r Oregon Hodd River cider. $10. Honey 3 doz-en, frames comb, $8.00; ! dozen 6 ounce glass, .strained, $3.60. Real Estate Transfers Ben-son Realty Co. to Edward P. Degan, 61st St.. 100 ft. s. of Miami St., e. s., 100x123 4,(00 F. M. H-otlister and husband to I M. A. Pease, 41st at., 200 ft. a. of Ames ave., w. s., 60x13014 ... t 1 Vera V. Ellis and husband to Ras0 Bros., Grand ave.j 9514 ft. e. of 36th st.,y. ., 81x123 3,760 Louis Fisher Ryback and wife to Phil Kruml, 18th St., 311 fi. n. of Nicholas St., e. s.. 50x140 . ,2,750 Ella V. Steele and wife to Gustus A. Steele, Pratt st., 76.7 ft. e. of 41th St., n. s., 40x124.7 S00 Alarle M. Norris and husband to' David P. Abbott, Center St., 152 fU e. of 35th St., n. s., 60x133.8 7,500 Alberta. C. Hamer and husband to Jesse L. Schreeder, Florence ave.. 177 ft. n. of Ames ave., w. a., 40x103 4,000 John P. Bergquist and wife to Frank Krlss, no. cor. 8th and , Hickory St., 132x132 7,000 Charles L. Andres to the Endrcs Realty Co., ne. cor. 24th and Sprague St., 60x124 20,000 Alfred I. Creigh and wife to Florence H. Raymond -and hus band, Dewey ave., 66 ft. w. of 33d St., a. s 66x124 3,000 J. B. Blanchard to Hattle L.! Blanchard, se. cor. 51st and Davenport St., 60x135 500 Mary A. Swanson and husband to ' Henry A. Kruse, 53d St., 100 ft. s. of Pinkney St., w. s., 100x133.. 4,000 Bessie K. Boquet td Oscar L. Peter sen, nw. cor. 23d and Cuming at, 67.6x88 -. .1-:.. 12,000 Harold W. Graham to Peter Blr bllls et al, Chicago et., 66 ft, e. ot 26th st a. a., 76x132 5,250 The Bryon Reed Co. to Sam B. Williams et al, sw. cor. 68th and Frances St., 92x129 525 Guy B. . Robblns to J." B. Bone, ne. cor. 23d and Grace St., 18x100- I Frank H. Hlbarger ad wife (o Fred M. Patterson et al, 27th ave., 60 ft. - n. Fort St., w. s., 44x130 2,300 Bessie Campbell and husband to fc-lmon Turkel and wife, 28th St., 233.33 ft. n. of Poppleton ave., w. s., 33.88x150 5.500 Lloyd B. Messacar and wife to Chris Dyssegard and wife, Grand ave., 60 ft. w. of 40th St., p. s 60x125 $.16$ New York t'offee. New York, Feb. 11. Coffee Rio No. T, 14c: Futures, steady; March, 13.70c; July, 14.28c. - ' New York Cotton. York. v Feb. 11. Cotton net t points higher to 27 New steady, lower. closed points i Market LIVE STOCK Omaha Live Stock. Omaha, Feb. 11. 1920. Raceipis were: Cattle. Hors. Sheep. Oftlclal Mondav...., 6,726 4,226 7,814 Official Tuesday .... 6.392 8,988 16.384 Estimate Wednesday. 4,300 10,000 10,600 Three days this wit.. 16,418 23,213 34,708 Same days last wk.. 24.940 3S.605 24.898 Same days 2 wk ago. 29,380 38.717 33,950 same nays 3 wk a go. 28, 676 46.608 22.884 Same days year ago.21,f33 68,185 33,822 Receipts and disposition of live stock at tha Union. Stock Yards, Omaha. Neb., for 24 hours ending at 3 p. m. February 11, 1920: Horses and Cal tie. Hogs. Slieep.Mules. C. M. & St. P 12 7 3 Missouri Pacific... . 4 4 Union Pacific .... 6a 2a 27 2 C. & . W., east.. Si 8 3 C. it- N. W.. west.. 31 4S 6 C, St. P., M. & O. ,16 19 3 1 C, 11. & Cj., ast . . 8 :l C H. W.. west.. 17 13 6 Illinois Central .... 9 4 c. It. t P. eat 13 7 Chi (it. West 17 1 -"Vutal receipts. .. .201 130 uu 8 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Morris & Co 742 1.168 Swift & Co ,761 927 Cudaliy Packing Co 1,102 1,292 Armour & Co 358 1.537 .Schwartz & Co..,.. 9:14 10 1.298 1.911 1.661 J. W. -Murphy 3,172 Lincoln Packing Co.,. S. Omaha Packing Co.. Hlgglns Packing Co... .lohn Roth & Sons.... Mayerowit-h & Vail... V. O'Dea, Wilson & Co W. B. Van Sant & Co. . W. W. Hill A Co F. P. Lewis ,T, H. Root & Co J. H. Bulla Hosi'iifitork Bros. ...r. F. O. Kellogg Wertheimer .4 Degen... Ellis & Co A. .Rothschild Mo.-Kan. C. & C. Co.. K C. 4'hrlstle . . .-.t: . .'. John llarvey Dennis & Francis Omaha Packing Co. ... 48 4 16 25 25 67 7 16 41 118 4.1 33 Ills 107 8 20 85 19 420 11 46 Skinner 12 other Buyers .......... .1,643 2,186 Total 6.455 9,042 7.871 Cattle Estimate of cattle receipts called for the smallest number of the week thus far, 4.:t00 head showing up. Total for the week Is 16.400, or noticeably falling off from 24.900 which was here a week aso. and 21,600 for the corresponding time a. war uro. The same influence was felt here on the beef steer market as yester day and prices were generally steady to urong. Quality as a whole was again very commou. She stuff sold at about steady prices although some few early sales, especially to shippers, looked some what stronger. Host of the arrivals were grades to sell below $8.00. There was practically no chaiiKe In tne siociter ami feeder market. with prices quotabiy steady with yesterday's close. BEEF STEERS. No. 21. . 8.'. 18.. 30.. 20.. 20. . Ar, Pr. S64 $ 9 70 No. Av. . Pr. 10 881 $10 25 22 822 10 60 25 1041 10 85 48 1067 11 75 11 104$ 12 35 . 812 . 9til . 192 .1084 .1230 10 i 10 76 11 00 12 05 12 75 STEERS AND HEIFERS. ... 681 ...1013 ... 816 . .. 973 ...1030 9 25 9 792 50 10 50 11 832 10 76 COWS. .. 9. . m 5.. 11.. 23.. 14.'. 14.. 7. . 6.. 6 50 61. v 8 0 - 16.. S 10 8.. HEIFERS. 7 00 14.. 25 9.. 10 00 .. 10 40 39. . CALVES. 30 60 - 3.. 15 00 2.. .... 980 ....1020 ....1153 l .... 964 .... 897 .... 937 .... 806 .... 246 170 8 25 9 00 10 00 8 SO 75 10 25 11 00 12 00 16 25 10 00 S?0 600 715 396 187 . 4.. STOCKERS AND FEEDERS, .. 593 9 75 27 703 .. 871 10 25 47 892 7... 10 80 Ouotutions on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $11.6013.25; fair to good beeves, $10.00ci)11.50; common to fair beeves, $8.00iff 10.00; good to choice yearlings, $12.0013.00; fair to good yearlings, $10.00('i)12.00; common to fair yearlings, $8.5010.00; choice to prime heifers, $10.00(8)11.50; good to choice heifers, $8.00 100; choice to prime cows, $10.0019 11.26; good to choice cows, $8.6010.00; fair to (food cows, $7.258.60; common to fair caw, $5.2307.25; choice to prime feeders, $U.OO312.00; good to choice feeders, $11.00012.00; good to choice feeders. $10.00 H00; medium to good feeders, $9.00 010.00; common to fair feeders, $7.609.00; good to choice dock ers. $9.5011.00; fair to good stockers, $8.009.60; common to fair stockers, $6.00 Sf 7.60; stock- heifers, $5.507.60; stock cows, $5.267.00; stock calves, $7.0009.50; .veal calves, $9.6015.50; bulls, stags, etc.. $5.509.75. Hogs There was an estimated run of 10,000 hogs here today. There was a broad demand on the part of the ship pers for good finished light, weights, which they bought largely at $14.40(9 14.60, paying a top of $14.65, a big 10 20c higher than yesterday. The packer market was not so good and while prices showed some advance over yester day, trade was a little uneven and un finished, hogs suffered accordingly and there were cases In which some of these did not look much more than steady while good finls'hed hogs showed a gain of 610c over yesterday, buying the bulk of the hogs, at $14.20ffM4.45 with unfinished lights aud heavies from $13.75 14.00. HOGS. No. Av. 31. .400 60. .280 65, .295 35. .235 SO. .227 Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. 350 Pr. 14 25 14 85 14 45 14 65 14 65 14 00 36. .284 14 30 14 40 14 50 14 60 63. .271 60. .244 69. .207 80. .201 Sheen Arrivals of sheep and lambs amounted to 10.600 head, larger than the estimated supplies at imy of the other markets. Good lambs were in active de mand and sold mostly at prices about a quarter higher than yesterday. Pretty good killers landed around $19.90 020.00 with best lambs quotable up to $20.60. Fat sheep ruled strong, best ewes are bringing $12.50, this price was also paid late yesterday. Wethers and yearlings are still very scarce. Half fat feeder lambs were wanted on country account as high as $17.5018.00 with medium weights selllns at $17.50 and less according to quality and condition. Feeding ewes at $8.509.00. ' FAT LAMBS. No. ' 134 fed. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 67 19 00 19 culls 61 14 00 FAT EWES. 110 12 00 S3 fed.. 11$ 31 25 115 fed. UAKblNO WETHERS. 26 fed.. 126 1 25 64 fed.. 127 .17 Ofr Quotations on Sheep-Lamhs sold to choice $20.00 20.60; lambs, fair to good,. $19.5020.00; fleshy feeders, $17.50018.00; medium weight feeders, $16.7643)17.60; cull lambs, $14.00016.60; yearlings, $16.76 17.00; wethers. $12.5014.25; ewes, good to choice, $12.0012.50; ewes, falrtogood, $11.50012.00; good feeding ewes. $8.00 9.25. Chicago live Stock. Chicago, Feb. 11. Cattle Receipts, 7,000; market firm; beef steers, medium and heavyweight, choice and prime, $16.00 Bi7.00; m-flliim and good, $11.00 15.00; common, $9.00(3)11.00; lightweight, good and choice, $12.00016.00; common and medium, $8.50012.65; butcher cattle, heifers, $8.50012.60; cows, $6.6011.25; canners and cutters. $5,2606.60; veal calves, $16.25017.60; feeder steers, $7.86 11.75; stocker steers, $7.00010.50. Hogs Receipts, 13.000; market 16c to 40c higher than yesterday's average, clos ing weak: bulk. $14.60015.50; top, $16.65; heavy. $14.40014.90; medium, $14,750 15.25; light, $14.86015.55; light light, $14.75015.50; heavy packing sows, smooth. $13.50014.25; packing sows, rough, $13.00 013.50; pigs, $13.76015.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, $.000; mar ket higher; lambs, 84 pounds down, $19.00 021.65; culls and common. $15.26018.60; ewes, medium, good and choice, $11,250 14.25; culls and common, t6.5O01O.75. , Kansas City Live Stock. , Kansas City, ,Mo, Feb. 11. Cattle Re ceipts, 9,000; market very slow, steady to ,weak; heavy' beef steers, choice and prime,- $14.25016.00; mediums and good, $11.15014.25; common, $9.50012.15; light weight, good to choice, $11.40014.75; com mon and medium, $8.00011.40; butcher cattle, heifers. $7.00012.00; cows, $6,900 11.50; canners and cutters, $5.2606.76; veal calves, $13.00016.26; feeder steers, $8.50013.00; stocker steers, $6.25010.25. Hogs Receipts, 10,000; market 26o to 40c higher; bulk, $14.40014.85; heavies, $14.30014.70; mediums. $14.40014.90; lights, $14.30015.00; parking sows, $13,011 013.80; pigs, $12.00015.50. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8.000; mar ket steady to 6O0 higher; lambs, $17,600 20.25: culls, and common. $12.00017.25; yearling wethers, $15.50018.00; ewes, $10.60018.25; Culls and common, $(.260 10.25; breeding ewes, $8.00014.25; ' feeder lambs, 115.00 017.60. St. Louis Live Stock. " 'East St. Lonls. 7U, Feb. 11. Cattle Market steady to 25c higher; beef steers, medium and heavyweight, choice and prime. -14. 2516.00; medium and good, $11.00014.25; common, $9.00010.76; light weight, good and choice, $12. 00016.00: common- and medium. (8. 19012.00: butcher cattle, hstfers., $7.16014.60; cows, 7.160 j ancf Industrial News of. Short Term Notes Quotations furnished by Peters Trust company Am. Tel. & Tel. 6s, 1824.... Do, 1925 Am. Tobacco 7s. 1933 Do, 19"i Anaconda Copper 6s, 1929... Anglo-French Ext. 6s, 1920. Armour & Co. con. deb. 6s, 19: D 1921 Io,1922 Do 1923 Do, 1921 Beth. Steel Co. 7, 192 J .... Do. 19?3 British 64S, 1-1 C B. & Q. 4s, 1921 Cudahy PUg. Co. 7s. 1923.... Int. R. & T. Co 6s, 19:'l Lehigh Valley 6s, T923 I.tggeU & Myers 6s. 1921... Proctor & Gamble 7s, 1922-.. Do. 1928 Russian Rubles 54s. 1936 .. ITnion Pacific 6s, 1928. , Wilson Conv. Cs, 1928 Liberty, 2d 4s Liberty. 1st 4 Us t Liberty, 2d IVjs Liberty. 3d 4t.s Liberty, 4ih 4 Us Liberty, 5tb 4?s Bid. . . 9I .. 9tl ..lOIVs ..1011, .. 91', .. 93 10.100 j . 1 00 ..loov ..100t . .100i ,.100 ..1IHI .. 8fc .. 98 ..1001,, .. 62 .. 9!"i .. 991, ..101 ..l2s 32 '. '. 1 no 4 .. 91 lit Asked. 9iS 97 U 1021 102 U 96 ' 93T, 1 0 1 Vi 101 "4 "" 101 'i mi U ini'i 101 4 101 'i 97 93 ioo?4 114 loo 1"0 ID Ha ie:ii, .13 1 U 1 9L' . .10 40 . .90.84 ..90.84 ..93.60 ..91.10 . .97.90 1100: canners and cutters, $5.00)7. 00; veal eaK-rs, light and handy. $l2.oni) 18 00; feeder steers, $8.60012.00; stockvr steers. $7.00(g,10.50. Hons Receipts, 18,000 head: market steady to 10o higher; top, $13.80: bulk of sals. $15.2r,fl6.70: heavy. lf..00fi)15.50: medium. $15 40 15.75 : light. $15.35((( 15.80; lldht Hkht, $15.0015.i;5: ' heavy packing sows, smooth. $13.25013.60; packing sows, rough, $12.75013.26; pigs, $12.0tlifPl5.OO. Sheep and Lambs Receipts 2"0 head: market active to 10sf25c higher; lambs, 84 pounds down, $18.2520.20- culls and common. $13.75017.75; yeaotMig wethers, $1 5.25f'l 9.00 ; ewes, mediuirl and choice. $10.00013.25; culls and common, $5,000 9.60. Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la.. Feb. 11. Cattle Re ceipts. 2.500 head: jnerkot slow; heef steers, choice fed. $12.00015,00; short fed. $9.76012.01; fair beef steers. $7,00iii) 8 00; fat cows and heifers, $8.6n&l2.00; camiep $5.0007.00; veal calves, host, $6.00016.00; common calves, JC.OO09.iiO; feeders, $8 50010.50; stockers, $7.nO(S-9.00; feeding cows andheifers. $5.6007.60. Hogs -Receipts, 9,000 head; market 10KD 20o higher: light, $14.60014.76; mixed. $14.00014.40; h.-avy, $14.25014.60; bulk of sales, $14.30014.65 Sheep and Lambs Receipts. .3,000 head; market 25c higher. St. Joseph Live Stock. St": ,Toeph, Mo., Fell. 11. Cattle Re ceipts, 2.600 head; market steady; steers, $9.00016.50; cows and heifers, $5,500 12,50; calves, $6.00014.00. Hogs Receipts, 7,000 heRd; market 25c higher; top. $14.75; bulk, t 4.45 Co" 1 4. 75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts. 2,600 head; market higher; lambs, $18.50020.25; ewes, $12.00013.25. Xew York 4;eneral. New York. Feb. 11. Flour Market firm; spring patenls. $12.50013.50; Kan sas straights, $12.2513.00. z Wheat Market quiet; No. 3 red, $2.60, nominal f. o. b. steamer. Corn Market firmer; No. 2 yellow,- $1.64 and No. 2 mixed, SI. 63: both c. 1. f. New York Ffrbrunrv shilmient. Oats Market firm: No. 1 white, $1.02. Lard Market firm; middle west. $20.95 21.05. Other articles unchanged. New York Metals. New York, Feb. 10. Copper Nomina and tinchauged. Iron Steady snd unchanged. Antimony 11.50c. Lead Quiet; spot and March, 8.75o bid; 9.00c asked. Zinc Steady; Fast St. Louis delivery, spot, 8.60c bid; 8.70c ORked. - At London Spot: Copper, 121 12s 6d; electrolytic. 12; tin, 393; lead, 49 7s 6d; zinc, 62. ' New York Produce. ' New York, Feb. 11. Butter Steady; unchanged. Eggs. Steady; unchanged. Cheese Wcnk; state, whole milk, flats, held specials, 3O',i031Vic; do., average run, 29030c; state, whole milk, twins, held specials, SO 030 Sic. Live and Dressnd Poultry Quiet; prices unchanged.- Turpentine and Kosln. Savannah. Ga., Feb. 11. Turpentine Dull; $1.96; shipments, 5 bills. ; stock, 9.903 bbls. . - , Roslny-Dull; sales, 618 casks; receipts, 96 casks; stock, 36.311 casks. Quote: B, $17.00; D, $17.15: E, F, $17.25; O, H, I, $17.35; K, $19.00: M, $19.00; N, $20.00; WO, $20.50; WW, $20,75. Dry Goods. New York. Feb. 11. Cotton goods and yarns were quiet today. Wool goods for fall are being purchased more conserva tively than In any recent season. Silks were quiet, mucn uncertainty existing in consequence of the drop in raw silk prices. PurlRps were quiet with an eas ing tendency. Linens were very firm. Evaporated Apples and Dried l-Ynit. New York, Feb. 11. Evaporated Ap ples Market dull. Prunes Market quiet. Apricots Market weak. Peaches Market steady. Raisins Market, quiet. f Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo., Feb. 11. Butter Un changed. Eggs Firsts, unchanged, 49c; case lots, 6c higher. $14.35. Foultry Hens, ijc lower, 32 'jc; others unchanged. Chicago Produce. Chicago. Feb. s 11. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Easier: receipts. 9,568 cases; firsts, 6O091c; ordinary firsts, 42048c; at mark, cases included, 4 8 0 50c. V Foultry Alive, unchanged. Kansas City Grain, Kansas Cltv, Mo., Feb. 11. Corn Feb ruary, $1.39: May. $1.31; July, $1.28 ; September, $1.23. - New York Sugar. New York. Feb. 11. Raw Sitgar Un settled; centrifugal, 12.04c; fine granu lated, 15.0016.00c. Cotton Futures. v New. York, Fob. 14. Cotton futures closed Steady; March, 34.72c; May, 32.33c; July, 30.28c; October, 2S.28c; December, 27.73c. New York Coffee. New York. Feb. 11. Tho market for ceffee futures was easier during today's trading owing to lower Kio cables and re newed liquidation. This Included selling by recent buyers while there was also some selling believed to be for European account and after opening) 2 to 20 points lower, active months sold about 25 to 36 points below lust night's closing figures. May sold off to 13.70 or within 10 points of the lowest level reached on the break of last week and 90 points below the best price touched on the rally of Saturday. The market seemed to attract covering at this level for over the holiday tomor row and rallies were encouraged by re ports that Santos shippers were not meet ing the prices named by resellers. May closed at 14.04 with the general list closing net 36 points higher fo 4 points lower. March, 13.70; May.;-14.04; July, 14.28; September, 14.18; - October, 14.18; December, 14.18. Spot coffee nomi nal; rect. 74; Santos, 4.24. New York Money. New York, Feb, 11. Mercantile Paper 606'i per cent Sterling Demand $3.7; cables,, $3.37. Francs Demand, 14.49; cables, 14.47. - Belgian Francs Demand, 13.67; cables, 13.65. Guilders Demand, 87Hc; cables, 37c. Lire Demandt 18.04; cables, 18.02. Marks Demand. 1.04c; cables, 1.05c. Time Loans Strong: sixty days, ninety days and six months. 8Vs per cent. Call .Money Easy; high, 8; low, 4; ruling rate, 8; closing bid, 6; offered at 7; last loan, 8. Sterling advanced further In the late fleallngs. Sterling, 60-day bills, $3.34',i; commercial, 60-day bills on banks, $3.34; commercial, 60-day hills, $3.33-; demand, $3.37 ft; cables, $3.38 U. Liberty Bond Prices. New York, Feb. 11. Prices of Liberty bonds at 11:30 a. m. today were: 3tys, 96.80; first 4s, 91.00; second 4 s. 90.50; first 4,,s. 91.60; second 4s, 90.76; third 4tis, 93.62; fourth 414s, 91.00; Victory 8s. 97.70; Victory 4s. 97.74. Prices of Liberty bonds at 2:65 p. m. today were: 3s. 96.70; first 4s, 90.80; stcond 4s, 90.30; first 4 s, 91.60; second 4 s, 90.82; third 44st 93.60; fourth 4. 'is, 91.16; Victory 3s, 97.84; Victory 4s, 97.84. Bar Silver. New York, Feb. 11, Silver Bar, $1.14; Mexican dollars, $1.08. GRAIN MARKET Omaha- tiruln. Omaha, Feb. 11, 1920. There was 110 p.-u-tlrulitr increase In grain rect-lpis today, us compared with thuso a week ago. Arrivals by carlots woro: Wheat, 35; cow, 61; oats, 16; rye, 18, and barley, 3. Wheat sold at an advance of 3 to 5 cents. Corn had a very slow sale, offerings disposed of going at prices unchanged to 1 or 2 cents higher, generally up. Oats wire 1 to 2 cents up, the bulk 1 cent advance. Rye prices were generally 2 cents higher. Barley was also up 2 cents. Wheal No, 3 hard: 1 car, $3.50; 3 cars. $2.48; 2 cars, $2.47; 1 car. $2.46. No. S hnrd: 1 .ar. $2.17; 2 cars. $2.46. No. 4 hard: 1 car. $2.10; 1 car, $ (smutty). No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $;.47; 1 cur, $2.46. Corn No. 4 wind-: 1 cur, $l.:iil. No. 6 white: 2 cars, $1.32. No. 3 yellow: 1 car. $1.38 (i-nlppers weights). No. 4 yel low: 1 i-oi-. $I.3H (17.0S per cent 'miijs-iMi-e); 4 car:;, $1.32 No. 5 velluw: 1 air, $1.29; 2 cars, $1.2: 1 rur, $1.28 (shipper's weights) : 2 cars, $!.1'7. No. 6 yellow: 1 tar, $1.27; 1 car, $1.25. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, $1.3i;. No. 4 inlxnh 1 car.. $1.3 1; t! cars, $1.30, No. 3 mined: 1 cor, $1.29 (shippers weights): 1 our, $1.28; 6 cars, $1.27. No 6 mixed: 1 rur. $1.26. oats No. 3 while: .4 cars, 85c; 9 cars. 84V- Nu. 4 while: 1 car, 84c. No. 4 oii'-xd: i car, 84)ac. Rye N-i. 2: 3 cars. $1.44. No. 3: 2 cars, $1.4.1. 2 cars, $12. No. 4: 1 car, $1.4 1. San-ple: 1 car, $1.42. Darby K.-jerted- 1 car, $1.12. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Today Week Year Rcci-ipts: Ago -Ago Wheat 35 III 21 Corn lil 49 ' 86 Oats Hi 17 64 live 1H 6 Barley " 1 9 Today Werk Year Shipments: Ago Ago Wheat SI 4S 81 Corn 109 70 7H Outs 12 :4 46 Eay,;,oy:-:::::::::::::::::--4 -1 - RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat Corn Oats Chicago 26 208 6 5 Kansas City .. 79 47 10 St. Louis S 12 1 55 Minneapolis .14 4 ... ... Dnluth 4 Winnipeg 256 ... ... ' OMAHA GRAIN, INSPECTION. Wheat No. 1 hard. 2: Nu. 2 hard, 6; No. 3 hard, 7; No. 4 hard, 4; No. 5 hard, 3; Sample, 1; No. 2 mixed 1; No. 3 mixed, 5; No. 4 mixed, 3; No. 4 spring, 1; No. 2 ilnruni. 1; total. ;14. Corn No. 4 .yellow, 9; No. 4 yellow. 9, No. 6 yellow. 2; sample, 2; No. 3 white, 1; No. 44 white, 1; No, 5 white, 2: No. 6 white, 2: No. 3 liilx-il, 1; No. 4 mixed, 17; No. 5 mixed, 12; No. 6 mixc-d, 2; total. 60. Oats No. 3 wlille, 11; No. 4 white, 2; total, 13. live No. 2. 5; No. S, 11; No. 4, 2; total, 18. ... Harly No. 4, 1; rejected, 1; sample, 1; total. 3. , PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS Today Year Ago Receipts Today Wheat 514,000 Corn 618.00(1 Oats ,....667,000 Shipments Wheat 788,000 Corn . 635.000 Oats 465,1)01) r EXPORT CLEARANCES. Wheat aud Flour. 25(1.000 Corn 110,000 (Holiday) Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, Feb,. 11. Rapid upturns in the value of corn- today followed a uroau commission house demand based largely on belief that supplies here would remain light even though cars were furnished In nlentv. The close was unsettled, ZMtC to 4c net higher, with May, $1.30 to $1.31 and July. $1.28 to $1.28. Oats gained 1 lV',c to llc and pro visions 10c to 80c. Regardless of an evident telency on (ho nart of farmers to hold back grain, the corn market weakened during tho first part of the day with a majority of dfalers inclined to regard a railroad slrikt. as mor hc-nrlsh than bullish. Be sides, gofcsip was current that there would be no modification of orders to give wheat the preference in grain shipments east ward from Chicago. Later, howevurv the attention ofthc trade veered to the. out right failure of ' receipts to grow in volume and to indications that the failure would continue as rural shippers were re fusing to accept cars tendered. Further more, advices at hand described producers as. extremely antagonistic because of re- rpiit his- set narks in values. Oats, like corn, jumped upward after showing temporary weakness. Domestic demand was reported keen, and country offerings meager. Provisions were ruieu by the action of grain. By Updike Grain Co., Douglas 2627. Art! OpenJ HlghTj Low.lClo8e. Corn Feb. May July Sept. Rye May Julv Oats May Julv Pork May July Lard May July RiOs Mav July 1.3414 1.38 1.28 Vj 1-31 1.33 1.27 1.24M 1.21 1.521; l.oO'.i .76 if,' .68 1.38 1.31 1.28 14 1.25 LECH 1.62 .7S .70 134.85. 34.75 1.26 1.28 H 1.23H 1.25 1.64 1.5CHI 1.61 I l.b2',,l .76 K .69 s .7!s 134. 37;. 35 .00 34.60 I 134.87 ;34.60 21.45 ' 21.95 I I 118.47 19.00 121.15 121.77 121.55 (21.97 21.10 21.67 18.20 18.82 118.45 119.00 118.57 119.00 Omaha nay Market. - Receipts heavy on both prairie hay and alfalfa, while the demand is only fair. Market steady on the better grades of hay and alfalfa. The medium grades of alfalfa are some lower. Oat and wheat straw easier with no change in prices. No. 1 upland prairie hay. $22.00023.00; No. 2 upland prairio hay, $18.0020.00; No. 3 upland prairie hay, $10.00012.00; No. 1 mildand prlalr hay, $20.00022.00; No. 2 midland prairie hay, $16.00018.00; No. -1 lowland prairie hay, $14.00015.00; No. 2 lowland prairio hay, $10.00012.00; No. 3 lowland prairie hay, $8.00010.00. Choice Alfalfa, $33 00034.00; No. 1 choice alfalfa. $30.00032.00; standard alfalfa, $27.00030.00; No. 2 standard al. falfa, $21.00025.00; No. S standard al falfa, $17.00020.00. Oat straw, $11.00013.00; wheat straw, $10.00012.00. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Feb. 11. Flour 60 cents lower. la carload lots, standard flour, quoted at $13.25 a barrel in 98-pound cotton sacks. Barley $1.1301.24. Rye No. 2, $1.48 01. 49. - Bran $43,00. Corn $1.36?il.S7. Oats 81 02c. Flaxseed, $4.97 05.01. St. Lonls Gln. St. Louts, Feb. PI, Corn May, $1.33; July, $1.29. , Oats May, 81?c. New York Metals, f New York, Feb. 11. Copper Nominal; unchanged. Iron Steady; unchanged. Antimony 11.75c. Lead Firm; spot and March, $.7!c bid. 9.00o asked. Zinc Firm: East St. Louis delivery. spot, 8.62c bid; 8.77c asked. Linseed Oil. Duluth, Feb. 11. Linseed $4.95 05.02. 1 Consumers Power Co. General & Refunding Mortgage Ten Year 7 Gold Bonds Price 98 and interest Yielding over 7.28 7 Serial Gold Debentures At price to yield about 7.75 , Complete circulars on these attrac tive issues sent on Bequest for AG-282 TheNatidnalGtr. Company . Correspondent Offices in over 60 Cities Omaba First National Bank Bldg Telephone 8316 Douglas the Day FINANCIAL il New York. Feb. 11. Trading on the stock exchange today was divided Into three distinct phases, a heavy to weak tone pervading the early dealings, with Irregular rallies during the mlitsesRlpn and another sharp reversal at the disorderly i-loso, Resumption of selling for both ac counts at the outlet doubtless had Its Inception In the more unfavorable rail road labor situation and various uncertain ties attendant upon the impending boll day. Very heavy offerings of the first hour, which comprised almost one-third of the day's turnover, represented a combination ot' enforced liquidation aud bearish pres sure. Reports agreed that much of the selling came from disheartened traders und weakened speculative. accounts. While the decline was in full swing virtually all classes of storks established i-.i-w low records. In many Instances los" ranging from IS lo 100 points from highest quotations of the previous month were resisterod. The most disturbing feature was the weakness of Investment rails, wh'lch rallied only feebly even when stocks of less in trinsic worth responded for short cover Iiiht. . Some of XU high-class transpor tations, with assured rlividehd reputations were at lowest prices in one to almost three years. Among high priced specialties, Ocneral Motors was again in the foreKrnund at nu estimated 11 points, only a small part of which was retrieved. Other motors oils equipments, shippings and steels lost 2 to 8 points. 11. 8. Steel falling to a fraction over 96 with no recovery. Total sales. 135,000 shares. The movement of bonds was In keeping witli stocks, rails losing 1 to 1 points. Liberty Issues were Irregular, Interna tionals stradv. Total sales (par value) $1-1,150.0011. Number of sales and range of prices of leading stocks: Sales. High. Low. Close. Am. reel Sugar.. 2,200 79 7 79 Am. Can 12,600 44 42 43 Am. R. .Vi F 6.900 128 125 186i Am. 11. L. pfd.. 4.000 106 104 104 Am. I,0i-0 10,700 88 li 8(1 86 A ill. S. & R 7,800 60 68 68 Ain. .HUKiir ltef... 900 124 123 144 Am. .Sum. Toil 4,700 83 80 80 Am. TH. Tel.. 6.500 9796i 9i Am. V.., L. & a... 1,900 16 15 15',i Anaconda Cup 11.600 66 64 55 Atchison 4.100 73 76 I 77 A. O. . W. I. M. S. 5,600 144 140 144 llaldwln Loco. .. .63,100 109 106 107 1!. & 0 3,200 33 28 28i Belli. " Steel "R "..27,600 88 86 86- . & S,-Cup 1,300 23 22 22 Cal. Pet 3,100 80 28 . 28 Canadian Pacific. 9,100 118 115 117 Central Leather. .17,200 76 73 73 I'llCK. Ohio 1,400 49 48 48 C, M. & St. P.... 4,600 32 80 30 (-. i. N. V 1,200 78 77 . 78 C R. I. & P 4,600 24 23 2.", Cliino Copper...., 3,300 34 33 S4 Celo. F. & 1 2.100 37 36 "37 Corn Prod 7,900 80 77 77 Crucible Steel. .. .16,400 213?i 207 208 Cuba Cane Sugar. 8,208 48 42 43 IHst. Sec Cor 2,700 57 65 65 Krie 3,600 lli 10 10 1 (ieneral Electric. 2.200 164 152 152 Oeneral Motors. . .47,200 250 235 238 (It. Nor. pfd 6.600 70 68 69 (It. Nor. Ore ctfs. 3,400 35 34 84 Illinois Central... 400 82 81 81 lnsp. Cop 3,000 51 60. 60 Int. M. M. pfd. ..12, 000 79 78 78 Int. Nickel 6,800 20 20 $0 int. Paper 12,000 75 72 74 K. C. Southern... 400 13 14 14 Ken. "-Cop. 8,200 28 27 27 1. & N 800 100 98 96 Men. Pet. 22,100 168 161 1 Miami Cop 1,(100 22 21 21 Mid. Cop 12.900 44 44 44 Mo. Pac. ...... 6,800 22 2t 21 Mont. Cop. ...... 600 64 62 64 Nevada Cop-; .... 900 14 14 14 N. Y. C 500 $5 65 65 N Y N H i H... 2,700 24 23 23. Nor. & West. .. 300 90 90 90 Nor. Pac 5,900 70 68 69 P.-Amer. Pet, ..21,300 75 72 72 Perm 6.700 40 40 40 Pitts. & W. Va?. 1.600 22 21 22 I'ltts. Coal .... 1,J0 64 63 64 R. Con. Cop. .,..8,000 19 19 19 Reading 15.600 6 44k K Rp. I. k S. .. .60,000 104 100 100 Rhat. Arln. Cop.. 100 11 M 11 - Mn. . it K 37.F.00 38i 35 35 .South. Pac 39,200 .90 88 89 South. Ry 6,200 18 18 18 Sluile. Corpor. ...66,300 88 83 81 Tex. Co 11,200 171 166 166 Toll. 1'rod 6.600 69 67 67 l'n. Pac 15,100 114 111 11J U. C. Stores. ...19,600 71 68 68 U. S. Ind. Alco. .. 8,900 88 88 83 I". S. Steel 139,500 98 96 96 IT. S. S.. Pfd... 1.200 110 110 110 Utah Cop 3,200 70 70 70 West. Union 200 84 83 83 Westing. Elct. ... 5,600 60 49 49 Willys-Over. ....13,300 25 24 24 Natl. Lead 1,400 75 74 74 Ohio Cities .... 9,600 42 41 41 Royal Dutch ....12,700 96 93 96 New York Bond IJkt. IT. f. 5s, roff.100 U. S. 2s, rou.100 Erie gen. 4s.... 29 zOen. Elec. 6s.. 89 Ot. No. 1st 4s 81 111. Cen. ref. 4s (6 Int. Mer. Ma, 88 K. C. So. ref. 5s 6 8 '4 u. B. 4S. reg.,106 Do cv, 4s cou.106 Pan. 3s, reg.. 88 Pan. 3s, con. . 88 Amer. T. & T. cv. 6s 96 An.-Fch. 6s.... 9 Armitfir & -Co. E. & N. un. 4s.. 79 M. K. & T. 1st 4s 66 Mo. Pac. gen. 4a 63 Mon. Pow 6. ta 4s 82 Ateh.- gen. 4s. . 76 m. & u. cv. 414s 6S B.-th. Steel ref. 6s 83 Cen. Lea. 5s... 94 Con. I'ac. 1st.. 70 Chesa. & Ohio cv. Cs 76 C, 1. & O.. N. Y. Central rioh Go SUM Nor. Pac. 4s... . 73 Nor. r-ae. 3s..., 61 Ore. Short Line ref. 4a ... SOU Pac. T. & T. 6s. 85 r-enn. con. 4a 90 Penn. gen. 6s.. 89 Reading gen. 4s 78 St. U ft Ran ftn. nrll. Rm K7 7t joint 4s 93 C M. & St. P. cv. 4s .... 67 C, R. I. & P. Ky. ref. 4s Clti So. Pac. cv. 6s. 97 Chili Cop. co. trust 6s .... 77 C. of Paris s. 90 Colo. Sr Sou. ef. 4 70 D. & r. a. consol. 4s ... 60 Sou. Ry. 6s. . . . 82 Tex. Co. cv f. 1011 T. P. 1st.... 83 IT. P. 4s 80 U. K. of G. B. Xr T. Ell, 1Q39 flR3 T7. S. Rub. 6s.. 83 U. S. Steel 6s.. 96 Wabash 1st ..87 Dom. of Can. I 6s (1931) 91 Hid. 7.0ffered. Spot Cotton. New York, Feb. II. Spot Cotton Quiet; middling, I.76c. , UPDIKE We Specialise in the Careful Handling of Orders of Grain and Provisions 4 for Future Delivery in All Important Market Wa Are Members of Chicago Board of Trade Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce St. Louis Merchants 'Exchange Kansas City Board of Trade Sioux City Board of Trade -Omaha Grain Exchange We Operate Office at: Omaha, Neb. Sioux City, la. Lincoln. Neb. Atlantic, Is, Hastings, Neb. Hamburg, la. Holdrege. Neb, Des Moines, la. Geneva, Neb. Milwaukee, Wis. Chicago, 111. and all of these offices are eon nected with each other by private wires. xW Solicit Vour Patronage. THE UPDIKE GRAIN COMPANY Grain Exchange Buildinf. Omaha, Neb. P, S. Cash Consignment Solicited. We Offer 6 On new Omibs business property. Denomination!: 1250.00 t $5,000.00. Owned and recommended by Home Builders, Ine. Descriptive literature. Americas Security Ce Osiths. io)sn I i 1 1 1 1 l A mild U U U 'tVJ.V Flitula .n.uwu surgical operation, no v.moro-" . . . form. Ether r other general anesthtle tiled. A ur gTiaranteed In every case accepted for treatment, and no money to be paid until CiUnnft I t on Btal, with names and testimonial of mora than .w.,....c. wuu mra uven permanently cureo , DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Bm Bulldlnt OMAHA, nemack A MUCH INTEREST SHOWN IN ARMY ESSAY CONTEST Major In. Charge Declare! Omaha Children Learning More About Soldiering Than During War. Omaha school children, througti the War , department's contest, r learning more about the United States army than during all 'tho months of the world's war, declares Maj. V. A. Cavenaugh, in charge of the Omaha recruiting district. Major Cavenaugh was enthusiastic over interest shown by children inl the army's new educational and vo cational features. "The coming generation," he said "is going to be so well informed on army activities that it will consider . the nation's peace time army a great national university, lhe army will be recognized as the world's great est and best organized peace force and citizens will take pride in seeing it is maintained at fullest efficiency. Hundreds of students of city schools have been calling at the Army building within the last few days for information and booklets on various branches of army service. Major Cavenaugh stated, in prepara tion for writing in school rooms, February 20, contest essays on "Benefits of An Enlistment in the U. S. Army." The War department silver cups, to be awarded winners of the na- tional essay contest, were taken to Denver Tuesday. night after being on display here for several days. Ex-Soldier Confesses Murdering Chorus Girl Cleveland, Feb. 11. Frank W. Whited, 26 years old, of Pittsburgh Pa., a former soldier, has confessed, according to police, to the murder of Mrs. Frances Altman Stockwell,. chorus girl of Philadelphia, whosn body was found in the snow in a yard February 1. Whited was ar rested Tuesday charged with the crime, after having been detained by police for several days. PAYMENTS monthly buys oufrigM cm stock or bond, nmhour jkbtws mlldMdtndsi Oaa Ita our spnofly Writt Itrnktttd litf and M parUcvh - FREE CHARLES C.VAN RIPER mtr OnwIiOVitad Sleek (icaenos W DWWU 91, WtVT YU.H . , First Farm Mortgage Bonds Obtainable in Danomrna tloaa 5O0-$l,OO0. 6 City, Real Estate Bonds y Denominations $100, 500 and $1,000 Tax Free la Nebraska. Wa beller these securrtjee meet with tha requirement of tha aaoet conservative in res tors, OMAHA TRUST CO. Phoaa Tyler 100 AflllUtea with tha Omaha National Bank. Buy an Income Month Month THE TEN PAYMENTS J1 A Review of tha " Oil Industry of intent interest to Stockholders. in all Oil Companies We bar gathered ell arail able data on every factor en tering into the oil butinait supply demand marketing facilities of the different fields probable result of pending deTelopment and particularly the bearing of such factors oa the nature of the leading com panies, each one of which Is treated separately.' Copies at without cost or edu cation. .Write Dept. OB-24 E. M. Fuller & Co. Members of Consolidated Stock Exch. of N. T. SO Broad Street, New York 1 Fistula-Pay When Cured system of treatment that auras Pile, and other Rectal Disease In a short tin. " 1